tv News 7 at 5 CBS February 5, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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ready for training. tim, how long will this mission last? they'll be gone for a year, jean. approximately 450 soldiers will begin active duty in may, but right now they're doing some preparation activities here in lynchburg. the group that's deploying is part of the 1st battalion, 116th infantry regiment. they're a combat team, but their mission will not be in a combat zone. soldiers will be helping protect other members of the military who are working in the persian gulf country of qatar. lt. col. christopher samulski/virginia national guard: "every four or five years this battalion is looked at as a potential element to support the active duty army. we do have a lot of new soldiers, so this will be their first deployment and i think they are kind of excited." the lynchburg battalion last served on federal active duty in the spring and summer of 20- 10. units from bedford, lexington and christiansburg are also mobilizing for the mission. soldiers will undergo more than 30 days of training at fort bliss in texas before their
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may 13th. this group did have some warning that a deployment was coming. the army notified them early last fall that they'd be heading off for service at some point in the near future. the official deployment announcement was made yesterday. coming up tonight at six, we'll hear from a few of the soldiers who tell us what they're doing to get themselves and their families ready for the year apart. live in campbell county, tim saunders, wdbj7. new at 5: salem police have identified the man they led them on a chase this morning. israel cunningham larceny and felony eluding. the roanoke county salem jail without bond. officers responded to a call this morning for a shoplifiting incident in salem. cunningham's car but he refused to pull over. the chase eventually ended at an apartment city. no one was hurt. a spokesperson from the mobile messaging app service kik tells us the company cooperated with the fbi investigation into
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nicole lovell's death. the company released her account information to investigators which could have lead to arrests. prosecutors say she talked to her accused killer, david eisenhauer, on a messaging app, didn't name kik as that app. thursday the company updated its guide for parents, highlighting specific safety questions. danville police are offering a 30- thousand dollar reward for information on a shooting. it happened monday on mount vernon avenue. doctor randolph neal and one other victim were taken to the hospital. neal says two men approached him demanding money, then shot him several times. the reward was 10- thousand dollars until an anonymous donor doubled it. call police if you have any information. new tonight: it may be one of the most imporant tests a high school student will take. but this year, big changes are coming to the sats. wdbj7's amanda kenney shows us what your child needs to know before they take the test.
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weren't worried enough about taking the changes are coming. cameron johnson/junior: i'm really stressed out about it, to be honest. i know i'm going to have to do a lot of preparation. but counselors are saying, they shouldn't be so concerned. hayley poland: "it's really beneficial for the students. they're being able to use what they learned in the classroom and how we teach them on a daily basis, they can use on the test". the new sat will include a 65 minute reading section. and a 55 minute math section. the essay is twice as long, but optional. and the scoring will go back to the 1600 scale, with points awarded for correct answers not deductions for wrong answers. hayley: they are encouraging students to guess and if they don't know they can take a guess and potentially get it right. there's no penalty for wrong answers. kaplan test prep suggests looking for areas on the test with the most opporutnity. kaplan test prep: for instance there's trig on the new sat but if you haven't had trig and your'e not gonna get trig before your test
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about that. worry about the algebra because there's a lot more of that. and you still can take it more than once. mckinzie thomas/junior:i plan on taking a practice test over and over again to see if i can get a higher score. i might take it twice. taisha steele: you can never take the sat enough. i know it does cost money however, the more a student takes the sat, the more practice they're going to get with the sat. most school districts have sat prep courses or you can pay for private tutoring. and you can use the kahn academy online to practice for free. but counselors tell us you may want to start thinking about it as early as freshman year. becuase a better score, could mean more scholarship money. in roanoke, amanda kenney, wdbj7. thank you, amanda. the new formats will be used with the next round of testing in march. alert forecasti gene of skies it cleared today is afternoon the winds have
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set the stage for a chilly night of course got out of you there looks i traffic moving okay the weather worries to speak of the cyber need your sunglasses of the next hour or so it would got clear skies the be nice sunset there and radford the cool air has returned that we got winter back into the area temperature wise when eventually at little buddha wintry weather is bars some snow showers in the seventy forecastletalk about that little bit but overall temperatures tomorrow in the upper 40s. you can see some warmer weather down across the south that's can a stay away from us but that snowstorm the we had across parts of the northeast that is now moving out high-pressure building in for ross over the weekend that will give us sunny skies to start to relax the winds not lost allows to cool off can see in late tonight low temperatures in the twenties in review to see some teams in some areas will talk about the sunny weekend and are next chance for little snow i underway after a huge crane collapsed onto the streets of manhattan the construction
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down early this morning, crushing several cars and killing one man. several others were hurt. new york's mayor says construction crews were in the process of securing the crane from the weather when it collapsed. mayor) "it was being moved into a secure position because, by the manufacturer's instructions, as winds topped 20 miles an hour." the mayor said the crane passed inspection just yesterday. and because of today's collapse, he has ordered more than 400 cranes operating in the city to be secured volkswagen is still trying to figure out how damaging its diesel emissions scandal will be for investors. the german automaker said today it's pushing back its annual earnings report, which had been expected march 10th. volkswagen has admitted to installing software in some of its diesel-powered cars that alters the performance of engines when tested for emissions. it made the vehicles appear cleaner than
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volkswagen has apologized. the company is being sued by u.s. authorities over the scandal. coming out of the latest u.s. report. the country's unemployment rate but hiring is also slowing down. 151-thousand jobs were added in that's nearly 50 thousand less than projected. the unemployment rate fell to 4-point-9 percent, the lowest since february 2008. the four-week average of people filing for unemployment has increased since october, meaning more people are out of work. this trend usually foreshadows slower job growth. a company in roanoke is helping its employees earn points toward free health insurance. wdbj7's noell saunders joins us now to tell us about the program. the program is called "workout for payout" this employer is giving their workers a unique opportunity to workout and get paid for it. the best part is being able get health insurance paid 100
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company. foot levelers, a local company that specializes in making custom made shoe orthodics, is giving their employees the opportunity to get free health care. "in 2015 we gave over 20-thousand dollars out in gift cards and foot levlers products to our employees as well as again the 100 percent paid health insurance" the company has been offering the "workout for payout" program since 2008. employees can earn points each pay period for their health insurance, extra money, paid time off and free gifts. "i love the camaraderie that it brings within the organization that we're all working to better to be healthier" amber hubble says the program has helped her stop smoking and do her job more effectively. "i have more energy. that is probaly the best benefit of it. i have more energy, i'm attentive, i can do my work. i don't that afternoon grog" some say having
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with family is the best perk. "usually you need somebody or some music to motivate you. i don't need it. a day off is good enough for me" employees keep track of their workout hours by logging them in the computer. the foot levlers blue ridge marathon is coming up in april. some employees are aready training for the big run. noell saunders wdbj7. how do doctors diagnose potentially dangerous mental health issues? the details in tonight's hometown health. and a profane tirade from presidential candidate donald trump catches the attention of a former first lady. you're watching your
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has reportedly cut herself in the past. in court it was revealed that natalie keepers had a history of cutting herself. joining us now to talk more about this type of behavior is dr. lyn day, clinical psychologist. tell us what is cutting or self injuries behavior? lyn day: it's not just limited to cutting, but can be any type of self injuries behavior. unfortantely it's more and more common. jean is it a sign of
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underlying problem? is it a sign of underlying anxiety, depression, feeling overwhelmed, sometiems it's just a sign of wanting to be included. they feel left out from their peers. and they find a group of kids who do the same thing. it usually starts in adolescence.. more frequent among girls than boys. if there is not intervention adn these kids don't get counseling these are children who are likely to develop personality disorders and borderline personality disorders and that can continue through adulthood. jean: is there a connection between cutting and suicidal behavior? or homicidal behaviro or hurting someone else? dr. lyn day there is no connection between cutting and homocidal behavior. these people are generally interested in hurting themselves, not hurting other people. for families who have cutters in their family i don't want them to look at them as potential murderers. now it can be dangerous and you can die from a mistake... and more likely you're not going to develop healthy coping skills and depression for years and years to come.
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hillary clinton is pushing back against attacks from bernie sanders. sanders has significant lead over hillary clinton in new hampshire - thanks in part to his attacks on clinton's wall street ties. last night, she fired back during their one-on-one msnbc debate - calling the jabs an "artful smear campaign." on the republican side, donald trump is in the lead. yesterday, he went on a profanity laced rant while giving a speech about isis. the tirade shocked former first lady barbara bush - who is joining her son jeb on the campaign trail. sot: gov. jeb bush/(r-fl) presidential candidate) "i don't think a president would ever shout profanities in a speech in front of thousands of people with kids in the crowd." (sot: barbara bush/former first lady) "who did that?" (sot: gov. jeb bush/(r-fl) presidential candidate) "your buddy." jeb bush has a lot of ground to make up to catch trump, and three other candidates ahead of him in the latest poll. a quiet weekend, but next week may bring another chance of wintry weather complete details of your first alert
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the detailswas sherry the time us today as well but beach delaware where is the same meets the snow the got some snow that coastal storm today all the way up across the northeast with down some snow there on the boardwalk and in the sun came out as that system headed out no new york actually about three inches of snow and call some problems with travel delays that snow towards boston right now high-pressure building in for us soaks no problems with that system but look there all with the main parts of canada all we down the boston's to pick up some snow it's now starting
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coast of the dryer of the next couple days watching this weak little clipper system so moved mainly to the north of us but watch that as we go through the weekend our next chance really it's of inclement weather as far as rain or snow does look like it's coming in till monday and tuesdays will talk about that in just a few minutes temperatures right now in the thirties and forties. we dropping fast out of the winds of relax a little bit and the skies are clear thirty on hot springs were forty five in danville here's what were looking at temperature wise tonight anywhere from about nineteen a blacksburg and up to about twenty three and rona can also the danville's a really chilly night going out early tomorrow morning to to i get evening dots there your forecast at temperatures for tomorrow a really get a be dependent on i pretty much northwest once we get those temperatures back into the forties once again tomorrow and then he gets even cooler with that second round of some warmer air that work in back behind strong cold front highs rent forty eight seven rona can lynchburg forty nine
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sunny skies almost a carbon copy of today on the way for tomorrow it's i can a be as breezy affect tomorrow the winds will be calm stig look of the forecast model just a few fairweather clouds move in during the day tomorrow same thing in this sunday and him were to focus our attention on to things. one to the west and the and another this coastal low it's a ride up the coast and not a player in the forecast over the next couple days we sherry differ perspective on that there's the low right here off the coast here's the one a provide another round of some colder temperatures the question is do these things meet up some of the models are saying yes looks like some of the may heavy snow across parts of the northeast were getting get some lighter snow probably one of those rain to snow mix is as that's a rain begins to move out in the cold air moves in right now looks like anything would be light but it would happen during the day that transition happening during the day late monday and then county continuing and early tuesday could call some travel problems in the forecast been so we have added
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watching out for that as you you make your plans of super bowl sunday fifty degrees would have that chance of some rain to snow showers on monday and then again on tuesday can wrapping up. so we may have some lingering snow showers minutes and will clear out cooldown for the rest of the week temperatures only in the thirties for 30s highs and overnight lows in the until the sprint cup drivers return to daytona. we'll hear from virginia native denny hamlin who is
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surgery. the sprint cup cars will be on the track in daytona and that includes chesterfield, virginia's denny hamlin who is coming off surgery in the offseason to repair a torn acl. hamlin raced the last 11 events of 2015 with the knee injury he suffered during a pickup basketball game, but his recovery is on track. the number 11 fedex team won twice last season and made the chase but the expectations are much greater
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gibbs racing, especially since teammate kyle busch won the title. denny hamlin/fedex toyota driver: we had a tough ending to our chase last year obviously, after running what i thought was championship caliber but it was good that we were, as an organization, able to put the pieces together to get a championship. kyle was able to bring it home for us for the first time in ten years or so, so as an organization we're very happy with where we're at and this is a good offseason because you're not wondering what it takes to be succesful. we know what it takes to be succesful and we're just gonna build upon that. justin fuente made it through his first national signing day as the head coach of virginia tech's football team on wednesday. transitioning to a new coach could cost you some recruits, but having defensive coordinator bud foster back on staff with the hokies, certainly helped the tech cause. justin fuente, virginia tech head football coach, "i do think that part of the reason we were able to keep it together so well is some of the continuity. quite honestly when you walk into a high school in the state of virginia and bud foster is walking in next to you, you have instant credibility. i think that
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us keeping the class together and maybe accelerating those relationships just a little bit." bud foster, virginia tech defensive coordinator, "when it comes down to the developing the relationships and how we've done that in the past and what's made us successful here, he's the same guy. once he got a chance to visit with the coaches, once he got a chance to visit with the recruits, they saw that. i'm excited about that next chapter with him leading the charge." wall street finished the week on a down day. the dow lost 212 points. nasdaq fell 146.
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eisenhauer, the cross country star from maryland who raced for virginia tech last fall. he's also charged with first degree murder and abduction in nicole lovell's death. tonight at six an encounter one man says he had with eisenhauer at a cross country meet. he'll tell you what he discovered from that first impression and what he thinks about the charges. for the latest weather anytime, turn to our webpage at and be sure to follow us on
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