tv Newscenter 5 at Five ABC November 9, 2015 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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reporter: police say he was intoxicated when he became involved in a road rage-type incident. it happened on route 495 in mansfield. sky 5 is flying over the crash this morning. police say he made intentional contact with another car. it put both cars on the exit ramp and leading to another collision that caused the second car to roll over. that driver in tucks burrow -- foxborough was killed. heinz drove off after the crash and police later found him at his home in norton and they arrested him. this was his second oui arrest and he is facing motor vehicle homicide charges. he will be arraigned tomorrow. jc? jc: two americans are dead, shot to death by a jordanian police officer. they were among the five killed and seven injured at a regional police training center in the capitol of amman. other security personnel were shot and killed.
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him religious, but not extremist. phil: he is accused of dragging two police officers a hundred yards before crashing his car. it happened during a routine traffic stop. jc: and it is not the first time he has run uh foul of the law. kelley tuthill is live where it all went down. kelley? reporter: police say he has a lengthy criminal record. he dragged the officers down this street. fortunately both are okay. brian gilbert appeared in the district court on a slew of charges including assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon on a police officer and possession of drugs with intent to distribute. it started with police trying to pull over the man who was allegedly speeding and driving erratically around a 7:00 last night. >> they tried to ask the individual to shut off his car. he took off and dragged them both. one was able to break loose. >> the other tried to reach through the passenger window
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gilbert then allegedly accelerated down strike that ton street. stratton street. he had to avoid being crushed between the speeding suspect's vehicle and a parked car. gilbert's driving record includes six license suspensions and four revocations. >> it goes to the danger of the job. you never know what can happen when you go out on patrol. reporter: in court gilbert's lawyer told the judge that his client has a different version of events and there are two sides to the story. kelley tuthill, wcvb newscenter 5. phil: breaking news out of gillette stadium. deion lewis will miss the rest of the season. he went down with a noncontact washington. ed harding, tests confirmed bad news. >> bad, bad, bad. the tests confirm he tore the acl in his left knee.
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it is a big blow to a player who came out of to where to be a key part of the offense. this is happening after yesterday's win. that is lewis on the carry. all. as he walks off the field he is consoled by the defensive coordinator. he is giving him words of bad. the 25 yoorld lewis was averaging 4.8 yards pr carry and receiving threat as well as running threat. it. >> you just have to be yourself. you can't be superman and do exactly what he was doing. i'm doing whatever i can. my role is different than what his role is. you never know what it is. >> he gave us a lot of great performances me, brandon and lg, we have to pick up the slack. >> that is james white. james white will be one of the players that the patriots will count on to fill the roll in the back field.
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newscenter 5. phil? phil: ed, thanks. he is being accused in the murder of his former girlfriend. newscenter 5's reid lamberty is live in lynn where the reporter: phil, when police found the body of the woman lying on the floor of this apartment, the suspected it murderer was sitting on a bed in another room watching television. prosecutors say that man has a horrific history of abuse charges. james woodbury times himself in a familiar place. the 44-year-old lynn man was arrested seven times since 2012 on domestic abuse charges. today he stood in court again, this time accused of murdering his girlfriend. >> i don't really know her and i'm getting upset about it. reporter: police found the 55-year-old's body after an acquaintance of woodbury's called them. she said woodbury met her at a narcotics anonymous meeting
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and explaining to her his girlfriend was dead in the have hurt her. >> he denies causing any death. reporter: woodbury's attorney investigators access to the crime scene. >> i do find it particularly interesting that the only reports that have been given to me have no indication of any cause of death or any violence. reporter: in may prosecutors asked the court to detain woodbury after the most recent bout of domestic violence, but he was released on the order into the to abuse her. >> it demonstrates the horrific history of violence and abuse where he was charged with assault and battery and reporter: they recalled them both being heavy drinkers with bouts of violence in the apartment frequent. >> fighting and fist fighting. him. reporter: he is being held without bail. he will booy back in court for
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live in lynn, reid lamberty, wcvb, newscenter 5. phil: a court appearance for the curry college student arrested after students tipped off a campus police officer that he had a gun in his dorm. darius was charged with illegally possessing ammunition and drugs. he was released this weekend jc: drunk driving is blamed for this accident that killed a brockton man. police say he was drunk when he swerved on 24 north on ledge. the impact ejected his passenger from the car, tavarez. the road was shutdown for about five and a half hours. phil: students at a boston high school were rished to the hospital after they were
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they were in a class as they conducted an experiment and residual acid from the beakers vaporized and made them feel sick. all of the students in the class were taken to boston children's hospital as a precaution and not just the ones who felt sick at the time. jc: harvey, we have another lovely day, but there is a storm you are watching. harvey: it was a gorgeous day, but you can see the high, then clouds moving in. it is a sign of what's to come. rain well be beginning late tomorrow, not early. the heaviest is likely to be overnight. there is a wind advisory posted for the coastal areas. south. this takes us to tomorrow morning's chute -- commute. by the evening compute that's when the start of the rain will be and we will get heavier bands into the morning hours of veterans day. temperatures are in the 40s
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mainly clier. clier. clear. it will be about 50 later tonight in boston. here are the readings early tomorrow and then we will jump into the 50s. the clouds thicken and the air moves in in boston. how long this will all last. phil? phil: commitment 2016 and hillary clinton is the latest candidate to make it official in new hampshire. she filed her paperwork today and then hit the campaign trail. janet? reporter: hillary clinton has just wrapped up her second stop of the day in new hampshire. the visit seems to have unleashed a slightly less cautious candidate. she said she is the democrat and not bernie sanders. officially filing in the cramped secretary of state's office she is no new comer to the process. she came twice with her husband when he ran and again
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in 2007 for her first race. today she enters with the cameras in tow sitting at a front runner. she refused to critique the republicans pounding away at her on the campaign trail and asked about bernie sanders she said she is the long-time democrat and worked to get other democrats elected and pointed to the two democrats whose support she must keep to win the nomination. >> the president doesn't get the credit he deserves for digging us out of the ditch that the republicans dug for us. this election will be about the economy, right? that's what it was about when my husband ran into 1992 in new hampshire. that's what it is still about. afternoon though we have made progress we haven't made enough. jobs have return had, but people's incomes have not been rising. reporter: asked about one issue she does differ from president obama, the trans pacific trade agreement, she said she will not cause any trouble for him from out here
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more on that at 6:00. reporting live from new hampshire, janet wu, wcvb, newscenter 5. jc: for the first time in weeks gas prices are on the rise. a gallon of self-serve regular is selling for $2.09 and that's up 3 cents from last week, but 3 cents lower than the national average and 80 cents lower than prices a year ago. let's look at the first alert traffic. it looks crowded, but things ing along. weor the red you are findi out wherengs are northboun yo are looking at the upper deck to28. 28 minuteslonghee is looking good. a quick ride. the westernolls to minutes. that is a look at first alert traffic. jc: the president of the
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have the wish i wish tonight wishes do come true. the lincoln wish list event is on. right now get exceptional offers on the entire lincoln family. for a limited time your choice of mkc, mkz gas or hybrid for $369 a month with zero due at signing. >> you're watching newscenter 5 at 5:00. phil: the university of
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over protest racial injustice. even the football team called a strike and refusing to play until tim wolfe stepped down. [applause]. reporter: cheers and chants from students celebrating the resignation of university president tim wolfe. >> it is about getting fairness. it is not just about tim wolfe resigning. it is about equal rights. >> it makes me as a student feel like i can affect something if i need to. reporter: wolfe is stepping down. his decision is following student protests, faculty walkouts and even football players and coaches refusing to take the field until he was gone. >> we were frustrated with each other and that's why i stand before you today. i take full responsibility for this frustration and i take full responsibility for the inaction that has occurred.
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fire for his handling of students being called the n-word and a swastika being scrawled on a dorm wall. tensions boiling over when a car pushed its way through a group of protesters. >> please, please use this resignation to heal and to the to hate. let's move forward together for a brighter tomorrow. phil: in a statement governor nixon said the resignation was a necessary step toward healing, and the football coach announced his team will rue super practice tomorrow. will resume practice tomorrow 6789. jc: and there was gunfire inside a mcdonalds leaving one dead and two hurt. because it took place in a subway entrance there were no security cameras. police are still searching for the gunman. jc: footage of a 6-year-old i would being killed shows the father had his hands up when
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the footage was described to a judge in court and bail was set at $1 million each for the two marshals charged with murder in the incident. also today the family of 6-year-old jeremy martis held a funeral for the little boy. he was buck -- buckled into his seat when he was shot five times. phil: 52 degrees right now and it is another beautiful day by november standards of the as we turn around and look at this, that's all coming up our way, right? harvey: absolutely. it is a question of the timing and we have wind into it as well. let's tell the story. phil. it was so nice, yet it started out so chilly. concord was 24. it was a frosty start, but a nice respectable boost up in temperature. i want to let you know with the upcoming storm we have a wind advisory in affect. it will go into affect 1:00 a.m. on wednesday until 4:00 p.m. on wednesday. it is a northeasterly wind that will pick up 20 to 30
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miles an hour with gusts as high as 50 miles an hour. how much rain could weet out of this? there are different versions of this. the center of the storm may be a little farther offshore. there are other indications that we could get more. this is a reasonable approach. it is an inch on the cape and half an inch worcester and we will see as we get closer to it of the in terms of a time line and the rain impacts, tuesday morning will be dry. during the afternoon and before the afternoon is over, late in the afternoon, then the chances go up to medium and they will become very high overnight on tuesday night and high the early part of veterans day and then start to diminish in the afternoon. i don't think we are likely to get cliering in here during veterans day. as for the wind, the chance that it is the highest wind late tomorrow night and the first two-thirds of wednesday, that's possible. a low risk that the full trees would come down.
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power outage is low. a few scattered ones. it doesn't look like a major situation. these are are the high temperatures. not bad when you consider how cold it started. concord was in the low 20s and moved up to 59. the clouds are thin especially north and west of boston. it allows the temperature to start dropping quickly again. some of the spots will get down close to freezing before this night is over once more. boston will be in the 40s. we should reach the 50s by late morning or lunchtime, but that will be it. then the wind will switch to a breeze off the the water and the clouds will be heavy and eventually the rain will start to move up from the south. this is where it is coming from and it is headed in our direction. the time line shows the rain edging into say nerming -- new jersey and toward new york. it is approaching us during the evening commute. once it moves in we will get the heavier bands of rain
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early on wednesday. here is a look at the next seven days. i have to apologize because i have it out of place. veteran's day is wednesday and not thursday. we'll correct that. check it out. rain coming in late in the day and then overnight tomorrow night and into wednesday is when we get most of the rain. the strong winds on the coast will last most of wednesday. another round of showers coming in late on thursday. that should end abruptly. friday, saturday and sunday look dry with chilly weather for friday and saturday and then mild are for the tail end of the weak -- of the wriek -- weekend. >> extra weight around your waist is bad. >> the role that belly fat could play in how long you live. >> new at 5:30, harding's heros will introduce you to the 92-year-old that cannot be stopped. her mission to raise money for her church. >> and veterans' graves
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had a certain jaw at the -- genetic mu take had a high -- mutation had a higher risks of cancer. jc: many of us carry some extra weight around our waste. extra inches in that specific area could play a major role issues. >> no matter what you call it everyone knows excess fat around your midsection can be a nuisance, but it may be deadly according to a study out today. scientists conducting a study on 15,000 americans found excess belly fat dram -- dram -- dramatic loo increases the risk of dying early. in other words a man with excess belly fat is twice as likely to die within the next 10 years compared to a man who is obese, but a normal waist to hip ratio. the reason? increased fat around the internal organs increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
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where fat in the hip and legs may be more hell -- healthy. jc: it takes physical activity to burn the calories. phil: apparently popping the bubblely is good for score brain. three glasses a day of champagne can prevent the onset of dementia and alzheimer's disease. a compound in black grapes is apparently responsible. he experimented with rats and hopes to move on to humans. >> first of all it is an awful waste of champagne. that is an expensive habit. >> it can affect other parts of your life too. >> but you are not going to turn your nose up at it, right? >> an unlikely find in a shopping plaza parking lot. >> you were talking about an 800-pound alligator. his name appropriately is
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>> how can a teacher have an i will -- illicit relationship with a student and not face charges? we uncovered the story of andrea clements. when she was 14 a teacher robert baker be frnded her and gained her trust. >> he didn't kiss pea until a week after i turned 16. the slow pacing turned into an aggressive sexually abusive man that i what is terrified. i had no voice to say no. >> but because she was 16 bake are's behavior wasn't considered criminal. sadly baker targeted other students too until he finally pled guilty to charges in 2002 and he is cat gar rised as a level 3sex offender. but he never face charges for andrea. how unusual is this case? lens of 15 massachusetts educators are suspended for sexual misconduct each year,
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but there aren't always charges. when the students are 16 years or old are, by law sexual misconduct amazingly isn't considered a crime. it is time the state toughen consent laws and recognize the obvious. the teacher-student relationship is not an equal one and those in a position of authority can too readily exert power over young impressionable teens. andrea is working with advocates to change state law making sex between a teacher and student a crime until age 19. age of consent bills have been filed on beacon hill and hearings scheduled for december. it is hard to conceive of any reasoning preventing legislators from taking tougher action so there are criminal consequences. >> from boston's news leader, this is wcvb newscenter 5 at 5:30. phil: breaking news at 5:30, a norton man is charged in a deadly case of road rage. he is accused of being drunk
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