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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  February 26, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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nba finals many times. could philadelphia possibly be the home for the king? and there is a billboard saying philly wants lebron. lebron plays in his hometown for the cavaliers but can become a free agent the end of the year. the billboard is home of the brainchild of power home remodeling group based out of chester. here's how it started. >> we had this idea, how can we get lebron to come to our hometown. at first we thought we would do it in philly. if we do it in cleveland, i know he will find out about it and the rest is history. the billboards are close to his arena. he practiced today but did not
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talk to the media. >> sixers star, embiid had asked him if he wanted to make philly his home. he was asked to trust the process and lebron recorded a triple-double recorded in the sixers lineup. and both players, lebron and simmons are represented by the same agency. the relationship goes back even further when lebron worked out with simmons to get him ready for the 2016 draft. >> we always trusted the process. we will see about the creative marketing. you can join our conversation on the facebook and twitter pages. 20 minutes of nonstop news starts with a loaded gun buried
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in a backpack where a gun was detected by the metal detector. he was stopped in his tracks. they were put on lockdown this morning right after the gun was found. joining us outside the school now, investigators believe the 15-year-old suspect stole this gun? >> reporter: yeah. that's right. they believe he stole the gun about a week ago from a car near where he lives. they don't think he actually tried to bring it inside the school this morning until they let them know he had it in his backpack. >> it makesmy suspicious of my home school now. >> the 15-year-old arrested prompting a brief school lockdown and fear among parents. >> you want to send your kids to school and know they're safe.
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you find out somebody bought a gun, it's scary. >> reporter: police say the teen bought the gun about a week ago. it wasn't until this morning he tried to bring it inside the school security guards noticed something suspicious and took his bag. >> i can only know for certain he put the bag in there today. he could have had it friday but had it today. >> reporter: and they say unfortunately the metal detector is needed. >> unfortunately we need it in schools because of incidents like that and it could have been a worse situation. >> reporter: we still don't know why the teen brought the gun to the school, charged with having a weapon and bringing it to school. parents are charged with checking their kids. >> our parents had no problem going into our room and check your kids bags, nothing yong with that.
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wrong with that. >> reporter: this is a letter that went home with the kids to the parents asking them to talk to them about the consequences of bringing any kind of weapon on campus or reporting anything suspicious they might see or hear. nbc10 news. now to the latest in the florida high school massacre. today, a lawyer is defending the armed deputy who stood outside the school during that shooting. the attorney said the resource officer believed the shooter was outside and he followed proper procedure. the deputy resigned after the sheriff launched an investigation and suspended him. president trump said it's disgusting the deputy didn't go into the school to save lives. >> you know, i believe you don't know what you would do until you're tested and i believe i would have even if i didn't have a weapon and most of you in this room would do, too, because i know most of you. >> 17 people died in that school shooting. >> josh shapiro is one of ags
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meeting to talk mass shootings. >> and talking about the proposed strategy but the commander in chief turned them down. he said if he could meet with the president he would have had one message. >> i would have said, mr. president, it does not have to be this way. this is a conscious choice that you and policymakers make to quite literally do nothing. >> he went on to say he supports universal background checks and military grade weapons should not be allowed on the streets. >> indowntown new jersey, it is a hot button issue and parents will meet with the leaders and high school. a student was arrested
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previously for making a threat to shoot up the school. we are finally seeing a few days of sun after rainy weather. rain moved out this afternoon. here is a picture of the poconos after it moved out of that area. >> glenn has a look at this forecast. >> some glimpses of sun and still pretty cloudy but south jersey, still in the clouds. clearer conditions in the poconos and lehigh valley. that trend is coming everywhere. look at this gigantic area of dry air. sunshine for a couple thousand
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sand -- miles out there. 50 degrees, above average. in allentown, a little sunshine, not often warmer than philadelphia. 48 in blue bell and coatesville. as we continue tonight we see temperatures going down into the 30s, still not that cold this time of the year. that sets us up for a sunny beautiful day tomorrow. we have a stormy end to this week. march is going to come in like a lion. that is coming up. >> and hopefully goes out like a lamb. a setback for the trump administration over the future of the daca program. >> the trump administration appealed keeping daca going. now, the department of security must continue to accept applications. they planned to shut the program down march 5th, but that
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deadline is now largely meaningless. that move brings some relief for daca recipients but they tell us they're still living in fear. steven fisher has their story. >> it's not a permanent solution but today, the supreme court gave dreamers and daca recipients hope. >> it's remarkably unfair the fact that almost a million youth's lives have been put in jeopardy by the administration and the court decision today this is right decision. >> reporter: the supreme court's ruling keeps the daca in place. >> it gives us opportunity but hasn't given us the safety net. >> reporter: 23-year-old lives in redick and one of those daca recipients living in uncertainty. >> it was very hard and i studied very hard ever since i got to this country. the uncertainty of what my life
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may be tomorrow. >> reporter: she's a full time college student holding down a full time job all the while sending money to her younger sister in the dominican republic. >> a worry what the future holds. >> reporter: so much work and sacrifice just to get her life here and lives in constant fear of it all. >> we need something permanent. >> reporter: something to allow her and others like her a chance to rest easy. >> you never know who will come to your door or what day that will come. >> reporter: nbc10 news. having to borrow buses from other districts to get kids to school. last friday a fire wiped out nearly 30 buses from the parkland school district's fleet
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and school was canceled because of that. you see them being dropped off this morning. the fire this week behind orville middle school caused $1.5 million in damage. maintenance workers spent the weekend trying to make repairs. the buses did not have severe damage. two men were shot to death this morning as they sat in a car in norristown. police were called to chain street just after midnight. when they got there one of the victims was dead and the second person died at the hospital a short time later. people and organizations on the front lines fighting delaware's opioid epidemic got major financial support today. $325,000 in grants from high mark, delaware, will provide counseling and treatment and attempt to prevent people living with addiction from becoming hooked in the first place. part of it will replenish supplies at boys and girls clubs across the state. former president george w.
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bush and his wife were among the thousands that paid respects to billy graham today. he will lie in repose at the library in charlotte, north carolina and he will lay in honor at the u.s. capitol rotunda in washington. graham died last week at his home. he was 99. public health groups in trenton today pushing to get paid sick time for workers. the flu is the reason the state has been hit by one of of the worst flu seasons in years. it's estimated more than a million workers in the state don't have access to paid sick time and parents without sick time are 80% more likely to send their sick kids to school. pennsylvania's new congressional districts took another step towards becoming another reality. governor tom wolf and two department state officials say they're moving ahead with the new map for the may 15th primary, in response to a request by republican leadership to put the map on hold.
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a similar request has been filed with the u.s. supreme court. if you have a yard through citigroup, you could be getting extra money for your wall hit. the company says it will refund more than $330 million to customers after reviewing the way it calculates its interest rates. more than 3-4 million people were affected. working out to about $190 per account. we will have your questions at 6:30 with lester holt. finding foster families, as we partner with the philadelphia department of human services. trying to find a family. hosting the wednesday's child segment on nbc10 for the past 14
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years. speaking about what it meant to have a loving home at the philadelphia city council. no one knows that more than stephanie laws, a foster parent to four children. >> i ask the philadelphia community step up and start fostering. in order do so it takes stability, it takes commitment. it takes team work and love. >> putting up a phone bank thursday. we will put the number on our nbc app and you can get the answers to any questions you might have about becoming a foster family. >> 20 minutes of breaking news without break continues. the daughter of ensa cosby died. this is a video of her in orange pants and black shirt.
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the 44-year-old died friday night in massachusetts. she died of kidney disease. sources say she may have been in line for a kidney transplant. and known to be a steadfast supporter of her father during his legal troubles. bill cosby is facing as well assault charges. she spoke on a radio show last year about the allegations against her father and why she thinks they're unfounded. >> i strongly believe my father is innocent of the charges launched against him and i believe racism has played a big role in all aspects of this scandal. >> bill cosby's retrial is set for april. this is not the first time bill cosby lost a child, in 1997, his son, ennis cosby was killed in a robbery gone wrong. enis was shot when changing a tire and was shot. he was 27 years old.
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we have posted the app and you can download it for free to get major developments right to your smartphone. now to the latest in the school massacre in florida. today, a first responder they thought was dead when they found her is out of the hospital and speaking about her recovery now. nbc10 has more on how she's doing and what she says inspired her to fight for her life. >> reporter: they are calling this student a walking miracle. you are about to see why. the tearful teenager and grateful parents today thanked everyone who saved her life. when first responders found maddie that day they thought she was dead. she was shot three times and bleeding badly and she's home and walking. >> i'd like to say i'm so grateful to be here and wouldn't be possible without the officers
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and responders and amazing doctors and all the love everyone has sent. >> it was that love and support, maddie said, that helped her survive. in the meantime, hundreds of people held a rally pushing for gun reform in tallahassee. >> they marched from florida state university to the capitol building, protesters chanting and calling for stricter gun control measures to be adopted by the legislature. a bright spot for marjorie stoneman douglas high school. members of the hockey team are now state champs. players said after the shooting they weren't sure they would show up at the tournament but glad they chose to take the ice in the honor of their fallen teammates. they will go on to compete next month at the championships and we will be watching the team to see if they bring home another
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win. breaking news, sky 4 is over a home in richmond where a philadelphia police officer has been found dead. another man was found dead inside home to. police got that's call just afternoon today. right now, we're working to see how the two died. we have a reporter on the way to the scene and will have a report at 5:00. the clouds now have moved out behind us, the rain has, anyway. >> here is glen schwartz. >> thanks, jim and jackie. we have improving conditions after that soggy weekend and another wet area. the skies to the west, that's the dryer air moving in. mark 51 degrees especially towards lehigh valley and poconos seeing the greatest
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amount of sunshine and thinnest clouds right now. the effect on temperatures at or above 50 degrees in many parts of burkes or lehigh valley. 51, white hall, 52, so is bethlehem, nazareth, 51 degrees, well above normal this time of the year. you can see the thinning clouds in that area as we see the thicker clouds towards the jersey shore and southern delaware. everybody is going to get in the act here as we go into tomorrow, this huge area of dry air. that's an easy forecast for tomorrow. sunshine and temperatures getting well into the 50s. tomorrow afternoon, the winds starting to come in out of the southwest. the next storm is going to be racing our way. this is going to cause some problems around here. we'll show you why.
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this is on thursday. here comes the moisture. the wind coming in off the ocean. we have a full moon coming in on thursday. that makes the tides higher to begin with. the longer you have an east wind the stronger you have an east wind and the farther out that east wind starts the greater the tides go. we will likely get some tidal flooding thursday night and into friday morning. we also have potentially periods of heavy rain and we obviously don't need any more heavy rain. we had over 6 inches of main this month of february. on the backside of this storm you can see the circulation moving offshore by friday morning. could be cold enough to change over to a wintery mix briefly, especially towards the lehigh valley and poconos but doesn't look like it would be cold enough to create any kind of significant problems. we're more concerned with coastal flooding than rain
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flooding. then, the storm moves out but still windy, and it gets cold as we head to next weekend. as the storm moves out, we may actually end up with a dry weekend for a change. more on those numbers coming up later. >> all right, glenn. to a major health scare for one of hollywood's filmmakers and new jersey native. kevan smith says it saved his life and warning signs to look out for. racing death, launching a new initiative to help -- erasing debt, launching a new initiative to help so many get out from medical debt at 4:30. and the athletes who will represent team usa to the paralympics and what makes their journey so remarkable. first, a look at the closing bell on wall street where the markets closed up today.
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2018 olympic winter games are now in the history books. athletes waved good-bye at the closing ceremony in south korea as the olympic flame was put out. now the passing of the torch, the next winter olympics will also be held in asia in 2022. a light show counted up to beijing, china. they hosted the summer olympics in 2008. just because the olympics are over, great competitive action in south korea is days away. >> one american athlete competing has a remarkable story. he never gave up on his dream even though doctors told him he may never ski again even though he was diagnosed with bone
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cancer at the age of 15. he watched his friend, mikaela shiffrin make gold at two olympics and hopes he will do the same. highlights from the closing ceremony, the game's biggest winners and wildest moments of all of nbc10 in south korea with keith jones. it was known as the "miracle on ice" at the olympic winter games saturday. >> while some were surprised, a big upset, a cartoon actually predicted the performance years ago. we'll explain ahead at 4:00. drowning in medical debt, it's a problem for more than 1 million people in our area, next, how nbc10 is hoping to relieve the burden for so many families here. >> we have a warm month of february but march will come in like a lion. i'll explain why in the most
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accurate weather forecast. courtside meal, the sixers biggest star. tonight, what he decided to snack on has him in the spotlight. nbc10 news at 5:00 5:00 0
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from an ambulance ride to an emergency room visit, medical bills can be overwhelming. more than a million people in our area have medical debt. harry hairston joins with us a look at this problem and the plan to erase that debt for some. harry. >> unfortunately, i know what it's like to sleep in a hospital chair night after night after night watching over a family member with each day racking up thousands of dollars in medical bills. not too long ago my wife had a
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heart attack but thank goodness she recovered and our insurance covered the cost. others are not so fortunate. >> i can't get adequate medical care for my injury, and i'm still suffering. >> reporter: with four children to feed, maria is choking on medical bills. >> we're always behind on something, always trying to play catch-up on something. >> reporter: marie is still recovering from a work related injury that happened two years ago. >> this one is for $6,080. >> reporter: she says she can't pay the mounting medical bills. >> this one for $15,010.04. >> reporter: she says she can't make the day-to-day medical needs. >> i have to provide for my four children. now, i feel -- i feel helpless. >> reporter: she is one of 1.2
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million people in our area and among 15 million nationwide stuck with medical debt. >> i've seen how destructive the debt can be. >> reporter: he used to be a debt collector and now runs rit medical debt, the nonprofit that gathers medical debt and forgives it. >> our goal is to for give a billion dollars. >> reporter: it is bought for cents on the dollar and the hospital doesn't have time to chase them down. a debt clerkt can buy one dollar for ten bucks and then pressure people to pay it. >> you're one accident away from financial ruin. >> reporter: marie is truth. another trip to the mailbox
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could have another notice. >> they make you feel like less of a person. >> we at nbc10 believe medical debt should not destroy your life. nbcuniversal that owns television stations owns nbc10 is giving $15 million in medical debt across the country which includes $2 million for people here in our area. >> harry, you mentioned how many people this affects in our area, a million people. is this something someone can sign up for if they want to get their debt erased? >> i want to be clear for it. you can't sign up for it. rip medical debt ran this on an anonymous type of situation. random and anonymous is how it goes. the only way people will know their debt is paid off they get one of these in yellow and has
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rip medical debt written on it. once they get this, if you want to share that story with us, that's how we know. with privacy laws we have no idea who will be getting it. >> so-called hipaa laws. if you get that yellow envelope you know it's a good day. >> can others in our community get involved? >> you can pay it forward. every individual can get involved. all you have to do is go to our website, and you can click on a donation and ask questions about medical debt. >> it will bring so much relief to so many people, harry, thanks. coming up at 6:00, george spencer brings a series, nbc10 erasing medical debt and shows you how even a small amount of
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medical debt can smash your hopes of living the american dream. to your first alert weather, after the sunday soaker we're finally drying out today. >> the gray skies lingered a bit after the rain stopped. a live look at the scene in allentown and the ppl area, near the stadium, somewhere in that vicinity. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is tracking the conditions in your most accurate weather forecast. >> look at that. it's been a while. this is in easton. the whole area is not looking just like this but this is a great example of the improvement we've seen since the weekend. in easton, in the lehigh valley, the area with the most sunshine today. on the other hand, toward the other end of our area, it's still pretty cloudy even though it's not raining anymore. you can see on the satellite,
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drier air toward the northern area, to the south, it is really clear, all the way back to the rockies once we get past this cloud cover over part of the area now. that will guarantee us a nice sunny day tomorrow. 51 in philadelphia now. 46 in coatesville, one of the cold spots. 52, atlantic city international and allentown. warm spots, warmer because of the increased sunshine. in philadelphia, we will see these temperatures drop but not a whole lot during the night. there we go. by 5:00 a.m., 36 degrees, still above average for temperatures at this time of the year. we'll talk more about that late week storm that will impact the whole area coming up. here's a look now at some stories we're following county by county. in gloucester a special needs
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teacher. niklas johns was arrested charged with falling asleep at the wheel and leaving a deadly crash. her body was found near the golden luck motel. traffic on the rice lehigh y airport. announcing an 11% in increase in passengers through the gates. more than 53,000 passed through the gates last month, about 8,000 more than this time last yea year! in delaware county, travel guru visited students in chester today. the author and tv host talked about his method of becoming a quote temporary local when traveling abroad and how to visit europe without breaking the bank at the kendall center
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tonight. "the voice" starts tonight. >> someone who gained a lot of fame on a different show will now be in the coach's chair. a surprise for kelly clarkson before the competition even began. and proper penmanship, what doctors say is hampering your child's penmanship. meaning to miss. a basketball player takes a shot he had no intention to make. how he did it. - [narrator] look around.
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if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be.
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there are new guidelines to help catch depression in teenagers. the american board of pediatrics said all kids younger than 12 should undergo well check-ups and offer pediatric options. they recommend developing a safety plan as well as including any restrictions on guns in the
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home. as parents know, young kids are getting great using smartphones and tablets. it is coming at a cost. british doctors say children are using technology so much their hand muscles are not developing properly. children are starting school with less hand strength and dexterity than ten years ago. many students struggle to grip a pencil correctly. parents can help by encouraging play with locks, stickers and toys where they're encouraged to pull. smartphones affecting in ways we wouldn't expect. and becoming a reality at the olympic games. and what the simpsons predicted years ago. the lion lost something. what's missing from one of the most iconic landmarks of the campus of penn state university? there we go.
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this is nbc10 news. >> music lovers unite tonight right here on nbc10 for the return of "the voice." new to the set this season, singer-songwriter, kelly clarkson joining in the chairs. in the "today's" show, kathie lee and hoda were part of the blind auditions. not even the coaches knew they were coming. let's see what happened. ♪ ♪ >> that's great. despite hoda's love for blake,
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the two chose team kelly. "the voice" returns tonight at 8:00 p.m. followed by the series premier of the nbc show, "good girls." at 10:00 and 11:00. >> it was called the mer cure-all on ice. winning gold in men's curling. they went through five match wins. the first ever gold in curling for team usa. one tv show may have seen it coming. >> the usa has won the medal, the first ever in the olympics. >> that's it, they predicted it. homer and marriage simpson
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competed and were selected to play in the 20 ten games in vancouver. you never know. it's not the first time a simpson's skit has later turned into reality. >> she show correctly predicted three different winners in november 90s and nailed the trump's presidency and disney's acquisition of 20th century fox. how do they do that? could they explain curling to me, maybe? >> i know. they do it the way glenn forecast, right? he looks in the krystal ball and knows what will happen, like the simpsons know what will happen with the olympics, is that right? >> my forecast kind of make a little bit of sense. you see a storm out here, will travel here. how do you predict some 30 years ahead of time. i am just amazed by what that show has been able to do over the years. i can't explain it in any way. we have a terrific tuesday
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on the way, a little bit of sunshine today in parts of the area. a lot for everybody tomorrow. wind and rain to end the week and flood threat, kind of a nasty storm. we have more sunshine especially in areas to the north and west and pushing the temperature above 50 degrees in many of those areas. in south jersey, the temperatures have gotten at or above 50 in many parts of the area. swedesboro, audubon, cumbersome, atco, 51, vineland and millville at 51. a little bit more sunshine to the north gets the temperatures a little bit higher. you can see more and more of that dry air moving in. it's taken all day for that to happen because everything was moving to the northeast and not the east. look at this dry air.
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massive area of dry air that will be moving in for tomorrow. with the southwest winds, temperatures get well into the 50s, well above average this time of the year. that sets us up for this storm coming out of texas and a lot of moisture like many others we saw in february. we don't need more rain. we already had 6 inches in philadelphia. atlantic city, the wettest february ever recorded. here we go again. plus the east wind, a full moon thursday. that makes the tides higher to begin with. the more of the east win the higher the tides get and likely to be coastal flooding. there's rain with this. thursday, thursday night, into friday. some of this on the backside of the storm, once the storm moves offshore could change to a brief wintery mix in parts of the area. this is mainly a rain event and a big nasty windy storm.
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those winds are going to continue all the way through the weekend. it's going be windy on friday, windy on saturday and windy on sunday. at least the storm's going to be gone. it looks like we may have a dry weekend. >> i know it's been wet for three weekends? >> it's been at least a month since we had a nice weekend. >> a refreshing change. >> yeah. for those people who don't like snow, you've enjoyed february. for snow lovers, it's been absolutely a nightmare. >> i'm glad to know thursday is more of a rain event. when i heard nor'easter i was worried there could be snow potential. >> there is more of easter than nor'easter, moving straight out rather than up the coast. >> what we like. next at 4:00, a heart attack that almost took the life of a hollywood filmmaker.
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the decision that saved his life and every person should look out for. all new at 5:00, the consequence of reading that cab be as bad as smokering 20 cigarettes a day.
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(phone buzzing) i like these yogurt bites. (phone buzzing) and i like these yogurt bites... ah... ooh! apparently, i like them more than i like my phone. where...ah, oh! hello? ah, i missed it. it was my mother-in-law. i'll call her back. don't tell her i told you that. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning little journey baby essentials from aldi. simply smarter shopping.
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a health scare for a hollywood director. >> kevan smith said he suffered a massive heart attack last night. he group in monmouth county, new jersey. he posted this to say he is lucky to be alive. the only reason he survived because he canceled the show and went to the hospital instead. what warning signs you need to look out for as well. >> reporter: kevan smith was
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known for his movies and never known for his health habits, after his left anterior vein was blocked over the weekend he thought he was done information. the hospital said that kind of blockage is a major deal. >> it's often referred to as a widowmaker because if this blood vessel is closed up suddenly it may impair heart function so fast you can't endure a trip to the hospital. >> reporter: this woman had the same symptoms as steve smith. >> heart pain. >> reporter: she's proving you can make a comeback after 80, cut down on salt and sugar and is 80 and joined an exercise gym. >> i will join because my son will kill me if i don't. >> reporter: if you have the same systems he had, call 911
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and begs you not to smoke and have a good relationship with your primary care doctor. maybe kevan smith's close call will be your wake-up call. tim furlong, nbc10 news. >> always a good reminder. >> so important. >> we're working on several stories for nbc10 "news at 5." >> we are following breaking news at 5:00. two people found dead inside a home. one of them is a police officer. we're live at the scene. we have a big warm-up on the way. we could see 60s in the area but we have a coastal storm to talk about. straight ahead. the fire is long gone but after effects long lasting, all new. what people who live in the bustling area of philadelphia found out today next on nbc10 "news at 5."
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nbc ten news starts now. >> all new at 5:00, dozens of people have to wait to get back to work because of a massive fire in old city with a demolition delay. it was supposed to be torn down this week and the city doesn't know when that will happen. >> the building was scorched by flames more than a week ago and a number of nearby buildings are off-limits. this is the area affected. the building that caught fire is chester and third streets.
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mo holdup for this demolition. >> reporter: the problem is the atf agents still have not been able to get inside this building and investigate to figure out how this fire started. it has been too dangerous for them. the building is 239. you can see the orange sticker on the door there. they're hoping to get inside early this week. until then, a lot of people are waiting. the fire and smoke here gone. this block of chestnut street still a long way from normal. >> i've seen pictures and videos. it really doesn't do it justice until you look at the building and see how much damage was done. >> reporter: shannon is a server at the little lion, on 3rd and chestnut and shuttered because of water damage and waiting for it to be damaged. you will see ketchup


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