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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 22, 2016 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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that type of attack versus an explosive eventings attack is a little bit different. >> we're going t take a break. for some believe it or not -- >> this is a dance competition. >> see if a slight miscalculation cost her the win. >> how did that happen? her rally driver sticks the landing but not for long. the amazing angle of what it's like to stop, drop, roll. a man spots something from -- >> up above a 250-foot cliff. >> the risky move to save a helpless creature.
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>> would you be interested in march madness? >> a pickup girl to take a girl from -- and a construction worker with something stuck in his finger. see if his crew can nail the solution. >> start to take your finger out as fast as you can. >> ah! if i could show you a scene, it would be drop it like it's hot! whoa! >> no, no, no! how does that happen? >> i'll tell you how it happens, sis. this is a dance competition. and it's after hours dance in orlando. this woman lit her crotch on fire. >> no! >> she lit it.
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>> not by lighting your crotch on fire. >> she only suffered minor burns. she won the crown. and she was back in the dance studio the next day. she didn't miss one beat. also in florida, this is domenick and jessica. they are doing a little number to kesha's "we are we are." here are two more cheerleaders backing them up. she takes the situation. she's accustomed to doing stuff, but she normally has -- she normally has -- she lowers herself in the sunroof when -- you hear it, she's okay. but the laughter at this table proves why this is going viral.
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this when the car was stopped. doesn't that look pretty? 100-acre woods. guy standing out in the field there getting pictures. another guy over there -- >> gorgeous. >> not for long! this is the middle of a rally race. an american rally race called the 100-acre wood. >> oh! >> that's what we were waiting for. >> whoa, whoa, whoa! >> that's peter fatella coming over this huge air. the sub subaru gets some air, clips one of the fence posts maybe and that just sends the car tumbling. we have plenty of angles of this incident. watch. oh!
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now i know you're wondering, the guy did end up okay. they were bruised and sore from their bodies getting tossed about inside the car. but no serious injuries. here's yet another angle of this jump. if you love rally, this is why you watch, you love seeing these big jumps. sometimes they don't always stick the landing. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. be careful, dad! >> that's karen lamar, he's 36 years old and lives in england. the thing he went to pick up is a puppy. and it's not his puppy. >> is he in a sewage drain? >> he's up above the 250-foot cliff. he called the fire brigade but they probably wouldn't get there in time. so he decided to climb down and take care of himself. >> that's a big risk to take,
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camera pans back you realize. >> when you do something like that, you have to be confident. because in the past, he's been a window cleaner. he says if you get the shakes and nervous, you shouldn't do it. but if you have confidence, you should be okay. so he was confident, he could just climb down there and get the puppy and then realized, it was kind of risky. >> well, now his daughter is like, my dad is a puppy hero! yay, dad! can we keep him? can we keep him? >> well, the puppy's open wner was one of the people looking down and wondering what to do and they were reunited. everybody is happy. this video is two fox cubs. they were found at a turkey farm in england. and wildlife aid was called and they said -- >> what about the buffet. >> if you don't come and get theme we'll have them destroyed, so the wildlife rescue came in to rescue them.
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contact with humans because that's what wildlife aid does they rehabilitate animals to put them back out in the wild. >> i clearly couldn't work there. >> wildlife aid gets it done. what you are going to see in this video is a match. quite literally, 6,000 matches all lined up one next to each other. this is basically the domino effect. >> i'm going to love this. >> me, too. go! >> doing this inside? >> i know. and on a wooden table. >> and it just spread. it's like dominos falling over one after the other. and it gets warmer and hotter and slowly the fire consumed it all. the really interesting part was, though, when i saw the later video, it's 14 minutes. i figured it would happen a lot quicker, a lot more explosive. but it turns out no. >> and it burns the whole time? >> that is until the very last bit of fire goes out. you can see right there in the middle, the matches are lying
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it looks like some sort of spaghetti dish gone wrong. >> i would just like to point out that the person who lit these matches lit it and ran. we would have a very different video if not. she's crossing the street, minding her own business when -- >> oh. >> see the amazing rescue. and this dog is obsessed with disneyland. so they decided to put all of his wife's mini ears on honey. >> the dogs get ready for cuteness overload. starting at just $6.99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, r
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floyd doesn't believe he can get his taxes done for nothing. so we brought in dr. kaku to explain what we mean by nothing. it means it's free
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closed captioning provided by -- new act batman rinse tastes great and helps reduce cavities up to 40% for better checkups. act kids. this video's involving kids, animals and grandparents. just warm my heart. introducing this 80-year-old grandmother. you see her with her hands over her eyes. >> she's about to see a cute little fry. >> all right, open them. >> aww! >> and they call it. puppy love >> oh, no. no! >> yes. >> do you love her? >> aww. is this mine?
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>> you see grandma tear up here instantly when they introduce her to her new fur baby. because she lost her fur baby on christmas eve. while they can never replace the one she had, there's so much love to give for the new one. >> that one is going to be spoiled rotten. >> you think? >> all of this was posted on our facebook page. and i'm glad they shared. this lady walking across that very well marked crosswalk business. everybody following the rules of the road. look at this. >> oh, come on. >> wait! he's still driving! >> yeah. somehow that distracted driver inside that van does not see her. >> it's the level of did traction. there's an impact, he still doesn't stop. run over to her, he still doesn't stop.
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formally tune fortunately the people are able to lift the van and pull her out. as bad as it looks, she walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. >> these things weigh about 20 pounds. >> formally they do weigh 20 pounds because they are saving people's lives. this also in china. this man right here just got out of that taxi. apparently they're referred to as black taxis. they are not allowed to operate. the vehicle in front of the car is a police car that's blocking the imfrom being able to proceed. the passenger is trying to grab his bag from the trunk of the car but the taxi driver decides that's the perfect time to take off. >> no! >> oh, man. you just -- oh, come on. >> right over him. >> drags him under the car. and once he starts driving forward, finally the passenger is able to release from under the car. >> and the guy gets up and walks
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>> but before he can get to his bags, the driver takes off. >> no, he does not. >> come on, man. >> the officer's reaction is almost nonexistent. >> eventually after a few hours, they did get their man and the passenger also walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. >> a few hours, what did they do, go to lunch? the owner of this dog says his wife is obsessed with disneyland and decided to put all his wife's minnie ears on honey, the dog. >> not mini small, minnie mouse. >> that's cute. >> that's a well-behaved dog. >> but look at this dog. almost looks like an ewok. please give me the treat you're holding over the camera because it's delicious. look. >> i thought that was a stuffed dog. the dog doesn't move, blink, breathe or anything.
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be nice. good puppy. >> that little dog is stella. and stella really wants what domino that big black dog has. but let me just warn you, all things are not as they appear. other. >> good thing the bigger dog is there just in case. >> this was posted to our "right this minute" facebook page. and what i love about this story is that this story has a climax. >> nice move, stella. >> we were playing. i trusted you. stella! stella! >> stella got you, boy. dudes give the pregnancy diet a shot. >> what's the pregnancy diet? eating everything in sight,
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>> no. >> see how long they can hang. >> totally failing his test. plus, a situation we can't quite put our finger on. >> he's got a nail in his finger. >> oh, he's got a finger nail. >> learn how to extract a nail aussie style. >> oh, dude!
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there's a world of flavor in every jelly bell y promotional considerations provided by -- kids mix. 20 flavors kids love! you can save over 500 bucks when you switch to progressive. that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... standing by for fun. we have had several videos on this show before as guys try
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through in pregnancies. the guys try a pregnancy diet. >> oh, i was like, we have to be >> no. >> is this guy eating everything in sight with pickles and ice cream. >> i got these guys to start the pregnancy diet. no alcohol. no deli meat. no lunch meat, hot dogs, smoked seafood, sauce, cheeses, no. >> you can't have sliced turkey? >> no. because there's a risk of listeria associated with it, including unpasteurized milk or juice. no raw meat, no raw eggs, no raw sea food or shellfish. there's risk of listeria, salmonella or other infections. >> now it makes sense why women are eating pickles and ice cream because i don't see any of that on the list. i'm hungry. >> this is the one i struggled with, no caffeine. but there is a risk of dehydration or even miscarriage.
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this stuff. these guys have to try this diet for two weeks. how are they going to do? lest let's find out. >> i'm at a drive-through. i have never done a diet where i can't eat things so i just don't know what to eat. >> this is driving me crazy. >> do you have any idea how it feels? >> well, i'm on month seven. so it's only like 50 times -- >> deal with it. >> it doesn't take long for him to start drinking. >> i had a couple drinks with camaraderie going. >> totally failing his test. >> it's easier for them to cheat. consequence. >> exactly. >> they at least get some sensitivity or some way to stand their woman. >> i am dramatically changing the way in which i order sandwiches. >> there's a big lesson he
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puppy's first lemon. [ dog barking ] this guy hits a two-by-four at a construction because he has a nail in his finger. >> he has a finger nail. >> this happened last april but now he's getting a lot of attention because there's a nail through his finger and they don't go to the hospital. there's a clamp being applied to a 2 by 4. the hand being held in place. just listen to the highly technical medical advice he's giving. >> ah. why would you allow them to do this? >> poor guy. there are things you have to get done today, too.
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construction site because you have a finger nail. >> oh, dude. >> just clean through. >> his finger is already super swollen and purple. i wouldn't mess with it. >> i would want to go to the doctor just to get a tetanus shot. >> are you [ bleep ] serious? >> they are just going to grab it. >> this is amazing. >> that guy's got a pair of pliers and a about to pull -- we'll see how quickly it goes. >> do it. do it. >> yeah! and australia, ladies and gentlemen. >> looked a them all wearing their safety gear. >> tank tops -- there you go. that is how you extract a nail. i wish you would date me.
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>> he's got plen fi ty of pickup lines. >>. he's got plenty of pickup lines and pranks taking their shot with march madness pickup lines. >> oh, smart. >> all across america families are coming back to time warner cable for a whole new experience. that's because we've been working hard to give you better service, and it shows. pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. oh she's impressed. we're catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. for $89.99 a month you'll get 30 meg internet, hundreds of hd channels and unlimited calling. twc's home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. so we can all watch whatever we want. and that's kinda cool. call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get internet, tv and phone. there's no contract, no risk and our money-back guarantee.
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thing, head over to and click on tv show or our mobile app. spring may have sprung but coming. we are all excited because everyone is super excited. now it's a good thing winter is coming or in this case already arrived at this place. simon beck is out there taking one step at a time to create something truly spectacular. now, as he faces this stark landscape, the situation that he faces with the challenge in front of him is dire. i'm not sure i can put any more pun/clues into this as far as
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anybody want to guess? >> i don't watch the series. anybody. there you go. the camera guy's got it. [ applause ] many people are going to recognize this. in fact, simon walked 20 miles to create this inkrebl wolf. in fact, winter is coming. it's epic! >> it's fantastic. can you help me out with something really fast right around this corner? >> stranger danger! >> that has warning, stop right here, written all over it. stay away. >> it is march madness. so the guy is defining pranks and taking their best shot with march madness pickup lines. >> how would i help you if i have no idea?
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i'm a man and women are smarter than men. >> smart. >> she immediately was like, hmm. >> she wanted to use the phantom word. >> look at the face on her friend. >> she's not going with you and i'm not going to let her make any bad decisions. >> and she's like, good luck. >> oh, hi, oh -- >> i'm curious. are you -- will you go all the way? >> funny. >> it is like a 16 seed playing a 1 seed. i was wanting if you guys wanted to march madness and chill. >> i don't want to march madness with you, honey. thank you. >> what do you mean? >> hey. she got to the point. >> girl, you're a 16 seed in my eyes. there's nothing you can do to upset me. >> okay. what is a 16 seed? >> most of the ladies entertained his march madness
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goofy and funny and they are in vegas, so why not? >> we are in vegas with a guy so sorry. >> you are in vegas with a guy? more videos you ask?
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11:00 am
>> announcer: "the view" is live right now. terror in brussels, deadly attacks overseas, the world on edge. how will it impact voters on u.s. soil? plus morgan freeman talks about hanging with whoopi at the oscars and the viral moment where he stole the show. then "o" yeah! it's "view your deal," oprah style. we've partnered with vendors for more than half of the hottest stuff from the o-list.


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