tv News Center 5 at 1100 ABC October 24, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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>> five people hurt when a car flipped in revere. new tonight, the long wait as early voting begins in massachusetts. text temperatures dropping in wins gusty as well. how long the october chill sticks around. >> he would always tell me he loves me, dad. he's just a great kid. maria: hard ache after a fiery highway crash. four college students, and a wrong-way driver all killed. good evening. ed: and i'm ed harding. grieving family and friends are asking how it happened. newscenter 5's john atwater is live in middleborough with new developments tonight. john: there are a number of warnings on this ramp. somehow police say this driver went up this ramp and slammed into a car full of college students. >> i was blessed to have a son like him.
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great kid. john it is a crushing loss for : kraig diggs' father, his son, along with 2 of the boy's cousins and a friend were killed when a wrong-way driver slammed into their car on 495 around midnight. >> they were 3 different unique personalities. i just feel like they can never be replaced. john tavian martin was related : to three of the young men and together with friends and family remembered them during a vigil tonight in harwich. >> he was a good kid i loved him x he was an only child. he was all we had. john jordan fisher was also : killed, the group of 4, on their way back to colleges in central mass after visiting their families on the cape for the weekend. >> such a nice young kid, only nine teen. we are just very devastated, it is shocking. >> police say a 31-year-old fall river woman for some reason, got on the highway going south in the northbound lanes.
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friends released balloons to remember the young men, their parents, left only with memories of children who each had such bright futures. >> they'll live with us forever. they're in our hearts, in our minds. it's sad. john: the lingering question tonight, how did this all happen? sadly, no one survived the crash, so it's a very difficult question for release to answer. maria: several people are hurt after this rollover wreck. state police tell us a 17-year-old driver lost control on route 145. his suv flipped over. the driver and two passengers went to the hospital one passenger had serious injuries. two other passengers in the car were not hurt. also breaking, the husband of a woman killed when an suv crashed in a newton restaurant last year is now suing the driver involved. george miele's wife eleanor was killed in the crash at a sweet
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reports miele is seeking compensation from bradford casler, who is facing criminal charges. two people were killed and 7 injured in the crash. ed: work is underway in nashua, new hampshire to keep people safe around storm drains after the death of a 16-year-old boy. police believe jacob goulet fell down a drain friday night, his body was recovered in the merrimack river in tyngsboro. city workers are now installing tamper proof bolts and locks on drains, along with heavy manhole covers instead o grates. maria: so here comes the cold, but this is different than we experienced last week. harvey: you're right, this is different because the days will be chili and we have a breeze to go along with the cold. we've got to get used to it. it's chilly out there now, 47 in
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, noticed even nighttime, we have wind chills now making it feel like it's in the 30's. a little bit more of a winter field. the that in mind as you're heading out early tomorrow morning. it will be breezy as well before it starts a slow trip up through the day tomorrow. elsewhere will generally be in the 30's. this time there will be gusty breezes. i will let you know how long the chill will stick around and where there could be some snowflakes later this week. ed: take a look at this picture, you can see the anguish on his face. this is the witness unable to save two men, trapped as water filled a trench in boston's south end. that man is telling his story to newscenter 5's shaun chaiyabhat live at the scene tonight.
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it shows the moment he tried to save the men who were trapped in the trench here behind me. it also shows the moment he realized that he could not. it is the haunting image, a look of helpless agony steve smith remembers the most. on his knees, screaming for help . >> i started getting sick. i kind of broke down a little bit. help. x two men trapped in a trench, water filling over their head. smith ran to help, jumped in singing with his hands and feet. >> i tied an extension cord around my waist and jumped into the water try to fish around with my legs. the walls collapsed around them so it can them. they had no chance. >> there was nothing he could
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work himself, smith feared it could've been prevented. >> i was compelled to do something. it was very emotional. >> he later learned their names, they were workers for atlantic train services. >> send my love and prayers to their families and let them know i tried. >> osha continues to investigate exactly what happened and why. tonight for any more potential victims of a former scoutmaster arrested for sexual assault. police in new hampshire say eugene perreault was a scoutmaster in the mid-1990's through 2006 in epping and newfields. they say multiple people have already come forward to accused perreault of abuse, at least one was younger than 13-years-old at the time. perreault was the newfields town health officer. he was removed from that post
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in commitment 2016 tonight. hillary clinton has a five point lead, with almost two weeks until election day. she leads donald trump 49 to 44% in the new cnn poll. ed: but tonight trump is saying, don't believe the numbers you see. newscenter 5's mary saladna is here tracking the race. mary one day after suggesting : the first amendment may give journalists too much freedom, trump insisted that the polls are phony, created by the quote phony media. both candidates hit the swing states today. hillary clinton in new hampshire today with her chief attack dog, senator elizabeth warren. >> and on november 8, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. he thinks that because he has a mouth full of tic tacs that he can force himself on any woman
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well i got news for you donald trump women have had it with guys like you. >> clinton herself says she'll no longer answer to trump's attacks. ms. clinton: i debated him for 4.5 hours. i don't even think about responding to him anymore. today donald trump telling his supporters don't believe the polls, they're rigged. mr. that the system is rigged is the fact that hillary clinton was even allowed to run for president in the first place. >> some supporters now pleading for donald trump to stay on message. >> please tell donald trump to stick to the issues, and he'll beat hillary. >> trump is in the middle of a 3-day swing through must win florida; today, trump's campaign admitted the swing state of pennsylvania is slipping away. ed: donald trump making a move
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live. live from trump tower began tonight. it will be on trump's facebook page week nights at 6:30 up until the election. it's hosted by trump campaign advisors, from what trump calls the war room inside trump tower. the city of boston says more than 4000 people casting ballots in the city today on the first air early voting in massachusetts. this is video from the south 45 minutes to vote. it was a long line for most of the day and into the night. >> i came here at 230 and saw the line halfway down and came back later and the line was around the corner. >> early voting starting today. you can find an early coding -- polling place on her mobile app
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>> students going to durfee high school in fall river tomorrow will have to go through metal detectors after police say a student brought a bb gun to school. fall river police say students tipped them off to this picture on snap chat, taken at school this morning. they put the school on lockdown and eventually tracked down the student back at his own house. the 15-year-old was arrested. ed: tonight police in oklahoma are still looking for a man who went on a violent crime spree killing two people and shooting four more including two police officers. newscenter 5's ben simmoneau reports, he'en while on the run. ben: michael vance livestreamed his getaway on facebook . police say vance killed his aunt and uncle in oklahoma, trying to sever their heads. he also shot two officers. >> a gentleman came out with an ak-47 and just opened fire on everybody. >> police returned fire but vance got away by stealing a police car. >> and came over here to this
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and injured her. >> then another carjacking and another shooting, early monday morning. 6 people killed or injured in all. the u.s. marshalls now also looking for vance and the wanted posted says he's armed, and has a medical condition he may be trying to spread. ed: vance was recently released from jail, as he awaits trial on child sex abuse charges. >> a message in a bottle returned after being sent a half century ago. its long journey back to a local family. >> getting colder and colder for the next few days and precipitation late week. some could see some snowflakes. >> the nighttime change surprising a lot of parents.
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interviewer: what would stop you from voting this november? woman 1: working late. man 1: lines -- i hate long lines. woman 2: no babysitter. william f. galvin: for the first time ever we have early voting. if you're registered, you can vote any day between man 1: wow, that helps! william f galvin: early voting is easy voting. interviewer: so what do you think? woman 2: it' a timesaver. i love it. william f. galvin: it's easier than ever for you to vote.
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is football team is suspended for putting this guy on the field. number 84, taking the field with 13 and 14-year-old players at a game this afternoon. he is believed to be the older brother of one of providence team players. parents say he only lasted a few plays before refs realized what was going on and pulled him out. >> i could zoom right in and see the facial hair. he had arm tattoos. think about the paralyzed one of our kids or something worse. ed: the league suspended the capital city buccaneers, indefinitely. the team's coach is permanently banned from the league. >> doctors now say that infants should be sleeping in the same room as their parents for at least the first six months, and ideally the first year of their lives. the recommendation comes in a new report from the american academy of pediatrics. it says the sleeping change can reduce the risk of sids by as much as 50%. but doctors remind parents that
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ed: a message in a bottle, is back in the hands of the family that sent it. a new hampshire man dropped it into the ocean 50 years ago. it was found thousands of miles away. newscenter 5's jorge quiroga explains the long journey to get it back. >> it's been a long time coming. i wanted to bring this back to you for many years now. >> a note adrift at sea for some 50 years, finally where it belongs. >> >> oh my god, thats my fathers writing. >> paula pierce holding the the faded ink-stained piece of paper . >> her dad tossing the message in a bottle into the atlantic, and hampton beach, new hampshire where the family used to own the , beachcomber hotel. >> it didnt take me long after opening that bottle to realize this one doesn't belong with me
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caicos.,where clint buffington was on vacation. the message read return to 419 ocean boulevard and receive a reward from tina, owner of the beachcomber,a practical joke from her husband paul. >> that hundred $50 would have represented probably seven rents . >> buffington, a teacher who lives in salt lake city utah, told pierce about the note a few years back unable to give it to her in person until this moment. >> by the way, it doesn't save mail it. it says return it. [laughter] in return pierce kept her dad's >> promise. >> there it is. i made a new friend. a check for 150 bucks. >>a check for 150 bucks. for a magical moment it was like paula pierce's mom and dad were right there in the room,
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>> you could feel it, that was a great story. >> we're dealing with a lot of numbers here. the only problem is our numbers are going down, not up, as we talk about the temperature. er the wee hours of the morning. it was all south of massachusetts. it did help out the drought, the deficit is less than it was. we will see the chart change every thursday and i expect the red area to get a little bit smaller. now we're talking about the chill that is settling in.
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chillier the snap because we have a 21 mile per hour wind out of the west. this is the difference between this chilly air mass and the ones we've already had a far this month. this time the temperature rise will only be 10 or 12 degrees tomorrow which will keep it 10 or 12 degrees colder than it was today. 30's and 40's around but also breezy and the chilly weather goes up to eastern it will be with us for couple of days and night. tomorrow is wednesday will be gusty as well. we start in the 30's but with the gusty northwesterly wind, temperatures tomorrow will be lucky to maybe get to 50 or so tomorrow in boston. the higher elevations have no prayer getting to 50 tomorrow.
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watch. these areas that are not had freezing temperatures yet farther to the west, everybody already has. this is our next bout of and it will essentially lead to a chilly rain here later on thursday and thursday night and into early friday. when it makes its approach, look what happens. the band of snow across eastern new york snow around the berkshires, same thing for interior southern new hampshire. that it will be short-lived if it occurs at all. when this gets up to the western mountains of maine they will have possible snowstorms out of this but that is well to the
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wednesday morning it will be chilly. wind chill's in the 20's so it will feel a little more like winter and fall during that particular day. then the next precipitation maker, we start out would chilly air and there could be wet snow or sleet to the north and west. otherwise the chilly rain we've then it should be exiting on friday. it looks like the chillier now settling in will be with us for the better part of the next week if not the entire next week. most of last week was incredibly warm for this time of year but now with you the other side of the coin and the temperatures will average below normal.
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great price on this boneless chicken! yeahno bones about [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my stop & shop. andrew crossley: new hampshire has a senator as hard as we do. gerardine ferlins: kelly ayotte believes in the potential of new hampshire, and wants to unleash that potential. ron goguen: she's out there fighting for good-paying jobs. andrew crossley: kelly introduced bipartisan ake sure we have the skills for the 21st century. sue winter: she's fought against workplace discrimination - and for equal pay. claude poisson: she's working for the little guy - i'm the little guy. barb fredette: we need kelly fighting for good new hampshire jobs so our kids can raise their families here. sue martin: kelly is a powerful voice for new hampshire's working families. kelly ayotte: i'm kelly ayotte
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ed: you have to stay up for jimmy kimmel tonight because he has president obama on the show. >> barack obama, bro do you even lift? president obama well, i lifted : the ban on cuban cigars, that's gotta be worth something. >> the president also reading some mean tweaks. ed: how could he have any mean tweets to read?
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this morning loss in miami the other day. >> i don't know when's the last time they got swept, it's probably been a long time. it's probably never happened with brady, but it's not about validating ourselves, we just got to find a way to win. >> world series game one tomorrow night in cleveland and i cannot remember the last time there was so much interest in a series that did not involve the red sox. first of all it's the cubs who haven't won it since 1908 and then all the sox connections with both teams. let's start with the cleveland indians. frank on in world series play, mike napoli behind the stick, andrew miller was here for a while. coco crisp in centerville, then you go to the indians. jon lester, lackey, and david ross. they open and frank on home park
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o'hara had the guts to hire me up there when i didn't -- theo had the guts to hire me and he believed in me. we went eight years on a lot of good baseball. you've been to boston enough to know that if you can survive with somebody through eight years there, that says enough right there. i always knew when things got tough where i could go. tomorrow and wednesday night, majorly baseball has chosen to former players for the role. however, the people's choice has to be -- ?
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to be the gift that keeps on giving. if called upon, i would be honored. ? so far the indians are going with others. they really need a boost, i would go with ricky von. maria: that was classic. to stay that way. harvey: it's going to be a chilly week, no two ways about it. kind of a chilly rain coming later thursday into early friday but there might be some snowflakes. ed: tomorrow morning, idea dear walks into a bar. this actually happened in alabama. the eye starts at 4:30. am. join the gang then.
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jimmy, hi, welcome to my dressing room. it's your dressing room! ha ha ha! oh, thank you so much for having me on the show. it's a real big deal for me. my book comes out tomorrow. my show on cbs. "the great indoors" premieres on thursday. my appearance on your show literally the most important one of my life. >> jimmy: oh. wow. you know, i was going to talk to you about that because we have a little problem. >> oh, your infection flared up again? >> jimmy: no. >> what kind of problem are you talking about? >> jimmy: let's see. it's a -- we got a bigger guest and you're not going to be on the show tonight problem. >> bigger guest? bigger than joel mchale? >> jimmy: oh, quite a bit bigger. >> you got beyonce? >> jimmy: no, actually, bigger
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