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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  CBS  August 1, 2016 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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mastect living without a breast is manageable. it's the worry about your future and how it affects the people you love. >> shannon only had one breast removed at her doctor's recommendation, and she does not carry the breast cancer gene, but she did learn that the cancer in the breast she removed had spread. >> from one of my surgeries we discovered some of the cancer cells mighha lymph nodes. for that reason, we are doing chemo. after chemo i'll do radiation. to put a stage number on this -- they do a stage when they take the tu once it starts spreading, you're above stage 2, stage 3 or 4, whatever it is. my treatments are my treatments. there is nothing i can do to change it. stage 3, stage 4, it's not goii&
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>> you're still going through chemo. >> whatever my doctor tells me to go through because i trust them. >> 16 months ago shannon was first diagnosed. she doesn't want to know what stage she is in and how far the disease spread is not important to her. she wants to focus on the fight itself. >> did it spread to anywhere else in your body? >> as of now, no. we don't know because it did, when we took out lymph nodes, one of the cancer cells was protruding out of the lymph >> she knew something was wrong when she felt something on her breast >> you were in the shower d a sell breast exam. was that the first time you knew something was wrong? something was wrong i did not go to the doctor right away. i can't get into this because i'm in the middle of a lawsuit pt the moment.&
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it. i didn't have insurance to cover me for going to the doctor. >> after completing chemo and radiation, shannon will have reconstructive surgery. applegate anddangelina jolie opted for rrconstruction after their mastectomy. during an early surgery, the doctor left her with a little surprise. >> he didn't want me to wake up with absolutely nothing. it was very important to him that i didn't have that experience. have this tiny something there that's cute and sometimes we fill it up and make it bigger. it's so personal righh now. i think a lot of women can go, yeah, i've been through that. it's great though. you get to pick out what size you want. >> go shopping every morning. >> exactly. >> i love she is still laug and has a sense of humor. that's nottalways easy when going throogh this process. coming up, shannon opens up
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she chose to share those photos. they were really powerful. >> i love her positivity. >> big tv news. >> this is the night bachelorette fans have been waiting for. who is jojo going to choose? >> i choose rob. >> you can feel the tension in the air because bad boy chad is will follow the final rose. >> get ready. chatty chad with his wolverine like beard arrived in l.a. yesterday and got straight to throwing shade at jojo. >> did she make the decision? >> put it back on her. i don't know i would want to make that decision. it looks like she was doing what she is doing to make a goo >> jojo's final two suitors may see things differently from the finale.
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ring i'm looking for. it's got to be the peefect ring for the perfect girl. >> an engagement ring is forever. it's her and me the rest of our lives. >> when it comes to who will ultimately win jojo's heart, her family will have a lot to say. >> i'm a bit concerned. >> hear me out. >> you're not picking someone to be your new year's e >> i think on that final day, it's a really hard day. a lot happens in that day. so many different emotions. >> cue those tears. >> as jojo's journey comes to an end, the new bachelor could be announced tonight. after the inal rose pecial. both chase and luke are in contention for the role. bad boy chad says he would consider. >> absolutely. >> would you? tune in. >> when i asked chad search for love will continue on "bachelor in paradise" premiering tomorrow
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am i the only one who would like to see chad as the next bachelor? com good tv rrght there. tomorrow, only "e.t." is working out with chad in the gym. who knows what is going to happen once he starts pumping going to be wild. let's move on to a safer assignment. the teen choice awards, ju timberlake was the man of the hour. he did move the audience with an inspirational speech. it's the teen choice awards so there was plenty of fu had. >> anything goes. >> you guys are going to have fun. it's going to be a blast. >> nice pants suit. it's huge. >> teen choice got politi poignant messages of hope. >> here with me tonight is a group of family members of recent victims of gun violence. standing here, asking for the violence to stop.
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what's going on. it's important to do it heree this is the generation that's going to lead us into the future. >> you and your choices matter. >> justin timberlake reached out to the teen audience. >> don't waste your 20s. be nice to your parents. i hope my son watches this one day. this is going to be the greatest generation yet. >> it's been ten years since this. >> the song is timeless. >> his hair? >> we are asking people to pick their favorite hairstyle from justin over the years. >> i think i'm going to go with this justin. >> the corn rows, man. i love them. >> i'm going with the geri curl and pineapple finger wave. >> your choice tv show comedy & is -- "fuller house!" >> congratulations.
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>> thank you. >> john stamos had uite a night. backstage -- >> where is uncle jesse? >> i don't kno >> what are you doing? what you doing to bring sexy back in 2016? >> i don't know. this is sexy. >> thank you. >> the powder blue suit and good haircut. >> you've got that going. >> speaking of bringing sexy back -- john's "scream queens" co-star lea michele was burning up on and off the carpet. zero clothes, a naughty way to beat tte heat. >> i was just at comic-con. it doesn't matter how little clothes you wear, it was so hot. >> keeping with the less is more theme, someone else making headlines because of their lack& of clothing, melania trump. coming up, we're with the photographer who snapped these nude shots and what mrs. trump told "e.t." back in her modeling days
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>> will smith and margot robbie tell us which suicide squad star got permanent tattoos on the set. >> how do you explain that to
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jason bourne won the box office this weekend. "star trek: beyond" dropped to number two followed by "bad moms." take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... >>yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? ? whoomp there it is ? uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be...
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the award-winning geico app. download it today. bella thorn snapchating the process of getting her eyebrows tatooed.
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overpluck your eyebrows, sometimes they don't grow back and this is a so check out the before and after. there's a lot of talk about getting ink when i sat down with the cast of "suicide squad." margot robbbe showed up on set with a tattoo gun. great bonding experience to get ink. almost everybody. >> come on. got something better to do? tattoo? >> man, i'm a grown ass man. margo comes bounding into work with all of her 24-year-old glory and, guys, guys, guys, i've got a tattoo gun. we're all getting tattoos! i was like, no we're not. you all must e crazy. >> just about everyone else was in on the deal. margot doing ankles, arms and
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>> like what a 4-year-old what draw and you stick it on your fridge. that's what mine's like. >> opted ut, jerry leno. all that chitchat is going to get you hurt. he was way too busy being the joker. >> i felt a tremendous amount of pressure or terror, you may call it. there have been such unforgettable performances, jack nicholson, heath ledger, >> i see everything. >> viola davis will always have analise keaton. who is tougher? >> amanda would whup analise's behind. >> analise can bend people's minds arounn. >> she can but she drinks too much vodka. >> i love viola, i do. >> that was hilarious. i had so much fun with that margot robbie will be breakout
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preeare yourself. harley quinn will be everywhere. are you ready for halloween? get ready. still ahead, melania trump posiig naked for a men's french magazine. what the photographer knows about the woman who could be our next first lady. you born with clothes?
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7:45 pm
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(vo) it'd be great to take a break from the expected, virtually. experience the new gold castle scratch-off with 3d gameplay.
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that is the cover of the new york "post" that ignited a twitter of the firestorm. we adddd the silver ribbon because this is a family show. we spoke to the photographer in paris today who defends the pictures that he snapped 21 years ago. >> i think she is beautiful. she has a great body. she is a brave girl. she is beautifull >> "the new york post" is under fire for these front page photos. they were snapped more than two decades ago and the photographer, who skyped with us from paris, says it's all about aat. >> we are in 2016, you know? po you know the renaissance of
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do you know the history of the world? i feel like my photos are iconic photos. >> the images were snapped in new york in 1995 for a now defunct frenchmen's magazine. >> do you remember your firs date? >> the celebration of the human body is art. >> trump's spokesperson addresses the photos and the nominee says this was a picture taken for the european magazine prior to my knowing melania. in europe pictures like this are fashionable and common. >> nothing to be embarrassed about. she is a beautiful woman. >> i want to be with the best photographers. 1999. it was four years after the photos were taken and she had just recently started dating donald. way back then, she seemed to have a pretty good sense how the media can work.
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stories, sometimes bad stories. >> oneeof the strongest reactions to these photos came from oscar winner octavia spencer. she posted, melania trump isn't running for president. her husband is. this is a below the belt aatack and shouldn't be condoned.& more of our exclusive conversation with "90210" star shannon doherty about her cancer battle. in the middle of her chemo shave her head, a tough emotional step she went furth were her bold decision to share these images with the world. >> millions of people were touched when they saw your first instagram, the moment before you shaved your head. this is that moment where my mom was comforting me and i wa crying. after my second treatment, my hair was really matted. like dreadlocks. i went to try to brush it out
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i just remember holding on to, like, just huge clumps of my hair in my hands and running to my mom and crying. hair. like, my hair, my hair, my just grab the kitchen scissors. my some is like, wait, wait, she went and grabbed the scissors. i put it in a ponytail and she chopped it off. it was this cute little bob. it was fall we shaved a mohawk. we did stages a we did a pixie and a mohawk which was my favorite look. and buzz it off. >> the images are powerful. shannon's courage evident. it was her very public reaction to the hurtful headlines of the story since pulled by one online outlet saying she looked older than her years and calling h appearance unkept and haggard failing to recognize she was in
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way of trying to control what was i have had not so nice stories a month ago written about how i looked lately. no mention f cancer or anything. i didn't want somebody to take a picture of me coming out of the grocery store. i wanted to put it out there the way it felt the best for me to put it out there. >> through it all, shannon's greatest support have been her their well-being that she is most concerned about. what has the worst day been for you so far? >> the confirmation i had cancer. that was probably the worst day. again, the worst day because you just look at the people you love and go, oh, god. i can't believe i haveeto tell themmthiss how are they going to react? are they going to be okay? if i die, are they going to be taken care of?
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after my first treatment as i is in bed and literally was so weak i couldn't eat, couldn't drink. my husband sat on the be was crying saying, please, please, you have to -- you can't sustain like this. that's when he picked me up and put me in the car. he's like, you're goi my mom was like right there with him. watching that, watchinur roogh day. >> wow. >> such a powerful interview and moment. jen this wasn't an eass interview, as it? >> no it definitely wasn't. i'm going to be honest with you. when you walked in the hoose in malibu last week, i wasn't expecting it to be as serious was it was. everybody knew she had cabser. i didn't realize the extent of it and it sp
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i think that's what she's doing now. >> why talk now? >> she wasn't going to. she posted all these photos on instagram. she thought that was going to be it. she had gotten so many people who reached out and told her they were going through the same exact thing. her story and told me before we started, if i'm going to help just one woman or one person who is going througg this like me, that's fine with me. that's enough. >> she is going to help someone with this. letting them know they are not alone. having her mother and her husband there with her fighting this battle, all of them o cf1o together. >> her mom is her best friend. she was there the entire day we were together. tomorrow you are going to see how close their relationship is. and how her mom is going through the toughest timm of her life, as well. >> thank god i have her. >> in their darkest days, we show you a mother and daughter's unbreakable bond. >> she is so strong.
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marriage and connection to her departed father. >> i'm so happy he's not here to watch this.
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jessica simpson is back and
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candid as ever. >> she's also sexy as ever. >> i don't think she lost it. >> she didn't. tomorrow a huge jessica exclusive. >> see y >> media scrutiny -- >> jessica gets real about being body shamed about the tabloids and admits she has been every size there. >> every day i want a corn dog. because my kids love corn dogs, i've got to not eat off my kids'
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(whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. mmmm.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. . and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good.
8:00 pm
mom, you're going to college now, right? yes, i am, sweetie. can you take cooking classes there? i thought you liked my tuna casserole. it was better when you made it drunk. roscoe, i made it when she was drunk. oh. mystery solved. you would not believe what i snaked out of old lady gorman's shower drain. mom, please. we're eating dinner. and it's hard enough. fine. a hairball with a human tooth in it. i'm gonna go do my homework. congratulations. you managed to gross out a boy who keeps his boogers in a jar. i need to get going, too.


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