tv ET Entertainment Tonight CBS August 1, 2016 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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ed at the front desk, i secured my weapon. then, on the way to the cell area, he says he needs to use the bathroom. was collins handcuffed at this point? yes. but once we got inside, i took 'em off so he could relieve himself. everything was fine till i tried to put the cuffs back on. erin: what happened? cutter: i got one of the cuffs on, and he complains it's too tight. he starts resisting. the guy's strong as an ox. next thing i know, we're going at it. did you call for help? i tried. he had his hands in my face, on my throat. did you have your hands on his throat at any point? choke holds are against department policy. was that a no? yeah. uh, when i finally got control of him, i called for my partner. that's when i... noticed collins was unconscious.
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you know? and... then i realized he wasn't breathing. look, i'm... sick about what happened, ms. reagan. but if i didn't defend myself, it would have been me dead in that bathroom. and where were you when the incident occurred? i went down the hall to run the prisoner for warrants and when were you aware that there was something wrong? uh, a couple minutes after we split, i heard randy... officer cutter, uh, call for help. i ran down the hallway. when i entered the bathroom, i saw cutter on the floor with the perp, who was unconscious. at any point, did you see officer cutter...
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no, i didn't see anything like that. sarge is looking for volunteers to take an inmate back to prison after he testifies downtown. sure. thanks, boss. you got it, reagan. uh, which prison? i think he's from lincoln correctional. what? (quietly): would you cut the crap? hmm? ked up over there. yeah, i remember you told me that. i know what you're trying to do. i know you think you're helping. you're not. look, you have to talk to him at some point. no. i don't think that i need to talk to him at some point. it's not gonna be a tearful reunion, okay? not everyone comes from a perfect family, reagan. hey, trust me, we have our moments. you ever been betrayed by the person you trust most in the world? you ever find out that everything
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no. you know what? if i need someone to fix my life, i'm gonna call a shrink, not a cop. frannie: you're saying that cop strangled christopher? his death has been ruled a homicide. however, it's still unclear if officer cutter's use of force was... justified. meaning he could still get away with it. mommy? of course. say hi to ms. reagan. hi. hi. i like your elephant. thank you. she's beautiful. takes after her father. chris, uh... was, um... a good person. he wanted to get married. i...
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i told him i want to take alex to live in chicago. that's where my family's from. so he was upset you were leaving? alex was everything to him. i hate to admit it, but he was a... he was a much better parent than me. so when the police came and tried to take him away, he... i guess he panicked. the thought of being far from alex, it... just... made him crazy. and christopher shouldn't have acted up with that cop, but... ...he didn't deserve to die for loving his little girl. (elevator bell dings) look at this welcoming committee. thanks for coming in, norm. oh. yeah, anything for my old boss. how's long island treating you? eh, good.
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hi, chief, how are you? baker, i need a few minutes undisturbed with the chief. yes, sir. take a load off. mm-hmm. you still got that old boston whaler? yep. just put a brand-new cooler in. (chuckles) i like a man who's got his priorities straight. i wanted to talk to you about randy cutter. i figured that. it's a hell of a situation. he was under your command for six years. what can you tell me? he certainly was on the fast track to detective. why'd he leave? eh, a lot of guys out there, uh, they think that the nypd's top of the line. (chuckles) you guys pay more. eh, i guess he wanted to know what it was like to work in the big city. well... now he knows.
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kara, thank you for meeting me. my lawyer told me not to talk to you again. and yet here you are. i met christopher collins' daughter today. how's she doing? it's tough. her father was everything to her. when you and officer cutter had arrived on the scene, collins had just learned that his... ex was moving their daughter to chicago. you have kids? yeah. my son's three-and-a-half. so you can imagine how he was feeling. that didn't give him the right to resist arrest. or attack a cop.
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ink he deserved to die for trying to keep his family together. when you've been a prosecutor for a while, you kind of get a sense when... someone isn't telling you everything they know. i should go. did you see officer cutter apply a choke hold to collins in that bathroom? i've been riding with randy for over a year. he's the best cop i know, and he saved my life on more than one occasion so i can go home to my kid. so, in other words, you're willing to lie for him. because when i call you in front of that grand jury, you will be under oath. if you lie, it is a felony. you do what you gotta do, and i'll do the same. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece.
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not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (church bells ringing)
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old family recipe. which your great-grandmother guarded with her life. (chuckles) why was it such a big secret? grandma always said a family is held together by its secrets. we're held together by corned beef and cabbage? well... yeah, and tradition. things that are passed on from generation to generation. sounds like the nypd. nicky: how's that? well, the department's like family, and god knows they're good at keeping secrets. what are we talking about? everyone at this table knows about the nypd's blue wall of silence. (sighs) not me. it's when cops protect each other, no matter what. it's more than that. yeah, like when a skel tries to slug you in the precinct bathroom, whatever they get in return for that, they deserve. exactly. and if the only witness to that is another cop, then he has nothing to worry about. (quietly): oh, come on. i assume you're referring to officer walsh. kara's a good cop, and it's possible she didn't see anything.
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it means that your sister thinks that all cops lie to cover each other's butts. oh, she didn't say that. okay, i get that cops need to protect themselves, but there have to be some regulations as to how far they can go, right? we have guidelines. danny: that's right. to protect cops and the public. but no matter what the regulations say, a cop should never rat on their partner. ever. so then the regulations don't really mean much, right? smart kid. what your father's saying is that sometimes the most important thing is personal loyalty. against each other or their kids. that's a relief. don't be getting any bright ideas. that's fine, but cutter and walsh are not family. they're partners. all right, but when you're out on the street, the only person that can watch your back is your partner. and your life is in their hands. so i don't know about you, but that makes me feel like it's a family. but the law... doesn't see it that way.
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(sighs) why do we have to leave so early? i have to work... i just want to leave. don't forget the dividends. corned beef makes good leftovers? well, that's the best thing about it. you chop it up with some potatoes and some onions, you fry it up in a skillet, and presto: corned beef hash. i'll take this to the car. 've already made up your mind about asking for an indictment against my officer. your officer? that's the way i see 'em. i believe randy cutter is guilty of criminally negligent homicide. and you have enough to back that up? honestly, no. i wish i had more. well, i'm no lawyer, but it looks to me like the case against him's pretty flimsy. well, it wouldn't be if his partner would admit to what she saw.
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rather than what you can prove? the point of the grand jury is not to prove innocence or guilt. i just want to convince them to let me try the case. i know the law. i also know christopher collins attacked officer cutter, who was unarmed and outweighed by a good 50 pounds. christopher collins was unarmed, too, and "your officer" used deadly force! if it were me or danny or jamie, we might've done the same thing. i'm supposed to give cutter the benefit of the doubt?! the man was defending himself! or the commissioner's daughter? you chose to make that one and the same, erin. christopher collins was a father who was facing the loss of his daughter, and he was scared and confused and likely out of line, but he did not deserve to die. (sighs)
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yes. officer cutter went too far... and he needs to pay for it. i'm just saying she's got a job to do. dad doesn't? i saw him last night. he is not happy. why, what, did he say something? didn't have to say anything. erin's name came up and he made that face. was it the i've-got-the weight-of-the-world-on- my-shoulders face or the i-wish- i-never-had-kids face? both faces. and you know what? he's right. she should've never taken the case. well, maybe nobody noticed, but erin's a rising star in the da's office. she might become the first female manhattan da. so what? so, if her last name's reagan, she's gotta prove she's independent of the nypd and the pc.
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but family comes first. how's it going, jamie? oh, hey, you guys. uh, this is my brother, danny. hey. word is your sister's going pretty hard after cutter. can't talk about that. he's a good cop. she should cut him some slack. (bottle thuds) hey, how about i buy the next round, okay, and you guys take it back from where you came from? cutter was doing his job. your sister shouldn't sell him out for a headline. and you should shut your face. my brother up on that beer. or we could just take this outside. hey, come on. let's go. let me get this straight.
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ou just said about erin? reagan family rule number one: reagans can talk smack all night long. outsiders talk smack, there's gonna be a fight. way to get my back. glad to help. hey, frank. morning, norm. i didn't think you'd take me up on that fishing trip so soon. yeah, well. i was thinking about what you told me, about how randy cutter always wanted to work for the nypd. yeah, yeah. what about it? why did he wait six years to make the move? you'd have to ask him that. i'm asking you. why would a solid cop like cutter-- close to making detective-- suddenly turn in his shield, forfeit his seniority and start from scratch with another department?
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that "from work" kind of way. you? yeah, sure. there was an allegation that went away with a quick settlement and a quiet resignation. how did you know? i didn't... till now. what i told you about cutter's reputation, that was all true. he was a good cop for us. cutter and his partner collared a couple of kids; possession of narcotics. no weapons. one of 'em ran. cutter took off after him. when his partner caught up, the kid had a fractured skull. i wanted him charged, i wanted him tossed off the force, but the county executive, he had other ideas. it was an election year... you let me hire a ticking time bomb.
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i used to walk this beat back in the day. as you were. you mind if i tag along? no, sir. been quite a week. you doing okay? just trying to get through it, i guess. you do this job on a razor's edge. you protect people, keep the peace, and try to do it the right way. yes, sir. that goes for me... and randy. but sometimes, despite your best efforts, things go wrong.
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i read your statement, officer walsh. i'm not here to question it. used to be a polish market on that corner. the stores change, the faces change, but the job we do here... that stays the same. serve and protect. randy always had my back. he made me a better cop. then you owe him for that. but it does not excuse you of the obligation to enforce the law. collins attacked my partner in that bathroom. randy had the right to defend himself. yes, he did. but if he went too far,
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my uncle was a sergeant in the 3-8 for 30 years. and he told me a cop who won't put it all on the line for his partner doesn't deserve to wear the shield. all due respect to your uncle, it's the cop who breaks the law doesn't deserve to wear the shield. (sighs) hey... this thing with my dad has been chewing at me for a-a long time. and i've tried everything i can think of to get over it, but i just can't. i get that. he did a really bad thing.
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and he did a real job on you. yeah. when you... when you believe in someone completely and they let you down... it messes with you. you start to question your own judgment, and it's like you... it's like i can't trust myself. it's like i can't trust anyone. no way to live, eddie. i know. that's why... that's why today after tour, i'm gonna, um... i'm gonna go up there, i'm gonna see my dad. good for you. i-i know i don't have the right to ask you this, but i just was wondering if...
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yeah. i could do that. (engine starts) erin: we'll start by presenting the timeline, and then i'll go into the medical examiner's report. i'll have the slides ready to go. great. and... can i talk to you for a second? yeah. i'll meet you insi i owe you an apology. no. no, you don't owe me anything. except the truth. you were right. i didn't tell you everything i saw. i couldn't. i know it's difficult. (inhales deeply) when i heard cutter call for help, i ran to the bathroom.
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around the neck. collins was turning blue. (echoing): randy, let him go. randy. i told randy to let him go. get help. but he didn't. i mean, his motor was going pretty good, he was just locked in. go for help! and he told me to go get help. (sighs) i should have stayed. maybe i could have stopped it. no. what happened is not your fault. (inhales) with help, randy was giving him cpr, but... by then it was too late. (sighs) it takes a lot of courage to tell the truth. better late than never, i guess. he didn't mean to kill him, ms. reagan. he just went too far.
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(sighs) you okay to go inside? eddie, you all right? (gate buzzes) starting to think that maybe this wasn't such a hot idea. hey, it's gonna be okay. 'cause i'm gonna go back to the car. hey. hey. eddie. eddie. you're doing the right thing here. it's just crazy. he's... you know, he's my father, and i have absolutely no idea what to say to him. i think he just wants to see you. no. i think he wants me to forgive him. and i don't know that i can do that. you know, when we first started working together, i got to admit, i had my doubts about you. say what? rich girl from the suburbs,
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gift to the nypd? then we got in a couple tough spots together, and you know what? you really showed me something. yeah. (sighs) what? no matter what goes down, you never take a step back. you're not afraid, eddie. well, maybe i just do a good job hiding it. either way, you, you do what you got to do. you can do this. what the hell? i left my gun back in my locker, e guy. that's the spirit. thank you. yep. (sighs) (sighs) sir. (sighs) officer cutter's here.
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(sighs) (floorboards creak) thanks for coming in. please sit down. commissioner. (sighs) i understand you started a fund for christopher collins' daughter. thank you. the least i could do. if-if i could take back what happened... i know. (inhales) how do you think the grand jury went? (sighs): uh... testify. i-i wanted to-- wanted to tell them what really happened. well, looks like things are working out for you. i just got a heads up. the grand jury declined to indict you. (laughs quietly) thank you, sir. they say a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich, but... when a police officer acts in the line of duty,
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well, i-i'm just... grateful i can get back to work. not here. sir? oh. i'm sure there are pds that would consider you an asset. but not this one. (sighs) not while i'm police commissioner. uh-- i don't understand. i know what happened out on long island. that was an accident, sir. the guy resisted arrest. like christopher collins? not their problem. that's not fair. well, it is my job to decide whether two bad incidents in an otherwise stellar seven-year career... make you... an unlucky cop... or a dangerous cop. and i have to err on the side of caution here. look, you walked a beat, commissioner. you know what it's like when your life's on the line.
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even... (tapping on table) ...when our lives are on the line. (sighs) not everyone's built for it. you are not built for it. i defended myself. with a choke hold that is clearly not authorized by this department. look, you-you can't do this. all due respect, sir, i want a hearing. you're still on probation. i can terminate you anytime i choose. (sighs) (taps table twice) randy... (inhales) this job is not about being strong enough to use force. it's about being strong enough not to. (taps table twice) (sighs) i'm sorry. (taps table)
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didn't mean to barge in. well, security didn't call. you must have some juice. most of the guys downstairs used to work for me. well, you cops do stick together. i heard about the grand jury. well, i thought i was home free once officer walsh came forward. (sighs) thank you for that, by the way. i don't know what you're talking about. s tip that cutter had cracked someone's skull open in long island. i suppose you don't know anything about that, either. nope. (sighs) (sets file down) (keys jingling, shuffling papers) cutter wouldn't take the stand, so i didn't get his violent past on the record. what about officer walsh's testimony? (sighs) it wasn't enough. at the end of the day, the jurors just saw a cop
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started out that way. yeah. (inhales) i just wish cutter knew when to stop and i pray he doesn't go out there and do it all over again. he won't. (sets down coffee mug) not here, anyway. hmm. what happened to, uh, giving him the benefit of the doubt? in this case, it didn't benefit anybody but him. (keys jingle) look at you, all wised up. (sighs) (smacks lips) when i found out you were handling the case... i reacted badly. well, i could have given you a heads up. you were doing your job. i was only thinking of mine.
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edes-benz. the best or nothing. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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an e.t. exclusive, keshia knight pulliam, pregnant and in tears. >> i'm doing this one interview and i'm done. >> what you haven't seen from our news making interview a of this. >> dumped by her husband. is he really demanding a paternity test? >> did you cheat on him during your marriage? then heart break over shannen doherty's cancer battle. >> shannen is a strong kid. >> what her co-stars are only telling e.t. plus a bachelorette drama boils over. we have what was cut out of the men tell all special. then inside j.lo's birthday bash. flawless at 47, we reveal the
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and a beatles exclusive. the rare home movies, the untold stories. your first look at ron howard's new documentary. >> you think you know the beatles. you really don't. now in our 35th season, this is "entertainment tonight." thanks for joining us, everyone, and welcome to "entertainment tonight." >> it's been a big week in the world of celebrity news. >> we begin with our keshia knight pulliam exclusive. last week the former cosby kid reveals she's pregnant. r demanding proof the baby is his. michelle turner has the story. >> let's just go on the record. did you cheat on him during your marriage? >> i have never cheated on him during my marriage. that's not who i am. >> you said you will have a paternity test. >> that's not an issue. >> sure. >> there's no problem. i've never been unfaithful to my husband. this is his daughter. it's one thing when you choose to be in the spotlight. it's another thing when you have
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it's not about me. >> yeah. >> the biggest thing and my priority is she doesn't deserve it. >> keisha was emotional and raw when i visited her in her atlanta home. the giant square cut diamond ring she once wore proudly is gone. and get ready for this. keisha told me she's not the one who cheated. shes >> so when early in my marriage i was faced with this, i was ready to leave. i had divorce papers ready. i presented them to him. he begged -- he said, please, i want my family. he said all of the right things, and once i was pregnant, i did decide to give him that one last chance. >> let's catch everyone up on the back story. would you like to hold him? >> no, he might go on me.
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her as rudy huxtable, keisha has led a pretty quiet life doing charities and her own podcast. then after just four months of dating, keisha and ed hart well secretly got married six months ago. last week she announced she was pregnant with a baby girl. then ed filed for divorce. one report claims he wants a paternity test. keisha was completely blindsided. >> he left like it was any other day. like good-bye. i was and he text me, you know, saying, hey, can i talk to you for a moment? okay. he was like, you know, this isn't working. all i heard was, i filed for divorce this morning, and i'm coming to get my stuff. >> keisha, who is reportedly worth $12 million, says she wants all the money she earned before the marriage. that includes the cosby show. and get this. in ed hartwell's docs, he states there's no children.
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>> i'm not going to allow someone to rewrite the truth. this feeling, this baby -- this is a baby in the middle of this. and regardless, if we don't want to be married, that's fine. we agree on that. neither one of us want to be married. >> you don't want to be in this relationship anymore. >> i have no desire. >> keisha plans to sell the house before her daughter is born. the former real housewives of atlanta husband has not responded to our calls for comment. >> i'm not about driving people through the mud in the media because even with a test, one day he will have to answer to her and explain to her. >> i see your heart breaking. >> i'm grateful. despite all this and everything that happened, i'm grateful for my blessings, and that's my little girl. >> let's move on now and talk about what a week it has been at the celeb-packed democratic national convention. >> initiatele turner right there in the thick of it, capturing all of the behind the scenes
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>> wow! >> i certainly think meryl streep hopes that people heard that scream and heard the words she said, grit and grace, because that was the case she made as to why hillary clinton should be the next president. >> we've got some fight left in us, don't we? wow! >> streep made her speech in a flag motif dress, and i sat down with chelsea clinton before she introduced her mom night. is there any sort of competition between you and ivanka? you saw her speech and it was so great, and you're like i got to make sure i'm just as good tonight? >> our friendship didn't start with politics, and it will last long after this race is done. >> earlier this week, only e.t. was with actress elizabeth banks who wiped away tears watching hillary make history. >> i've been on an emotional roller coaster.
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>> banks produced this star-studded campaign video. ? this is my fight song ? >> you all just kind of did your little parts. i'm like jane fonda is rapping. what else is going to happen? ? >> it happened really fast. i think she e-mailed me and i said yes right away and we did it a few days later. it is beautifully produced. >> more tiger ? >> katy perry was supported by orlando bloom who filmed her song. and on tuesday, andrew day presented a powerful performance of her song, rise up. do you already have butterflies? >> i do. i caught them when i was sound checking earlier because, you know, no one's in the room but it's just -- it's the magnitude of the event and the moment. ? >> now we need to mention this as well.
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because of the content of the speeches but for how long they ran, and that is because on monday and tuesday, it delayed the start of the bachelorette. >> fans up in arms everywhere. don't mess with my bachelorette. while we wait to see who jojo chooses because she has to make that choice, jordan or robbie, all her guys got together for that epic men tell all episode. bad boy chad was in the house. he faced off with, well, everyone lauren was there to reveal all the drama that you didn't see on tv. >> we'll never know what we could have had. >> you didn't want me. >> no. it's not that. i'm sorry. >> your face, you looked so shocked. >> yeah. >> what was going through your mind at that moment? >> just the utter most disbelief i've ever had in my life, especially in a relationship. every day prior to that, jojo
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it really was a shock for me to go through that that night. i think my face said it all. >> if you think luke's exit was bad, chase got it even worse. jojo cut him in thailand too, right after he said, i love you. no night in the fantasy suite for him. >> you didn't give it a chance. you never gave it a chance. >> i'm sorry. chase! >> it was a hard breakup between jojo and i. my initial reaction was shock and despair. it just doesn't make sense. time we spent together that night, that it wouldn't just amount to what my feelings are for the other guys. >> but after hearing their tales of heartbreak, what everyone wanted to see was the chad show. >> you might want to pump your brakes there, i got dirt on you son. >> don't make me talk about your girl, bro. >> and he didn't disappoint, calling people out and saying some really weird stuff. >> you choose apples when you should have chose pickles. >> but some other great minutes
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deli meats was passed around for the audience to snack on. in that audience was actress chloe grace moretz. now, the guys on the other hand were given shots of fireballs to give them a little liquid courage for the taping, but things still got really tense when chad called out jojo's final two men. >> robbie broke up with his girlfriend days before filming in order to be on the show with you. and we both know that jordan is a liar and cheater whose own brother won't even talk to him. >> oh, i could go off right he loves the attention and we're giving it to him so he's not even worth my breath. >> speaking of jordan's brother, the nfl finally broke the silence about the strain within his family, telling reporters at training camp, he finds talking publicly about family matters inappropriate. but he did wish brother jordan well, in the, quote, competition. >> i'm torn. when i'm with robbie, i think of jordan, and when i'm with jordan, i think of robbie.
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fin ally sneak peek, her ex-s are confidence they know who will ultimate win her heart. >> i think she's going to pick jordan. seeing the journey that they went on together and how smooth sailing it really was from start to finish, it seems like her and jordan have that relationship. before jordan stepped out of the limo and jojo was excited meeting jordan. she just looked at him in a way that was different than a lot of the other guys. >> i'm so i pray to god i'm not making a huge mistake. >> monday it is all over. that's right. jojo will have to make that decision finally about those two remaining guys. who is she going to go with? >> after that get ready for bachelor in paradise. premieres tuesday on abc. don't miss it. coming up, new interviews with mariah. rob lowe on defying age and
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her step by step beauty guide is ahead. >> plus we're at the big premiere of bad moms with the stars spilling secrets about their own parenting struggles. >> every night that we put wyatt down, i had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis
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anced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again! yes, the wait is over. the action packed sequel jason weekend. it goes up against the zany comedy bad moms. >> totally different energy but really, really funny. raunchy, wrong in so many ways. i was at the premiere this week with the cast of real-life parents including christina applegate and mila kunis. i even had a moms night out. there were some hubbies that crashed the carpet. >> ashton! >> every night that we put wyatt down, we high five each other
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we kept her alive. she's alive. and we're so in love. you high five when you still like each other and you still like your kid at the end of the night because sometimes they're the devil. >> spoken like a soon to be mom of two. ashton not the only hubby there. kristen bell just shows off pics from her and dax's 2013 i do's. but it was co-star christina applegate who got a little frisky. >> she was >> was it as wonderful for you as it was for me. it's called next level friendship. >> sometimes you grab each other's buns. >> oh, my god! >> since their movie reminds us no parent's perfect, how about their own bad mom moments? my daughter yelled at me today, and i said, hey, man, you need to cut the attitude. she's like, i don't have an attitude, dude. then i know i've done something
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my daughter's birthday is today. happy birthday. mommy's going to a movie premiere. see ya. horrible mother. >> and we were live on e.t.'s facebook page as kristen bell paid it forward for another mom. tare la lance answered kristen's plea to donate to the charity alliance of moms and won a trip to the premiere, some pampering and this surprise date. >> hi, guys! >> you want to go to the premiere? let's do it. >> we're going to have a blast tonight. >> okay. i think i can help you out here. what you're talking about. when we were in the theater getting ready to watch the movie, my friend said did you get a jell-o shot yet? little bottles of wine. >> that's how you do a premiere, ladies and gentlemen, right there. #badmom. >> here's what's coming up next.
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secrets. we're showing you what she does to be this flawless at 47. plus mariah carey reveals her biggest divorce regret. and does she need her own entrance music at dinner? what we know about the new diva report. >> i will not be seen in fluorescent lighting without sunglasses. then meet the plastic surgeon making headlines for posting his patients' procedures on snapchat. would you let him operate on you? >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one,
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lingerie. in an eyes wide shut-like photo shoot. well, miss thang gives us something to look at in complex magazine. she throws shade on the kardashians who were shooting their show in the next room while mariah did her interview in malibu. quote, some of us talk about other people and what they do and la la la, but i'm not that person. code, the singer docu-series mariah's world will not be like their reality show at all. other people want to be shady, and if they haters going to hate. >> i don't know them. i've never even mitt them before. >> mariah's big regret about her split from nick cannon has to do with their kids. she add mits i never thought i would have babies with someone and then get divorced. as for her upcoming wedding to husband number three, james packer, she laughs when it's described as a merger. and then there's the issue that
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a whole new level. >> i have a rule which states that i will not be seen in fluorescent lighting without sunglasses. >> and new headlines this week claim mariah demands her own entrance music. and that music's got to be her own, of course. last sunday the 46-year-old, james, and their ten-person entourage reportedly walked into a quiet restaurant in italy to a mimi play list. her favorite song, fantasy. okay, that is awesome awesome? >> do i have my own theme music? you got to step it up. >> i play it all the time when he walks in. now to another diva. i'm talking about j.lo. >> jennifer lopez just celebrated her 47th birthday last weekend. come on, everybody. has 47 ever looked so amazing? >> i covet her, i swear. so beautiful. you know, you won't believe what
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everlasting youth. and that's how you do it when you're j.lo. first you perform to a sell-out crowd at your vegas residency while your good friend, kim, snapchats the whole thing. ? then you party on the rooftop at cesar's palace with casper smart, john stamos and, yeah, that's kim hanging out with tay already swift's ex calvin harris. and allhe absolutely amazing. check out the mom of two in this age-defying jumpsuit. how does she manage to look half her age? >> get up every day. it's like wake up, kick ass, repeat, every day. >> we are digging deep into j.lo's beauty face. first the placenta facial she reportedly gets. the process uses sheep stem cells tory juv nate the skin. also she doesn't sun, she
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