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tv   9 On Your Side at 11  ABC  March 23, 2016 2:07am-2:37am EDT

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brussels remains on lockdown... an international manhunt underway after terror attacks that killed 34 people and wounded 190. its four in the morning there. and... the images from the explosions haunt the city's residents. "run, run, run, run. (sound of chaos) chaos)the chilling video shot just moments after the explosion in brussels' main airport.the islamic state is taking responsibility for the attacks at the airport and a subway station. since june of 20-14... 75 attacks by isis have killed nearly 13-hundred people. "this is yet another reminder that the world must unite. we must be together regardless of nationality or race or faith in fighting against the scourge of terrorism." terrorism."among the nine american victims... 19 year old mason wells of utah. the mormon missionary suffered
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his parents are grateful he is alive. "we're just grateful for the news that we got. yeah, he's injured, but you know he's going to make it through just fine. he was blessed signficantly by god." god."two other mormon missionaries.. and an unnamed lieutenant colonel are among the other american victims. right now.. this is the most wanted man in the world. he entered the airport with the other two bombers. his role isn't clear but belgium's interior minister says he left his bomb behind when it didn't go off.intelligence agencies around the world tonight are working feverisly to discover all of their identities. nine on your side has been covering this for you since it broke early this morning. tonight in brussels.. an informal memorial to the victims.. people placing flowers on a sidewalk. and events are still developing by the minute. for the latest we go to a-b-c's ray raimundi in new york. tonight....while brussells is under darkness....ongoing raids continue across the
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international manhunt for this man....who authorities have now identified as a suspect in the brussells airport attack nats of smoke and people screaming(gfx)investigators say it all started around 8 monday morning. two the departure hall?outside the security checkpoint. the terminal?filled with smoke. people frantically running for safetysot - aptn"big bang, everybody cried and came along here.. we saw a kind of smoke you know" the force so great...ceilings collapsed. people lying ontop of one another. and the horror --- continued. (gfx- marquardt's pkg) 9:11 am?just an hour after the airport explosion?seven miles away.... another suicide bomb goes off near the offices of the european union. nats of child screaming from subway carthe target -- a packed metro car. children...screaming in fear. sot - from aptn"when i was outside i saw two people who with heads covered, covered in blood. // it was the first time i had seen such a thing in my life" the aftermath...leading to hundreds of injuries?among those...9 americans... including mormon missionaries richard norby, joseph empey and mason wells?all seriously
2:10 am in the enforcement officials whipping out the armor. security -- beefed up at major transportation hubs across america. including new york...a top targetsot - mayor bill de blasio (ray will pick sot)ingested in interplay as 5533 de blasio security presser times square wabc @17:18:52 - 17:19:00"and seeing how well protected it is?and seeing really the elaborate and sophisticated operations the nypd ghas in place to protect everyone. and as brussels international sign of solidarity. messages of prayers and condolences...scrib bled in chalk on the streets of brussels. other late developments tonight.. police are getting a break from the taxi driver who brought the men to the airport.. telling officers exactly where he picked them up. the state department is urging americans in europe right now to be extra careful. in the united states... police departments in new york.. washington.. are visibly on patrol. around 2-dozen university of cincinnati students are in
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all of them safe... but still rattled by these attacks. 9 on your side's john genovese spoke with one of them tonight. he joins us live with his account. john. david verchick is a senior here at u-c and taking part in a co-op program. he describes this day as surreal...and as the bombs were going off... he was a short train ride away terror rocking brussels. two bombs going off in the airport... then -- another at a subway station not far away03:39"i kinda just pulled up a live update online -- i know a bunch of my coworkers had pulled up the same thing" 'david verchick' is a senior at the university of cincinnati. he's taking part in a co-op design program... living and working in 'antwerp' ... about a half- hour train ride from the attacks03:55"at one point we did find out the antwerp central station was being shut down and evacuated and no one really knew why. we could see tuesday night -- around 2-dozen u-c students were staying in belgium -- all of them safe. most are on a trip
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business. david -- and one other... arrived there two months ago04:17"definitely that weird feeling of this could've been me, this could've been someone i know -- especially cause people from our office are always traveling to brussels and traveling to the eu and european commission"with police and the military on high alert. david says it's a solemn feeling -- and hours later -- the country's still in shock. in two days -- he and a coworker would've been passing through the same airport where it happened12:22 "it's just weird having things happen like so close. like i was saying again, it's kinda strange, could've been me, could've been someone i know feeling" david says that subway station near his office and many others have been closed indefinitely. there's no word yet on when the airport will reopen. john genovese 9oys miami university is known for its overseas studies program.
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one student in belgium - who is accounted for and safe. tonight.. people around the world are showing their solidarity with the people of brussels. the eiffel tower is bathed in the colors of the belgian flag.... as is the netherlands royal palace in amsterdam. in new york... one world trade center is also lit up with the colors of the belgian flag. and here in cincinnati... the sign on the duke energy convention center is also lit-up with the belgian colors ... black... yellow and red. that's why you see the black band in the middle of the cincinnati sign. nine on your side will continue to work this story for you overnight. we'll bring you updates on wcpo dot com and our mobile app. plus.. join us for good morning tri- state starting at four-30 for all the breaking developments. also making news tonight.... north college hill schools are taking extraordinary security measures after two days of threats. there will be restrictions on what students can bring to school. nine on your side's evan millward joins us with more on
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a sad commentary on the state of affairs - from the chief. here's the deal - for the rest of the week no one can bring in a backpack, purse, anything like it here.the schools just uninterrupted day. it is getting old.chief ryan schrand/north college hill police department 162248 we've identified that it's the same caller, same cell phone, and have taken steps to remedy that.a clearly frustrated police chief.- partnering with schools here the rest of the week on heavy security changes. schrand 162401 they're not going to be allowed to bring purses, not going to be allowed to bring backpacks or any other items to carry stuff into the school for the next three days.two days - two calls - two threats - and two means kids aren't in class learning. schrand 162430 this was the best hope that we could do to salvage the the morning - police dogs will have swept the schools multiple times.and that's part of what pains the polcie chief. schrand 162457 you know, when i started in law enforcement, this was not really heard of you didn't have to deal with
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you've got to wake up and pay attention to these things because they're happening everywhere.his priority - this week - keeping kids safe in tracing the cell phone that's been making false threats.schrand 162629 i have a feeling it's somebody that's local, that knows this school. and people talk. again - it's just about getting through this week - in class and without incident. it's not clear how long the no bag policy will week is spring break in north college hill, em, 9oys. a warm-up is on the way. way.nine first warning meterologist jason adams looks at what you'll find in the morning. jason. wednesday's forecast will be warm and breezy again. temperatures top out at 640f
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tonight in democracy 2016.. presidential contests today in in several states. voters are making their choices for both democratic and republican candidates in arizona and utah. the polls in arizona closed over an hour ago. but the lines are so long.. its not clear when the voting will endthe idaho caucus is only for democrats. we'll watch this for you
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results on good morning tri-state. next at six... its a cincinnati treasure.. smale riverfront park. but now... nine on your side has learned the park board broke the law when it was built. how that could cost the city years from now. they are now orphans. five premature babies at the zoo lose their mother. the four- legged friend who is stepping up to help. revenue stream. the plan that could turn a big expense into a source of revenue for the sewer district. there's new proposal to reduce ohio's disturbing infant mortality rate. and.. it would come with a higher tax. you're watching nine on your
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you're watching 9 on your side at 11 developing now... the city of cincinnati releases a bombshell document says the construction on smale park violated the law and may leave the city at financial risk. risk.a city memo says contractors chosen for the job didn't have bonds required to cover their work if it isn't finished or done correctly. that violates the city's municipal code.. and leave the city stuck with the repair bill. in addition, the park board apparently awarded contracts without the mandatory bidding process. no competition meansthe city may have paid more than it needed the memo on we are awaiting comment form the park board and mayor john cranley. there is an alert tonight for a missing man from butler county. fairfield police say
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suffers from alzheimers and other medical issues.he was last seen this morning. dean may be driving a 20-13 chrysler 200 that looks like this one. if you see dean or his car.. call police. the covington city commission tonight voted to support a needle exchange program. the hope is that by offering heroin addicts clean needles... it will reduce the spread of disease - such as hepitius and h-i-v - caused by sharing dirty needles.. resolution calls for the exchange to be open three hours a day in a mobile van in the parking lot of saint elizabeth's hospital. health issue, ublic health region. the kenton county fiscal court.. and the northern kentucky health department also need to approve the program before it can begin. a sad update on the story we brought you about the five cheetah cubs born prematurelly at the cincinnati zoo. the cubs were born by c-
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facility in clermont county. now.. their mother has died. zoo official say cheetahs are fragile animals.. and "willow" wasn't able to recover from the trauma of surgery. they tell us the cubs are doing well. now an australian shepherd named "blakely" is stepping in as a surrogate parent for the cubs. how do you make something worthwhile out of something no one wants to have around? tonight the metropolitain sewer district thinks it has a way to put our waste to better use. use.m-s-d wants to build two bio-digesters that would turn the solids into a product that could be used as fertilizer or compost. other cities.. including louisville.. are already doing this. the process produces pellets that are then sold to fertilizer companies. right now on wcpo dot com and our mobile app... how much money m-s-d might be able to make from the process. they fly on the cutting edge of technology and nerve. but their story goes back decades. the navy's blue angels team is celebrating its 70-th anniversary. the elite pilots put on a special show for people at their base in
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started performing in 19-46, the pilots plan to take part in 65 air shows this year... including the dayton air show in june. weather summary:
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warm and breezy again. temperatures top out at 640f with partly cloudy skies. then our cold front arrives on thursday. this will bring in chances for showers and isolated thunderstorms during the day. right now, it looks like our better rain chance is in the morning hours with a few more spotty showers behind the front that afternoon.we are also keeping an eye on the easter weekend ahead. right now, it looks like we could see rain showers on sunday but the timing is still a little split in the extended weather models with one pushing the rain chance into monday. check back as we are watching it
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tonight in healthy living... lowering ohio's infant mortality rate. a panel looking at ways to do that released its findings today. among its ideas.... increasing the tobacco tax.. and raising the legal age for buying tobacco to 21. other recommendations include banning the sale of crib bumpers... and improving cultural competency among health care providers. ohio's infant mortality rate is among the worst in the nation. the three leading causes in ohio are prematurity or pre-term births, sleep- related deaths and birth defects. for a look at what's happening in sports we check in with director john popovich. remember ping pong you're probably too today was a case of diamond diplomacy in havana havanaand a couple of seasons
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he's a blond..and in the nba...this was his biggest night as a pro. sports is coming up. i hope we have a buyer for the house. me too! here? bill! hey! come in, come in! i didn't know your home wifi could stream so many devices at the same time. dad, it's time warner cable internet. crazy-fast. and we were right across the street the whole time. the whole time. make your home as connected as possible with time warner cable. pnget everyday low price internet r to 50 meg internet. plans start at $14.99 per month. call now. would anybody like to see the kitchen? anybody? dad! you can get wifi all over this place. cool! switching is easy. i know, right?! you get a one-hour arrival window, no contract to sign, and a money-back guarantee. do you want to take a look-- pizza-rolls are done! take a look at the kitchen... get internet with unlimited data starting at $14.99 per month.
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ask about free installation and access to nearly 500,000 wifi hotspots with select plans. call now. good evening everyone. it was like opening day in havana....color and music....- and the presdident of the united state and that of cuba doing the wave in the stands. derek jeter was there on behalf of major league baseball.-jackie robinson's widow rachel was there...the dodgers trained in havana in the late 40's.-the two presidents, obama and castro had front row seat as the
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national team-when the centerfielder for the cubans made a great diving catch early in the game....the big crowd went crazy.....-and later in the game when the rays rallied.....kevin kiermaier rounds third and came sliding into home...he beat the throw...-and the first family signalled that he was safe.....-james loney later launched a home run and drove in three runs...the presidents were gone by the third inning..but the rays went on to win the game 4-1. some good signs for the reds despite a loss to the cubs. alfredo simon pitched three innings of hitless ball. zack cozart had two hits and devin mesoraco smacked a home run. the reds get their first day off of the spring wednesday. and these are the four guys the reds assigned to their minor league camp today. cody reed has pitched well in camp, but he's never pitched beyond the double a level. chances are, we'll see him in cincinnati this season. somebody isn't being straight with us. mick cronin said last night he hasn't met with any other schools that have coaching vacancies. so whey does it appear that the univesity of nevada las vegas is considering a big contract
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native. today the las vegas review journal reported that the board of regents in las vegas is considering a contract to pay mick more than two million dollars a year. the paper says that's more than double what u-n-l-v has ever paid a coach. that doesn't mean he'll go there....but it souinds like they want him bad. to the nba...and you like to see good things happen to good guys. remember sean kilpatrick, one of the best and most popular players at uc in recent years. he's getting a good look from the brooklyn nets and tonight he delivered his best performance as a pro. kilpatrick scored 25 points in 27 minutes on the court in the nets loss to the charlotte hornets. kilpatrick has come off the bench and scored double figured in six straight games. little by little, the nfl has done away with the chop block and now it is completely gone. you can't hit an opponent low if he's engaged high with another player. the chop block was already limited in how it could be all forms of it have been banned. but the nfl liked what
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kicks in the 2015 season...they weren't automatic any longer. it used to be that the ball was snapped at the it's snapped at the 15, making it a 33 yard kick. thos extra points were missed six percent of the time...and the nfl says the extra point is now a meaningful play. nine on your side returns
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updating you on the situation in brusses before we leave. 34 people are dead after today's terror attacks. police believe two of the bombers at the airport were killed.. but a third is on the loose. another bomb went off in a subway station. nine on your side
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overnight and will have new information on good morning tri-state starting at four-30. and breaking now in the arizona primary. despite long lines -- and people still voting c-n-n calling the race for hillary clinton -- the associated press calling it for donald trump -- with nearly 50 percent of the vote counted. that's 9 on your side at 11 for this tuesday. we're always on with breaking news, weather, and sports on wcpo-dot-com.
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>> reporter: security is not just beefed up on subways, but airports are also on high alert and bringing in additional armed patrols and canine units. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> as she mentioned air travelers can spec to see increased security. in orlando, a jet from brussels was isolated when it landed all this in the anxiety right after the terror attacks. even with the extra security terminals are still considered soft targets. >> we will have clearly entered a period of new normal where we have to be concerned about a much broader range of attacks. >> the airport in brussells is
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you know, the state department is warning terrorists may attack sporting events overseas but here at home, the final four facilities are getting under way in less than two weeks in houston. after the brussels attacks security will be even tighter. city police will be getting help from state and federal agencies. this will be the largest ncaa men's basketball championship crowd ever. with the other final four activities, houston expects visitors. and ice is threatening other countries which take part in the u.s.-led military coalition. the terror group promises dark days for countries aligned against the islamic state threatening what they say is coming is worse and more bitter. how is the war against isis being waged? here's abc's martha raddatz. >> reporter: the air strikes have been constant. from the sea, from the land. >> we're out here to take out isis so it doesn't matter where they're at. we're going to eliminate that threat. >> reporter: surveillance drones and cold war era spy planes


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