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tv   Newscenter 5 at 7  ABC  January 12, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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worcester is just now beginning to see the intensity of the snow gradually abate. still a area all the way down to brockton and metrowest. three quarters of an inch been reported in millis right now. this is it. a very narrow band and the next 1-2 hours and then it is off the coast. additional snow squall in the wee hours of the morning, potentially. take a look at the narrow band of snow. and eastern massachusetts. boston is now being effective as his brockton. along the water, will milder. rain mixing and. harter took you knew it. western edges out. west of boston all the way to worcester affected. 495 all the way down to middleborough affected. north to nashua new hampshire. look at this, 9:00, basically moving offshore. maybe a squall in the wee hours of the morning. another thing to keep in mind, very cold air following this. what you want to know is when you wake up tomorrow morning,
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and that will be with a coating of two inches of snow on the ground. see what a little while. >> breaking news in boston. sky 5 over tremont street at beacon street, where two pedestrians were hit by a car. the car involved did stay at the scene. police say the driver went the wrong way on the street hitting several other cars you for getting out of the car and collapsing. house and capitol hill. president' s final state of the union address and he' s dealing tonight iran, detaining 10 , american sailors in the persian gulf. ed: phil lipof is following developments at the breaking news desk. phil: in just about two hours, -- we learn the crew being held includes nine men and one woman. they are being housed by iranian forces on a small island in the persian gulf. one of the two vessels broke down during a patrol in the gulf. secretary of state john kerry talking with iran' s foreign minister to get the sailors relief or u.s. says it received assurances that the sailors will be allowed to continue on their
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morning. this is not the first time sailors in the gulf. 2007, 15 british sailors rack. house for 13 days at that point. rant prepares to deliver his final tonight. some of what he plans to say just beginning to leak out. political systems in washington can get things done. president saved are being careful not to call this a victory lap, but they do say that he will call attention to his administration successes past and present. , in the last year, we' ve seen a nuclear deal with iran, diplomatic ties with cuba, a global climate pact, and unemployment at 5%. the president is also expected to touch on the gun violence epidemic. one seat in the first lady' s guest box will be left empty in memory of victims of gun violence. here' s one guest you might not
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kentucky clerk who spent five days in jail for defying federal court orders and refusing to license same-sex marriage. she says she and her lawyer have been invited but won' t say by whom. and congressman seth moulton invited this 9-year-old syrian refugee who lost his arms in a bombing and now calls massachusetts home. moulton tweeting this photo of ahmad at the air and space museum today. ahmad sent the president a letter last year asking him to help syrian refugees, especially children. >> you can watch the president stated the address right here on channel 5 or it also streaming on our mobile app and it starts at 9:00 tonight. >> commitment to thousand 16, a new poll shows bernie sanders surging in new hampshire. the monmouth university poll shows the vermont senator with a fourteen point lead over hillary clinton with voters who are february' s democratic primary. >> new at 7:00, newscenter 5 learning about a decision that could have a major impact on the newscenter 5'
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this could be great news for the city, janet? janet the short list is down to : boston, new york. connecticut, hoping ge remains in fairfield, is unlikely to keep the company with 800 executives. while massachusetts officials have not yet received official word that ge will be moving to s seaport district, negotiations indicate we have more to offer than new york city. ge wants to rebrand itself as a of the fastest growing innovation districts gives them the younger, educated workers who like to live, work and play in the same neighborhood and there is easy access to logan. more importantly ge would remain in the northeast it' s home since inception and where thomas edison began his career. boston is hoping the promise of tax credits and property tax relief, strong state and city coordination and links to local universities will clinch the deal. neither governor charlie baker nor mayor marty walsh would comment on any forthcoming ge decision, but sources say a
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s end. ed: your economy a volatile day on wall street ending on a modest up note after a late-afternoon rally. the dow gained 117 points. the nasdaq was up nearly 48. and the s&p added 15. the most active local stocks, emc, boston scientific, and ariad pharmaceuticals all up a fraction. >> mother of teen shot in his own home says it is time to stop violence. 17-year-olds was in his family kitchen last night when a bullet came through the wall. police say gunfire came from passing cars. police believe teenager would have been killed. >> i was in the bedroom with jordan. the six-year-old. that'
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i dropped him to the bad and the next thing i knows that comes running and holding his back and chest. and dropped to the floor. >> he is in critical condition tonight. but stable on expected to recover. >> armed robbers seen attacking a clerk during a holdup. watching surveillance video, under arrest tonight. this shows suspect using a knife. clerk pulls out own knife invites back. police say this man is the robber in the video and faces several charges including armed assault. >> your dog' s behavior and dna being used to improve medical treatment for people. >> new study underway and how you can take part in that. >> getting snow in eastern massachusetts. how long it sticks around. the cold that will follow and the next more significant storm. >> local video of an
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most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. r people don't have access to healthcare v because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change. i'm bernie sanders,
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>> tonight, we' re hearing from a boston man whose video of his car being vandalized has gone viral. millions have checked out this youtube video showing a woman damaging a car in west roxbury,
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calls himself himself uptown mac. he says he wanted his ex girlfriend and everyone else to see the damage she did. >> everybody makes mistakes and i hope that seeing herself and a platform where the whole world is your stupidity motivates her to be better going forward. >> mac says the ex-girlfriend has brought charges against him in the past and he wants investigating officers and others to see what happened this time. add could your dog hold the key : to better medical treatments for you? that' s the question scientists at umass medical are tackling with a unique project. newscenter 5' s emily riemer with the potential links you could help discover. >> it turns out that dogs actually get a lot of the same diseases as a. >> that includes conditions like autism, neurological and compulsive disorders. >> dogs were spinning, they' ll chase their tails compulsively, they' ll chew on themselves, the lift themselves. >> dr. elinor karlsson thinks taking a closer look at that behavior and the possible genetic causes, could one day, provide answers for humans.
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help. in october, she launched s dogs, a major study to collect data from 5,000 dog owners. basic questions about age, sex and breed are followed by a series of 10-question surveys. >> is your dog happy? does your dog like to play? s one we ask does your dog tilt its head you when you ask a question. >> after an owner completes those, karlsson and her team send out this swab kit, asking for a saliva sample from the dog. ll then break down its dna, looking for any changes in genes that are related to mental health disorders. the hope is to combine that genetic data with the behavioral survey responses to find more targeted treatments for dogs and humans. >> if we can understand how changing things in the dna changes behavior, it' s also going to tell us something about the way the brain works. and help us treat diseases as well. >> karlsson has about 1800 dogs
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and is looking for more. if you' d like to get your dog involved, just head to our website, we' ve posted a link to darwin' s dogs. >> as a told you earlier, state of the year addresses tonight. joining us is the congressman. great to have you with us. first, i want to start with breaking news added they ran. what are you hearing on capitol hill tonight and what does this say about how we should be dealing with iran? congressman capuano: not much yet. there is some reports, who knows what history until we get our men back. some reports that this was a rescue mission. i have no idea. my hope is that nobody goes off and says something that could be hurtful. let' s get the facts right and then we will come up with a reaction. ed: the president has said he wants to strike a positive tone tonight. i want to play something that he
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here' s one of the videos the white house released. president obama: a lot of what we can do is to change the political environment and change people' s attitudes. and start a process where change begins to happen. ed: but, a recent nbc/wall street journal poll finds 7 in 10 americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. how can the president really bring about changes in the political system that he says that we need if we want to get things done? congressman capuano: i am not sure. i think has to do a little bit more outreach than he has done. the people have clearly expressed repeatedly that they do not like him no matter what. and to make sure he gathers his friends a little closer than he has met pass. the present and i assure you the lassie very deeply, but we have different approach toward politics. i would think that it is
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been very interesting in the last week or so to watch people challenging him on his birthright now defending ted cruz on his. the exact same situation. that is the kind of stuff that we do not need and i would like to see less of that. ed: let' s take a snapshot of the moment. with congress so divided, and with elections coming later this year, is there anything you think democrats and republicans can actually come together on and get done this year? congressman capuano: i hope so. we will find out. i' m working on an essay reauthorization bill for transportation. most of they can be done. a couple of divisive issues. italy cannot come to an agreement, waking at the basics down. there will probably be no home runs but i hope that we will have at least a few -- will find out. i need like that. [laughter] ed: well-placed ground rule double. congressman capuano, thanks for joining us. enjoy the speech tonight.
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the state of the union right here at 5:00 and it is also streaming and start to 9:00. >> a little snow to get through before the state of the union. we got to harvey with a look at the timeline for this storm. snow falling in some places. harvey: here is worcester. parts of worcester county has had three inches of snow. rhodes impacted. visibility is slowly starting to come up. just out of the heaviest band. west wilton, three inches. westborough, an inch. totten, half an inch. a narrow bands. check it out. you can see why worcester is starting to end. thunderstorms off the cape and another lightning bolt being shown here in southeastern massachusetts. there is rain over southeastern massachusetts moving on to the cape that could be accompanied by a thunderstorm. for the rest of us, it is the band of snow which is now reaching boston. two hours from now and there might be an additional squall in the early morning hours.
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point with another band in the suburbs. band. worcester and lighter colors and once you get to south bridgepoint, it is done. moving very quickly and will be offshore by 9:00 tonight. there could be an additional squall in the wee hours of the morning. the other thing want to let you know is the temperature of a koning from three inches. up to an inch, boston southward. you wonder about temperatures slushy, you have to know that cold air will be cominin and morning. this was a little while ago. about 90 minutes ago. north waterboro also. this is a little old. boston. temperatures 36. starting to fall. 32 and below for bedford north and west.
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that snow that is in a meet a master west and the southwest suburbs is very wet and it is what slushy. later tonight, they temperature drop as cold air comes in be on the system and that means things will be frozen tomorrow morning. please be aware of that. cold air north and west. wetter snow close to the coast line with rain. there are temperatures are tomorrow morning. they do not want very much during the day to allow either. next seven days, one other item i talk about tomorrow is the wind. temperatures are only going to be in the 20' s for the most part. wins could gust up to 40 miles per hour. wind chill will be in a single digits and teens, not only in the morning, but through the afternoon. cold night coming up. to cold days, tomorrow and thursday. cold side of the jet stream here little bit and temperatures moderate. how much does a moderate will be
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then we could start watching a storm that develops in the southeast and comes right up the coast just off the coast line by saturday morning. it will have a good deal of moisture with it, probably a strong northeast wind on the coast, but with borderline temperatures, very crucial whether it is rain or snow. it may average out as a mix, north and west of boston, you may wind up with more snow, south and east, more the next. can get specific yet and it is though the store may be winding down, significant store may have occurred by the time we get to the starting time for the patriots game which i' ve estimated will be around 32 degrees of precipitation in whatever form it came in ending. colder air late in the storm. even if it is not snow for much of the storm and fox row, a chance it could in that way and the wind will be pretty active out of the north. following all of that, will be the coldest air of the season. so far.
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don' t know we' re about to make up for lost time or not, but be careful on the roadways until the snow in says evening and then cold air coming in by tomorrow morning. i' ll see tonight at 11:00. >> now, sportscenter 5. one major out. lynchie: saturday night the cincinnati bengals behavior was a black eye on their organization. that is a figure of speech. this morning bill belichick stepped to the podium in front of cameras, literally sporting a genuine black eye. folks were taken aback belichick issued an opening statement, praising the chiefs and referencing the loss a year ago september in kansas city. the press conference went on with question after question when finally more than 13 minutes in the 23rd and 25th , inquiry of the morning was about the coach' s name being on the injury list and the condition of the discolored eye. >> [indiscernible] i' m sure if we are required to do it we will do it. [laughter]
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and irresponsible to speculate what happened to bill belichicks he' ll never tell us no pun intended but it will not alter his focus on preparing for the kansas city chiefs. he -- more? >> no. [laughter] >> a little bit of an age today. >> let' s take a live look at washington, d.c., at this hour. construction on capitol hill, it will be done for next year' s presidential inauguration. several stories developing tonight. white house and congress keeping an eye on american sailors in the custody of around. state of the union which is now 90 minutes away.
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here on channel 5, coverage begins at 9:00.
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median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. p the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. p what this campaign is about is to demand that we create r an economy that works for all of us r rather than a handful of billionaires. if you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. neighborhood,i feel like kinda talking about. we should definitely go see it. v[agent] hi. melanie. maggie. living room. p[dad]what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it great? p [agent] hey brendan,you might like this room. p [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness...
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tt2w`t3n`&d! bt@q:1d tt2w`t3n`&d! "a@q*= tt2w`t3n`&d! bm@q!6, tt4w`t3n`&d!" dztq #', tt4w`t3n`&d!" entq s#l tt4w`t3n`&d!" gzt& j$4 tt4w`t3n`&d!" hnt& z*x tt4w`t3n`&d!" iztq 0c tt4w`t3n`&d!" jntq "3@ tt4w`t3n`&d!" lzt& :^< >> now to five for good. and this one is personal. there was no more committed member of our team than joe roche. joe passed away today after a
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it' s a terrible blood disease that slowly took his life. ed: a wonderful personality. for most of his time here joe was and assignment manager. he made editorial decisions, dispatched crews and worked 27,000 hours a day. he and i went to houston during the super bowl when the patriots beat carolina and we worked closely together and no one has ever worked harder that i have been with. he was just a delight. there were 3 really important things in joe' s life. his family, channel 5 and every boston sports team. heather: he was part of the heart and soul of wcvb and we are all sat in today. joe is survived by his courageous wife joanne and their loving children brendan, connor,
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meet the new, 3rd generation nest learning thermostat. it's proven to save energy. and you could get a $100 rebate from your energy company.
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>> are keeping a close eye on 10 american soldiers been held by iranian forces. free. not want to miss. high school hockey team pulling together to make the dream come true of this team. recognition that stopped him from taking the ice until tonight. >> we have two words for you, powerball. or is that when? one word for you, powerball. jackpot getting even larger. >> $1.5 billion. ticket selling so fast, just about everywhere that you go.
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we get the update tomorrow. current jackpot will pay out the lump sum of $930 million and you can find out if it is all yours, it happens right here tomorrow night at 11:00. we' ll have the life drawing right here on channel 5. >> every time you say it i want to do the austin powers thing. >> you could buy a lot of salt for the road. harvey: some of the roads need it, some don' t. quite a burst of snow exiting the coast within the next 30 minutes.
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