tv Matter of Fact ABC November 22, 2015 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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matter of fact," why senator john mccain says defining issue in the next election. both iraq and syria and take them out. >> his candid thoughts on the s our president doing? is he insane? >> plus, congressman bill keating knows how terrorists use social media to avoid detection. rep. keating: they' ve gone to a conversation that' s encrypted and the fbi can' t get in. >> new realities in a changing world. fernando: i' matter of fact."
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raised about america' s role in keeping us all safe. about america' s foreign affairs than the chairman of the senate armed services committee john mccain. even fewer have his insight into the unpredictable nature of presidential politics. i sat down with the senator for an in-depth interview prior to the paris attacks. fernando: some years ago or over the last few years, you' ve been warning your own party perhaps about what could be some positions that may turn off voters, and you say there may be consequences. do you think that the current environment in which the election and the candidates, especially in the gop side, they are perhaps a little aggressive with some rhetoric. is that going to impact the elections next year? senator mccain: i think it can, depending on who emerges from this most interesting primary season. we' ve never had this number of
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s no doubt about the growing impact and importance of the hispanic voter. the hispanic voter is not monolithic, as you and i know. but having said that, if any group of voters feel that they are either diminished in the view of the candidates, then obviously they are not going to support that candidate or that party. and obviously we are speaking about immigration. and any ethnic group, no matter who they are would not , appreciate being called rapists and murders. and that has an impact. and the thing that really upsets me as a proud ronald reagan republican is, everything i think about the typical hispanic voter should be attracted to the republican party. lower taxes, tremendous
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participation in the military. we have more hispanics as a proportion of our population in the military than any other. pro-life, you can go down the list. and yet if we portray our hispanic citizens, whether they are here legally or illegally, in a way that shows disrespect, then obviously those voters are not going to be attracted to the republican banner. fernando: what do you think the winning nominee will have to have in terms of quality, and also in terms of platform? senator mccain: well, one wise old person one time said the party platform is one thing you stand on during the convention campaign. t think too many voters look at the platform anymore. they look at the candidate.
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but i think for the first time since 1980, national security, foreign policy will be a major issue. when americans saw on the internet americans being beheaded. when we hear about christian young women being treated, the horrible things that are going on in this world. that millions of refugees, it is going to be a major issue. and look, i like a lot of these other people. i like christie' s attitude. i' ve always liked, admired jeb bush. john kasich and i came to the house together. i like a lot of these people. fernando: what do you think about trump? senator mccain: well, i think that he has touched a nerve out there, struck a chord of anger and frustration with washington, not just washington. we had the slowest recovery from a recession anytime since the great depression.
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gotten a lot wealthier. but when you look at the millions who have given up looking for work, and the lack of increase in the standard of living and pay of average middle-income americans, they' re very angry, and they' re not happy. and i think they are attracted to somebody like donald trump, who has very simplistic answers, solutions to the challenges we face. i don' t like him insulting t think that' s good for we' a candidate, and it doesn' t help that that person has been disparaged. fernando: and do you think that right now there seems to be at least a majority support for outsiders, someone who' s never run for office like dr. carson? do you think someone like that can be president of the united states? is this the first job you should
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world? senator mccain: i leave that to the judgement of the people. my own view is that it helps to have had some experience in government. but having said that, the finest leader of my generation was obviously, in my view, ronald reagan. ronald reagan had been an actor and then he was a governor. now he was a governor of a big state, as you well know, but i think these are such unusual times. i believe that at some point in this primary season, the focus is going to shift to the national security-foreign and that' s where some of these people with some of that experience may gain some traction. >> up next, what advice does john mccain have for jeb bush?
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fernando: welcome back. now, more of my conversation with senator john mccain. fernando: let me ask you, you' ve had historically a good relationship with secretary clinton. she seems, at least today, the likely nominee of the democrats. senator mccain: without a doubt. fernando: do you think she would make a good president? senator mccain: um, i think that she has some qualifications. i have difficulty getting over the benghazi thing. i was very close to chris stevens. ambassador chris stevens who was killed. i was there when the bodies came back to andrews. i was there when she spoke directly to the families and said that "i' ll get the person who made the hateful video." that was not true. and she knew it wasn' t true. that' s a big trust problem for me. fernando: and perhaps what would
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like bernie sanders? aside from his economic program, he seems to be very outside of the norm for american candidates, both from the democrats and the republicans. what would that be like? senator mccain: i think bernie is a very unique character. i negotiated with him after the big v.a. scandal in phoenix. i negotiated the reform bill with him. he was chairman of the veterans affairs committee, and i can tell you, it was a colorful experience. [laughter] fernando: what does that mean? senator mccain: it means that there was a lot of exchanges between us, because he obviously has a very different view of the role of government. but we came to compromise that i think was beneficial to our veterans. and so i will say, and i mean this sincerely, bernie sanders' s word is good. and he sticks by his word. he makes a commitment.
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and when we were negotiating, he kept that commitment. so i have to appreciate that. and frankly, it' s not as common a practice as maybe some americans may think. fernando: and let me ask you finally -- i know you' re supporting senator graham, but if you had to give advice, you' ve been through the process, you obviously know how to run a campaign and even you know how to come back and be successful. what would be your advice to governor bush, who seems to be very stuck in the single digits? senator mccain: first of all, m the loser, so we have to keep that in mind. s worked new hampshire hard. the one thing about the people in new hampshire, they do wait to make up their mind, they pride themselves in examining the candidates. there was once a guy from arizona named mo udall, and he told a story about a guy in
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guy, "what do you think about mo udall for president?" t know. i only met twice." s funny, because it' s the people in new hampshire know how important their votes are. they' ll come to a town hall meeting at 6:00 a.m., because i had them. and so that' s where i think that jeb can, and he' s very good in an up close environment, and i' ve always admired jeb bush. i admired the job he did as governor in florida. is he in trouble? yes. s no doubt about it, but he realizes it. so we' ll see. fernando: since the attacks in paris, senator mccain has voiced his support for suspending syrian refugee programs because of national security concerns. and as a vocal critic of the s syria strategy, he is calling for u.s. ground troops in the fight against isis. >> when "" matter of fact" returns, extremist attacks, what lessons are lawmakers learning
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mr. brennan: what we don' t want to do is to have these terrorists succeed in taking away the freedoms and liberties that we pride ourselves on. whether it be here in the united states or in europe. fernando: the horrific terrorist attacks have changed the narrative for the 2016 presidential election, and led key members of congress to call for new counterterrorism measures at home and abroad. congressman bill keating sits on both the homeland security and the foreign affairs committees, and he joins me now. fernando: obviously the paris attacks, a huge shock to the world. you were in paris just a few months ago speaking to leading intelligence figures of that country, and i think our country
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as well. can you tell us a little bit about that background to what happened last week? rep. keating: we went on a trip to find out what the threat back home was for foreign terrorist fighters. these are people that leave their homeland to fight with isis or daesh, and they may come back. and they come back with all kinds of military training, they come back much better equipped to be militant and to cause terrorist attacks. and in the process of that, we started in the mideast and then we went through the european countries, and we did go to paris in the wake of charlie hebdo and the kosher grocery that was attacked. people should realize this that paris is very sophisticated, one of the most sophisticated countries in terms of counter-terrorism. and it even happened there. it was a lesson for us. but we learned many things in that process, things that are challenges going forward, but things that provide opportunities for more security if we can make some changes.
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fernando: let me ask you about that, because there' s obvious and reasonable concern. here in our country as to how vulnerable we are. what' s our risk overall? rep. keating: here, we don' t have a strategy. but indeed we are strategic in three different arenas. one is homeland security. the other is our military options, and the third is diplomatic and clearly just the syria front and most importantly. they are all distinct areas, but they overlap. so in homeland security, we' re challenged now because we' ve had very sophisticated isis ability to use the social networking, to radicalize people, and people should remember this. the greatest threat to the u.s. still remains at home. it' s the homegrown extremists that remain the greatest threat, because they' re already here. yet we found out in the wake of the paris attacks, and south beirut attacks, and the egyptian
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attacks on the russian metrojet, we' re in a new era. isis now has shown they have the ability externally, they have an external arm that they can focus, and they have demonstrated that it can be done in a very coordinated fashion. fernando: now there is a coordination, but what seems to be the more concerning aspect of it is that some of these groups self-organize around this very wicked idea of killing innocents. and use social media to do it. so in fact are we dealing with an organization, or are we really dealing with an idea that is spreading? rep. keating: isis is getting the most attention right now, but al qaeda has been the ongoing threat, and remains it. aqap, al qaeda, they are still threats, and we can' t forget that.
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besides the new threat of isis being able to deal so externally, forcefully, is the encryption issue with social media, too. you can get apps on your phone that encrypt conversations. that' s made it very difficult on this investigation. you' ll hear people say, "well its gone ' dark." what they' re meaning is they' ve gone to a conversation that' s encrypted and the fbi can' t get in there or security can' t. even the producers, the technological producers of these products commercially can' t get in to them. so that' s a new challenge as well. fernando: now, you' ve said that there are 50 fbi investigations in the 50 states. can you, active investigations, are those individual investigations of particular people? what else? rep. keating: it puts perspective on the challenges that we do have. a lot of these are through the social media, people that are radicalized, and have links to isis. and so isis is again showing the
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that way. but the good news is we have these investigations. we' re handling our security in a very trying time with much greater ability. one of the things that i learned after investigating the boston marathon bombing, we have a congressional study i co-led, dealing with what happened, what red flags did we miss? and we' ve made changes in that. and we' re sharing information that all levels of law enforcement, something that was indicated after 9/11 as a priority that we didn' t do efficiently and we' re doing much better job now. one of the things that people should be aware of at the department of homeland security, there is a new effort, a community partnership. one of the parts that i just met with the people about recently was something called peer to peer. and we' re engaging college students to come up with positive messages on social
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sophisticated isis messages. we found out that if those messages are coming from the government, they' re going to be tuned off, a lot of young people. but these are young people engaging in this themselves. and there' s a great deal of promise and when we' re looking at how we deal with this terrorist threat issue, it is important to be able to react quickly and effectively. >> next on "" matter of fact." mr. trump: refugees are pouring into our great country from syria, we don' t even know who they are. senator sanders: we have to be tough, but not stupid. fernando: tough talk from candidates.
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hand on one another. like she did in the recent des moines debate, hillary clinton will continue to emphasize her years of experience in foreign affairs and her time in the white house situation room. in doing that, she' ll create contrast with both democrats and republicans in the field. donald trump and other candidates will use the recent terrorist attacks to hammer clinton' s and obama' s record on fighting terrorism. mr. trump: refugees are pouring into our great country from syria, we don' t even know who they are. they could be isis, they could be anybody. what' s our president doing? is he insane? senator cruz: it doesn' t surprise me at all that president obama is saying in europe today, pay no attention to these radical islamic terrorists. we can' t look to the nature of what it is we are fighting. senator sanders: i say to my republican colleagues, "yeah, we have got to be tough, but not stupid." fernando: a lot of tough talk, and the pressure on president obama won' t let up anytime soon.
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he may be on his way out, but mr. obama' s choices will impact the next commander in chief and maybe even who becomes our next leader. connect with us anytime on twitter and use the hashtag #matteroffact the extended interviews on our website, >> when we return tighter , security, a public on edge. can we beat terrorists at their own game? t you want to feel connected. informed, included, inspired. rso, when important things happen, we're here. your local tv and radio broadcasters. america's number one source for news, weather and information. on every screen in your life. r we are broadcasters, always here for you, wherever here may be. text "tv" to 52886. tell washington
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fernando: as we recognize the unique evil of the isis attack in paris, we need to remember to keep calm. the attacks were devastating. and the impact to the french and the rest of the world is a real psychological blow. can we ever be safe again? that' s what the terrorists want you to fear. they want to make you afraid of the future, your neighbors, anything they can. but if you surrender to fear, our free civilization will have
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s how terrorists actually win. so, we need to stay strong and have faith. in doing that, we overcome fear, and we win. that' s the bottom line. i' m fernando espuelas. have a great week. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.
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