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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  March 5, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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cooper. only one lane getting by in the gloucester county area by the expressway. skyforce10, george spencer, nbc10 news. >> all right. george, 20 minutes of nonstop news continues across our area. utilities trying to clear the trees and get the power back on before the next major storm this week. the generators are fired up and fire places crackling for people still without power. the majority of those outages are in delaware county. some people lucky enough to get pow are stored after more than three days. >> that's why i needed a generator. >> my thermostat with our fireplace on went from 49 degrees up to 71. oh, my god, me and my wood are at the window clapping. we've never been out this long.
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>> it is rough for people out there. thanks for joining us. >> we know many of your neighborhoods are littered with downed trees and power lines from friday's storm. our team of reporters have been out in the hardest hit areas as crews are trying to get their work done before round two. that's why we want to prepare you for what's to come. nbc104 weather is tracking the big nor'easter and more messy commutes in the middle of the week. following the track of this storm. >> tammie, march is on a roll. what do we know? >> we know it's likely to produce more snow but lower winds. it's weakening from the winds we just had. we have to be very conscious of that. the first alert is all of the pennsylvanian suburbs, from i-95 to lehigh valley to the poconos including parts of south jersey and northern delaware, just not the beach areas.
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this is wednesday morning at 4:00 through thursday morning at 7:00. the wednesday morning commute could be a little messy because of rain and snow mixing in and accumulating snow on many roadways. that is our headlines, accumulating snow, messy commutes, gusty winds out there, anywhere from a 25 to 30 to 35 miles an hour wind gusts. if you have tree branches, hang in there and power lines weakened ready to come down will be a problem on some roadways. everything is still shaken up from friday. doppler radar, beautiful day today. that system is going to cross over and meet with a piece of interrogation coming up the coastline, thus we will -- piece of coastline with the nor'easter
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and here comes that system up the coastline that it merges with, bringing snow across the area. when i come back in a few minutes, i will break down the timing for your neighborhood and what you can expect in the way of snow totals. >> that nor'easter is creating a big challenge for utility crews, working around the clock to get power restored. >> live in havertown, delaware county, a lot of work to be done there. >> reporter: i checked the peco map. still a lot of outages. look at this tree. nobody is sure who is responsible for lifting it off the lines. peco says the county needs to do it. this is frustrating for residents. south of peco county people finally got a glimmer of hope. in the delco neighborhood, still with no power, there's a lot of noise coming from the lucky
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families that have a generator. >> that's why i needed a generator. >> reporter: mimi wingate has the st. patrick's decoration understand but no luck of the irish here. they lost power friday afternoon. no luck but resourcefulness has gone a long way. >> my thermostat with the fireplace on went from 49 degrees up to 71. >> reporter: with the generator outside they have enough juice to keep the baby swinging and the fireplace going. >> it is a gas fireplace. >> reporter: they saw the peco crew show up. >> my god, me and my wood are at the window clapping. >> reporter: some don't know how the power system works. >> some sort of grids they say, i don't know what the hell they're talking about. >> reporter: if these guys are here now the power isn't usually far behind. jack got so cold he went to his
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daughter's house. with another storm on the way he wants to get back home. >> i want to be back home. so does the dog. >> reporter: this is gets frustrating. look at this. i won't get too close. it is dangerous. i'm 6'1" and it's as tall as i am. everybody is still without power. this includes the guy holding the camera, jason. at 6:00, the plan is for us to go live down the street to his house around the corner that is so cold, his wife and daughter had to go stay with family. it's too cold at night. they can't stay any longer. so many people affected by this and doesn't show signs of stopping. the other storm is in the on-deck circle. live in havertown. nbc news. >> you can hear everyone going, oh, no, not again. all right, tim, thanks.
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>> at its worse, more than a half million people didn't have power after the storm. more than 60,000 people are still in the dark. including more than 40,000 people customers and l&l in the lehigh valley. p&l has customers there without power. you can go only for the forecast for your thaibd. more breaking news. a judge says the sexual assault case against comedian bill cosby will go forward. >> his lawyers tried to get the charges thrown out. live with what happened inside that courtroom today. >> the comedian arrived in federal court today just ten days after his daughter died due to health problems. a somber cosby walked past reporters and photographers led
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by a familiar arm into a new place. this time he has a new legal case. they show the alleged incident could not have happened when prosecutors say it did. at the first trial, accuser andrew constanton said the 80-year-old molested her. his lawyers say records show he wasn't in psennsylvania at that time. he was arrested in 2015 and they say the statute of limitations has run out. the judge in the case denied both of those motions. our reporter was inside the courtroom all day long with a live report at 5:00. erin coleman, nbc10 news. this now 20 minutes of nonstop news continuing with a bipartisan bill on background checks. coming up with new rules related to buying a gun. lauren was there when the senators introduced the
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legislation. >> this bill focuses on people who are not supposed to have a gun by law, convicted felons or domestic abusers and aims to be sure the fbi shares information it has on those people with stated law enforcement. >> reporter: in philadelphia, a bipartisan try at gun legislation from neighboring senators in different parties. >> senator comombs and i are working to break this log gam. from pennsylvania and delaware, pitching a plan to alert authorities in state law enforcement if they find someone is trying to get a gun lies trying to get one. >> our simple bipartisan bill would make sure state and local law enforcement gets notification. it is a terrific predictor of likely imminent criminal activity. >> in my view, people willing to commit that crime of lying on their form in aattempt to buy a
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firearm who have a criminal conviction in their past, it's not rocket science to think maybe we ought to be concerned about this person. >> reporter: this as lawmakers in washington weighed through multiple gun proposals uncertain which will get enough support from colleagues or the president. do either of you feel you know what the president would sign today? >> reporter: senator toomey says he thinks 60 votes is likely to get the president support and right now, this announcement. >> until we fix the background system, it's tough to go anywhere else. >> both of florida's senators are co-sponsoring this bill, a republican and democrat. i reached out to get their take and we're waiting for their response. the nra is one of the factors how successful these different proposals might be. coming up what is realistic and what senator toomey told me will
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not pass. >> all back to that. thanks. prime minister netanyahu visited president trump at the white house today. both men praised the pending move of america's embassy from televiv to jerusalem, president trump calling the decision a campaign promise kept opposed to previous presidents. netanyahu said the decision will be remembered by the israelis throughout the ages. >> many presidents were discussing whether to make that decision and promised it in their campaigns and were never able to do what they should have done. i was able to do it. >> mr. president, this will be remembered by our people throughout the ages. as you just said, others talked about it. you did it. >> mr. trump's decision to relocate the embassy has been heavily credit sized, however -- criticized, however, by other
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arab and palestinian leaders. >> protesting for a clean dream act for legislation that would protect immigrants brought to the united states illegally as children but now work or go to school. protesters say congress had six months to take action and have done nothing. >> we don't want to wait for a year for citizenship, we want it now. we want our parents to be included. >> the rally in harrisburg were one of many held across the country. the family of three that were dismembers and shot and buried on a farm are suing. the parents of dean finocchiaro and tom meo and jimmi patrick. they said the parents didn't do
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enough to keep the firearms out of dinardo's hands even though they suspected he was unfit. the bodies were discovered and dinardo confessed during a three day spree. today, the victims' families opened up about their loss. >> nobody should ever have to deal with losing their child and not in the way he was taken. >> i never thought i would feel this, and lose my son. >> devastating for our family. tom was everything. >> he was a lot of fun. >> the lawsuit also targets the dinardo's various real estate companies and various business partners. a bucks deputy sheriff could spend time in jail after pleading guilty to indecent exposure. deputy steven springfield was
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off-duty when he exposed himself at a parking lot. it happened in october at silver lake park in bristol. she said springfield offered her candy when he was sit ing his truck and she said no he exposed himself. he will likely get probation. uber is being sued after failing to notify its employees over a data breach, against the law. they new heart attacks had stolen the personal information of drivers and didn't say anything for a year. instead, uber paid hackers to delete the data and stay quiet. more than 13,000 drivers were impacted by the breach. shapiro wants the company to pay $13 million in damages. back to our first alert weather coverage and cleanup from friday's storm. >> for some people in lehigh valley, losing power is nothing new but friday's damaging winds
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were worse than they've ever seen. >> a lot of people wondering if they have to spend another night in the dark and cold, right? >> reporter: that's exactly right. it's going day three without people. some people living here told us they just got power on. pbl did sent out contractors. there are a still few other parts of messes that storm left behind here. people are hoping all across the region they will have light soon. it's been a dark and cold last few days following lehigh valley storm in allentown. some using generators and cancel for warmth. >> i have a generator in the garage and my refrigerator going and can hook my microwave up. we have no telephone service or computer service. it's kind of rough. >> reporter: stanley says he and
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his neighbors deal with outages every time there is a storm. while ppl say power will be back on during the night he worries another storm could have drastic consequences. >> if it drops below 32 degrees, that's freezing, pipes could break in the house. >> reporter: he's not the only one worried. his next door neighbor is trying to keep his 107-year-old mother warm during the outage and turning the cancel and blankets and layers to protect his family. ppl said this storm was one of the most destructive they've had to deal with. officials have people working around the clock and homeowners hoping they come up with a more permanent solution. pbl officials tell me they're tracking bad weather expected and hoping to get light across the region and the power back on before wednesday.
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nbc10 news. jackie. >> three days without power, three days too long for so many. live in allentown. remember this? three years ago we were hit with another snowstorm in early march. the whole area was slammed with heavy wet snow and high winds back then. we know march can still be very winter-like. >> it came in like a lion and it won't dug up. it dug its teeth in. we have to get through wednesday. there is another one headed sunday but it looks mild. like a rainmaker. let's talk about wednesday. wednesday, every storm is different with its unique characteristics. this storm we're focusing more on the snow and less on the wind because of damage done, any wind at all could bring down a tree branch and topple a tree or power lines. this is not a 70 miles an hour wind event. we could see wind gusts
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somewhere in the 35 miles an hour wind gust range. outside, we have blue skies. we made to it the mid 40s today. this morning's lows, philadelphia, 45, 44 in redding, 45 in millville, 45 in wildwood. mount holly, 44. lots of sunshine and a little shy of where we should be. here's where we're going. clear skies. a chilly night. all of you with no power, another chilly night and clouds moving in late tomorrow night before the next system. you will wake up to around 30 in philadelphia. 27 in the suburbs. 26 in lehigh valley. delaware, 29 and 30 along the jersey shore. a clear night. doppler radar shows a clear
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night and they have blizzard warnings coming through the upper plains is this mixed weather maker taking almost an identical track to the last one, it will not intensify into a bomb cyclone. we won't see strong winds. it will join up with a piece of energy coming up the coastline and move quickly past our area, not park outside there for the past 24 hours. we're watching winds changing from the north more to the northeast. we will be again tomorrow, by the time we get into the middle of the day,#roo somewhere in thd 30s, making to it the mid 40s. here we go. wednesday morning, we will start to see the snow spreading across the area. we see rain coming in late tuesday night, transitioning into a mix along the i-45 corridor, south jersey. 7:00 wednesday morning. notice the lehigh valley, pennsylvania suburbs all in
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snow, even part of philadelphia. along the i-95 corridor is our delineation line. by the time we get to 4:00 in the afternoon, we transition to all snow. darker purple is a burst of heavier snow. burst of snow and still snow in lehigh valley and pennsylvania suburbs. by ten: by 10:30 at night, trying to clear the area. thursday, we get back to the sunshine. the accumulating snow we're expecting in these areas, all of lehigh valley and pennsylvania suburbs and the i-95 corridor and pennsylvania and nearby jersey suburbs and delaware.
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this is your morning and evening commute with rain and snow. totals, anywhere from 1-4 along the i-95 corridor and we get into lower philadelphia and pennsylvania suburbs. we head up to upper pennsylvania suburbs, lehigh valley, 5-ten inches. you get along the jersey shore and southern delaware we're expecting all rain. we all talk about winds. back in a while. over to you. >> speaking of winds, fallen trees on your roof and your neighbor's roof. >> and coming up what insurance will cover for damage in the wake of a major storm. who police are blaming for the knife and stabbing that broke out during dinnertime at a chuckee cheese. >> an afternoon on the slopes
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that took a terrifying turn. the big dig to rescue a young couple buried beneath an avalanche, next. here's a look at the closing bell on wall street. all three major stock indexes in the green, including a big jump for the dow. so i want my glasses to be unique... my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at
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take a look at this. skiers and snowboarders jumping to save this couple. they were skiing at lake tahoe. the husband was pinned down five minutes before he was pulled out. his way of was caught in the avalanche but she was able to free herself. the couple was on their first run of the snowboard trip when they heard people yelling about the avalanche.
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>> a ten foot wall of snow barrelling towards me at 60 to 70 miles an hour. i tried to slow down my breathing and conserve air and relax. i ended up passing out probably 30 or 40 seconds after that. >> amazingly, they are expected to be okay. that's terrifying. >> so scary. take a look at this. >> this house appears to be one large wave away from collapsing into the ocean. the massachusetts house took a pounding last week. strong winds washed most of the land out to sea. fortunately, everyone got out safely. nor'easter number two is making its way toward our area. >> tammie is tracking it. >> more snow and rain and wind on the way. what will affect you most and the timing in your area. a pocketknife and punches thrown all at a popular kids'
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party place. and some of the commotion was caught on cell phone video. we'll show you next. kobe's new hardware, how the former nba starlanded an oscar last night. all new at 5:00, bracing for an eruption, the steps airlines are taking this week ahead of this week's nor'easter. there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪
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the cleanup continues after a major storm barrelled through the region last week. nbc10 in north wilmington where trees were snapped, siding ripped from homes and power lines ripped from some roads. the next nor'easter will be coming to our area adding insult
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to injury. you can see the tree removal crews were hard at work earlier today. a lot of branches down but they are being cleared. just like the last storm, the biggest concern is for the commute wednesday and why nbc10 has issued a first alert. >> tammie souza is breaking down what we know at this point. >> what we know at this point, it will not be windy as the last storm. it will have winds. any loose power lines or branches hanging in trees likely to get blown down and weakened trees getting blown down. we will not see 70 miles an hour wind gusts near the 30 to 40 miles an hour range. the first gust is for pennsylvania suburbs all the way to south jersey and northern delaware. this does not include the jersey shore or southern delaware and does include the lehigh valley. we are expecting to see pretty good accumulations of snowfall out there. 4:00 in the morning wednesday to
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thursday, 7:00 in the morning. we will see 1-4 inches of snow across philadelphia, higher amounts as you go up through the suburbs, and some places could reach ten inches of snow. the messy commutes in the morning. rain transitioning to snow across philadelphia and south jersey and northern delaware. we will see gusty winds. and power line, loosened from friday. our doppler radar could not be quieter and this storm system will merge coming off the east coast and carolinas. this entire thing will come together just o the coast liner. it will not linger off the last storm, good news. watch what happens. we get a few showers, maybe snow showers in tuesday night. as the storm system passes by,
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we get that burst of snow across the area. as far as winds, good news is we are going to be looking at lighter winds, nonetheless, 25-30 miles an hour winds along the highway and the shore more gusts. delaware county to philadelphia, sky first ten gave us a bird's-eye view of crews hard at work to clear all that debris for us today. >> some of the cleanup from friday's storm. >> what does it look like from up above? >> signs of progress out here. lots more work to do at grassland avenue. you look towards the right of your screen, you can see a mangled mess of wires hanging from the overheadlines yet to be
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cleaned up from crews in this particular area. 41,000 customers still without power that are peco customers in the delaware county area. across the street you can see the large tree trunks that seem to be the culprit. many neighborhoods heavily treed with old growth really suffered badly and a cleanup still continuing. that's the latest. george spencer, nbc10 news. >> a lot of work left to be done. the nbc10 app is your best resource when you're without power during a major storm. when we are not on the air, we are updating our app with the latest track on this next nor'easter. we will send you severe weather alerts for your neighborhood ahead of the storm. >> really, chuckee cheese, for real? >> you're looking at brand new
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video of a brawl inside a chuckee cheese restaurant. police say the fight spilled out during dinnertime. live in gloss ster county. >> unbelievable. you have brand new information what unfolded last night. >> reporter: the two women seemed to be having an argument over cigarettes. even though there's no smoking aloud inside, we asked about the weapon seized, it wasn't a plastic knife, instead, a small folding pocketknife. it's where kids come to be a kid and parents apparently couldn't handle it this sunday night. it came hours after a stabbing and fight between two women. it escalated between 15-20 patrons and some caught on cell phone videos. not one but five police responded to the brawl. >> why would you do that?
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>> reporter: she put a stop to the birthday party. >> we already told her we will take you to chuckee cheese for your birthday. we failed her and she's a child and still look forward to certain things. >> reporter: a woman said it was awfully busy with tension with children having time onrized. parents are sounding off. >> you wouldn't think you would need security at a chuckee cheese. i guess they need to have like security everywhere now. it's crazy. >> do you like the pizza? >> reporter: jennie says she won't stop coming here. but not on the weekend. >> they've always been good to us and i feel safe here. >> reporter: 21 and 47 women, both of philadelphia refused medical treatment. >> it hurt my feeling that kids, we're trying to set a good example for them. >> reporter: we asked chuckee
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cheese's office if refunds are being offered for people who left for their own safety. they said capacity was not a factor in last night's brawl. >> here's a look at some other stories we're following county by county. university of delaware students could have a tougher time making the dean's list. they're considering ways to make the honor roll more competitive. they considered raising the rerequirement from 3.3 g.a.p. to 3.5. right now almost half have a 3.3 g.p.a. >> think, care and act today, they encourage them to think about what they're good at and use that talent to give back to the community. some included clean drinking
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water and care packages for kids in the hospital. big dollar damages, what dozens of homeowners are dealing with from friday's major storm. >> we have been showing toppled trees crashing into homes. breaking down the details of who pays to get your home repaired. lights out. the health impact of unplugging before your kids go to bed. next. stealing from grieving families. the charges three men face for allegedly funneling money from a funeral home, all new at 5:00. it's all pop-culture trivia, but it gets pretty intense.
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-ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -- -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i'm pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we're not the lowest. even if we're not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us.
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a new study finds a dramatic jump in the number of kids accidentally poisoned by opioids. doctors calling them the epidemic second victims rushed to the er for taking unsecured narcotics. in an 11 year time span, 11% of the children have died. researchers say they got into
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methadone for adults used addicted to painkillers. new research finds 60 minutes of bright light before bed reduces a preschooler's production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. levels stayed low even after the lights went out. doctors say because kids' eyes are more sensitive to light. electronics before bed have the same negative effect. hard to put those phones down but you need to. >> kids and adults. >> get ready for round two. >> we're only five days into march. tracking another nor'easter into march. tammie. >> we will track it out so you know when that rain changes to snow and which commutes are worse for you. >> back in court, the decision handed down against bill cosby's legal team as he prepares for a retrial. i see other carriers touting
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a lot of glitz and glamor in hollywood last night as the film industry celebrated the best work of the year. >> "the shape of water". >> the romance about a mute woman and sea creature earned hollywood's top prize, and three others. in the acting category, gary oldman's portrayal in "darkest hour." best actress went to francis mcdormand. and the three women who stood up against sexual assault and harassment. >> the changes we are witnessing are being driven by the powerful found of new voices, of different voices, of our voices joining together in a mighty chorus that is finally saying, time's up. >> ashley judd, anabellela sciorra and selma hayek, among
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the first to make allegations against producer harvey weinstein. >> kobe bryant can add an oscar to his list of championships. the six minute short is based on a poem he wrote to commemorate his nba retirement two years ago. >> i feel better than winning a championship, to be honest with you. i swear i do. >> the oscar beats the rings. bryant has recently gone on record saying his oscar nomination served as validation he was more than just a basketball player. another philly area native was nominated for an oscar but did not win. ardmore native benjpasek. don't feel too bad for him. he won last year writing "city of stars" from "la la land." >> you can see the utility crew
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from out-of-state come to our area to help restore power. delaware county, one of the hardest hit areas on friday. sammy souza is here now. you warned us about destructive winds with friday's storm. next one coming. >> we're not going to see 70 miles an hour winds. they toppled trees very easily. instead, we will see 30, 40 miles an hour winds along the jersey shore. nonetheless, loose power lines and trees, they could come down. it's not something you want to see on your way home. this big tree snapped at the base and fell onto black rock road. it's pretty much across theoñcz area. tree after tree. two giant trees behind my house went down, the neighbor is busy cleaning them up, so close to my
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house and theirs and i think most of you can associate with that. the next thing is snow. the biggest issue. the wind is the secondary issue because it is not as much. this is a snow producer for many of us. fire up the snow blower and dig out and shovel across a good portion of the area. the timing is this nor'easter comes in, rain showers tuesday night. maybe light snow showers in the suburbs and lehigh valley, but mostly snow showers. early wednesday morning, we will see the transition from a rain-snow mix, toggle back and forth. we will see it perhaps become wet snow during the morning commute. then, we get into noontime on wednesday. across the entire area, this turns to snow between noon and 2:00. the upper suburbs and lehigh valley, you are in snow for this
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entire event. the heaviest snow is between 4:00 wednesday afternoon and ten:00 wednesday night, when we pile up inches of snow. doppler radar is quiet now. they have winter storm warnings there. and it will meet up with a storm system coming up the coast and park off the coast very briefly and scoot off new england. we will see by the time we get to tuesday evening, rain cross the area. we will see a rain and snow mix across but lehigh valley, poconos, you may see snow showers. the pennsylvania suburbs, lehigh valley, you are in snow along that i-95 corridor, everybody in philadelphia, northern delaware, south jersey, you could be toggling back and forth between snow and rain, your morning commute wednesday.
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then it is snow across those areas, even into south jersey. not so much in delaware and the jersey shore. this is when we start picking up the snow. by 11:00, the system starts exiting and temperatures fall. we will be hovering very close to that freezing mark much of the time. the accumulating snow, lehigh valley, pennsylvania suburbs. new jersey counties, all your neighborhoods off that i-95 corridor and northern delaware. that's when we're expecting to see more than several inches of snow. these are totals we're looking for. rain along the jersey shore and central and southern delaware. much of philadelphia. 1-4 inches. you could pick up 3-4 inches quickly. 3-6 for the pennsylvania suburbs and 5-ten for the pennsylvania suburbs and lehigh valley. a lot of cleanup going on thursday morning.
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good news, wind isn't quite as strong. bad news is any wind will bring down loosened power lines and trees. up next, paying the price for all that storm damage. harry hairston breaks down who is responsible for footing the bill and covering your home. new personal details emerging about the south florida high school shooting suspect, what the allege shooter's little brother said he would go back and do differently.
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in today's nbc10 responds, big dollar damages is what homeowners are dealing with after friday's storm. >> harry hairston dug up
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information you need to know about who pays to have your home repaired? we had to take a good look at the insurance companies and the what ifs when it comes to tree damage. >> just heard like the biggest noise i ever been around. >> that boom was the result of a massive tree crashing through this house. triple-a says in general, you will need to use your insurance for cleanup and repairs when your neighbor's tree falls and damages your property. if your tree falls on your neighbor's property they must file a claim with their own insurance company. also, remember to process your claims right away in order to get the repairs. they cannot start until you do that. that's why the insurance companies and experts are urging you to file as soon as possible. >> what if you lose power and the tree doesn't come down on your house, and for days and days and the food you have in
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your fridge. >> check your insurance policy. some policies will reimburse the food you lost up to $500. check it out and then file that claim. good information. >> we're working on several stories for nbc news at 5. >> here they are. >> we're getting updates on snow totals and what this means for people still cleaning up from the last storm. >> reporter: the storm has passed and people still feeling the effects. a local restaurant in bucks county, how they're surviving with no power. here we go again. take a look behind me. that's a look at a future giving us a lot of snow. we'll talk about the updated snow totals we're forecasting and who sees what when. back in court, what bill cosby's defense attorneys didn't want to hear today. a live report with new
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information about what the judge will be looking into tomorrow. (phone buzzing) i like these yogurt bites. (phone buzzing)
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and i like these yogurt bites... ah... ooh! apparently, i like them more than i like my phone. where...ah, oh! hello? ah, i missed it. it was my mother-in-law. i'll call her back. don't tell her i told you that. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning little journey baby essentials from aldi. simply smarter shopping. new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement.
4:59 pm
right now at 5:00, days spent in the dark. >> we've never been out this long. >> has neighbors struggling to recover from a violent winter blast, count on nbc10 to prepare you for another nor'easter creeping closer by the minute.
5:00 pm
>> thanks for joining us on nbc10 "news at 5." >> people across our region are dealing with storm damage. listen. chain saws are buzzing at neighborhoods across our area. the rush is on now to clean up the damage and get the power back on before the next storm hits. >> that next storm is already forming. a nor'easter is expected to impact us as early as tuesday. let's get to krystal klei and what we need to be alert. >> we're talking philadelphia, pa suburbs, lehigh valley and berks county down into south jersey as well as northern delaware. we're under a first alert for this nor'easter. starts at 4:00 a.m. wednesday


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