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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 17, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> i'm alex denis. >> and i'm chris wragge. have a great day. caioning funded by cbs good morning, it is thursday, september 17th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." personal insults fly as republicans gang up on donald trump. we will talk to carly fiorina and chris christie about the fireworks at last night's debate. a powerful and deadly earthquake rocks chile. tsunami warnings stretch to the california coast. imagine running a marathon at 10,000 feet and we join the sky riders on what is called the hardest race in america. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this is about the character of our nation! and if we will not stand up and force president obama to veto this bill, shame on us!
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>> the gop field goes after donald trump. >> mr. trump, we don't need an apprentice in the white house. >> good. >> apologize to her. >> no, i said nothing wrong. >> attack people on their appearance are we not way above that? >> i never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, plenty of subject matter there. >> i think everybody all across this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> at least five deaths and a million people out of their homes after a powerful earthquake off the northern coast of chile. >> two air marshals are accused of using government phones to film sex acts with a prostitute while the two were on duty in europe. a teenager in texas with handcuffs after bringing to school a homemade digital clock. >> the student would only say that it was a clock and was not forthcoming about any other details. >> that's because there were no other details! um. it's a clock! jon stewart lobbying congress to renew the world trade center health program. >> buckle your seat belts and let's get this done.
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>> people recovering after a fire at a school in china and rescuing all children inside. >> all that. >> what is your stance on women's issues? >> look. i know a lot of women and they all have issues! donald trump got an unexpected endorsement from tom brady. >> i thought brady didn't like things that are filled with too much air? >> and all that matters. >> what would you want your secret service code name to be? >> everready. it's very high energy, donald shramp. >> mr. trump? >> humble. >> that's a good one! >> on "cbs this morning." >> that young lady right there. >> could you do your tarzan yell? >> oh! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by
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welcome to "cbs this morning." the second presidential debate among the republicans produced plenty of fireworks and reveals some sharp divisions. eleven candidates took the stage in prime time on cnn. once again, front-runner donald trump was the center of attention. >> other candidates attacked trump early and often. the conversation touched on everything from serious policy issues to a lot of personal insults. major garrett is at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi, california. the center of last night's debate. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the list of the republican critics of donald trump nearly as long ago the crowded debate stage itself. trump, he mocked and defended but, in the end, republicans in a turning point, questioned his fitness, his temperament, his qualifications for the presidency as never before.
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apprentice in the white house. we don't need an apprentice in the white house. we have one right now. >> i think there is a sophomore quality that is entertaining about mr. trump. but i am worried. >> i mean, the lack of judgment and the lack of understanding about how the world works is really dangerous. >> i think mr. trump is a wonderful entertainer. he has been terrific at that business. >> what i am, far and away, greater than an entertainer is a businessman and that is the kind of mindset this country needs to bring it back. >> reporter: trump took the most questions and snapped at jeb bush over trump's business dealings in florida. >> donald trump, he won a casino gambling in florida. >> i didn't. >> yes, you did. >> totally false. >> you wanted it and you got it. you were posed to skans gambling before and during and after and that is not -- i'm not going to be fought by anybody. >> i promise, if i wanted it, i would have gotten it. >> no way, ben. >> he handed bush a backhanded compliment when it trumped to
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>> excuse me, one second. >> no. donald, you cannot take -- >> more energy tonight. i like that. >> i was asked the question. >> look. i didn't want -- >> reporter: asked her reaction to trump's criticism of her looks, businesswoman carly fiorina said little, but conveyed much. >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> reporter: amid accusation he judge fiorina on surface qualities alone, trump doubled down. >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman. >> reporter: it wasn't all conflict. asked what their secret service code names would be as president, the bush/trump conflict cooled. >> i'll start with you. >> ever ready.
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it's very high energy, donald. >> mr. trump? >> humble. >> reporter: for this race to change, trump's lead in the early primary and caucus states has to fall. the first debate republicans thought that might happen all by itself. last night, they took up the work themselves. republican voter reaction the next two weeks will tell us about trump's fate and the entire character for the nomination. >> major, thanks. "face the nation" moderator john dickerson is with us this morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> carly fiorina's moment? >> she had two moments. the big moment was played there where she responded to donald trump's comments about her face as was said per persona which nobody really bought. she had another moment that other candidates were looking for too. she made the case for our candidacy when talking. there was an answer she talked about iran and planned parenthood in one. it was a tight compact answer that was -- that showed that she
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was well-versed and she had command of the issues and those kind of answers helped her as well. >> she will advance in the polls this week, probably? >> i think so so. she is the person everybody is talking about this morning. >> did it matter that trump spent the debate on his heels, as you wrote? >> it's really interesting. donald trump said a number of things of what people thought would hurt him and a period in the debate he disappeared. who would have thought that would happen? right? donald trump is not just the center of the scrum. the question is and it was raised repeatedly in this debate does he have the temperament and the knowledge for the job? if there was a period when he was quiet it was perfect because it was a high public policy debate. if he can't participate in that is that what becomes a weakness for donald trump? we don't know but that was exposed in that debate, i think. >> how do you think this debate will shake things up? >> well, i think it may shake -- certainly carly fiorina is going to have her moment here and can she take advantage that have? the other candidates, you know, jeb bush and scott walker had
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their opportunity the way carly fiorina did. >> ben carson was number two going in. >> his last debate performance where was ben carson and he still did well. the question of this campaign in part who are your supporters and do you get them from television or social media? >> reporter: chris christie? >> he talked about the people and we will see it fthat pays off. it's a crowded field with 11 candidates and all had their little moment and who can capitalize. >> thanks, john. hillary clinton will be john's guest this weekend on "face the nation." this is her first appearance on a sunday talk show in several years. that is sunday here on cbs. >> yeah. looking forward to that conversation. thank you, john. carly fiorina will join us in our next half hour. governor chris christie produced another of the debate's most talked about moments. criticized each other's business
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>> carly, carly, listen. you interrupt everybody else on the stage and don't interrupt me, right? the fact is we don't want to hear about your careers and volley who did well and who did people. you're both successful people. congratulations. you know who is is not successful? the middle class in this country plowed over by barack obama and hillary clinton. let's stop this childish back and forth between the two of you. >> thank you. >> the new jersey governor is with us now from the reagan presidential library. good morning, chris christie. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. happy to be here this morning. >> reporter: so what was your strategy last night? did you accomplish it? >> well, it's just to be myself. as i said beforehand, i think in a field this crowded, what you really need to do is let people get to know you, be yourself. that is what i tried to do last night raenel the focus on the problems of the people that were actually watching the debate rather than focusing on the arguments between all of the people at the debate. >> but it's interesting. you've talked so much in the past about your business record, yet you criticize the other two candidates for talking about theirs. how come?
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>> they weren't doing proof points last night with each other be, they were getting into a typical personal food fight. in the first debate it was between jeb and donald trump and yesterday, it was between donald trump and carly fiorina and they were, you know, going tit for tat with one another and adds no knowledge what the country wants you to be. who are you caring about? it's about time that i express to folks that everything i've learned on the campaign trail, which is that the problems of regular middle class folks in this country that really should be the concern of this campaign and not, you know, who made more money at what job. >> governor, do you think that after this debate, the second debate, that featured a lot of attacks on donald trump, that will you be declining in terms of polls and in terms of attention? >> charlie, i have no way of knowing that and i'm definitely not a pollster. all i can tell you i think last night was illustrative in terms of who has the right priorities
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for this country and who is prepared to be president of the united states. and i feel really good about the way the night went for us. >> governor, your at one end of the stage and seems like a lot of attention was focused on trump. there were a whole 32 minutes your were not called on. were you happy with how this debate was conducted? >> i thought it went fine. listen. that 32 minutes was the most boring 32 minutes of the debate. so i think that is probably pretty clear from the ratings. there is 11 people up there. what you try to do is use the time you get as wisely as you can. listen. when you're talking about other people's issues, the people of the united states problems, that is what they want to hear about. they want to hear about what you're going to do to try to make the government work for them. they are frustrated and angry about the fact the government doesn't work. and i wanted to try last night to address them directly and i'm glad that we had the opportunity to do it as often as we did.
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this race now for the republican nomination? >> still very early, charlie. i think what you can see is that the folks who are really serious, the folks prepared to talk about foreign policy, to talk about domestic policy and talk about the intelligence community and defense are showing themselves to come to the fore. what matters the most is those people who are willing to say to the american people, i understand what you're going through, i'm learning from this campaign, which i definitely am, about the things that concern them the most. and i have plans to address what your concerned about, but most importantly, i'm the type of leader who you can trust and who will remember these lessons when he get to the oval office on january 20th. >> you said it's not about us but the voters. do you think you know the voters better than your other opponents? >> i'm getting to know the voters very well, gayle. given where i come from, like i said last night, people are talking about who is an outsider. if you're a republican in new jersey, you're an outsider every
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and so i vetoed 400 bills from a particularic legislature and vetoed more tax increases in any governor in history according to american tax reforms so in the end i think i'm getting to know their concerns very well and i think in the end they will pick a guy from new jersey who is like them and who is one of them and who understands them and will bring that understanding to the oval office. >> governor christie, great to see you this morning. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much this morning, guys. great to be back. this morning, tsunami threatened areas from chile to southern california after a deadly and powerful earthquake. the 8.3 magnitude quake rocked chile last night and killed five people and tsunami warnings hawaii, and 300 miles of the california coast. kris van cleave is actually in manhattan beach this morning. >> reporter: good morning. here in manhattan beach, the
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police are down on the beach keeping people away from the water. the pier is closed. that earthquake was so strong in chile, people on the other side of south america said they felt it. the violent shaking caught on security camera started at 8:00 the other night. it toppled shelves and leveled roofs. >> you feel you are powerless and that is when you really internalize that nature, you can't do anything. >> reporter: sirens echoed as hundreds ran into the streets of santiago. curt oway felt the tremors in nevada 40 miles east of the chilean capital. >> the building started to shake and shake more and more. the elevator started to rattle a bit. and everybody realized that we were in an qerkearthquake. >> reporter: dozens of aftershocks rocked the night
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after the 8.3 magnitude quake. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: tsunami waves caused flooding along the chilean coast and what is lost in this vios shows the extent of the destruction. more than a million people were forced to evacuate their homes. chile is known for very strong earthquakes. historically strong because of its position on a tectonic plate and one in 2010 killed five people. swells could be this morning about a foot high. this morning the death toll from devastating floods in utah has climbed to 18. two people are still missing. those killed include a group of women and children. water swept away thank you cars and six hikers died after trapped by floodwaters in a canyon in zion national park. rescuers are scouring through the mud and debris for survivors. rescue cruz in california are looking for people missing
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two bodies were pulled from burned-out homes yesterday and they were found in an area under mandatory evacuate orders in the butte fire. one firefighter is feared dead in the massive valley fire. >> i'm hoping he is out there and just disoriented and can't find his way back. >> the cooler weather is helping firefighters battle the flame. the valley and butte fires have destroyed more than 800 homes. hungary riot police used water cannons and batonses yesterday. the migrants are angry because of the closing of border crossings in serbia this week. charlie d'agata pa more. >> reporter: a group of young men started pushing against the gates demanding to be let in. riot police answered with tear
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something just snapped. hungarian riot police charged to crowds of migrants in front of the gates. the person filming the scene was caught up in the stampede. they began feeding on people with billy clubs. families, terrified women and children, scrambled, struggling to get out of the way. the fuse was lit after migrants pushed the gate and hungarian riot police too far. a worried mother sought help for her baby. eyes swollen from the tear gas and struggling to breathe. >> the baby, take the tear gas and now they are dousing a cough. >> reporter: the baby okay? >> the baby is okay.
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medication and he'll be fine. >> reporter: hungarian police are kuvergaccusing the migrants for using baby and children. >> disturbing to see that, charlie d'agata in serbia, thank you. new concerns this morning over president obama's plan to fight isis in syria. 500 million dollar program to train syrian fighters is coming up short. u.s. command updated senators yesterday. >> can you tell us what the total number of trained fighters remains? >> it's a small number. and the ones that are in the fight is -- we are talking four or five. >> is it still the goal to have about 12,000 of them there? is that still the goal? >> at the pace we are going, we won't reach the goal that we had initially established for ourselves. >> the defense department says there are between 100 and 120 syrians in training right now. a teenager put in handcuffs
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for bringing an alarm clock to school is serving as a wake-up call this morning. ahead, how president obama and mark zuckerberg o announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by
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our passion. it turns out elton john's chat with vladimir putin was a scam. >> ahead how two comedians pranked the legendary singer into thinking he was on the phone with the russian president! >> the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by voya.
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ahead, presidential candidate carly fiorina on last night's feisty republican debate. she is getting high marks but can she turn that into votes. how elton john got hoaxed by russian comedian, pretend to be the country's president. yikes. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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get a belly good morning. it's going to be another hot day out there. john's forecast coming up. police are still on the scene of a fatal stabbing of a cab driver in brooklyn they were called to the scene before 1:00 this morning. the victim has been identified and he was stabbed multiple times in his photo. an attack on a woman in a manhattan restaurant. three people, one man, two women, through the victim to the ground and dragged her after shouting antigay slurs at her.
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it's a restaurant at east 51st street. the victim is expected to be okay. developing, the telecommunication's giant is buying for $18 million. cable vision has more than 3 million customers in the tristate area and is the fifth largest cable company in the united states it does not include madison square gardens, the nicks, the rangers or amc. thank you. in the city, a few clouds and 69. we have some fog around >> 50 in franklin that's the cool spot high pressure is still in control. yesterday, 88 or around 88 today. and more humidity, so it feels like july. what a finish, still warm and dry, longing for rink don't -- rain
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there was a chance of rain on sunday but the models keep that out of the forecast. it's late monday and tuesday where we notice a shower we're back in the 70s next week too. you're back with another update
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cbs returns after this. immigration. wall or giant wall? >> come on, donald. america was built by people who came here, they worked their hearts out for a better life. you know, you're trying to stop them. i mean, do you have any idea what it's like to work so hard for something to be so close to getting it than someone popped out of nowhere and tries to take it all away? >> are you talking about bernie sanders? look. i hate to say this but i think he is losing his hair. >> at least he doesn't have this one strand that he twirls over his head like a soft serve at dairy queen! >> that is funny. it's entertaining because hillary, obviously, so much has
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talk about a man and his appearance. >> i like how he said, congratulations, you're talking to donald trump. like that. welcome back to "cbs this morning." you're talking to us. this half hour a high school student who wanted to impress his teacher end up getting suspended. the 14-year-old's alarm clock was mistaken for a hoax bomb. the detroit news says federal prosecutors are expected to announce a huge settlement today with general motors over faulty ignition switches. the defect led to the recall of millions of vehicles. gm will be fined $900 million. the automaker is expected to be charged with at least two felonies. gm will have to -- will not have to plead guilty. "wall street journal" reports on a major deal by european cable company to buy cable vision.
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the transaction is valid at 10 billion and including cablevision's debt and be the the u.s. new england patriots are to be reinstate two employees at the center of that deflategate scandal. john jastremsky and jim mcnally. neither will be allowed to handle or supervise game balls for the 2015 season. the second prime time republican debate had one thing the first debate did not and that is carly fiorina. the former silicon valley ceo held much of the attention on last night's crowded stage and getting high marks this morning for her performance and she is with us from the ronelald reagan presidential library. good to see you, carly. >> good morning. nice to be with all of you. >> i know you pushed hard to get on that debate stage last night
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night, do you expect a surge in the polls? >> i certainly hope we will see movement in the polls. you know, going into that debate, half the audience had mever never heard my name and didn't know i was running for president so it was a big opportunity for me to introduce myself to many of the american people and i'm very happy i had that opportunity. >> beyond the polls, what will this add to your campaign? a fund-raisesrsfund-raisers, reaching out to you? >> what we saw in the last debate, august 6th, where less than 40% of the people had heard my name, and what we saw a big bump in fund-raising. we saw a bump in the polls, and i suspect and hope that we will see the same thing out of this debate. >> what happens to trump candidacy based on what happened last night? >> oh, i don't know. that is up to voters to decide. >> carly fiorina, many people are saying you dropped the microphone, if you will, that means she had a really great night and everybody is talking about your performance, in
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to donald trump's very unkind remarks to you. you could having many ways and you chose not to go after him. why? >> you know, i think i made my point crystal clear and i think women in america understand that it is still different for women, that we're scrutinized differently. the truth is that a woman's appearance should never be the subject of conversation, particularly in a presidential campaign. >> you were the only one on the stage that said you wouldn't put a woman on the 10 or 20 dollar bill and i think that surprised a lot of people. then when they heard your answer, carly, a lot of people said i like what she is thinking. why did you take that position? >> well, because i think politics is full of empty gestures and people are tired of empty gestures. honestly, it's an empty gesture to put a woman's face on a 10 or a 20 dollar bill, when 3.5
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years. it's an empty gesture when the burdens of poverty or single women. it's an empty gesture when we are not yet tapping the full potential of every man and woman in this country and wernts and that is why i'm running for president. >> what would you do as president about the refuge crisis? >> you know, it's a very heart breaking situation, obviously. and certainly if we have people who truly are fleeing persecution, we ought to allow them to go through the processes in this country to receive asylum and we are doing that. on the other hand, we cannot welcome everyone from -- who are seeking economic opportunity if we cannot guarantee that they are not terrorists. however, with regard to the humanitarian crisis which has
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been made much worse by the fact that president obama and secretary of state clinton have no strategy in syria, they have done nothing for three years, and so when you fail to lead, your option disappear. but we ought to be playing a major role in a humanitarian relief effort and i do think that the united states needs to lead, and i would lead as president of the united states, a global effort to go after human traffickers once and for all. human trafficking is on the rise all over the world. many of these people are sold a bill of good tragically by human traffickers who then take their money and, unfortunately, in their lives. we need to crack down on human trafficking wherever it is and, clearly there is a lot, moving people from the middle east into europe. >> carly fiorina, we thank you for taking the time to join us this morning. >> thanks for having music icon elton john is
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responding what he thought was a phone call from russian president vladimir putin. it was a prank. from the highest level of politics and pop culture too. vladimir duthiers shows us a conversation with a pair of comedians. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. elton john posted on instagram this morning while this was a joke, homophobia isn't. he said, quote, if this unfortunate incident has helped push this vital incident into the spotlight, then i am happy to be pranked on this occasion. rocketman >> reporter: british singer elton john wents be rocketing back to russia any time soon. it's going to be a long long time
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nothing but a scam. >> reporter: the call generated so much publicity that on tuesday, the kremlin had to deny it ever took place. on wednesday, it was revealed the 11-minute call was actually the work of two russian comedians known as vogon and lexus. they said they contacted the music legend after john's recent trip to ukraine where he met with ukrainian's president and prime minister poroshenko. >> reporter: the pranksters then turned the conversation to gay rights.
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known for gays and lesbians. >> reporter: the pair settled on a november meeting date and john even agreed to attend a gay pride parade in moscow. >> reporter: on wednesday, a kremlin spokesman said, i would recommend them to offer apologies to elton john who is respected and loved by the russian audience. >> reporter: as for the two pranksters? they say they gave the crocodile rocker what he called the best day of his life. sir elton also said that he will always stand up for those that are being discriminated and degraded against. he added that he loved russia and he has offered to meet with president putin about lgbt rights stands. >> thank you, vladimir. a 14-year-old boy is suspended from school after a
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bomb scare over an alarm clock. ahead, why the teenager has been invited to the white house by president obama. we will be right back. who knows, one of these kids just might be the one. the one to find a cure, to clean the oceans, to lead a country. bring water to their village, write the next masterpiece, or open a school. explore a new planet or be the next davinci. it may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. we don't know who it is, we just need to make sure she has what she needs. welcome to windows 10.
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this morning, a 14-year-old infant inventor is getting ready to visited president obama. mark strassmann is outside macarthur high school in irving, texas, with the story. >> reporter: good morning. school officials here insist the decision to suspend ahmed mohamed was in the best interest of overall school safety. but police say the device he built was absolutely harmless. and ahmed who is still suspended, he faces no criminal charges. >> i made it to impress my teachers first week of school and trying to start and show them i have a passion for engineering. >> reporter: ahmed mohamed says in less than 20 minutes at home,
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he made this alarm clock from a circuit board stuffed into a pencil case. but when the device beeped during his english class, his teacher got alarmed. the high school freshman was taken away by police in front of classmates, accused of building a hoax bomb. did you feel profiled from start to finish? >> i just felt like i was a criminal, i was profiled as a terrorist. i was just innocent person, normal kid and straight a student. >> reporter: this photo of mohamed wearing a nasa t-shirt touched a nerve on social media. supporters began posting photos of themselves with clocks and at one point, more than 2,000 tweets per minute were sent with the hashtag i stand with mohamed an president obama tweed the, cool clom, ahmed.
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>> not too late for all of us to research this and whatever form they take. >> reporter: district officials insist they were trying to protect all students. police denied bias against muslims was a factor. >> we live in an age where you can't take things like that to school. of course, we have seen across our country horrific things to happen. we have to error on the side of caution. the reaction would have been the same regardless. >> reporter: on wednesday, mohamed was also invited to visit nasa, m.i.t. and google and facebook. its ceo mark zuckerberg wrote, ahmed, i'd love to meet you. keep building. >> i never thought anybody would care about that. >> reporter: now you have all of the support? >> i have so many supporters. thank you, guys, so much! >> reporter: police here in irving met with muslim community leaders last night to talk about how best to move forward. mohamed is eligible to return to class here tomorrow, but, norah, he told me he is probably going to transfer to a different school.
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>> my goodness. >> a lot of bad mistakes in the beginning be you comes out of a huge winner. he'll probably go to the white house and see mark zuckerberg and all of that. >> in this age when you see something, say something. i get their concern when it doesn't look like a clock whetherwhen you see what it is, he should be applauded and congratulated and not handcuffed. a school bus caught on
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bus got caught on train tracks. this young driver was about to get 50 students off safely. none of the children were hurt and one passenger, though, suffered minor injuries. >> why was -- a 23-year-old? that seems young. >> that's impressive. >> all right. strategist frank luntz shows us who his focus group liked and didn't like from last night's republican debate. that is ahead here on "cbs this morning." what makes a subway footlong the biggest, bestest sandwich? you do. 'cause it's all about your choice. of freshly baked bread. tender meats, melty cheeses, and everything in between. the handcrafted subway footlong. it's got your name all over it. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette.
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. good morning. it 17:56 on this thursday, september 17. grab the shades. it's going to be another sunny and warm day out there. feels like summer. i'm chris wragge. john elliott will have your full forecast in a moment. first, police are on the scene of a fatal stabbing of a york, brooklyn. they were called to the scene just before 1:00 this morning. brooklyn. motive has been released. also new this morning, a car crashes into a building on stein way street at 25th avenue in the astoria section of queens. in this video, you can see a police emergency vehicle pulling the car from the building. the crash happened just before 4:00 this morning. firefighters tell us one person
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a missing child alert has been issued for 10-year-old celine hicks. you can see her photo on the left. she was last seen tuesday afternoon wearing her school uniform, yellow shirt in manhattan's lower east side. police say she was abducted by her noncustodial parents. they may be driving a white chevy lumina with new mexico license plates. john elliott has the forecast. >> i want to take a different shot of the city and show you a few more clouds overhead. you see the sun and we will see sun and heat again. 70, back to 70 now, calm winds, relative humidity at 61%. 66 in rye. had fog earlier for parts of suffolk county. 58 for the jersey shore. pretty mild upstate and all the way out and through the lakes today. we are going to see more clouds for parts of the lakes with a front pushing through. not sufficient enough to bring us that rain we were hoping for
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87 today, well above the normal of 75. sun sets at 7:02. big ridge of high pressure guarantees that we'll see mostly sunny skies, warm temperatures today, pretty warm tomorrow, too. >> john, thanks. i'm chris wragge. we're back with another local update about 25 minutes. "cbs this morning" is coming
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tt2watx#`o4 p bt@q>v8 tt2watx#`o4 p "a@q.z\ tt2watx#`o4 p bm@q%qp tt4watx#`o4 r dztq yah tt4watx#`o4 r entq )e( tt4watx#`o4 r gzt& 0bp it's raining men hallelujah it is thursday, september 17th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead. including the voters' view of the republican debate. republican frank luntz shows us how his focus group reacted when they were dialed in. we begin this morning with a look at today's 8:00 "eye opener." she made the case for her candidacy. >> she will avenge in the polls this week? >> i think so. >> half the audience never heard my name and didn't know i was running for president. it was a big opportunity for me to introduce myself to the american people. >> i would love to sit down with the president. >> elton john posted on instagram while this is a joke.
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>> officials are suspending ahmed mohamed was in the best interest of school safety. >> president obama tweeted for the boy to come to the white house. unfortunately, he never saw the tweet because his teacher thought his iphone was a gun. >> that 32 minutes was the most boring 32 minutes of the debate when i didn't talk. >> you play one of the spookiest, creepiest guys in all political entertainment. who do you think you're talking to when you talk right to the camera? >> i'm talking to one person and one person only, and that is donald trump. >> ready, 7? cue charlie. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the threat of tsunami is reaching to southern california this morning, after devastating earthquakes struck chile.
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the waves generated by the earthquake are arriving now along the california coast. it could take several hours for the waves to peak. california is more than 5,000 miles from the earthquake's center. a tsunami advisory is in place along a 300 mile stretch off the coast. the impacted areas are from state beach near los angeles to ragged point more than 50 miles southwest of st. luis obispo. the deadly 8.3 quake struck chile wednesday night and eight people died. people poured on to the streets for safety and along the shores, people headed to higher ground. donald trump got most of the attention at the second republican presidential debate and his rivals attacking him throughout the three-hour event but plenty of substance to be found in between those political jabs. >> to attack people on their appearance, short, tall, fat, ugly. my goodness! that happened in junior high. are we not way above that. >> i never attacked him on his
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>> donald trump said the following about you. quote, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that? the face of our next president? >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> you were giving me name after name, arab name, arab name, and there are few people anywhere, anywhere that would have known those names. i think he was reading them off a sheet. >> these are important issues because look around the world today. is there a lunatic in north korea with dozens of nuclear weapons that and he is threatening to destroy and divide nato. >> the reason it is so important is everyone know that name is because russia is in syria right now because the head of the kuds force traveled to russia and talked vladimir putin into aligning themselves with iran and syria. >> when carly says the revenues
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went up, that is because she bought compact. it was a terrible deal and it really led to the destruction of the company. so i only say this. she can't run any of my companies. >> you ran up mountains of debt, as well as losses, using other people's money and you were forced to file for bankruptcy, not once. >> i didn't file for bankruptcy. >> not twice, four times! >> 40 years ago, i smoked marijuana and i admit it. i'm sure other people did it and may not want to say it in front of 25 million people and my mom is not happy that i just did. >> i wouldn't change the 10 dollar bill or the 20 dollar bill. i think it's honestly a gesture. i don't think it helps to change our history. what i would think is that we ought to recognize that women are not a special interest group when women are the majority of this nation. we are half the potential of this nation. and this nation will be better off when every woman has the opportunity to live the life she chooses. >> republican strategist and cbs news contributor frank luntz watched the debate with a group of 29 republican voters and he is in los angeles.
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frank, good morning. >> good morning. >> tell us what we are going to see here and how it was done. >> so we have got a couple of clips and it's called instant response. the higher you see the lines climb, the more favorable the reaction. one clip is pretty negative and the lines go down and using the device the size of a remote control and turn it on every word and every phrase. the viewers at home fountain lines go up, it means it's great. if they go down, it means it's horrible. >> talk about carly fiorina. >> she was, by far the strongest and saw her as a leader and being presidential. whereabouts, donald trump was seen as being petty, carly fiorina was seen as a genuine leader. clip. >> the truth is 75% of the american people think the government is corrupt. 82% of the american people think these problems that have festered for 50 years in some cases, 25 years in other cases, the border has been insecure for 25 years. 307,000 veterans have died waiting for health care.
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these things have gone on for so long because no one will challenge the status quo. you know what a leader does? they challenge the status quo and solve problems that have festered for a long time and they produce results. >> and that is exactly what the american people are looking for. someone who is going to produce results for them and not engage in that kind of petty politics that she showed in a couple of clips two or three minutes ago. >> let's talk about donald trump because he certainly was a target last night. let's take a look at the graphic that shows how the people responded to him and the way he responded back, frank. what does this say to you? >> it communicates to me that when donald trump is fighting on behalf of the american people, it's incredibly positive and in effect. but when he is challenging and basically sniping at his competitors, that is -- that is the ingredient of his downfall. let's take a look. >> we are just taking a look at it, frank. you talked to the voters after
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the debate certainly. did you sense any trump fatigue? >> i sensed a little bit of trump anger. they were very eager to hear what he had to say. they wanted to know some of the details and policies and, in particular, foreign policy. they were very disappointed that too often he seemed to take personal shots the people to his left and right, rather than focusing on the question and answering the specifics what isis. he scored well on immigration and korea but some of the issues they felt he was too personal and too frankliny in your face to the other president schaap candidates. >> let's talk about chris christie at the top of the debate when he tried to turn the attention to the people rather than himself. let's watch. >> hi. my name is chris christie and i'd like you to take the camera off me and put it on the audience. how many of you raise your hand and believe in today's barack
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obama your children believe you'll have a better life than you have? you see? that is why i'm running for president. leadership is not about me, it's about our country and what we talk about tonight it's not about us. it's the people in the audience tonight. because in seven short years, this president has stripped away their trust and their faith and their belief that the next generation will have a better life. he has stolen that from us and when i'm president, i'm going to take it back. >> frank, do you think he scored well because he said it's not about me or he landed an attack on obama? >> no, no. it's because -- he said it several times in the debate and the reaction was exactly the same. he is the only candidate of the people standing up there that kept saying, look. it's not about my background. it's not about what i've done. it's about what you need. he referenced middle class voters and people are waiting eagerly and anxiously for a candidate who doesn't try to tell themselves on the voter but instead says to the voter i get you, i understand you and empathize with you and now i'm going to fight for you.
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testing, you show that trump did very, very poorly and, in fact, you said on air that you saw the destruction of a presidential campaign over those two hours. trump has soared to the top of the race. >> you're right. that is one of the reasons i'm very careful about what i say about the conclusions. when you all opened up, you said is this the end of donald trump? i don't believe there is going to be an end. i think donald trump is in this to stay and i think it is impossible to pick a front-runner right now. polls aside, that there are several candidates with messages that are really working with voters. really resonating. so let's not focus on the polls. instead, the american people want you to focus on what these candidates are going to do for them and what are the tough decisions that they are going to make that will make a difference for themselves and for the country. >> all right. frank luntz. >> thank you. >> we will have to leave it there. thanks a lot. marathoners are taking on
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how they are getting you know him as dr. raj on cbs comedy "big bang thorough. >> he will be joining us coming up. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was
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i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol . get everything you need this fall at kohl's friends and family sale. thursday through sunday get an extra 20% off. go to to download your savings pass. plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent.
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way back when, mayor laguardia and non-profits ghi and hip,
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now called emblemhealth, made sure working new yorkers had quality, affordable healthcare. who's caring for you? emblemhealth: what care feels like... in the neighborhood. this morning, we continue our pushing the limits" series with the hardest race in america it's called. if you think running a marathon is itself a feat. lath doing an ultra marathon up a mountain at the rut mountain race in big sky, montana, nearly 400 athletes around the world gathered to compete 31 miles and cover 10,000 feet of elevation
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>> no thanks. i run in the mountains because it gives me the freedom that i can't feel anywhere else. i'm lou nelson and i'm 34 years old and i'm a professional mountain runner. >> sky running is basically really high alpine mountain runners. >> there is generally a lot more elevation gain and lost and the races are a lot more technical. >> you go up and down a mountain. this is what i do. i've been running outside in nature for, like, my whole life so for me it's not hard. i'm yes. elie forsberg from sweden. >> it's pretty gnarly and brutal but it's a lot of fun. it's pretty phenomenal sport and pretty exciting. >> i'm matt king from ben,
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i am the world 100 sky run champion. >> sky running started in the european alps in the early '90s and it was to see what people could do with the altitude and see how they can push themselves and we try to get as close as we can. i'm the captain of the sky runner series. at the big rut in big sky we go to the top of the peak at 11,000 feet. >> it's tough and the minutes leading up to it. you've done months of preparation and there is all, the competition is there. >> ten seconds. >> really, i just want that moment to end and to start running. >> we have some of the best runners in the world today competing and it's been inspiring to watch them compete. >> let's go! >> my name is mike foote and i'm the director of the mountain run and i'm an ultra marathon
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>> good job, sweetie! >> we are here at the mile 19 station. this is one of the biggest stations on the course as far as refueling. >> i ate too much. >> they got the biggest climb of the day right in front of them. everybody is going to the highest point at 11,200 feet. >> the hike the 50k and 31 miles here would probably take average person more than a day. these people are doing it in about five and a half hours. you'll gain 10,000 feet of elevation. i'm definitely pushing to my limits every one of these races that i do. >> for me, the hardest part is this. it's so fascinating to see the limits where you can go. like, it's so interesting to push yourself. >> the hardest factor of a race
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like this are probably downhill. think about running down standing on football-sized rocks and hundreds of thousands of them and you're trying to find foot placement and move quickly. >> i'm pretty comfortable downhiller. i can go pretty fast and smooth. for me, it's like for people running a road, i guess. >> mountain running is probably one of the hardest things you can do to your body. >> we are, gosh, a little over seven hours into the race so people are getting tired obviously. they have been in the heat, they have been in the cold, they have been in the wind. >> i'm from costa rica and i've been frozen all day. >> i think the human body was meant to run, but this is pushing it. >> you hit that limit and you just have to learn how to push through that. >> i think in our modern societies, we don't push ourselves. we go to our cubicles and we do our thing and then we go home and we complain about doing our thing. running gives us a chance to
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give back. >> whoa! >> so lucky to run in the mountains. >> 2015 champion! >> and to be able to do it in a short time because it's something bigger than to race against people. >> i am a freshman runner but i also have a regular job and i have a family. >> hey, luke! >> i spend a lot of time running and a lot of time trying to figure out how to spend time with my family. i see my kids at the finish line. hey! they are a huge support for me. i have people ask me, will i run a 5k and you do this so this must not be it. it's impressive. it's a personal challenge and that might be half marathon for
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around the block, but taking and pushing your own boundaries is what it's all about. >> not easy but going up rocks and thin air. >> i like what he said about which is why we have done this series is about pushing boundaries. whether personal fitness or science or technology and what we are trying to enlarge in people's minds on this show. >> i'll cheer you both on. we will be right back. and i'm very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. johnson's believes that bath time is more than cleansing. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by
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. a car crashes into a building on steinway street at 25th avenue and astoria section of queens. in this video, you can see a police emergency vehicle
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the crash happened just before 4:00 this morning. firefighters tell us one person was transported to a nearby hospital. governor cuomo's office is in mourning after losing an aid to gun violence. 43-year-old carey gabay passed away last night at kings county hospital. gabay was hit by a stray bullet in crown heights on labor day, after he was caught in crossfire in a gun battle between two gangs. he was a harvard graduate who worked as an attorney in the governor's office. let's get a check of your forecast with john elliott. good morning, everybody. some mixed skies out there. a little bit more in the way of cloud cover than we saw yesterday. still, mostly clear and 70 degrees. winds are calm. around the area, a little cooler. staten island, cooler through parts of brooklyn by a degree or two. 61 in hackensack. around the area, coolest readings north and west. sparta through parts of sullivan, orange county.
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temperatures change maybe a degree or two warmer, but we do see a few more clouds this afternoon, similar story as far as numbers, upper 80s. nice finish on your friday. staying quiet saturday. more clouds and cooler first of next week. >> john, thanks. we are back with another local update in about 25 minutes.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, a san diego high school newest recipient of a golden football. two super bowl mvps surprised students and the staff there with a commemorative award. james brown tells us the story in our super bowl high school honor roll. from the big game to the "big bang theory. >> kunal nayyar is joining us. see how tv helped him grow up. the dallas morning news reports on a fast food worker fired for reportedly refusing to serve police. the cop said it happened on tuesday. the whataburger in texas said
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the man behind the counter said we don't serve police officers. whataburger's corporate office calls it an isolated incident. a mystery man in last night's republican debate is being called hot debate guy. he sat behind jake tapper. many people went to on twitter asking who is the hunk? turns out his name is greg caruso. he is an aspireing filmmaker and you have to read some of the tweets on buzzfeed because it's so funny. really funny. who is the stud sitting behind jake tapper? goes to show you everything is being watched in the debates. >> that's right. including the audience members. >> he was eye catch. >> if you want attention, sit behind the moderator. >> lots of tv time. brett favre is headlining the 2016 hall of fame nominees. this is his first year of eligibility. now that he has been retired for five years. favre was a three-time nfl most valuable player and expected to
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also on the list wide receiver terrell owens and alan faneca and brian westbrook. "thursday night football" returns tonight to cbs and kansas city chiefs host denver and peyton manning. both coming off first week wins. tony gonzalez is joining us in kansas city. a former chiefs tight ends and a pro bowler. let's get at it. what do you see tonight? peyton manning back for at least another season? >> yeah. he is back. and got off to a little rough start last week again the baltimore ravens. and i think that is probably the biggest story going into this game tonight is how is peyton manning going to keep evolving in this new offense that gary kubiak and john elway want him to run where he is taking a lot of snaps under the center now which is something he doesn't do. he has been having a lot of trouble throwing it down the field. and they really want him to get that running game going. they weren't able to do that last week.
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he has a tough challenge too going against this kansas city chiefs defense! they are really, really good! and they get after the quarterback. >> peyton threw zero touchdowns. how is the chiefs defense going to play against him tonight? shut him down again? >> well, if i were the chiefs defense i would do exactly what baltimore did last week. and is kind of take away the quick throws and stuff he wants to get out of his hands quickly and try to shut down that running game and force him to throw the ball down the field. he has been having a lot of trouble doing that lately. and they got a guy on that defense for the kansas city chiefs named justin houston who almost broke michael strahan's sack record and he is good at geg after the quarterback and he will be in peyton manning's face ought all night tonight and fun to wash. >> you know the chiefs because you played there many years. you know the strategy and the city. talk about travis kelce who is also a tight end. it says here he is the only one in chiefs' history with 100 receiving yards and two
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touchdown catches in a game. just like tony gonzalez. so is he the new tony gonzalez in your opinion? are you feeling this guy? >> yeah. i'm feeling this guy. actually, i know travis. i've talked to him. we text back and forth. this guy can be one of the best tight ends in the league. he's a big guy. he is 6'6". runs great routes. he is a student of the game. he wants to be one of the best tight ends in the league which i always think is very, very important. you have to come out and say, i want to be one of the best and he does. right now, the future is bright for the kansas city chiefs at that position. i hope, i hope he breaks all of my records. i would welcome that. >> do you want him to break your record? really? >> absolutely. you know what? a lot of people they come out and i think they don't want that but i do. i want this game to keep getting bigger and better. he's a good kid too. i couldn't think of a better person to come out and hopefully, get it done. >> tony, are we seeing the more use of tight ends as an offensive weapon?
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>> yes, you are. if you a lot of the last week the tight ends around the nfl just flat out ball'd. tyler eifert up in cincinnati had two touchdowns and over a hundred yards. the game with the cowboys, jason witten had two touchdowns and had the game winning touchdown. old guys, young guys. >> gronk? >> all of these tight ends are stepping up their game. gronkowski had three toumpedschdowns. the guys are so big and so fast opposing defenses. tight ends to me are the future is now and a lot of teams are getting these big guys involved in their offenses. >> tony. >> i like big. >> gayle like big. i like a tight end myself. >> i'm just saying. >> you know, tony, that gronk has a special. we love you, tony. and gronk has a special place in our heart too, right, gayle? >> yes. when he was here, we had great fun with him. >> we will be watching tonight. thank you so much! >> have fun today. see you. >> see you, tony. we continue our high school honor roll series and
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we visited a california high bowl players! two of them, super bowl mvp marcus allen and terrell davis and recently surprised their alma mater with commemorative golden footballs. allen led the raiders to victory in 1984 and davis scored three touchdowns for the broncos in denver's 1988 super bowl win. james brown hosts "the nfl today" on cbs and takes us on their journey to lincoln high school in san diego. >> reporter: in tlerl 50 years of the super bowl history, 43 players have been named the game's mvp. >> step back over the middle. 3-2-1! touchdown, raiders! >> reporter: a small high school in san diego, california, produced two of them, terrell davis and marcus allen. and it was that off-steer community that helped shape their journey to the nfl mountain top. >> the coach came to me and wanted me to play cornerback and i didn't want to play quarterback. i wanted to play defense back. and i remember getting under
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center and throwing me the ball. i think maybe eight times in a row. he knew i was doing it on purpose. he kicked me off the team. right in front of everybody. he said, "get out of here, you're off the tome. >> i looked at him like he is crazy. are you serious? >> he came down and sat down and told me about it. i said, look. you got to be a team player. so when they say, you go back to the coach and apologize and be quarterback. >> reporter: his senior year, allen led lincoln to the county championship where he scored all five of his team's touchdowns. >> the lesson i take from that we all have blind spots. certain things we can't see about ourselves and our coaches can. if if twasn't for my coach i probably wouldn't be playing running back at usc. >> reporter: while allen's football career continued to ascend another lincoln athlete was struggling to find his way. >> i was one of the best running backs in the county, you know, growing up until i was probably 12 years old and i had a number of events that caused me to sort
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>> one day, terrell game by and he wanted to let me know that his dad died. and that he had quit playing football. >> i just sort of lost any purpose for life. >> and i had to sit down with him and let minimum know that if anybody was gifted to play football, it was him. >> and so just hearing from him and getting that extra endorsement what i should be doing helped me out a lot. i think a leader inspires people and that is why i like the fact i was able to leave here and have some success and come back and talk to the kids who are attending right now. >> reporter: those kids were treated to a surprise when the mvp alums returned to where it all began. >> there is a lot of things that people think, you know, are outside of their reach and a lot of times the kids think that will never happen to me. waked wait a second. we came from the same neighborhood. why not you? >> it's part of my life and a part of the fabric who i am. >> you all have the ability to
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have today, the power of thought. the power of dreaming about things that are so big, that they might seem crazy. >> to go to football represents a accomplishment and validates a lot of hard work i put in. the fact no matter where you come from, it's not where you start, it's where you finish. >> that is the thrill for me. that's what it's all about. i hope one of the kids say that and say, that is me one day. >> we got one right here. >> yeah. >> i love this series. >> wonderful. we want to thank our partners at nfl films for bringing us this story. catch the denver broncos taking on the kansas city chiefs tonight on the season premiere of "thursday night football." go chiefs we are counting down to our coverage which begins at 7:30 eastern right here on cbs. he co-stars on tv's number one comedy. his name is kunal nayyar from
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preview of raj, you're probably
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showing any afeckion ionaaffection to one another. >> didn't crack the top ten. >> veryshe recently broke up with me. >> i am sure you'll figure it out. >> the wedizing starting. >> i see what is happening. sides are forming. if you're on amy's team i'm picking howard. >> i'm not. >> fine. i'm stuck with raj. >> really? >> that is a preview of "the big bang theory. >> kunal nayyar was born in london. dr. raj raised in india and went to the college of university of portland. he is out with a new book called "yes, my accent is real." welcome to the table. >> thank you so much. >> we should start by showing respect because, guys, he is tiger woods of badminton, as he
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tiger woods 2002 with the way he was playing but not right now. no offense, tiger. >> yes, my accent is real and people saying why are you talking like that? talk the people you really talk. >> people think i'm not indian and think i'm british or i've lived here for almost 15 years and i'm american. so i thought i would tell my story and that i'm actually from india. >> they think you're an astro physicist? >> they think i'm smart in real life but unfortunately not the case. >> you went to the university of portland and studying? >> i studied business and walked into the theater one day. i was lonely and didn't have any friends and thought maybe i could meet some girls if i got into a play and i got into a the play. theater is a place people misfits think they have a family because the theater is accepting of all times. >> you have a community. >> yeah, we have a communities and i felt at home. >> how did you make that to the
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"big bang theory"? >> i don't know if we have the time. i started acting in university of philadelphia and then i moved to los angeles to live out the big dream and i auditioned for a show. >> the hottest show on tv. >> the book is a period of essays? >> yes. >> but you also talk about romantic encounters. >> yes, many. >> i was 18 when i came to america. my idea of america was, like, i remember, oh, my god, i got into school in america and i'm going to go and i watched a movie and thought this is what college is going to be like and it obviously, wasn't for me. i just thought in america, you know, in india, when i was dating when i was 16, 15, 16 years old there was a formality to dating. when i come here, girls were friends of mine and put their arm around me and hug me and i thought they were my girlfriend. then i would go to kiss them and they said, gross, you're like my brother.
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>> you told a funny story by watching winnie cooper on the "wonder years." and she's on the show and you went to kiss her. india is not a nation of cool and known for what? >> we are known for imagine matmath and engineering. italians got their stereo typing. so bad. what is happening now, now what become cool. we used to have mustaches and what we do 99% of indian men. i can't have one for raj but i would have if i could have. now you look around and that is the new thing. everybody is a hipster but we were the hipsters before you were born, we were the original like the original gangsters. >> i didn't know about this about india weddings.
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they are big and you describe your outfit as something liberace would have worn. >> exactly. it's beautiful. i don't want to make too much fun of it. it is gorgeous but i was trying to explain to people what it would look like and it's like peacock blue with gold sequins and liberace would have wanted it. >> india also has beautiful women. >> my wife is very beautiful both inside and out. >> his wife is a former miss india. miss india. >> i thought she was going to be so fake because i was so insecure and i met this beautiful girl. gosh she is probably mean or fake. i was so insecure around her. then she ended up being wonderful and liked me. when i met her on "the big bang theory." she said what do you do? i'm an actor and on "the big bang theory." and she said, "is that a porno?
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because she is very kind. >> she kind. >> "big bang theory" in its ninth season. >> seems like yesterday we just started and only shot five episodes and i think premieres on the 21st so please tune in. the characters are different and the writing, the quality of the writers, you know, the writing is still as good. >> always true. >> and on cbs. >> yes. >> and cbs. >> so nice to have you. >> thank you, thank you so much. >> continued success to you. >> i love watching this desk. it's nice to be sitting up here. >> glad to have you. the book is called, "yes, my accent is real." it's on sale now and you can
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bang theory" caring about the things that make each of our clients unique...
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. good morning. i'm alex denis. a westchester county woman is charged in the death of her 6-year-old daughter. kathy dimas is charged with child endangerment and drug possession in the death of her daughter lacy carr. lacy ingested a fatal dose of drugs including morphine. altis has agreed to buy cablevision in a nearly $18 billion deal. a formal announcement is expected this morning. cablevision vold by the dolan family, has more than 3 million customers in the tri-state area, the fifth largest cable company in the u.s. reports of scams related to onalone used car sales are up in new york state. six people were arrested last
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buyers. state officials say you should never pay cash for a car and always have vehicles inspected buying. and city officials have some good news on the smoking rate. the health department says the number of smokerses have fallen after a surprising uptick. a 2014 survey showed fewer than 900,000 adults smoked, down from more than 1 million the year before. let's get a check on our forecast with john elliott. thank you, alex. hi, everybody. let's go outside and get nice summer sun. mostly clear and 73. september, and it's going to be so warm! 61 in walden. 87, above normal, absolutely. 75. we should be in the 70s sunday into monday. big ridge of high pressure still in control today. 87, warm again. 67. you've noticed it's been a little bit more humid.
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a little retreat tomorrow, 85. then that cooling trend continues. we'll throw in more clouds and hoping for rain late monday into tuesday. alex? >> john, thank you. our next newscast is at noon. we are always on at
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hope you have a great day. tt0w!tx#h_!!%4@-j] tt0w!tx#h_!!el@-@zl tt0w!tx#h_!!ed@-fx( tt0w!tx#h_%!)8h-&&t tt0w!tx#h_%!kzh-;i( tt0w!tx#h_%!n-h-n $ tt0w!tx#h_%!0ph-pg< tt0w!tx#h_%!s"h-@5\ tt0w!tx#h_%!ueh-cw, tt0w!tx#h_%!7hh-_ux >> judge patricia: you all knew
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each other from the karaoke bar.
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