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tv   Cityline  ABC  September 11, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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karen: three months have passed since the tragic shooting in orlando. is new attention being paid to the lgbt community? how does life differ when you are a member of two minority groups? i'm karen holmes ward. on june 26, 2015, the supreme court ruled in favor of single-sex marriage. on may 12, 2016, the massachusetts senate approved a bill that bans discrimination against transgender people in public bathrooms. though much progress has been made regarding lgbt writes locally and nationwide lgbt
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vulnerable group in the lgbt community, may not be able to fully enjoy the progress. take a look. >> according to a report by the movement advancement project, about one third of individuals that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender come are people of color. as mainstream lgbt communities celebrate victories on the journey to equal rights, lgb out. this group becomes vulnerable to homophobic discrimination and racism, creating a vortex of injustice known as double discrimination. a host of disparities can emerge, says moyer bailey, assistant professor of gender and sexuality studies at northeastern university. >> one of the things lgbtq
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important issue. issues of housing discrimination , poverty, unemployment, all of that perhaps is more pressing than the question of marriage. karen: the executive director of the lawyers committee for civil rights. the committee does a significant amount of antidiscrimination work to protect communities of color as well as people identifying across sexual orientations and gender identities. , particularly marriage, has been the law of the land. at the same time we see significant setbacks that specifically affect lgbt people of color, particularly younger lgbt people of color and transgender people of color. these individuals are at a heightened risk for criminal justice enforcement, immigration
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intersection analogy suggests social classification such as race, gender, sexual orientation and class can all be intertwined. they can be mixed with actions of hate and discrimination as well. many fail to understand this. >> people might have the language but that does not necessarily change their action. karen: even the legal system can fail to recognize the interconnection of multiple identities. >> the legal system in many ways is set , instead of making sure that we are taking in the individuals who suffer discrimination as a whole. in trying to simple fight it, even a court might say, the more serious aspect of your discrimination was along racial lines but i know that in reality my clients know in reality it was more complex than that and
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denying their identity. karen: there is one group that stands out. transgender women of color. they are regarded as the most vulnerable group among lgbt communities and are facing more serious discrimination than anyone else. according to the american lgbt interest magazine the advocate, there were 19 transgender people murdered in the first eight months of 2016. almost all of the people of color. >> one of the things we have seen over and over again, a lot of trans women of color who have been murdered in the last couple of years. it does not treat the same sort of national outcry we hear or see when it is -- shooting unarmed black man. >> a disproportionate amount of violence and discrimination. i have experienced violence.
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a particularly high rate of murder of trans women of color. >> these women are subjected to police misconduct in the form of arrests or other stop and frisk, just based on the fact that they are walking while trans. >> i think the most important thing is to live in your truth. the second is to be safe. i think there needs to be a no judgments on. karen: a student at emerson college, alessandra taylor is happy with who she is a concern for many trans people, trans women especially. one recent tragedy that example of eyes the sting of intersectional misunderstanding, after the orlando shooting in june, observations from the lgbt and latino community claim the media had ignored the fact that the shooting happened on latin night. >> i held and hope to grieving
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happening. and they pleaded that we do more to stop the carnage. >> the country's worst shooting massacre unleased on the gay nightclub. >> many organizations talked about the shooting as if it was only perpetrated against the gay or lgbt community, when in fact, it was a space that was saved for lgbt people of color. lgbt and latino. we cannot we are impoverishing and judge acting -- and ejecting the identity of people in that space and are more prone to violence. karen: how digital safe havens allow lgbt people of color to express themselves and challenge mainstream media representation. >> my research is on digital activism, particularly the digital activism of black, clear
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twitter and tumblr and youtube to create recitation they want to see and challenge the way people have been represented in mainstream culture, movies, popular culture. showing that is actually a form of health advocacy. that people are creating new representations of themselves to challenge the way mainstream media represents them, in the hope that we can see more ve become more accepting of everyone. karen: the mainstream presence of lgbt people on the internet may be in stark contrast to what one actually experiences in their home, according to bailey. >> has been some backlash with the visibility of lgbtq folks in mainstream media. you see caitlyn jenner or somebody who is really public
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unfortunate effect of letting young people feel like they are -- they can tell their parents. young people being asked to leave their homes. karen: espinoza and bailey encourage mainstream organizations to pay more attention to lgbt communities of color and the issues that affect them. >> it is still critically important for not just lgbt organizations but for committee to be involved in the movement for lgbt equality and make sure the remaining issues and needs, which particularly affect lgbt people of color, immigrants, transgender individuals, homeless lgbt youth. these issues are brought to the forefront and tackled with the same number of resources and the same stamina that we used to tackle marriage.
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marginalized, we actually get closer to the world we want, creating new opportunities. karen: up next, stories of acceptance and how those fighting for affirmation can find safe spaces outside of the communities that may reject
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karen: welcome back. coming out as lgbt can be a challenge in many families. according to a report from the williams institute from 2012, 40% of america passed homeless youth are lgbt. family rejection and abuse are high contributors to these numbers. for some lgbt people of color amalie acceptance is something they can only dream of. cultural factors in communities
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the description lgbt people of color face comes not only from mainstream society but also happens in their own communities. e denyse simmons is the first openly lesbian african-american mayor in the nation and currently serving her second term as mayor of cambridge. she was lucky to have a family that accepted her as she was. >> my mother, who was , just be the best person you are and live your life freely and holy is possible. karen: been lay and kevin lon our community members of the clear asian specific islander alliance -- asian-pacific islander alliance. in the boston and knowing what area.
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lon have had similar experiences. >> they want to make sure i am ok. i think the major concern was around my safety. >> comforting to know that my parents accept and love me. i think for me, the acceptance, when i knew my family accepted me is when my dad is pressuring me to get married come in a matter who it is. karen: for many, homophobia neighborhoods. certain traditional expectations like the nuclear family consisting of a mother, father and child, very highly valued so the nontraditional lives of ltb -- of lgbt asians challenge the norm of society and the expectations of their parents. >> as the only child and male son i was inspected to fulfill it before i was born.
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when i came out as clear my parents were not sure if that was going to happen. >> people do not like to air dirty laundry but i think you have to see it is not dirty laundry. talking about your families and your children. even if it's nontraditional, kind of openly and honestly as if it were. karen: according to a william institute study of youth attempted suicide in 2013. in many communities in the black and african diaspora, homophobia is a serious problem due to cultural and social norms. often countries with strong religious ties like the island of haiti have negative views of homosexuality. lgbt peoples lives are mostly underground. one incident in the haitian community resonated deeply with
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homophobia in the haitian community to shine a light on incident that happened. a young haitian in his 20's and of killing himself because he could not reconcile being gay and not being able to be out. karen: mayor simmons believes the key word is solidarity. she reinforces that finding safe space and support can reduce the loneliness lgbt people of color often feel. >> how do we bring together the community of color? we should not be divided and it is hard a person of color, being gay and not being able to be out and able to live your life the way you would really want to. >> there is a social space primarily because i think it can be lonely when you are looking for other folks. karen: urging more appearances of family numbers in public and
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queer alliance. >> being able to talk about these deep issues that happen within our community. families in general in order to shift the narrative that have those conversations. partnering to host a local family acceptance september, to bring together api families to really talk about what family acceptance looks like. family members and parents talking about their journey and experience of their children. karen: mayor simmons says you are not bound by dna to find people who love you.
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there's a family you have in the family were born to have. sometimes you have to make a network for yourself if your family was not going to stand with you. if your community will not accept you, find a community that will. living only being half yourself is really not a good life at all. karen: denise simmons strives to better her community. by holding weekly walk in hours for constituents and hosting town hall lgbt town hall. she has allowed different groups to let their voices be heard by civic leaders. she believes the work you do is what people should focus on. >> getting the job done and defending my constituents and standing up for people's rights. that, at the end of the day is what is important to people. not who i choose to love or to be married to.
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grandmother and all of those titles that i use. i am out and i'm loud and i'm proud. i hope by doing that it makes it easier for others to follow to know that if i can do it, particularly here in cambridge, that they can do it. there is a brighter day. karen: up next, how to rebuild safe spaces for lgbt people of color and w for the community after the
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karen: on june 12 of this year
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happened at orlando pulsed my club. 49 people were killed by one lone gunmen. since the tragedy occurred on latin night, most of the victims were latino. the attack at paul's sent shockwaves through the lgbt community. the latin lgbt community particularly. pulse represented one of the few safe spaces that lgbt people could convene without fear. three months sincehe board member of boston pride, latino pride is a division of boston pride. with him is damien lima -- welcome to the program gentleman. marco: thank you for having us. karen: after the orlando shooting a lot of the media were reporting the event as if it were an attack that targeted the
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did not mention the identities of the victims. most of them were latinos of course. but do you think about the press coverage immediately following attacks? a lot of mixed messages, worth their dashboard to their -- >> for me and boston pride we look at it as an attack on the community. personally for me i look at it as an attack of my culture. sent shockwaves through me. more portly through our great community. karen: what was your response to the press coverage following the attack? damien: one of our reactions was that we were not surprised. a lot of erasure of the many identities lgbt people can hold at the same time. many of the people in that club
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immigrants. these are things not being discussed. karen: one thing mentioned by a lot of the lgbt people of color after the tragedy is that the attack, even though it happened in orlando, struck at a sense of safety across the country for all lgbt, particularly latinos. marco: we have to open our eyes more. we have to our surroundings. what i say on behalf of boston pride and latino pride is that we have to continue to strive on. we have to continue to be who we are and be proud and celebrate pride more than anything else. karen: as new coverage unfolded in the days and weeks following
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first time that their family members were gay. it gets to another topic we have been talking about throughout the program and that is the cultural acceptance within communities of color about family members being gay. i think initially some of the names were not being released because people said we did not know he was gay. we did not know she was gay and that kind drip of information coming out. you have some thoughts on it? damien: unfortunately, i think lgbt people face a lot of discrimination and also face a lot of rejection from their families. this affects young people.
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-- we work with families that are struggling to accept their children. we are seeing that families are becoming much more open. i believe the media has something to do with that. becoming more accepting, slowly. at the same time, we are not where we should be. disconnect not only in orlando but in latino community's across the country in terms of dealing with this issue openly? marco: i think there still exists a machismo factor in the latino community, living in the state of massachusetts were being lgbt is accepted, it still affects the latino community in terms of the coming out process. we at boston pride and having
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open our doors and be a resource for the greater community. try to celebrate pride throughout the entire year. we try to do stuff during site heritage month -- hispanic heritage month. we try to partner with other lgbt organizations and try to work together to give resources. karen: that is important to have a say boston to go to talk about this if you are able young person in the latino community that needs to reach out to others who may be sharing the same thoughts and fears, that is important. marco: fear is a big thing because in the latino community family is very important. ground roots of the individual you are. i understand my coming out process in a way -- living in
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latino-based household in the process i went through, i'm proud of the individual i am today and proud of the work i do on behalf of the lgbt community. also the latin community as well. karen: thank you for being here to share your thoughts with us. you can learn about everyone that we featured on today's program by logging onto our cityline page at and be sure to follow cityline on twitter and facebook. have a greates
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? >> you're watching "teen kids news." i'm livia. here's this week's top story. we all face choices in life. especially when it comes to college. and as amelia reports, some of those choices can start pretty early. >> what do you plan to do after graduating high school? >> my plan is to go to college. >> going to basic training inna. fort leo >> go to university. >> i plan on going to college. >> after graduating high school, i'm definitely going to go on tr


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