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tv   The Now Cincinnati  ABC  March 16, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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first at four -- a *wild* day at the cincinnati zoo. reports of a polar bear escaping its cage-- threw zookeepers into action. the now's briana harper joins us live with more on how this wild situation was quickly
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officials here at the cincinnati zoo say the polar bear managed to escape her enclosure this morning, but at no point in time were any of the zoo's visitors in danger. just after 1130 this morning at the cincinnati zoo rumors began to fly... "we just got kicked out cause there's an animal loose." "polar bear got loose they said-- got out of its enclosure." and soon enough those rumors were confirmed. zookeepers discovered a female polar bear named berit was not in her designated exhibit and had wandered away. steve meyers// visiting cincinnati zoo from indiana "we were watching the polar bear chat and the presenter was kind of surprised both bears weren't out." the bear had escaped to a separate part of its enclosure and as a precaution zoo officials took action. thane maynard//director, cincinnati zoo "because it's a very big dangerous animal we got all our guests to go into building were we knew they would be safe until we were really aware of the situation." cincinnati police
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zoo veterinarians had to tranquilze both the male and female polar bears to properly secure the area. a safety process zoo visitors say was quick and effective. "i thought they were very professional. at first we didn't know what was happening but it was very calm and orderly." zoo officials say for every animal exhibit there are multiple levels of containment. but how exactly this polar bear managed to get out is still unclear. "we will have a very big debriefing situation to see what door got opened and how and make sure that is secure in the future." it's a wild experience visitors weren't expecting.. and won't soon forget. matt campbell// visiting cincinnati zoo from indiana "scary for us. we weren't too close to it but close enough." again - zoo visitors were safe for some time (how long??? find out) but has since reopened. non-members who may have ended their zoo visit early today were offered complimentary tickets to come
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live briana harper the now cincinnati. breaking news -- we have just confirmed that a dearborn county emt, charged with theft, has surrendered.the dearborn county sheriff's office confirms craig whitham surrendered within the last indiana prosecutor charged whitham with left accusing him of taking more than 106-thousand dollars from his the *aurora emergency rescue team while he was its treasurer.police say he confessed then skipped town. right now recovery efforts are on hold on the ohio river.a semi crashed into a car -- launching it off a bridge yesterday. police say it could be days before they can get to that car and confirm if anyone is still in it.the crash happened on i-275 on the combs-hehl bridge.jordan burgess takes a closer look at
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you see the ohio river here.. it's the current and rising river level that have made getting that car back impossible right now.and that means still no answers as to whether anyone was killed by happened. a 12 car crash.. captured from above in chopper 9. but it's one missing car.. that's captured everyone's attention. police say reports are the car may have been red and a grand prix type vehicle but they stress those aren't confirmed. they're not exactly sure what caused the car to go over the barrier of the combs-hehl bridge on interstate 275 during the crash. it floated a short distance before falling to the bottom.crews spent hours searching for the car tuesday. they found it.. only to be held back from getting it off the bottom by the swift flowing river.without having the car.. police say they're not sure who owns it or whether anyone was inside. they're asking people to call if they have family or friends
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missing.crews hope to get the car on sunday or monday dredge up along with it the answers everyone's waiting on. on. road crews were back on the bridge today shut down for about 7 hours yesterday.they did some work.. but the interstate remained open.jordan burgess. the now cincinnati. cincinnati. right now governor john kasich is calling for a college student being held in north korea to be released and returned to his family in ohio. ohio. north korea sentenced otto warmbier to 15 years hard labor for crimes against the state. warmbier is accused of trying to steal a propaganda banner from his hotel. he was arrested january second. the north korean government claims he was manipulated into taking it by the united states. in a statement -- kaisch said quote "his detention was completely unjustified and the sentence north korea imposed on him is an affront to concepts of justice. justice. continuing to hold him only further alienates north korea from the international community." end quote
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pretty spring- like day. winds will be coming in from the west-southwest today at 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph. and temperatures will not as a warm. the cold front that passes early this morning will start ushering in cooler air. highs are expected in the mid 60s today. temperatures fall a bit more tonight, dropping into the mid 40s. while this is still well above normal for mid march, it's a bit of a change from the last few days. skies will be partly cloudy overnight. thursday is a partly cloudy and mild forecast. highs will end up near the 60 degree mark, which is again on the warm side. friday is another dry day but it's definitely going to be cooler. highs will stay chilly only near 50 degrees. in fact, this weekend highs drop to the upper 40s with a chance for
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it turns out 136 people voted tuesday after the polls in hamilton, butler, clermont and warren counties were ordered to stay open an extra hour. hour. the order was because the accident on the combs-hehl bridge tied up traffic for hours and prevented some people from voting. federal judge susan dlott issued the order, but the secretary of state didn't hear about it until a minute after the polls closed. elections boards weren't notified until 30 minutes later causing confusion in clermont county's 66 polling places. "we had a couple of calls from some of those precincts that were closed down and we told them to come to the board and we would let them vote here, even though we had not had that direction from the secretary of state and that call could be made later. but, we didn't want anyone to feel disenfranchised." disenfranchised." voters in that extra hour were given provisional ballots that will be counted in 10 days -- unless judge dlott's order is appealed. after wins last night...
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to be working in favor of hillary clinton and donald trump.9 on your side anchor look. it wasn't long ago our newsroom was busy calculating results from last night's elections. elections. hillary clinton just needs about 780 more delegates. bernie sanders needs about 15-hundred. on the republican side, donald trump is now about 590 delegates short. his closest competitor ted cruz needs 840. john kasich's win here in ohio gave him a boost. but he's still pretty far behind. marco rubio had more than 160 delegates before he dropped out last night. those people will now be free- agents. that means they can support any candidate they want. that is unless rubio tries to resurrect his campaign if a contested convention happens. today donald trump warned what will happen if he's a few votes short and that contested convention happens. name: "i don't think you can
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automatically. i think it would be -- i think you'd have riots. i think you'd have riots. i'm representing a tremendous -- many, many millions of people." people." one of the names brought up for that contested republican convention is house speaker paul ryan. former speaker john boehner backed fellow ohioain kasich in the primary but has said he would back ryan. but today ryan says he's not interested and believes the nominee should be someone who ran this year. the republican presidential debate scheduled for monday is now canceled after donald trump and john kasich both say they won't be there. there. trump says he plans to give a speech at the "american israel public affairs committee" instead of debating. and kasich says he won't debate without trump there. trump also says he thinks the republicans have held enough debates. republicans debated 20 times during the primary in 20-12. for this election-- there have been about a dozen so far. a big upset near cleveland during last night's election. cuyahoga county prosecutor tim
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another term -- just months after leading the investigation into the shooting of 12 year old tamir rice. rice.mcginty has refused to release the testimony heard by the grand jury.that grand jury did not to indict the officers involved with the november 2014 shooting.rice was shot and killed while holding an air riffle in a park.cameras caught the entire incident, start to finish.mcginty lost to his challenger in the primary race by about ten percent of the vote. more trouble for the former subway pitchman. he's now under attack in jail. what authorities say happened to jared fogle behind bars. and a road sign intended to warn drivers of an influx of deer.. is now starting a controversial conversation
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former subway pitchman turned convict jared fogle has reportedly been attacked in jail. jail.tmz reports that documents show fogle was jumped in the recreation area of the colorado prison.the
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january 29th.fogle is serving more than 15 years in prison for having child pornography and traveling across state lines to have sex with minors. he was sent to the englewood prison in colorado because it's close to a sex therapy program he began just before reporting to jail. some people in d-c are calling it "metro-mageddon"... with thousands having to find another way to get around. around. right now crews are doing an emergency inspection on the washington, d-c metro rail system the entire thing is shut down until tomorrow morning. so far inspectors have found about six damaged cables or connectors that need to be repaired. there was an electrical fire on the metro earlier this week. d-c leaders say the same electrical component malfunctioned last year. take a good look at this road sign.suicidal deer!that sign was recently put up in a small town in iowa -- but it has people around the country talking now. :20 it's true i mean, they just don't stay off the road, there's all sorts of them,
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youpeople who live in st. ansgar admit that deer in the area are a problem.many run into oncoming cars.and that's the issue, according to the county supervisor behind the now controversial sign. stan walk | mitchell county supervisor :53 "so we're concerned about the safety of people driving here and we don't want anybody injured or killed. we just felt that this would be an attention getter, and it has been." been."but others think the sign is offensive -- since it references suicide.county leaders say they got the idea for the sign from facebook.a similar sign recently went up in illinois. relief efforts are pooring into the south after a week of catastrophic rain and historic flooding damaged parts of louisiana, texas, mississippi and we takes a look at the latest numbers on the damage.. and how volunteers from right here in incinnati are hoping to make a difference. na-22tuthis drone video shows a unique but devastating
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water levels have reached in (:09)sot (pat dans/resident) "i guess you get a little worried and anxious maybe is the big word... just when is it going to recede and when am i going to get back to normal."normal is a long way off -- 4,958 homes have been reported damaged in louisiana -- and more than 42-hundred people have evacuated. as clean up begins in some areas-- volunteers heading that way say timing is everything. 19.57.55 we wanted to make sure we get in right afterward. 19.57.58 when they are trying to clean back the mud they need some safety items so what we give them is those items. we give them things they don't think about like paper towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, things like that 19.58.09a team from matthew 25 ministries in cincinnati is deploying truck loads of supplies and volunteers who plan to help out near shreveport for a week. 19.57.34 so the team can get in just as the people get back into their homes and get them a little normalcy as they
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next-- they'll head to texas.. where a state of emergency has been declared in 20 counties. and the worst is yet to come. heavy rain subsided monday, but just this morning-- 12 million people were under flood warnings across the south and scattered thunderstorms are expected this week. the insurance institute estimates damages will exceed 2-billion dollars- and despite the potential for yet another blow from mother nature, the sense of hope and help volunteers from near and far are bringing.. is keeping spirits afloat. se-007tu (:50) "we just feel it is our responsibility to help people in our community." so far the storms down south have killed six people.if you'd like to donate, contact matthew 25 ministries in blue ash or your local red cross. taking a look outside -- a lot
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tanya and steve chat about weather winds will be coming in from the west-southwest today at 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph. and temperatures will not as a warm. the cold front that passes early this morning will start ushering in cooler air. highs are expected in the mid 60s today. temperatures fall a bit more tonight, dropping into the mid 40s. while this is still well above normal for mid march, it's a bit of a change from the last few days. skies will be partly cloudy overnight. thursday is a partly cloudy and mild forecast. highs will end up near the 60 degree mark, which is again on the warm side. friday is another dry day but it's definitely going to be cooler. highs will stay chilly only near 50 degrees. in fact, this weekend highs drop to the upper 40s with a chance for
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for the first time... a current first lady is speaking at the south by southwest music festival. michelle
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girls learn" initiative today in austin, texas. its goal is to break barriers for the millions of girls around the world who do not attend school. michelle obama and kelly clarkson also teamed up before today's event to make a song about empowerment for women. *nat sot full="music" "music" money from the song will go so the "let girls learn" inititive obama talked about today. millions of people are dying every year for a reason you may not expect. newsy's melissa prax explains. a world health organization study says "unhealthy environments" are linked to an estimated 12.6 million deaths every year and that countries aren't doing enough to stop the problem.according the mediacentre/news/r s-attributable-to-unhealthy- environments/en/ exposures, climate change and
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soil are to blame.the report's data is from 2012, but the organization is using it to represent a yearly trend.air pollution was linked to the most deaths, especially in southeast asia and the western pacific.the department of environmental health chair at harvard university said: "pollution comes from combustion, and we're burning fuels to produce energy, to produce heat, to drive our cars. all the things we think about in terms of our day-to-day life contribute to this."air pollution is happening both indoors and out and is linked to cancer, heart disease and other respiratory diseases, which cause 8.2 million deaths every year. this is higher than other organizations' previous estimates.certain fuel types commonly used to cook can create residue inside a home. and secondhand smoke is also contributing to poor air conditions.who is proposing solutions, like improving commuter transportation and banning tobacco.however, malaria and other infectious diseases are declining thanks to better health care and water access but are still killing hundreds of thousands of people.
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newsy on your tv or favorite streaming device. device. the average person searches google about 40 times a month. month.but could those searches be making you a target for hackers?john matarese has
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before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus. the garlic double steakburger meal. reflect. the taco salad meal. zen the original double 'n cheese steakburger meal. oh! the $4 menu. where all meals are under $4.
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this is a big move impacting your money. the federal reserve isn't changing interest rates today. and it says it expects fewer hikes than originally planned this year. back in december... the fed had projected four hikes in 20-16. now it's just predicting two. the federal reserve is also cutting its expectations for economic growth and inflation. as the debate over security vs. your privacy online continues... this is a first for google. the company is revealing how much of the traffic to its search engine is being protected from hackers. 9 on your side consumer reporter john matarese breaks
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some good news if you worry about other people seeing what you search for: google says encryption shields 77-percent of the requests sent from around the world to its data centers. centers. that means the majority of your information is scrambled so no one can read it if they get access to it. google says its encryption is up from 52 percent at the end of 20-13. the things that are most encrypted are its email, maps and advertising. google says it's still trying to overcome some of the technical issues with encryption. some older devices can't handle the current standards. this is a hot topic right now with the fight between apple and the f-b-i over unlocking the phone one of the san bernardino shooters used google is one of the major tech companies supporting apple along with microsoft and facebook. they say the government's request would set a dangerous precedent. like google... facebook is also reportedly working to
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and include more encryption. but one caution: if you do a lot of googling at work, assume that your boss and your company can see everything you search for! starts tomorrow.. and a lot of local teams made the on the now, we are there as xavier gets a big send off to the big dance. why are republicans fighting so hard against the president's supreme court nomination? it's more than
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welcome back to the now cincinnati... the xavier musketeers are on their way to saint louis! louis!tip-off against their first round opponent 'weber state' is just two days away... and today the number two seed team in the tournament was given a great send off by their fans.. from old to young ...including two little brothers brought there by their mom ... who says they were thrilled to see the team in person after watching them on t-v all season. big tall and on tv ...... be like them//we gotta be ready ...... no turning back back you can watch xavier play the weber state wildcats ... the
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president obama is getting help from an 11-year-old girl to create a winning bracket for march madness. the white house called her before the president made his picks to get her thoughts on the n-c-double-a tournament. that's because of this letter she sent the president last year. it says "i saw your bracket and i beat you." "you are a great president, just not the best bracket picker." in case you're still filling out your bracket... the president has kansas, texas a and m, michigan state and u-n-c heading to the final four this year. he has kanas winning the national title. and today's 'caption this' is taking on march madness.right now on our facebook page, on the 9 on your side facebook page we're asking for your help to come up with the top caption. if you can't come up with something clever, you can vote for your favorite by clicking "like" on one that's already there.the person behind the winning caption gets a wcpo insider subscription. today a northern kentucky county opened the area's first
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health workers hope it will serve as a weapon in the fight against heroin ... and as a means to stop the spread of 'another' kind of epidemic ... sharing dirty needles. needles.the region's reported rate of hepatitis c is at least 19 times higher than nationally.the new program opened this afternoon at the grant county health department in williamstown. addicts can remain anonymous .... and nurses will be on hand to offer treatment. even though it may take weeks to start reaching addicts ... workers believe the exchange will make a difference. jennifer hunter, director of clinical services, northern kentucky health department:>{0 7:35 "what everybody tells us is it takes some time for them [the addicts] to build trust. maybe the firs tor second week nobody will show up." {07:43{07:55 "we're ready for that. it might not happen. ..., but we'll just keep offering it week after week." the program is available every wednesday from one to four. grant county is the first location but hopefully not the last. the goal is to eventually open needle exchanges in kenton, campbell, and boone counties. right now-- a radiothon is
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children's hospital. and if you donate-- you might just get a special 'thanks.' 'thanks.'22 55 08 00 hi my name is carson and i heard you just donated 100 dollars.i did, carson.that donation will really help us. us.the hospital teamed up with the children's miracle network and cumulus radio for the 13 hour fundraiser.our friends from warm 98's bob and marianne in the morning are there.. as well as nash f-m. the money raised will help with some of the greatest needs of the medical center.. and then some. 22 56 08 28 it will help this hospital grow bigger and cure more people with cancer or skin diseases like me. 22 58 23 34 we're here to support kids like carson and he represents one of the 100s of thousands we support. it helps us provide hope for the future and today.22 55 29 06.. and
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game room or anything you can imagine. i'd say you could fill about 1,000 buses in here. here. the radiothon goes until 7 pm tonight-- there is still time to make a donation. you can find the number to call on warm 98's facebook page.. or donate online at cincinnati childrens dot org. and by the way-- since the radio teams are putting in such a long day, they're taking tomorrow off-- and ill be filling in for bob and marianne in the morning from 6-30 to 8 a-m. a lot of sun today -- a pretty nice day for the middle of march winds will be coming in from the west-southwest today at 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph. and temperatures will not as a warm. the cold front that passes early this morning will start ushering in cooler air. highs are expected in the mid 60s today. temperatures fall a bit more tonight, dropping into the mid 40s. while this is still well above normal for mid march, it's a bit of a change from the last few days. skies will be partly cloudy overnight. thursday is a partly cloudy and mild forecast. highs will end up
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friday is another dry day but cooler. highs will stay chilly only near 50 degrees. in fact, upper 40s with a chance for rain on both days. president obama makes his pick for the supreme court. he named merrick garland today as his nominee... pointing out his experience on the bench and his ability to build consensus. "this is the greatest honor of my life. [emotional] other 28 years ago."
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to the constitution and the law has been the cornerstone of his professional life. and he promises to continue on that course if he gets the job. the legal community is describing merrick garland as one of the most qualified nominees possible.. even so republicans are refusing to even hold hearings on the matter.. the now's todd walker is live at the supreme court with some perspective on why republicans are fighting so hard.. todd ... the supreme court has a lot more power than it used to.. or at least lawmakers and presidents give it more power.. it's the final word on constitutional matters when it didn't used to be.. so now who sits on the court.. and who gets appointed to it.. is one of the most important decisions in the country.. 7:14:42 it is really hard to to see any kind of principled objection to merrick garland as a judge other than he was nominated by president barrack
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judge he prosecuted the oklahoma city bombing trial. merrick garland is referred to as a legendary figure in washington dc.. words we heard to describe him today was brilliant.. fair and neutral.. known for leaving his personal ideology and philosophy out of the cases he's deciding as much as possible..7:13:30 nominating merrick garland to the supreme court is sort of like nominating cal ripken to the hall of fame there's almost no rational reason to oppose him :42scripps washington correspondent dick meyer says the reason republicans are fighting so hard against any obama nomination is the supreme court has more power.. and viewed as the final word on the constitution now.. like it never has in american history. 7:16:38 we might argue about it we might carp about it if we're on the losing side :43 we might complain that that's not a faithful rendering of the constitution but no one gets up and says hey who are these guys to decide :50
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was in 2000.. bush vs gore.. where the supreme court decided who became president of the united states.. and the next day al gore conceded saying he would respect the court's decision.we're told in history that never would have happened.. and some presidents like lincoln actually tried to add more justices to the bench to get a decision his way.the supreme court is seen as a much higher authority now.. so it makes sense why there is so much more pushback now. a famous name in judgement -- at the center of a different kind of court battle. battle.why one company says judge judy is making too much
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the woman known to millions as judge judy -- at the center of a lawsuit today.talent agency "rebel entertainment partners" has filed a lawsuit suing cbs television - claiming the media giant failed to pay it millions in profits.the suit goes on to claim that the
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*losing* money because of judge judith sheindlin's 47 million dollar annual salary. now here's carol with what's coming up next, starting at 5. 5. tanya, next at 5, we have a warning about breast cancer...i'll show you the telltale sign that medical tests failed to spot. and a downtown assault, out of nowhere: a man on his way to work, attacked in broad daylight in over the rhine. the victim's father talks with tj parker, as a warning to all of us. and now it's time for john kasich to deal with reality, after a thrilling win last night in ohio. our evan millward was there for last night's celebration. at 6, he looks at where kasich stands now, and what's next and tanya, next at 5, we continue to investigate that terrible car crash into the
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on why it's been so hard to reach the car and any passengers inside. tanya -- ad lib wrap a purple heart found -- in the unlikeliest of places. places.and the person who bought it refused to give up, until it was reunited with the
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all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time.
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you'll get 30 meg internet, tv, phone and more for $89.99 a month. and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. call now. you're watching the now on wcpo 9 on your side... a california bride nearly has her big day derailed -- after she's punched in the face at work!now a local police department is helping her put it all behind her. her.police say the woman was confronted by a disgruntled shopper at her job at a dollar tree in madera, california.she ended up being punched several times in the face leaving her with a dark black eye just days before her wedding. (sgt. dan foss, madera police dept) "the victim did very well and didn't fight back, and just tried to keep the
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she did that she was hit in the face." face."(carmen rivera, victim) "i felt like oh my gosh the week of, everything that could go wrong is about to go wrong and i got punched in the face." face."to help that woman -- police officers pooled their money together to hire a professional makeup artist who will now help the bride on her wedding day cover the brusing that covered her face and chest.she's now looking forward to her wedding which is in the coming days. it's given to members of the military for bravery.and one purple heart award was overlooked by workers at goodwill until it caught one couple's eye who made it their mission find the owner. nohelani graf with what else they found along the journey. it's a line the goodwill knows well..., one man's trash is another man's treasure. , , "4.99 purple jewelry" , , but when laurie hardy's husband spotted this...., , "for military merrit" , , they knew..., this is a treasure that someone had to be missing. , , "this is one of the highest military honors
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out to find the name on the purple heart...., eual h. whiteman., , "we thought, what an unusual name, i be we have a good chance of finding him." , , she started with facebook., tens of thousands of shares later..., she gets connected to phyllis lawson....the military hero's ex-sister-in-law. , , "i used to tell my kids about him" , , she says private whiteman's life was a bit of mystery to the family. , he'd let them know little tidbits..., like when he made the cover of life magazine in the 50's..., for bull riding. , , "movie nats" , , and was stuntman in the old western - the way west..., with sally fields and kirk douglas. , , "he was a very impressive looking man, very tall and muscular." , , but they had no idea just how impressive. , he never mentioned the purple heart..., an honor he shared with his own father. , he was also awared three battle stars, combat badge and presidential unit badge as a paratrooper during world war two. , eventually they lost touch. , so to learn it all now..., is everything. , , "legacy is something we don't have a lot
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a nephew in missouri eventually inherited the medal. he stored it in a box with a friend and somehow it ended up in the donation bin.private whiteman died in seattle in 1991 and is burried at a national cemetary in oregon. now the purple heart his headed home where it'll be mounted next to his father's medal. a final check on your 9 first warning weather forecast... julie and steve chat about weather winds will be coming in from the west-southwest today at 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph. and temperatures will not as a warm. the cold front that passes early this morning will start ushering in cooler air. highs are expected in the mid 60s today. temperatures fall a bit more tonight, dropping into the mid 40s. while this is still well above normal for mid march, it's a bit of a change from the last few days. skies will be partly cloudy
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partly cloudy and mild forecast. highs will end up near the 60 degree mark, which is again on the warm side. friday is another dry day but it's definitely going to be cooler. highs will stay chilly only near 50 degrees. in fact, this weekend highs drop to the upper 40s with a chance for
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today is national kick butts day.the first 'kick butts day' was held in 19-96.the day is dedicated to empowering kids to stand up to big is organized by the campaign for tobacco-free kids which is holding more than one thousand events in schools and communities today. new guidelines for opioid prescriptions... today the centers for disease control is telling doctors to stop writing those prescriptions.. .when possible. the now's anne mcnamara found out...the recommendation is a first-of- its-kind for the medical world. cover sot5:42 they're using the words...start low and go
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secret opioids like oxycontin and vicodin -- are morphine-like -- and addictive. but now...the cdc seems to think *even doctors* need a reminder. robert valuck, phd | cu skaggs school of pharmacy1:40 this is really the first time cdc has waded into the water of giving prescribers advice on how to practice medicine, so that's very controversial. graphic 3 primary care physicians prescribe almost half of all opiates. but there is no legal obligation for them to follow the new recommendation -- to stop writing opioid prescriptions...when possible. 2:50 they are not laws and they are not regulations, so doctors don't **have to do it. but -- the guidelines kind of become standard of practice...professor robert valuck says he agrees with the guidelines...nats pharmacist dumping pillsthat opiates are only safe to take for a few days...before patients can develop an addiction. graphic 2 the number of deaths are disturbing -- 40 americans dying from overdoses every single day. of the survivors...nearly two million abuse the drug or are dependent. so make sure you ask...3:44 why are you
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really need this? are their alternatives? valuck says opioids are not effective for all pain...and patients who are prescribed them should not expect the pain to go away entirely. for the now...i'm anne mcnamara there are some exceptions in the new guidelines...mainly for cancer treatments and end-of-life care. a group of moms is lobbying congress today to create new federal rules for contact sports for kids. they want lawmakers to ban heading in soccer, tackling in football and checking in hockey for anyone under age 14. they're also trying to get a hundred young brains eventually donated to the brain bank at boston university. that's where they study c-t-e... the brain disease that has been linked to concussions. todd palin -- remains in intensive care today -- following a snow mobile accident over the weekend.but his family says he will pull through. through.palin is the husband of former alaska governor and vice presidential nominee sarah palin.according to family members, todd has multiple broken bones fracturing eight ribs, a
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"part of alaska living you get out there and you do these types of things and enjoy them and hopefully you don't have any major problems but this was a major problem." problem."the crash happened while todd was headed to his cabin. sarah palin was campaigning for republican frontrunner donald trump when the accident happened, but returned to alaska to be with her husband. a stunning crash - and police say both drivers were in the wrong. wrong.what they did -- that experts say you should never
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@2 introducing longhorn' s big, bold, steaks. our new 10 ounce filet. our 16 ounce t-bone. and our fire grilled 18 ounce outlaw ribeye.
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you cant fake steak. a crash caught on camera is causing a debate over which driver was in the wrong. check out that suv tailgating another driver.then that driver in front hits their brakes -- a move commonly known as a brake check -- and that suv spins out of control,
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police say following too closely is a big problem these days.and brake checking is the wrong way to go. kris engebretson/owner, advanced driver training) "both vehicle operators were at fault in some way. the vehicle following too closely and the vehicle doing the brake check should've realized 'ok what are the consequences going to be if i do this brake check." check."the driver who crashed was cited.and wisconsin police are now looking for the driver behind the brake check because he could be charged as well. tragedy in texas when dozens of dogs died in a fire at a humane society.investigators in beaumont -- about an hour away from houston -- believe the fire was caused by a dryer. about 200 animals were at the shelter at the time and 67 of them the facility is asking for people to come forward to adopt and foster the surviving animals -- can stay. as we were watching election results come last night -- those to our west rode out some pretty strong storms. a massive tree fell on an apartment building in rock
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wet enough and the was storm powerful enough it uprooted the large tree.dozens of nearby college students live in that building.they were allowed to return today to belongings. sam schlouch augustana college: :36 i think a few student would be stunned to have a tree fall on their home. we wish it didn't happen but the students are resilient so we are grateful for that that that tree wasn't the only damage though.a powerline came down outside a local bar too - - sending sparks into the air and forcing officials to close down streets.the best news in all of this though is that no injuries were reported. that's it from the now cincinnati. cincinnati.9 on your side at 5 starts an unreachable feat.a car falls into the ohio river.why it will be days before crews can recover the car - and anyone inside. breaking now - a missing e-m-t surrenders!this man: missing since he was questioned about
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digs into where he is now. one uneasy trip to the zoo.a enclosure! "they're going to snap and they could attack somebody" somebody"why the zoo insists - no guests were in danger. a woman shares her subtle signs of breast cancer.her personal photo goes viral! we'll tell you this woman's mission tonight. 9 on your side at five starts now! a car that fell off the combs- hehl bridge will stay there for days!a crash sent that car into the're looking at video of the aftermath. it's exclusive video from chopper nine.. tonight we know crews won't reach that vehicle until sunday - or perhaps even monday. monday. 9 on your side's jason law is live in chopper 9 with why getting to the car--and the potential passengers inside-- isn't so
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we're live in chopper 9 -the only local helicopter bringing you breaking news first. i want to switch you to the outside camera view to show you the two factors that are keeping divers from getting to that car at the bottom of the river. 1) the current is strong, moving around 5 miles per hour. 2) the water levels are already high-and still rising. right now recovery crews are devising a plan to get down there, but it's going to take a few days. somewhere under the combs-hehl (hail) bridge, at the bottom of the ohio river is a car. investigators say they still can't tell exactly what kind of car or who owns it, or even if anyone is in it. the campbell county police department said it's possible the vehicle is red in color, possibly a "pontiac grand prix" captain dale appel told 9 on


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