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tv   CBS 2 News Sunday  CBS  January 24, 2016 8:00am-9:00am EST

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checking in in just a moment. sunday january 24. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm andrea grymes. at least in new york. all port authority bridges and tunnels have reopened. a travel ban for the new york city area ended at 7 this morning but city officials are warning drivers to remain cautious. >> right now the mta is assessing transportation conditions. some bus service has resumed across the five bureaus and above ground service is scheduled to resume in about an hour. we are waiting on the announcements. >> we are live from long island westchester county the city and jersey shore. john elliot is here with us today. hi john. till the lingering cancellations today so call ahead, check, go on line. good morning. i know a lot of church services just can't get there. there's too much snow.
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extra time with the family but i know you are going to be spending time outside dealing with this in the city do watch your step as you try to navigate these streets. roadways in much better shape but some of those sidewalks still a little challenging so a bit of a left over blizzard ballet. 20 it's cooler this hour and winds west at 13 running a perfect ten far from it. single digits dominate into the hudson valley. snow totals not as great but still very cold and any wind over that snow pack is still going to feel even colder. there goes the low. it's out of here. brilliant sun will shine. you need sunglasses or a hip new tinted ski goggle what all of the kids are wearing. damage done. 15 to 30-inches for a good part of the area around a foot into parts of the hudson valley and
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to the north and west. numbers do stay below normal. 34 for a high this afternoon but with the wind wind chills in the teens at lunch time feels cold this afternoon so layer up. more on that in a bit right now they are ready to go. >> always ready. thank you. we are going to head out to long island where residents are watching the next high tide. >> live in free port. jennifer. >> good morning from free port. >> during hurricane sandy this whole place was devastated. boats were floating on main street, restaurants were ruined. the water is rising here on the bulk head getting higher and
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we are getting about six inches of water. still only scattered outages and the newly built sea wall held. just about 6-inches of water. just during the full moon and these high tides coming in. this of course shut down. cars were moved to higher ground. fishing trollers and the party boats we were standing along earlier remained in the bay because of the off shore swells measuring 18 feet off shore. just a short time ago we spoke with the mayor of free port about what's working right now in this village. we are working with the army corps much engineers to do a feasibility study to install gates ocean protection gates to protect the entire nassau
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superstorm sandy. the money invested was great by hod and new york rising and fema but i really believe if we put these gates in you could prevent the entire county from flooding with another superstorm sandy. >> and of course during sandy when i was standing here the water at that time was about waist high and boats were floating up and down the street. high tide is literally in about 7 minutes so this is not so bad. six inches here. it could have been so much worse. we are keeping our eye on this high tide reporting live to you from free port village this morning south shore jennifer mclogan cbs 2 news. >> jennifer thank you. joining us on the phone is sussex county executive steve. we want to ask you first as we saw it could have been a lot worse in terms of flooding. how is it looking this morning?
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for us after superstorm sandy we've seen frequency of flooding on the south shore but we seem to have dodged a bullet here. i think the wind shift helped to push the water away as it was surging forward. very different than the story in parts of new jersey so we were fortunate we've seen minimal to moderate flooding. >> and how are the roads looking with all of that. >> we've made great progress. still a lot of work to be done but i think the governor deserved a lot of credit. the travel ban had it's intended impact to keep cars off the road and send a message which the public by and large heeded to stay off the roads but they let the operators do their work and made a lot of progress overnight but two feet of snow or more in some areas that's a huge storm so still a lot of work to be done especially on some of those smaller roads. >> sir, at last check not too
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what can you tell us about pseg long island and anybody without electricity this morning. >> i'll tell you obviously you want to get that number down to zero. but a storm like this we were very concerned heavy snow and high winds gusting up to 65 miles per hour. that is a bad combination for the grid. and i got to say pseg did a great job keeping those numbers down. they added on extra crews and i think it reflects a lot of the work they've been doing over the last year or so to get trimming trees and things like that. so very good progress. we want to get down to zero but the electical grid seems to have held up well. >> sussex county executive we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. any last words of advice for people who have to head out today?
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the weekends what can we expect tomorrow. >> be careful, be slow. the roads are dangerous. stay in and watch football. hopefully see tom brady and the patriots lose today. >> yes right here on cbs 2 news. sussex county executive making friends in this studio today. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> crews have been working as we were just speaking with steve about power to those who lost it during the storm. >> at last report jersey central and light has 4800 customers without in the dark. pseg has 17 outages. 11 are now without power. we've heard from the sussex county executive and all of the powers they are doing to get everyone left without power back up and running. >> city and state leaders will be providing more updates on response to the storm.
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is expected to speak at 9:45. chris christie at 10 and new york city mayor bill will speak beginning at 11. we will bring you those updates live right here on cbs 2. and a programming note for you this morning cbs sunday morning and face the nation will air live in their entirety on our sister station. wlny t.v. 1055. >> we'll have more eye on the storm coverage in just a moment.
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time now 8:10. time to see what was coming up this morning on face the nation. >> john dickerson joins us live from washington with a preview. first we are going to check in with vanessa murdock who has been monitoring the after math of the storm for us. vanessa? >> well good morning everybody. here from whitestone queens it is so very bright you can see the beautiful sunshine streaming across. just beautiful piles of snow. i say beautiful because i don't have a shovel in my hand but it is one serious task. some people have to get over drifts higher than this just to get their cars out of their driveways this morning. we spoke to few people this morning who say listen they are not loving it. it is just too much. take a listen. >> i've never seen this in my life until today. this is the first time.
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take care of my car over there. >> do you have a shovel? >> yes. it still won't help. you need a machine to get that out. >> this is terrible. really bad. i haven't seen it like this in years. last year was a little at a time. this is crazy though. >> have to clean my store here and then go home and work at home. it's too much. yeah. >> so you really have to feel for some of these shop owners. they are having to not open their doors today or at least delay their opening. yesterday they closed up. so a couple of days business lost because of the storm. not just that, think about the exhaustion that comes with shoveling. we met a man this morning who shoveled his car out for two hours so he can make his way to work. this is a really big deal. it is going to be an all day event to clean up the snow for those who are trying to clean up the cars that have extended
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but the department of sanitation says we need to bring in back loaders here and dump trucks to carry out all of the snow but they are going to keep their focus on the side streets which we just before have come up to people to say hey they haven't been by yet. thankfully they took a trip here and now they are significantly clearer but still a big task. vanessa murdock cbs 2 news. >> pretty packed in snow if you can sit nicely. now it's time to see what's coming up this morning on face the nation. >> john dickerson has a preview. we are so excited to get to you. we tried to get to you early today. >> hey andrea and diane. we know the snow we are all surrounded by it. so i'm happy to be with you too and not in a drift somewhere. we today are going to talk to donald trump and we are going to talk to bernie sanders. there's just eight days until the voting begins in iowa so a
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republican side as donald trump and ted cruz exchange fire almost by the hour and bernie sanders is taking on hillary clinton in iowa. he is coming up and poised to perhaps upset her there. we'll also have brand new numbers from our battle ground tracker poll. over the last several months in the crucial early voting states we'll find out what they are thinking is and how to make the final decisions and at the end we'll have a political panel to sift through it all and put it into context. >> and john we've been monitoring all of this. sarah palin's endorsement is getting a lot of publicity. how much does that help donald trump and hurt ted cruz? >> i think it was helpful in the moment. they have been having a fight over who would be the best candidate to take on the establishment which is both the republican party and also just big government in washington. and ted cruz was making the
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sarah pail everyone who is no- -palin who is mostly establishment character lending to trump blunted in the moment but in terms of long term benefit when voters go to the polls they'll think of cruz or trump and palin will be out of their mind at that time. >> you have to go i know but your report got lost in our blizzard coverage yesterday. is new york city mayor mike bloom burg getting closer to perhaps throwing his fat officially in the ring? what are you hearing about that in terms of the campaign? >> he is thinking about it. the triggering mechanism would be if it looked like it was a race between donald trump and bernie sanders. if there are people really on the wings of their party that would create an opening for an independent candidate so he's looked at the numbers and the requirements to get on the ballot in all 50 states but it would be a tough thing for him to run and win as an independent. >> we appreciate your time as
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>> john thank you. you can catch john dickerson on face the nation on t.v. 1055 at 10:30. we in the meantime will be awaiting updates from governor's cuomo, christie and dib la zio. zio. the ban on cars in manhattan was lifted at 7 this morning. >> but while it was in place pedestrians have the streets to hemselves and that made for unusual scenes like this one. people all over not just the sidewalks but all over the streets of times square. some were even getting around by cross country skiing. that's not something you see every day. people on the upper east side were using streets as their own sidewalks. this is the very normally busy corner of lexing ton avenue and 86th street and if you ever try to drive through there you know what a contrast that is.
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like if there was no traffic in the city. tristate area airports are trying to resume normal service after the storm. it's not going to be easy. kennedy airport is reporting 54% of today's departing flights have already been canceled. an even bigger impact at laguardia where 75% of flights are canceled at newark liberty that number is 64%. >> supposed to be leaving for vacation myself tonight. i'm not sure if i'm going to make it out. john elliot bring me good luck. no pressure. none at all. >> what if people are coming in from vacation too trying to make a connection. hello again diane and andrea. you look at the river here and sometimes you seat cruise ships coming in. checking royal caribbean and anthem of the sea is supposed to be here tomorrow but it's delayed coming in a day later so those people who have connections around the northeast that's going to be a ripple effect as well.
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many respects we were spared the worst of this if it happened during a week day but this is a 24/7 city and there will be impacts throughout the course of the next few days. the next few minutes cold 20 wind out of the northwest at 13 miles per hour so it feels a lot colder. let's go to liberty, 12, 18 in stanford, stanford down through west port greenwich saw a foot in parts of coastal connecticut buffet with the wind it's a- -but with the wind it's a 6- degree temperature drop compared to yesterday. five degrees colder in the city. 15 degrees colder in booten so the wind chills there in sub zero range. top five snowiest we are number two, 26.8. we didn't miss it by that much and around the area parts of queens record smashing into parts of brooklyn as well. calendar year to calendar year
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anemic in the snow department as well, 3.7, normal this time of the year is 10.7. this year we smashed that and saw more in one day than we normally see in an entire year. i showed the map earlier the purple and the lighter pink core responds to the 18 to 36- inch range in our area. the bulls eye northern virginia but snow all the way down into dixie. so we are not alone. peak of the storm yesterday 77 million effected by weather advisories warnings and advisories of one type or another. right now seeing things clear up. we have flood advisories for long island. flood warning for morning high tide cycle for the jersey shore. reports coming in from meg and jennifer. it's so much better than it could have been. i know some folks had flooding on the first floor there along the shore in monmouth and ocean but today it's all about
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very cold today. part of that is a by product of wind over that snow pack. seasonal chill tomorrow and then tuesday, hey, we are in the 40s but by tuesday we've got another system coming on board so that could bring in some rain. but with the melting and the mass of snow, you depot to be strategic if you can find a drain good luck that will help but don't forget about the fire hydrants and managing the snow in a polite way around your neighborhood. >> such a contrast this morning. it looks beautiful. >> it's a post card but needs two advils. >> you've got to go home and shovel later. no you are like i'll work for the rest effect the day. thank you john. >> thank you. we now have catherine garcia on the phone with an update on the big dig out. good morning thank you so much for joining us. can you tell us about the progress about this clean up. >> certainly. clearly the department was facing a historic snow storm
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fight through all of yesterday with white out conditions and inches per hour. we are seeing that we need to be focused on our secondary focus today particularly in queens. we know we need to be out there. those are the orders that went out at 5:00 a.m. this morning. but it is going to be challenging. it's a lot of snow and now as people wake up and are starting to dig out their cars streets that we may have cleared have now becoming i am passible for small cars but it's really an enormous amount of snow. >> it is and we've been driving around and see most of the main roads look great. it is the secondary streets out in staten island castleton corners where it didn't look like there was that much progress made. what is your message to people in those neighborhoods? >> that we absolutely are aware there are pockets on staten
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progress on the overnight and in queens there are large areas we need to get into. we are going to need to get into them with front end loaders and plows moving additional equipment around to make sure we are focused on that. but we are very aware to the department of where we need to be but this is going to be a long fight for us. >> i know the travel ban is lifted and people complaining they felt it wasn't necessary. what's your response to that? >> the biggest thing that slows us down is that other cars get stuck and we can't get by. this is an enormous amount of snow and being out there and blocking us or making it so that we are slower just means the city won't get back on it's feet for a longer period of time. i absolutely think particularly into the afternoon and saw two and three inch per hour snow falls those are dangerous conditions and people should not be driving. >> you are talking about the enormous amount of snow and people are worried about what to do with it.
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street as you said. any recommendations there? >> the extent you can pile it along the curb line that would be helpful so you leave a pathway on your sidewalk but you are creating a little mound between that and the street that would be useful. and if you end up having to dicke out your car please don't leave big chunks or mountains in the middle. a small car is going to get stuck in that and then they'll have to wait for a tow truck. >> in terms of the commute tomorrow everybody getting back out to school and work what do you think the conditions will be like. i know you are probably going to be working throughout the day of course today. >> we are cautiously optimistic i would say. but we still see a very, very large amount of work out there for us. and really to make sure that people understand that we are on it but that we really need to have an opportunity to get in and clear some of the smaller roads.
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sanitation commissioner catherine garcia thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> and we will have more on the storm coverage in just a moment. you are watching cbs 2 news sunday morning. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow.
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and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't sound cool to me. guess not. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant?
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there's been a lot of snow pictures and we want to see more of them. >> we are collecting them all on social media twitter facebook instagram and tony has been monitoring it all for us. you have your hands full. >> great stuff coming in from social media followers. let's take a look in bridge water, new jersey natalie is asking dude where is my car. someone has got serious digging out to do. and this just may be the young man to do it. christine proudly sharing this picture of her son manning a shovel in hamburg, new york. you go young man. that is great.
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along this picture of her with ollie. she says ollie is having some fun in the snow. i got to say ollie doesn't look nearly as happy as cheryl but casey is another story. this happy boy experiencing his first blizzard. look at him go. and thank you to his human pal carl for posting casey on our facebook page. that's one happy puppy. >> snow practicalically covered him entirely. >> and the glowing eyes i like too. thank you tony. keep them coming. check us in on cbs new york. >> and we'll have more after the storm coverage in just a moment. you are watching cbs 2 news sunday morning. proudly carry on his legacy.
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eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood.
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and it's been a state of emergency here in the tristate area. now the big clean up and dig out after the big blizzard. in other parts of the country we are looking--or the tristate area i should say flooding is the major concern. this is the icy river that went right past our crew in some parts along the coast. >> and the travel ban was lifted at around 7:00 this morning. in new york the city and long island but how are those roads doing on this day after the blizzard. welcome back to cbs 2 news sunday morning. it's 8:30. i'm andrea grymes. >> and i'm diane macedo. we have been monitoring the storm all morning from jersey shore to westchester county to long island. we have team coverage for you and we start things off with meg baker who joins us live. meg? >> actually before we get to meg we are getting ahead of
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with john and give us an update on the day after the blizzard here. >> but thank you for reminding me to thank meg baker. what a day she had yesterday. >> she did. >> yesterday in the heat of the storm, poor metaphor, the afternoon and evening high tide cycle meg literally was almost blown over. those winds are so much better now watching that cycle this morning for the jersey shore. look at this beautiful view in the city. isn't that nice? beautiful skies sunny and shiny and a lot of work to do. 20 degrees winds out of the northwest at 13 miles per hour. numbers air temperature readings 12 in mont sell o but you are spared all of those inches. 23 in roseland. 19 in toms river where the wind chill is 5. the wind chill in the city is 10. feels like 2 in alpine. great t.v. station. cold wind chill.
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a sense of the clear skies. bigger view a sense of that exiting low, the elongateed low that provided all of the bands. 30 at lunch time feeling like 19 with the wind over that cold notch pack. 34 your high feels like 27 and this is key overnight tonight you are looking at air temperatures well below zero. so with the mixing and the shoveling and all of the friction on the roadways there will be pockets effect ice so exercise caution tonight. we are going to talk about potential school impacts coming up in a bit. right now they've been schooled and they are ready. here's diane and andrea. >> thanks so much. dealing with a lot of snow and water this morning. >> meg baker joins us live where the sun is up and it's not as bad as what people were expecting right meg? >> yes. that is exactly what's happening here. we changed locations.
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marlin avenue and you could see i had to put on my rain boots because there is flooding here but not as bad as they thought it could be. this is the back bay. it does get deeper the further you go towards third avenue. there's a bridge there i just spoke to oem and they said that bridge there is unpassable. unsafe conditions. we talked to a homeowner who was just digging out hand water in his back yard he was concerned about especially as the snow melts. here's what he had to say. >> this is my fifth time out here. >> oh my goodness. >> it's been a battle. but hey once this year is great compared to last year. >> now this is high tide now so this is expected to rise only a fetch more inches. --few more inches. hopefully the homes won't be effected. a lot of them were raised after
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caution and we saw the three foot berm that was put in against another hundred year storm did it's job. meg baker cbs 2 news. >> meg thank you so much. now that the snow has stopped falling it is time to dig out of course. >> for a lot of people in staten island that's not an easy task at all. driving around in mobile 2 and at some point helping people dig out right alice? >> that's right. we were helping an elderly man earlier dig his car out and he was able to do it. he didn't want our help but times like these we all have to help each other out. this guy in front of me is doing exactly what you are not supposed to do which is shoveling the snow into the street. look at this pile. we are going to have to go back and talk to him later because i don't know why you are doing that sir. they are asking people specifically not to do that. we've been driving around on
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and the main streets are fantastic. the side streets are the issue because the plows have only done one or two passes and need to come back later. we saw a few people digging out. one gentleman had an electric shovel. i've never seen one and my photographer hasn't either but it seemed to be effective. we talked earlier what he had to say. >> just getting out here. i know i got my work cut out ahead of me so it's going to take all day. >> what sort of tools are you using. >> right now i have an electric shovel and it seems to be working okay but it's going to be able to get what i can then i have to use the manual shovel. >> yeah i've never seen it before but it seemed to be doing the trick but remember don't shovel the snow into the street. keep it on the sides. you are just creating more work for the plows.
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the sun is out now so the sun glare on the roads is tremendous so make sure you grab your shades. you are allowed to be driving. the travel ban was lifted at 7 this morning. live on staten island alice gainer cbs 2 news. >> alice thank you. earlier she was showing us other areas they need to get to and they will be doing so today. >> help is on the way. let's get a look at conditions in westchester county. >> ilana gold is live for us in yonkers covered with snow right? >> people here in yonkers are waking up to nearly two feet of snow and it is a mess. take a look at this sidewalk. it's not even plowed. it's covered in snow and you can see it goes up a little bit hard right there but it goes up at least to my knees so it's definitely not asteism navigate through and one of the major problems is the cars are buried in so much snow we've been
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seen hundreds of cars that look just like this so digging out today is definitely going to be a challenge. we want to shop you new video. take a look. we justice captured these images on yonkers avenue where people were trying to dig their cars out. very their shoveling. we just talked to a man who tells us he's been digging out for at least an hour and still has a long way to go. take a listen. >> it's god awful work from working in yonkers dpw and now i got to shovel off my car. >> you've been shovel argue all night and now have to shovel your own car. >> yes. >> what kind of a challenge. >> i'm fired work and now from shoveling. >> describe what your car looked like. >> it was just covered with snow. i couldn't even barely see the car. but had to keep shoveling until
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>> i bet you are ready to go home. it's been a long night. >> yes it is and i'm really tired. >> i can imagine that man is absolutely exhausted. we want to tell you that some of the side streets in yonkers have been a problem. some of them are covered in snow and we've seen drivers sliding around and getting stuck. we also saw a man bring out his own snow blower trying to clear his street because he has to get to work so he's taking matters into his own hands and here's a live look at yonkers avenue where the main streets are plowed. cars are driving on them just fine no problems at all but i can tell you they are a little bit icy so if you are heading out this morning make sure to be cautious and take it slow. we are live in yonkers this morning cbs 2 news. >> thank you. city and state leaders will be providing updates on their response to the storm later this morning.
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christie at 10 and bill diblzio. we'll bring you those live. >> face the nation will air live but we will be breaking in as mentioned. if you do want to watch those uninterrupted you can head to wlny t.v. 1055. and now we are continuing with our after the storm coverage. stay with us.
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sunday morning. 'sheasstntnean -favlae,wi sedfr 5to00eg wdewee nk hhe ctor tiacony peranno tre nbeerim g fs$799 mthnle,et50egioinrn, a onfoyo fstea tho nu ctrt.orita ye aeentge 00ac d,llhereumov anlsorneea tgeiocooral 8.t.os
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jennifer mclogan has been live all morning monitoring the conditions there for us checking in with her and other reporters around the area. tweeted this video of flooding on the white stone expressway and linden place asking people to avoid the area unless you are a snow plow which they could use your help. queens got slammed with record snow totals. >> vanessa murdock joins us live where residents have started digging out and she's been talking to several of them already. good morning vanessa. >> good morning. i like that phrase. wicked snow totals talking record snow at laguardia. they broke a single day snow
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the event 27.9-inches. it snowed for 27 hours straight. so as you can imagine it is a very big job to clean up and dig on out. sir how long have you been at it? >> like an hour here. try to get the car out of the place and yesterday already i started around like 1:00 just getting around but the snow kept going. >> right. anything immediate you need to get to that you have to have your car out today? >> yeah because i have to get the car out from here. >> how are you feeling physically after all of this >> woo. like i run like five miles. >> you do seem like you are getting fatigued here. what is your name. >> marcos. >> thank you so much we wish you the best. his car is a few feet in deep. take a quick look guys. some have to not only
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breakthrough this one as well and cars are in a driveway about 20 feet back. the owner of that car she needs to dig it out on her own. so the best of luck to everybody dicking everybody- -digging out this morning. record setting snow fall in queens. vanessa murdock live in whitestone, keeps. >> that guy with the snow mobile earlier needs to help that lady. >> he's got his work cut out for him. >> john elliot has had his work cut out for tracking the storm. >> good thing vanessa isn't 6- foot 5. they've got to dig that out before they dig that out. drink water. have the layers on and off in the sun. sunglasses, just don't have a heart attack. there's a lot of work. pace yourself. also keeping dealing with bright skies but cold readings. look at this, 7 in middletown.
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but 7 soap they are icing and salting and adam reminding lexie to wash your pets paws off when they come in. this is an interesting shot here though. mary ellen has 24 in middletown and it's hard to get out the door so this is the first step outside the door. this is the door you got to step in. barely can get out before you have to maneuver and manipulat and one last picture is more of the same. the jersey shore so much variety and bob has this slope that he's got to deal with. yeah it's just a lot of work. so let's talk numbers and potential school impacts tomorrow in the city right now it sure is pretty. we've got some nice skies. left side the skyline that bright sky 20 degrees winds out of the northwest at 13 miles per hour. air temperature readings cold enough but when you throw in
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new york, 9, feels like 5. sun up 7:13. sunset 5:03. normal 38. we won't hit it. we will be above normal. the full moon still a menace of sorts. high tide along the jersey shore later it's an advisory for long island. bright skies, brilliant. good advice from alice about the sunglasses. that will help. there's the elongated low that's exited so we are dealing with left over problems. 34 today. you are digging, shoveling, moving, shaking, baking. overnight tonight you are going to see even colder readings, 24. so that could lead to some potential challenges tomorrow morning for the kids. going to be slippery and icy so be careful. they have to watch their step. you have to watch as you are driving, dropping off and even
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are going to be crowded due to snow mounds so kids are closer to traffic and a little challenging around the school. warmer in the afternoon but take care and do be mindful. we could see delayed openings. we'll let you know going on early i think tomorrow so we'll have that for you starting at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning on cbs 2. but the good news is we start to see better conditions. monday in fact not a bad day at all looking at a high of 37. warmer weather still for your tuesday. tuesday a weak front that comes on board ushering a chance for a little bit of light rain but it will be rain by that time and you notice the numbers staying above normal for the remainder of the week so pace yourself. i understand there might be some football on t.v. later today. let's find out with andrea. >> there is. many people going to dig out quickly to make it back inside to watch these huge games. today's games will decide of
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bowl coming up in a couple weeks. the patriots versus the broncos right here on cbs 2 and later tonight arizona versus carolina and joining us this morning landen fletcher to talk some football. welcome. >> thank you. >> let's first start with brady versus manning coming up the big cbs game. these guys faced each other 17 times tied in terms of wins in the play offs against each other. what are you looking at in terms of them? >> these are the two best teams in the afc. it's going to be a chess match between these two teams. belichick and brady and manning and then wade phillips the defensive coordinator of the denver broncos i expect this game to come down to the wire. who can make more plays in the passing game. they think manning doesn't have it in him but i think he has one more great game against brady especially if this is the
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>> this could be the last time we see these guys face off against each other. the new york tabloids had fun with brady being a cry baby. >> he's known to cry a little bit. >> i was in the afc east with brady and faced him five straight years. he's known to whine a little bit the refs but he's also a tough guy too because i've hit him several times and i thought this guy was going out of the game and he was able to deliver a throw and get back up but he's whinny to the referees a lot. >> so who do you think is going to win today? >> i like denver and i know i'm in a minority but i feel like this is a match up game. i talked about the chess match and denver will do things in the passing game to create opportunities where manning can create throws and take a shot down field. it will be a close one though probably between one and three points will be the difference in the game.
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i wonder who you'll be rooting for mr. carolina. >> living down in charlotte i love the carolina panthers. >> this is them practicing in the snow the other day. >> that's panthers weather. the way they play football, physical, grinding out, running the ball then. they also have a defense that's outstanding and get turn overs. cam newton the mvp in the league not even going to be close once the vote comes out but the arizona cardinals have an opportunity. they take big shots down the field. it will be an outstanding game. it's not going to be a chess match. this is a heavyweight fight one throwing head makers and the other body checks. >> this might be a better match up than the super bowl itself. >> the super bowl is on cbs. that game is on fox. whoever makes it to the super bowl it's going to be a great
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the four best teams in football. >> and we look forward to watching and that other pregame show on at a special time today 10-12 on the cbs sportsnet work. thank you so much. we appreciate it as always and of course the big patriots broncos game at 3:00 p.m. right here on cbs 2. (church bell) (bear growls) (burke) smash and grub. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
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music: "thunder clatter" by wild cub most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price,
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dangerous high tides and water spilling into beach side neighborhoods of the jersey shore. >> water quickly covered the streets of the city something the mayor says they were not expecting. the mayor also says he considers this weekend's storm bigger than superstorm sandy. >> i think it's worse than sandy because of the weather. the weather is cold, it's snow and it's icy.
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city firefighters had to get through the snow to put out a fire at the avalon coffee shop. luckily no one was hurt. >> and big thank you to everyone in a sharing mood this morning. great stuff coming in to cbs 2 through social media. >> pictures and videos tony is here with some of the favorites. >> crowd sources the storm coverage this morning. this facebook post from amy lee mills from louisiana. she is snowed in at the extended stay hotel in melville. when life gives you snow make a snow man right? >> does he have a sweater on? even the snow man is cold. >> or perhaps a snow angel. she shared this cutie pie enjoying the snow in east chester new york. and in jersey city this is a big smile on her face. and cuteness alert this is
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eyed after the blizzard in tom's river. thank you to nicole mooney for brightening our day with this snow angel. >> she seems pretty happy to be in the snow. >> beautiful. >> what a cutie. and ready, set, jump. we've got the wrong dog. that's casey. we are supposed to show you piety. but we've got casey. so this is casey again bouncing through the snow. he's in new jersey having a good time. even the glowing eyes tells you how excited that dog is. maybe later in the day we'll be able to bring you petey who dives into a snow bank. >> you have a dog too. >> yes i have roger and he's loving it. we dug a path in the back yard so he can get to his spot and he loves running around in that snow and comes in with all of the fuzzy white snow and is even cuter than john elliot i got to tell you. >> he is. >> tony thank you. >> and thank you for sharing on social media.
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now it's time to see what's coming up on cbs sunday morning. >> charles osgood joins us live with a preview. all right charles thank you and a reminder that you can--we are going to be showing cbs sunday morning right here on channel 2 but breaking in with news conferences. >> same goes for face the nation. and now one last look at the forecast. >> and this is what all of the folks are talking about. it's the totals over 30-inches of snow in parts of the city and it's the big clean up.
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a good part of new jersey that 15 to over 30-inch range so it's a lot of hard work. it's going taxing and trying. weather overall cooperates today. my concern overnight tonight refreezing icing in those snow speed bumps at intersections at the end of your driveway. monday a break. tuesday it's warmer so there's a possibility of a little bit of rain and we stay above normal for the remainder of the week but you do really need to pace yourself as you get ready to dig out today. >> john thank you so much. you've been on top of it all weekend and if you are heading back to work tomorrow tune in beginning at 4: 00 for more after the storm coverage and any time on and we thank you for joining us this morning. cbs 2 news is back tonight after nfl football but we will be breaking in with news conferences. >> still check the headlines all day long from home at for john and the entire cbs 2
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>> and i'm andrea grymes. cbs this morning is next. have a great sunday. you'd be surprised how easy it is to get a good low-cost health plan! you might even get help paying for it! go to or call 1-855-355-5777
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