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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 12, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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>> jimmy: very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for coming. thanks for watching. you know, there's so much going on in the world right now.
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so much to decide on, our future as a nation is at stake. every once in a while i think it's important to stop and appreciate the little things. the good things. for instance, this was an uplifting story. paris hilton just bought an $8,000 chihuahua. isn't that nice? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's right, she paid $8,000 for a tea cup chihuahua. how does paris hilton still have $8,000? [ laughter ] and in case you're chihuahua looks like. >> hi, baby. >> jimmy: that's a weird sex tape, you know? [ laughter ] the dog weighs 12 ounces. i've eaten hot dogs that weigh more than 12 ounces. 12 ounces. that's not even officially a dog, that's a hamster, she spent eight grand on a hamster. she posted this photo of her new
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she's purchased in the past few years. very easy to lose in the vacuum and everything. she asked her followers to come up with a name for it and there were a lot of good suggestions. you might find this hard to believe. some people even suggested dirty things. ultimately paris decided to name the dog diamond baby. diamond baby. now what name is she going to use when she has a kid if diamond baby is off the table? anyway, congratulations to paris. guillermo, you have a chihuahua, how much did that cost you? >> guillermo: $40. >> jimmy: that's reasonable. here's an accessory paris should look into buying for diamond baby. this is called the shed defender. this is a unitard for dogs to keep them from shedding and to humiliate them. it's basically yoga pants for a dog. lulu labradors is what they are. here's another one. that dog looks happy.
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the shed defender starts at $44.99 and goes up from there. i don't know, if you're this concerned about getting dog fur on your couch, maybe don't own a dog. i think what you really want is a baby that poops outside, right? president obama is winding down his time in office. he's got less than 100 days left. but he's keeping busy, still pushing his agenda, he's working to fight climate change, he's shortening sentences for drug offenders, every night he goes down to the meric garland, his nominee for the supreme court. the reason president obama is working so hard up to the end is to avoid helping his wife pack the house, it's a pain in the ass, he wants no part of it. i can't wait. i hope obama grows a huge retirement beard like david letterman, wouldn't that be great? as the president finishes out his last 100 days i am now at long last prepared to lay out my plan for my first 100 days in office as vice president of the united states.
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>> jimmy: thank you, my fellow americans. [ cheers and applause ] as you know, as you my know, i will take office on january 20th, 2017. and for my first 30 days, i'll take some time to settle in. you know, meet everyone. go through my hr paperwork. find out where the coffee is, that kind of stuff. those things take time. and honestly what's almost guaranteed. then comes february. now february 20th is presidents' day. on presidents' day, i'll probably be very upset that there's no vice presidents' day, which is very likely to bum me out for the rest of february so i will be unable to work for the rest of february. march i will declare the month of march will be vice presidents' month.
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especially the ones currently in office which will be me. i will celebrate this new and important holiday in our newest and most important state, hawaii. that's right. i will ring march in and out with a month full of mai tais, hula dancing, pigs with apples in their mouths, fun in the sun. and then we are back to work in april. on april 1st, when i wake up at 10:00 a.m., i will find that maybe i had too sunburn that will put me out of commission for at least two weeks which i will stretch to april 29th which will be my 100th day of vice presidency. [ cheers and applause ] and on that day, i will meet with the president of the united states to encourage him or her to fix everything that needs to be fixed. thank you, america. and you're welcome. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: you could have to kill yourself. i work smarter, not harder, that's my thing. donald trump had another great day. he had a rally in lakeland, florida, today where his african-american supporters were out in full force. look at this. now watch. blacks for trump. okay. so we got that guy right there. we got that guy right there. and that lady right there. even some of the blacks for trump are whit the trump campaign is having a difficult week. some very prominent republican donors are reported to be asking for their money back. because if there's one thing donald trump is known for, it's giving money back. [ laughter ] he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years, good luck to you. but asking donald trump for your money back is like asking chris christie for a bite of his cheeseburg cheeseburger, it isn't going to happen. you'll have to pry it out of his cold, tiny hands.
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city, trump urged his supporters to vote on the wrong date. >> there's never been anything like this so go and register, make sure you get out and vote november 28th. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wait. oh, you know what? actually, not for president. he means vote for him on "dancing with the stars." he will be on "dancing with the stars" november 28th. if you try to vote on november 28th you're a weirdo hanging out at an elear among female voters and he's been working so hard to prove he has good relationships with women. and you'll see it right here in this female-friendly edition of "drunk donald trump." [ tape playing slowly ] >> and then the women called and said, i didn't say that! i like him a lot, he's a great guy.
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30 years ago, 15 years ago. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now we slowed donald trump down, sometimes we speed him up and here now with his thoughts on hillary's thoughts about his actions at the last debate is coked-up trump. [ tape playing very fast ] >> you see wait wait wait did you see what she said so here i am i'm saw that. so i'm standing at my podium. i got my chair. and crooked hillary walks across the stage right in front of me. right, right? trump said, if you walk across the stage, standing in front of me. i didn't care. i didn't care. >> jimmy: he didn't care, he didn't care. coked-up trump versus drunk trump. we have to take a break. when we come back we have a
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years from now people will be talking about this. matthew perry versus nas in "name that famous celebrity" so stick around.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. america has demanded it and so it is once again time to play "name that famous celebrity." ladies and gentlemen, let's meet our contestants. one is a beloved actor from television. the other hips and hops. please welcome matthew perry and
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>> jimmy: gentlemen, take your places. it's exciting to have you here. i am excited to have you here but i'll be perfectly honest with you, we're even more excited about our main player on this show. the star of the game. i met him outside a movie theater many years ago. he's a handyman by day. by night he takes photos with famous people, whether he knows who they are or not. please say hello to yehya! >> hi, my friend, how are you? how are you? nice to see you. >> jimmy: i think you just won a gold medal for egypt in the 40-yard dash. >> i'm past fast now. >> jimmy: what happened? >> it is work. >> jimmy: you want me to look at them? >> no, you're not doctor. >> jimmy: actually, i am a doctor, but -- >> are you a doctor for the show? >> jimmy: i am a doctor, yehya. please, get down on your knees and i'll show you.
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your zipper's open. >> jimmy: my zipper's open? you wish, don't you. >> god bless you. >> jimmy: god bless you. for real. >> hi, audience! matthew! >> jimmy: what did you say? >> how are you? >> jimmy: i heard how are you. >> matthew -- matthew mcconaughey -- >> jimmy: no, no. >> nasa -- >> jimmy: he's not the space program. his name is not the moon. nas. name, sorry. >> jimmy: that is the essence of this game. how long have you been standing outside rounds and in parking lots waiting for celebrities? >> sometimes somebody i love, three, four hours. >> jimmy: how long have you been doing this? >> 35 year. >> jimmy: 35 years? >> i got picture of them, it's very nice, he watch the movie, with dwight glasses, right? >> i have no idea what you said. [ laughter ] [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: stop it, all right. contestants, please put your blindfolds on. viewers at home, put your blindfolds on as well. we are going to show yehya a photograph of a famous person, a person with whom he's been photographed. he will then describe that celebrity to the best of his ability without using the person's name. remember that. >> okay. >> jimmy: you had trouble with this in the past. >> i drink coffee a lot, i work out. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. matthew, nas, listen to the clues. famous celebrity yehya das scribing, buzz in and december. for each correct answer you get 100 points. are you ready? let's begin. yehya, who is this famous celebrity? >> oh, the guy he do the war movie. the bad, the good, the ugly -- >> jimmy: nas? >> clint eastwood. >> jimmy: correct.
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>> that like almost 12 year. you know i got picture with the director. making famous from italy, you know? >> jimmy: no. >> i forget his name. he sign the picture. >> jimmy: sergio leone? >> he die 25 year. you don't believe. i got picture. >> jimmy: let's go to the next name, yehya. name this famous celebrity. >> oh, the black guy in make the movie president. like the president. >> morgan freeman. >> jimmy: no, a very good guess. >> he make like a president, his committee -- >> jimmy: nas again. chris rock. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. nas is good at this. there he is. there you are. where were you there, yehya? >> that one i'm in the fighting place, you see i got tickets for $8,000, somebody want to buy $2,000, i said no, i want to take picture with celebrity.
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>> matthew says something -- >> may i buzz in for an announcement? >> buzz in. >> i always wear these while having sex. did you know that? >> no, i don't know. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yehya. who is our next celebrity? >> oh, the guy on donald trump. >> jimmy: what? >> the guy with donald trump. he's in the show "extra." >> jimmy: almost. >> he's liken celebrity, talk with celebrity. he's friend to joshua bolsh. >> jimmy: you're not supposed to -- >> bolsh -- >> jimmy: you said his name. >> mario lopez? >> no, i said the show. like the celebrity. you talk about celebrity. >> jimmy: so does mario lopez, yeah, yeah. >> no mario lopez -- >> jimmy: go back to the
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>> he with donald trump. and had big hug like two day ago, tv, the news. >> jimmy: yes. >> give him hug, and trump go you know this guy, you should give him hug, you walk with donald trump. i don't know his name. i forget. bolsh -- >> jimmy: this was just in the news. >> i wear them because i like to -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. >> no idea. >> jimmy: oh, the answer is billy bush. >> billy bush. ? very topical. >> bolsh. >> jimmy: there you are giving him a lug, that's what got him into trouble. nas is in the lead. who is this woman? >> she's the movie with the -- avatar. >> jimmy: yes. >> she's in the movie "avatar,
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>> i got it, zoe saldana. >> jimmy: that is absolutely correct, matthew is on the board. 200 points, 100 points. zoe saldana. you met her outside the show? >> outside, she tell me don't touch me, because she have very expensive dress. >> jimmy: right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sure that was why. matthew, you could tie it here if you get the next answer right. >> okay. >> jimmy: our next celebrity is -- this gentleman.>> like -- star war. >> jimmy: matthew? >> george lucas. >> jimmy: no. >> the young kids, up like this -- >> j.j. abrams. >> jimmy: that's right. there he is. j.j. abrams. wearing a tuxedo. where did that happen?
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>> jimmy: go ahead. >> madeo. >> jimmy: madeo. >> very nice guy. >> jimmy: the tiebreaker, whoever gets this one wins it all. who is our next celebrity? >> oh, the guy, i'm happy happy. the music guy. he's black guy make his hair blond. [ laughter ] >> pharell williams. >> jimmy: that's right! you're both going home with a prize. >> dicky: >> dicky: matthew and nas, you each get a sculpture of your head and a cardboard cutout of yehya to take photos with at home. >> jimmy: what a beautiful prize. thank you for playing. thank you, matthew. thank you, nas. god bless you, god bless you. tonight on the show, music from nas. be right back with matthew
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>> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by paqui chips. there's a flavor for you. ? ? leads to the next. ? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. of a well-made choice.
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you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. like hearing the sound of your own voice. (softly) like hearing the sound of your own voice.
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amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. with sleep number, you choose the exact firmness and comfort you want and so does your partner for the best sleep ever. it's the final days of the columbus day sale, with the queen c4 mattress set now only $1399.98. plus 24-month financing. learn more at >> back to breaking news.
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information. sources telling us at newscenter 5, the officers who were shot tonight were ok. they are expected to be ok. >> this is in east boston. that is where john atwater is on the scene. it is an active scene. tell us what you see. reporter: it certainly is. we are just around the corner. streets are blocked around the area. a number of police officers, dozens and dozens right now. gladon you mentioned the encouraging news from a source that these officers are expected to survive. two police officers shot. this unfolded before 11:00. boston police tell us some officers were coming here, 136 gladstone street. they were coming here because there was report of a person with a gun at this address. something unfolded, gunshots were fired, and those officers
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little while ago, showing the chaotic scene. officers were streaming into the area from all over the city. they were coming up 93 from the south end of the metro. police officers were streaming up the highway, coming to the scene, looking for a possible suspect. initially, police had told people in the area here on gladstone street to stay in their homes, as they were looking for a possible suspect. but we have that some police officers are starting to leave this area. it doesn't seem quite as tense as it had been when this all unfolded. looking at live pictures, a couple dozen police officers right in this area. of course even more along the corner. a good blocking away from -- blocking a half away from where this unfolded, but the streets are blocked off, and we are hoping to get an update from
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the encouraging news that they are expected to survive from a police source. >> let's continue the conversation here. you can hear planes. obviously, everyone knows the airport is in east boston. you are very close to the airport, right? reporter: very close. this is a tight neighborhood. houses are very close together here. just north of the airpor t a pretty tight neighborhood, a lot of the houses in this neighborhood. dozens and dozens of police officers, dozens of police cars as they investigate and try to figure out how this unfolded, and if they are still looking for a suspect. the early news was that they had essentially locked down the neighborhood, telling people to stay in their homes.
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concern. >> in my eyes, when an officer is shot, that is the kind of response you see. you see numbers, equipment, and a grand number of people. which is what we see right now. reporter: that is exactly the case. you don't know what where they went. you want to get as many police resources in the area as fast as possible. that is exactly what happened here. obviously, department has excellent training, and we have police officers covering all angles here, literally around the whole neighborhood. all the streets are shut down as they were looking for the possible suspect. no update on the suspects, but we were hoping to get some word.
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you if they had anyone in custody or if anyone other than the two officers were injured when they? were responding to the scene? reporter: we have not gotten that word yet. i'm looking at twitter, because the police department has been inundated with phone calls trying to figure out what is going on. the latest from their twitter account, pray for the injured officers. the last word that the -- police department sent out was to stay in your homes, because obviously a suspect out there with a gun is very dangerous, after what happened tonight. ed: i know it is difficult to here with all the planes flying, but how close are you to the actual scene? i know for your safety they will keep you away, but how close are
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reporter: i'm looking at a map here. it looks like about a block and a half. if you go up this street and take a left, that is gladstone. right now, we are on wally. you might be able to see at the end of a block, another group of officers. you are not seeing the intense manhunt around this house, 136 gladstone. that is right around the corner. so this is maybe more of a subdued area right of officers responded. intense work is going on right around the corner from us. ed: and it has been going on for about an hour, right? reporter: yes, it was just before 11:00 tonight. it is unclear exactly what the call was. police are telling us it was some person with a gun at that residence, not clear if that was
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officers were initially responding, or if it was one officer and the second officer hurt. that is still a bit unclear at this point. you are right, it has been just over one hour now. the scene has called down a little bit, but it was absolutely chaotic. when this first happened, a lot of people reporting they had never seen this many police cars in the neighborhood before. it is a residential area. it is pretty tight. we don't have a sense of what kind of home we are looking at here. if it might be a triple-decker or single-family. we are not sure what the building is or how this unfolded. those details still to come, but you can see the police response. it is a little more subdued than it has been. that indicates there is a little more calm, but we are still waiting for the update from the police.
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reporter: that is the last we had heard. police again are asking for patients as they sort this out. obviously, this is a significant crime scene. they don't want people going through the crime scene as they try to put together exactly what happened. they don't want it touched. this will be closed down obviously overnight, as they go through the scene to determine exactly what happened. the shelter in place is there for safety and to make sure no one is going through the scene where this unfolded. j.c.: no doubt, this type of scene is going to wake you up this time of night. just a quick recap of what is going on, just before 11:00, a
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they came under gunfire. they are injured but expected to survive. now there is a shelter in place around 136 gladstone street while officers comb the area. things are a little calmer a few blocks back from gladstone street. reporter: that is certainly the case. in some of these cases, we see a manhunt with dogs and officers going through the woods. that is not happening where we are located. that could potentially be happening on the other side of the scene. it seems officers are waiting -- ed: excuse me, john.
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tweeting right now the suspect has been located. the scene is secure. residents are kindly asked to remain inside. there is evidence. they say the scene is secure, for they want people to be safe indoors. ed: i have seen boston housing police, boston police. you have not seen state police or anything like that, have you? reporter: at the perimeter. transit police are here. they are just down the road. not clear how that may be connected. officers from -- we have two officers shot in the city of boston. every agency is going to converge on this area. early on, you do not have the
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encouraging news from the police department that the suspect has been located. that sort of explains the calm we are seeing in this area about a block and a half away. that may explain the calm. police are still telling people do not go outside. you do not want to disturb the crime scene. ed: in contrast to what we are looking at right now to what you saw when you f reporter: this has been what it was like, to be honest with you. sort of calm. i spoke with one of our photographers who is here 15 minutes before. it was a little bit more chaotic. that is when the shelter in place went out. at that point, police were looking for a suspect. there is a lot of concern at
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come to the area. that was 35 minutes after this happened. police were trying to figure out where the suspect may be. obviously, that has happened. one suspect has been located. it sounds like maybe there was one suspect involved in a love this. still to be determined. it has calmed down right now, not a chaotic manhunt or search in this area. from where this happened, 136 gladstone street in east boston. ed: boston police are saying not only has the suspect been located, the scene is secure. that would seem to underscore what you are looking at right now. reporter: absolutely. that concern for now has subsided. as we have been reporting here,
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11:00 tonight. those officers, according to a source, expected to survive. that is obviously another calming factor, thankfully, those officers expected to survive after what must have been a chaotic few moments. still trying to piece together how it unfolded and what happened. police responded just before 11:00 tonight. with a gun. at some point, this all unfolded. not clear exactly what happened. right now, the scene is secure, going through the evidence, trying to piece this together. it will be a lengthy investigation. ed: obviously, we see a lot of police. i understand the shelter in place order has been lifted. has that brought people out in the street?
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are coming from surrounding streets, streets around this area. that is what i am guessing. we are after midnight now. a lot of people may have been sleeping and just getting the news. this is one angle. all of the streets in this area are blocked down for a pretty big radius. a lot of these streets were shut down. obviously, there was some concern a suspect was out here. they are seeing what has unfolded in their neighborhood tonight, which was absolutely chaotic an hour ago. j.c.: all of this happening very quickly. it was 10:00 or 11:00 when the call came in of someone with a gun on 136 gladstone street. two officers, already getting
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injuries. there was a shelter in place. while that has been lifted and the scene is secure, they are asking kindly, please stay inside your home if you are in this area. there is enough chaos going on. do not get involved with it. obviously, there is like going through your window. you want to know what is going on. the street. looks like mostly officers. reporter: there might be some people, you know, in the distance coming out of their houses. thankfully, that initial chaos has subsided. for the people living in this crime scene, which is several blocks, they have really shut down the street, just asking
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away from where this happened. the shelter in place lifted. obviously, the concern for the safety of the people here is no longer a concern. this investigation is just getting underway as they try to sort out what led up to this. this is what they are sorting out. the neighborhood is going to be shut down for some time. j.c.: all of this happening so quickly. this is 20 minutes from when we got to two officers shot to shelter in place to figuring out who this is. very, very quick. reporter: a situation like this -- absolutely a relief things happened so quickly and they
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traumatic night. ed: you know that neighborhood. you are talking -- you can see the commissioner in the middle of your screen. he is on scene, right in the middle of the picture. j.c.: the one without the uniform. ed: the mayor is with him as well. so you know the neighborhood. you have heard the trains go through. the houses are right next to each other. the friend. reporter: here we go. we will ask them about what happened here. >> we will do something real brief and do a more formal one. i will give you a brief outline now. it looks like we have two
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gone bad. two officers were shot, one of them, multiple times. obviously, they are going to be fine. myself and mayor walsh are heading to mass general now. we will have an update when we get all the facts. >> can you talk more about the condition? >> i know one is critical at this point, shot multiple times. shot one or two times but is in stable condition. we are heading down to get more information. >> do you expect them to survive? >> the suspect is deceased at this time inside the home. obviously, officers moved in and neutralized pretty quick. no one else got killed.
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>> can you explain how this unfolded? >> i don't know. that is what i have to get right now. i will give you more at the hospital. the scene has been neutralized. it is under control. no one in the neighborhood has to be concerned. obviously, i apologize for some of the commotiont two officer shot and a suspect possibly on the loose, we had to get here as soon as possible. reporter: that is the update from the police commissioner tonight. a single suspect killed in this confrontation. one officer shot multiple times, in critical condition. the other officer in stable condition. they are heading off to the
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again, some sort of domestic situation on gladstone street just behind us here, up the street, and to the left. the update from the commissioner tonight that the suspect was killed in the confrontation. there was initial concern, a shelter in place, that the suspect might be on the loose. the suspect was found dead at the residence. obviously, they are going to visit the officers in the hospital now. very tense day in this neighborhood. the initial call came in of someone with a gun at this house. you heard the commissioner trying to sort out details. his primary concern right now is his officers who have been shot, one critical, one in stable
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points you need to hear. the one thing the commissioner did say at the end, the scene is under control, and there are no concerns. that is something that residents and everyone else needs to know. there is concern about the condition of the officers. j.c.: one in critical condition. one stable. we are looking at pictures from the scene, a block from where the actual event took place. incident gone bad. one officer was shot multiple times. the other, perhaps once or twice . taken to mass general hospital, where mayor walsh and commissioner evans are heading right now. the suspect is dead inside the home. no concern to residents. after midnight, you get concerned. this is 136 gladstone.
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nothing to be worried about. ed: that is the situation. we have multiple crews on the scene. we will bring you live information from cc1 test message person? >> first celebrity i ever saw this person -- you remember the movie "revenge of the nerds"? >> jimmy: of course. >> remember the black guy? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes.
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neighborhood which is strange in itself. he was hanging out. in queens bridge. i had a friend, a friend of mine with me. we saw him. my friend threw his hot dog at him. >> jimmy: what? >> it hit him on his chest. with ketchup. it just ruined the whole "revenge of the nerds" thing for me. >> jimmy: for you and for him too. >> yeah, for him. he didn't like that. >> jimmy: wow. even in real life he was getting bullied, that'ser >> were, were. >> jimmy: have you ever written a song about that? that's a telling tale to tell. >> no, this is the first time i've ever talked about it. >> jimmy: i'm glad you could get that off your chest. what was the first rap song you ever wrote? how old were you and what was it? do you remember? >> probably 8 years old. >> jimmy: 8 years old. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it was about what? >> what do 8-year-olds dream about? >> jimmy: sports? i don't know. >> i'll say it. >> jimmy: boobs?
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so i just talked about the summertime, me and my friends, hanging out, doing a show and everybody going wow. that was it. >> jimmy: that was the song. did you get a big thrill after you wrote that and then performed it for your friends? >> i knew i was going places. >> jimmy: you ka now you were going places. this is pretty exciting. you are from queens bridge in new york. and there's a mural that just popped up. i'm guessing you didn't know anything about this. put this on the screen. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you notice this happening? >> no, no. >> jimmy: who did this? >> he's an artist from france. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. his name is agnost, something like that. >> jimmy: you're a fan of his too? [ laughter ] >> well, now i am. i just heard of him. you know, i got the call, people are texting me pictures about it. it scared me. because usually when they put a
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>> jimmy: it's because they died, right. >> so i mean, it's a huge honor. and i hope that the kids out there see it as me as an example. like you can be something, doesn't matter where you're from, whatever, you can be something. if you have a dream, go after it. >> jimmy: absolutely, for sure. i mean, yeah, that's -- i would imagine that would mean a lot to you. >> where you from? >> jimmy: brooklyn originally. i grew up in las vegas mostly. >> imagine your face on a las vegas wall. siegfried and roy. [ laughter ] >> that's better. it's like hometown love. >> jimmy: right, sure. >> i mean, i'm still shocked by it. >> jimmy: i would think so. when is your next album coming out? it's been how many years since the last one? [ cheers and applause ] >> about almost five years. >> jimmy: almost five years. that's too long, isn't it? >> it's kind of long. >> jimmy: what's taking so long? [ laughter ]
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life. i got to live. i got to experience things. you know, so it's like -- sometimes music can shift society, man. like not even talking about me. just like, you know hare we have -- making some music out there that the world can hear now. so it's like, wow. when i first started out, i didn't know this thing would be so global. so now like, you know, things are changing. music is changing. >> so you write a song, then you feel like musicas past this point. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then so you scratch that song and go on to the next thing? >> i got to feel it. this is all about the feeling. >> jimmy: you realize this will continually happen. it's not like -- it's not tivo where you put the world on pause. you're going to have to release an album at some point. or they're going to take the mural down. [ laughter ]
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>> oh, man. it just got up there. >> jimmy: i know you're involved in a lot of technology, right? people ask you to invest money, you do or you don't invest money. are you in these meetings or you have somebody that handles that for you? >> we have a firm, queens bridge venture partners named after my neighborhood. we take meetings. we take pitch meetings. >> jimmy: are most of the ideas pretty good? or are there terrible idea that is you get? >> they're mostly good. they're smart people. >> jimmy: what about relatives? do you have your you ideas? old friends? that kind of thing? >> my brother. >> jimmy: your brother, okay, good. >> shout-out to jungle out there. he pitches me a meeting. i mean, he pitches me an idea every time we get on the phone. >> jimmy: jungle dust. >> in the middle -- we talk for like an hour. somewhere in there he pitches things. >> what's the craziest thing he's pitched you? >> he's going to kill me, man. [ laughter ]
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: a hip-hop theme park? >> is that okay this. >> jimmy: i don't think that's a terrible idea. >> would you go? >> jimmy: nas berry farm you could call it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> you might be on to something. >> jimmy: yeah, jungle. the jungle cruise. it could be everything. it's all there. all right, when we come back you are going to do a song with erykah badu. >> yes, shout-out t cleveland. erykah badu, amazing artist, she's in the movie, she's on the song, my label, the "land" sound track. >> jimmy: beautiful. nas with erykah badu, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by new crown royal vanilla whiskey.
12:30 am
who says i shouldn't have a soda everyday? my doctor. my dentist. definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. make sparkling water at home. and drink 43% more water every day.
12:31 am
bob hillery: i spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. up half of the time, i'd have been court-martialed. but that's what senator kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went for ayotte, collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesn't cut it. vo: votevets is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel
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crown royal vanilla whiskey. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank matthew perry and apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, here with the song "this bitter land," nas and erykah badu. [ cheers and applause ] ? this bitter land watered with my soul the fruit it bears
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? mmm this bitter land does nothing for love this bitter land brings pain from above oh ? ? yeah running on the concrete cross the train tracks the devil is behind me ? ? in the ghetto where's you'll find me it's where i stays at ? ? cop shot us up he get a medal then retire but it never will define me ? ? write a letter to the president
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? tell 'em stop riding me stop driving us into a suicidal ideology ? ? tryna feed my seeds getting high on weed study my degrees ? ? stay fly getting paper with some dead white people faces ? ? in the circle of spaces around the green i'ma lean ? ? taking percs as a bit of earth is a -- cursed am i blessed ? ? see what i mean it's a test life is a test life is like a hood ? trying not to fall between the cracks ? ? in the cracks it's so dark and the dark ? ? seems more appealing than the light in the land where you gotta fight ? ? catch a body in the night we need a plan ?
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? this bitter land is far too real this bitter land it does not heal ? ? 'cause in the land skies are grey but we fight the storms that come our way ? ? the boy who strives to be a man must push to lead and fight all he can ?
12:36 am
oh, oh, oh ? look what it's come to ? this bitter land can't stop my fight ? ? yeah bitter land ? ? can't hide look what it's come to
12:37 am
this is "nightline." >> tonight inside the final 30. with 27 days to go, donald trump once again under fire for alleged bad behavior. a beauty pageant contestant accusing him of barging into a dressing room. >> we were at the dress i into bikinis. >> trump admitting to howard stern pushing the boundaries of his power. >> i'm allowed to go in because i'm the owner of the pageant. >> the political fallout and what his campaign is saying. crafter party. the etsy open call hoping to land massive purchase orders from big-name change with millions of profits on the line. which of these handcrafters will take the cake? cat tales.


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