tv Newscenter 5 at Six ABC November 4, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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lets take you to boston's city hall. early voting ended an hour ago. those in line will get a chance to vote tonight. you just saw how long the line was. it was eight years ago tonight that barack obama was elected president. maria: and the candidates and their surrogates are crisscrossing battleground states and, yes, that includes new hampshire. that is where our team coverage begins with newscenter 5's david bienick. he's in atkinson, where donald trump campaigned today. david: this is the first of two rallies donald trump has scheduled in new hampshire. it underscores how close the race is and how much donald trump needs this race to win. cheering supporters at a new hampshire country club, donald trump slammed today's jobs report which shows unemployment down to which is up.
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david: trump appeared to stick to a scripted speech. mr. trump: we are on the cusp of historic change the transfer -- the transfers power from a failed political establishment and returns that power to you. david: the campaign ended out lawn signs and signed of volunteers. there is no early voting in new hampshire, so every vote is up for grabs. >> we do not have 10 million people in new hampshire. >> i will think there should be early voting. >> why not? >> i think things can happen when there is early voting. david: former governor johnson new mocked the marriage of the clintons and their sex life. >> do you think that bill was referring to hillary when he said i did not have sex with
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david: in fact, bill clinton made those comments about white house intern monica lewinsky. democrats are demanding an apology. wcvb newscenter 5. maria: let's talk about hillary clinton now. she will be in new hampshire sunday. today, hillary clinton and her highest profile supporters crisscrossing battleground states, working hard for every vote. at nichole berlie continues our team coverage. nichole: clinton showing no signs of slowing down on the campaign trail, utilizing the support of some of her famous supporters. hillary clinton it in the campaign trail running today, making a stop in the battleground state of pennsylvania. ms. clinton: are you ready to vote, pittsburgh? nichole: leaning on celebrity backing. >> i believe she is going to
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tax-cut that is going to do one of two things -- raise the deficit by $9 trillion over 10 years or require cuts to 40% across the board. nichole: and former president bill clinton in colorado. mr. clinton: i believe she will be the first woman president, and i know she will be the best qualified president i have had a chance to vote for in my lifetime. but even those things are not as important as what it will mean for you. nichole: clinton heads to cleveland for a concert with jay-z tonight. she will close at campaign monday in pennsylvania. ed: nearly one in four registered voters in massachusetts has already cast their ballot. today is the last day for early voting. mary saladna is live at boston's city hall.
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is friday and people are still waiting to cast their ballots, huh? mary: they are, and if you were in line by the cut off of 5 p.m., you do get to cast your ballot. there are still about 150 people waiting. how popular is early voting? i think this speaks to the success in most people's minds. >> is probably going to be a zoo. mary: roughly one million mass residents jumped at the chance. that meant waiting in a line -- a long line. >> i was not sure i would get a chance. mary: early voting allowed many people the freedom to work voting into busy schedules and in many cities and towns, it was quick and convenient. >> i think a lot of it was
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of 4 p.m. friday, about 97,000 based aiders had voted early. another 176,000 had returned absentee ballots. all in all, 1.4 million have made their choices. and no major problems with early voting, although they will tweak the process were necessary. i mary saladna, wcvb newscenter 5. candidates covered on election night. they will both be in new york city and so will newscenter 5. jc monahan will be at trump campaign headquarters and ben simmoneau will be with the clinton camp. maria: right now the fbi and police in new york are assessing the credibility of information they received of a possible al qaeda terror attack against the u.s. on the eve of election day. counter-terrorism investigators are reviewing the information that mentioned new york, texas and virginia as potential , targets.
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information lacks specific information. both hillary clinton and donald trump are holding their election parties in new york city. ed: right now, of falmouth man is facing attempted murder charges after struggling with police officers and throwing error when in their faces. two officers had to be taken to the hospital. maria: juli mcdonald is live in falmouth for more on how this happened. was started as a routine call for police officers. what started as a tame arrest ended with officers with potentially dangerous chemicals in their eyes and noses. russell pena now facing attempted murder charges.
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>> everything going on with the heroin epidemic, we do not know what is in the heroine -- sentinel, any other chemical -- sentinel -- fentanyl or any other chemicals. juli: when police executed a search word of his car, they found marijuana, cocaine, and more than $1400 in cash. p ena's rush to his arraignment. he hid behind a wallace the prosecutor read back -- behind a wall as the prosecutor read pages of his arrests dating back 20 years. >> we had two officers in iowa who lost their lives. there is no routine call. you have to always be aware and on your toes as to what could
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juli: just to give you an idea of how delicately the situation was treated -- after officers controlled pena, they had to disrobe in the booking area and every officer who came in to assist had to wear masks and gloves. juli mcdonald, wcvb newscenter 5 . >> but we're not talking about marijuana. ed: with a vote on legalizing marijuana in massachusetts looming doctors on both sides of the debate are weighing in. maria: army ring mystery. the new effort to find the owner before veterans day -- before veterans day. harvey: pleasant november day, on her way to a chilly november right. changes for the weekend straight ahead. ed: look at all as people. we know what that feels like.
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but they do on question 2. they agree opponents have run a "campaign of misinformation" to spread "fear through white, affluent neighborhoods." they agree in the suburbs question 2 will have "no impact on their schools and their children." they agree it will provide vital "choices for urban parents" and help reduce "the achievement gap." question 2 is "a kid's civil right." join leading newspapers and governor baker
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maria: commitment 2016 -- proposal recreational marijuana touting messages as doctors. ed: but there are doctors who oppose it. reporter: the commercials on both sides convincing. with tuesday in plain view the arguments alive and well. they are getting it on the >> streets where can be laced. >> access has an impact on our children. reporter: it seems the only thins unclear, is if people know
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on revenue,the 6% state tax attached to the legalized sale. >> for our schools, 40 streets. >> we don't hear the real costs for public health. reporter: let's talk about the data. both sides have a lot of it, but marijuana has not been legal long of anywhere for long-term information. >> marijuana has not been studied that way because there is not been that kind of access. reporter: those asking for your yes v are far more dangerous. reporter: it is the impact of the vote that has some lawmakers holding out. >> we will not be able to stay ahead of it based on the way it is written. reporter: it does not mean the questions are over. lawmakers would still need to deal with a long list of challenges. in boston, nicole estaphan, wcvb newscenter 5.
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to deal with backups on 128 in either. maria: when drivers will be to toured for the bridge demolition. plus long lines -- not for voting. no, kate: my mom and i love shooting hoops. but you know what - she could still learn a few things from me - just like i've learned a lot from her. mom helps with homework... she helped dad start his business... and she even fought to put bad guys in jail. now, mom helps make laws that help people - especially when they need it most. i'm really proud of her. and she's taught me that with hard work - i can do... anything. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, kate: and i'm kate. kelly & kate: and we approved
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of this weekend if you can't. why? they will be ripping down the bridge and the could be big delays. starting tonight at 8 p.m. through 2 p.m. tomorrow northbound drivers will get off , at highland ave and be detoured back onto the highway. then from around 1 pm saturday until sunday afternoon, southbound drivers will have to face similar detours. highland ave itself will be completely closed over route 128. it's expected to be completed by monday. ed: honoring the doctors who saved , the lives of two police officers shot in the line of duty. officers richie cintolo and matt morris were shot october 12 while responding to a domestic disturbance in east boston. yesterday, commissioner william evans issued a commissioner's commendation and a heartfelt thank you to mgh doctors george c. velmahos, david king and the entire mass general hospital trauma team. the officers were both shot multiple times during the
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arrived at the hospital with a bleak prognosis. the doctors received a standing ovation from all in attendance. maria: veterans day is just a week away and a boston hospital is hoping to make it special for one soldier. this u.s. army ring was lost at brigham and woman's hospital two years ago. -- more than 10 years ago. so far, the hospital hasn't been able to find the owner but they're hoping to solve the mystery by veterans day. the ring's identifying feature -- the initials "rez" engraved on the inside of the band. they are a ed: take a look of this pairing we show you lines, lines of people voting. lines of people trying to get into valid areas and they are in mind that. big papi may have ridden off into the sunset but his legacy remains with a new angle, beer. big hapi beer has entered the local brewery market. sam adams, the brewer, describes big hapi as a heavy hitting double ipa brewed with mango. if you didn't get it today
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today, honoring big papi's 541 career homers. why couldn't the guy hit 757? we would have a couple hundred more. harvey: of course, is very apropos if it is heavy hitting. ed: there you go. harvey: all right in boston we hit7 a little bit above average. a nice-looking sky. look at that. we have so many beautiful skies. early evening, twilight. oh, yes, beautiful. jen out of the west-northwest. already dropped into the 40's.
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in -- the same in places like tom and norwood. the northwesterly wind becoming lighter. the clear skies, the dry air, the light winds -- you know the drill. down to the 20's in most places. the urban areas of boston could be down to 26. on the cape, there could be places that get close to freezing. there is a frost advisory for the cape overnight tonight. after that chilly start. temperatures will not be that different. there will be some cloudiness at times. clouds will slide southeast. sunday will get interesting along the coast. yes, high pressure wants to
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circulation is, it will bring a chilly air mass over the waters and that could pick up some moisture. enough to pick up some cloudiness. sunday's cloudiness, that will be coming down from the ocean wind. we will be following that carefully on sunday. yes, there could be showers that could pop up along the coast. it is almost chilly enough there could be wet snowflakes, eastern massachusetts will probably have more clout than central and western massachusetts on sunday. as for election day here, the weather looks spectacular. it looks sunny, dry, afternoon breeze. low 60's and places. all of next week looks like a great, great stretch of weather.
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milder again on wednesday. i will see you next hour. i'm meteorologist harvey leonard. >> now sportscenter 5 powered by extremity. >> hey, bob. great to have you back. continued good health and good luck the rest of the year. bob: i know he missed me. ed: he only missed foam before tom brady. i did not quite make it. i hope to perform as well as he has. ed: welcome back. he has to perform as well as you do every night. : i'm going to get started. the manager in waiting is tired of waiting. red sox bench coach torey lovullo basically a human safety net. there in case john farrell failed is hired today as the new manager of the arizona diamondbacks. the diamondbacks you'll recall also made former red sox
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month and hazen plucked lovullo off the red sox bench where he , set for the past four years. lovullo was the red sox interim manager for 48 games in 2015 when farrell underwent cancer treatment. lovullo is expected to be introduced at a news conference on monday. chicago affectionately known as , the windy city, and that toddlin' town and less affectionately as hog butcher of the world -- currentl wearing their cubs blues for the victory parade today an estimated five million people showed up to celebrate their favorite team many of them , making plans to do it again in 108 years. curse breaker extraordinaire theo epstein tells the story of meeting an 83-year-old woman when he first joined the cubs 5 years ago. >> she was like, i'm 83 years
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i really want to live to see a world series. is it going to happen? and we had just lost 10-one, five-game losing streak. he was pretty bad. i look to her and all i could think of to say was, take your vitamins. bob: good advice. it worked out. all right, the patriots only by week. sunday's a good day for yard work, or to clean out the basement unless you've recently had an aneurysm and you want to look that for a lot longer. i'm thinking about five the patriots are thinking about getting better. >> this is been a big week for us. trying to understand what we have done well, what we haven't done well. bob: midway through the season, the patriots are 7-1, making them the real monsters of the midway. the patriots have scored the third most points and this is a
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nfl and the best team other than the patriots now are the patriots eight weeks from now. >> you have to be realistic the way things have gone and understand it has not been perfect, regardless of what our record may indicate. there is a level of humility there. hey, this player is an individual. what can i do better. >> you refresh your at. your body gets a physical rest from having that sunday off. it still a long season. bob: and of course, tom brady was nice enough to walk me back to pretty sure he will get me to use to the super bowl as well. ed: and big papi called while you were going, bob. he wants to welcome you back 11:00. they are lining up.
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ready to head out when others head home. at eversource, we prepare for ugly weather all year long... upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you g on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter.
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massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, question 2 won't affect you. but question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and
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tonight, breaking news. the new abc news tracking poll. the shift in the race in just one week. the new numbers, clinton and trump. and two police officers shot in new york city. one dead, images coming in from e horrific discovery. the woman kidnapped, chained in a storage shed. tonight, what authorities have found. the explosive new video. an african-american man, and the takedown, the police k9. authorities say they had the
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