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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  October 12, 2015 3:30am-3:59am EDT

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york city, i'm jeff glor. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm jeff glor. president obama leaves office in 15 months. so what's next? the president sat down and discussed it all with steve croft of "60 minutes." >> the solution we are going to have inside of syria is ultimately going to depend not on the united states putting in a bunch of troops there, resolving the underlying crisis is going to be something that
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players there to, to recognize that there has to be a transition new government. in the absence of that it is not going to work. >> reporter: one of key players now is russia. a year ago when we did the interview there was saber rattling between the united states and russia on the ukrainian border. now it is also going on in syria. you said a year ago that, that the united states, america lead, we're the indispensable nation. mr. putin seems to be challenging that leadership? >> in what way? >> he's moved troops into syria. for one. he has got people on the ground. two, the russians are conducting military operations in, in the middle east for the first time since world war ii, bombing the people that we are supporting. >> so that's leading, steve? let me ask you this question. when i came into office ukraine
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was governed by a corrupt ruler who was a stooge of mr. putin. syria was russia's only ally in the region. and today, rather than being able to count on their support and maintain the base they had in syria which they have had for a long time. mr. putin now is devoting his own troops, his own military, just to barely hold together, by a thread, his sole ally. >> he is challenging your leadership, mr. president. he is challenging your leadership. >> steve, i got to till you, if you think that running your economy into the ground and having to send troops in in order to prop up your only ally is leadership, then we have got a different definition of leadership. my definition of leadership would be leading on climate change and international accord the potential we will get in paris, my definition of leadership is mobilizing the
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world community to make sure iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon, and with respect to the middle east, we have got a 60 country coalition that isn't suddenly lining up around russia's strategy. to the contrary they're arguing in fact that strategy will not work. >> my point was not that he was leading. my point that he was challenging your leadership. he is very much involved himself in the situation. can you imagine anything happening in syria of any significance at all without the russians now being involved in it and having a part of it. >> that was true before. keep in mind for the last five years the russians have provided arms, provided financing, as have the iranians as has hezbollah. >> they haven't been bombing and haven't had troops on the ground. >> the fact that they had to do this is not an indication of strength. their strategy didn't work. you don't think mr. putin would have preferred having mr. assad solve this problem without him having to send a bunch of pilots
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>> did you know he was going to do all this when you met with him in new york? >> yeah, we have seen, pretty good intelligence the we watch. >> you knew he was planning to do it? >> we knew he was planning to provide the military assistance that assad was needing because they were nervous about a potential imminent collapse of the regime. >> you say he is doing this out of weakness. there is a perception in the middle east among our adversaries, certainly and even among allies that the united states is in retreat that we pulled our troops out of iraq and isis has moved in and taken over much of that territory, the situation in afghanistan is very precarious, the taliban is on the march again. and isis controls a large part of syria. >> i think it is fair to say, steve. >> they said, let me just finish the thought. >> okay. >> they say you are projecting weakness not strength? >> you are saying they. but you are not citing to many folks. >> i will cite for us if you want me to. i would say the saudis, i would
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say the israelis. a lot of our friend in the middle east. i would say, everybody, everybody in the republican party. do you want me to keep going? >> yeah, if you want. if you are citing the republican party. i will say there is nothing i have done right over the last seven and a half years. and i also think what is true is that -- that these are the same folks who were making an argument for us to go into iraq. and who in some cases still have difficulty acknowledging that it was a mistake. and steve, i guarantee you that there are factions inside the middle east. i guess factions inside the republican party who think that we should, should send endless number of troops into the middle east. that the only measure of
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strength is us sending back several hundred thousand troops that we are going to impose a piece, police the region, and that the fact that we might have more deaths of u.s. troops, thousand of troops killed, thousand of troops injured. spend another trillion dollars. they would have no problem with that. there are people who would look to see us do that and unless we do that, they'll suggest we're in retreat. >> they'll say you are throwing in the towel? >> no. steve, we have an enormous presence in the middle east. we have bases. we have aircraft carriers. and our pilots are flying through those skies. we are currently supporting iraq. as it tries to continue to build up its forces. but the problem that i think a lot of these critics never
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answer is what's in the interest of the united states of america? and, and, what point do we say that here are the things we can do well to protect america. but here are the things that we also have to do in order to make sure that america lead and america is strong and stays number one. and if in fact the only measure is for us to send another 100,000 or 200,000 troops into syria or back into iraq or perhaps into libya or perhaps into yemen and our goal somehow is that we are now going to be not just the police, but the governors of this region. that would be bad strategy, steve. and i think that if we make that mistake again -- then shame on us. >> do you think the world is a safer place? >> america is a safer place. i think that there are places obviously like syria that are not safer than when i came into office.
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but in terms tough us protecting ourselves against terrorism, in terms of us making sure that we are strengthening our alliances, in terms of our reputation around the world, absolutely we're stronger. >> when the overnight news returns, john dickerson discusses with donald trump and ben carson. couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated so i get a better clean. 15% cleaning ingredients or 90%. don't pay for water, pay for clean.
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yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them... rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. the latest cbs news poll shows the race for the republican presidential nomination is tightening up. donald trump is the front-runner at 27%. ben carson is closing the gap. now at 21%. the gop has an immediate pressing concern finding a new speaker of the house. john dickerson discussed the issue with trump and carson for "face the nation." >> paul ryan is mentioned as possible speaker. what do you think of paul ryan? >> somebody they could get good support.
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i think he doesn't want it very badly. maybe he is playing one of the great games of all time. speaker of the house is a great position. he doesn't seem to want it. if it us offered to him he would take it. >> you want some body strong. is paul ryan strong? >> i think he is strong. when mitt romney chose him it was a tough choice the he has been anti-medicare, medicaid, social security, in a sense. he will say he hasn't been. they played that up hard. that was a disastrous campaign for a lot of reasons. but paul ryan is a good man. i know him very little. but i think he is a very good person. >> you would be okay with speaker paul ryan. >> i would be okay. it may not be him. a couple people in there. not going to mention name. people that are really tough and really smart. right now that's what we need. the republicans never win. john, they never win. everything whether it's on obamacare, whether it's on the debt ceiling, whether, no matter what we have, there is never, ever a victory.
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have there right now. >> you said republican should do, quoting from you here, something, really, really significant with the coming debt ceiling vote. the vote on whether the united states government can keep borrowing money. what can republicans do? >> john, if you go back and check. i have been saying this for three years. that is a tremendously powerful weapon. if they knew how to use it. the problem, you have 70% of the republicans say, we're not closing government. now when you say that. i wrote the art of the deal. when you say that. the other side says we have 70% of the people, says it is not going to happen. the other 30% are rendered useless. really unfair to them. they're left out there hanging. so, you need somebody that can unify, be tough and win against the democrats and against others. in all fairness. against the world essentially. but they really do have a tremendously powerful weapon. they don't use it.
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they don't use it properly. they're terrible negotiators. >> john boehner after he announced he was resigning, said there were false prophets in the republican party, the false prophets are whipping people into a frenzy believing they can accomplish things they know are never going to happen. he is kind of talking about you. >> i don't think so. i know him and like him on a personal basis. i do think they should be tougher. here is the problem. when he says false prophets, you cannot win when you have 20% or 30% on this side. a group of 70% on this side say we are never going with the 30% who want more. that's what is happening the every time i watch it. it is so sad. if they were really unified and took the 30% stance. they really wanted to make changes and do it right and cut the budget. cut the deficit do things they should be doing. if they took the group. if everybody was unified. obama would fold. but there is no reason for him to ever fold. because he knows that, a big proportion, vast majority of the republicans are on his side. >> i want to ask you about your view on the use of military
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power. you say in personal relations you are a counter puncher. you don't hit until you are hit. is that a good way to think of how you would use military force? >> i am the most military based, on your show. i want a much stronger military. so strong. nobody is going to mess with us. take care of our vets treated terribly. third-class citizens the we have illegal immigrants that are being treated better than our great vets. they're like, third-class citizens. they're going to be taken care of. we have to make our military strong and hopefully never have to use it. >> dr. carson, big news in washington is about the vacant speakership in the house. what do you think about paul ryan for the job? >> i like paul ryan. i think he would do a fine job. i hope that all of the people who are being kidded will have an opportunity to, to put forth their philosophy on leadership. and that the, members can make an intelligence decision. >> what do you make of what is hatch penning in the house of representatives -- happening in the house of representatives
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elections a lot of people have been sent to washington with the thought that maybe some changes could be made. i don't think anyone is seeing changes. the electorate is getting frustrated. reflected in washington right now. >> talk to you about your book and comments you made this week. a lot of talk about comments you made in which you said the -- i want to talk about the context of that statement. in your book, there is a passage, in which you say -- so, i want to ask you, who wants to confiscate all the guns of the american citizens? >> what i am talking about is the reason we have a 2nd
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amendment. this is a book about the constitution. and the 2nd amendment is part of it. it is therefore the reasons that i stated in the book, specifically, in case of an invasion by foreign power. the people will be able to aid the military. and also, if, if we have a time when we have the wrong people in office, and they want to dominate the people, the people will be able to defend themselves as daniel webster eloquently said. the people of america will never suffer under tyranny because they are armed. >> in the book it suggests there is, i just want to make sure i read this right. whenyou talk about confiscating the guns of american citizens. do you think that's a present threat, the notion that guns
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american citizens? >> no. it is something, many of the things that are in the constitution are to, to help to prevent horrible things from happening. so they're in place to make sure that the people maintain their liberties and that the government remains constrained. those are the two purposes. >> i think a get that speaks to what you are talking about also in your book, you say that you were once a supporter of a ban on assault weapons and armor piercing bullets. but then as you say in your book, you realized, recognize the intent of the second amendment which is to protect the freedom of the people from an overly aggressive government. it sound like you are saying the idea of an overly aggressive government that would require that kind of resistance is a clear and present danger. do you see it that way? >> i didn't say it was going on right now. i think the -- the implication is quite clear that it is something that can happen. and i listed a number of countries where that kind of thing happened. fact of the matter is if you go to the countries well before it happened and asked the people if that is going to happen in their
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country. they would say, oh, no, no, no. wouldn't happen here. >> that's what interests me. so many people are distrustful of the government. angry at the government. you mentioned some countries. and also the context in which you said the people in germany dent speak up when nazism was on the rise. i guess, what i wonder is do you think it is that close here or just hyperbole to use the nazi analogies. >> it's not hyperbole at all. whether the is on our doorstep or whether 50 years away, it is still a concern. and something that we must guard against. that's one of the real purposes of having a constitution. i think the founders were really
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quite insightful into looking at possibilities and understanding what is happened in other places and trying to put together something that would prevent that from happening here. you know there are a lot of people in the media who will take anything you say and try to make it into hyperbole and make it into controversy. but the fact of the matter is when you talk to average american citizens they know exactly what i am talking about. >> but the extermination of an entire race, the nazi goal, that is a pretty big thing to compare our current situation too. i guess that has people confused? >> you do not want to got there. >> dr. ben carson. thank you so much. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico.
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north korea celebrated its 70th anniversary this weekend. the north korean government invited foreign journalists to watch the spectacle. but as seth doan found out they were kept on a short leash. >> reporter: they may be the most secretive country on earth, but they sure know how to put on a show. this was saturday night's torch parade. featuring tens of thousand of people running in sync with real-life torches. through the spitting rain on slippery kim il-song square. we watched. mesmerized. also watching was kim jung-un. north korea's 30-something ruler, and who had quite a day of parades. earlier saturday he presided over perhaps the biggest ever
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korea history. one of the things you can't quite appreciate when you see this on television -- with all of this goose stepping while you are standing here, the ground is shaking. this was saber rattling on a grand scale. kim made it clear in a speech saturday that america should take note. kim called the u.s. a tyrant and said the dprk was ready to defend itself if provoked. after the parade this 36-year-old railway worker told us seeing kim jong-un in person for the first time gave her butterflies and she added she felt safe seeing the massive show of force. >> reporter: i am an american, what do you think about that? >> i didn't know you were an american, she giggled. you are not as evil as the what i read about in books.
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well it is rare for americans, even more so for american journalists to be granted access. the price of admission for foreign journalists entering north korea is that the government decide exactly what you see. we're taken to tourist sites with absolutely no news value. and to subway stations built decade ago. though even here among the out of date details you glimpse just how significant the government's role is in every day life. be it leaders' pictures on subway cars or even on pins. as americans we hear that life in north korea is difficult. does it feel that way to you? >> no, we are living a really happy life, cho chul yung said. there is no mafia here. there is no burglary here. there is a strong government. at least that's what they wanted us to see. in this carefully stage managed production it can be hard to
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tell when the show begins and when it ends. so, after the spectacle of this weekend's massive military parade, there was something almost refreshing about seeing what came next. picking up the trash. now, that at least seemed real. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right b look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor
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you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. finally, steve hartman, the story of a wedding, groom, bride and the two men who walked her down the aisle. >> reporter: for most of her life, 21-year-old britney peck of elyria, ohio caught in the middle. torn between two men she adored. her father and her step dad. >> i felt like maybe i need to just. >> reporter: pick? >> yeah, basically. yeah. >> reporter: what a position to be in? >> i know. it was really, really tough. i was in kindergarten. >> reporter: this all began when britney was 6. her parents split up.
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then got wrapped up in a bitter custody battle. >> it was riddled with lawyers and courtrooms. >> reporter: her dad, a short haul truck driver wanted custody and had no interest in sharing his daughter with britney's step dad who said the ill feelings were mutual. >> we did not get along. we tolerated each other. that's probably the best way to describe it. >> reporter: over the years things did improve slightly. they shared custody and both men came to realize they were both pretty good fathers. but there was still a little tension in the air when last month the two families got together for britney's wedding. her biological father was supposed to walk her down the aisle when all of a sudden he bolted to the front. i said i will be back. that's when i walked down the aisle grabbed todd and said come on. >> he said you had just as much part of of this raising these kids i did. you are going to come and help me walk our daughter down the aisle. >> reporter: our daughter.
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>> that's when i lost it. >> hand in hand they went back to get britney. arm in arm they gave their daughter the wedding she dreamed of. >> it went the world to me. it was-- the happiest moment of my life walking down the aisle with both of them. >> reporter: parents and stepparents are often at odds. but the wisest eventually realize that getting along isn't just best for the kids. it's best for them. >> if that individual accepts your children and treats them as his own how can you not have respect for somebody like that. >> he invited me to be part of that day. and that is something that can never be taken away. it will always be there. >> reporter: a little wedding day advice from the fathers of the bride. steve hartman on the road in elyria, ohio. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little
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later for "the morning news" and


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