tv Up to the Minute CBS November 23, 2015 3:30am-4:00am EST
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york city, i'm jeff glor. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm jeff glor. president obama is back at the white house this morning following an overseas trip that was supposed to focus on economics but was quickly dominated by talk of the terror attacks in paris. margaret brennan was traveling with the president in asia. >> that's the primary power that these terrorists have over us. the most powerful tool we have to fight isil is to say that we're not afraid. >> reporter: the president said actions like attempts to block refugees from settling in the u.s., an idea that's being
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is a betrayal of american values. and he downplayed isis's strength. yet the president still called on other countries to join in the military coalition and said he directly appealed to russia's vladimir putin to start air strikes against isis rather than the u.s.-backed rebels in syria. >> it would be helpful if russia directs its focus on isil. and i do think that as a consequence of isil claiming responsibility for bringing down their plane there is an increasing awareness on the part of president putin that isil poses a greater threat to them than anything else in the region. >> reporter: but that is an unlikely alliance because the two countries back competing sides in the syrian civil war. on tuesday president obama will meet with the president of france, a country that has intensified its role in the air strikes.
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resettle 10,000 syrian refugees in the u.s. became more controversial last week, both on capitol hill and on the campaign trail. julianna goldman reports. >> reporter: donald trump called for a database to monitor syrian refugees. >> i do want a database for those people coming in. >> reporter: an attempt to clarify where he stands amid an uproar over last week's seeming endorsement of a mandatory registry for muslims living in >> so here's the story. just to set it clear. i want surveillance of these people. >> reporter: several of trump's rivals have said the idea of a national database to track muslims was a bridge too far. but since the paris attacks many gop presidential hopefuls have contributed to the anti-refugee fervor like john kasich, new hampshire. >> i don't want syrian refugees to come here now because we don't know who they are. >> reporter: that rhetoric has been widely criticized by faith-based groups who lead efforts to resettle refugees, and evangelicals are a key demographic in republican
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fed for political reasons. >> reporter: linda hartke is the ceo of the lutheran immigration and refugee service. >> i again certainly think those who imagine and would say we should just suend the val of any syrians into this country or any muslims into this country is really over the top. >> reporter: but a recent survey from the public religion research institute showed 73% of white evangelical protestants feel that the values of islam are at odds with american values. a sentiment about muslims sh by this self-described christian at today's trump rally. >> i have to stop and think about our home country because they have been so vocal to s they want to be the sole people on this earth and it's their way or no way really. >> reporter: that survey was conducted before the paris attacks, but it helps explain
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why republican presidential hopefuls are taking a harder line n the refugee issue. we also know that several religious organizations the last week. julianna goldman, cbs news, senator rand paul introduced refugees from 34 high-risk countries. that includes syria. john dickerson spoke to paul on "face the nation." >> you had some efforts this week to block syrian refugees and people from other countries that you thought were dangerous. but in the conversation today the worry seems to be from experts is more about the visa waivers, which is to say people who could come in through europe, these countries where you don't need the kind of with refugees. problem? >> well, i think it's all of the ov myill would address refugees, udentsvisitors, and those who want to immigrate from countries that have significant jihadist movements. but even just isolating on the
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refugee thing for a moment, we had two iraqi refugees come to my home town, bowling green, kentucky, and then proceeded to want to buy stinger missiles. turns out one of them had fingerprints in our database system because he had his fingerprints on a bomb fragment from iraq, and yet we didn't catch him. so this was just a couple years ago. we were not vetting refugees adequately. the boston bombers also came here as refugees and became radicalized. so i think that for the president to say there's no danger is incorrect. but i do agree with those who say the visa waiver program is a problem. there are many french citizens want to attack their government and want to attack us, and we have no program for screening them. i say they should all come in through global entry, sort of a frequent flyer program where you have to get a background check or they have to wait 30 days. right now we have nothing in place and i think we are at a great deal of risk from a variety of sources, refugees but also visa waiver nations. >> you have consistently been cautioning your party about overseas military involvements, and you've said on these issues be strong in the homeland, keep them from coming in.
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but has the paris -- has the growth of isis changed your mindset in terms of this argument that you've got to go get them there, you've got to fight isis in iraq and syria, space so that they don't even get a chance to come to america? >> i think the first thing we have to do is learn from our history. in the past several decades if there's one true thing in the middle east, it's that when we've gotten chaos and the rise of radical islam. so by toppling saddam hussein we're still suffering that chaos. by toppling gadhafi in libya we got chaos, a failed state. and a third of libya now pledges allegiance to isis. by pouring weapons into the syrian civil war on the side of islamic rebels who are actually allied with al qaeda and some of whom became isis, that was a mistake. so the ultimate solution, if we want a long-lasting victory and a lasting -- a long-lasting peace, what we're going to have to do is the boots on the ground are going to have to be arab and you're going to have to have
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sunni muslims defeating tsunami muslims. because even the shiite muslims can't occupy these sunni cities. >> you've been very careful about stopping overreach in terms of u.s. surveillance. we've had some talk this morning about encryption being the big back door the way these terrorists can communicate. what's your sense of -- how much do you worry that there will be an overreach in terms of additional surveillance operations? >> i'm very worried about that because i think when you have a fearful time or an angry time that people are coaxed into giving up their liberty. already many in the intelligence community are saying oh, if we only had the bulk phone collection program back. what they're not telling you and what they're being dishonest about is we still have the phone collection program in the united states. all phone records are still being collected all the time. and we still had the attack. and realize that in france they
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have bulk collection or surveillance of their citizens a thousandfold greater than what we have with very little privacy protections. they still didn't know anything about this. so what i would argue is you can keep giving up liberty, keep giving up liberty but in the end i don't think we'll be safer but we may have lost who we are as a people in the process. and i'm going to fight to make sure that doesn't happen. which is why it's important for your wipes to kill a broad spectrum of germs. lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs, including 8 different types of cold and flu viruses. to help protect your family... lysol that. olay regenerist renews from within, plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will.
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terror attacks in paris and elsewhere have some in law enforcement rethinking how they respond to active shooter situations. anderson cooper reports for "60 minutes." >> reporter: new york police commissioner bill bratton says the nypd has been preparing for that kind of attack ever since the 2008 terror strike in mumbai, india that killed 173 people and shut down a city of more than 18 million for three days. what did you learn from mumbai? >> the idea of the multiple shooters consciously going in a lot of different directions -- >> multiple shooters, multiple locations. >> bombs in taxicabs, railway station, the hotel. we also learned that these people are going to take hostages only for the purpose of
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media attention. they're going to kill them. they're not interested in negotiating to surrender. they're negotiating just to extend the span of time that you in the media are going to cover what they're doing. so that's a very significant change where we normally try to rescue the hostages through negotiation. >> after mumbai you fully anticipated we're going to see that here in the united states. >> that's correct. >> and you still believe that. >> still believe it. and that's why we prepare for it. >> reporter: the new york police department is so concerned about a paris and mumbai-type attack they're retraining all 35,000 police officers in the city. >> the weapon is now loaded. finger off the trigger. >> reporter: they allowed us to watch some of what they're doing. detective raymond mcpartland is the lead trainer with the nypd counterterrorism division and says it's critical police move in quickly to stop an active shooter. >> the big piece i always tell people is time is an issue for both ends. the shooter wants more time inside because that's more victims.
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we need to cut his time inside if not minimize it completely by getting there quickly. that's a complete shift, a paradigm change for law enforcement across the board. >> reporter: getting in there quickly means overcoming chaotic and confusing situations in pursuit of the gunmen. >> now you've got shots. now that changes what we're doing here because we're going to go in that direction. >> reporter: in this drill a team of four officers has to stop an active shooter in a classroom full of students, some of whom are already wounded. [ gunfire ] responding officers are told to focus on finding the gunman before they try to treat any casualties. >> it's also got to be tough because you have hysterical people in a classroom. they're going to be screaming, "help this person, help this person." >> sure. and just think of the psychological aspect. you're going to a school shooting and you see children. this is something anybody's going to want to bend over and do whatever they could to stop that. but what we try to instill in them is that we need to stop the killing further. >> reporter: in another training scenario we watch the police respond to a simulated attack by two terrorists with rifles loosely based on what happened
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in mumbai. they immediately engage in a gun battle with the first shooter, who's surrounded himself with civilians. got a crowded hallway. so this is how they're going to >> you have clothing on the floor. >> if you notice on the floor at the very least we should start thinking ied, explosive device, is there something we're concerned about? >> reporter: for the first officers on the scene information is limited and often contradictory. with every second that passes more people could be dying. the adrenaline is pumping so much that it changes the way you think, it changes your -- >> sure. it's a survival instinct. there's a man with a gun that's in that room and he's trying to kill other people. under stress the idea of stress science is fascinating when it comes to our world because your vision goes down to about 17% under stress. >> if i said long guns, if i said tactical gear, and i said terrorism, what's the one thing you should also be thinking about? >> ieds. >> ieds. thinking about bombs. >> reporter: afterward detective mcpartland reviews the exercise with the officers and asks them about the bag that was left in
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the hallway. >> i noticed the bag. >> if you had noted that that was an ied in that bag, do you still keep going for the shooter? >> unfortunately, yeah. if we had to stop for every bag we found then obviously we'd have a problem because we would never get to that guy. >> reporter: a number of american cities have been retraining their police in a similar way. washington, d.c. police chief kathy lanier says their preparations have taken on new urgency since isis made a threat this week to launch attacks in rome and washington. >> people say what is it that keeps you awake at night? train for and we know about. it's the one thing that we haven't yet thought about. what is it that we're missing? >> we've now seen a number of ideologically motivated, who say they support isis but may have no actual direct connection with a group like isis but just they've watched some videos and they decide to -- >> even scarier. >> that's even scarier. >> less tripwires. less opportunity for us to intercept. i don't think you're going to
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stop the shootings. i think that a person who's committed to carrying out an act of violence like this is going to carry that act out. how successful they are and how many people they kill, we can try and intervene on. >> making our approach to the high school now. >> reporter: police departments started to take a serious look to how they respond to active shooters after the attacks at columbine high school in 1999. columbine was a real turning point in terms of reassessing strategy in active shooter situations. >> yes, it was. huge. so we based a lot of our training for active shooter response at the local law enforcement level, we based a lot of training on columbine. >> reporter: in columbine two troubled teenagers freely roamed the school, killing 12 students and a teacher while outside hundreds of law enforcement personnel set up a perimeter and waited for 45 minutes before going in. >> and i very distinctly remember a parent being interviewed said what were they waiting for? they have guns. my kids don't -- none of our
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kids had guns. >> reporter: in the recent paris attack here at the bataclan concert hall, police waited 35 minutes outside for the tactical team to prepare before going in. a u.s. law enforcement source described that as a familiar old american model that's been abandoned. columbine taught police they have to get in fast despite fact a s.w.a.t. team might not be there. >> this is a homicide in progress. you can't wait for backup. you can't wait for the s.w.a.t. team. you are the only thing that can stop that shooting. you have to get in there and do it. >> reporter: that's what washington, d.c. police did in 2013 at the navy yard, when a mentally ill employee began shooting his co-workers. >> we have an active shooter. a male with a shotgun. multiple shots fired. multiple people down. >> our first call to 911 came in one minute and 36 seconds after the first shots fired. we already had multiple people that were shot at that point. >> reporter: chief lanier learned a number of lessons from the police response at the navy yard shootings.
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some of the rifles police had were too big for the narrow corridors the shooter was moving through. and the sound of fire alarms made it difficult to determine where shots were being fired from. >> the flashes you see are the fire alarm. the fire alarm's been pulled. the fire alarm's going off. it's loud. and they've got gunshots being fired. and they're trying to narrow down where the gunman is so they can get to the gunman and stop the shooting. >> reporter: it took police an hour and nine minutes to kill the shooter. >> and of the 12 people who were killed the first 10 were killed how quickly? >> six minutes. >> that fast. >> that fast. >> reporter: according to the fbi, 60% of active shooter attacks are over before police ever arrive. so now law enforcement agencies throughout the country are trying to educate the public on how to survive on their own. >> your options are run, hide, or fight. >> that's what you tell people they should do. >> yes. what we tell them is the facts of the matter is that most active shooters kill most of the victims in ten minutes or less. and the best police department in the country is going to be about a five to seven-minute response.
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i always say if you can get out, getting out's your first option, your best option. if you're in a position to try and take the gunman out, take the gunman out, it's the best option for saving lives before police can get there. and that's kind of counterintuitive, what cops always tell people, right? we always tell people don't take action, call 911, don't intervene in the robbery. you know, we've never told people take action. it's a different -- this is a different scenario. >> you're telling them that now, though. >> we are. >> reporter: it's important to remember that as tragic and scary as these active shooter attacks are, it's highly unlikely you'll ever be caught up in one. >> you have a very low chance of being the victim of a incident like this. but what we try to do is encourage awareness. the idea is to have an awareness without creating a fear. >> a person's chance of actually having some sort of encounter with an active shooter is 1 in 2 million. a chance of being hit by lightning is 1 in 700,000. do you worry about an overreaction, people getting too scared, fearful of something which in all likelihood they
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>> you can be prepared, and you can have a society that is resilient and alert and conscientious and safer without scaring people. >> you don't want people to be afraid. >> that works against you. if you educate people on actions they can take to reduce their risk, then you can save some lives. and i think it's irresponsible for us not to do that. >> you can see anderson cooper's full report on our website,
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adele's new album "25" came out friday and it's already setting records. but the album will not be available on streaming services. anthony mason reports. >> adele's album is expected to be one of the biggest-selling records in a decade. but it comes with an old-fashioned catch. if you want to hear it, you're going to have to buy it. adele's new album is finally here. hello from the other side on the first day the single "hello" was released the video was watched more than 1.6 million times an hour, a youtube record. for everything that i've done >> the anticipation factor on this is big. >> reporter: joe levy is a contributing editor at "rolling stone."
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keeping the marketing of this record simple and song-based. everybody here is watching you and basically doing nothing but releasing music is she's driven up anticipation of the record and she's created a more authentic experience for the fans. let me photograph you >> reporter: adele has also decided to keep her new album off streaming services like spotify and apple music. so fans who want to hear it will need to buy it one way or another. the move comes at a time when cd sales have declined 80% in the past decade. and digital streaming accounts for 32% of annual revenue for record labels. last year taylor swift famously denied spotify access to her album "1989." now we got bad blood and in june swift also held her album from apple's new streaming service until the company agreed to pay artists during the free trial period.
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it was just like a movie adele's reasons for refusing to stream "25" are unknown. but because of her cross-generational appeal, levy says album sales are expected to reach unprecedented heights. never mind, i'll find someone like you her last album, "21," sold over 30 million copies worldwide. for you >> they always say in the music industry, that's the key to that kind of megamillions success, when you get a record that kids will buy for their parents and parents will buy for their kids. but if you add in one of the grandparents might buy for their grandchildren, wow. you could sell a lot of freaking records. that i've tried to tell you >> yes, you can. this morning spotify released a statement to cbs news about adele's decision saying, "we love and respect adele, as do
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on the terror attacks in paris and around the world are putting some parents in a tough position, trying to explain it to their kids. steve hartman was put on the spot in his own home. >> reporter: so far my two boys, 7-year-old george and 5-year-old emmitt, have grown up inside a protective bubble of my creation. so far my wife and i have shielded them from the paris attacks and just about every other bit of bad news on the planet. the goal was to keep them as carefree as possible for as long as possible. but this week i started wondering if that was the right approach. so to find out what's best for my kids i consulted some experts. my kids. a lot of parents are wondering if they shouell their kids
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when bad things happen in the world. >> it might be really interesting to some kids. >> would you want to know? >> no. not really. >> reporter: seems there is a bit of ostrich in all of us. but i learned the biggest bird brains are parentsike me, who think we can just gloss over terror with a white lie. >> you guys know that nothing could ever happen to you, right? >> it could, but it's really rare. i can never get you to understand that. because it's really unlikely but it still has a chance. >> reporter: what do you say to that? other than you're right. >> yeah. >> reporter: i went on to tell them a little bit about paris. >> did the people who got shot die? >> yeah. >> reporter: but in the end my kids didn't need a talk as much as i needed to listen. they told me in the future i should be more honest about world events but only the ones that really matter. >> like if there's a war and the united states lost the war, i'd really want to know about that. >> reporter: and that's how we left it. we finished the night with a book i always turn to after weeks like this one.
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>> reporter: i read it mostly for myself as a reminder that evil may take up a page or two but it never gets the last one. >> and the turtles of course, as turtles and maybe all creatures should be. >> reporter: steve hartman, on the road. >> the end. >> reporter: at home. >> that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning.
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