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tv   The Mc Laughlin Group  CBS  January 3, 2016 6:30am-7:00am EST

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roped into watching titanic yesterday. kate winslet. big fan. >> we'll have your weather forecast and top stories including this. >> a bronx man is dead after an over night fire. the neighbors say they woke up to names. hear how they had to escape. >> we'll be right back. >> from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original -- for over three decades, the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. >> it's the it's the 34th annual mclaughlin group year end awards 2015 part two. here's the master of ceremonies john mclaughlin. >> destined for political
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>> this one is for eleonore. congressman from hawaii. iraq war vet. very charismatic. has really been working up. he's in a number two or three position at the dnc. has a real future, john. >> how old is she? >> you don't ask a woman her age. [ laughter ] >> she is young and i agree with you. i think she is poised for bigger things. hillary clinton is the almost certain democratic nominee poised to be our next president. stardom doesn't get any better than that. >> speaking of paul ryan i think he will be instrumental in forging more deals with the democrats. and also guiding the eventual republican nominee on fiscal matters. >> clarence. >> i'm going to say abigail fisher. she is leading -- she is a
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antiaffirmative action suit. this could end affirmative action on college camps or it could strengthen it. >> speaker of the house paul ryan. ryan will have the privilege to be speaker when the political pendulum swings. >> angela merkel. i think they made a mistake throwing open the gate. >> i wouldn't under estimate merkel's power of recovery. we'll see.
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year. clarence: why? tom: because he's socialist and very strange. : [ inaudible ] >> it's got to be jeb bush who for years led the most likely republican nominee list. he has now fallen drastically and if he does not get the nomination which appears likely to happen, i don't know what he will do politically after that. >> destined for political oblivion. best political theater, pat. >> donald trump arrives at the iowa state fair and tells all the little kids to come out and take a ride on the trump helicopter. it's a real winner all the way around.
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hillary clinton a pass on her e- mails in the first democratic debate. >> donald trump's interactions with various people in the media. >> i say john kasich coming across in the early debates as very practical leader and organizer who makes government work and it did no good in this current contest. >> best political theater is or are the upcoming republican primary debates. the first gop debates to accumulative audiences. it has to be the best political theater or republicans or people wouldn't be watching best political theater. >> what is now? worst political theater. isis' beheadings, executions,
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put on social media. >> the media scrum going through the home of the two san bernardino shooters. the press descended like vultures in trying to pick apart whatever findings they could get that weren't already taken by the fbi. >> i'm going to use that west political theater. but shows how theater can lead to a very accumulative destruction. >> i would say worst political theater in terms of having the least impact that was desired would be barack obama's isis speech recently on prime time on tv and trying to sound like he is saying something new but it was a reiteration of what we already knew. >> worst political theater.
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the first two debates attracted accumulative audiences of 24 million. the first gop debate topped that number in just one debate. by the second gop debate the republican accumulative total was $48 million. double the number of viewers of the two democratic debates. >> i don't think they will turn into votes. it's good entertainment. >> the effect the ferguson effect to be exact on police and their declining o to get out of cars and do aggressive policing and the effect that is having on the rising murder rate and crime rate in various cities. the evidence is antic total but it is there. [ laughter ] >> i guess i would give it to the republican ongoing war
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whether it's climate change or even investigating the psychology behind all the shootings. they won't allow funding for research on gun violence. >> chinese imperialism in the pacific which draws distinct parallels to the japanese empire in the 1930s. >> from what we have seen some police officers do it's just as well they are staying in the cars the shootings of young people especially young black males imparticular that are not by police officers. by just the regular homicides that have been driving up the crime rate and we have become anewed to it. >> after the wall street journal annual chief financial conference. only 22% said the ttp would
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corporation. >> i think the obsession in terms of debate coverage. not necessarily the debate themselves but the predebate coverage and the post debate. >> you mean the uta.
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[ laughter ] any way. pat is right. the coverage of the campaign which i'm a political junky but come on there -- this has exposed just how driven by ratings we are. both tv ratings and newspaper circulations because donald trump's presence is bringing out millions of viewers who wouldn't be watching it otherwise. that is good for the process over all but it is a shame that it is driven for trance don't have directly to do with public service. >> the most over reported story of 2015. the mischaracterization of the influx of immigrants into refugees. many went as far away as afghanistan and sub saharan
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34,000 syrians and 53,000 albanians. biggest government weight. >> pentagon paid $43 million for a gas station in afghanistan that actually cost $500,000. they think they are building the water gate exxon in afghanistan. [ laughter ] >> the select committee on benghazi which is the eighth or ninth congressional investigation cost $5 million. big waste. all they found was a dry hole. >> the failure to reform medicare which is a key program that would bankrupt my generation and i think it can be reformed in small ways. >> i think the biggest waste is all the obama care repeal votes that don't go anywhere and i have lost count of how many votes there have been and they are still going on. >> you going to try to figure it out? >> i don't know what good it
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obama care is here to stay. >> right, exactly. >> we'll see. >> biggest government waste. $2.7billion u.s. tax dollars the obama administration gave loan guarantees. the spanish solar power from al bengo. or u.s. green energy project. from sol varnishy to bankruptcy, we'll see but it dwarfs $500 million wasted.
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fame. john: best government dollar spent. pat? pat: first responders. whether it's first responders with their domestic terrorism and crazies or islamic terrorism. these guys are always there first with cops and they go in there and they risk their lives and they do it again and again and it's happening more often. >> i will say amen to that and i will also add obama care subsidies. 17.5million have health care in this country that they didn't have before. and the enrollment period was extended.
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>> we'll see how that plays in the election. every day the officers and agents of that distinguished agency put their lives on the line for a very noble cause. >> recent replacement of no child left behind with a revamped education ram. i'm hoping it works now. >> $7.7 billion on special operations demand. carrying out the hazardous missions of hostage rescue, locating and eliminating terrorists leaders. money very well spent. boldest prelim tactic. >> chinese communists. taking under water wreaths and bidding structures on them to make islands for them to claim the entire south china sea. >> boldest tactic black lives
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>> paul ryan with the bid in solidarity. which happen to coincide with ted cruz making significant gains in the polls is a reckless move >> netanyahu failed to stop the agreement and his relation with obama is worse than ever. boldest political tactic. worst political scandal, pat. >> i think it's volkswagen which has fixed their converters to prevent the carbon monoxide emissions. they destroyed the reputation of the country.
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they destroyed the reputation of germany because this is the car country that is germany in the corporate world. >> i had that one too but i will add is it exxon? which they have been -- exxon mobile. their inner communications reveal that they understood the damage their product was doing to the atmosphere many years ago and they basically covered it up. >> i would say the known on known of hillary clinton's e- mails if nothing combs out of those e-mails, i suspect something might. that might be the big one. >> the biggest political scandal might be in chicago with mayor rahm emmanuel sitting on the video that led
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scandal. >> hacking the u.s. office of personnel management. opm and stealing the files and identities of more than 22 million u.s. and federal employees. bad, bad, bad. pat. >> i will give this to barack obama for resisting pressure and everything else to put large numbers of american troops into iraq and syria. >> here, here. i would also add which pat won't i.e. with but supreme court legalizing same sex marriage. >> yeah i'm going to say the small reforms that came through congress in terms of forming the social security disability fund. >> i'm going to say new york times and their so-called cardboard viewer of virtual reality videos.
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i think is going to in many ways revolutionize the future of media news and otherwise. >> what is the downside of the iphone? >> the iphone, the downside is it's expensive. >> what about the kids using it all the time. >> that is up to the parents. >> new generation. >> what is yours john? i see you flattering the new york time. >> best idea of 2015. russian billionaire $100 million project to find intelligent life in the universe. he is a physicist and put together a team of scientists to scan radio signal from the bees of stars and 100 galaxies closest to earth. don't you love it? >> let's hear it from him. >> worst idea of 2015.
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putting women in combat in the american forces. >> women were already in combat it just opens up jobs and gets them on the right pay scale. but worst idea is barring all muslims from entering the u.s.. thank you donald trump. >> the refusal by the president to put a limited number of special forces to limit tribes and call in air strikes. >> those are all good suggestions for bad ideas. i'm going to pick trigger warnings. the notion you need to warn students of anything disturbing or provocative of the literature they will be reading in class. >> worst idea, president obama's decision to stop prosecuting u.s. decisions that pay ransom to terrorist groups like isis. kidnapping for ransom not only
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also makes u.s. people more attractive as hostages. worst idea sorry to see you go. >> the confederate battle flag is departing and i would add the great yogii bera. >> the u.s. military personnel who died this year in combat operations but also those that have lost their lives due to mental health issues as well. >> i'm sorry to see john boehner go the way he did go. but it was very noble of him to try to set things up so that we wouldn't have to worry about government shut downs for awhile as they headed out the door. but it was more the result of the chaos in the house than the productivity of it.
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>> he is still a class act just not on capitol hill. >> sorry to see you go. cecil the lion that was killed by a trophy hunter. he is back hunting in zimbabwe. his wife gave him full chance, his wife gave him -- >> i would just leave that. >> well, i kind of like it. >> let's go to the next one. >> you taking over the show now? wife gave him full clearance to go. she is the daughter of robert -- excuse me former wife of robert. >> comrade bob. >> comrade bob. you remember him. >> he is still around. >> all right 15 minutes of fame. >> governor martin o'malley presidential candidate. it will be february 9th the new hampshire primary sorry to see you go. [ laughter ]
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>> i give it to kim davis the county clerk who refused to issue same sex marriage certificates and briefly went to jail. >> george pataki that received media attention because they were so negligible in the polls. >> 15 minutes of fame. major brad by claiming the house selection committee on benghazi was doing a political hatchet job on hillary clinton. we'll be right back with new
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reached in paris earlier this month is a welcome wakeup call for politicians and governments. to connect the dots between climate change, mass migration, and terrorism because they are all together and i agree with you europe is really struggling and after the flood of refugees from the middle east comes migrants from subbase hair ran africa. >> iran will continue cheating on the nuclear deal. >> as voters get more engaged moving toward iowa, the current lineup in the polls will shift drastically. donald trump will not win iowa and maybe new hampshire. >> our new years resolution is to bring you the most insightful and unbiased analysis of the twists and turns in the u.s. presidential election. we will focus on what matters most in deciding who gains control of congress and the white house.
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you won't find anything like it anywhere else. happy few year. bye bye. cable's out. no friday night rom-com? that's a shame. we at time warner cable need to apologize to you. we no longer offer you an excuse to get out of friday romantic comedy night. we're making a bunch of changes at time warner cable. if you experience an outage, we're committed to getting to your home within 24 hours. and before we leave, we'll do a free whole-home check to make sure that all your connections and equipment are working great. [doorbell]
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