tv Late Night With Seth Meyers NBC March 7, 2018 12:37am-1:38am EST
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- luke bryan. mayor of los angeles, eric garcetti. music from luke bryan, featuring the 8g band with zach danziger. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. ♪ >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] in that case, let's get to the news. according to the "national journal," former president george w. bush frequently jokes about the trump administration, saying, quote, "makes me look pretty good, doesn't it?" [ light laughter ] okay, but i wouldn't be too excited that this is what it
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takes to make you look good. [ laughter ] here, watch this. now you look terrible again. [ light laughter ] easy come, easy go. president trump this morning denied there is chaos in the white house, tweeting, quote, "there is no chaos, only great energy." well, if this president thing doesn't work out he can always get a job writing fortune cookies. [ laughter ] president trump this morning tweeted about the low tv ratings for this year's academy awards, tweeting, quote, "lowest-rated oscars in history. problem is we don't have stars anymore except your president. just kidding, of course." [ laughter ] but yeah, trump should have been at the oscars. i mean, he is "the shape of water." [ laughter and applause ] in an interview with the "washington post," former trump aide sam nunberg said that he has been subpoenaed by special counsel robert mueller, but is
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refusing to go, saying, quote, "let him arrest me." and then in an interview with everybody, nunberg said, and i quote, "trump may very well have done something during the election. carter page colluded with the russians. sarah huckabee sanders is a joke, and nobody hates donald trump more than me." [ light laughter ] wow! apparently, he believes the first step in trump's infrastructure plan is to burn all the bridges. [ laughter ] look at that dude. even his eyebrows said, "screw this, we're out of here." [ laughter and applause ] >> hey, uh -- >> seth: oh. >> oh, hey, did i hear my name? >> seth: oh, hey, everybody, it's sam nunberg. give it up for sam nunberg, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] how -- how are you doing, sam? >> not good, seth. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] i have to say that that doesn't surprise me. i mean, again, yesterday you called in, you appeared on multiple cable shows, you dared robert mueller to arrest you. you promised to rip up a subpoena then you said a terrible thing about your former co-workers including the president. >> yeah. and i am sorry, but, you know,
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we've all been there, seth. you know when you go to a bar and say, "i'm just going to have one?" well, that was my plan last night. [ light laughter ] i'm just going to call in to cnn. then one cnn leads to an msnbc, then that leads to another cnn and the next thing you know you're passed out on the citi bike. >> seth: oh, i see. [ laughter ] so in this analogy the talk show appearances were like drinks? >> yes. and i also had a lot of drinks. >> seth: oh, gotcha. [ laughter ] >> and let me tell you, nothing is worse than when you wake up and you find a piece of paper in your pocket and your first thought is, "maybe some nice lady gave me her number." but then you open up the paper and it's a [ bleep ] subpoena. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] i could see that being very jarring. now, some are criticizing the news outlets for putting you on tv last night when it seemed as though you might not have your faculties about you. >> exactly. at least in a bar they say, "hey, man, maybe you've had one too many." i mean, i'm a 36-year-old man who thought donald trump would make a good president. i can't be trusted to make my own decisions. >> seth: yeah, no, that's a good point. >> how dare you, cable news?
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[ cheers and applause ] how dare you! >> seth: yeah, you tell them. you tell them. >> their fault! look, in the end i just went on a couple of shows, said some things i shouldn't have said and pissed off the fbi. you know, we've all been there. >> seth: no, no, we haven't. [ laughter ] >> okay, boys will be boys? >> seth: no, that's not a good excuse. >> que sera sera? >> seth: no. >> bon voyage? >> seth: yeah, all right, that's fine. [ laughter ] you're in big trouble. sam nunberg, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] new york city is bracing for a nor'easter tomorrow that could bring up to ten inches of snow. so just a head's up, it may disrupt subway service starting around two years ago. [ laughter ] scientists have discovered a new super colony of penguins after their manure was spotted from space. said the penguins, "thanks a lot, carl!" [ laughter and applause ] carl. the penguin who eats chipotle. [ laughter ] arnold schwarzenegger has
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announced he will star in a sixth "terminator" film, which will begin production this fall. in this one, arnold goes back in time to stop them from making the fifth "terminator" film. [ light laughter ] the fish and wildlife service announced recently they will now consider allow all permits for importing elephant trophies from africa, which is unsurprising considering trump imports trophies from eastern europe. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter and applause ] and finally, p.e.t.a. sent a letter today to first lady melania trump urging her to include vegan candy at this year's white house easter egg roll. whew, well if you're worried about that, wait 'til you see what she did with the bunny. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. he's a judge on abc's "american idol," and he's also going perform a track from his latest album, "what makes you country." luke bryan is here, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
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and from the great city of los angeles, mayor eric garcetti joins us tonight, as well. can't wait to talk to him. [ cheers and applause ] you know, lately, i've been hearing a lot of talk about bitcoin. it's a risky investment with people gaining and losing huge amounts of money overnight. and hearing all of this talk it's got me to thinking, you know, i'm getting older and sometimes i look around and i don't even recognize the world i'm living in anymore. things are changing every day and i've got to be honest, they're not always changing for the better. and sometimes i like to just sit back, take a moment to talk about how things were just a bit more simple "back in my day." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: back in my day, we weren't losing all our money by investing in bitcoin. malarkey! back in my day, we were smart. we saved our money, and stored it in solid, low-risk, secure investments like beanie babies.
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[ laughter ] back in my day, we didn't have a black superhero called the black panther. nope! back then we had a black superhero named steve harvey. [ light laughter ] and his super power was hosting 80% of all of the shows on television. [ light laughter ] back in my day, we didn't have these fancy-pants apple airpods. no, sir. back in my day if you wanted to buy something that you'd lose almost immediately, you had to eat at chipotle. [ laughter ] back in my day, we didn't have no opioid epidemic. no, sir! back in my day if i said i was getting high on percs, it meant i was settling down for a night with a great book called "perks of being a wallflower" by stephen chabowski, because the hollowed out pages of that book is where i hid my percocet. [ laughter ]
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back in my day, america wasn't winning the gold in curling, no, sir. the only curling we cared about was on the head of one mr. kenny g. it looked like a thousand silky telephone cords. [ dog barking ] that's right, rusty. my son was conceived to one of his albums. [ laughter ] everyone was. in fact, the "g" in kenny "g" stands for "got you pregnant." [ laughter ] kenny got you pregnant. back in my day we didn't have audio books. no, sir. back in my day if i wanted to hear someone tell me a three-hour story, i'd have to listen to a voice mail from my mom. [ laughter ] and back then we didn't have no podcast, neither. if you wanted to listen to two people arguing in a garage, you'd had to drop by your neighbor hank's place, looking to borrow his leaf blower. and when you realize that he and his wife marjorie were fighting you'd be like, "oh, sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt. i can come back another time." and hank would say, "no, no, stay. you should hear this. everyone should hear this." [ laughter ] and marjorie would say, "it's
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not any of his business, hank." and hank would be like, "no, i think we would all like to know why you've been so friendly with kevin the ups guy." and marjorie would say, "maybe it's because he's nice to me and his breath doesn't always smell like clam chowder." and hank would say, "well, sorry for being on an all-soup diet. at least i'm open to trying new things." [ laughter ] and then you'd say, "yeah, i just came for the leaf blower." that was our podcast. [ laughter ] back in my day we didn't have the president possibly getting impeached for colluding with the ruskies. codswallop. codswallop! [ laughter ] back in my day, our presidents had integrity. why the only thing they might be impeached for was getting a teeny, tiny bit of oral sex and then lying about it to congress. [ laughter and applause ] and finally back in my day we weren't sitting around watching "this is us" on the old boob tube. no, sir, if you wanted to sit in front of the tv and cry your eyes out at something, you just watched that sarah mclachlan aspca commercial.
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[ laughter ] [ dog barking ] oh, hush up, rusty, you were not in that commercial. [ dog barking ] what? you have a clip? all right, let's see it. ♪ ♪ in the arms of the angel may you find some comfort here ♪ ♪ >> seth: i take it back! you were in it. god damn! i'm sorry i had to do that, but sometimes a grape in the guss is worth a two in the gramps. this has been "back in my day." we'll be right back with luke bryan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ does this map show the peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop.
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you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models. now through april 2nd. no! i don't want there to be white marks. nothing! there's no dust, there's no marks... oh my god, it's dove! no white marks... ...on a 100 colors dove invisible dry spray, awarded best of beauty by allure. that's the new rockstar. ♪ hurry in to old navy for thousands of styles on sale from five, ten, and fifteen dollars, at old navy.
12:49 am
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c(puppy barks) you can do it duck. hurry up duck! you can do it duck. iams. helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. so you can always look forward to what's next. i grew up in the projects and so home ownership was not an option for us. i am taking the steps to own a home because i want my children to know it's all so that they can have a better life. oh my gosh. this is amazing. we're so much closer to home ownership.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back, everybody! give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also back with us again tonight, he's a chameleon in the world of music and can currently be seen and heard with his innovative group edit bunker. and you can check out his cover story in the march issue of "modern drummer" magazine. zach danziger, everybody. thank you very much for being here, zach. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is a country music superstar who has twice been named entertainer of the year by both the academy of country music and the country music association. his latest album, "what makes you country" is available now. he's also a judge on the new
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"american idol" which premieres sunday night on abc. let's take a look. >> where are you from and who are you? >> i'm from livingston, louisiana. >> do you hunt gator? >> sometimes. >> have you ever caught an alligator on a top water plug? >> no, i haven't. >> have you ever caught an alligator on the top water plug? >> i don't even know what the hell you're talking about. [ laughter ] >> well, it's bass bait. i'm just checking. i'm checking this boy's -- i'm getting this boy's country cred. please be able to sing. [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome to the show luke bryan, everyone! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: that is a -- [ cheers and applause ] >> i sounded like it was back in my day right there. >> seth: yeah. >> i don't even talk like that.
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i don't even know what i was doing talking to that -- >> seth: i was going to say, i watched the old "american idol." there were hardly any questions about alligators. [ laughter ] >> it's a new day. >> seth: it is a new day. >> you bet. >> seth: before i ask you about "american idol," i want to congratulate you. nominated for entertainer of the year again. >> yeah, yes. thank you. yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: and you come from a very supportive community in country music. do you find -- are you a supportive judge on "idol?" is that where you come at it from? >> well, it's interesting. you know, when you -- everybody wants to know, well, who's the mean one? who is the one that -- >> seth: yeah. >> that just -- that just tears them apart, but you know, we all -- being artists, i think, you know, we've all been there. >> seth: sure. >> and heard rejection and "no" and the motivating -- the motivating sounds of "no" as an artist. and -- so when we're dealing with these kids, we -- you know, we're very truthful. and i've even walked off set and some of the people backstage that watch the monitors, you know, all of the people back there. you've got them. but -- anyways.
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[ light laughter ] but they were like, "you are really -- you were kind of stern with them." and i was like -- and i didn't even realize it because i was caught up in trying to really give them good, you know, good advice. you know, to carry them -- to carry them, you know, far down the road in music and it is interesting. you know, a lot of these kids -- you know, i lied awake at night wondering, "gosh, did we make the right decision on so and so?" i mean, it's -- >> seth: yeah. >> really, really important. and you know, a lot of these kids, we may -- we're not going to bat 1,000. we're not going to -- we get caught up in the emotion of it all, too, and we have to make decisions pretty fast. i mean, we've got to cut them to 100 to 50 to -- you know? but, you know, these kids -- i'm trying to land the plane here, but these kids, you know, they may go on -- [ laughter ] these kids will go on, and even if we cut them, they'll still work hard and get record deals. >> seth: had you been a contestant back in the day -- >> oh. >> seth: when you were their age, how do you think would you
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have come through? >> i would have been the "aw, shucks" gullible country boy. >> seth: yeah. >> that could -- that could sing a little bit but i would have had to lean on my charming personality. >> seth: uh-huh. [ laughter ] >> my wit. >> seth: yeah. >> i -- >> seth: you probably would have brought a dead alligator to prove you can do that. >> yes, i would have proved that ability. but the main thing with me is i wouldn't have known who i was as an artist. i think -- we've got one -- we've got one girl that's -- that's going through the high rounds and, you know, she's 18 years old and she knows exactly who she is. >> seth: yeah, that's crazy. >> as an artist. i mean, if you sent her a song, the most obscure song, she would turn it into hers. and she's not the best singer in the world. she's not the best, you know, musician in the world, but she is such an artist, we can't get enough of her, and i wouldn't have had that. i was still trying to sing like all my heroes at the time. >> seth: yeah, sure. well, that's nice when people can figure it out early. i know that you're close to blake shelton. >> oh, yes. >> seth: obviously, he's on "the
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voice." did you reach out to him for advice? did you say, "should i go do --" >> sadly, i did. >> seth: yeah. >> i don't know why. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, that's weird. >> i would recommend to never reach out to him. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> no, he was -- when he heard -- it's funny, i think blake knew about me, you know, because blake's -- you know, he's in tv. he hears all of the whispers, but -- >> seth: oh, yeah. >> i think he knew about me -- >> seth: he's showbiz. yeah. >> he -- yeah, mr. showbiz. mr. sexiest man alive and all that. [ laughter ] >> seth: how did that go over in the country community when blake was sexiest man alive? >> we were quite perplexed. >> seth: yeah. >> but we got over it. [ laughter ] >> seth: sure, yeah. >> no, we -- [ applause ] no, he is a beautiful man. >> seth: yes, thank you. [ laughter ] yeah. >> from a distance. >> seth: yeah. >> and -- [ laughter ] >> seth: when he's here we make him sit all the way at the end. yeah. >> yeah, you, like, move the couch. oh, that's anchored! yeah, you're not moving that thing. [ laughter ] but, yeah, blake did call me and, man, he was really excited for me because, you know, in the country world, man, we -- like, i love touring. i love getting on the bus, rolling down the road, hanging with my buds, going and playing
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shows. and blake was excited because he -- he wanted to see my reaction to this whole other segment. >> seth: right. >> i mean, tv has its own -- you know, tv has its own little lane and even -- even when, you know, we were rolling into the city yesterday and there's a big billboard, "american idol." and here's this -- this yahoo right here, and i'm like, "ooh, all right, it's about to get interesting." but blake was really excited for me because he knew it was something that i would enjoy, and i have. it's been -- when i'm on set, you know, it's been 10, 12-hour days, but it's fun in this role. i'm enjoying. >> seth: you have something else really exciting coming up. i know you're still going on tour which is really exciting and you're playing some stadiums. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: some baseball stadiums. dodger stadium. >> dodger stadium. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: first -- is this true? the first country music show ever at dodger stadium. >> first. first country show ever at dodger stadium, and we're
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doing -- we're putting dates up for fenway. >> seth: oh, that's exciting. [ cheers ] >> and wrigley. i was almost scared that i hadn't announced all my venues so i wanted to keep it secret, but -- [ laughter ] but it's been amazing. we got sam hunt out with us. >> seth: that's great. >> and john hardy and -- [ cheers ] so it's going to be -- it's going to be a fun summer. a lot of fun tailgating and country music at dodger stadium! it's going to be a first. [ cheers ] >> seth: country music at dodger stadium. your album is about how country you are. >> yes. >> seth: is there something -- is there anything you left out? >> on the song -- >> seth: yeah. >> "what makes you country?" >> seth: yeah. because, i mean, it tells a lot of what makes you country? >> let me see, um -- you know, we have multiple pigs on the farm. >> seth: yeah. that's good. that makes you country. >> that's quite important. >> seth: yeah. >> i have a farm truck that's used just for the farm. >> okay. >> it doesn't even have a license plate. >> seth: oh, wow! [ laughter ] >> so you're not allowed to even drive it on -- >> seth: you can't take it out on the road. >> on pavement. >> seth: yeah. >> and lastly, yeah. i have hired a full-time bass fishing -- [ laughter ]
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i mean, have a guy that -- i have this bass lake and his job is to grow the bass to -- [ light laughter ] the biggest bass in the world. >> seth: wow! he's full time? >> full time. >> seth: so what does he do? does he kind of just go around with a plate on a boat and just -- [ laughter ] >> he hand feeds them. >> seth: he hand feeds the bass. >> you know, he gives them massages so they can -- [ laughter ] swim. >> seth: he has a bass spa. >> so they can swim -- yeah, the bass spa. >> seth: gotcha. [ laughter ] now are these -- do these bass get so fat that they're easier to catch? >> yeah, then they're so -- they're so portly they don't really swim well. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] do you have to even throw a hook or do you just reach in? >> so, they're just, like, you hook them and they're just like -- "ahh, i'm tired!" [ laughter ] >> seth: "just end this!" >> "it's stressful being in your pond!" [ laughter ] >> seth: that's pretty country. yeah. [ laughter ] to have a full time bass guy is pretty country. >> they're all -- we release them, though, so it's not like we're growing them for, like, some weird high-grade sushi, bass sushi.
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[ laughter ] >> seth: gotcha. so you just catch them -- >> so i people come -- yeah, we just catch them and -- >> seth: and you throw them back. >> yeah, so they're -- yeah, they're like our -- they're like our little pets, you know. >> seth: that's really nice. yeah. >> but, you know, the boys get out there and, you know, we've spent a lot of time growing these fish. we're trying to catch, like -- anyways, it requires a lot of time, i've learned. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, that's why you need a bass guy. >> and my boys -- my boys will run up to the back porch and they're like, "dad, i caught this." and i'm like, "son, get back to the pond -- [ laughter ] and get the fish back in the lake. [ laughter ] his eyes are drying out. get him back in there." so -- >> seth: all right. all right. well, every part of that is more country than any interaction i've had with my son. >> i would hope so. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] thank you so much -- >> but, we catch you up with your son. >> seth: all right, thank you very much. thanks for sticking around and doing a song. >> yeah. >> seth: i can't wait. >> yeah, me, too. >> seth: such a pleasure. >> fire it up. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: luke bryan, everybody! "american idol" premiers sunday night on abc. we'll be right back with mayor eric garcetti. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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now your nbc 10 first alert weather. good evening. first alert for the nor'easter that's just starting to impact the region continues throughout our pennsylvania neighborhoods. we're talking lehigh valley, and philadelphia as well as south jersey and northern delaware. these are areas now through 7:00 a.m. thursday we are under a first alert because of accumulating snow leading to messy commutes. in fact my drive in not too long ago was already getting a little rough because of that snowfall progressing north into the suburbs. we're also looking at gustier winds picking up in the afternoon hours with the snow sticking to power lines and trees, pulling those lines down yet again. looking at radar and satellite,
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we are just starting to get impact, that coastal hoe still h -- low still has to intensify. this is just the beginning of what we are seeing across the region. burks county, radar indicates that's stretching all the way through do through dover. but it is snow, as we progress along into the suburbs. it's a light but steady snow but coming sideways at you. driving very difficult. our mobile x-band radar is confirming everything down at the surface as snow throughout the pennsylvania suburbs. snow falling in parts of burlington, stretching to gloucester county. middletown, that area starting to change over to mostly rain falling. even though radar sometimes has a tendency to show snowfi highe
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up in the atmosphere. we will see the snow as we progress through the morning hours. we will have an update to the forecast coming up in less than an hour. ♪ no! i don't want there to be white marks. nothing! there's no dust, there's no marks... oh my god, it's dove! no white marks... ...on a 100 colors dove invisible dry spray, awarded best of beauty by allure. aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts...
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is the mayor of los angeles. please welcome to the show mayor eric garcetti! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome! >> hi. thank you. >> seth: you know, my brother lives in l.a., i have so many friends in l.a. they always brag about the weather, and now you're in new york as the nor'easter is bearing down. [ light laughter ] >> 77 degrees and sunny in l.a. today. >> seth: yeah, well -- >> but i'll be back there tomorrow so no worries. >> seth: you think you'll be back there tomorrow. [ laughter ] >> i know, right. that's what i was worried about. >> seth: i got a feeling you're going to be my next guest tomorrow. >> yeah, do you have a place to sleep? >> seth: yeah. we got a place for you. >> awesome. awesome. >> seth: i'm always fascinated to talk to mayors because, obviously, we spend a lot of time on this show talking about national politics.
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and the people there spend a lot of time in their home districts, but obviously a lot of time in d.c. >> yeah. >> seth: you spend all your time living where you serve. >> yeah. >> seth: you live amongst your constituents. are people always coming up to you and telling them -- their problems? >> of course. it's the most direct democracy you can have. i mean, people find you at the grocery store. people find you at the park. i mean, they'll come up to you and tell you anything. you're like kind of a confessor and a priest. they'll say, like, "hey mayor, i had a great date last night." [ laughter ] like, "awesome!" which, i'm like, "i had a terrible date last night." "well, let's talk about that. why?" >> seth: yeah. >> and -- >> seth: did you run on a dating platform? >> i did. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, okay. >> that could be taken two ways. >> seth: yeah, exactly. >> no, i basically also have my parents as my constituents. so, you know, if you have a jewish mother ever before, like, it's like i'm at a community meeting, they're like, "the traffic's is really bad on the west side of l.a." i said, "i know. my mom called me yesterday -- [ laughter ] she had trouble getting to my dad." and so it's a very accountable thing, but all joking aside, it's also where politics still lives. it's a place where you can listen to people, solve their problems and actually accomplish something, which is so different than what we see in washington. and that's not unique to l.a.
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that's every local community, i think, where we live. so, you know, don't give up on american politics just because of what you hear coming out of d.c. >> seth: and do you think in general, there's more optimism -- [ applause ] and -- there's a better chance for optimism and change on a local level than there is on a national level? >> yeah, and, you know, most politics happens locally anyway. >> seth: right. >> i mean, it didn't matter whether it was going to be president trump or president clinton, most of the work you're going to do on the environment in in your own backyard. most of the work you're going to do on jobs, on education, on your commute and transportation. and people forget that. because we think -- i think we cede a lot of power to washington, d.c. but look at these kids in florida. like, that's their local community. there's more leadership coming out of our teenagers -- >> steve: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> than coming out of washington, d.c. and i also think it's practical leadership. people have strong beliefs in our cities, our local communities, but they also want to see the job get done. they won't settle just for a tweet, a re-tweet, a countertweet.
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they want us to actually fix the street. like, do something. >> seth: yeah. >> and the nice thing about being a mayor, if i don't fix it, i'm on that pothole again. >> seth: so more streets, less tweets! >> absolutely! >> seth: more streets -- >> more streets, less tweets! >> seth: less tweets! [ laughter ] >> i like it. >> seth: well, of course, one of this -- problem in l.a., you mentioned potholes. >> yeah. >> seth: obviously traffic's a huge deal. you guys have the olympics coming in 2028. >> yes. >> seth: and i feel like this is the first time in a long time that i've heard someone actually got a good deal -- >> yeah. >> seth: as a host city for the olympics. and you have an initiative called "28 for '28." >> yes. >> seth: is this about public transportation or just general traffic? >> yeah, well, we're the -- unfortunately, not only the car capital but the traffic capital of america. but voters -- the same night that president trump was elected, there was other stuff on the ballot, and we passed a $120 billion initiative to build 15 transit lines in l.a. where cars reign supreme. and by '28, 2028 when the olympics come, we'll have 28 of those projects done that are improvements of roads, new lines. a lot of middle-class jobs, too, that you can't export. and i think people talk about politics, they say words like "infrastructure." what does that mean? it means me getting home to my wife, my daughter.
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it means me deciding that i can make it to that date on time, take that job. we forgot to talk about things in human terms, so we're accelerating all this cool stuff for the olympics. i'm really proud that america will get the olympics back for the summer games. the first time since 1996, and we're going to make money off it. because we have everything basically built in l.a., from the rams' stadium that's going to becoming up, using ucla as our -- as our olympic village. so we can focus on providing sports to a bunch of kids leading up to then and after. >> seth: that's really exciting. [ cheers and applause ] you mentioned you're the capital of traffic. >> yes. >> seth: another huge problem that l.a.'s had is homelessness. >> absolutely. >> seth: and this is a problem around the country, especially in big cities, but particularly bad in l.a. and getting worse. what do you do? how do you address the problem of homelessness in big cities when housing is becoming more and more unaffordable? >> and people always ask that. how can it be when have such a strong economy? people are living in tents on the street in washington, d.c., in seattle, san francisco, l.a., fresno. it's not -- it's red cities, it's blue cities, it's around the country.
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and i think we haven't built housing in this country and we've seen federal government kind of no longer take any responsibility. it was under president reagan in the early '80s that there was a homelessness program with democrats and republicans who said it's unacceptable for a kid who was a foster youth to be living on the street, for veterans to come home from war and be living on our streets. but the nice thing l.a., voters passed not just one, but two initiatives to build 10,000 units of housing and also provide services for folks that are struggling with mental health, with addiction, with all of the trauma that they -- you know, sexual violence they've experienced and things like that. and that money is just starting to flow. so i'm confident by the time the olympics come we can end homelessness on the streets of l.a. but washington can't take a pass on this. they have cut the dollars every year -- democrats and republicans -- for the last decade and we need, you know, help. this isn't just a local l.a. problem. it's national. >> seth: you mentioned your mother, a jewish mother. >> yes. >> seth: italian father who -- >> whose mexican-american with an italian last name. >> seth: yeah, so --
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>> it's complicated. >> seth: it was a bit of a soup. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: but, like, very -- obviously you -- your grandfather or your father -- >> father's father. >> seth: your grandfather was sort of a dreamer before the term existed. >> yeah. he was born in mexico, during the mexican revolution. my great-grandfather was hanged during the revolution and my great-grandmother picked up her son, one-year-old, and just did what mothers do and crossed the border and came over. eventually made it to l.a. and we didn't have that term back then. he wasn't a citizen. he didn't have papers. but when world war ii broke out he had two young kids and he volunteered to fight for the only country he knew, just like dreamers today serve in our army. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> and are teaching in our schools, and he got his citizenship as a result. and i'm here, you know, mayor of the second biggest city in america because this country said that service matters. your patriotism matters, and yesterday was the deadline for dreamers. and i don't know if you folks noticed it, but washington didn't pass, as they said they would, a resolution for them, let alone for other immigrants we need to take care of. and in l.a., we embrace that. we embrace immigrants because they're our strength.
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they help protect our streets, they help our economy. and i think about my grandfather and i think about those dreamers today who, i don't know how washington functions, but i guess they don't have to live up to their word. where i am, you do what you say you're going to do and you actually live up to your word and get results. >> seth: i -- [ cheers and applause ] i can't help, but notice you kind of keep mentioning washington and how washington's maybe not that great. you've also maybe been thinking about running for president one of these days, maybe sooner than later. some on the right would criticize you and say you are the definition of a hollywood elitist because you are from hollywood. >> mayor of hollywood. >> seth: yeah, the mayor of hollywood. >> that's good. >> seth: are you worried about how they might tie you to the entertainment industry, which i feel like has become such a bugaboo to the right? >> i think -- look, if we look at how well the white house is going -- i might not run because they're doing such a good job right now. >> seth: yeah, i agree with you. what are going to do? [ laughter ] >> like, i don't have to do that well. >> seth: how do you improve perfection? right. yeah.
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>> you know, in hollywood, look, it's -- we're that this is one of the american signature industries to the world. and, you know, i'm involved. i started a program there called entertainment evolve fund to make sure, long before "oscars so white" and the "me, too" movement that we have kids who are growing up in communities of color. more women and girls, producing, directing, starring in, being the grips and the crew in hollywood, because we're missing so many stories. and to me that's been something long before that i've been passionate about. and i think it's not just there in hollywood. it's throughout our industries that we have to make sure it reflects america. and this whole thing where we try to divide america -- the coastal areas versus the heartland, east coast, west coast, rural versus urban -- i think that's b.s. there's washington and the rest of us. and i know what it's like to see a factory close down. we do have more kardashians than anywhere else. >> seth: yeah. congratulations. [ laughter ] >> and we're very proud of that. >> seth: yeah, yeah. of course. >> but most of us are not kardashians. >> seth: that's true. you have more non-kardashians. >> you know, we're mostly nurses and hospital workers and bus drivers and factory workers. the gm plant closed down in the san fernando valley where i grew up when i was a kid, so i can relate to that conversation on a
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local level with a mayor in dayton, a mayor in columbia, south carolina, a mayor in south bend, indiana, like mayor pete who you had on here. >> seth: mm-hmm. >> and we speak the language, i think, of america. it's washington that's that swamp and it's only getting swampier. >> seth: yeah. >> and you can use that term if you ever want. "swampier," yeah. >> seth: thank you very much. that's really -- i like it. [ laughter ] hey, thank you very much for making the time being here. >> sure. >> seth: hope you get out. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> seth: if not, welcome back tomorrow. >> thank you. >> seth: mayor eric garcetti, evrybody. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a long-distance run and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for over ten years. it's the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. more than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. and they're not backing down. for most patients clearer skin is the proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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1:16 am
if yoyou have a beard.our face, oooohhh... if you add layers to a beard, you're a werewolf. yes please. if your face needs layers, so does your chocolate bar. get layers of crunchy and creamy. hershey's cookie layer crunch. get layered. uh-huh. nobody drinks, 'till this guy sweats. degree advanced protection works up to 100°. but be careful, it won't let you down.
1:19 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to the show, everybody. you know, people often ask me how we come up with the jokes for the monologue, and i'm always happy to tell them because i'm very proud of our process. you know, on other late night shows, the writers will read the news, and then they just write jokes that correspond to those news stories, but our writers come up with their punchlines without reading the news at all. then they write the punchlines down on little pieces of scrap paper and they throw them into something we call the joke bucket. and then when something happens in the news, i read through these punchlines and find the right one to go with the corresponding news story. now, we showed our audience this process on the show a few times and now, good news, it's time to write some new jokes.
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so i have my news cards right here. this is an actual news story. a couple in california recently had a "harry potter"-themed wedding. okay, so that's our news story. let's find a punchline to match. okay, here we go. said the cannibal, "it's the greatest thing since sliced head." not quite right. [ light laughter ] here we go, i like my cars like my belly buttons -- outies. [ laughter ] not bad, but not for this. and, "speak of the devil," said everyone when ted cruz walked into the door! no. [ laughter ] okay. so let's see what we got here. what was it again? a couple of in california recently had a "harry potter"-themed wedding, and here we go -- so for the first time ever, the groom got to use his wand. boom! that's a joke. [ cheers and applause ] all right, so -- whenever i get a joke, what do i do? i staple the two parts together like this, and then i stamp it, and then i ring the joke bell. [ ring ] and i put it in the -- what? the completed joke bucket. there you go. that's our system.
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[ applause ] a lot of people say, "why do you have to staple and stamp your jokes?" put it this way. i'm marking my territory so other talk shows can't use them. the joke is a fire hydrant and i'm a dog just whizzing all over it. back to the jokes! here we go. here's an excellent news story -- a family is suing starbucks after their daughter consumed a drink that they found contained human blood. okay, that is disgusting, but i think we can find a good joke for it. here we go. "i get that a lot," said chris christie, pointing at the entire menu. good for something, but not this. [ laughter ] here we go. the whale suggested to his girlfriend that they netflix and krill. [ light laughter ] all right. here we go, said the hip surgeon, "pelvis has left the building." [ light laughter ] okay, not quite right. here's another one. all right, all right, all right. oh, i'm sorry, that was actually my matthew mcconaughey impression. this slip of paper should be in my mediocre impressions bucket. [ laughter ] let's see what else in here.
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oh, hugh grant. "oh, terribly sorry, quite embarrassed. [ laughter ] and i didn't mean to, um -- interrupt your weddings and your funerals." and that's it. those are my only two. [ cheers and applause ] all right! b to the b. back to the bucket, and if you don't like it you can suck it! [ laughter ] here was the news story. a family is suing starbucks after their daughter consumed a drink and consumed human blood -- when she specifically asked for soy blood. boom! that' a joke! so what do we do, everybody? we staple it, we stamp it, we ring the joke bell -- [ ring ] and then i rejoice by blowing into the joke conch. ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ laughter ] ♪ >> seth: all right. and then we put the conch in the conch bucket. all right, looks like we've got time for one more. [ applause ] new york's mta recent -- new york's mta recently debuted its first wi-fi-enabled buses. okay, here we go. said the orphan, "thank you, sir. may i have a mother?" nope. [ laughter ] keep your glenemies close and your -- wait. [ light laughter ] keep your glen close and your glenemies closer. nope. larry king's boss said, "you're suspendered." [ light laughter ] oh, no! we're out of jokes. but it's not a big deal, i know where i can get a nice, new punchline. a punchline about the mta. i'm going to go to the maternity ward where all good punchlines are born. ♪
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[ light laughter ] >> seth: which one's yours? >> this little guy right here. isn't he cute? >> seth: yeah, he's adorable. >> yeah, he's going to grow up to be a "laguardia's a bad airport" joke. >> seth: oh, wow. [ light laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: congratulations. >> thanks, it was a long delivery. it was delayed about six hours. [ laughter ] >> seth: hey wait, aren't you sam nunberg? >> yes! >> seth: oh, no. [ laughter ] excuse me, nurse? >> shh! >> yeah? >> seth: do you have any newborn mta punchlines? >> yes. this one here is just two days old. >> seth: oh, my gosh. he's perfect. oh, wow, do you mind if i take him to my desk for a minute? >> you'll have to ask his mother. >> it's fine. [ laughter ] >> seth: oh. oh, you guys. oh, i've got a baby joke. oh, it's a beautiful baby.
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look at the baby joke. [ laughter ] oh! got a little baby hat. i'm going to take off his little baby swaddle. okay. [ laughter ] back to the setup. new york's mta recently debuted its first wi-fi-enabled buses, so now you can google what that smell is. boom, that's a joke! [ cheers and applause ] so we staple it and we stamp it and we ring the joke bell and then we do just a little bit of joke-aine. whoo! [ laughter ] and that's how you do it. this has been "joke bucket." we'll be right back with music from luke bryan. whoo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you've tried moisturizer but there's one... that blows them all out of the water. hydro boost water gel from neutrogena®.
1:26 am
with hyaluronic acid it goes beneath the surface to plump skin cells from within and lock in hydration leaving skin so supple, it actually bounces back. the results will blow you away! hydro boost and our gentle exfoliating cleanser from neutrogena® ♪ the only match for grandma's salsa recipe was glad. it has febreze freshness that neutralizes the toughest odors with the irresistible scent of gain.
1:27 am
every bag tells a story. be happy, it's glad. i like yours can i have some? it's not cool to ask that. thanks, captain obvious. online dating isn't always rewarding. but is. instant savings now, free nights later. ♪ here's an invitation to the whole wide world, ♪ ♪ from your brother to your sister ♪ ♪ to your best friend's girl, ♪ don't bring that bad day with cha, ♪ ♪ leave it at the door. ♪ if you got money in your pocket, ♪ ♪ it don't mean nothing, if you ain't where it is. ♪ ♪ if you ain't where it is. ♪ ♪ surprise! hold up. we got a laggy video call here. hey, try the new samsung galaxy s9 on verizon unlimited. the best network for streaming. okay, let's take it back from "surpri--"
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(avo) unlimited is only as good as the network it's on. switch and get up to $500 off the samsung galaxy s9. ♪ burned me up and down, shno way to cool it. ♪ ♪ ♪ every time you kiss me it's like sunshine and whiskey ♪ applebee's handcrafted burgers. any burger just $7.99. now that's eatin good in the neighborhood. uh-huh. nobody drinks, 'till this guy sweats. degree advanced protection works up to 100°. but be careful, it won't let you down. hey, sir lose-a-lot! thou hast the patchy beard of a pre-pubescent squire!
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♪ first time i tied a plastic worm on and felt him on the other end ♪ ♪ it was get the net get him in the boat yeah buddy i was hooked on it ♪ ♪ first time i heard chattahoochee on the speakers of my radio ♪ ♪ i was topping off the tank on my old two-tone i was hooked on it ♪ ♪ hooked on the feeling of a summer in the south hooked on the dust flying up from a plow ♪ ♪ hooked on them blue eyes hair falling down hooked on her then still hooked on her now ♪ ♪ so many things where i grew up once you get a little you can't get enough ♪ ♪ this small town life runs through my blood and i'm hooked on it ♪ ♪ the first time i got that gulf coast white sugar sand on my feet ♪ ♪ saw the sunshine dancing on that clear blue water i was hooked on it ♪ ♪ first time i pulled me
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a long neck bottle from the bottom of a bucket of ice ♪ ♪ as soon as that cold beer hit my lips i was hooked on it ♪ ♪ hooked on the feeling of a summer in the south hooked on the dust flying up from a plow ♪ ♪ hooked on them blue eyes hair falling down hooked on her then still hooked on her now ♪ ♪ so many things where i grew up once you get a little you can't get enough ♪ ♪ this small town life runs through my blood and i'm hooked on it ♪ >> come on! ♪ ♪ ♪ like a friday payday honky tonk buzz i gotta have a little more of it just because ♪ ♪ i keep coming back to the good stuff 'cause i'm hooked on it ♪ ♪ hooked on the feeling of a summer in the south
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hooked on the dust flying up from a plow ♪ ♪ hooked on them blue eyes hair falling down hooked on her then still hooked on her now ♪ ♪ so many things where i grew up once you get a little you can't get enough ♪ ♪ this small town life runs through my blood and i'm hooked on it ♪ ♪ well i'm hooked on it i'm hooked on it ♪ ♪ ♪ >> whoo! [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: luke bryan, everyone! the album "what makes you country" is out now. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: my thanks to luke bryan, everybody! mayor eric garcetti, zach danziger, and of course the 8g band. stay tuned for "carson daly." we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carson: hey what's up, everybody? you've stumbled upon "last call" from the cutting room. i'm carson daly here to guide you through another excellent episode of "late night." coming up, we're gonna spotlight
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