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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  March 21, 2016 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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we used to have it all now, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, wave out to the crowd take our final bow it's time to go but at least we stole the show
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at least we stole t
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it's like one of my daughters said like i had an 86. my other friend had less than that. i should get an a. we've got rules. you know, sweetie, you got to make a 90 to get an a. we have rules as to how many delegates you should get. if you go in way ahead you are likely to be picked. what's interesting in the ten contested republican conventions, you know that the leader going in only got picked three times. and again, john, i have to tell you that, who is going to win in the fall? who is going to beat hillary? these folks can't win. they can't win ohio, i can tell you that. in addition, look at the resume. look at the record. who actually can fix this country? who can get us moving again? both the domestically and with foreign policy. so that should be a consideration now, not much of one, to be honest with you, but when we get to a convention, see, because i was there when ronald reagan actually challenged gerald ford. can you imagine how many people were mad at reagan? but his message mattered. he came close. he ultimately became one of the greatest presidents we have ever
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the convention is a very interesting thing. and delegates take things extremely seriously. >> has anyone -- >> let me also tell you, john, somebody can get the numbers, they would win. >> has anybody -- numbers. everybody chill out. >>some people suggested you should drop out so somebody can get the numbers. than you are. >> he needs 80% of the vote to get it. that's not going to happen, john. you know it. i know it. >> has anyone asked you to drop out though? >> nobody is calling me directly and asking me to drop out? and by the way -- why don't they drop out. john, why don't they drop out? i'm the one who can win in the fall. you know another interesting thing. this party has run around for seven years saying, how is it that we elected a one term united states senator to be president who never had the experience. whatever happened to that? remember that? so, here's what i would say. i can win in the fall. they cannot.
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positive message. you have stayed away from some of the back and forth. would you not in the pursuit of your nomination not want the help of the stop trump forces? the organized efforts to stop donald trump? >> you know, john, i'm not, i am not in this for some political science game or some calculation. let me just tell you, that people are nervous about their work, their wages, their kids' future. that's what i focus on. responding to that legitimate concern that they have. and i tell them exactly how in washington. we had great success and balanced the budget and grew jobs. and i tell them about the 417,000 people who are now working in ohio who didn't have a job when i became governor i have people that come to my rallies and thank me for the fact that i have focused on the issue of mental illness and drug addiction. i don't have time to sit around
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group or that group. let me do my job. communicate to the public. we'll see where it ends up. i think this is a very construct constructive message to the american people. i want you, the american people, you in your living rooms to believe you can change the world. we need you to do it. because the you will revive the spirit of our country. >> but governor, the people trying to stop donald trump believe that many of the things you just described are imperilled by his candidacy. and that gets them a little exercised in the same way you are exercised. so i just wonder if you think they're wrong, crazy, missed something? >> no, let them go and do. you know what is interesting? some of the same people wanted me to get out of the race. they wanted to get behind rubio. what happened? rubio is out. i'm in. okay. if i don't win ohio, guess what? trump is the nominee. i win ohio now they want me to get out. what are you, these are the same establishment people that have been fighting me my entire political career. you know what? i will tell you what is in my
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the people i grew up with in the mckeys rocks, people walked door to door for me. we had people from 22 ohio. they came from all over the they're hopeful together we can raise this country. i don't have time to think about all this political calculation in some back room some where. okay, john. i'm any just not doing it. you have known me long enough to you get. period. end of story. >> but you have in fact brought on people to help you with the -- the calculation, people with experience. >> sure. >> so you are in fact thinking abut the calculation. you don't want to talk about it. >> john, look. first of all, the convention is an extension of this process. of course i want stu spencer, of course i want charlie black, of course, i want vin webber, of course i want tom ridge, of course i want the former governor of utah. i want them all to help me.
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is some sort of subterfuge it? is nothing more than extension of what we are doing now. if nobody gets the delegates, which they won't, then we will have to work, you know, have to work it to convention. i will spend my time convincing them about my electability and my record. if they buy it, great. if they've don't. i will have done my best. john, i am perfectly comfortable with this. >> let me ask you a presidential question about merrick garland put forward by the president for the supreme court. this could be a decision you have to handle. what's your feeling about the way your republican colleagues have responded to that nomination from the president? >> look, i never thought the president should send it. i knew nothing was going to happen. frankly they probably ought to sit down and meet with the guy. my feeling end of the day who ever gets elected president should be in a position to be able to pick, you know, who they want, and, and, the american
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democrat what the makeup of the court is. that can unite us. now continues to divide us. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? cough! it works on his cough too.
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unstopables by downy. america's best scent booster. bernie sanders is looking for a big comeback in tomorrow's nominating contest. sanders trails hillary clinton by a wide margin in the delegate count, but isn't giving up the ship. sanders spoke with john dickerson for "face the nation." >> senator, we looked at the math here for the contest going forward. it looks like you would have to win almost 60% of the remaining delegates. so what is your path to the nm nation? that is a big number? >> it is, but the states that are coming up just on tuesday. we have idaho, utah, we have got arizona, we are heading out west. to washington. we have alaska. we have hawaii, and we are
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we think the father forward is a prtty good path for us. clearly secretary clinton did very, very well. in the deep south. not a strong area for us. but i think as we go forward, are you going to see us doing better and better. and by the way. i think people are going to appreciate when they look at the polls. bernie sanders does better against donald trump than hillary clinton does. in fact in the last poll we were 18 points ahead of donald trump than secretary clinton. i think that will play a factor in the coming states. >> secretary clinton won in the illinois and that's not the deep south. >> here's the point as you know -- she did. and we won in michigan. end of the day if you look at michigan, illinois, missouri, we come out almost the same in terms of delegates. >> hillary clinton has 2 million more votes than you have. the theory of your campaign and presidency has been to create a movement, to create momentum, to gather people. she seems to be able to gather more people behind her message
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isn't that a threat to the, to the theory of the sanders' campaign? >> no, no, no, no. john, not at all. about is she did very well in the deep south. she creamed us in mississippi, alabama, south carolina. now i wish i didn't have to say this, but everything being equal, no democrat right now, i hope that changes, i think it will is going to win those elections, those states in the general election. we have now won nine states. i think in a couple weeks you are going to see us win more states. i think as we head to the west coast, which is probably the most progressive part of america, the ideas that we are fighting for, dealing with the grotesque level of income of and wealth inequality, a national health care system through medicare, for all, raising the minimum wage, $15 an hour. i think the people in those states really are not going to be voting for a establishment politics and establishment economics they want real change. i think we are going to do well there. >> one last tactical question, senator.
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might go to the convention. if you are behind in delegates try to flip the superdelegates to win through using superdelegates. is that a strategy you are looking at? >> the whole concept of super delegates is problematic. i would say in states where we have won you know by 20, 25 points, you know what i think it might be a good idea for superdelegates to listen to the people in their own state. i just talked to -- a person the other day. who said, you know what. i am going to listen to my state. if my state votes for you, bernie, you will have my vote. i think that i would hope that a lot of the superdelegates take that factor into consideration. >> so yes that is a strategy you are pursuing? >> well, to say to a superdelegate. bernie sanders won your state by 20, 30 points, you know you might want to listen to your state. i think that is common sense. i think superdelegates should do that.
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state that you won, they shouldn't feel compelled to go for you? >> well that's, legally they have their own decision. to be made. they have their own right to make the decision. but i would argue that many of the superdelegates for them, what is most important as it is for me and secretary clinton by the way, is making sure that no republican occupies the white house. and if people conclude by the end of this campaign, if we have the energy, and an if, if we win a number of states. that's also an if. but if that its the factor and it appears that i am the stronger candidate against trump, i think you are going to see some superdelegates saying, you know what i like hillary clinton but i want to win this thing. bernie is our guy. >> it's been months since south carolina's republican senator lindsay graham dropped his bid for the gop nomination. since then he has been an unofficial spokesman for the republican party establishment, opposing both donald trump and
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well, graham was singing a different tune when he sat down to talk with john dickerson for "face the nation." >> you once said that choosing between trump and cruz is like the difference between being shot or poisoned. so, how is your health? >> you know, maybe they will find an anecdote for poisoning, hard once you are shot to get over it. the bottom line i believe donald trump would be an utter disaster for the republican party, destroy conservatism as we know it, we would get wiped out and take generations to overcome a trump candidacy. ronald reagan had a three-legged stool of conservatism. fiscal, social, strong national security. donald has a four legged stool because he is the donald. got to be bigger. economic populism, xenophobia, race baiting, and religious bigotry are the stool that he has formed. that's his campaign. that is not conservatism. ted cruz in my view is a real
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with. i've am supporting ted i think he is the best alternative to donald trump. john kasich is the most electable republican. i don't think he has a chance to win. at the convention, because it is an outsider year. john kasich is an insider. most delegates are looking for an outsider. i love john kasich. if he stays in the race or they don't coordinate the efforts between cruz and kasich, we're going to wind up giving the nomination to trump. >> you say an outsider year. your description of trump's campaign. a very popular campaign. people turning up to the rallies. he is getting the votes. >> 35% to 40%, where he is going to be. a lot of people believe that illegal immigration is a real problem. playing on their fears. he says most of them are rapists and drug dealers, they're not. heres why we are losing the hispanic vote. nobody is going to listen to you about your economic plan or ability to defend the nation if you are going to depart their
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i'm in the party of family values. i like that. there are 11 million illegal immigrants. 60% here a decade. many have american children. american citizen, children and what will happen to republican friend if our position if they take their grandmother, member of the military, who is illegal. how do we get the person to vote for us if we will deport their grandmother when all she has done is violate the immigration this is why we are getting killed with the hispanics. mr. trump has taken every problem we have had with the hispanics and poured gasoline on it. rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. in a world that's trying to turn you into someone new... hair color wants to help you keep on being you. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color...
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a virginia man traveled to the middle east to fight for the islamic state remains in the custody of kurdish forces in northern iraq. he is telling his story on local tv. jeff pegues reports. >> where are you from? >> united states. >> reporter: mohammad jamal khweis is one of the few isis foreign fighters we know of to walk out of isis held territory alive. >> i didn't agree with their ideology. he is now a prisoner of the kurds and being interviewed by the fbi a world away from the washington d.c. suburb where he grew up in this townhouse. he says his parents emigrated from the palestinian territories. his father, a limo driver, says he has spoken to state department and the fbi about his son. >> i have nothing to say. khweis graduated from thomas
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where friend describe him as a normal guy. >> he wasn't an outcast. or anything like that. >> he says growing up, mohammad jamal khweis was known as mo or mike. >> there wasn't anything that would lead me to believe that this was on the radar that he is going to go join isis. >> khweis did join isis investigators want to know how and why. u.s. authorities say in december of last year, khweis left baltimore washington international airport for england there, he traveled to amsterdam, met a woman that took him to turkey and crossed into syria. he says, a month later, he decided a month later life with isis wasn't for him. and fled. >> our daily life was basically prayer, eating and learning about the religion for, about eight hours. >> it is not only foreign
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from the islamic state. in syria, holly williams spoke to a young man who fought for isis to be turned away by the group's dark side. he is treated like a dangerous criminal. and says he was trained to kill by isis. before being captured by kurdish soldiers. but mohammad is a frightened 18-year-old and asked us to hide his face for his mother's sake. she often told me to leave isis, he said. but i never obeyed her. he grew up in a muslim family in syria, but told us he knew very little about islam until he was recruited by an uncle and a village elder. they recited verses from the koran to explain that muslims must fight here, said. then they sent me to a camp to learn about islamic law. gradually i became convinced.
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extremist than simply naive. it doesn't lessen his crimes. but shows the that isis which relies on fighters who kill die for the cause, has a weakness. mohammad told us he began to lose faith in isis when he witnessed one of the group's many public executions. >> what did you think when you saw that? did you still think that was the real islam? >> no, he said. it was horrific. i wish i had never seen it. he also told us that u.s. coalition air strikes are taking a heavy toll on isis. he and other fighters recently had their food allowance cut. they told us the air strikes are hitting their oil installations, he said. and they aren't making as much money as before. isis its under pressure because of the u.s. coalition air strikes. >> yes, he told us. a lot.
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correspondents in the business has filed his last story. allen pizzey is now officially retired. scott pelley looks back on his long and distinguished career. >> allen pizzey, cbs news, east berlin. >> over four decades allen has brought the biggest stories in world to you. often risking this life as one of the premiere foreign correspondents of his generation. >> looks like they might have a chance of making a deal with the bosnian serbs. >> wars in iraq and the balkans. >> did you see them kill the people? >> yes. >> the fall of berlin wall. >> they were streaming across the wall within hours of the announcement. >> the fight against apartheid, the bombing of the u.s. marine barracks in beirut and election of the first pope from the americas. along the way, allen won just about every award there is and the respect of fellow journalists everywhere. >> if we do our job right, politicians and the public cannot say "we didn't know." you did know. happening.
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the sweet 16 of the ncaa championship gets under way thursday in houston. so since you're thinking about basketball, we have an update on one of our most heart warming basketball stories ever. steve hartman found it "on the road." >> hey! >> how are you? >> reporter: not many high school basketball managers got a party on their behalf. especially not, ten years after graduation. >> it seems like just yesterday, a magical night back in 2006. coach pointed his finger at me. i stepped on to the court for the first time in my varsity career. [ applause ] >> jason mcelway is autistic. ten years ago he fetched water and mop up other people's sweat at greece
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in rochester, new york. for the last game of his senior year, the coach let jason, better known as jmac, minutes. that's him going in. everyone in the crowd was hoping for a lay-up at most. but jmac had other ideas. he stepped outside of the three point line and drained it. [ cheers and applause ] >> you caught fire. >> just caught fire. i was hot as a pistol. >> reporter: jmac ended up shooting six three pointers. one right after the other. he that 20 points total. and each time the shot went in, his teammates and the crowd went a little crazier. [ cheers and applause ] his last basket, right at the buzzer, created total mayhem. [ cheers and applause ] after we first told the story, big things started happening for jmac. i mean big things. an amazing story on the
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>> reporter: president george bush requested an audience with him. jmac co-authored a book about himself. and perhaps the biggest change of all. >> gave me confidence that i can do anything. >> reporter: after graduation, jmac became assistant coach at his old high school. his passion for the game hasn't faded a bit. his connection to the students as strong as ever. the only difference is that now,
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near the rafters. captioning funded by cbs it's monday, march 21st, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." history in havana. president obama touches down in cuba, the first sitting american president to do so since 1928. his first message to cubans who waited decades for diplomacy. trump trump heads to washington today. the republican front-runner is set to make a major speech to a power pro israeli group but members of the audience plan on walking out. >> let's go.


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