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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  CBS  September 8, 2015 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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his wedding. meanwhile, big tv star. if you're wondering where nancy is, she's in boston with that story. >> it's been a rough year for jon hamm. he did a stint in rehab that show "madmen" came to an end and relationship over with girlfriend of 18 years. jennifer westfeld. released a joint statement, with great sadness, we have decided to separate after 18 years of love and shared history. a source tells us they have been broken up for several months now. they looked happy during their last public night outing in july. >> we're like an old married couple. >> they talked about their relationship with us in 2011. >> we go to great lengths to keep our lives the same that they have always been. >> a part of it is being a little bit boring. so that helps, if you're not stealing jewelry or knocking over liquor stores. getting in fights. >> here's their timeline. the couple started dating in 1997.
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stein". >> have you had a horrible time out there too? >> i did okay. >> during jon's run on "madmen" they were the can't miss couple at the emmys and march of this year, revealed he completed a rehab stint for alcohol. just days later, we were with him for the big "madmen" finale. >> better half is in new york. couldn't be here for this, this is a brief trip for me. >> jon has reported to be worth an estimated $30 million. if there's no court documents, no cohabitation agreement and no contracts protecting his money, jennifer may have a real claim for palimony and half the assets they have in joint name. to another celeb couple making news, quarterback tom brady shut down rumors today that his marriage to gisele is in trouble. >> we're in a great place. i'll just say that. i'm a lucky man, very blessed with support from my family and certainly her. >> gisele posted this adorable picture of tom playing with
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deflategate victory including caption, and my heart melts. >> there's no bigger support than her. and vice versa. incredible relationship with my i don't think anything will ever get in the way of that. >> tom brady will be on the field thursday for the patriots pittsburgh. meanwhile, in arkansas, anna duggar had her first big outing since josh's cheating scandal. big family wedding and our laura was there. >> about 400 guests showed up for amy's big day except for josh who is apparently still in treatment for sex addiction. from what i could tell, this was a tough day for anna. earlier, she went to church with her family where the pastor gave a fiery sermon about, of all things, porn. talk about the elephant in the room. the wedding itself was really fun. and unusual for a duggar. amy is definitely the rebellious cousin. there was an open bar at the wedding. there was dancing. and amy told "e.t." it is a
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and leave the duggar family name more wedding news. erica christianson who starred on "parenthood." erica said that cycling is her favorite form of exercise. that is good for your marriage. currently shooting the abc crime all right. let's head back to boston to nance? >> before i flew to boston, i got the chance to talk to andy samberg. he's hosting the emmys for the first time in 12 more days. that is a big gig. a lot of pressure, but andy is calm, cool, and relaxed as he works on his other tv job. >> we're on the set of "brooklyn nine-nine." best on tv. >> don't tell any of the other shows that i do interviews on. >> other shows. >> exactly. >> i'm andy samberg and i am hosting the emmys this year. >> thinking this. golden globe winner.
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now andy. you're like sweeping the awards. >> unless i tank and then i will probably hope everyone forgets. >> you know nobody gets any love after these things. >> kind of an uphill battle but i still love them. >> big news on "brooklyn nine-nine" when it returns, new cast mate. bill hader. so bill hader, coming in. taking andre brouwer's place, shaking things up a little bit. >> shake things up. "train wreck's" shine on to our set. >> and how moving on to "the view's" first day on set. audience clearly loving joy behar's comeback today. >> what's it like having joy back next to you? >> she's back and thank god because we know somebody in the cast. >> to come back and have whoopi there, at least one of those people at the table is a friend. >> rosie may make a guest appearance. rosie o'donnell. >> no, no, it's not happening. >> it's not? >> no.
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>> i've never heard the rumor, anyway. >> okay, got it. doesn't sound as if whoopi is inviting rosie to return anytime soon. and it's time for colbert's big cbs debut to> how's it feel for the first late sh? eorge arrivingri jersey yesterday. he was spotted arriving early to the studio today. >> we want to have him on the last show but never worked out. and i'm thrilled. >> but don't expect amal to be there. she is working halfway around the world. moving on now to vanessa williams, news making "miss america" return. it was 30 years since appearing nude in "penthouse" magazine and now will be a pageant judge on nbc. >> that's one of that i've had to deal with for my career. not only being a "miss america" but being a scandalous miss america. >> tomorrow, we will have more of that interview and a look back at our time with vanessa as she reinvented herself after the
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world. you know, nancy, redemption and forgiveness was the theme of the faith-based film "war room," the number one film over the weekend. today, we sat down with two of the stars and the film making brothers to talk about their box office domination and how for them, this isn't a hollywood thing. it's a god thing. >> you need to do your fight in prayer. >> this is my lord. >> i'm extremely excited. blown away to win any battle. you've got to have the right strategy. >> to say that "war room" won the battle at the box office was an understatement. it grabbed the number one spot from "straight outta compton". >> i've prayed the lord to give me a larger platform and i know that's happening. this is helping me sitting with kevin. >> now over $28 million. what's even more impressive, the budget for the brothers'
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film was only $3.5 million. >> we prayed for this, ultimate. say god gets the credit. >> we're hearing stories of them forming prayer groups, cheering in the theater together. and a man tells me in an e-mail he wants to be better with his daughter. >> in the film, a couple's marriage is in trouble. enter miss clara. >> who has time to pray that much every day? >> but apparently time to battle with your husband. >> miss clara is played by 57-year-old karen abercrombie. >> they'll hold auditions at our church. get dressed up as an older woman and go in. that is what i did and in a matter of minutes, i had the role. >> tc stahling who brought his entire family to our interview reminds us that there's been a whole string of recent religious films that have done well. >> there's an audience out there that really wants to see this. my kids watch me and that's what i'm after. >> "war room" is the fifth film faith based from the kendrick brothers.
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"fireproof "and "courageous" made on modest budgets raked in $30 million each. >> if we could draw people to a relationship with god, that's where our hope for america lies. >> what's interesting is that tc told me back in 2007, he prayed that one day he would work with the kendrick brothers, that he would make a movie that would make a difference. look at him now. all right, still ahead, all eyes are on serena williams at the u.s. open. this weekend, i was with her rumored boyfriend, drake. plus, we're on set of "the voice" with newly single blake shelton and gwen stefani. other? that's after the break. before the break, we want to mention the passing of two tv icons. martin milner who played malloy. he died and was 83 years ood.
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reynolds' wife passed away
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johnny depp and wife amber heard went old school hollywood glam at the venice film festival for the premiere of johnny's new film "black mass" playing notorious gangster whitey bulger. he looked so much like the real thing. the coaches on "the voice"
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are certainly in search for the real thing. things are a little bit different for blake shelton and gwen stefani. they both went through big break-ups, but cameron mathison was told at least they have each other. >> it's supposed to rain today. messing with you and despite divorce from miranda, he's got back-up. you guys supportive of each other. >> we're friends. i haven't met one coach that's been on this show that i'm not, that i wouldn't consider at this point a really good friend. i mean, any of the coaches that i've worked with on this show, i can call at any moment and talk to or, he's right. >> with her summer split from gavin after nearly 13 years, gwen seems happy to be focused on work. >> when you said you couldn't wait to get back to the show, season nine, how did it feel? >> it's so amazing. honestly. i've had so much fun so far and
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funnest thing i've ever done in my whole life work-wise. >> this group on "the voice" is a family, a family that just keeps growing. >> it's like a little day care playpens. i was like, well, still barely 30 and i was like, whoa. that's crazy. >> look at this. adam is in need of babying himself right now. said he posted this pic to give sympathy. he sprained his neck and had to cancel a concert in south korea. can't be too bad because rescheduled for thursday. okay, up next. bindi irwin remembering her crocodile hunter dad. and gearing up for "dancing with the stars." plus, alyssa milano is here and talking about losing the baby weight and waging her breast-feeding fight. >> i love boobs. plus, wedding news for kevin hart. had a great time but always felt like we were just a heartbeat away from chaos. >> this is family. this is [ bleep ]. >> shut up!
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hype up a crowd. i'm learning. >> that's why i hang with kev. i learn, i learn. >> ever since you started wears custom shirts, you've changed. i love kevin hart because there's no off button. headed up to pump up crowd this weekend. we had a blast. all the fun for a great cause. get to that in a moment, but first big breaking news.
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kevin has officially set a date for his wedding. >> that's right, ladies. i got to put this chocolate in the freezer. if you want a piece, better take it and put it in your pocket cause you can't get it. it's happening august 8th. >> you've chosen a spot. everything is set. >> going to choose the spot. >> i don't know what is going on. do what you want to do and just come back to me with a finished product. >> probably a good call to let sandy parish take over the wedding plans because my guy kevin is busy. >> kevin hart is here. >> kevin works the crowd before drake, the rumored boyfriend of serena williams, hit the stage at the koz mo pollitan in vegas. >> what it meant to be here, to support kevin. so grateful. it's amazing to have relationships that lend themselves to each other. he could have told me to come anywhere in the world. i would have been there.
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>> physical fitness. you see my body. going strong and partnered with health manager rally but all an organization that remakes rooms for kids with cancer. kevin associated with? >> it means everything knowing his mom passed away from cancer and that he would take our organization seriously. >> another of kevin's passions, his children who he recently vacationed with in costa rica. >> how is the vacation? >> i took them because my daughter loves monkeys. her love for monkeys at the zoo, anywhere we go, she loves them. so i basically took a vacation for my daughter to basically meet monkeys. my kids have made me so much on this trip and i got to try to keep my man back here. >> he really cares and his association with rally are amazing. and his world tour, which starts very soon, sold out in just two days. can't stop this guy right now. let's send it back to nancy in boston. >> kevin, time to tango. "dancing with the stars" kicks off next monday and we've got
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the first invite to join bindi irwin and derek hough in rehearsal. bindi has the adorable factor all wrapped up. no doubt about that, but her footwork? it might need a little work. >> crikey. >> crikey it is. look at her dancing shoes. are those sneakers? >> they didn't realize i hadn't actually really worn heels before. i went up and instantly went down. that was a good start! >> so baby steps with the shoes and the outfits. >> it's kind of out of my comfort zone. try some sparkles on. looking at all of these costume designs. it's phenomenal. so going to try something new and different. work with the heels and see if i can stand up. >> come on.
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want to look at the elephant? >> we've watched bindi grow up in front of our cameras and we think her late father, croc hunter steve irwin would be proud. >> for us as a family, we tried so hard to make sure everything he loved and lived for carries on. >> she's just 17 and samba and rumba moves don't come naturally. >> sometimes i get up in the morning, like, oh, i can feel yesterday. this feels really good. i'll feel a little bit stiff but you warm up. i think that my body is just readjusting. >> derek is working up a few special moves, but they're not quite ready for primetime. >> i was trying to think of a crocodile, doing this. she's like, oyster or something like that. >> well, fortunately, they didn't plan too much on us. derek did confirm to us that one song on their dance card will be crocodile rock.
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l.a. studio where cameron has a special guest. alyssa milano. would you ever do "dancing with the stars"? >> oh, god. no, no, no. i'm really shy. i couldn't do it in front of all those people. no way. >> a lot of people talk about the "dancing with the stars" workout, getting in serious shape. now you just had your second baby about a year ago. >> yes. thank you so much. >> you used a different method to get back in shape. tell me about it. >> i cut carbs and sugar and i've just teamed up with atkins to try to lose this last ten pounds. the last ten pounds is always the hardest. when you have a toddler, it's very easy to make unhealthy choices. -pbecause you're feeding them unhealthy things sometimes. like chicken fingers and french fries. >> whatever you're doing, it's working. you look fantastic. >> you're sweet. thank you. >> i'm serious. you've also taken some flak for posting breast-feeding shots. >> yes. >> tell me about that. >> i think it's odd that we live in a time where i can post, you
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know, a selfie breast-feeding and you don't even see nipple and that someone can go host a show and you're seeing basically more boob than my breast-feeding pictures and it's okay. people are more comfortable sexualizing boobs and believe me, they're beautiful, sexy, great, i love boobs but a real human distinct purpose. and we've so gotten away from that. >> got two beautiful kids. >> i do. >> what are the chances of number three? >> i do feel like it might not be over. i don't know. it depends. >> breaking news on "entertainment tonight." >> there might be one more. >> all right. alyssa, so good to have you in the studio. thank you for being here. congrats on everything.
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>> we'll be right back.ow-mo? find out in our star shots gallery on it's so great to be here in boston and a big thanks for an incredible morning. a visit with four radio stations with laurie and then lauren and then hot 96.9 with pebbles and the get-up crew. and then 106.7 and wrapped it up by taking part in a special segment on exceptional women. and tonight, i get the honor of
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fenway park as the red sox take on the blue jays. kevin, i don't know, maybe i should practice a little bit? what do you think? >> you promise me you were going to practice. oh boy, i can't wait to see that tomorrow. make sure you tune in. we also will have the nearly 400 pound reality star. is she promoting obesity? >> that is just fine with me. >> and "big bang's" kaley cuoco's sweetie is sharing her fitness secrets. all that tomorrow.
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