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tv   CBS 2 News  CBS  October 15, 2015 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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i am chris wragge. >> and i am mary calvi. we begin with a hazmat situation many a sports facility in new jersey. jim smith is in chopper 2 with the dethe tails for us. jim -- >> reporter: mary, we are over columbia road in new jersey, the twin oaks ice rink. the fire department called here earlier within the last hour for some sort of hazardous material situation. we do not know whether that situation is related to fumes or something else. we did see firefighters bringing large fans into the building. you can see some of the firefighters outside. multiple ambulances have responded. it's not known how many people were affected or evacuated from the billing. we did see several people brought into the large ems bus that has been brought to the scene for medical evaluation. again, it's not known exactly how many people were affected and evaluated for any conditions here. again, an ongoing situation n.
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it's not known -- the situation going on. it's not what the exact cause is but the fire department is on the scene and it appears they have evacuated the building. cbs 2 news. >> thank you. keep us updated. in other news this afternoon, a new jersey man is under arrest accused in a deadly rampage against his family. >> police say he stabbed his mother and brother to death. janelle burrell at the story new at noon. >> reporter: it appears there was type of altercation here inside the knight family home onward plaza. and investigators say by time it ended, keith knight had so violently stabbed his mother and younger brother that they could not recover. investigators spent the overnight hours and this morning collecting bags of evidence, including computers from the home where the gruesome crime took place. and family friends unable to make sense of the loss. >> i can't believe it. >> very, very nice pele. >> surprised when i came over. >> reporter: 60-year-old keith knight, now in custody accused
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year-old victoria night and his younger brother, 52-year-old ronald victor knight in this teaneck home they shared. >> been here since around 1970. nerve the neighborhood know keith. so like i said, good game so f or -- good guy. so for this to happen, it's shocking. >> reporter: police arrived around 11:00 last night to a bloody scene. and investigators say the older brother had stabbed both relatives to death. friends say there were no apparent warning signs but they say years ago, keith knight had been in a bad accident and never fully recovered. >> he was involved in a motorcycle accident. so i think it's mental illness. >> reporter: but they say there was never any indication that he would hurt anyone, let alone >> never violent. never. >> reporter: investigators now working to figure out what happened in those moments leading up to the stabbings. reporting from teaneck, new jersey, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news.
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shocking violence captured on video. a punch that afierce come out of nowhere. a clerk is hit so hard, he passes out. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: the video is startling enough to evoke a reaction from just about anyone who sees it. a worker was processing a power ball ticket when he was knocked unconscious. >> punch me. i just fall. and for a few second, i just pass out. nothing. >> reporter: it happened in a store front on busy 566th street near 6th avenue many midtown. he says the attacker spent a bit of time in the store before coming to the counter. >> around 10 minutes, just looking like this. >> reporter: video leading up to the attack shows a grown man in a pink hoodie handing the clerk his ticket and then jabbing him in the face. >> look at this punch like boom. >> reporter: as he lay lifeless against the wall, the thief
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grabbed an armful of scratch- off tickets. he said he had no way of knowing that the attack was coming. >> he give me the card. and then he punch me. happening today, new york mayor de blasio leaves for israel tonight. his first as mayor. the three-day the trip will include a visit to a school for israeli arabs and palestinian students. the aides reportedly considered a trip to the west bank but it's unlikely due to security concerns. heavily armed israeli sold yes, sir posted behind concrete barriers are searching people entering today. 300 extra troops will be deployed this weekend to patrol the holy city to stop the month- long wave of violence. the government is telling people who have licenses to own a gun to carry it because of the unrest. president barack obama said he is halting the planned withdrawl of troops from afghanistan there. are nearly 10,000 there now.
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and 5500 will stay until he leighs office. he had promised to end the war but he says the situation is too fragile. >> as commander in chief, i will not allow afghanistan to be used as safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again. our forces therefore remain engaged in two narrow but critical mission, training afghan forces and supporting a counterterrorism operations against the remnants of al- qaeda. >> the u.s. has been in afghanistan now for 14 years. the government says there will be no raise next year for millions of social security recipients. the main reason, low gas price which are keeping inflation in check. by law, the adjustment is based on a government measure of inflation. this is just the third time in 40 years that benefits will remain flat. a family today asking for the public's help finding their beloved pet. the dog was stolen from their
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the family says they just want their puppy back. mark morgan has more this afternoon. mark -- >> reporter: chris, nancy torez, her husband and their five children have lived in the second floor apartment here on underhill avenue in bronx for about a year but now their life has been turned upside down and something precious has been taken from them. >> i want my puppy back. >> reporter: nancy's husband came home around noon on tuesday to find their second floor apartment in bronx ransacked. with thieves taking about $1,000 in cash, a playstation system and several payers of sneakers and perhaps most importantly, their 3-month-old husky puppy as well. and police told torez that the burglars used paint balls and pepper spray on the three other dog thes in the apartment. >> when you go in, you smell. so i think that's why my dog is a little bit sleepy. >> reporter: so subdued the older dogs to the take the
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puppy? >> yes. only the puppy. >> reporter: torez and her family are back in their apartment but are shaken by the robbery. >> it's not the same. my dogs, quiet right now. it's different. >> reporter: torez says all of the children are upset about their dog being taken from them but the youngest child, her 8- year-old daughter is most upset by the disappearance. >> it's sad. my kids cry a lot in the night. they miss the puppy. well, a lot of things. >> reporter: nancy says she and her family are devastate and she told me she has plastered the neighborhood with fliers just like this one in hopes of getting her puppy back. we are live in the soundview section of bronx, cbs 2 news. >> thank you. and new at noon, the taxi commission is expected to vote today to turn off taxi tv for good. the commission may phase out
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the unpopular backseat tvs. since late 2008, yellow cabs were equipped with the screens that played a constant loop of programming. they may test a high-tech smart phone or tablet that would allow riders to pay. the best championship chase comes down to game five tonight the against the dodgers. the winner goes on the the national league championship series. >> and the loser goes home. andrea grymes spoke with excited mets fans who hope this is not the end of the season. >> let's go, mets, baby! >> reporter: kevin striker could not hold back his excitement for his amazing mets. just a few hours away from their do or die game five tonight in los angeles. >> i'm so excited. man, i don't want to go to work. i wanted to call out. >> reporter: die hard met fans are probably not getting much work done in anticipation of tonight's national league division series finale.
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many today are all decked out and pulling out good luck charms. tell me how you feel about gemmative? >> let's go. -- feel about game five? >> let's go. >> reporter: do you have a superstition? >> that's why i'm wearing this shirt. >> not taking this off. not until the last pitch. >> reporter: that's your thing? has it worked in the past? >> well, didn't work the other night. i hope it changes. >> reporter: it has been a roller coaster of emotions this series. the mets won the first game on the road and then the dodgers took game two after chase utley's dirty slide that broke ruben tejada's leg. and now all tied up at 2-2, fans are betting their post- season run continues. >> just thinking positive. high hopes. >> finally like the year of queens and it's time for the yankees to move aside. >> put on your mets gear and hoodie and shirts and whatever, get your pompoms going, the sick-pack going and let's go mets. >> reporter: so fans have their fingers crossed that tonight the is not the end of the season.
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the game starts at 8:00. the winner goes on to take on the chicago cubs starting on saturday. in times square, andrea grymes, cbs 2 news. >> love the mets fans, not just taking on the dodgers boattails yankies. -- dodgers but also taking on the yankees. a plea deal for lying to federal investigators about paying hush money. and no tip required. a popular restaurant group takes gratuities off the table. but there's a catch. drug, sex, all we need is rock 'n' roll. >> police patrol a park overrun with sex and marijuana. we'll tell you where it's located. pretty blue skies and then
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forecast coming up. look, the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day
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with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water.
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and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. new at noon, the former house speaker plans to the plead guilty in a federal hush money case. he is charged with lying to the fbi about $3.5 million worth of bank withdrawl, money prosecutors claim was used to keep misconduct allegations under wraps. the attorney expects to have a written plea deal by monday. it would help keep any potentially embarrassing secrets quiet.
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the olympic runner serving time for manslaughter will be released from prison on tuesday. he has served just 10 months of a five year sentence for shooting and killing his girlfriend in to 2013. the parole board says he will begin house arrest after he is freed. he was acquitted of murder charges but prosecutors are appealing. they'll be back in court next month. well, soon you will be able to skip the tip at some of the city's best restaurants. tip willing be off the table at the restaurants. the ceo says that prices will increase slightly to make up the difference. a food critic says diners could see more of the no tipping trend. >> my guess is the other restaurants will adopt it. maybe faster than you would think. they'll tend to be higher-end restaurants. >> the modern will be the first of the union square group restaurants to adopt the policy beginning in late november. and the others will follow next year.
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they have had it with specks drug use taking place in -- with sex and drug use taking place in and near a nearby park. they say the dimly lit nearby street attracts active adult couples who pull over to the side of the road. >> i came home to see a sex act in the middle of the park. >> there was a couple right in front of my house doing what they were doing and i asked them to please leave and the male occupant threw a beer bottle at me. >> and residents have complained to the nypd. a captain paid a visit while we were there. residents said they want officers to be more active and present in the neighborhood to deter the activity. if you ride new jersey transit, mind your manners. the agency launched a new customer courtesy campaign reminding passengers to stay out of the rude zone. they include talking loudly, using foul language, carrying too much baggage and exposing your bare feet.
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it uses posters, social media and digital displays. use the #rudezone. after the break, a 7-year- old to the rescue. >> drool a little and then her eyes rolled tall way back and she closed them. >> a fast-thinking son saved the day for his mom when she passed out behind the wheel. plus it's seasonably cool but don't get used to it. the big chill and rain headed into the area. el's forecast after this.
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after this. i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto . hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto . nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto
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a new jersey boy is winning gratitude from his mom and praise from police. >> he is just 7 years old but he had the presence of mind to call 911 when his mother passed out at the wheel of her car. >> i just dialed 911 and then it rings. >> reporter: in his mom's moment of need, it was brandon to the rescue. >> i don't remember much. car. car. >> reporter: she was driving brandon to a play date at a passed out. a reaction to new medication. >> she started to drool a and then she closed them. >> reporter: and brandon was in the back in booster seat.
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front seat and started searching for mom's phone. >> thank god i taught him to dial 911. >> where's your emergency? >> can you come? my mom is passing out. >> okay. how old is your mom, honey? >> i don't know how old she is. >> okay, how old are you? >> 7. >> reporter: brandon kept his cool as he helped the dispatcher determine they were near millpond school. >> brandon, i need to know, what do you see around you, honey? >> a school and another school. >> i was unconscious and he just did it all. >> reporter: for his action, brandon was honored by the township with an award but he told his mom he doesn't feel like a superhero. >> he said he just wants to be brandon. >> reporter: a boy wonder when it counted. in ocean county, cbs 2 news. >> he did a good job there. >> and a great throw too. >> little athlete and answer those questions,. >> very impressive. incredible. let's turn it to john elliott and find out what we
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>> i like that kid. that's a nice kid. good afternoon, mary and chris. and good afternoon to you. our boss, david was just in the weather center. you know, is it nice enough for a stroll? i said get out there and enjoy. a little coat or jacket. and weather watchers still reporting the 50s. some folks in the low 60s. and we have hit 60 in the city. and i want to dive in and show you the pretty pictures. ed, daniel, charlie, flying this morning. beautiful sunrise shot. i like this from ralph. the fall shot. and he's out on long island so seeing more color there as well. just very pretty. and enjoy the day today. it's going to be a fine fall day. refreshing. definitely cooler than yesterday. and look at that blue on 2 for you. 60 and winds out of the northwest. yeah, still a breeze. more stations in the 50s than the 60s. and ai don'ts the board, about five to 10 degrees cooler.
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so i think we can still hit 65. which, you know, puts us this the ball park. 64 is the normal high. sun sets 5:69:16. and we should see sun until and pollen, right around 3, averaging around 3 for the next few days. one of the reasons it's relatively dry -- reasons, it's relatively dry even with the chance of rain on friday with that front right there. area. interesting side note, let's take a trip. you know, it's raining around los angeles right now. and we could see a passing shower for the game tonight. unusual for southern california. welcomed for their weather. but we will be watching that for the mets. and as far as your afternoon goes, it's nice and quiet. early tomorrow morning, you see evidence of that front. a stray shower possible north and west. with the leave, any added moisture makes the roadways very slippery. of course, we desperately need the rain. look at how that falls apart. not a lot of moisture for this
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front to work with. and stray showers possible later in the afternoon. and then things relatively quiet. maybe even just north and west, cold enough for a flake or two. and of course, not unheard of. did you know that on this date in 1876 was the first measurable snow in new york. don't see that this weekend. but definitely plan on cooler conditions. today, pick of the next few, 65. and we've got that chance of a shower friday. and then that cold front issues, well, i shouldn't say issues, it brings in the cold. 58 on saturday. and 52 on sunday. and morning lows, even in the city will be in the 30s this weekend. >> maybe we will start seeing foliage. >> yeah, maybe. it will help with color. >> i don't want to see that sssssss -- >> i said foliage, not snow. when animals apeer to go wild. -- -- an animals appear to go wild. >> wait till you see what
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appeared on live tv.
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when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage. the plan people stick with. coming up on cbs 2 news at 5:00, cellphones up in smoke. overheat. settings so they'll not. and at 6:00, college students spend thousands of dollars a year commuting to school. and now a push that could save them money but there's a catch. those stories and more tonight on cbs 2 news at 5:00.
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local television anchors in nebraska get taken in by a prank that had one running from his seat. [ screaming ] >> they were interviewing an animal expert who brought in a skunk. and he was explaining how they spray as a defense mechanism. and all of a sudden, they started to feel wet. you see it right there. tried to dodge it. that fella gets up and -- >> i would be out of there. >> i would never leave you sitting there. >> i would. >> and then the handler revealed the surprise, he was squirting a small water bottle. >> funny, funny. >> not skunk spray afterall. >> they need to know better. >> that's it for us at noon. for john and the entire cbs 2 news team, thank you for i am mary calvi. >> tune in tomorrow morning at bob cat. the news is next on at 5:00 here on cbs 2 news. look how beautiful it is...
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