tv Today NBC February 17, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST
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last time when romney ran, because you would have been a one-term president. >> fresh polls from south carolina and nevada with the voting three days away. we'll hear from mr. trump when he joins us live. no mas! in a rare expression of anger, pope francis vividly frustrated, scolding on eager tofollowers tugging on his arm, causing him to topple over a man in a wheelchair. it's a dog beat dog world tonight. german shorthead is the best in show at the westminster dog show, beating out 2 rksz,700 other dogs, to have his day today, wednesday, february 17th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.
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welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. i'm savannah and we have willie in for matt this morning. >> we'll talk to donald trump in a couple minutes. he's taking fire from a sitting president and two former presidents in this campaign. >> not to mention all his rivals. a lot to talk about in politics, fresh polls, as well. our top story, the major showdown between the federal government and apple. this after apple declined to give access to encrypted content on san bernardino shooter's syed farook's iphone. apple is asked to help the fbi get the data. steve patterson has more. >> officials say this may be the key as to who suspects were doing at the time of the shooting. they say they need the key to the phone in order to make progress. >> reporter: a federal judge
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to help the fbi unlock the iphone of san bernardino mass shooter syed farook. apple said they needed reasonable technical assistance. authorities are trying to fill in the 18 missing minutes of the killers' actions after the shooting. >> the 18 minutes is critical. >> reporter: the fbi wants to know if anything on the phone can fill in the gap and if there are any other clues to the plot that left 14 people dead and 22 wounded. just last week, fbi director james comey told the senate panel, getting into farook's phone is key. >> we have one of the killer's phones that we haven't been able to open. it's been over two months and we're working on it. >> reporter: overnight, tim cook released a statement saying its cooperated with the fbi on the case but will fight the order. saying that the united states government demanded apple take an unprecedented step which
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it's far beyond the legal case at hand. cook has been an opponent of opening phones to the government. telling "60 minutes," it would make us all vulnerable. >> on your smartphone today, your iphone, there's likely health information, there's financial information, and you should have the ability to protect it. and the only way we know how to do that is to encrypt it. why is that? because if there is a way to get in, then somebody will find a way in. >> i want to be clear. what the government is actually worried about is this built-in security software that could auto delete all the data on the phone when they try to crack it. like when you get locked out and put in the incorrect password in too many times. if you compare your iphone to the house, the feds aren't asking apple to open the door, just turn off the security alarm.
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let's turn to msnbc's chief legal correspondent. good morning. there are technical and legal questions. this isn't the typical case where the federal government gets a warrant and says, turn over this data or this phone. the judge is basically telling apple, come up with a way to unlock this information. to get this data. morning. as you say, what the judge is asking for is not only to get the material, which apple says it doesn't have because it's well encrypted, but rather to help the feds get in and decrypt or de-password the whole thing so they can get it. >> the expertise. >> they're school for helpasking for help, not just content. >> tim cook says if we do it once, we put at risk all our customers. is that true? >> to the extent that this becomes the method. this becomes the so-called backdoor. what apple always said is, look,
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we have. we built really good security products, which people love for a wide variety of reasons. one of them is they know their stuff is safe and secure and private. we don't want to get in the business of creating a key that anyone can use. a hacker, a criminal or a terrorist. i talked to law enforcement sources about this. for years, it's been a priority, to the top of the fbi. this morning, we're seeing the highest escalation of it. you have a court order in the important. apple is saying, even in this case, they're not backing down. >> it'll be interesting to see where they go from here. >> apple is going to fight it all the way. this could go to the high court. >> ari, thank you. now to the race for the white house. as the republican presidential candidates fight for votes in south carolina ahead of from the front runner donald trump in a moment. we begin with nbc national correspondent peter alexander. good morning.
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donald trump has proven himself largely immune to attacks. but the latest criticism comes from president obama. president obama singling out the party front runner. saying the american people are sensible, and saying that he's confident that being president is a serious job. >> he has done such a lousy job as president. >> reporter: donald trump pouncing on president obama in the front runner's now famous fashion. >> you're lucky i didn't run last time when romney ran because you would have been a one-term president. >> reporter: defending himself after the president waded into the republican race, dismissing the former "apprentice" host's chances. >> i continue to believe mr. trump will not be president. it's not hosting a talk show or a reality show. it's not promotion. it's hard. >> reporter: here in south
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into a bible belt brawl. >> ted holds up the bible and lies about so many things. >> reporter: trump fighting back after ted cruz released a video, warning voters that trump is playing games with the issue of abortion. >> a candidate that can't protect the right to life. can't be trusted to protect any of our other god-given rights either. >> reporter: jeb bush is relying on a third-place finish to propel him forward. >> is south carolina the last stand for jeb bush? >> no, it's not. we're in it for the long haul. >> reporter: bush, who just replaced his glasses with contacts for the first time, believes americans need to take a closer look at trump's record. >> he's got a failed business record. more bankruptcies. he talks about how great he is in business when, in fact, he ripped off shareholders. >> reporter: later, comparing trump to a parking ingbarking dog.
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you have to keep talking through it. it's not a skill set i ever envisioned being necessary to aspire to the presidency of the united states. but i've gotten better at it. rah rah, rah. >> reporter: adding new ammunition to the trail. a handgun captioned, america. it spun around parodies online. >> in south carolina, there's a strong history of getting it right. correctly picking the future republican nomine, all by once since 1980. this morning, donald trump in the latest poll, up 38 points. trailing behind him, ted cruz with 22. marco rubio in third. trump lost almost ten points of support from before last weekend's debate to after it. savannah? >> peter alexander, thank you. let's turn to donald trump now, who is on the phone. good morning. good to talk to you. >> good morning. >> i don't know if it's a
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sitting president, a democrat, and the former president, republican, republican bush, both kind of going after you this week. let me reiterate what president obama said. he said, it's not a talk show or reality, it's not promotion, marketing, not a matter of pandering and getting yourself on the news, it's serious. do you think this is a hurdle for you, a liability? the fact you were a reality show host, do you think you're having to prove you truly are serious? >> unlike jeb bush, who is really -- you look at what this guy -- it's a sad thing, how he's done. unlike what he said, i built an incredible business worth billions of dollars. i've won virtually every battle i've ever been in in business. it's what people want. they see it. the reality show, that was one thing i did, which became one of the -- as you know because it was on nbc -- became one of the most successful shows on television.
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>> nba was brksnbc was begging me to continue to do it. frankly, my record in business has been phenomenal. i've built a great company and had tremendous success in what i'm doing now. we have bigger crowds than bernie sanders, by the way. he has second. we have a message. the message is basically that we have the worst president in the history of the united states, and he's done a terrible job. we have a mess in our country, between $19 trillion in debt and all of the other problems. we can't beat isis. we have a border that's like swiss cheese, as i said before. you know, we're a terribly run country, and we have a president that doesn't know what he's doing. he can make the statement and, of course, i'm obviously his worst night pair ifmare if i go in, but people are tired, angry and fed up. >> it's willie, good morning. >> morning. >> during the debate, people
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democratic debate because of the positions you took criticizing george w. bush on the iraq war and 9/11, even planned parenthood. there are conservatives who are suspicious that you're a progressive in ways, having held those positions in the past. did you give them more reason to be suspicious with what you said on saturday? >> every poll said i won the debate. if you look at "time" magazine, their poll said i won the debate. i'm pro-life. i have a great record of being a conservative. i'm also a common sense conservative, willie, as we discussed before. we have to do things with common sense. certainly, i'm the most conservative person there is on the border and on security, on the military, on taking care of our vets who are being taken care of horribly. i'm the most conservative person there is. we're going to end obamacare, which is a total and complete disease. disaster. we'll replace it with something
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common core is an example. we're going to go to local education. i think i said most of these things. frankly, most people said i won the debate. >> donald, fair enough. your positions on george w. bush, you would agree, are minority positions inside the republican party? >> well, look, we should not have gone into iraq. he was the president. he took us into iraq. when you look at the migration, look at all of the problems in the middle east, it all started by going into iraq. i'm honest, whether it's republican or not republican, i say common sense, but i'm honest. he made a horrible decision when we went into iraq. >> can i ask you one question about ted cruz? you've been saying for a while now that you have a question as to whether he's eligible under the constitution to run for president because of his birth in canada. you talk about a lawsuit. i guess my question to you is an old expression, why not put your money where your mouth is? if you think there is an issue there, why not go ahead and sue
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important issue that needs to be clarified? >> well, i may do that. he was born in canada. he lived there for three to four years. he was there for a long time. until 15 months ago, he was a citizen of canada, joint with us. >> you're saying you won't sue if he apologizes for the attack ads. >> no, i say i may do it. i may be doing him a favor. the democrats are going to sue him on that issue. many laywyers say you have to be born on the soil. >> have you had your lawyers draw up the paperwork? >> we'll look at it. ted cruz holds up the bible and then he lies. he's lied about me having to do with the second amendment. i'm the strongest person on the stage on the second amendment. he said, donald trump doesn't like the second amendment. i'm the strongest person on the stage on many things. he says, donald trump isn't pro life.
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he said, ben carson is out of the race in iowa. he said, ben carson has left the race. had he not done that, i probably would have won, number one, but more importantly, ben carson was treated horribly by what this guy did. after the election ended, he called up ben carson to apologize. what good does that do? i don't think ben carson accepted the apology, and he shouldn't. fed ted cruz is a dishonest guy. a highly respected man said ted cruz is one of the most dishonest men he's ever seen or dealt with. yet, he talks about evangelical. that's why i'm leading in the evangelical vote. they see he is a dishonest person. >> you have a lot to say and we appreciate your time. unfortunately, we're out of time, but thank you for being here. >> thank you very much. >> by the way, mr. trump has a town hall tonight in charleston. starts at 8:00 eastern. democratic side, hillary
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targeting minority voters who will be critical in nevada and south carolina. nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker is in chicago for us. >> secretary clinton will hold a get out the vote rally later today. she and senator sanders are locked in a fierce fight for african-american support. >> reporter: with an eye on south carolina, secretary clinton went to harlem tuesday, making her strongest pitch yet to african-american voters. >> these are not only problems of economic inequality. these are problems of racial inequality. >> reporter: despite a nagging cough. >> too much to say. >> reporter: clinton energized the crowd, talking about education and taking a swipe at sanders, suggesting he's late to the conversation.
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time and say the right thing and think that's enough. >> reporter: again, casting him as a single issue candidate. >> we aren't a single issue country. we face a complex set of economic, social and political challenges. >> reporter: at a rally in atlanta, close to 5,000, sanders didn't engage clinton. instead, sticking to his script, proposing changes to the criminal justice system, speaking out about the death of unarmed black men. >> we are going to end the horrors that we have seen of unarmed african-americans being shot and killed by police officers. >> reporter: a new poll shows clinton with a convincing lead in south carolina. 56% to 38%, fuelled in large part by minority support. sanders is working to broaden his appeal. earlier tuesday, campaigned with erica garner, whose father died
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officer put him in a chokehold. sanders brush aside bill clinton's comments, saying his supporters are similar to tea partiers. >> i think some of the things president clinton has been saying are unfortunate. we shouldn't be making silly remarks. >> now, a new poll just out this morning shows there is a virtual dead heat in nevada. secretary clinton gets 48%. senator sanders gets 47%. it's difficult to get accurate polling in nevada, but political analysts are in broad agreement, it is a close race there with just three days before the caucuses. willie and savannah? >> tightening up. thanks so much. now to the debate over replacing justice antonin scalia. president obama waging into the republican opposition against him, naming scalia's successor. andrea mitchell has the latest on that. good morning. >> good morning, savannah. president obama is forcefully rejecting republican calls to
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justice scalia's replacement. even as a handful of republican senators are breaking with their leaders and saying the obama nominee should at least get a fair hearing. >> the constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen now. >> reporter: in california tuesday, president obama arguing he will nominate someone for the high court. despite calls by republican leaders that the pick be left to his suckcesssuccessor. >> historically, this has not been viewed as a question. there's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off years. that's not in the constitutional text. >> reporter: even some republicans criticize what appeared to be a rush to the political barricade so soon after justice scalia's death. >> this was a misstep. first off, that is not the first thing you say within hours of the passing of someone like justice scalia.
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to pick someone indisputably qualified. but with battle lines drawn, hearing? the republican senator in charge of any confirmation hearing, chuck grassley told iowa radio -- >> i would wait until the nominee is made before i would make any decisions. >> reporter: later, senator grassley seemed to backtrack, telling nbc news he's not open to a confirmation. remembrances for justice scalia this week. a cloth draped in his honor. he'll return one last time, lying in repose at the court's great hall, with a service set at the basilica at the national shrine in washington. law enforcement officials and the owner of the texas ranch where he died are completely ruling out foul play. saying a pillow found in his bed was above his head, not over his face, as some reports initially
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>> the scalia vacancy is already a big issue for the 2016 candidates. with each side seeing an opportunity to determine the outcome of major issues like abortion and immigration, depending on who gains the majority in the close 5-4 decisions. >> thank you so much. a rare moment for pope francis on tuesday during his five-day trip to mexico. the pope became visibly irritated when overly eager people tugged on his sleeve from behind a barrier, causing him to fall into a man in a wheelchair. pope francis said in spanish, don't be selfish. the pontiff stepped back and waved to people a few more minutes before leaving. today, he'll hold a large outdoor mass. he also plans to speak to inmates at a prison and visit the u.s./mexico border. last night was the kennel club dog show.
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but we have our winner. >> c.j.! >> that's right. a german short haired pointer from california was best in show. the 3-year-old beat out more than 2,700 other dogs to win the nation's most prestigious dog competition. lucy finished second. congratulations to c.j. >> the "new york times" said the tension was thick in the air, and so was the smell of wet dog. it was a rainy day. >> enjoy your cheerios. >> what's going on, al? look what happened in florida. tornadoes touching down. could have been an f-3 tornado there. then you go to the north. rochester, new york, a massive snowstorm bringing really all kinds of traffic to a standstill. a real mess there. in the next half hour, we're going to talk about a big change in our temperatures for a big
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we're going to get to your sfx: cell phone vibrates. yeah? (sigh) you're okay... he's okay, he made it! jason.. what do you mean? we were very bad boys. alexa what's in the news? alexa: here's the news, "alecbaldwin and jason schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi.baldwin threw his shoe at photographers before making arun for it". my poor cashmere socks... alexa, will you order another pair of brescianis. reordering bresciani socks. okay listen... can you send some lawyers or something? (moaning) ...alec? .look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percentance of
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behind bars.i'm ben thompson. breaking news right now from northwest charlotte, where crews are on the scene of a barn fire. it broke out just before 7:00 in the 3800 block of oakdale road. long creek fire officials say most of the animals are out of the stable, and the flames are under control. we're working to find out what sparked the fire. a reminder: avery, watagua and ashe county schools are all closed today. .look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s.
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a chance of rain the morning..hen achance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percentance of the upper 40s. crash on independence causing delays. one at briar creek and another at conference dr. up next on the today show: tipping the scales. that feeling. you know the one. that "grand-slam, aced-the-presentation" feeling.
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7:30 now. it's wednesday morning, 17th of february, 2016. hello, crowd. everybody out there bundled up, looking happy. we'll step outside to say hello in a couple minutes. back inside stud owestudio 1a. apple saying the funprecedented step threatens security of its customers. ahead of saturday's primary, the republican candidates court voters in south carolina where donald trump is maintaining a solid lead in the newest polls.
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prompted president obama to weigh in, saying he thinking trump will never become president. eagles of death metal made an emotional return to the stage in paris, who were playing at the bataclan theater during the terrorist attacks. there was heavy security before people entered last night. the government's allegedly stunning way of seeking replace of employment. one borrower had to learn the hard way when his old $1500 student loan turned into time behind bars. >> reporter: the federal government isn't kidding around. they want you to pay back your student loans. >> they will shrink themselves down to 2 inches high and hide in your pocket and take the money back, one dime at a time. >> reporter: worse, as one borrower tells it.
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waist, and placed in a cell. >> reporter: like many americans, paul owes from 29 years ago, when ronald reagan was president. he didn't expect u.s. marshals to come to his home in houston with an arrest warrant. >> with the interest on the $1500, it's now $5700. >> reporter: he thinks this could have been handled better. >> send a summons, a certified letter. not the marshals. >> reporter: the marshals say they tried that for three years, including notices taped to his door. he said he received one postcard which he thought was bogus and didn't respond. >> we spoke to him on the phone in 2013 at which time he said he wouldn't appear in court and they'd have to get him. >> reporter: when they went to his home last week with the warrant -- >> he yelled from inside, i have a gun. >> reporter: that's when they retreated, called for backup and returned with their gear.
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different. bit. >> reporter: after a brief time in custody, he was booked for disobeying a court order and released. >> were you afraid? >> totally. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: the court ordered uncle sam. >> i need to pay that on increments starting in april. >> you can do that? >> not really, but not to go to jail -- >> reporter: he'll also have to pay nearly $1300 to the u.s. marshall service, the bill to do their job. >> people shouldn't be afraid the u.s. marshals are going to kick the door down. this was an extreme case. >> reporter: and a tough lesson. >> authorities saying they aren't making a practice of this. it was an extreme case. he didn't answer the summons. >> i just made a payment on my student loans, just to be safe. let's get a check of the weather, al. >> ready for the warm weather? >> yeah!
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big ridge of high pressure. jet stream up to the north. temperatures for today. 55 in casper. wichita wichita, 68. dallas, 74. tomorrow, record highs in the rockies, the plains. temperatures 25 to 35 degrees above normal. friday, it goes from the rockies all the way to cleveland, 51. birmingham, 69. ten degrees above average in new orleans. saturday, detroit, you're 15 degrees above average at 51 degrees. oklahoma city, 25 degrees above average with a high of 80 degrees. that's what's going on aro.look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers. highs
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>> al, thanks. coming up, a man's wallet is lost and then found with a of the content. >> don't miss that amazing story. would you help a stranger keep a secret? jeff rossen with a hidden camer skincare now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive introducing clearly brighter. a new active moisturizer to brighten dull skin. packed with antioxidant vitamin c, e and lha. clearly brighter does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. clinically proven. see brighter skin in just one week. new clearly brighter from garnier skinactive.
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this morning on rossen reports, more of our series, step in or step off. how would you react if a woman asked you to help her cheat on her diet? would you coach her to stay strong or help her indulge? >> jeff rossen has a fun ending to his week of hidden camera project. >> this affects a lot of us. it is mid-february now, seven weeks spot new year's resolutions. remember when you were going to lose 15 pounds? this is when we crack, grab the doughnut or slice of cake. what if a woman, a stranger, walked up and asked you to help her cheat on her diet and lie for her? would you do it? our hidden cameras are rolling and these reactions are priceless. >> so good. >> reporter: who doesn't love a free sample? >> i want this cake so bad. >> reporter: but this woman is on a diet. >> my boyfriend is in the back
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he can't know i'm eating this cake. >> reporter: will the shoppers keep her secret? >> baby, what are you doing?. >> reporter: when even she is busted by her judgey boyfriend. our hidden cameras are in place at grassroots natural market in morristown, new jersey. >> zoom in on that woman there. >> reporter: we're watching every bite. >> i'm on a diet. keep a lookout for my boyfriend. >> okay. >> reporter: the woman stands guard. >> oh, my. we're on a diet together. he'd kill me. >> throw away the rest of it. >> cake. she's making a beeline for the garbage, to throw away the evidence. >> did she have a bite? >> i didn't see anything.
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>> i think it's makeup. >> hi. jeff rossen from nbc news. how are you? >> good. how are you? >> this is a social experiment. >> sometimes, you have to have a little bit of a cheat so you can stay on a long-term plan. >> you helped her cheat? >> i did. >> girl power. >> girl power. go, yeah. >> reporter: turns out, that girl power is strong. this next woman also watches her eat the cake and lies to protect her. >> is she eating cake? >> no. >> reporter: she's about to go further. >> we're good friends from way back. >> play that again. >> we're good friends from way back. >> reporter: they're complete strangers. >> is that yours? >> yeah. look at me, i eat a lot of cake. >> seriously? >> yeah. >> reporter: the women are sticking together. how will the men react? >> my boyfriend is coming, take it! >> reporter: she stuck him with the cake. what will he do when the boyfriend confronts him. >> man to man, was she eating cake? you can tell me. yes, she was?
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>> reporter: the nod confirms everything. the next man tells on her, too. >> that's a yes? >> reporter: when we think all the men are tattlers and the women her protecters, along comes this guy. about to give us the biggest surprise of the day. >> i'm breaking my diet. i'm not supposed to. >> reporter: he's enjoying his free sample and doesn't mind sharing. >> you're going to feed me? >> don't tell anyone. >> i won't. >> my boyfriend is in the back. he's going to freak. >> he ain't gonna know nothing. >> you won't say anything? >> i wear to god. >> reporter: he feeds her more. >> down that quick. >> once i start, i can't stop. >> reporter: he's laughing now, but not for long. >> they got the beets you like. >> oh! >> what is going on? this is his. >> reporter: she's pointing the finger at him. will he keep her secret. >> it's mine. >> it's yours? >> yeah. >> why is she holding your -- >> i didn't have room to put it
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>> sir, did i have anything? >> no. >> reporter: he won't budge. >> i saw her -- >> i swear to god. she was just holding it. i'm a gluten. i'm greedy. >> i have to meet this guy. >> you were nice to her. >> i was. >> you took the blame, two pieces of cake. >> i had to help a damsel in distress. >> we're all in this together. >> we are. >> love that guy. oh! we wonder how you'd react. we've been doing these facebook chats all week. i'm doing another one when i walk off the set here. i can answer your comments and questions live. go to reports. what do you think? >> that guy, i like that guy. >> i think he was also hitting on her. >> when they feed each other. >> when he starts feeding her. >> when i saw it, i was like, right. >> we don't like judgey boyfriends, is the verdict.
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blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. voted 2016 product of the year. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. who knew dates and cashews mashed together could taste likea cookie? you think they'd taste like dates and cashews. nope, cookie. weird.
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andy mathis, care clinic in georgia. the dog was in rough shape. the doctor reached out for advice on facebook and got an overwhelming response to try to save the dog. the dog was called gracie claire, and the doctor has been sharing progress daily online. day six, up a couple pounds. day 16, getting stronger. it was this heartwarming video here that touched a lot of people. the doctor realized that gracie wasn't eating one morning, so he decided to hop into her crate to comfort her, bringing his breakfast along. this video has been viewed over 6 million times. rene writing, this restores my faith in humanity. so beautiful to see the love, care and compassion you're showing this sweet little girl. prayers for her. the clinic posting pictures showing gracie well enough to move in with the bigger dogs. hopefully, she'll find a permanent home soon. >> i bet she will. >> a lot of people wanted to adopt her after that video. that's a good thing.
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>> i love it. so awesome. >> such big hearts. >> thanks for warming our hearts, carson. >> she should have a breakfast with wrangler. >> just you. >> oh, just me? come on, wrangler. >> have fun in there. >> you have company. >> i'll help you out there. >> thanks. >> i thought he was getting in there. oh, boy.
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for exploring the world around you. for seeking out the new; for trying the untried; for doing the undone. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv. that's right. just announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months.
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no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a limited time offer. see your ford dealer today. e trade is all about seizing opportunity. and i'd like to... cut. so i'm gonna take this opportunity to direct. thank you, we'll call you. evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere... bob... you're a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. milk it. e trade is all about seizing opportunity.
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the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, from eucerin. hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. discover card. i missed a payment.
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shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the discover it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! (both simultaneously) thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear. every day. get 30% off every guest every ship in the caribbean but hurry, this offer won't last long come seek the royal caribbean
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this video just into our this fire broke out about a hour ago in the 3800 block of oakdale road. long creek fire flames are under control. to find out what sparked the fire. .look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of owers in the afternoon. highs in e upper 50s. uesday...cloudy th a 50 percent ance ofshowers. highs the upper 40 ash ondependence
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, the princess and the press. kate huffington post that has her shining a light on a cause near and dear to her heart. >> we want to prioritize the emotional well-being of the students for long academic success. plus, game on. >> what an idea that your doctor might write you out a prescription to play a video game. >> we'll see it in the next couple years. >> could a video game help us stay sharp? an inside look at new technology
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reversing the effects of aging on the brain. two hot to handle? ryan reynolds goes one on one with hugh jackman, asking what everybody wants to know. >> do you ever age? >> today, wednesday, february 17th, 2016. >> good morning, buffalo! >> we just got engaged. >> aloha from hawaii. celebrating 50 years. everybody wants to ride >> happy 42nd birthday in louisiana! >> whew! it's 8:00 on "today," wednesday, february 17th.
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plaza this morning. we have a nice family here. a lot of folks out on the plaza. what did you see? >> that's a guy in a dog suit, i think. >> i think it's a real dog. >> good looking dog. >> look at him. >> it is? >> awesome. coming up, can you have your burger and eat healthy, too? siri daly, the better half of this man here, has a delicious burger. let's get a check of the top stories. >> good morning. apple says it will fight a judge's order over the phone of san bernardino shooter syed farook. investigators have been unable to access data from farook's phone more than two months after the shooting that left 14 people dead. on tuesday, a federal judge ordered apple to help the fbi hack into farook's encrypted iphone. apple's ceo tim cook opposes
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step, which he says has imple hand. president obama is vowing to pick an indisputably qualified nominee for the supreme court to replace the late antonin scalia. the president's comments follow calls from some republicans who want the replacement left up to the next president. the president rejects those calls, saying republicans are reading something into the constitution that isn't there. a follow-up on a story we told you about last year, about a florida woman who live-streamed a night of partying and her drive home drunk. people who watched whitney on periscope called 911 to report her. now, in a plea deal, she's not getting jail time but she gets 12 months probation, 150 hours community service, six-month suspended driver's license, and she cannot visit any bars. the cost of prescription drugs keeps going up in the u.s., even for generic drugs. a new company wants to shake up
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costs down. details from olivia sterns. >> reporter: a nurse outside chicago struggle to pay for her $400 prescription drug bill. taking cymbalta and high cholesterol medications and blood pressure. she was searching for coupons. >> when i got to the pharmacy with the coupon, they'd run the code and it wasn't real. >> reporter: then she stumbled upon blink health. drugs are marked down by as much as 95%. >> almost everyone takes medications at some point in their life. most people are overpaying. >> reporter: blink was founded by brothers matthew and jeffrey, to bypass insurance companies. >> whether you have good insurance, bad insurance or no insurance at all, you should check the blink price before going to the pharmacy. >> reporter: here's how blink works. prescription. go to your insurance company and the insurance company goes to the drug maker.
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insurance you have. blink goes straight to the drug maker so you click on your drug, pay online, and print out the receipt to take to your pharmacy. blink features over 1,5,000 medications at 60,000 pharmacies nationwide. this approach could be the future. >> a lot of people have high deductible plans. you may not realize what's going on until you try to fill the prescription. >> reporter: back in chicago, tammy says her $422 bill has been cut to just $77 a month. >> what did you think when you saw that at first? >> i wanted to cheer. nobody wants to spend their money on medicine if you don't have to. >> reporter: saving money and time to enjoy life's precious moments. olivia sterns, nbc news, chicago. >> good idea. something we can all use, for sure. >> natalie, thank you.
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making headlines this morning. >> the duchess of cambridge turning kensington palace into her home office for a cause near and dear to her heart. kelly cobiella is there. >> good morning. we all know how private prince william and the duchess of cambridge kate are. today, they've thrown open the doors to their palace. there is a newsroom in there behind me. they've invited in a team from the huffington post. they're talking about child's mental health issues. anxiety, depression, bullying and the importance of early prevention. kate has put on her journalist cap, writing and acting as an editor. >> reporter: the duchess of cambridge turned guest editor, running the huffington post's uk for the day. with reporters and bloggers in her kensington palace home, to highlight a cause close to her heart. >> how long does it take to change and update?
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kate gets personal, writing that she and prince william hope to encourage george and charlotte to speak about their feelings and to give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older. sharing your feelings is not necessarily a royal tradition. it began to change with princess diana. now, another bold step from kate. >> she is a person who is known globally, and we're a firm known globally. when the two come together, it can be very powerful. >> reporter: the duchess says the mental health of our children should be just as important as their physical health. >> i knew that i was lucky. my parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood. i always knew i was loved, valued and listened to. but, of course, many children aren't so lucky. >> reporter: even kids younger than 5 could be suffering in silence, she says. >> imagine if everyone was able
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to be listened to, needs to be respected and needs to be loved. we could make such a huge difference for an entire generation. >> reporter: huffington post research shows 1/3 of parents worry they'll look like bad mothers and fathers if their child has a mental health problem. by writing and talking about it, the duchess is hoping to change that. >> and another big name involved in the campaign today. first lady michelle obama, who has written a blog about mental health issues, and veterans. the idea is to go global with this. already, the #young minds matter is trending in the uk and in the u.s. this morning. guys, the work in this very fancy newsroom will continue throughout the afternoon. much. coming up in trending, a man loses his wallet, gets it back, but with a message from one
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be an honest -- a candid person. plus, he wants the white house. instead, he gets "full house." how jimmy fallon introduced donald trump to the tanners. and a virtual world that could soon become a game-changing reality. to help reverse the effects of aging on the brain, a fascinating story. incredible bladder protection now comes with an incredible double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it, love it
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always discreet. discover card. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? sure, we help with fraud protection. if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. you are saying "frog protection"? fraud. frog. fraud! i think we're on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. we brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five.
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oh wow. i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. we're back at 8:11. time for what's trending today. everybody ready? >> let's do it. >> we're going to start with baby names this morning. when you were picking names for your kids, what was important? tradition? >> family names. >> yeah. >> asked this question. what were people thinking about when they picked the name. 60% said they liked the sound of the name they picked. i like that. 27% said family roots. 13%, inspired by celebrity or historical figure. the survey also asked about this idea of name stealing.
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you call dibs on a name and none of your friends or family can use the name. >> oh, yeah. >> you agree, like you say -- let's say you don't have kids but say, i like the name, kim, and your cousin can't name their kids that? >> definitely. >> you're on the record. >> you have to claim your turf. >> interesting. >> we wanted to name nick benjamin after her dad, but her sister had claimed benjamin. >> i think families claim it. i know friends who live in different parts of the country who are upset that their friend across the country named their kid the same thing. >> if you're across the country, it's fine. >> there's a 200 mile limit. >> is that what it is? >> i had violet and then jennifer garner and ben affleck stole it. >> 57% say it's not cool if you
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43% name stealing isn't a thing. >> it's not. >> by the way, most people say they like traditional names over trendy ones. >> we love the name -- i always loved madison. siri went to college with madison and said, oh, no. marley, and i was like, bob marley. >> knocking off names left and right. >> we like strong names. >> it was a challenge. >> strike. >> i got a great new york story for you guys. meet riley. he lost his wallet early at a concert and it contained $100 in cash, credit cards and his driver's license. the story has a happy ending, sort of. his wallet arrived in the mail. here came the letter along with it from the man who found it. quote, i found your wallet and driver's license and address. here's your credit cards and other important stuff. but, the man adds this, i kept
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the metro card for the subway because, well, the fare is $2.75 now. and the wallet, because it's cool. enjoy the rest of your day. anonymous. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is a new york story. only in new york. >> he returned -- >> i appreciate the honesty. he was honest about why he was using the money. >> the driver's license is the hardest thing to replace. >> i know. >> i love how he signed it, t to. >> was a grammy legend turned away from an afterparty? one of the most iconic musicians of all time, winner of grammy awards, but it's not enough to get sir paul mccartney into a grammys afterparty. he was reportedly turned away from a hollywood nightclub not once but twice.
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vip do we got to get? he was telling inging the musician, beck, who he was with, we need another hit. here's the catch, that party, hosted by rapper tyga. on twitter, tyga denied he was behind the snub. he said he didn't know mccartney was out there and the nightclub is saying paul mccartney was in party. mccartney! >> any party. >> oh, sir tyga. next to ryan reynolds and his new job, apparently, entertainment reporter. he interviews hugh jackman about "eddie the eagle." >> do you do all your own acting? >> the sex scenes, i do them. >> that's where the craft is. my next question is from a blake york. he writes, hugh, i tried calling you on the phone and you didn't answer.
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hotel this afternoon. i don't have much time because ryan is having a mani/pedi from 3:to 3:00 to 4:00. i'm getting a mani/pedi. that's weird. >> ryan's wife is blake lively. not a he but a she. funny. next, jimmy fallen'sonfallon's take on "fuller house." he had something to fill the role of michelle tanner, donald trump. >> i had to stay in the race. otherwise, the clinton would be in the white house again. i mean, who wants to see something from the '90s come back in 2016? >> in the end, the whole family came together to sing the show's theme song. that's your pop start for today, guys. >> thank you, sir. now let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> let's show you what we have going on. we've got a big system making its way into the pacific
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showers, stretching from seattle all the way to los angeles. news. the front has moved off the eastern seaboard so things have calmed down. chilly around the upper great lakes but look how hot. 90s into southern california and 80s through texas. we will have a little bit of a clipper across, bringing snow to the great lakes and parts of northern ohio. beautiful weather through the gulf coast. even down into florida. temperatures a little cooler than usual. windy weather in southern california. the heat builds in the southwest on into texas. that's what's going on aroun.look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...theaance of owersnheafternoon. highsin the upper 50s.tuesday..loudy th a 5percent chance of
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>> that's your latest weather. coming up next, mind games. how video games may reverse the effects of a fruit. nuts. silky smooth dark chocolate. revel in the pleasure of new dove fruit and nut. in my business i can count on my i.t. guy bailing me out all the time... i'm not the i.t. guy. i'm the desktop support tech supervisor. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. introducing real-time delivery notifications.
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chobani simply 100 . it's the only light greek yogurt with zero preservatives. to love this life is to live it...naturally. [car driving] [engine revving] [car engine] [car speeding away] [car engine] all year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. so when your tax refund arrives,
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from electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. walmart. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in the body lotion aisle. now to our special series, living longer, living better. >> cynthia is back.
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anything but game over when it comes to an aging mind. good morning. >> could be good news. this week, we've taken you to ecuador and iceland in our search for the secrets of living longer and living more healthy lives. today, our journey takes us to an imaginary world that may help our aging brains act young again. >> where are we? >> this is in another world. >> here are your targets. >> i have to respond to the red creatures, to catch them. >> reporter: it may look and sound like something we nag our kids to stop playing. >> keep it up. >> reporter: but a top neuro neuroscientist says this is not just a game. he believes one day, it could be more powerful than any drug in helping aging brains act young again. >> what an idea, that your doctor might write you out a prescription to play a video game. >> i think we'll see it in the next couple years. >> the next couple years? >> i do.
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games are already a big industry. last month, lumosity paid a $2 million settlement to the federal trade commission for suggesting their games could stave off memory loss, dementia and alzheimer's. claims the fdc said the company could not back up with science. but the company says itthe rigger of their research, though they've discontinued that marketing language. at the university of california san francisco, this doctor says he wants to leave no doubt that his games really work. he took five years to develop one game called neuro racer. he and his team tested it on dozens of people between 60 and 85 years old. >> looking for your ability to resist distractions. >> reporter: like this 67-year-old, ann stewart. >> forgetting things or leaving them behind, come back in the house three times for the same thing. it's not a good sign of aging well. >> reporter: after they played
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for a month, the doctor saw something incredible. >> we found that they improved their ability to multi-task beyond the level of even 20-year-olds who played it a single visit. >> i don't sit around worrying about losing my mind. >> reporter: the scientific community heralded the work as a game changer. >> it's not snake oil. >> reporter: in his book "smarter," dan investigated the science of building brainpower. >> not junk science. there's serious work going on. it finds that doing these kinds of brain games can sometimes, in some people, be really helpful. brain? >> definitely hope. >> reporter: don't rush to the app store yet because the game is not on the market. he's putting them through more tests. >> we want to do the research to really bring confidence, to members of the field and the public, that when it arrives in their hands, they know it's going to do what we say it's going to do.
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games, including one called body brain trainer. mixing brain training with a gym workout. he says after three months, tests showed his 47-year-old 20-year-old. >> medicine has worked so hard and has done a great job at making us live longer, but living longer without living better is just missing the main >> what do we do? >> reporter: as for my aging brain -- >> you're doing well. i don't know if you play a lot of games. >> i've never played a game before. i'm a natural. >> reporter: someday, it may be what the doctor ordered. >> i feel smarter already. >> perfect. >> okay. >> i love the noises. >> it was fun. what can i say? the doctor hopes to market the games toths ss to the public when he completes his studies. the fda is evaluating one of his
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he hopes the games will be approved for alzheimer's and dementia, as well, one day. >> angry birds doesn't count? >> i don't think so. >> it looks like mario cart. >> then we tell our kids, don't do that. anyway, it was fun and we tried to get it so you all could play. too top secret to let the "today" show anchors play with. >> remind me not to get with you in a car when you're behind the wheel. playing that game. the technology is exciting. >> thank you. coming up tomorrow, the five things you need to know about living longer. good series. thank you. let's head upstairs to carson and siri. >> on the topic of living longer, healthier lives, here's my lovely wife, cooking up a storm. we have a take on an american classic of burger and fries, but these aren'trutabaga. >> that'll be coming up.
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statesville near north carolina 901. the road is now clear, and traffic is moving, but there are still logs in the median, so watch out! .look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers. highs in the upper 40s. coming up on the
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morning, everybody. it's 8:30. wednesday, february 17th, 2016. great to have you along with us. nice day out here on our plaza. we have the gang all here, except for matt, who is enjoying some time off this week. the weather has warmed up nicely. >> by the time we get to the end of the week, you'll be --
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>> saturday, it'll be 55. >> amazing. coming up, from reading headlines to making them, a local tv news anchor opens up for the first time about the mistake that ended her career. and how hitting rock bottom provided the foundation to rebuilding her life. plus, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the evillest of them all? "the huntsman" won't be in theaters for month but we have a sneak peek of the star-studded cast and their twisted characters. >> all right. we're serving up burgers the healthy way. siri daly has ingredients that could add years to your life. that's a good burger. >> it's wrangler wednesday. to celebrate, wrangler is live right now on "today's" facebook >> he's excited. >> you can get a behind the scenes tour of our studio. go to and hit
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wakes up. >> it's your day, wake up! >> come on, wrangler. ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time christmas. weather. >> let's show you what we've got. starting with today, we are looking at wet weather from the pacific northwest all the way into central and eventually southern california. windy conditions. we're looking at snow as the clipper comes across the great lakes. look for sunshine along the gulf coast. chillier in the mid-atlantic states. tomorrow, that continues. the snow expands into the rockies and the cascades. wet weather into southern california. windy through the central plains and snow around the great lakes. sunshine is hanging around here. plenty of sunshine and temperatures warming up from the midsection of the country and spreading east. to be your valentine? you're a little behind. >> i know.
8:32 am the mid 50s. thursday... sunny. highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. saturday...partly sunny. highs in the mid 60s. sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers. highs in the >> that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much, roker. special message for engaged couples. if you love "my big fat greek wedding" and it reminded you of your family, we've partnered with "my big fat greek wedding 2" for a chance to win your dream wedding. share your love story and
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maybe we'll choose you for our big fat today wedding. go to for all the rules and regulations. apply before february 26th. good luck. savannah? >> carson, thank you. now to a story that raises the question, should one mistake define your life? it's a story of a local tv news anchor in tuscan, arizona. it's a woman i worked with for years. four years ago, the former anchor made a terrible split-second decision. after feeling the pressures of aging in a career that put the premium on youth and beauty. she has never spoken out about this experience in a tv interview until now. >> reporter: for 35 years, martha was the queen of tuscan, arizona. special connection to the arizona. >> reporter: respected, trusted, beloved. i experienced this firsthand, working with her at local career. >> did you love being a news
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>> i actually love the responsibility of informing people. for me, it was kind of a job that i felt like i was born to do. >> when you're in the public eye, people expect you to always be a certain way. how did you manage that? >> one of the things that i was known for when i was on the air is for my big smile and my hardy laugh. i did that every day. i put that on every day, even when i wasn't laughing or smiling inside. i knew that that was my job. >> reporter: the wear and tear of a career in the public eye took its toll, and martha was fearful of losing the job she loved. >> there's a shelf life for anchor women in our business. i remember saying to myself, i'm never going to stick around that long so i can start to be depreciated. i'm going to leave before they start edging me out. i didn't. i didn't do it, and i wish i
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>> so that brings us to february 2012. >> mm-hmm. >> tell me about that day, what happened? >> i had been very depressed about what was going on at work, so i went to the mall, i bought a pair of shoes, shopped around, got stuff, and then i took a blouse, i took a top. i walked out. the store guard came after me and said, did you know that you have that in your bag? at that point, i guess i could have said, oh, my god, do i? i meant to pay for it. i bought the other things but it slipped my mind. i said, yes, i do know it's there. he said, were you going to pay for it? i said, no. i don't think i was. and there began my nightmare. >> reporter: and it was. immediately, news reports of martha's shoplifting incident was everywhere. the following monday, she was
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>> why do you think that you acted out in that way? it doesn't seem your character. >> no. >> at all. >> i think that i just wanted to stop the madness. i wanted to stop my unhappiness. i didn't know how to do it myself. i think i knew deep down in my heart that if i shoplifted something, you know, just like any other crime, you would lose your job. so instead of saying good-bye to kvoa and having a lovely farewell and doing it the right way, that's the way i did it. i will regret that till the day i die. >> reporter: martha fell into a deep depression, not leaving her home for months. not even getting off her couch. >> depression is this heaviness, this feeling like hopelessness. like, there's no solution to your problem. all. >>id you feel suicidal? >> i thought about it.
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thought that my daughter would be better off without me. my husband would certainly be better off without me because he could find somebody that wasn't a shoplifter. i mean, this is all going on in my head. >> reporter: finally, at her husband's suggestion, the family moved from tuscan to washington state, caught help from a psychiatrist hypnotherapist. >> it allowed me to forgive myself, which was the piece of the puzzle i hadn't been able to put together. >> you're the martha i've known, full of life, joy and full of life and laugh. do you feel this process is what helped you get that back? >> i do. it was the spark that had gone dark in my life. >> reporter: now, four years later, martha is back in her hometown of tuscan, arizona, looking forward to opening a hypnotherapy franchise of her own.
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with my tail between my legs or show people that what happened to me can happen to anyone. that it was a mistake. that we all make mistakes. that one bad chapter does not end the story. that was chapter 7. i'm now on chapter 8 and 9 and moving toward chapter whatever. >> what a great story. i think she will give so many people courage, perhaps, to do something that they have wanted to do. >> it's unusual circumstances, but i think a lot of people can relate to not dealing with things that might be happening inside, acting out in a way that would be unexpected, even to them. i think, most importantly, she shows a graceful way back. >> what was it like for you? somebody you grew up watching, to sit across and talk to her like that? >> you know, martha and i -- not only did i watch her growing up in tuscan, then we were colleagues and stayed friends. i know when this happened and it was all in the headlines, i tried to reach out to her.
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i think the message she received is you're in the defined by one thing. your friends will always love you. i'm very, very proud of her. >> it's great that she's doing so well now. >> yes. >> that story, she seemed so nice. she deserves a second chance and a new opportunity. now, that's chapter 8 and 9, going well. >> can't judge someone on their worst day. >> may we all not be judged that way. >> except willie. >> i knew you were going to say that. it was a bad day though. >> it was. a new take on snow white. we have your first look at "the
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hoping for, prepare yourself for so much more. >> reporter: yes, "the huntsman, winter's war" has everything, three strong female characters and chris hemsworth. >> you will become my huntsman. >> reporter: the time before snow white. two evil sisters threaten the land with darkness. >> we have much to do. we will bring fear. >> reporter: only huntsman eric and his secret lover, warrior sarah, can stop them. >> you look stunning. >> a lot of competition with hemsworth in the room. >> prettiest of us all. >> mirror, mirror on the wall. >> whoever gets the mirror will be unstoppable. >> lovely. >> it's what you get for working with three girls. >> so happy.
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dark than "snow white and the huntsman." >> claws and stuff. it's dark, actually. >> i mean, it is -- there's more humor. i think it's not as dark, yeah. >> what are you going to do, take on two evil sisters and their entire army? >> pretty much. >> it's a prequel. >> prequel to the sequel. back story that my character in the first one, when he's talking to snow white about his wife, it's filling in the blanks. also, where the huntsman came from. >> i once had a wife. i let her out of my sight, and she was gone. >> you play the wife that we heard about in the last movie, right? >> a fellow huntswoman working
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>> world of women. >> i'm the old queen. there's a new one now. >> are you just as evil? evil. there's a sad back story to why she becomes who she is and as cruel has she is. it's a great villain to play. >> men have forgotten what it means to be afraid. >> do you feel a little bit maybe intimidated because you were so believably evil in the last one, which i can only imagine means you're like that i'm just kidding. >> i was nervous. charlize is so mean. >> hello, i've missed you. >> you seem to be having a good time already, the four of you hanging out. >> i love fantasy. >> i do, too. >> especially playing a queen, you vamp it up and it's so fun. >> if you do go to the pub tonight, you should show up in these outfits. >> then we'll get to the pub.
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the 10-year-old turning ing we're back at 8:48. we have a story of a young fashion designer making quite a splash on the scene, attracting attention for her style and her age. tamron has her story. >> good morning. breaking into the hyper come pet competitive world of fashion design is no small feet. iffy is not your average designer. after constantly bullied for her size, iffy came up with a creative way to respond.
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clothing which includes plus size outfits. to top that off, this kid has found her way now to the catwalk. >> reporter: at new york's fashion week, the runways showcase the world's top designers. now, one fresh face is jumping into the spotlight. >> telling me how good i am at fashion. >> reporter: at just 10 years old, egypt, who goes by "iffy," is making her debut as the only child designer dressing curvy models. she's loving every second of it. >> sometimes i get my model's ideas and we agree on it and i make it. >> reporter: iffy began designing clothes after she was repeatedly bullied at school, often because of her size. >> i was bullied. they called me all kinds of names. one time i was stabbed with a pencil. >> reporter: iffy decided to
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and grandmother's sewing machine. >> she started making dogs with a sewing needle. she started designing clothes and sketching. >> reporter: it wasn't long before iffy was trading bullying for business, by launching chubby line, which she describes as bringing africa to america, one design at a time. >> when i see her line, i see a future in the fashion industry. >> fashion week, to see her at 10 years old, i felt so great. >> reporter: her threads are for all shapes and sizes. iffy loves to share her inspiring fashions with everyone. >> i like how you can interact with fabrics. get new ideas. >> reporter: it's her edgempowering message that makes iffy stand out. >> i turned negative attention into positive attention. [ applause ] >> okay, we're all in love with her. you have to admit, the entire
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story, i kept thinking about beyonce's song "formation." stay classy and let your success be your revenge. her business model is the revenge on the bullies. now, she's a role model for a bunch of kids and adults, honestly. >> really talented. >> love her. i'm? >> cher. you know you're big when you have one name. she's so cute. >> great story. your life? just kidding. but can they help you live longer? we'll find out when we join ms. siri in the kitchen. first, this is "today" on before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus.
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we're back at 8:53 with today food as part of our living longer, living better series. we have recipes that aren't just delicious but full of ingredients that may help you live longer. siri daly is here with two types of healthy burgers. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we have our tasting crew, including your husband, downstairs. >> is he in the cage? >> no, not in the cage. >> have you been in the doghouse before? >> he's used to the doghouse. >> we're doing chickpea burgers. >> we're going to add cumin, salt and pepper, cilantro and garlic.
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reaches a paste-like consistency. >> i never know how long to whisk these up. oh, put it on the other way, you're saying. i'm helpful, aren't i? >> it doesn't take long. see how it resembles that consistency? then we're going to remove it from there and put it in a bowl. add some mushrooms and carrots. we do these separately so we can get different textures. it's pastey. you want to try the lid again? >> take two. >> can you swapyou the swap vegetables. remove those. now we're going to add the chickpea mixture to the veggies. do you want to grab the egg? we'll add the egg and the flour and some panko. we're going to mix it all up. this will make four burgers. >> okay. >> over here, we have them already formed.
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hot skillet. get the skillet hot so it adds the crispy texture to your burgers. important in a veggie burger, especially. >> carson assured me off the air these are great burgers. he's a tough critic. >> we made them the other night. it's fantastic. >> it gets krit by ss crispy on the outside because it's mushy on the inside. >> back here, we have mushroom and lentil burgers. we have mushrooms, lentils, worcester -- which i still don't know how to say the word. >> you nailed it. i don't know how to say it. >> i pulsed these in the food processor to make them fine. this is a cooled mixture. added the worcester. >> twice, back to back, wow. >> worcester sauce. >> we'll add the cooked lentils, an egg and bread crumbs again. >> similar process to the other
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>> exactly. >> all right. >> then we'll mix that up. mix it a little bit. >> sure. >> i have two burgers cooking here. seven minutes per side in a hot skillet. then -- >>rutabaga. >> routeutabaga fries. >> tell me about that. >> i didn't know you could cook with rutabaga. >> it's delicious. like a sweet potato fry. >> all right. >> double thumbs up downstairs. >> oh, yes! >> see you at home, honey. >> carson is wrabruck. just days ahead
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republican candidates--gear ing up for various town in the palmetto "m-s-n-b-c" will host back to back prime-time specials with "john kasich" and "donald trump" tonight at seven and eight respectively. "ben carson", "ted cruz" and "marco rubio" will appear in a town hall hosted by c-n-n in greenville. that will also be at eight p-m. .look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny lower 50s. .friday...sunny. 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl the mid 60s. sunny. highs in the upper 60s. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. uesday.oy th a 50ee ance ofors. highs can take to get your bad food habits in check then we're back with another update in thirty minutes. the time is 9:26.
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this morning on "today's take," access denied. while paul mccartney was turned away on music's biggest night. baby, you can drive my car. a memorable carpool karaoke moment with sia. and fred armisen with a performance as tiny in ""zoolander 2."" l that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take," with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. it's wednesday morning, february
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i'm willie with al, natalie and tamron. we have a great crowd on the plaza. this is my morning jam. great song. " "losers" by the weekend featuring labrinth. get the clean version if you're playing it with kids, is what i'll say. there is a showdown between apple and the fbi. a federal judge has ordered apple to help the fbi unlock the phone of san bernardino mass shooter syed farook. authorities trying to fill in 18 missing minutes of farook and his wife tashfeen's whereabouts on the day. the company said it's cooperating with the fbi but will fight the order. cook said the united states government has demanded apple take an unprecedented step, which threatens the security of our customers. we oppose this order which has implications far beyond the
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cook told cbs's "60 minutes" in december that opening phones to the government makes us all vulnerable. here's what he said. >> on your smartphone today, your iphone, there's likely health information, there's financial information, and you should have the ability to protect it. the only way we know how to do that is to encrypt it. why is that? it's because if there's a way to get in, then somebody will find a way in. >> basically, tim cook and apple are saying, we don't want to begin to explore the idea of hacking into a backdoor because then that's out there. the technology exists. >> it's creating a master key of encryption. >> right. a lot of people watch this and say, can't you get into the one phone without putting the rest of us at risk? that's the back and forth that's happening now. >> it's similar to what happened after 9/11, with the conversation over the patriot act. how far are you willing to go? how much of your security?
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more about the nsa than we as americans wanted them to do. whatever you think of snowden, he was part of opening our eyes to that. interesting. >> the government is basically worried about built-in security software that could auto delete all the data on the phone when they try to crack it. then they're out for good and can't get the information they need. in the months later but in the middle of an investigation, if down. >> if they could take the phone physically, fbi agents, go to apple, watch over them while they do it and give the phone back. >> it's not that simple. they're worried that not just the fbi, what the government can do. right now, you may trust the government. ten years from now, you may not trust the government. the otherish shoo ishsue is, once it's created, who is going to protect that secret? can the chinese hack and get the information?
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>> apple, i think, the argument is clearly understandable. but i think in the case where you had terrorists in the country, a lot of people look at it that way and say, yeah, it should be -- >> that was the question after 9/11. >> i can tell you law enforts enforcement in new york and other big cities feel they don't get enough cooperate from the silicon valley companies. the companies are protecting that you are customers first. >> there's a lot of conversation going on about this, including mark zuckerberg. >> we've been watching pope francis, who is visiting mexico. it's a six-day trip to mexico. earlier this week, you saw the touching video of him walking down the al-- from the altar and blessing this wheat child in the wheelchair. it was a touching moment. yesterday, we saw what became a tense moment, actually. the pontiff is one who likes to really get in with the crowds
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people, as we saw here in the he gets down in there with unfortunately, the situation seemed like it got a little out of hand for him. he was at a western city, greeting the fans at this open-air mass. you see there a person reaching over the barricade and pulling at his robe. he crashes into a man in the wheelchair. the pope got a little peeved, which i think we can all understand. he's 79 years old, too, being pulled and yanked on to a person in a wheelchair. he basically said, don't be selfish. what's wrong with you? stop being so selfish. clearly understandable in that moment. scary for the person in the wheelchair, too. >> i don't think it was about him. i think he was like, watch out for this person in the wheelchair. >> i think it's the first time we saw the pope lose his cool a little bit maybe. >> to protect someone. >> it's a reaction i think any of us would show.
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>> another guy we love on the program who called in here before, prince. of course. when prince takes a passport photo, he takes a passport photo. he tweeted this out. prince rogers nelson. >> is that blue steel? >> it's gone viral. cheeks. he has it all going on. >> i mean, the pursed lips, the whole thing. >> the what lips? >> pursed lips. >> it looks like it's for a photo photoshoot. >> it probably was. >> i'm sure it was. >> only prince could have a passport photo like that. >> who is cooler than that guy? i'm racking my brain. >> next time, i'll do the blue steel for my passport photo. you can't smile anymore, right? expression. that's so hard. >> i look like i'm grimacing or
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>> i look like i shouldn't be let in countries. mine is like, don't let her in. the problem is, it's probably lighting, as well. when we mere mortals get our passport, we're on the wall. no light, no nothing. >> he has nice shading, the whole thing. >> contouring. i don't know what's going on there. move on. so this caught our attention. amazeing video of a high flying dunk routine. this is liberty university's soar ministry. they mix acrobatics, trampoline -- >> oh! >> is that crazy? >> central bantist church. that's a church i want to go to. >> it's in virginia. >> look at that, breaks the backboard. >> crazy. >> drop the mic, right? >> everybody say, amen. everybody say, hallelujah! >> through the legs, too. bam!
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>> the church we need to go to and visit, virginia. >> what do you have going on, mr. roker? >> we're going to our facebook wall in the orange room. it's day 16 of our 25 days of give aways. this is a great prize. we've got a nordic track bike from sears, worth $600. we want you to go to's take. you'll see a picture of it. you can like us and register to win. let's see how many people have liked us. 275,000. that's, what, 21,000 up from earlier, from yesterday. that's pretty cool. we're closing in on 300,000. let's let johnny back up here safely, our camera guy. please go to's take. like us. if we get to 300,000 tomorrow, tamron says you can go through her wardrobe. >> no, i didn't. >> rummage through it. >> i didn't say that.
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lori says it is national act of kindness day. did you know that? >> i did not. i said as an act of kindness -- >> you'll let people go through your wardrobe? >> if we hit a million. >> that's so nice of you. >> not 300,000. oh, my gosh. look at this, jet stream, way up to the north. unseasonally mild weather. possible parts of the southwest seeing records. phoenix, 91 degrees. amarillo, 78. dallas, 74. tomorrow, look at the record highs from the rockies to the plains. 25 to 35 degrees above average. friday, boom! look at this, cleveland, you're at 51. little rock, 70. dallas, 80 degrees. on saturday, the heat continues to move east. new york city, 54. jacksonville, 75. same in jackson. amazing. let's see how many people want a chance to go through tamron's wardrobe. getting close! fantastic.
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th.look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers. highs in the upper 40s. >> that's your latest weather. >> are we going through? >> your closet is nice, as well. how about this? 300,000, natalie -- >> oh, oh! you're giving it back to me. >> touche. >> what comes around goes around. >> you can come to my closet. i have three derek jeter t-shirts and boxers.
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>> derek jeter t-shirts? >> holes are in them. coming up, a little quiz. if you're trying to avoid eating chocolate, is it more effective to, a, think about the chocolate, b, think about something else or, c, tell yourself not to think about the chocolate? >> what about option d, eat the chocolate? >> we'll try out strategies to help you if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... and free of things i don't. just like chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need.
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eat up, me hearties! keep it down! arrrr. is she after our liquid gold? oh, she better not be. our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'. it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. can a toothpaste do everything well? this clean was like pow! it added this other level of clean to it. it just kinda like...wiped everything clean. 6x cleaning my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening i actually really like the 2 steps. step 1, cleans step 2, whitens. every time i use this together, it felt like... ...leaving the dentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening
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brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid.
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your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at bad food habits like the one i have now, eating this potato chip, can seem hard to change. whether you're an emotional eater or making poor diet choices. >> there are simple strategies to try to get your diet back in check. we have a psychologist at the cleveland clinic and also the author of "50 more ways to soothe yourself without food." good morning. >> good morning. >> hello. >> we're going to play a game. here's how you play. each of you has a blender and a nice display of healthy food and unhealthy food. >> wow.
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have to take a handful, put it in your blender, blend it up and i'll call on you if you blend it first. the loser has to drink theirs at the end. >> oh, boy. >> ready. >> which do you eat the least off of. a, red plates, b, blue plates or, c, white plates. >> white plates. >> tamron! >> red plates. >> actually, it's red plates. that's because when our brain sees the color red, we automatically stop. your new habit is you can actually get rid of the white plates and eat off of red plates. or have a snack on a red napkin, and it'll slow you down effortlessly. question two, if you're trying to avoid chocolate, is it better to, a, think about chocolate.
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c, tell yourself not to think about chocolate? go. >> i'll go with natalie. >> what was b? >> think about something else. >> that's it. >> our first instinct is to say, don't think about chocolate. but when we think about chocolate, we want it more. >> right. >> find some other distraction. >> that was right? >> okay. >> this one is tricky. >> what are you making, willie? >> you don't want to more. >> do you needeat more, a, sitting on the couch, or walking while you eat? >> sitting on the couch. no? >> actually, while you are walking, you tend to eat more. people ate five times more chocolate when they were standing than sitting. >> there's no liquid in here. >> it'll be hard to drink.
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everything cheetos, cucumbers. >> next question, how long does food provide you with the feel good feeling after you eat it? is it three minutes, ten minutes al? >> ten minutes. >> actually, it's only three minutes. really, a fleeting experience. your new habit is the next time you're eating something, remind yourself, it's going to be really quick. find something else that gives you a better boost. >> time for one more. >> willie is the loser so far. i have one. let's change it. that. >> whatshould you reward yourself with a food treat, a non-food reward, c, nothing at all? answer. >> what was the question? oh, b, of course.
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>> is that right? >> yes. >> tamron has to drink it. >> i got one. you gave me the one, you don't remember that? >> our judges say you have to drink them. >> you can all drink them. >> tamron will try to drink it. >> i would if i could make it liquid. coming up, sir paul night. unforgettable car ride with sia. we have your pop fix after your local news. 7 days ago, phil wasn't thinking about dancing. he was thinking about his joints. but now he's taking osteo bi-flex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. the feeling originates in this area... spreads throughout the body... to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. he knows it's working by that look of abject humiliation on his son's face. you were made to dance, phil. so dance. shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days. osteo bi-flex. made to move.
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do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members? is your success due to a filing system only you understand? does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence? if so, you may be gearcentric. someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. and there's one place that has it all. office depot officemax. gear up for great. when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunches of oats and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there. if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto . hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven
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in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto . nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto
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pool karaoke. this time, his passenger was sia. they had fun with her trademark wig. >> sia, it's james! how are you doing? >> you are a beauty. a beautyious thing. >> i feel great. >> it's comforting. like a head hug. >> you can't even see the level of dance i'm doing now. >> oh, my gosh, you're powerful. stranger things >> in the clip, sia also explains why she's also -- or always hiding behind the wall of hair. she says she's trying to maintain a little privacy, which is the one thing missing in pop music, in her opinion. for those of you who are curious, sia has posed without her wig. earlier in her career, anyway. look at that beautiful face.
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loving privacy there. we invaded it by showing it, anyway. who wouldn't want paul mccartney at their party? the singer was trying to enter a grammys after party where tyga was performing. here is actually what happened. >> how vib dop do we got to get? >> they won't let you in? >> we need another hit, guys. work on it. >> we need another hit. work on it. after the video went viral yesterday, tyga told fans he didn't control the door and had no idea sir paul was there. even went on jimmy kimmel live last night last to invite paul mccartney to his next concert. paul was actually at the wrong party, it was said.
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it's paul mccartney, what? okay. moving on. even 2-year-olds have their diva moments. check out what happened when photo happy mom, kim kardashian west, tried to get her daughter to sit for a picture. >> what? >> no picture. >> why? >> oh, oh! >> falling apart. >> that was amazing. >> her mom posted that. in kim's defense, who wouldn't want to capture that image of north in her mini fur coat and boots? no pictures. is that often said in that home. anyway, getting ready to go live earlier this week, fox announced a portion of an upcoming episode of "the simpsons," in his 27th season, will end with a three-minute live segment where homer will answer fan questions. how will the animators pull this
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according to the executive producer, they'll use motion sensor technology. while dan, who plays homer, does the voice live, it will be the first time an animated series has done something like all year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. so when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. from electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need to get more fun out of your tax refund. walmart. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. voted 2016 product of the year.
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the leg. injuries but is survive. officers say robbery was the motive. looking for the person who led highway patrol on a chase last night. the chase started on highway 74 in ended in officers later but not the cmpd and are still him. if you have any call police. with no rain or just sunshine. larry how long to last. look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid 50s. thursday... sunny. highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. saturday...partly sunny. highs in the mid 60s. sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers. highs in the upper 40s. coming up on the today show, tips on how to battle the next round of bitter cold this winter. then we're back with another update in 30
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taking a look at the headlines. the fda is recommending travelers who have gone to countries affected by the zika virus to hold off on donating blood a while. it wants the people to wait a month before donating blood to help protect the u.s. blood supply. in addition, people with zika-like symptoms, such as a rash, should put off blood donations for a month. a government-backed task force is calling for more research before deciding whether or not to recommend autism screening for young children, even when they don't show symptoms. many pediatricians already do routine screenings of children between 18 and 30 months, but the task force says it is impossible to say if this helps or hurts.
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u.s. now have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and they say more study is needed before any recommendations are made. the list is in. for the fourth year in a row, nordstrom is america's favorite fashion retailer. that according to a market survey of more than 5700 consumers. marshals moved up five shots to number two. h and m tied for third. when high school orchestra was stranded at the airport, students passed the time the only way they know how. >> that is the american fork high school orkchestra from utah. they spent four days at the nation's capital and performed at the kennedy center. a blast of snow cancelled their flight back left. left with no hotel or transportation wharks do transportation, what do the kids do?
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of all to see. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> that is awfully neat. thanks so much, natalie. we have a clipper coming across, bringing light snow. we also have heavy rain for the pacific northwest all the way down to california. let's go in and see how we're doing on our facebook page.'s take. how many people have liked us? close to 280,000. if you go and register, you have a chance to win a nordic track bike..look for clearing skies today with highs in the mid-50s. .thursday...sunny . highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. .saturday...partl y sunny. highs in the mid 60s. .sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. a chance of rain in the morning...then a chance of showers in the afternoon. highs in the upper 50s. .tuesday...cloudy with a 50 percent chance of
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>> that is your latest weather. spring might be coming early but it's not here yet. still feels like winter around these parts. the freezing temperatures are going to wreak havoc on our cars and homes. we have george here, host of george to the rescue. this is the case from shrinkage is a good thing. >> exactly. most cold air goes out your window. i have this thermal gun right here. if you want to shoot it at the window window, you'll see it's like 62 degrees, something like that. shoot it inside the studio. >> 81. >> almost 90% of all heat goes out your windows and doors. hopefully -- >> yeah. >> easiest way to combat that is
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blow-dryer. help. >> a lot of air comes through the outlets. >> people don't realize when it's against an exterior wall or light switch, you're losing up to 20% of the heat. if you want to combat that, put a foam thing on. >> yes, good. >> literally, it's as easy as taking off your light speculate and put it on. it's going to combat the cold air coming in. >> going outside and you have a shovel. >> it wouldn't be a "today" show segment if i wasn't here with a shovel. wd-40 silicone is the best. also pam cooking oil. spray it on the edge. >> boom. >> good way to go. >> can you pretreat your sidewalk with this? >> put it on before the snow comes. use a plant and pet friendly one. >> george, thanks so much.
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car coach, lauren, always good >> thank you. >> i want to warm up the car. we've been doing this for years and generations. go in the driveway, turn it on and let it run. good or bad idea? >> two minute it is all you need. start it up, clean off the snow and ice, make sure i can see your taillights and head lights and head off. >> why can't i get the car warm? >> first off, you need to know there is an actual crime ring going around, looking for people who leave their cars running in their driveway or on the street. it's a gift. they jump in the car and take it. it would be a scary situation. >> people drive around and look for running cars in driveways and take off with them? >> it's up 30%. >> is it bad for the car, to let it idle that long in the driveway? >> it's not good for the engine and you're getting zero miles to the gallon. >> you say to keep half a tank of gas. why? >> below, you're creating moisture in the gas tank from
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starting the car and shutting it off. around a half tank, it won't have fuel line freeze up and will keep you from getting the car started. >> do you bundle up the kids? >> put them in the car seat, buckle them up, put a blanket over them. use the heated heats if you have them. it's the smartest way to go. you want to be safe with your kids. >> thank you very much. natalie? so you're home and your car is toasty. what about you? here with ways to stay warm without sacrificing style is the style director for "good housekeeping" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> all about the coat. i actually have one of these. >> you're in a great coat. this is from northface. inflated, it traps the hot air so you stay warm. this is a great time to buy a winter coat. they're 30% cheaper than what
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start of the season. this is a three-in-one parka. it has a removable liner. this isn't just a vest. >> you can take it out? >> it's a full jacket liner. under $150. keeps you super warm. the parka is trendy for this season. >> you'll show us how to do a scarf the right way. >> exactly. >> i try to figure this out. >> under $12. put it behind your neck, wrap it around, tie a knot. >> over and under. >> so it's up against your neck. >> if you don't want to do all the tying, you can do the snood. >> everyone are wearing these. super chic and will keep you warm. >> all about waterproofing. >> this is the boot of the winter. a lot are on sale now. starting with the sneakers, $64 on up. i'm wearing a pair now.
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they also have the sole. you'll look chic and stay warm. >> we're out of time. we'll put the rest on the website. lori, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. he's got a tiny part in "zoolander 2." now, fred is here, larger than life. we'll let the moment stop you. not the miles. the jeep grand cherokee with a 730-mile range. the most awarded, rewarding suv ever. (brian)i'm brian. i was in the military for 18 years. but i smoked. and i got heart disease. my tip is, it's hard to serve your country when you're too weak to put on your uniform. (announcer)you can quit.
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call 1-800-quit-now. the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. that's cash back now, and cash back again later. it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow.
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advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger than advil it's the world's #1 choice. what pain? advil. i thought activia wasn't for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free.
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"snl" alum fred armisen, a talented and busy man, is starring in "portlandia," which is amaze skpg youing and you can't love it. he's leading the band with seth meyers every night. somehow, fred found time to make a small appearance in "zoolander 2." i can't take my eyes off that character. fred, good morning. >> good morning. >> his name is v-i-p but he's vip. what's his deal? >> he's an 11-year-old child. the way they shot it was, you know, nowadays, with cgi, you don't have to always be in front of a green screen. they can shrink you down on the set. that's what they did. the thing with those scenes are,
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looked down. >> a lot of hard work, to look up while they look down. >> hard job i have. very, very hard job. >> it's like doing your own stunts. >> it is very much so. i hurt my eyes. >> speaking of hurting your eyes, watching you in "portlandia," i can't take my eyes off you. you are a camellia, playing so many characters. is there something about that that you enjoy doing? playing so many people? >> i have no real personality. you know, the whole thing is so much fun for me. the same thing when i was doing "snl." it's like i get to put on wigs and be different characters. nothing better. >> where do you come up with the characters? are they inspired by people you meet, conversations you overhear? >> i think it's from people i actually see on tv. i'll see something online, on tv, if i'm traveling, i'll hear
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that sometimes forms that. sometimes, i have no idea. no idea where something comes from. it's like a matter of luck. >> wow. >> always fun about "portlandia" is hipsters love that show. rightly so. i'm like, you know he's making fun of you, right? >> it's more of a tribute. the characters are very much like ourselves. it's not that different. a lot of characters are pretty much the way that i am and we are. >> you do great accents. for example, you can differentiate between the bronx, brooklyn and long island. >> i'm an expert. >> what's the difference? >> brooklyn is in here. bronx is down here. bronx, there's more -- it's a little louder. more confident. long island, a lot of, um, pausing. um, and -- >> and the tongue clicking. >> a little bit of that. queens is more like this.
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>> that's the sort of, you know, in the treble. queens is here. >> treble and bass. >> right. >> it's all about the bass. >> a great linguist on top of everything else. fred armisen, one of the funniest people on the planet. congrats on the movie. "zoolander 2" starring vip, his character, is in theaters now, than thanks. >> thanks, guys. the organ i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy
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wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. curing a yeast infection can take days. relieving the itch... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil.
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every wonder what we're made of? no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. nature valley granola bars. this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. meet the piadina the newest addition to olive garden's lunch duos menu paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just $6.99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden you forgot the milk! that's lactaid . right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid . 100% real milk.
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if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television.
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over 30,000 people in the united states live with a life-threatening lung condition that severely limits the ability to breathe. it's called cystic fibrosis. you're about to meet a young woman living in alabama who got the help she needed from an unexpected place. here's angel's story. >> reporter: she's smart, sally and full -- sassy and full of life. over the last few years, the spark is fading. she suffers from cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening condition that limits her ability to breathe. >> it was like breathing through a straw. i coughed more. i didn't have much energy. i just was not at my top. >> reporter: back in december 2014, angel's lung function rapidly declined.
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>> there were moments i loved her family. she was a proud military wife. >> she just loved life. just life itself. >> reporter: in a stunning twist of fate, courtney's aunt attended the same church as angel lynn's granddad, and the family had been praying for years. when courtney passed away, angel lynn's prayers were answered. the two were a perfect match. >> what that did for angel lynn, it allowed her to get a total block, which means she received our daughter's heart and both
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heart and one lung. that's a miracle in and of itself. >> they lost a child. no matter how close i came to losing a child, i don't know how that feels. all i can do is hope that -- to say angel lynn is doing well, you know, helps ease the loss a little bit. >> reporter: ift's courtney's zest for life that lives on in angel lynn. >> it was hard. the one thing that helped me out through all of this is angel lynn. from the first time i heard her name and saw her face, i knew through. >> going home. >> going home. i'm finally going home. >> reporter: angel lynn's doctors hope her heart and lungs will last for years to come. >> hello, there. >> reporter: last month, courtney's family visited with angel lynn. >> it was a loss for both of us. >> yes, ma'am. we appreciate it so much.
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>> i'm going to graduate high school. i'm going to graduate college. i'm going to grow up. i've got a new guardian angel. now that i have her heart and her lungs, i have a new beginning. >> beautiful story. courtney saved or enrich td lives of six people upon her death. the number climbs to more than 100 people who were helped (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan
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thompson. i'm carolyn bruck. we're working to learn what caused a barn fire that killed some animals in northwest charlotte. that fire happened just after seven this morning on oakdale road. fire officials say two horses died, however they were able to save several other animals. long creek fire crews say the flames are under control. a health alert involving cases of mumps in the charlotte area. health officials
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in mecklenburg, iredell, cabarrus, and lincoln counties. two of those cases are adults that know each other. there are six other possible cases. mumps is spread by coughing and sneezing on surfaces which can become contaminated. vaccines help, but doctors say they don't work one-hundred percent of the time. the sun is shining morning... get warmer right larry? look for today with highs in the mid thursday... sunny. highs in the lower 50s. .friday...sunny. highs in the mid 50s. south winds 5 to 10 mph. saturday...partly sunny. highs in the mid 60s. sunday...partly sunny. highs in the upper 60s. .monday...cloudy. a chance of rain in the rning...eaance of owe eternoon. highs e upper 50s. tuea..cloudwith a 50 peent an ower highs morn lice areloong for the ople who robbed a popular charlotte restaurant at gunpoint. police say the suspects held up "phat burrito" in south end, along camden road last night. no one was hurt - but the suspects ran off and police have
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york county school leaders are considering changing the school calendar for next year. right now, the four districts in the county end their semesters and take spring break at different times. the herald in rock hill says the superintendents might switch their calendars so they're all on the same page. but so far - they're having trouble agreeing on dates. up next on the today show. actor joe fiennes, talks about his new role in the biblical thriller "risen,". then we're back with another update in 30 minutes. the time is 10:27.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody! it's wines day wednesday. it's februy 17th. and that is snap back by old dominion. >> that's nice. oh, nice. >> that sounds like an actual sound. wow! we are very excited today. we have a terrific actor with us, joseph fines. he is making headlines for playing michael jackson in an upcoming tv special. he's also starring in a really exciting, beautiful new film
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interesting story line that i found to just be -- this. >> it's excellent. with rick springfield, who gave us the gift of "jesse's girl" back in 1981. he has a guitar and new music. we'll hear what he has to say. and picture of the month, just saw him out at the grammys, canadian born. sean hook will play his hot new single for us. and less for lent. >> i'm in the move. >> wait. aren't you bummed that spanky tuesday is over? >> we have spanky every day. >> i looked at our ratings in new york yesterday and i'm not kidding. at the bottom of the show where we do spanky tuesday it went like zing! people like the spanky. >> no, they love the spanky. and that should concern us. >> i couldn't believe it. i was like what did we do at the
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