tv Nightline ABC March 19, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EDT
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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, beauty and the drug lord. kate dell castillo, the mexican superstar whose cloak and dagger meeting wilt the drug kingpin el chapo shocked fans around the world. how the flirtatious messages with el chapo began. >> a crush? >> maybe, yes. >> new details of her journey with actor sean penn to spend time with the drug kingpin. prince charming, the royal who warms our hearts. he talks about his time piloting helicopters for the army,
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the wounded warriors, and his mother's legacy. the jaw-dropping verdict. the website gawker ordered to pay former wrestling star hulk hogan $wun 115 million in his second tape lawsuit and that's before punitive damages. first the "nightline 5." what's your dog food's first ingredient? in purina one, chicken is number one. no corn, wheat or soy. support your on dog's whole body health with purina one. i live in fine details. i run on quick books. i use the payments app to accept credit cards and everything auto syncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it.
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good evening. it was a moment that shocked the world. two-time is on carwiner shane penn tracking ing ing down and shaking hands with the notorious drug kingpin el chapo. his ticket in, the glamorous mexican superstar kate dell castillo castillo. did the fugitive harbor a crush on the actress? new light shed on the strange and dangerous saga. >> reporter: you're looking into the eyes of a mystery. >> his eyes just penetrate you. like a dagger. >> reporter: the drug lord joaquin el chapo guzman, the man so dangerous and elusive no prison can hold him. the largest manhunt since osama bin laden is under way to find him when surveillance pictures show someone is about to get there first. not the police. not the army. wait a minute. is that the american actor sean
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and who is the woman with him? can it be the supernova of mexican television? actress kate del castillo? her biggest role reina del sur, queen of the south. she plays teresa mendoza, a beautiful and rapacious drug lord. within three months of these pictures el chapo's pursuers will move in and nab their man. didn't you know you were under surveillance? >> no r. to be honest, i didn't think about it. >> you thought you were going to get in and out and no one would know? >> yes. >> reporter: what is the story? how on earth did this whole strange saga begin? one night she said she was sitting at a computer, just free associating about her philosophy of life. and then in one sentence she lights a fuse that will create an explosion. >> today i believe more in el chapo guzman than in the government. >> reporter: she urges the drug
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>> you would be the hero of heroes. let's strike it with love. you know how to. life is a business. the only thing that changes is the merchandise. >> reporter: one day she gets a call. >> and they said, we are juan joaquin's lawyers. and i was in shock. i was in shock. and they said, senor guzman wants you to do a movie about him. he wants to give you the rights of his life. and i was -- why me? >> why you, why? >> and they said, well, because he's a fan of yours. he loved your character la reina. you tell the truth, you're brave. >> reporter: she says she's not sure if she'll produce a documentary or a movie, but she tells the lawyers she'll finance it legitimately. >> not a penny from him? >> not a penny from him. he -- i mean -- they asked me,
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are we charging for it -- and i'm like, no, not -- no. >> is there anyone so repellent, so destructive, not going to find out who hitler really was, not going to find out who pol pot really was -- >> as an actor and filmmaker i cannot say no it's a big opportunity to have for the first time someone tell his story being alive. being the biggest drug lord. >> reporter: she says she's now found two producers to raise money for the chapo movie project and they tell her they have another well-known hollywood friend. the actor sean penn. >> you know, this big hollywood actor will give me more credibility. you know, about -- that i'm serious with this movie. >> reporter: when they meet, he has an idea. take the fugitive el chapo up on his offer for a meeting and he, sean penn, will go with her. so she asks to meet with el chapo and bring some of her colleagues and the answer comes back yes.
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man himself. i have faith you will be comfortable, i will care for you more than i do for my own eyes. she responds, i am so moved that you say you will take care of me, no one has ever taken care of me. it's a little seductive, that line, isn't it? >> when your life is at risk? i don't think so. you know, so i -- are you sure that we're going to be okay, by being okay means i'm going to be alive? >> reporter: if she's being pleasant, so is el chapo, who's known to have a soft spot for beautiful women. we count 37messages to his lawyers. >> is he sa accusing you, are you seducing him? who's the cat, who's the mouse? >> i don't think it was necessarily me, kate del castillo. i think he had a crush on mendoza. >> a crush? wait a minute. >> maybe an admirer? i don't know.
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i don't know, we'll have to ask him. >> reporter: in the meantime, up in the mountains, the mysterious king of the drug trade has embarked on a kind of cartel party planning. following instructions, the actors go from their own chartered plane to a small plane sent by el chapo. it's designed to fly very low on the mountains, evading radar. finally, about 10:00 or 11:00, they arrive at a clearing on the mountain so dark she doesn't see who is opening her door. >> and he said, amiga! that's how i knew it was him, he called me amiga. oh my god, i couldn't believe we were there. i was just -- i didn't know how to react. >> did he embrace you, kiss you what did he do? >> he kissed me on the cheek and embraced me. >> reporter: when del castillo moved into light she looked at the man rarely seen by the outside world. >> he's actually taller than i thought. because they call him chapo, shorty. >> seven hours.
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>> he talked about his mom. he wanted me to meet her. >> reporter: she says his face appears more like a man who wants to give up running. >> i sensed that he was probably tired. >> reporter: but he confirms he is sending an ocean of drugs to world. did he say, i supply more cocaine, and marijuana than anybody else in the world? >> yes. but he still loves his kids. and he still loves his mom. so there's something -- there's love inside there somewhere. >> reporter: and she notices as he talks the crime boss displays almost suburban manners. >> he doesn't even say a bad word. and nobody around him smokes or does drugs. it was like, oh, sean is the only one who smokes here. >> do you have a picture? >> yes. >> can we see it? >> sure. >> reporter: this is her picture. the drug lord in blue shoes and
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as the party rolls on into early morning, the drug lord apparently takes a look at his tv dream girl and notices that this is a woman who may have had one tequila too many. >> he said, i think you have to go to bed, i think the tequila -- i was tipsy. and i said, yes, i think it's time. >> tipsy, like dizzy tipsy? >> yeah, a little bit. well you know tequila just got to you. you your room. where i was going to spend the night. and it was the only time that we were alone. that was really scary. when we turned around and we were alone, out of anybody's sight, i was waiting for him to make a move or just grab me probably in a different way. you know men. i had no idea what intentions, you know. in my head it was -- everything happened, in my head. and my partners couldn't do anything. >> what would you have done if he'd have made a move?
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>> you must have thought about it. >> i don't -- i don't know, diane, i don't know. >> reporter: he did something startling, he simply tried to steady her on her feet. >> i actually got the guts to tell him, amigo -- we were walking. amigo, just don't forget what i said on my tweet originally. you're a powerful man. you can do something good. and he said, that's good, amiga, you have a great heart, do it. and he said, i'm not staying here, you won't see me tomorrow, i never stay where my guests are for their security. >> reporter: with that the dangerous drug lord vanishes. january 8th, 2016. before dawn, troops move in on a house in a coastal city and el chapo is there. and they nab him. the mexican government said the ability to track her trip was essential to the capture of el chapo, though yesterday they told us it was just a contributing element.
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trouble with the drug lord? >> do members of the cartel think you led to the capture of their leader? >> i don't think so. >> reporter: and the mexican attorney general has openly insinuated that del castillo may have come close to money laundering. >> i have not received one cent from the guy. >> reporter: she says one of her mistakes was being naive about sean penn's "rolling stone" article. as of tonight, dell castillo says it still stings penn has been calling himself a journalist, while in the article she is called "our ticket to el chapo." >> he got it right in that way. you know, because he wouldn't be there if it was not for me. >> aren't you angry at him? >> yes, a little bit. i am. but again -- i'm angry at myself. because i believe in people. and i didn't know sean penn. >> reporter: tonight the drug kingpin is sitting in the same mexican prison where he escaped last year. and there's something that may surprise you. you're still in touch?
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>> reporter: that film project is on. has he agreed to go forward? still? >> yes. >> it will be your choice, your call? >> it will be my call. and everything will be on my control. for sure. >> you're still going to do it? even at this price? >> yeah. more than -- more than before, you know, yeah. it's cost me so much in so many ways. >> our thanks to diane sawyer. up next, prince harry opens up to robin roberts about riding roller coasters with his mother, her enduring legacy, and his own desire to have kids. later, hulk hogan wins an astonishing payout in his sex tape lawsuit against gawker. at if we did for mortgages what the internet did for buying music and plane tickets and shoes? you would turn an intimidating process into an easy one. you could get a mortgage on your phone.
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wouldn't more people buy homes? and wouldn't those buyers need to fill their homes with lamps and blenders and sectional couches with hand-lathed wooden legs? and wouldn't that mean all sorts of wooden leg-making opportunities for wooden leg makers? and wouldn't those new leg makers own phones from which they could quickly and easily secure mortgages of their own, further stoking demand for necessary household goods as our tidal wave of ownership floods the country with new homeowners, who now must own other things and isn't that the power of america itself now shrunk to fit the hands of a child, or, more helpfully, a home-buying adult. anyway. that's what we were
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you know, the bachelor prince harry has made his share of headlines in the past. after a decade of flying army helicopters and going into combat, the now 31-year-old royal dedicating himself to supporting wounded warriors and his mother's legacy. abc's robin roberts sits down with the charming prince in london. >> reporter: prince harry, fifth in line to the british crown, captivates the world. he's no average royal, he's down
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and just as committed to service. >> we will do everything we can to make sure that she's never forgotten and carry on all of the special gifts as such that she had and she portrayed while she was alive. >> reporter: who she was, so much a part of who he is. memories of her all around. here at kensington palace. this room. this is the home where you grew up. >> this used to be our mom's sitting room. we had to make that decision between the two of us. are we ready to go back into the house we grew up in? i'm glad we have. because it's that constant reminder, not that we ever forget, we think of her every day. >> the family thaw, your brother, your sister-in-law have built, what do you think your mother would feel about this family? >> she's looking down with tears in her eyes, being incredibly proud of what we've established, i suppose. i'm sure she's longing for me to have kids so she can be a
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but i hope that everything we do privately and officially, that it makes her proud. >> reporter: prince harry and prince william keep their mother's spirit alive through her charities. earlier this year, prince harry visited the hospital where diana famously worked to destigmatize aids, and he formed citabale o'clock means "forget me not" in honor of his late mother to help the vulnerable children of lesoto, many of whom are infected with the disease. and like his mother, prince harry isn't afraid to show his softer side. >> everyone needs a hug every now and then. it so happens that i've been told over and over i'm very good with hugs, which is great, good at big giving hugs, fantastic. >> reporter: one of prince harry's proudest moments, his service as a helicopter pilot and veteran of the war in afghanistan. >> ten years in the army was the
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an escape from all sorts of intrusions. i also felt as though i was really achieving something. i felt as though i was part of a team. >> reporter: prince harry was so attached to his team, he says he was devastated when he was pulled out of the war zone. after his top-secret deployment was revealed by foreign media. >> prince harry is back in britain, quickly withdrawn from the front lines of afghanistan after a secret army deployment was revealed. >> i'd done everything i could to get out there. being plucked out of my team -- and there was an element of me thinking, i'm an officer, i'm leaving my soldiers, and it's not my own decision. i was broken. plane. while i'm sitting there, i look through the curtain in the front, and there's three of our lads wrapped up in plastic, missing limbs. one of the guys clutching a little test tube of shrapnel head. he's in a coma clutching this. i thought, people don't get to
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these people are role models and they need to be celebrated more amongst society. >> reporter: prince harry makes a special point of celebrating the servicemen and women critically injured on their tours of service. creating the invictus games, an athletic competition for wounded veterans. >> some of these guys should be dead. never before have we had so many amputees survive from such unbelievably traumatic injuries. i'm now lucky enough to watch someone who should be dead run the 100 meters. you want a definition of inspiration? that's probably it. >> how's the training going? >> it's going well. >> reporter: his bond with the athletes is apparent already mike goode, a former aircraft man who served in the royal air force, injured when his patrol was hit by an ied. he lost his left leg and suffered post-traumatic stress. he triumphantly came back to take five medals in swimming in the 2014 games.
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harry here encurbing youal every step of the way? >> in all honesty, prince harry's been a legend. he was literally boosting everything, pumping everything, getting everyone going, really encouraging, drumming up support. >> i understand you have a bit of a tattoo. do you mind sharing what that says? >> i'll miss my friend. an arrow pointing left. >> that's the humor you were talking about. >> more training, come on. no one wants sympathy. all they want is an opportunity to prove themselves. that's what this is all about. >> reporter: the next invictus games will be held this spring in orlando. another place that brings back memories of his mother. >> weirdly, actually, it will be my first time to florida, to disney world. i ended up going there with her. it's one of my very, very happy memories of going to disney
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went on space mountain 14 times. that's the best thing ever. >> our thanks to robin roberts. our sister network espn will be covering the invictus games in orlando, florida, this may. the shocking conclusion to the hulk hogan gawker sex tape lawsuit next. what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena
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gawker, says the fight is not over. >> we feel very positive about the appeal that we have already been preparing and we expect to win this case ultimately. >> thanks for watching abc news. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow. and as always, we're online at and on our facebook page. good night, america. have a great weekend. starts now. don't like whiskey, drink again. three things you didn't know
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kick off the weekend with the best things to watch. feed everybody, including your dog. i love, love this. welcome to the show, i'm tesch visa strasser. i'm donna. let's start with the three at the top of the list. >> thanks so much. can you smell this? feel it and every cell of your body. spring is almost here. and it's at number one. >> ready, i'm are deed he, i'm re-read re-ready. >> springtime for it to begin this sunday. it's about time. but while allot of us had to battle rain sleet and snow, we had to beat back a lot of sunshine. >> get this, december and january, hottest temps worldwide for the respective months. topping that february was the hottest month ever recorded globally. keep in mind, half of the world is experiencing summer right now. and also, keep in mind, not many people are complaining.
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