tv Newscenter 5 at Six ABC December 2, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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extremist group. >> yeah. it'seally frustrating. but clearly it's an act of terror. terror is intended to get people fearful. and this if it stays like this for awhile make people fearful throughout the country. >> coming up at 6:00 in [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> a mass shooting in california. more than 14 people are dead, just as many injured. at a social services facility. no one is in custody. a massive manhunt for three shooters. the police chief says the gunman came prepared as if they were on a mission. >> we'll bring you a special hour long edition of "abc world news tonight" at 6:30. right now we're tracking
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california, six miles east of los angeles. our live team coverage begins with john atwater. right now, up to three heavily armed gunmen are on the run. a massive manhunt is under way as police try to figure out why they targeted this facility. range. shots like crazy. >> first responders rushing to the scene of the active shooting unfolding inside a social services center in san bernardino, california. >> the guys came in next to her office and started shooting. >> this man says his wife was in an office near the gunfire. she managed to escape safely shortly before noon pacific time. >> they locked themselves into her office. bodies were on the floor. she said the ambulances are taking people out in stretchers. >> our daughter is in there. she texted us 30 minutes ago and
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she thought he had shot about 20 people. >> police believe multiple gunmen entered the facility and they say the shooters appeared to be on a mission. >> preliminary information indicates these are people that came prepared. that they were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate that they were prepared and they werermed with long guns, not handguns. >> those weapons were not covered at that building and right now investigators do not know the motive behind this attack. live in the newsroom, john atwater. newscenter 5. >> as the situation remains active state police and public safety officials will remain in constant contact with our federal partners. >> the shootings raising important questions about security all across america including here in the boston mayor. coming to you from boston police headquarters. >> police are keeping a close eye on what's happening on the west coast. they have just released a
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let me read that to you. all officers on patrol are vigilant and continue to look for any and all things related to threats. we'll continue to monitor the events in san bernardino. we continue to ask the public to contact police if they see anything suspicious. it's worth noting that we're in full swing with holiday related events, soft targets that are higher risk for attack. it's also worth noting that state and local authorities, in conjunction with the joint terrorism task force, have been in high alert mode ever since the terrorist attacks. in fact, they went into that mode immediately after it and they tell me that that continues. this is the new normal now with what's happening around the world. we're live at police headquarters, wcvb, newscenter 5. >> our live team coverage continues with janet, she's life at city hall where she just got off the phone with janet. >> the mayor just left city hall but he spent most of the afternoon monitoring the news
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i asked him about security in the city especially with all the holiday events planned over the next couple of weeks. the christmas tree lighting tomorrow night on the boston commons. >> our intelligence unit goes over every single incident and situation that we have in the city of boston. every event that we have in the city of boston. it's not taking the shooting in california or last week at planned parenthood or paris, we're ahead of the game. >> he also said that law enforcement is constantly gathering intelligence. they are training their people that they are ahead of the curve. they are not simply preparing to respond. reporting live from boston city hall, wcvb, newscenter 5. >> here in the boston area we know all too well the fear and tension being felt right now in california. we were on high alert, we were on lockdown at times in the days after the boston marathon bombings and 5 investigates karen anderson is live right now in newton where she just caught up with the watertown police chief.
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me his first thoughts were the similarities of the manhunt in watertown, seeing law enforcement converge in that area. and looking at what's happening in california now, he said there are some early indicators, the victims were all in one area and also the fact that there were three gunmen. >> seeing three people is troubling, even though usually these lone shooters with a grievance, to see three people working together, that somehow agree that this is a thing to do, is extremely troubling. i understand why people are concerned, that it could be similar to paris, but i think at first glance, seeing that it's right in one section of that building, i think it's a domestic terrorism act. is my personal opinion. there is a lot going on right now. you have multiple agencies. crime scene. witnesses. and now you have the manhunt that could be anywhere through a very large area.
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challenges for law enforcement right now is dealing with all of the different information coming now. live in newton, karen anderson, 5 investigates. >> we're expecting a news conference to get under way in san bernardino. as that does happen. we're expecting to hear more information from san bernardino police. this hour. at least 14 people are known dead and at least 14 others have been injured in this mass shooting today at a nonprofit out in san bernardino, california. the suspects, there are believed to be three, fled in a dark suv. police have no motive and the suspects have not been identified. right now there is an ongoing manhunt and we'll bring you updates as soon as we can. >> police arrested a teen excused of stabbing a star football player. he stayed off-camera during his arraignment this afternoon.
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marvin in the back and hand following a party after their upset victory last month. he faces several charges including assault with intent to murder. he's being held without bail. the man is recovering from his injuries. >> looking for suspects in the deadly stabbing. cameras providing key clues for police. we're live from worcester where pam spoke to the victim's family. pam: as you go by the surveillance video it appears she knew the people she met on the block. tonight her family is asking anyone with information to step forward. >> she was so much more beautiful than this and better than this and no one deserves this. >> her older sister was stabbed on this downtown worcester street. surveillance cameras showing her walking with someone, meeting others, and then at least two people stabbing her repeatedly
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>> i heard her screaming for help and i didn't know which window to look out. i heard a guy say -- in spanish, what she got is going to kill her. >> he said he heard them arguing over a social security card and the lady was going to die. >> her sisters came to the store to see the brutal video for themselves. they stopped across from where her blood still lay in the street the memorial is growing. >> she was a really good person. she had a mental illness. people judged her from what they saw on the outside but on the inside, she was the nicest person you would ever meet. >> i can't even believe all of this is going on. >> somebody had to see something. >> she was known for her love of singing. she once attended berkeley college on a music scholarship. her family will treasure memories of her alto while wondering what happened to still her voice
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jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. r it is the struggle that will determine t the fate of the free world. r the united states should not delay t in leading a r to take out isis with overwhelming force. ttheir aim is our total destruction. p we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. is responsible for the content of
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>> breaking news from san bernardino, california, which is about 65 miles west of los angeles around 2:00 p.m. our time. 11:00 in the morning. one to three shooters walked into an event in the inland regional center in san bernardino and opened fire. upwards of 14 people are dead. 14 with serious injuries. at this hour no one has been caught. they took off in a black suv with tinted windows. an event was going on. they came in prepared, they had long guns, not handguns. a nightmare scenario.
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where they are, and they are armed. >> back here at home the jury leaving the courtroom to retrace the steps of philip chisom. live from salem. here's more on what they saw today. >> finally jurors are seeing places they have only heard about in court getting an up close look at some of the locations including the scene of the murder. >> it was a half-day for students. as the jury in the murder trial of a former student toured several locations tied to the october 2013 murder of in the -- mitzer. they also walked the woods where her body was found. they also went to the meter they can where the boy went after the brutal murder. earlier in the day they heard
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psychiatrist who diagnosed chism. >> i made two diagnoses. one was a despressive state and the another was a brief, transient episode. >> he relied on observations, but on cross-examination -- >> your concern in both your initial evaluation and your ultimate diagnosis was the trigger for this psychotic episode was the stress of trial. >> dr. jackson added his diagnosis was related to chism's diagnosis. >> he kind of would show up to practice and get the job done. >> the defense team from the outset of this trial acknowledged he's guilty but they maintain he was mentally ill at the time he committed the
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live tonight in salem, wcvb, newscenter 5. >> here we are, 6:13 or 6:14. if you've just continue home we're following the break news in california. a.b.c. world news will be a full hour beginning at 6:30. >> coming up next we'll check in with mike. it's been cloudy, cool and rainy. a little fog throughout as well.
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just. >> a mass shooting in san bernardino in california. at least 14 people were killed. i'm quoting, they came prepared as if on a mission. the suspect were armed with long guns, at a conference center, inland regional center. the suspects are still at large. >> back in massachusetts the bridgewater police chief has a lot of experience dealing with active shooter situations.
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>> police departments everywhere, this is new reality, kind situation. they plan and prepare for. police chief here is also the head of the law enforcement council. he says as dozen of police agencies descend as they did in san bernardino there are many >> you have somebody who is an active shooter, who is essentially killing and harming people immediately, some type of response is necessary. you're in that emergency planning stage. there are a lot of logistics that go into that. certainly command and control, communications, establishing what your threat is. is it one individual. is it a number of individuals? is it a group, is it coordinated? >> he says the columbine massacre changed police tactics going forward from establishing
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many lives as possible. in the same way schools train their students and children to prepare for this kind of active shooter situation it may be possibly the right time for offices and employees at all companies to also establish a safety plan and to train for this kind of situation if it ever happened in their place of work. live in bridgewater. wcvb, newscenter 5. >> john atwater is at the update desk with more information. john: we have some chopper video we want to show you from our a.b.c. station out there in los angeles. it's about a mile away from the facility where the shooting happened earlier today. in the center of the screen you can see a black suv. the chopper was a little closer, just moments ago. a lot of the windows in the suv are blown out so some sort of shooting unfolding on what appears to be a residential street there. may be some businesses there. the kabc chopper pilot, man in
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station out there in los angeles says that there appears to be a long rifle in the road and you can see them zooming in, all of the police officers on the roadway. this is about a mile away from where everything unfolded. a few hours ago there in san bernardino. you can see officers there in the roadway. there was a short chase here and now again, you can see them in bushes there. they seem to be surrounding a hem or a business. some sort of building there, and there is a little closer view of that suv. the pilot zooming in. some of the windows are blown out. have very few leads. this could be a major development in this case, as police try to track down these suspects. to. a glove, it fits the description of the getaway vehicle a dark suv with tinted windows although those windows have blown out. the police officers are poised with rifles pointed right at
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>> they are poised at that car and it -- you would seem to think, there may be obviously potentially more suspects in that area, so they are approaching -- >> the windshield wipers just moved for whatever reason. >> we know there was some sort of pursuit down this roadway. we don't know how police got this information. obviously a black suv. obviously a heightened awareness there but they are there at the ready. very cautious as they are looking at that suv. and again, sort of assessing the situation there. >> we're going to listen right now to the kabc helicopter pilot because he's apparently talking about what he's seeing. let's listen. >> the first thing we saw could have been the beginning of a pursuit, where the shooting began and then it ended here. i don't know how far away that was, maybe a mile or maybe more than a mile but this stuff seems to be going down right now and the police response says it all.
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bernardino airport right now, and that is -- we're about, gosh, i would say about two miles, two to three miles to the northeast. you can see that, again, i don't want to go in too tight, but you can see the armament, tactical sure that suspect is down and not danger right now. we're about two miles to the irc. now directly east of here a mile there is a possible officer volved shooting. an unconfirmed report, possible officer down. they are making sure the suspect is -- i'm going to try to get this tree to actually cover up -- i'll slide in, to cover up -- right now, this is a dangerous situation, dave. this is what's called a crossfire situation. we've got tactical teams and multiple agencies, they want to
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all running, trying to get out of the way so there is not a crossfire situation. of the street. this is a crossfire. they brought them in as quickly as they can. what the angle is right now, they have got a perfect angle to the south and east. right now, i covered up as best we can what we believe is the body. >> don't report it. >> you can see, there we go. i'm going to show this, without showing the suspect. tree, that's a long gun. that looks like an hk or ar type weapon. we'll pull back out, we're not going to show anything else but right now, they are deployed. okay. very good. we'll stay wide because we have our second helicopter covering
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>> remain at 14. we have a telephone number that we would like to provide for people that want to be united with family that was possibly at the regional center today. the telephone number is 800-637-6653. we're asking, if you have family members that were at the facility, call this phone number first and the person will advise you where you need to go. >> you've got an ongoing tactical situation up the road. what do you know about that? >> i did hear the radio traffic on
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it's my understanding that the officer is okay. i don't have many updates on that other than the officer is okay. >> can you confirm that to this shooting? >> i can't confirm that at this point. there is a back colored suv involved and i believe there is one suspect down. it's very active and we'll update you. on that. >> just one scene. >> only one suspect? >> that doesn't mean there aren't more at this point. >> how far? . >> probably a couple of miles from here. >> there was possibly a mass shooting earlier. what's going on? >> the only thing i know is there were shots fired. officers were involved, and there is a suspect down. whether it's related or not, we don't know yet.
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we'll update you on the hour. we'll remain out here and we'll update you as soon as we get any additional information, hopefully within the hour. >> were any officers hit? >> i cannot confirm that. i know that all officers are okay. whether or not they were struck, i don't know. >> what led you to this suv? >> i couldn't tell you this at this point. this is such an active fluid investigation, there are so many aspects to it and we just don't have all of that information at this time. >> suspect on the run right now? >> that, i don't know. >> is the building cleared? we saw the school buses go by? who was in the buses? >> that, i don't know. it's my assumption that witnesses and victims were in those buses. but i don't know if the building is completely cleared yet. >> what about victims at the hospital? how many people were hospitalized as far as -- if you
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us what their conditions are. are there any gravely critical? >> i've heard that they range from minor injuries, from -- that occurred while falling down trying to escape, and they go up as high as gunshot wounds. so i don't know their status. >> why did the number go up three this hour? were the three people found in the building hiding? >> i don't know. it was just an update that the fire department provided us. >> we'll be back. at -- >> i heard that there were gunshots -- is that correct? >> i don't know. we'll be back at 4:00. hopefully with some more, and all media coverage will be here at this location. >> thank you. >> you've been listening to the latest information coming from downtown san bernardino. what you've been looking at, dramatic pictures of an suv about a mile and a half to two miles away. a black suv with tinted windows
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and they have it right enclosed. >> we've been watching as the news conference was unfolding. it's about two to three miles away from this scene so the police there are not privy to this action going on right at this moment so lets tell you what we saw. we saw armored vehicles move in. it's a very tactical unit. they don't know whether or not this shooter has explosives in his car. they are obviously not taking any chances with that. we have seen a little bit closer up it's riddled with bullets. all of the windows have been blown out by authorities here on the scene. may have been image of this -- you heard the tactical units are backing out heard the helicopter pilot talk a little bit ago about an officer being affected in the shooting. the officer is okay. this is according to san bernardino police that you just
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this is a different angle, same and the two cars, another car, the tactical vehicle on the scene as well. there was a long rifle on the ground. as police went through the scenario, they told us these shooters were prepared. they came on a mission with long guns, not handguns. >> the scene here -- we're just sort of veering away. >> you see the word tree above breaking news, that's where there is a long gun that's down on the ground. we don't know how it got there at this point, but obviously there was a shoot-out between police and this suv that's riddled with bullets. >> there are many questions
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suspect down. as you've heard all afternoon, one to three suspects involved, so that would leave two unaccounted for. where are they? in the vehicle? are there potential explosives in the vehicle? hence the caution? what's the status? that's simply to be determined and it's unclear at this moment in time. it would appear by all cases, that is, the suv was the getaway car. they do have that and one suspect down in this shooting in san bernardino, california. >> what we know, if you're just getting home from work and you're just hearing about this mass shooting that happened, there are at least 14 people dead. 17 at least injured, after this mass shooting that happened at a nonprofit, which had rented out a banquet hall, and the department of health was apparently in that ban quet hall.
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into that area and that's where most of the shooting took place. the courthouse and buildings blocked down as there was this massive manhunt for three suspects who had come in and opened fire earlier today. 11:00 a.m., california time, at the inland regional center. a massive facility. it took a lot of time to clear that facility and make sure no one was still there. >> and it was police that described it, men who came in, prepared with long guns on a mission. they came in with black vests on. they took off in that dark suv. it was clearly a planned event. the reason for that, again, that will have to be ferreted out during the investigation. but as we sit right now, you have one suspect down. if it was one to three, it leaves a question about the other two but the getaway vehicle is in possession of police and all officers are okay. >> we've been on the air this
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