tv ET Entertainment Tonight CBS November 2, 2015 2:00am-3:00am EST
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anyone who steps into a fight involving two mooks with baseball bats can't be a sissy in my book. aw, pop! "sissy"? what? who are we talking about? i think the gay guy dad was talking about in the car. whoa, whoa! the detective that your father was speaking of. the gay detective? danny: no, it's just detective. henry: nicky? i was paying the man a compliment. but "sissy"? seriously? okay. what would young people call it? call what? what we're talking about. you mean gay? yeah, gay. (clears throat) well, i'm only in fifth grade, so it doesn't come up very much. they kind of kidnapped that word, you ask me. nobody you, pop. it's not even accurate. i mean, gay is "happy and lighthearted." it doesn't mean that anymore. asked as you well know, pop, come on. well, it was a good word.
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(groans) so, was it just me... or was monsignor really zeroing in on you during his sermon. yeah, i noticed that, too, when he was talking about sunday catholics as opposed to every single day catholics. mm-hmm. a reserv up front is a blessing and a curse. i thought you were gonna issue an apology for shooting your mouth off about the church and the gays. ed pew i use it right that time? i told his eminence i would. apparently i am guilty of heresy until the apology is actually released. which is when? which is after i've written it. that was delicious. what's for dessert? humble pie. then i'm full. fuentes: this guy... danny: uh-huh. and this one. he was the one with the bat. you sure about 100%. all right then. we're good to go. so, what happens now? well,
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in an exterminator business in river glen. that? okay. so... we have an appointment for them to assess our termite problem tomorrow in vandergoes township. okay. vandergoes township is the neighboring town to river glen and also happens to fall on our side of the new york state line where chief monroe can't help them. when's the appointment? tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. maybe you and your, uh, partner would like to join us? sure. fuentes? it's up to him. you'll join us. (siren wailing) out of the vehicle with your hands in the air now! come on!
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i'm detereagan with the nypd. you're under arrest for accessory to murder of martin elvers. you hear me? never heard of him. and this is jersey. you got no jurisdiction here... hey! you just crossed the linective new york, jackass. it's gonna be your home for a while, so i'd get used to it. demarest, let fuentes do the honors with him. into you take this schmuck. come on. hey! kevin monroe, you are under arrest for the murder of martin elvers. hey, reagan, baez? you mind if fuentes and i take these guys in for booking? they're your collar. you earned it. go on, get out of here. come on! you got one hell of a partner there, demarest. guess i do. you miss me? a little. more than a little. no, really, just a little.
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good evening, sister. i'm, uh... sorry to keep you waiting. busy day. how go with his eminence? i'm afraid i failed you. did it what the hell happened? pop, the sister needs another cube of ice in her drink and i could use one myself. i can take a hint. i butted heads with the archdiocese last week. when you shot off your mouth about the church's stance on homosexuality. yes. i read the papers. i regret it. i shouldn't have answered the question. but i have been asked to issue a public apology. and you can't do that? well, i tried.
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but then i realized that any apology, no mhow carefully worded and qualified, would come off as me recanting my objection. atter and i couldn't do that. i see. i don't expect you to. oh, i'm sure there will be another way to keep st. dom's open. are you? really? well, with all due respect, my faith is in our lord first. you second. (short laugh) please try to understa i command 35,000 men and women. i have no idea how many are gay or lesbian or whatever. nd. i don't want to know. i don't need to know. and i won't condemn them because i'm a catholic. it's none of my damn business.
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the day i entered the convent started on the train platform in madison, wisconsin, where i kissed my girlfriend good-bye. now, there's not a day i regret answering our lord's call, or a day when i'm ashamed of who i was before. so, thank you. so, how did you screw up with his eminence? what the hel david lugo. no. don't move. where do you think you're going? we are officers of the nypd. i have here a warrant
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to search these premises for stolen goods. l? the search was hugely successful. on your knees. hands behind your head. let's roll, spiderboy. why aren't we booking him downstairs? 'cause he's not our collar. the hell are you talking about? the whole point of this thing is... to get even. here, hold him. hey, detective hoffman. reagan. what the hell? we have here one david lugo, aka spiderboy. we executed a warrant to search his residence for stolen property, which turned up some very positive results. so, we placed mr. lugo under arrest for said stolen pro but were made aware that mr. lugo was the subject of an ongoing investigation by the detective. soperty,he spirit of the ancient and solemn brotherhood
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entertainment tonight. >> relationship advice. >> i seem to not be able to get past three years. >> halle berry joins the single mom's club as olivier has his own demands. >> telling "e.t." about their emotional past. >> i'm stunned. i don't get it. >> and chloe's first interview on calling off her divorce from lamar. >> i was really stressed. i needed a release. >> and was taylor swift, and say manning groped her. >> and set with mariah the director, talking love and kids. >> i think they are causing a little bit of havoc. >> only we can take you to the top secret set of george clooney's new project. >> then mary hart relives nearly 30 years of "e.t." exclusive. >> you good rehearse. >> she seemed to me so frail. >> who moved her the most? what about those famous legs?
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>> are your legs still insured? >> "home alone" 25 years later. >> different lifetime. >> the screams, stumps, cast. then and now. our look back on the set. >> cut, cut, cut. >> now in our 35th season, this is entertainment tonight. >> thanks for joining us. we are celebrating our 35th season here at "e.t." this week wentd one and only mary hart. hear her stories and see our moment with the stars that made history. that's ahead. and standing by in new york is cameron mathson. hi, cam. >> my time with with mariah carey on the set of her directorial debut. >> right new, to the latest on halle berry after she and olivier martinez announced they were splitting after just two years of marriage.
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papers on monday under the name hall maria. hall is short for halle and maria is her middle name. she shortened her husband's name to oliver martin. >> filing not once but tw times. first with fake names and then on wednesday she used real ones. statement. the statement reads, it is with heavy heart we have come to the decision to divorce. we move forward with love and respect for one another and a shared focus of what is best for our son. >> olivier is asking for spousal the road. their last public outing was in february. they dressed in black and attended a preoscar party. here is their time line of their two-year marriage. they met on the set of "dark tie." on thanksgiving day 2012, martinez and halle's ex brawled outside their house after a custodian drop-off.
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tied the knot in his native france. halle has been married twice before. >> i seem to not be able to get past three years. what can you tell me to get to year four? >> we have to remember, kids are in the center of this and we custodyishes custodyish issues. all right, nor news. york. cameron? >> there is a lot going on. we have a full wrapup of the other big star headlines. oprah with her hand out to say hello. a kind touch on the chest. a staged reunion actually total set-up after her recent appearance with colbert, tab lid arranging for this confrontation between oprah and the man they call her secret son. go ahead line just not the spoke. phone. >> he was never my son. a child i befriended, move id his entire family out of the projects. got his mother a job.
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i tried. put him in two different schools. he refused and i said, there isn't another school i can put you in. so if you leave this school, i am now done. i've done all i could to help you. i did have a son at 14. that son was a baby who died. and i would have to say, if i was a birth son, i would be looking for me too. i would be like, momma, what happened. >> oprah told us she first met calvin more than 20 years ago. "e.t." was on the set of the tv movie where it happened. >> one little boy named calvin was standing on the steps and i said oh, gee calvin, where do you live? and he said, that he lived in the building that we were shooting in. which was a pretty rundown building. i mean, i wanted to weep. >> actually as i left and he was looking so for lorn. i said to someone on my team, will someone get calvin's number so we can -- i can contact him later. i didn't realize the whole thing was a set-up.
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the whole thing was a set-up, i was no longer interested in speaking to him. >> does it hurt? >> i wouldn't say hurt. i wouldn't go so far as to be hurt. disappointed? yeah. like wow. whoa. that's what happens. >> i'm sorry that happened to you. i'm glad we can clarify it a little bit. >> i knew you would get it straight. your agenda is to get truth, just not make up a story. that's why i wanted to share it with you. >> next headline, khloe, how she coped with her comebling marriage to lamar. >> i was stressed, needed a release. i would put on my head phones and put on my music p. the anxiety went away when i was on the treadmill and it became a healthy obsession. >> khloe says she is not getting back together with odum any time soon. it is not in our brain as a couple to have a relationship right now.
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sexually assaulted before this denver conference in 2013 by radio dj david mueller. the court records are pretty detailed. mueller did not merely brush his hand against miss swift while posing for the photograph, he lifted her skirt and groebped her. she was upset, offended and alarm end then today play a show for 30,000 people. >> i think the lawyers and judge and any potential jury will want it know, why didn't she make a police report at the time this occurred. >> september is when she fired suit, claiming he was fired from his job based on false allegations he groped her. >> she is being sued and is using this as a defense or legitimate claim. either way it starts counter balancing the issues before the jury. >> and finally, con grat to george and amall. they've adopted. yes, parents after 4-year-old bassett hound.
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>> she was here 15 oor 20 days. she is just a love. and has the brown eyes that just won't quit. >> what was it about millie that they just really loved? >> i think that just her personality. she he is a sweet love bug. they were looking for a bassett hound and decided to come on in. >> let's move on and talk about bob barker. we were all concerned when bob suffered a scary fall last week. it was really dangerous because he is 91. 92 in december. the only interview with him was at his home in hollywood hills where the fall took place. he told her he had just began out for a little stroll and wound up in the er. >> boom right here. cement sticking up here. and i started it fall forward. cement. so i twisted and landed over here. but my head was up on the cement and so i cut my head all up. >> bob was lucky. because of the lapd officers who saw it happened. >> tried to stop the blood.
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called in an ambulance and the ambulance came and had me out of here and to the emergency hospital in no time at all. and those two officers went with me to be sure everything worked out. >> they did? >> i'm telling you, the good lord was watching over me. >> after x-rays of his arm, skull, legs, stitches to his forehead and bandage to his knee, he was released from the hospital after several hours. >> what kind of outpouring did you hear from people? >> oh, i heard from people all over the country. they all figured falling on the cement sidewalk, that the guy probably is finished. >> one reason bob wasn't finished is that sense retiring eight years ago, beloved game show host and animal activist takes great care of himself. >> i think at my age, two things are terribly important. nutrition and exercise. at any age. if you don't exercise you may end up like me, you know. >> another important ingredient,
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sense of humor. as i found out firsthand. >> you know what, you almost made my heart stop. oh, wow. bob. she almost today go to the hospital after that one. cameron, what do you have coming up next? >> halloween with the stars. from ladies going all out. >> i'm going it crush you to death in my giant man hands. >> to heidi klum's wild costume. >> i will wear a lot, just an lot of clothes. >> lots after fun costumes and that's ahead. plus, take a lock at 51-year-old bond girl, monica, looking flawless on the red carpet. just one of many celebs showing age is just a number. so we asked some over 40 stars to tell us their beauty secrets. >> when you are good inside then the beauty comes out. >> i used to tell my girls when they were little, that before you go to bed, you have to wash
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your face really good. but with a really hotterry cloth wash cloth. it just ex foalates. i work it in the mir own like, what do you do today? today i do light lips. people seem to like that so i'm trying to give it to you. >> till here. i use a great tinted moisturizerer. this is a full face of make-up you're looking at here now that i have nothing to work with. >> another tip for better skin -- >> adding a serum is one of the best and easiest ways to fight the signs of ageingaging. and number 7 has a new day and night serum. tackle els sprinkles. can you use it in the morning and evening for younger looking skin in four weeks. >> available at ta whatever life throws your way, you've got it in the bag. you've got t.j. maxx! keep your standards high, and your spending low.
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costumes on friday's halloween episode of "the talk", "e.t." is with the ladies back stage getting ready to trance farm into some very big name celebs. >> who's that girl? julie chen totally unrecognizable for madonna for the halloween lip sync war. we were there for her makeover. probably the biggest transformation out of everybody performing. >> well, when you take a chinese girl from queens and make her an italian white girl from michigan, i think i have the biggest stretch here. >> aisha tyler does a spot on beyonce. check out sarah gilbert channeling celine dion. >> the other ladies of the talk, i could do a lot of smack
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talking right now. i can see how you don't have a prayer today. i'm going to crush you with my giant man hands. but i'm not going to do that because i'm a lady. >> aiesha, you talking to me? you're going down. >> but cheryl underwood changed ground it stand out moment on friday's episode of "the talk." some people may not have seen this coming. why james brown? >> because i live in america. i get my inflections right. i'm cold blooded. pay the boss, be the boss, all day brown coming at you. >> i love how they all went for it. >> they did. >> i'm not sure i've ever seen this dive in head first like that before. i know another famous face who gets that the halloween spirit. is a mania, what is heidi klum >> oh, you just wait. next level. our exclusive shows the costume transformation of hollywood's
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>> a lot of guys around. >> "home alone" 25 years later. with the cast looking back at the christmas classic. >> i hope they like it a lot. >> i'm proud to be part of that. >> that's ahead. >> but first, the timberlakes get a night out. >> honey, look around. this is what adults look like. >> little silas's parents at the listen and respect award. honoring students, parents and teachers, hoping to endless beeian, gay and transgender bullying in school. >> we are both child actors and we feel like failures tonight. >> yeah. >> we feel like we have been approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you.
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. taking informed steps really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long . call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. all plans like these let you that accepts medicare patients. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide... and start gathering the information you need to help you go long . well come back be everyone. check out the many halloween looks of miss heidi klum. she goes to the next level every single year. transforming from a cat, a crow, alien robot.
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you name it. now an exclusive look at her let's just crown heidi the queen of halloween. >> for halloween this year i'm fantasy. >> pretty sure she doesn't need any help there. but friday night looks are taking nine hours for her to get ready and let's of prosthetics. toe. there will be a lot of body parts. and the cast process took about four hours to do. blue and pink material. and then the plaster gez on top i did have a bra on and underwear around. there were a lot of guys rubbing around so i wanted to be descent under there. snake. yeah. and maybe eve takes a little bite out mef tonight. >> heidi's halloween parties are also legendary and her costumes amazing. year?
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she says it is all in the planning. >> november 1st, day after halloween, i start racking my brain there ready what i will do the next year. last year was butterfly. i've done me as 95 years old. i've been body works where i was just flesh and muscles. i've been an alien. i've been betty boop. >> this is heidi's life cast we took a if you months ago. and based on this live cast, we sculpt the design of her face. elephant ears. i didn't know i had big ears. >> this is an upper lip. exactly. that's her new lip. >> on the day it will probably take about eight, nine hours. and it all goes down the drain at the end of the night. >> heidi enlisted the help of her friend and project 4 winner, christian.
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>> fabulous, you will lkbe stun ppg quite sheer. >> if you want an invite, be warned. >> i always put on the invitation, if you don't have a costume, you will not get in. and in the beginning, people were like, they come with some silly outfit and i'm like, no, you have to have a real outfit otherwise you will not get in. weekend. our senior news editor has an invite and they will bring awful wrap-up monday. we are celebrating our 35th anniversary this season. we have been to countless movie sets including one film that is also reaching the milestone this year. it's been 25 years since "home alone." >> heads up! oh! >> it is us looking back on us. a different life. different lifetime ago.
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>> cut, cut, cut. >> just back in 1990 and we were there on that chicago set. >> there we good. stand by. >> be great if it was a hit. i hope it is. and it seems like it will be a nice funny christmas story. >> and with them now. >> i got my wish. definitely got pli christmas wish. >> we didn't know he if we were funny. and there's a lot of action running from one room to another. >> a perfect little movie in a way. it is a kid thwartinging the big guys he. >> i do remember the tarantula on my face. i'm like, is there like a rubber tarantula. they said, we do have there rubber one but it just kind of sits there. >> one home alone hall mark, the platform. some of the best in movie history. >> stepping on the christmas ornaments.
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paint cans. i mean, just balls out silly. >> opening before thanksgiving and still running by easter. wracking up an amazing 12 straight weeks at number 1. launching cat reers of many involved. >> i was just walking to my friend's house and this guy is walking up and he goes, hey, "home alone". director was a novice working with mccally call kin. >> macaulay hadn't done a lot so i wanted to be sure his performance was strong. the leading man of the movie p. >> lunch, one hour. >> surprising, he knew his way around the movie set. >> what do you think? >> did a dolly shot. >> this is me he in a two-shot. you guys, just me an dan. this is just a two shot.
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me and dan. he knows all the -- yeah, he's -- he's great. >> sometimes chris needs help. >> at one point, a famous pal paid a visit. >> michael jackson talking to mmc macauly and me meandering around the set. >> you know, putting shaving lotion on and suddenly it burns his skin and he screams. and we didn't know it was going to be the universal image for "home alone." >> also there for 1990 premier for "home alone." >> i hope efb everybody is laughing. >> i hope they like it a lot. >> did we ever. a record held for over 20 years. >> a classic movie. just i'm very, very proud to be part of that. >> i think we're done. >> 25th anniversary home alone
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out on blue ray and dvd. comes with great bonus material. including a blooper reel, deleted scenes and the shots by mccally cal kin. >> and the star and director. >> this is like a dream come true. a new start for me really. >> behind the scenes of clooney's new commercial. clowning around, this is danny diveto. >> we have drunk wine together. >> i knew the last seven lemon cellos that would get me. >> that's on the way. >> but first -- >> john mclaughlin making music to our ears for more than a decade and now touring in support of his new album. >> i want everybody couple out there, no matter if they get 50 years or just married or whatever, just started dating, there is some point in the record where i want them to look at each other --
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>> and john says his latest single, "don't mess with my girl" inspired by his two daughters. 2-year-old luca and 3-month-old liz. >> it is a ridiculous fun song but i don't have to warp myself match why role. it is just there. >> closed kangscaptioning provided by -- pave to feel this special... you need to eat this special. i love it kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber
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and your spending low. maxx life! i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop.
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like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. . if you're just joining us, here are the top five stories. george and amall adopt a 4-year-old bassett hound. >> what was it about millie that they just really loved? >> i think her personality. she is a love bug. >> number four, khloe on her crumbling marriage. >> i just needed the release. >> working out, and even though she withdrew her divorce from lamar, he is says, they are not getting back together any time soon.
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she says it is not in their brain to be a couple right now. >> filing a counter suit, saying she was groped by david mueller. he lifted her skirt and groped her, it says in part. and he said he was fired based on false allegations he groped her. >> oprah with the confrontation with the man tabloids called her secret son. >> he never was my son. he was a child i befriended. >> oprah phoned into "e.t." to say she met calvin more than 20 years ago on a movie set. >> i said to someone on my team, will someone get calvin's number. then when i found out that the whole thing was a set-up, i was in longer interested in speaking to him. >> halle berry's messy divorce. filed not once but tw times. first with a fake name, hall maria.
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go to for the latest. >> nobody does christmas like mariah carey. still a huge money-maker for her. in her directorial debut, hallmark movie channel, and she is starring in this. but only i gotriah on the set. >> i will always be a diva. way. if someone doesn't mind touching up my make-up while i'm there, that's okay. if someone doesn't mind touching up my nails. really. >> part of mariah's new start is her relationship with australian billionaire james packer. >> we saw you making your red carpet debut. >> i don't think either one of
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that debut. he is not that guy. >> how was james going with that? how is he doing? >> it was a lot. i just automatically pose. i can't help it. >> did you try to get a picture -- >> if i did that, i would have had to coach him instead of posing. >> the feedback on you as a director is genuinely like through the roof. >> here's the thing. i've been directed og like so much of my own work for a really long time. a lot of music videos that i didn't take credit for. because i don't care about the credit as much as i care about the art itself and just making sure it comes out right. >> "e.t." onset in 19 the 5 asthma rya got her first directing credit for "fantasy". >> it is not like whoa i want to
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be a director now and here i am director woman. to get the results i want. >> now she is directing and starring in a christmas melody for hallmark channel december 19th and almost seems star struck over her co-star lacy chabert in her favorite movie. >> how much did you like lacy? >> she is the best. we wore pink on wednesday. >> on wednesdays, we wear pink. >> i wab was obsessed with "mean girls." >> i'm genuinely a fan. and to meet someone and see they are such a kind and lovely person, that's a treat. >> i saw your two beautiful kids running around, climbing all over their mommy. >> yeah. i think they are causing a little bit of havoc on the set. i'm trying -- they are only four. when they are that young, they ask you these questions, like, why is your hair wet. like something so basic. like, you know, they don't knee yet. like i love when they come to
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concerned as to what they will say because they have no filter and they will say anything. >> one of the things i love to hear is mariah gushing about her kids. she is talking about rock and roller going to aspen where they wait for santa claus. >> we see this couple, george clooney and amall, everywhere. this week they were at the hollywood premier for our brand of crisis and speaking of george, a clooney exclusive. behind the scenes of his very first u.s. commercial, clowning around onset with danny devito. we're onset with two intimate jokester jokesters, clooney and da veto. they are pairing up for an ad campaign. >> one of us was dressed up like a dictator.
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>> one of us got that part because of the hat. >> we went to an art gallery. >> we always have fun when we are together. >> we know all about it. >> we were degrees shots of lemon cello and that's all i can really say on the subject. >> all you can really remember. >> drinking buddies add legendary night out in 2006 before danny showed up tipsy on the "the view." >> danny has been out partying all night with -- tell them. i'm so jealous. >> george. >> clooney. >> i knew the last seven lemon cellos would get me. >> these guys are all business talking coffee from espresso. >> you can see, espresso, it is coffee. i say coffee buzz i'm from new jersey. you can't say coffee. you say espresso. what do you want, coffee? no, give me an espresso. >> sounds better. >> here is the finished product.
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espresso. >> >> i want in. >> you're ready. >> >> is that coffee? >> the new brand of coffee in the u.s. in prints and digital advertisements as well. also social media for the company. so huge for them. here is what is coming up right here for us. >> sexiest -- >> like a club promotor? time on "e.t.." >> i like the part where my mom, she swallows a bug. . get ready for more special coverage commemorating our 35th memory celebration. flashing back to the biggest stories ever covered.
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>> i'm freaking out. i feel like i'm seeing my daughter, olive. we look a lot alike. >> lock at the weird precocious expression. >> wow. >> can i get a copy of that? >> yes. >> we get that a lot. and we did give drew a copy, by wait. welcome to entertainment tonight. celebrating our 35th anniversary this sea don. we have drew and many of the countless celebrities we have interu viewed over the years it walk down memory lane. see what happens when they "e.t.." some of the reactions, let me tell you, priceless. >> you have to see this. >> flash book footage of little kate made her so emotional she today watch it twice. before. >>. >> sort of. >> that is so crazy. >> just eight with mom goldy and brother, oliver, at the "overboard" premier.
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swallows a bug. >> happy birthday, "e.t.." thank you for that. >> tonight, again stefany struts in designer duds. >> i make a lot of my own clothes. but a lot doesn't turn out. i didn't even hem it. orca oh oh, a baby muffin. i'm literally wearing a pair of pants that don't fit. oh, i will just wear them unbuttoned. no big deal. i'm the same person, crazy. >> brad cooper had that same bleach blonde look in "alias." >> like nothing i've seen on television. hot, sexy, pumping, incredible. >> is this guy like a club promotor? >> oh, my god. >> hold on. let me just qualify. let me just qualify this. let's bleach this guy's hair. my hair. and i still remember that. >> 35-year-old jessica simpson
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just 19 for her "e.t." debut. hitting number one on the billboard charts for the first time. >> so surreal. and i'm so busy that sometimes you don't have time to appreciate it. we're all living la vida loca. >> i think that is living the life or living the party, or something. i'm livin' it. >> chris o'donnell couldn't bear looking at his 19-year-old self. >> can't wait to see what this kid looks like. i enjoy coming out here and i think is exciting. look at this. you get that chicago accent? i can't watch this. sorry. you're killing me. >> you can tell christie brinkley's first time is in the 80s. big hair, big shoulder pads. >> and also, the modeling takes me to, you know, paris one day. japan the next day. >> i look like tom cruise. risky business. >> look how cute you are, though. >> earrings. >> no, i like that --
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>> just so 80s. >> hugh jackman wasn't that well known in 2 thu001 and today explain who he was going through canadian customs, going to an x man audition. >> what are you doing? >> wolverine? sign this for me. where is that passport? sign this. >> i said, i'm only on audition. so what. >> and first "e.t." memory, promoting "princess bride." >> i like the color blue. >> so i don't know what to say, so yeah, have a good day. for some reason i wore turquoise shirt and pit stains were out of control. >> na na na na >> not bad, kevin. back in '85 while promoting american flyers.
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30-year-old self. >> i've been lucky in the films i've done. everybody believed in releasal. it will break your heart. a hundred times. >> i just don't get tired of that. always amazing it see it. now we didn't just get stars it look back. look who else is walking down memory lane. >> i'm mary hart. >> hello, i'm mary hart. memories. >> i would like to watch. >> secrets about the stars who surprise. >> we actually have somebody here who would like it say hello, i do believe. >> oh, really? >> yes. >> that's ahead. birthdays wish star has no regrets about posing in playboy. jenny mccarthy, denise richards or what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera.
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tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't have to set records. but i'm still going for my personal best. and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. 35 years of breaking entertainment news. >> generationes have grown up with this as their source of information. >> 35 years of making entertainment news. 35 years of making history. >> i'm mary hart for entertainment tonight. "e.t.." as we celebrate our 35th anniversary this season, we can't talk about entertainment tonight without mentioning host mary hart. i feel so lucky to have had the chance to work with her. she is so incredible. such a great woman. "e.t." started in 1981. and the following year, mary
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made her debut. now more than three decades later, mary came back to our set to sit down with nancy o'dell and relive her tenure creating the gold standard in entertainment news. >> we are on the red carpet as oscar turns 81. hi, everybody, i'm mary hart. here we good, oscars and "e.t.." >> you go rehearse and i'll see you later. bye. >> 1964 when we first met. >> chestnuts roasting on an open fire >> you're hired. >> you're fired. >> by that's a big ring you're wearing. >> as much as we have ever talked about. >> meeting a handsome dude -- >> the perfect fairy tale happening before our eyes here. >> nobody does it better than you. >> biggest compliment i've heard over and over is mary, i feel like you're part of my family at dinner time.
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>> wow. >> getting teary-eyed. >> you know, it is fun it look interviews. great experiences. great locations. >> you feel like it was yesterday when you watch it? >> a lot of it does. well, not the first couple. hello, i'm mary hart. right out of teaching school. >> michael jackson, what was that like? >> extraordinary. >> and he seemed to me, back stage, so nervous. and so frail. and so quiet. i thought, how can he turn into michael jackson. everyone you have interviewed, touched whatyour heart the most? >> it was certainly those people who came us to as a she and me specifically to reveal some heart breaking news.
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