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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  February 26, 2016 2:37am-4:30am EST

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video is jenna still makes degree motionsense is the world's first deodorant activated by movement. as you move, fragrance capsules burst to release extra freshness all day. motionsense. protection to keep you moving. won't let you down. your heart loves omega-3s. but the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol.
2:39 am
my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected live flake free for life everyone loves how they feel in dark clothes. and to keep those darks from fading... there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade.
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for years california silicon valley was the universe for technology, but now many companies are making the home in the midwest. >> reporter: across the great plains even in winter the new cash crop is high tech. >> it's time we bang the drum and let people know there's something happening here. >> reporter: what's happening is an explosion of start-up software companies in the heart land. in 2012 they launched a monthly service providing samplers of premium health products, but
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francisco. >> we could just be another start-up on the west coast or we could be part of this movement in the midwest. >> reporter: they now have 100,000 subscribers and did $5 million in sales last year helped by this community. >> it felt like people in here, investors or other connections would bend over backwards to help you. >> reporter: this is silicon prayry and it's making cities from across the midwest where david co-founded huddle in 2006. >> our pitch is get in here and start. >> look at this with me. >> reporter: it services sports teams. coaches post their game film to analyzes it. what is that works.
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>> reporter: he compared it to like this. >> we have a core value and one of our core values is fire the. [ bleep] >> reporter: you realize that people from new york and san francisco will be watching this. >> that's fine. >> reporter: another competitive edge, everything is cheaper. the median home sales for $188,000. >> you can grow your team with less capitol. >> reporter: today it's becoming a mini community. once abandoned buildings house spaces. >> you hear from people that come and visit and check out the town, they go this is cool. >> reporter: there are challenges.
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attract outside talent. 75% of investment last year went to three states, but that's changing changing. >> i don't think that reflects the distribution of great ideas. >> reporter: steve case, a co-founder of aol heads up a venture capital firm. it plans to invest $1 million on tech companies inside the coast. >> some people call it the fly over country. >> reporter: huddle started with three employees. it now has 400. you are the microsoft. >> it's been an amazing ride. >> reporter: huddle has employees working in 14 countries, but the new headquarters is going up right here where it all began. for cbs this morning.
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portable computer in your pocket that means it can fall victim to hackers and they do it through those apps that you download. a security firm found that between 75% and 80% of the top three apps on android and iphones were breached. the number jumps to 97% on the top paid apps on those devices. >> reporter: whether it's apps that help add tiesers target you or help hackers rip you off, you'll want to do your homework before downloading apps. >> any way i had money that they could take, they got hold of it. >> reporter: susan was a victim after she used a debit card to download a slot machine app. >> it was something that you purchased once for $15. >> reporter: when she went to reload the game she found hundreds of purchases had been made. more than $5,000 worth of transactions.
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i sat there and looking at it and i physically -- i was sick because i didn't know what they were. >> some of the information these apps ask for are beyond what they should be asking for. >> reporter: that story is no surprise to cyber security expert. he says certain apps are designed to steal your personal information. what are the consequences for me as a consumer? >> you're going to lose your identity. you're going to wonder how someone got in your bank account and paid a bill. >> reporter: he says when you download an app you're giving the app permission to access other parts of your phone, like an alarm clock app that can track phone calls. >> do you think an alarm clock needs all that permission, your call information, call history, your device id? this to me is not a safe alarm clock. >> reporter: and then the
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exploit apps to capture information as he showed us in a demonstration of what could happen when someone takes a photo of a check to send to their bank. what happens to the check now? >> the flashlight app spies on the camera. >> reporter: last year they discovered 11 malware apps that gathered information and sentenced it to a remote server. it included text messages. apple fought back by removing the apps and putting stricter security measures in place. >> they build a profile on you. >> reporter: some apps are collecting information simply for adds advertising purposes. in 2014 the federal trade commission settled a lawsuit alleging it transmitted consumers personal information
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>> he says he's found another flashlight app that can do much more troubling things. >> approximate one turns on your micro phone in the background, listens in on you and sends an encrypted tunnel to a server we discovered. >> reporter: you're saying they're listening to people's conversations and sending that audio back to beijing? >> we've tracked it. >> reporter: is this on this map? >> on information drive in beijing. >> reporter: he gave a report on that app to the fbi. >> because to me it's spy ware. >> we have to look at our phone and say it's a personal computer and reduce the risk of being spied on. >> reporter: the creator of the brightest flashlight app settled with the ftc agreeing to change its policy and delete all the
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susan sued over her app but the judge dismissed it saying her and her attorney filed too late. the cbs overnightly news will be right back. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information,
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your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now
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let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast-max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast-max. the only branded cold and flu liquid gel that is max-strength and fights mucus. let's end this. it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it.
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the mega hit uptown funk won at the grammys. the 70s group says it sounds like a lot like their 1979 tune funk you up. meanwhile the producer is stepping into the spotlight. >> reporter: that opening vocal is on unmistakable and so is bruno mars. >> reporter: he's the front man who gave uptown funk the groove to stay at number one at billboards hot 100 for a record 14 weeks. but what's sometimes forgotten is that the song belongs to the guy sitting on the front of that white limo. >> it's pretty dead on.
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>> reporter: the tall guy is music producer mark ronson. it was his album that contained the hit song that featured bruno mars. they recorded an agonizing 87 versions and then worried the word funk might be kind of lame. >> even to the last minute there were people like i don't know can you call it uptown funk. maybe you should call it just watch. >> reporter: my guess is if you went up to ten people on the street and say who's song is that, they would say bruno mars. does it bother you? >> no. >> reporter: he made a name for himself producing amy's 2006 album. back to black won five grammys.
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conversation about her family that led to their biggest hit. >> >> we were walking around new york where my studio used to be and she said they came over to me house and i said what happened and they tried to make me go to rehab and i said no no no. >> reporter: he says he was unaware at the time how troubled she was. the oscar documented amy shows her tragic fall that ended in her death. >> i've seen it twice. >> reporter: what it was like to watch that. >> it's difficult to watch. i love watching the first hour. >> reporter: it was his friendship that led him to another young british woman
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>> she instantly seemed so grow up and mature, not just in her voice, but she knew what she want. >> reporter: he produced both songs for adele's latest smash 25 and 19, but it was working with music royalty that made ronson most neverus. >> it's incredible. it's utterly terrifying. it's everything rolled in one. you have to get over that i'm working with paul very quickly. >> reporter: these days he is settling into his new-found fame and the realizization that it may be hard to top his latest success. >> the thing is to remember is where uptown funk came from, the
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the music you love and then judgment who claimed products caused her >> reporter: she diagnosed with ovarianch she died last the talcum p cars no photogenic the company
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generations ofson's and johnson's productsto fem decades. products ultimately caused her >> johnson and johnson knew of the associationfal startingk 1979. >> reporter: themerican cance results of on link andvariann beeix increased incror f thelaintiff a been more than 20 studies and thmandlevated trial her lawyers introduce into evidence
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johnson and johns the obvious in of all evidence t thehey made a decisio customers that were using veryproduct. >> pay fox's family >>r her, b s other women. >> repr: johnson against the fety of talc in itai powde it uses meets the highest standardspurity. that's the overnight news
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back with usat news an in new york,d gloves cameff houston. it the final chance for and ted cruz to lan front-runnerer tuesy. i t if y're goio have the the campaign that you
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at's hedav -- byhe way i've thousands nothifr. you han't hired one rsol tt's look i i'm sure people it polish workers, you'll il illegal workers on h p that happened. >> i'vhired tens ofr mylifemeousands. >> many from other co let me tens of thousands of people. he bringsp something fm it worked outevlly different.
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and und anm. >> mr. this andudnd theseng audience right now becse the audience is pacdh em and they're pa w i've had a relationship with politicis, both democrat, was a businen. magaze wor class busiss you have one republican -- have one republican them everdalife, although you skipped a lot of you don't g you. you dot havsement of one republican senator and u work with these ashamed of
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>> i think donald is right, pmising if he's elected he washington.right,e's given >cmary is saturday inarina and here is nancy >> we could turn this into her preacher came o crowds in south carolina. >> i think wesinging, u? because i'm michiganernie *cbs *cbs cbs *cbs *cbs *cbs *cbs in is brown and t ioreeither candidate w delegate rich super esday statesnoty made up half of the democratic electora i a trd in virginia and
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texas wereav h people like mexicansr criminals that is an outrage. >> rorter: a new nationaclinn lead amongc voters b margin of two to one. her husband's crime billas been a sticking pnt for some. two black lives protesters interrupted a fundraiser night. >> can i were escorted out and clinton later said she was sorry for some of the terms she phrase super predors.
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form the way say too many ending bars. this evening president obama claimed progress the isis terroristroup gn isis has lost 40% of its territory,utnd is reduced to using civilians as human wider war in syria is way. american backed rebels are on the run. assad i years because of russian air support and iranian troops. it is rare dpor a reporter to get into syria, but our elizabeth palmer covered the dictator's advance today. >> r orter: this used toe a b neighborhood. now 's a battlefield where the syrian army says it's got the enemy on the run. there's just been an air strike behind me.
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center of damascus and theb of opposition fighters. there is certainly no cea fire here at the momentnd be in he time soon. one of the syr buildings half a mile away where he says the rebels are now overhead we can hear the helicopters target, then -- what are they hitting? they're ys. those are barrel bombs? barrel bombs are basically con stersilled with explosives rolled out of a chopper. they're cheap, but horribly inaccurate. are there any civil yaps left over there? no, no, he says, only fighters, but there are fighters families
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near by we enter tunnels soldiers say were dug by by fighters where they hid and fought for years. the general leads the way through ruins he now you're still using air strikes in the suburb in order to fight? yes, he says, because dangerous for syria and the world so we're justifiedn using any wea that ts overstretched and under victories look like nothing more than a few blocksf rubble. but the truth is that by now all are exhausted and unlikely as it sounds just a couple of suburbs over t a mini truce with the rebels to allow food and supplies to
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>> rare firsthand reporting toda t f.b.i. said that his battle with apple is the toughest fight he's a fedemae to unlock iphe told the court that order is dangou. >> reporter: in its ng would be forced to dedicate six to 10 apple engis e ystem or government o.s.e
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enforcement's possession. if it creates software to break into the iphone, cminals will view the code as a prize. >> this is the hardest question i have sn inovernment. >> reporter: f.bdi congress today that the bureau only wanted access to the iphone used by san bernardinoerro syed faroo comey said the f.b.i. is standing on firm legal ground, but congress needs to set investigators can go. >> i'm a huge fan of privacy. i love encryption. it's a great thing. but our need for public safety crashing into each other, and we've got to sort that out as a ss should have a bigger role in this debate, but, scott, the court case is movi forward. google and facebook are expected to file legal papers in support of apple. >> pelley: jeff pegues for us tonight.
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tornadoes in several states yesterday killed at least four people, including three in waverly, virginia, where we find chip reid tonight. >> man, it's an experience, man. you got to experience it to talk about it >> reporter: vincent donald was about to sit down right here to watch tv when the tornado slammed into his mobile home, sheering off the roof and the wall. do you feel lucky to be alive? >> i'm not lucky. i'm blessed.nado tore his neighbor's mobile home from its foundation and sent it sailing across a highway. a two-year-old boy, his father, and another man died. their bodies and other debris were found 300 yards away. somehow, the boy's mother survived with serious juriin. in nearby appomattox, virginia, a 78-year-old man died and 100 buildings were dile path of destruction.
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reported in north caroli. in pennsylvania, a tornado ripped through amish country, hitting structures in narvon. a torrential downpour lead to flash flooding in and around washgtonind. and left one major road flooded for the morning coute. in the new york area, a gust of wind sent this truck airborne. and, s, at this. off queens, new york, 12-foot waves capsized a coast guard boat as it was trying to rescue fishermen onnother vessel that had run aground. and back here in waverly, virginia, you're looking at a es he tornado. now you're looking at a-plus that up there is the metal that was once the roof. scott, it's a good example of what happens when a tornado >> pelley: and we nt t out, no one s injured in the coast guard incident today.
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portle electronics has le batteries, but buting into flames in places you would least expect. eht it was a bomb. be an e- ns. involving defective lithium ion ower e- cigarettes. 22-year-old evan spahlinger had to be plac in a medically induced coma for three days in his mouth. it'supposed to be a safer and a healthier cells that p e-cigarettes, since december there have been 52ephing on fire.
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he said the demand to make these to cut cners. >> what we're seeing right now of these not madeo at sony or panason >> reporter: whitacre says that lithium-ion-powered items like e-cigarettes and hoverboards are considered high-power if their batteries are badly designed when they are charged they can overheat. is it something that the user is ing docorrectly? >> no. in general, with this kind of technology, it's very difficult for e user to be at fault. there is a well-controlled lliv both of those things should be designedo protecthe user. ways use compatible batteries
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>> p there's a plan to give widir we'll get to the bottom of it. and a young n ba gift from a legend when the cbs even news continues. it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at heagel.
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so ian get into the swing of it a bit quicker. when she enjoys it, we enjoy it ev and i enjoy it. feel the dfe ut, br o.what's that, broheim? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor, and mor more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt.
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your heart loves omega-3s. megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. how can this have pringtime? unstopables in-wash scent boosters
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y: i think flying station wagon. concept tang row airle atrnly and easily reconfigurle seat the traditnal t space, including overweight en person, like two parents and two >> the airlines will consider anything that allows them to
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"today in the sky" blog. >> if we've seenhithe rline industry, they're very clever about coming up with ways to sell seats to gers, especial w can charge more for either seats that are better or for seats that are less awful.soacking passengers and this seat maker zodcreac d a ddle seat faces p to 30 more passengers per plane. teessee congressman stephen cohen worries extra seats could jeopardize safety making it hard to evacuate within the required 90 seconds as seen in this video. he's authorea bill requiring the f.a.a. to set minimum seat- size standards. >> if people can't get out of an airplane they lose their s.houldn'te accident, it's
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now, stt, ll they want these seats and will ane?
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n.b.a.?at a new studyas found next. >> pelley: heart problems account for three-quarters of sports-related deaths in young athletes. lives, and here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: two years ago, isaiahtion's t college basketball players. then, a physical before the n.b.a. draft revealed a heart oblem, ending his career. >> i just didn't know what to do with it, but it was just-- you know, just accepting it, accepting that life and health is more important an a game. >> reporter: in the u.s.,
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death is highest among basketball players. one big question is what's a normal heart size for these athletes? colleagues reviewed the heart ultrasounds of more than 500 n.b.a. players. when you first saw them, you thought these are big hearts. these are abnormal? >> the first instinct is to say these hearts are enlarged. we're not used to seeing hearts for people that are this big. the average n.b.a. player is 6'7" and the average weight is 222 pounds. >> reporter: it turns out, lik bigger with exerse, although the hearts of thn. were about 10% tcker than ous. baseline f doctors gng forward. and how does ts he u >> this should help us
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>> reporter: in addition, they athletes future diagnosis. scott, dr. engel says this is w a mofo athletes in other sports. >>elle p jon lapook, thank you very much, jon. well, soccer's biggest star came murtaza ahmadi, a five-year-old from afghanistan was photphed wearing a lionel me bag. it went viral so messi sent him an autographed shirt from
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up next, a math teacher's solution to a math problem that has stumped the best minds for to succeed at calculus?ireya villarreal.e, lioln high school does not look like a place that inspires greatness. old, with gates on the winws, in a tough east a. neighborhood. >> today is all about making yo life easier. >> reporter: but look beyond all of that, and you'll find thi man, anthony yom >> this is almost similaeporter: the son of korean immi considered the hardest class in to make re to provide that environment wherkids are not
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you get it? >> reporter: his approach to teaching goes beyond cculating the slope of a curve. yom makes his class meet after nd even holidays. the hard work has paid off. >> it's not always fun, but i do know for sure, once they get the score and if i ask them, "hey, was it worth it?" every single one of them say it was so worth it. >> reporter: for three years in a row, every student that has walked into his class has pass the a.p. calculus test. and this year, one student, cedrick arguet ga, every question right. >> his style of teaching personality is very likable. he gets to know his students on a personal level. >> repter: what is the secret here? >> they know that i sincerely care about them, and it's prep for them. >> reporter: with love? >> yeah, with love. >> reporter: cedrick argueta and yom were both orded byrehe l.a. school board and president obama invited cedrick to the white house science fair. the 17-year-old wants to go to
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scientist, while yom's focus is on his next batch of calculus >> reporter: mireya villarre cbs news, los angeles.
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th supposed to fall silent tot e. t broked by the united states and russia is designed to allow food and medicine to reach cities and bring the syrian government and b negotiatintable. will state. elizabeth p on thelines outside damascus.
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now it's the the en enemy on the there's been an air strike behind me. we're about ve miles from the center of and the syrian army is trying to clear this area of opposition fighters? fighters. ere's no cease fire the moment. he takes us to see buildings half a mile away. overhead we can p hear the target, then -- hitting? they're terrorists, he are basically cannisters fild explosives rolled out of a chopper.
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are there civilians lef over there? no, there are only fighters, but there are ne byears. the generaln charge leads the way through ruins he now controls. you're still using air suburb in order tosays dangerous for syriand the world e'ustified in usin legal, but that mea when this overstretched army does gain victories loo like
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co suburbs over the army hasted a t the forecastor much deadlyia a onena site. sit downere to watch tv when slammed int mobile home sheering o falive. >> yes. tornado tore his neighbor's home from the foundation. 2-year-o boy and his father died.
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survived withinries. in near by va 78-year-old man died after a funnel cloud left an eightile path of destruction. at least record in north carolina. in pennsylvania a tornado ripped through amish country hitting this structure. wn fla eft flooded for the morning in the new york areat tens airborne. take a look 12 foot waves y uru're looking at
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nd that wasncero. it's a gooexample much what happens when a torna meets a building. there are newoncerns over of fromcond degree burns when the batteryxploded in his pocketising new concerns multi billionaire batteries. surveillance footage captured the moment josh's pants burst into flames at a kentucky gas station. he runs outside strugglingo before a man douzs him. haumton posted on f had an e-cig blow up inside my pock.
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to vaporizethafer healthier way of smoki cigarettes. he was placed in a coma after he says an e-cigarette blew up in his mouth. this week aohio fire department issued a warning on its facebook charge of a an e-cigarette battery exploded inside the pocket of a victim's lab coat. people reported morehan two dozen incidents of explosions and fires caused by e-cigarettes betweenas the same fuel capability of gasoline. >> repte is linked to the battery. over charging, manufacturing it to overheat. the batteries are the same type found hoverboards which
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>> in terms. product t apples between what happens in the two. >> reporter: but maintain that explosions from they say when charged batteries pose no more of a fire risk tha similar batteries that are cell phones you should use come padable batteries and chaer
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we'll be right back everyone loves how they feel in dark clothes. and to keep those darks from fading... there's woolite darks.
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wool enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus- these dissolve fast.'re new liquid with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. olay total effects a skin tformation that rivals the leading department ste moisze aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless.
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>> the heart of e technologicaluniverse, but he's in part of what is known at silico the great plains the new higs time we bgan the drum and let peoplknow there's soinhere. >> what's companies. in 2012 they decided to launch a monthly service pviding premium health
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leave san francisco. be another start-up on the west coast in we can be part of this movement in the midwest. >> reporter: it has 100,000 subscribers and did in sales helped by this community. >> it felt like nebraska would bend over backwards to help orter: this is and it's remaking cities acro the co-founded huddle in006. >> our pitch is get in here and a difference. >> reporter: he services sports teams. coaches post their game film to the site and the softd arewa
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what is it about linkon that a supportive compared it like this. >> we have a core v ur is fire the. realize that people from new york and san watching this? where find me. >> reporter: another competitive everything for faster with less capitol, same office space. >> reporter: today this area is becoming a mini palto >> just hear from people that come visit and check out the town like they go this is cool. this is really cool. it is, right? >> reporter: there are challenges.
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attract outside talent and investors. 75% of investment last year went to three es,ut that's changing. >> i don't think that reflects the distribution of great people with great ideas. >> reporter: steve case heads up revolution, a venture capital firm. it plans to invest close to inside the coasts. >> some people call it the fly-over country. we think they are great people building great businesses. >> reporter: hulds started with three employees. it now has 400. you are the microsoft. >> it's been an amazing ride. i think that's what the most fun part of it is. >> reporter: huddle has employees worki headquarters is going up right
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yourlly a portable computer in your pockets, that means it can fall victim to hackers and they do it through apps that you download. a secury firm found 80% of the top three apps on android and iphones were breached. the number jumps to 97% among the top paid apps on those devices. >> reporter: whether it's apps that helps advertisers target you or helps hackers rip you off, you'll want to do your homework before downloading apps. >> any way i had money they got it. >> reporter: californiarchad like $15. >> reporter: when she went to reload the game she found hundreds of purchases had been made. >> my heart sank.
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and i physically -- i was sick because i didn't know what they were. >> some of the information these apps ask for are way beyond what they should be asking for. >> reporter: that story is no surprise to cyber security expert whose company tracks malware. >> reporter: what are the consequences for me as a consumer? >> you're going to wonder why there was a transaction, wonder how someone got in your bank account and paid a bill. >> reporter: when you download an app, you're giving the app permission to access other parts of your phone like an alarm clock app that can track phone calls. >> do you think an alarm clock needs all that permission, your call information, calls you've made, your device id.
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>> reporter: and the weather and flashlight apps as he showed us in a demonstration of what could happen when someone takes a photo of a check to sends to the bank. >> reporter: what happens to the check now. >> it grabs a copy of the it. >> reporter: last year the group discovered 11 malware apps on iphones that sent information to a remote server. the information included text messages, skype calls and photos. apple fought back by removing the apps and putting stricter security measure in place. >> they get at your lists to build a profile on you. >> reporter: some apps are collecting information for advertising purposes. in 2014 a lawsuit was settled with a company over the flashlight app alleging it transmitted information to third parties without telling
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but he says he's found a flashlight app that can do more troubling things. >> this turns on your micro phone in the background and sends an encrypted tunnel to a server we discovered in beijing. >> reporter: you're saying they're listening to conversations and sending that audio back to beijing? >> yeah, we've tracked it. >> reporter: where is it? >> on information drive in beijing beijing beijing. >> reporter: he gave a report to the fbi. his recommendation. >> we really have to look at our phone and say this is really a personal computer that fits in our pocket, let's shut down all the apps we don't use, let's delete apps that don't make sense and reduce the rick of being spied on. >> reporter: the creator of the brightest flashlight app seltsed with the ftc.
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alleged hack, but a judge dismissed it saying she and her attorney filed too late. google says fusion than 1% of android devices had bad apps. i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture
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and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. degree motionsense.the world's first antiperspirant with unique microcapsules activated by movement, that release bursts of freshness all day. motionsense. protection to keep you moving. degree. it won't let you down. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra.
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today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. start healthing. yeah, click
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song of the year, but it could become the center of a lawsuit. a 70s group called the sequence says uptown funk sounds like their 1979 town funk you up. meanwhile the producer is step pg into the spotlight. >> reporter: that opening vocal is unmistakable and so is bruno mars. he's the front man who gave up uptown funk the groove to stay at number one at billboards top 100 for a record 14 weeks. but what's sometime forgotten is that the song actually belongs to the guy sitting on the front of that white limo. >> it's pretty dead on. everyone knows who they're talking about. it's the guy with the guitar and
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>> reporter: the tall guy is music producer mark ronson. it was his album uptown special that contained the hit song that featured bruno mars. they recorded an agonizing 87 versions and then worried the word funk might be kind of lame. >> even to the last minute there were people were like can you call it uptown funk. >> my guess is if you went up to ten people on the street and said whose song is uptown fupg they would say bruno mars. does it bother you. >> no. >> reporter: he made a name for himself producing the critically acclaimed 2006 album. back to black won five grammys. he recalls the casual
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that led to their biggest hit. >> we were walking around soho in new york and she says yeah they came over to my house and i was like what happened and she was like they tried to make me go to rehab, but i was like no >> reporter: he says he was unaware at the time of how troubled she really was. the oscar nominated documentary amy follows her death at age 27. >> i've seen it twice. >> reporter: what was it like to watch that? >> it's difficult to watch. i love the first hour because it's like spending time with an old friend again. >> reporter: it was his friendship with her that led him to another young british woman
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adele >> she instantly seemed so grown up and mature, not just in her voice, but she knew what she wanted. >> reporter: he produced songs for 19 and adele's latest smash 25. but it was working with music royalty paul mccartny that made him most nervous. >> it was incredible. it's everything rolled in one. you have to get over that i'm working with paul really quickly because you have to be on your toes. >> reporter: these days he is settling into his new found fame and the realizization that it may be hard to top his latest success. >> the thing to remember is like where uptown funk came from, that moment of joy of playing
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fine-tuning the heck out of johnson and johnson is fighting back against a $72 million verdict. the judgment was awarded to a woman who claims the talcum products caused her ovarian cancer. more than a thousand other cases are pending from coast to coast. ana warner reports. >> reporter: she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in march of 2013 with. her lawsuit claimed the talcum powder in cars no photogenic the company has known about it for decades. generations of women have used johnson and johnson's to help them feel clean and fresh. >> it's a feeling you never outgrow.
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hygiene for decades. her lawyer says those products ultimately caused her death. >> johnson and johnson knew of the association of talc and ovarian cancer starting back in 1979. >> reporter: the american cancer society says results of studies on a possible link between talcum powder have been mixed with some studies reporting a slightly increased risk and some studies reporting no increase, but the expert for the plaintiff conducted his own study that shows an increased risk. >> there have been more than 20 studies and the majority of these have found an elevated risk. >> reporter: during trial fox's lawyers introduced into evidence in which johnson and johnson's lawyer said it could be
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in the face of all the evidence to the contrary. >> they made a decision not to warn the customers that they were using a dangerous product. >> reporter: on monday a jury ordered johnson and johnson to pay fox's family $10 million and another $62 million in punitive damages. >> the whole fight was for not just for her, but so many other women. >> reporter: johnson and johnson said in a statement it sympathizes with fox's family, but said the verdict goes against decades of sound science proving the safety of talc. it also said the talcum powder it uses meets the highest purity. that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues, for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning.
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york city. this is the cbs overnight news. the gloves came off in houston where the republican presidential contenders gathered for round ten of their presidential debates. it was the final chance for marco rubio and ted cruz to land blows on front-runner donald trump before super tuesday. how did this they do? here is some of the action. >> i also think if you're going to claim you're the om one that lifted this into the campaign that you acknowledge that for example you're the only person on this stage that's been find for hiring people to work on your projects illegally. >> i'm the only one on the stanl that's hired people. you haven't hired anybody. >> in fact some of the people -- >> by the way, i've hired tens of thousands of people. you've hired nobody.
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with your credit cards and et cetera. you haven't hired one person. >> he hired workers from poland and he had to pay $1 million. >> that's wrong. that's wrong. >> people can look it up. i'm sure people are googling it right now. >> polish workers, you'll see $1 million for hiring illegal workers on one of his projects. he did it. that happened. >> i've hired tens of thousands of people over my lifetime. be quiet. let me talk. i've hired tens of thousands of people. he brings up something from 30 years ago. it worked out very well. everybody was happy. >> you paid a million dollars. >> the laws were totally different. i've hired people. nobody up here has hired people. >> marco is right that a federal court found donald guilty of being part of a conspiracy and there was a $1 million judgment
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>> mr. trump -- >> i can only say this and i've said it loud and clear and i've said it for years and many of these people are sitting in the audience right now, your lobbyists and your special interests and your donors because the auds ensz is packed with them. i've had an amazing relationship with politicians, both democrats and republicans, as one magazine said, he's a world class businessman, i get along with everybody. you don't get along with anybody. you don't have one republican senator and you work with them every day of your life, although you skipped a lot of time, these are minors details, but you don't have one republican senator backing you, you don't have the endorsement of one republican senator and you work with these people. you should be ashamed of yourself. >> i think donald is right, he is promising if he's elected he
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washington amend he's right, he has supported -- he has given hundreds. the next democratic debate or i should say primary is saturday in south carolina and here is nancy cordes. >> reporter: hillary clinton came out today as she court black crowds. >> i think we need more singing. i sing because i'm happy. i sing because i'm free. >> reporter: in michigan bernie sanders was focussed on minorities too meeting with residents in flint. >> this water is brown. they continue to ignore it. >> reporter: neither candidate can win in the delegate rich super tuesday states without minority support. in 2008 african-americans alone made up half of the democratic electorate in alabama and georgia and nearly a third in virginia and tennessee.
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texas were hispanic. >> when you have people like trump saying that mexicans are rapists or criminals that is an out rage. >> reporter: a new national poll finding clinton leading sanders among hispanic voters by a margin of 2-1. she has a similar edge with african-americans, though her husband's crime bill mass been a sticking point for some. two black lives protesters interrupted a clinton fundraiser last night. >> can i talk? maybe you can listen to what i say. >> reporter: the protesters were escorted out and clinton later said she was sorry for some of the terms she used in the '90s including using the freight super predators. she was using the term to describe violent gang members, but now says it was a poor choice of words. both clinton and sanders want to reform the way drug crimes in particular are handled because they say too many young blacks
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thank you. this evening president obama claimed progress against the isis terrorist group in syria. he said that isis has lost 40% of its territory, cut the pay of its troops and is reduced to using civilians as human shieldings, but the wider war in syria is not going mr. obama's way. american backed rebels are on the run. the forces of the assad dictatorship are advancing for the first time in airs because of russian air support and russian troops. it is rare dpor afor a reporter to get into syria, but elizabeth palmer covered the advance today. >> reporter: this used to be a neighborhood. now it's a battlefield where the syrian army says it's got the enemy on the run. there's just been an air strike
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we're about five miles from the center of damascus and the syrian army is trying to clear this suburb of opposition fighters. there is surge no cease fire here at the moment and there's not going to be any time soon. one of the syrian soldiers takes us to see the buildings half a mile away where he says the rebels are now hiding. overhead we can hear the helicopters scouting their target. then -- what are they hitting? they are terrorists, he says. those are barrel bombs? barrel bombs are basically con con starers rolled out of a chopper. they're cheap, but horribly inaccurate. are there any civilians left over there? no, but there are fighters but there are fighters families
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near by we enter tunnels dug by fighters where they hid and fought for years. the general in charge leads the way through ruins he now controls. you're still using air strikes in the suburb in order to fight? yes, he says, because they're dangerous for syria and the world so we're just justified in using any weapons that are legal. but that means that when this overstretched and under trained army does gain ground, it's victories look like nothing more than a few blocks of rubble. but the truth is that by now all sides in this war are completely exhausted and unlikely as it sounds just a couple of suburbs over the army has actually reached a mini truce with the rebels to allow food and
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>> rare firsthand today the director of the fbi said that his battle with apple is the toughest fight he's faced in government. a federal magistrate ordered apple to unlock the iphone of one of the san bernardino terrorists, but today apple told the court that order is dangerous. >> reporter: in its filing apple says the fbi is seeking a dangerous power and it would be forced to dead sit six to ten apple engineers to create new code that apple calls government operating system. apple says there would have to be a government forensic lab on company grounds that could be used to open other hundreds of
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enforcement's possession. apple says if it creates the software to break into the iphone, hackers will view the code as a major prize. the company believes the case triggers first amendment protection and writing computer kwoed is equivalent to free speech. fbi director james comey reassured members of congress that they wanted access to the phone of the san bernardino terrorist. he said the fbi is standing on firm legal ground, but congress needs to set the limits on how far government investigators can go. >> i love encryption. it's a groeat thing. >> reporter: apple agrees that congress should have a bigger role in this debate, but the court case is moving forward. google and facebook are expected to file legal papers in support
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>> jeff, thank you. tornados in several states yesterday killed at least four people, including three in virginia where we find chip reed tonight. >> it's experience. you got experience to talk about it. >> reporter: this man was about to sit down right here to watch tv when the tornado slammed into his mobile home sheering off the roof and the wall. do you feel lucky to be alive? >> i'm not lucky, i'm blessed. >> >> reporter: but the tornado tore the home next door off the foundation. a 2-year-old boy and his father were killed. somehow the boy's mother survived with serious injuries. in near by nevada 178 buildings were destroyed.
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reported in north carolina. in oxford parts of this farm were levelled. in pennsylvania a tornado ripped through the country. a downpour led to flash flooding around washington, d.c. and left a major road flooded. in the new york area a gust of wind sent this truck airborne. look at this, off queens new york, 12-foot waves capsized a boat as it was trying to rescue fisherman and back here in virginia you're looking at a photograph of tires before the tornado. knew you're looking at the building after the tornado. this was the garage door. that up there is the metal that was once the roof. it's a good example of what happens when a tornado meets a building made of sheet metal. >> i want to point out no one was injured in the coast guard incident today.
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the world's appetite for portable electronics has triggered a huge demand for rechargeable batteries, but many of these are bursting into flames in places you would least expect. >> reporter: when the fire first ignited employees at this kentucky gas station thought it was a bo am. it turned out to be an e cigarette that exploded in josh's pants. he suffered third degree burns. it's the latest incident involving batteries for e cigarettes. he had to be placed in a coma for three days after one blew up in his mouth. >> to be an alternative of smoking cigarettes. >> reporter: the same battery cells also power hover boards. since december there have been incidents of hover boards
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jay is a an engineer at a university. he says to make this product cheaper and more powerful has led some companies to cut corners. >> what we're seeing is a situation where many of these batteries are simply not made to the same standard as the batteries that are made say at sony or upon son. >> reporter: he says that items are considered high power applications applications. their batteries are badly designed they can overheat. is it something that the user is doing incorrectly? >> no. in general with this kind of technology it's difficult for the user to be at fault. there's a well controlled charging circuit and a good package that the cell lives in. both of those things should be designed to protect the user. >> reporter: these incident are rare and users should use come
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they should avoid contact with coins, keys and jeelry. there's a plan to give wider air passengers wider seats. and a young fan bags quite a gift from a legend. the cbs overnight news will be right back. our clothes can stretch out in the wash, ruining them forever. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on.
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move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine.
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it.
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airbus has an idea that could revolution the inflight experience. think flying station wagon. >> reporter: jet maker airbus wants to patent a seating concept to take three seats and turn it into a rapid bench. it could seat the three passengers and shift to two people who need additional space or even fit a fourth person like
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children. ben is the editor of usa today. >> if we've seen nothing else, they're very clever about coming up with ways to sell seats to passengers, especially when they can charge more for either seats that are better or for seats that are less awful. >> reporter: airbus previously sought pat ents for stacking passengers and this semy standing concept. it created a pattern where the middle seat faces the passengers in the aisle and window while adding up to 30 more passengers per plane. tennessee congressman worries extra seats could jeopardize safety making it hard to evacuate within 90 seconds. he's offered a bill to ask the faa to minimize seat standards. >> if people can't get out in an emergency condition they lose lives. it shouldn't be after there's an
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it's too late and people are dead. >> reporter: will an airline say they want these seats and will they be allowed to install them in a plane.
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the nba. heart problems account for 3/4 of sports related deaths in young athletes. lives. >> reporter: two years ago he was one of the college's top basketball players and then a physical revealed a heart problem ending his career. >> i just didn't know what to do with it, but it was just -- just accepting that life and health
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>> reporter: in the u.s. sports related sudden cardiac death is highest among basketball players. one question is what's a normal heart size for these athletes? to find out this doctor revealed the heart ultrasounds of more than 500 nba players. when you first saw them you thought these are abnormal. >> the first instinct is to say they're enlarged. we're not used to seeing hearts this big. the average nba player is 6'7''. >> reporter: it turned out the heart gets bigger with exercise, other the hearts of the nba players were about 10% thicker than normal, that was not felt to be dangerous. the research establishes a baseline for doctors going forward. how does this help us? >> this should help us distinguish those changes from dangerous heart conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death.
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found that the major artery leaving the heart is also bigger in these athletes and knowing that will help with future diagnosis. the doctor says this is a molds for evaluating athletes in other sports. soccer's biggest star came fan. this 5-year-old from afghanistan was photographed wearing a shirt made from a plastic bag. it went online and he sent him an auto graphed shirt from the national team. the bag has been retired. up next, a math teacher's
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odds. we end tonight with a solution to a math problem that has stumped the best minds for centuries. how do you get school kids to succeed at caclus? >> reporter: from the outside lingon high school does not look like a place that inspires greatness, old with gates on the windows in aovernigh news for this friday. for some of you the news continues nds a for others check back with us later for the
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from new york city, good night. captioning funby c captioning funded by cbs it's friday, february 26th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." targeted at random. a gunman opens fire at his workplace, killing at least three people before he is brought down by a hero cop. >> do you know where donald is now? >> no, no, no. >> donald trump fends off closest attacks from fell competitors before super tuesday. adding insult to injury. airline passengers cheer when a boy and his terminally ill father are removed from a flight. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters in new york.


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