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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  March 6, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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with tammie souza. philadelphia, south jersey and northern delaware, that's where we'll see the heavy accumulating snow. this doesn't wind down until very late tomorrow a night, possibly power lines down because of the heavy snow. we'll see accumulating snow, some areas 3, 4, 6 inches of snow, the heaviest in the lehigh valley. the commutes will be messy. tomorrow morning you will be looking at a messy commute. you will see a wet community in philadelphia and south jersey. by the time we get to the evening, it would be an messy commute with accumulating snow. that's the time frame you need to stay home and be off the roadways tomorrow afternoon and
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we will see winds and gusts we're very concerned about the trees and power lines. for tonight we'll see rain showers. we will see the light snow showers across the upper pennsylvania suburbs. you may have an inch or two much accumulation by early tomorrow morning, but for the rest of us it's rain showers. tomorrow, we will rain, it may mix in with a bit of wet snow across the area. the steady snow continues in the upper pennsylvania suburbs and lehigh valley the tomorrow noon to 3:00 we'll see the quick changeover, between 3:00 and 9:00 tomorrow night, we'll see this accumulating fast. this will melt initially when it
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hits the ground and it is very heavy and wet. it will pack down. nonetheless it will make for a messy community. we're already seeing two rain showers making their way in. if you look across at parts of chester county, westchester, you're almost ready toll them moving in. >> wilmington is seeing some light sprinkles right now. this will spread over the area. you can see some snow backs its way across central portions form the main body of the system is still coming out of the midwest, but we're watching this one up the coastline. this has all the energy, it will phase together, and that's when we're going to see that hef yegg amount of snow when they become one system. so your timeline is we see the rain showers moving in, and we see a bit of a mix in the lehigh
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valley and the suburbs. by the time we go ahead to midnight tonight, it's all snow, and you can see we have rain and mix across the rest of the area. steve will be look in a few minutes, and he'll break down the neighborhoods. i'll be back in a bit for the big picture on the timing. let's talk about how people are getting ready. a live picture where city leaders will give an update a their plan for this approaches storm. united airlines is now waiving fees for changing plans. forest rangers got to work today removing trees and other damage from last friday.
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fors rangers armed with the chainsaws focused on hard-hit delaware county, and meanwhile, houses without power becoming unbearably cold, as frustrated residents wait for the heat and the lights to come back on. >> two pairs of pants, flannel, a hat, gloves on to sleep. it's cold. >> i'm afraid of my pipes freezing in the house. and having more damage. >> the first priority for the rangers is to make the roads passable for emergency vehicles. thousands of people across delaware county are still without power, now bracing for this next round. tim furlong joins us in haverford. they're just racing to get the power on, but time is running our. this is college avenue at coopertown road, a crew at least
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got out here to get it off the power line, which means that they have power and heat. but with the next tomorrow radiology in, many say it's a race against time to get their power back. in media today, this snap transformer finally getting fixed. in norwood forestry guys out helping to put trees down so hopefully people can get their heat in. jim has his camper parked out back. he can cook here. on the deck the generator is running power into the how is itself. he's living better than most. he can't help but feel his piece of delco is low on the priority. >> i call this borough the stepchild of everybody. they take care of everybody else first. >> reporter: they say they don't favor one town over another, and they promise to keep working. this woman has a pit in her stomach see that some trees'
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roots are pulling up. she thinking there could be more nights in the dark. >> it's like going camping. >> i don't know if it's as good as going camping on a nice summer night. but once the wind reaching about 30 miles an hour, they can't go up in the bucket trucks. they tell me once the next storm passes, hospitals and public safety, those agencies get priority. they're getting it shifted back a bit. you might have to be patient once again. hopefully the storm won't do as much damage. we're live in delaware county, tim if you are long, nbc 10 news. >> that big tree is till across the road. >> reporter: this is what, friday -- five days later, and it's still there. they finally just last night cut it off the power lines.
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that at least got the power back on. people tell me they were just so excited to see the power come back on. this road is impassable. this tree is huge. this is a project that's going to take a few hours to get out of the way. it's like this in a lot of places. >> had speaks toed volume of trees that you are on the there. people in delaware county are wondering how much snow they'll see this time around. steve is here with the forecast. >> the live radar shows just a couple sprinkles moving in. that will be the story tonight. you won't see much through the evening hours. at 9:00 we have a mixture going on, the temperature likely above freezing, so anything that falls will likely melt here at 9:00 or
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10:00. follow the pink, as you can see through midnight through 4:00. that's where the rain/snow line stars to move south. we'll be tracking that. that's a very important items. once we switch over, we will not move back over to rain look what happens after lunchtime? we're in the heavy snow for several hours. so breaking it down for you, what are your snowfall totals? we're going with anywhere between 4, 5, 6 inches of snow, in some places even higher here. for the evening hours tonight, just a mix of showers. tomorrow mixing, and then it's the heavy snow tomorrow afternoon. that window let's say between 1:00 and 8:00 in the evening, it would be thumping snow and it
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would come to an end by tomorrow night. so the damage will be done with the wet, heavy so thatty snow. we'll break it down by neighborhood in the next half hour. >> steve, thank you the lehigh valley may seed a foot the snow. the hardware stores were busy today. >> reporter: that's the sound of a busy day here at albright's. it was enough to drive you crazy. unless you work here, in which case it's husk to your ears. >> this is where we thrive. this is where we do great. >> griffin daly had his hands full. >> you just bang them in. >> reporter: snapping together shovels, and helping endless customers at the register. wherever you see this symbol right here -- >> people will be looking to get
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shovels. though we have done awesome with snow blowers we've seen more go out the last couple days. >> reporter: shovels, gasoline and a lot of rock salt lamp oil just in case. >> hopefully not, but better to be prepared. >> reporter: last week's storm caught some off-guard, but they won't be fooled. >> it was worse that he we thought it would be. more people are prepared this time. >> that was steven fisher reporting. the postal service says male carriers will hold on to the mail if they cannot get safe access. remember, you can counsel on nbc 10 to keep you ahead of this storm, and count on us 24/7.
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download the app to access our live radar, and the -- you with stream our newscast on your smartphone. >> if you're still without wifi, comcast has opened hot spots for anyone who needs them. you don't have to be an x finishity subscriber. open the app on your phone for information. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. our coverage continuing for the next couple hours. we're going to head to montgomery county, to see how electric crews are working to prevent problems. a woman sexually assaulted in center city. >> the victim told police a man approached her as she walked on lombard street. he dragged her to watts street. lauren make spoke to people.
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>> it happened about 5:30 in the morning. you can see the mac walking. he grabs the woman pulling the woman around the corner, where police say he punched and sexually assaulted her and stole her backpack. this is the neighborhood in the daylight, where he showed the people to video who -- >> police just put this out. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: christina turner walks dogs for a living. >> that is ridiculous. as a woman that makes me a little nervous. >> reporter: police also released a second piece of video, showing a man they say was an accomplice, also walking along lombard. >> it makes me a little nervous, you know? i don't know. i always see strangers around here. so i try to stay away from them. >> reporter: the assault happened a block from busy broad street, but passers-by say they're leery walking here after
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hours. >> i hope they catch the person who did it. we'll have new information at 5:00. bill cosby is back in cord for day two of a hearing. his lawyers argued they should be able to tell the jury about a settlement. they want to make it a main focal point of the retrial. he's accused of drugging and molesting a former employee. the attorney said she was greedy for the amount of settlement she got. the first trial ended in a hung jury. president trump is standing firm on his plan to place tariffing on steel and aluminum imports even as members of his own party stressed strong concerns.
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he i cysted he would move forward, calling it something we'll have to wait and see about. >> they can do whatever they would like, but if they do that, then we put a big tax of 25% on their cars. believe me they won't be doing it very long. >> some republicans have expressed concerns that workers who need steel would be hurt by the tariffs. they say americans -- appliances and buildings if the president follows through. a potential breakthrough. south korean officials say kim jong-un has agreed to hold a landmark summit might next month. and the you see the two koreas will meeting next month. the news comes after a delegation met with kim jong-un after a two-day visit. a pizza delivery man is in critical condition after he was
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shot in the neck. police believe it was a setup, and a fake call brought him to hagert street. a gun went off and the driver was hit on the neck. the victim was in so much shock he didn't even know he was shot. philadelphia police say this man is wanted to robbing a business in germantown, and trying to rob another one. police say he walked into an insurance business with a gun, took $200 and cell phones. the second incident happened four days later. please say he walked into a barbershop on germantown with a gun. he tried to rob that business, too, but employees and customers fought back before he ran off. a town in ussics county is still dealing with unsafe water. private wells tested for high levels of pfcs, compounds which have been linked to higher
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cholesterol, even some types of cancer. this is video of crews giving out safe water. it's being provided to people with private wells. back to the coverage of the major storm that will be here in a matter of hours. we have just learned all archdiocesen schools will be closed tomorrow. tammie souza is back with more on the timing. >> the timing will be really baz. it won't be pretty in the morning, but specifically when the kids would be coming home from school would be the most dangerous, which is why you need to stay with us to see what's going on at your child's school. some light show eers we're seei them in northern delaware,
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nothing spreading into philadelphia yet. we may even see some snow showers making their way through the lehigh valley. tonight we are not expecting of in the way of accumulation. we have two systems, the one with all the cold air coming out of midwest. it's been there no several days, and then the one with all the energy. that's coming up the coastline. we're going to watch both of these storm systems meeting up just offshore. like our last big storm on friday. that's where this low is going to intensify and back on it comes -- and everything will quickly turn over to -- that's where we're expecting to see that heavy snow deposited. not so much along the shore.
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so 8:30 we'll starting to the rain showers move across the area. a bit of mixing for you in the valley and the suburbs. by midnight this changes to snow. still above freezing temperatures. well above freezing from philadelphia down through south jersey, so we have a mix from philadelphia, but we are starting to see snow that could be slushy and sticking to the ground overwright. we get to 3:30 in the morning, look at that snow line edging every so close. it's dropped down, we got ought that snow that were a couple degrees above freezing. we get into 7:30 this morning, places like chestnut hill, downtown we may be looking center city, and we have a rain
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across south jersey. noontime, the cold air is wrapping around. we're seeing it intensify, heavy bursts of snow, we're at freezing, right into philadelphia. that i-95 corridor is where we'll see the wobbling line back and forth between rain and snow. once we get into the afternoon, this is all snow. it's depositing quickly from about 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon to 9:00 tomorrow night, maybe even a quick burst down by the jersey shore. temperatures still hovering close to the freezing mark. it's out of here just before midnight. then look at this. we see temperatures dropping further. on thursday we'll remain in the 30s, because we'll have so much snow out there. look at the winds. the gustiest winds are on you along the jersey shore.
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how much snow? seven to 12 in the lehigh valley, 5 to 9 in the suburbs, and actually parts of philadelphia. 2 to 6 from the eastern portion of philadelphia through south jersey, with very little or nothing along the jersey shore and southern delaware. guys, back to you. >> all right, tammie. all philadelphia public schools will be closed tomorrow due to the storm. ahead at 4:00, a mystery around a devastating bus crash. what caused the bus to lose control. dangling feet into the air. what led to the terrifying moments on a ski lift and thousand this ordeal ended. and heading our way continuing, still ahead, the race against time to get the power bam on before the snow and winds set in. first a look at the closing bell on wall street. an up day all around.
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right now at 4:00, we are tracking a nor'easter. it will start with a light mix in lehigh valley this evening, but come tomorrow this time, we will feel the full effect. chief meteorologist tammie souza has your full forecast in minutes. but we have some breaking news. a philadelphia man has been fouled guilty of murdering a transgender woman. a jury hasn't the down that verdict. he was charged with killing diamond williams. police say he had relations with her and he killed her after he found out she was a transgender woman. watch this wild chain reaction, as a city bus in
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dayton, ohio slams into three cars. although rolled for two blocks before it slammed into another car. still unclear exactly what charted that reaction. a child is saved by quick-thinking workers who rushed to catch her. staffers from big bear mountain in california gathered below the 5-year-old girl how woulding a team. the mom says she slipped from the lift after it started moving. thank goods in they were there. coming up next at 4:00, we're tracking the timing of this storm. we're already starting toss some rain showers approach. tomorrow is literally going to be a hot mess. the times you shouldn't leave your house tomorrow, we'll run it down neighborhood by neighborhood to let you know what to expect. mother nature cooperating with power crews today.
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it's the race against time to restore electricity before more damaging winds and heavy snow arrive. next. and all new at 5:00, tricky travel. transportation agencies already changing their plans ahead of the storm. what you need to know to get to work on time.
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is a.
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packing a one-two punch. here's a look the two storms senior going together off the coast. that's going to bring gusty winds and snow across the area. and many bracing for round 2. neighbors are cleaning up, trying to minimize any other damage, but the damage to this home here -- we have more in a
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minute. the weather is looking call here right now, but come this time tomorrow, we will see drastic changes. thank you for stays with us at 4:00. as the coverage you can count on to get you through this winter storm. meteorologiest steve is checking on -- >> tammie souza is tracking when the snow will begin to fall. the first alert is in effect at 11:00 tonight. also south jersey and northern portions of delaware. we're expecting a rough compute tomorrow morning, horng tomorrow evening and very bad as everything is starting to be cleaned up on thursday morning. accumulating snow, some of it could be a foot or more. some of pennsylvania suburbs
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could be pushing a foot and we could see half a foot in some areas, depending on where the rain/snow line sets up, and how quickly everything changes over. tomorrow will be a fast change. it will be tomorrow morning, especially tomorrow night, and thursday morning. we're going to see some gusty winds, not last the last time. when you have heavy wet snow on tree branches, that's all it takes to bring down trees and power lines. tonight we'll see the light showers moving in. rain showers from the city south. we will tomorrow morning see the steady snow, several inches, and northern or the far northern suburbs. we'll also see mixing near i-95. the heaviest snow moves in, and
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then by late tomorrow night, we start to see it taper off. here's what we're looking at now. spotty rain showers moving through chester county, also into parts of delaware county. the crowds are already moving in. we have light snow taking place, and off to the west, the main body of the storm system with the cold air ready to meet up. steve will be along in just a couple minutes. we'll have the snow totals expected in our suburbs. in montgomery county, it is that race against the clock to restore electricity. >> there's still nearly 7,000 in the dark. we have more from cydney. >> reporter: it may takes several months to repair the damage. remarkably when this giant tree fell on their home, crushing part of the second and third
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story, they tell me they had three miracles. it was just before 3:00 on friday. >> it landed right through my 7-year-old daughter's berm. >> reporter: this oak tree crashed through the room form the godsend, his daughter was at school. he wife was inside, but she's okay. >> not much of a memory, but kind of in shock. >> reporter: remarkably one of the only ones who didn't lose power, and they are grateful for a solid stone crux. the home built in 1908, did not let mother nature win. >> we even work with arborists to make sure our trees were okay. this one was okay, until it wasn't. >> reporter: now with the birds chirping in the backdrop, power crews have the blessing of sunshine to dig in, repair and replace power poles that looked like this before they were snapped in half. >> that's where we were
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terrified, the damage and trees were crashing down. >> we at the end of the line, we're the last five or six people. >> reporter: thisser still without power, running a generator. >> i think we will be reacting to a different situation. i'm hoping the winds will not be as high. >> thanks to those guys. >> reporter: as for the rooftop, it's sealed up in the nick of time. they're heaping several layers are tarp will hold up against the elements. in tomorrow's snowstorm, they will be out of their home for at least six months until it did all be repaired and rebuilt. i'm cydney long. steve is joining us with the
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impact. and certainly areas we are higher levels of confidence. so let's look at the hour by hour for chester, montgomery and bucks county. the pink means you'll see some snowflakes, but also mixing in with sleet pellets and rain showers. that's not a sticking accumulating snow. as we work the clock through, though, now how part of it is in white and this is the really tough zone to figure out where that rain/snow line sets up. in you're in upper chester, areas lie quakerstown or north of coatesville, i think you're snow for most of the storm. this is why it's an hour by hour situation, and you need to keep checking in. by 9:00 we start to flip most of
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these areas to snow. it will be a heavy thumping in the afternoon hours. so the extension of the turnpike, the pennsylvania turnpike and more you'll be dealing with snow. we're looking at anywhere between 5 and 9 inches of snow with the highest numbers north and west, and the worst travel periods here tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon. we'll have another update. tammie is showing storm ranger 10 in a few minutes. next at 4:00, the lottery that could determine where your child goes to school. and only at 5:00, it's called heart attack snow. how to probtect yourself.
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so i want my glasses my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at welcome back. here's a live look at i-95 heading northbound. this looks like a typically
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evening commute, but in a matter of hours, a nor'easter will bring heavy, wet snow. count on nbc 10 to prepare you. download the app for real-time traffic conditions and our interactive radar. we are also getting school closings right now. tammie souza will have your full forecast in minutes. happening now, smooth, science and technology charter school is holding its annual admission lottery. the school got more than 3600 applications to fill only 100 open spots. the cool has on the open for the kindergarten class. there are more than 1,000 applications for that. the philadelphia fire department spent the day installing smoke detectors. they handed out safety pamphlets. they were out there because a person died in a house fire last month, and investigators believe a working smock detector could have prevented that fire from becoming deadly.
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but it's snow we're also concerned about. staying safe could depending on how prepared you are. what the experts from homeland security recommend. things you may not have considered. that's coming up. and look at this cold air that will wrap in around it. some of us will be shoveling a lot of snow. we'll break it down for you. is it you? we'll be right back.
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thanks for coming in today. when it comes to planning for retirement, i get this a lot. first comes denial. not worried. plenty of time and money. then anger. why didn't i start saving years ago?? then fear. what am i gonna do now? bargaining. what if i start saving more next year.
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then, acceptance. we should get started. ♪ ♪ ask me how a citizens retirement checkup® can help you reach your potential. ♪ ♪ in doesn't mar where you go these days, more and more apartments and condos are going up. while there's a need for more housing, people believe builders are putting up the wrong kind. nearly a quarter of all rental house holds spend more than half their income on rent.
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other builders are choosing to rehab older apartment. later this month, close to 100 vacant properties in atlantic city will be auctioned off. the casino reinvestment authority is behind it. it includes residential and commercial properties and will be sold in packages. you can find out more at a meeting next week. back to our weather scene a lots of roads are still shut down. this was the seen this morning. and restore power. along lincoln drive there's still a large tree across the busy radio. this as we continue to track our next nor'easter.
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>> tammie souza is back with the forecast you can count on. by this time tomorrow it will be -- >> it will be bad. i hope you all are home and have power so you can watch and keep up on what's going on. we're going to see some power lines down again, and tomorrow is not the time to be on the road. now certainly there's going to be gradations in here. we'll see bands of snow setting up. when you go from philadelphia, right along that i-95 corridor, that will be a very discerning line. 20 miles either side of that we'll see the wobble between rain and snow. right now, all of the counties in bright pink, that's under the winter storm warning. where you see the shades of purple, that's where we're see the winter storm watch. it looks like for the most part
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it's not going to be anywhere where we see, especially for all of you in the upper pennsylvania suburbs. that's where i think we'll see pockets of very heavy snow that could be up to a foot in some areas. the doppler radar is already picking up rain showers that we were expecting. this is the leading edge, hours to go before it gets closer to us. you can see even if philadelphia some sprinkles are trying to make it to the ground. some of it may be evaporating, because the atmosphere is dry out there, so it may be in the form of verirga. what we are looking at is all the returns coming in. we're able to see when this changes over to snow and rain the second that it does. so we'll be able to tell you in the suburbs as the eveningwears on and early tomorrow morning what's going on out there. in fact right now in you're in
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reading, there are some showers trying to make it to the ground, and even in douglas a little shower. we have some snow that's making its way through the area. that's in the mountain areas, further to the west is the main body of the storm that has the cold air wrapping around. and these two systems will come together right off of our coastline, just like the friday storm did. it won't intensify quite as much. by 9:00 showers across delaware, maybe rain showers and snow starting to make its way into the lehigh valley. 1:00 in the morning, you are looking at some wet, heavy snow. look at the temperatures right around freezing. up into the poconos, a mix across philadelphia. rain by. >> caller: tomorrow morning across south jersey. philadelphia, wilmington, mt.
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holly. look at the suburbs still in suburbs. you have a lot of snow, burks cow, lehigh valley, suburbs at 1:00 in the afternoon. that's when starts to transition right on down to wilmington. look at the burst of snow that comes through, and finally at (9) tomorrow night it moves out of the area and we'll be doing a lot of shoveling. those airs where you saw the snow lingering could see up to a foot of snow. make sure you have bat ritz for your flashlights, give a quick burst of heat. if you lose power, you won't get coal quite as quickly. you don't know if you're going to lose power, so keep that fridge closed, and charge the phones up. you may not have the power to do it. guys, back over to you. and prepare your home, what
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experts at homeland security recommend having on hand as the nor'easter moves? and the best working states for women. all news at 5:00, which state in our area landed at the top of the list.
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another major storm, and now is the time to get ready for it. we have information on how to keep you safe. >> remember, this is one of your friends, your cell phone. don't forget to fully charge it, and program it with emergency apps, and important numbers, including family and emergency services. >> a nor'easter is coming, so we
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figured we better go to the store and get groceries. >> reporter: you may want to get to the store. some of the key items the department of homeland security recommends are nonperishable feeds that do not need heating or cooking, such as nutrition bars, canned meats and tuna. bottled water. flashlights and batteries. for outside the house, you may want to have shovels and salt. and you should prep your car. i talked to triple a. pack an emergency kit with a fully charged cell phone, snacks for you and your pet. blane either and extra warm clothing. if you plan to drive in bad weather bev you head on you, clear off all the snow, give yourself extra time and stay six car lengths behind snowplows. aaa also suggests to fill up quire gas tank, plus here are
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some important don'ts if you lose power. homeland security says do not operate generators indoor, use charcoal to cook in doors or use a gas oven to to heat your home. >> people have to be cautious. >> you could have a serious health issue if you do those things. once that snow stops falling, you'll want to get out, do things, start to shovel. some serious tips to make sure you stay healthy and safe. >> two words -- heavy snow. >> dangerous stuff. we're just getting started. >> the weather team got new information about tomorrow's snowstorm. >> we're breaking down the forecast for your neighborhood. plus transportation tour. all new at 5:00, your commute
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will be impacted. we'll tell you what is closed and what transit agencies are operating. >> by tomorrow we'll be looking at heavy snow. how much will your neighborhood get? reel break it down with the timing and totals. and why or meteorologists are calling this round of weather heart attack snow.
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tack a look at the radar. a powerful storm is just hours away. right now it's a race against the clock and communities are still reeling from the last winter wallop. heavy and more power lines, knocking out the lights for customer, and bringing travel to a standstill. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm keith jones. listen, now is the time to prepare. schools have already cansed -- scrolling at the bottom of your screen we have live team coverage as the storm approaches.
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ref a neighborhood by neighborhood forecast. we start with tammie souza, who is track the the storm's path. glue we are going to be heavy wet snow deposited on everything. here's the timing of everything. early tomorrow morning, we'll see a steadier


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