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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  February 29, 2016 3:05am-4:30am EST

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are also working through various strategies to run against trump, but not all establishment democrats are coalescing behind clinton. chelsea gaborik stepped down as her position as vice chair of the dnc to endorse sanders. more than 1500 delegates in all are up for grabs on super tuesday in these dozen states, and we're joined by director of elections. it was just a month ago hillary barely won in iowa. she was soundly defeated in new hampshire. what has changed? >> the ground has shifted to very friendly territory for her. these states have high concentrations of african-american voters. they make up the majority of voters in most of these southern states, and they are solidly behind her. >> that said, you are still seeing some issues.
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sanders on being honest and trustworthy. >> on the republican side, there was so much talk about marco rubio after this debate and talk about the establishment trying to get behind one candidate. voters don't seem to be listening to that message. >> when voters hear the word establishment, they hear it as a bad word. they are less likely to vote for any candidate too tied to the establishment. >> but they're not just siding with trump because he's anti-establishment, they think he can win the general. >> they think he's in the best
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will be right back. a young police officer is being remembered tonight. she was killed this weekend during her first day on the job. following an awful series of events in northern virginia.
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>> reporter: this picture was posted of ashley guindon about to start her first shift, the caption, be safe. >> she was literally sworn in the day before on friday. >> reporter: before becoming a u.s. marine reservist, she interned with the police department. >> she clearly had a way to serve others that went beyond herself. >> reporter: go win donewenuindon and others responded to a domestic violence call. >> we have three officers that have been shot. >> reporter: guindon's training officer and eight year veteran jesse hempen were wounded and are expected to survive. >> officers provided first aid to the wounded officers until fire and rescue staff could get on scene.
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guindon succumbed to her injuries. >> reporter: the shooter surrendered and police found his wife dead in the home. hess son was unharmed. he is a staff sergeant who works at the pentagon. no one knows why he fired. neighbors described him as a gentle giant. >> the guy was a good guy. great neighbors, you know, just something must have snapped many. >> reporter:ery sunday morning, more than 100 patrol cars lined up outside the hospital where officer guindon was taken. they provided escort to a young woman whose first day on the job tragically became her last. hamilton is expected to be in court tomorrow. he faces one count of capital murder of a police officer and is being held without bond. he the county attorney will seek the death penalty. in utah, anger over a police shooting last night sparked
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downtown salt lake city. >> reporter: violence exploded late saturday night after a salt leak city police officer shot a 17-year-old black teenager in the chest and stomach. his friend saw the shooting. >> when the cops came, they ran up to him, pulled their guns out and told him to stop. and as he was turning around, they shot him. i know i seen them shoot his chest and stomach. >> reporter: police responded to a call to break up a fight outside this homeless shelter. police say they opened fire after mohammed refused to drop the weapon. kutvs jeremy harris was one of the first reporters on the scene. >> witnesses were very worked up. they were very angry. you could tell there was a lot of passion. so many people saw this. at any given time, there are at least 50 if not 100 or more people standing outside the homeless shelter. >> reporter: as the crowds grew
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and bottles at about 100 police. >> the witnesses say this was about race. several people walked by, chanting "black lives matter." >> reporter: the officers wear body cameras and will release the video of the shooting as soon as possible. meantime, mohammed is in critical condition and two officers are on routine, paid, straightive lead. in hesston, requests kansas, more details are emerging. >> reporter: adam miller came face-to-face with the shooter. >> i saw him come around the corner, and he just looked kind of confused. so i told him he needs to run, there's a fire. and he just looked confused. so i told him again, and he said i know, and he shot me. >> reporter: cedrick ford shot 17 people thursday, including 14 co-workers oot excel industries killing three of them before
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investigators believe he acted out in violence after being served with a protective order taken out by an ex-girlfriend. across hesston today, it was a time to come together at sunday services to honor the victims, and at a town hall meeting where sergeant chris carter, one of the first on the scene was embraced by the community. >> the people that worked at that place were phenomenal. their actions were heroic that day. >> reporter: hesston strong has become a motto here. >> they're all going through a really tough time. the least i could do is come out and help. >> reporter: for many, healing also means forgiveness and compassion, even for the killer. >> i don't know what he was going through, but obviously, he felt this was the way out, and so my heart just aches for him. >> reporter: there will be a memorial service tonight at hesston high school. next week, his ex-girlfriend is
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knowingly giving him weapons knowing he was a convicted felon. syria remains relatively calm tonight, two days into a partial cease-fire, but as elizabeth palmer reports from homs, the quiet has brought little comfort. >> reporter: three years a the old city of homs was the fiercest line in the war in syria. but then it fell to the government and the war moved on, leaving a wasteland and hundreds of thousands of homeless people. in some parts, residents are trickling back, reestablishing the essentials of life, commerce, even school. this is day two of the partial cease-fire, and people are holding their breath, hoping it will hold. right on the edge of town, we can hear the sounds of fighting, though. but with no monitors anywhere, it's impossible to say who is
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the newest reports of violations reveal what a fine thing peace is. the lasting peace necessary to rebuild in a place like this still feels a long way off. elizabeth palmer, homs. in iraq, dozens were killed and about 100 hurt in two bomb attacks. the first went off in an outdoor market in baghdad. minutes later a suicide bomber blew himself up. a group affiliated with isis claimed responsibility. a series of gas explosions in a russian coal mine have killed at least three dozen. it happened in northern russia above the arctic circle. 81 miners were rescued after the original blast, but those still trapped are presumed dead. coming up, we follow the
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back. enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. uh, hello geico?... yeah, i was just talking about your emergency roadside service and how it's available 24/7 and then our car overheated... what are the chances? can you send a tow truck please? uh, the location? you're not going to believe this but it's um... it's in a tree. i wish i was joking, mate, but it's literally stuck in a tree. (car horn honking) a chainsaw? no, no, all we really need is a tow truck.
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geico's emergency roadside service is there for you. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. dry spray? that's fun. it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs) all the care of dove... in a dry antiperspirant spray. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol.
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thousands of e-mails released this weekend show how the michigan governor's office struggled to handle a water crisis in flint.
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for months and has this update. >> reporter: just weeks before goifrn snyder declared the river water unsafe to drink, a deputy tried to discourage a switch back to the old water-source. treasury deputy told the governor's aide, gentlemen, in the attached is a description of what it would cost to reconnect to detroit-provided water, i assume/hope no one is seriously considering that option. the estimated cost was $12 million a year. the city eventually did reconnect to detroit water in october of 2015. days after the governor declared flint's river water unsafe. the announcement was triggered by an independent study that linked lead poisoning in children to the water. one thing we keep hearing is that the governor is not involved or is detached. this would be good to show that he's there and cares.
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there, we can avoid the protests and still get the optics. had but protests have continued. the fallout was eerily predicted in an e-mail sent more than a year ago when the governor's special pro jebs manager wrote, this is a public relations crisis waiting to explode nationally. friday, the governor admitted that he should have been more directly involved back when his aides first e-mailed about the problem. >> that's where i'm kicking myself every day. questions. answers. happen again. >> reporter: snyder says he's working to expand health care coverage for flint residents and subsidize their water bills. adrianna diaz, cbs news, chicago.
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five-hour tantrum.caribbean's anthem of the seas to return early. it is based in new jersey. a frightening scene at a hen due festival -- hindu festival in india. an elephant went on a rampage and started picking up trucks and flinging them around. no one was hurt, including the man on the back of the elephant.
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will no longer get their just desserts desserts. they have banned smashing pies in faces. they say it can be too dangerous.
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has the internet flipping out. finally, tonight, talk about gymnastics floor routines and many picture something like ballet set to music. but we introduce you to a gymnast stretching the limits to a different beat. >> reporter: gymnastics is all about grace. >> nice. >> reporter: power. and hip-hop?
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that ucla gymnast sophina dejesus hits, it's those moves. this is a very traditional sport, and what you did is very non-traditional. >> not traditional at all. >> reporter: she and her teammates are transforming the image of the sport, says the coach. >> i feel that it's much more about entertainment now than about the ridge id sport as perfection. >> reporter: sophina is getting high marks from judges. but even higher marks on social media, where her floor exercise earlier this month, the first time she ever performed it, went viral. >> i woke up, and my mom called my, and she was like, oh, honey, did you know that you have like 5 million views on your floor routine? i didn't even know it was posted anywhere. >> reporter: it's now been viewed more than 40 million times. tell me about some of the responses you've gotten.
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ones have been marriage proposals and prom proposals. >> reporter: some celebrities have taken notice. >> reese witherspoon. i found out chris brown posted it on his facebook, and i was like, oh, my gosh, no way, no way. >> reporter: even her teammates have gotten into the groove, along with her coach who admits you can please the crowd but still not please everyone. >> i think there are judges that still don't like it. i've always compared it to a picasso. a picasso's worth $30 million, but there are a lot of people who wouldn't put one in their home because they don't like it. but that doesn't mean that it isn't excellent art. >> reporter: sophina has danced professionally. but you will not find it in her routine. you will not find the nae nae or the whip in her routine. >> the one performance i did, that was like my olympics. >> reporter: and a home as good
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angeles. that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back later for morning. from the broadcast center, i'm jeff glor. this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm jeff glor. the biggest day in the presidential primary season comes tomorrow. super tuesday. 12 states involved. democrat bernie sanders is promising a come back after his big loss to hillary clinton in
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clinton came away with 73% of the vote and 26% for sanders. super tuesday could bring donald trump closer to the nomination. in virginia, our battleground tracker shows trump with 40% of the support of voters, compared with 27% for marco rubio. in georgia, trum is at 40%. but in his home state of texas, cruz is out front with 422%%. cruz discussed the race with john deckickerson on "face the nation". >> i think tuesday is the most important day of this primary election. the most delegates will be awarded in wumone night on super tuesday. 65% of republicans believe donald trump is not the best candidate to go head to head with hillary clinton, and we are
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beaten donald trump, and we're the only candidate that can beat donald trump. if you look at the super tuesday states, we are running neck in neck with donald across sumper tuesday. if we come together, if conservatives stand together, we're going to have a grate night -- great night on tuesday. >> if they don't, is he unstoppable? >> there ins no doubt that if donald trump steams through super tuesday, it may happen. but if you are at home and you don't want donald trump to be the republican nominee, then the only candidate who can beat donald is our campaign. so even if you like another candidate, stand with us, if you don't want donald to be the nominee. because if and when we stop helm on super tuesday, that's how we end up beating donald and
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conservative, which is what it's going to take to beat hillary. >> what did you make of chris christie endorsing donald trump? >> i don't think that was a big surprise. i think it was a blow to the rubio campaign, but at the end of the day, the washington establishment is going to go where they're going to go. this really on super tuesday is a battle to determine where conservatives go. and i think the debate this week was some powerful moments of clarity. donald trump substantively has the same issues as hillary clinton. he agreed had clinton on toppling the government in libya it led to handing that government over to radical islamism. he agreed with hillary clinton hon being quote neutral between israel and the palestinians. as president, i won't be neutral. america will stand unapologetically with israel. and on domestic policy, donald
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and hillary clinton on the wall street bailout, the tarp bailout of big banks. i think the government ought to be standing with main street, working men and women. and then you put on top of that the ethical issues, whether it is refusing to release his taxes. >> why is that a problem if he doesn't release his taxes? >> he said in the debate, gosh, i'm being audited for two years, then he said three years, then he said maybe five years. if there's a problem in his taxes, the voters have a right to know. folks in the media are going to naek a heyday about any problems in his taxes, and primary voters have a right to know. and hess excuse that he's audited makes it more important. mitt romney suggested there could be a bomb slel thereshell there. i don't know if there is or not, but he owes candor to the
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>> speaking of candor, he said some pretty bracing things about you. and you said you still like him. >> donald is a charming person. >> he didn't say charming things about you. >> he can turn on you and get nasty and personal and vicious. but listen, i treat him as an entertainer. i laugh it off. it's like going to the circus and seeing the acrobats and dancing bears. he's willing to say things that are patently false. so, for example, at the debate this week, he backed off of his health care position for 20 years. for 20 years, he has agreed with hillary clinton and bernie sanders on socialized medicine saying obamacare doesn't go far enough. he wants the government to pay for everyone's health care and control it. and he and i had a back and forth where i asked, is it true or false that he said the government should pay for everyone's health care. he said it's false. listen, within minutes, we put out a video contrasting what he
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earlier saying exactly the opposite, and what i think the debate this week did is gave real clarity to the voters, that to beat hillary we need a consistent conservative, someone who has stood for free market principles, who has stood for the constitution, and critically, who stood for the working men and women of this country, you know, you look at, we talked a lot about donealddonald's record on immigration. given that he faced a $1 million court judgment for being part of a conspiracy to hire illegal aliens, given that just this week news broke that he is hiring foreign workers at his fancy hotel in florida. and he claims, you know, he did an interview after the debate where he said, well, gosh, you can't find americans to do these jobs, to be weighters or waitresses or bellhops. what ridiculous nonsense of the "new york times" reported roughly 300 americans applied
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he only hired 17. instead, he brought in foreign workers, because they're captive workers because you can pay them less because they can't leave. and i think the american men and women are getting hammered right now. they want someone to stand with them, and partly the reason so many conservatives are organizing behind our campaign is i am the one who has led the battle against amnesty, to secure the border and for the working men and women.o'reilly presented you with a hypothetical. in an interview, give and similar scenario, you said we don't have a system that knocks on doors of every person in america. seems like in one case you were not knocking on the doors and getting them and on the other you are. >> we don't have storm troopers
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but when we have evidence that a particular person has committed a crime, we send law enforcement to apprehend them. and the specific question was visa overstays. right now, current law requires a biometric exit entry system when you come in on a visa. and the obama administration is ignoring federal law. 40% of illegal immigration is not people who cross the borders illegally. it's people who come on a visa and never leach. "cbs overnight news" will be right back. boosts lashes to 50 times the volume and lifts lashes up up and away... new plumpify mascara from easy breezy beautiful covergirl sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and...
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try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. try delsym . because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight. rewrite the rules. always. as we head into super tuesday, marco rubio's looking to win his first primary state and ripping into donald trump, calling him a con man. john dickerson spoke with both rubio and trump for face the nation. >> i'd like to ask you about a washington post headline that says, quote, rubio's strategy
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do you agree with that characterization? >> no. we're not the frontrunner, we're an underdog, and that's a role i relish. i've been an underdog both in life and in politics. we're going to pick up a lot of delegates on tuesday. they're awarded proportionally. here's what never going to happen in this race. there's never going to be a time where the republican party rallies around and says you have to get out or any one has to get out for purposes of rallying around donald trump. he is not a conservative. he's trying to pull off the biggest scam in american political history, basically a con job where he's trying to take over the republican party telling people he's someone he's not. we're going to be as long as it takes, as many states as it takes to make sure i'm the nominee and that donald trump never gets the 1,236 delegates. >> your campaign has got and lot more scrappy with donald trump.
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is it too little, too late? >> i don't think so. i neff wanted it to get to this point. i hoped by its own course, by the way the media covers politics people would open their eyes and see who he really is. but he's been able to fool a significant number of people into believing that he is something that he is not. donald trump is a world class con artist. he kond all these people that signed up for trump university. now he's trying to do the same thing for republican votes. he's trying to convince them that he'll stand up to illegal immigration, but he hires illegal immigrants, he hires foreign workers for his hotels. that he's going to bring back jobs from china and mexico, but in fact he creates jobs in mexico and china because that's where all the suits and ties that he sells are made. we're going to unveil it. and the more people learn about it the less support he's going
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>> you said he's running a big scam, it's a con job. how can you possibly still retain the position that if he's the nominee you'll support him? >> because he's never going to be the nominee, so i'm not worried about a hypothetical that's never going to happen. >> well, i think you understand exactly what's going on. you pick up any paper and it's always talking about how are we going to overthrow donald trump. i'm representing a tremendous, i'm representing millions of people that really feel angry and disenfranchised. and these are great people, and i love them. and i tell you what, we're not being treated right. the republican party is not treating me right. and they're not treating the people that i represent right. >> let me ask you a question about this question of taxes. you're being audited. you said you won't release your returns. what about releasing a summary? that's what candidates will do, it will show your deductions, your tax rate, will you do that? >> of' already released my financials, which are massive,
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tremendous company. it's over 10 billion in net worth that i've built with a small starter loan years ago. that's down and filed in the federal elections office. and if they want to see it they can see it, and obviously, all of your cohorts have gone through it in great detail. you don't learn very much from tax, hey, john, you don't learn very much from tax returns, let me tell you right now. but when you're under audit, you don't give your papers. i've been under audit for so many years. every year i get audited for i think ten years, 12 years. i've been audited. and i think i'm being singled out, and it's not a fair situation. i have friends that are very wealthy, and i say, you get audited? they don't know what i'm talking about. it's very unfair. >> let me ask you, it's also been raised about foreign workers in florida.
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were people who wanted the job. you said basically you could only find foreign workers because there weren't americans who wanted the jobs. but the "new york times" said there were beampeople who did want the jobs. >> d's very hard to hire qualified people. and a lot of people didn't want the job because it's a three or four month job, it's just during the season. we call it the hot season, the high season. it's hard to get people. everybody is working. and then during the offseason, it's easy, but we don't have the people during the offseason, because the club closes during the offseason. so a rot of people don'tlot of people don't want a part-time job. >> are' saying companies should come babb here, build their products here, have american workers. why wouldn't they say a version of what you're saying? they can't find workers. >> they're full-time jobs. when you're talking about that kind of thing you're talking
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a lot of the people we've made offers to, when they hear it's part-time job or a four month or five-month job, i understand this, they're not interested. they're american people, they're not interested. what you don't hear about is the thousands of people that i do hire. i have thousands and thousands of people on my payroll. over the years, i have had tens of thousands of people who work for me. are' picking out one club that has a high season, and it's very, very hard to get people in palm beach during the season, the social season. >> michael hayden said that if you ordered u.s. forces to kill the families of terrorists, which you've suggested and also to use water boarding as you've also suggested, that they would refuse you. what's your response to that? >> i don't know what he means by refuse. i can only tell you there's a lot of bad things going on. they're chopping off heads in syria and all over the middle east. isis is doing a number and
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doing it now. and all i know is that when they start chopping off heads, we have to be very firm. we have to be very strong. we have to be very vigilant. i heard his statement and we have to be very strong. can you imagine these people that chop off heads of christians and plenty of other people and they do did routinely and drown people in big steel metal cages. they drown them. they leave it in for a half hour and pull it up and everybody's dead. when they talk about us with water boarding, they have to give me a break. if we're not going to be tougher, we're never going to win this war. the cbs"cbs overnight news" will be right back. say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm.
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bernie sanders insist his lop-sided loss to hillary clinton in south carolina will not be repeated. in virginia, battleground trackers shows sanders trailing clinton. in georgia, he is down by 28 points. >> it was a disappointing loss. there's georgia, virginia, texas. when analysts look at that map, they say there's not a plausible path for to you the nomination. what's your response?
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i think we're going to win in minnesota, colorado, oklahoma, massachusetts and vermont. and i think we have a number of states coming up that we're going to do well, possibly winning in california and new york state. so i think we do have a path to victory. now i won't tell you that we didn't get beaten and beaten very badly yesterday in south carolina. i congratulate secretary clinton on her victory, but for us, that is about as bad as it's going to get. >> when you look at the progress you've made, which surpasses all analysts who would have looked at your campaign from the beginning, even given the progress of' madeyou've made, is there enough time left? isn't time kind of running out? >> well, no, i don't think so. on tuesday we're going to have 800 delegates selected. i think we're going to win a very good share of those. we have major states coming up. and the important point is that
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are resonating to our message, and the message is that super pacs and a corrupt campaign finance system are destroying american democracy. we're proud that we have received 4 million individual contributions, more than any candidate in american history at this point, and i think, john, people understand that the economy is rigged. they're working longer hours for low wages, all the income and wealth, almost all, is going to the people on top. even in south carolina, as badly as we did, and we did very badly, we won the votes of people 29 years of age or younger. the future of the democratic party, the future of this country is involving young people in the political process, getting them to stand up for their rights, dealing with student debt, which i got to tell you is just crushing people all over this country. making public colleges and universities tuition free, those
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out, demanding the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes. this is what younger people, working class people want. that is the future of the democratic party. >> but in order to create the kind of movement you've been suggesting and that you want, you're going to need to attract african-american voters, and your economic justice message just didn't siegeeem to hit home in south carolina and other places. isn't that kind of a fatal flaw? >> well, no question. let me be very clear. we did really, really badly with older african-american voters. i mean, we got decimated. on the other hand, if you look at the younger people, african-american younger people, and whites, we did much better. so, again, i think our message, the clinton campaign was very strong, remember, this is their fourth campaign in south carolina. two for bill clinton, two for hillary clinton.
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they did well and i congratulate them. we came into that state something like 7%, 8% in the poll. it was a tough row for us to hoe. but i want to thank all of our supporters, the members of the south carolina state legislature who stuck with us. >> let me ask -- future. >> our polls show that one bright spot for you is that a big majority think that you are more honest and trustworthy than hillary clinton. what does it say to you, though, that voters three believe that, and yet are voting for hillary clinton? >> well, i think people cast their votes for a number of reasons. i think if you look at your polls, you'll probably find that many, many people think that our views are closer to what they believe the future of america should be. our views are closer on economic issues. a lot of those polls come down to demographics, to age, to how
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look, at the bottom line is we started theiris campaign, john, 3% in the polls in the last few weeks we've been in the lead or reasonably close to secretary clinton. in texas, would you have seen 10,000 people out in austin, 8,000 people out in dallas. we had a wonderful turnout in ro-chesser, minnesota last night. i think we have a lot of momentum.
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state has an most ducks fly south for the winter, but one very special duck just gets under the covers. steve hartman found this hart heartwarming story on the road. a lot of kids go to the park to see ducks, but kylie takes her duck to see the park. snowflake comes here to swim around the pond and then returns
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truly believes that kylie is his mother. and the duck is not alone in this delusion. >> i'm his mom. >> reporter: you're not really his mom. >> yep, i'm his mom. >> reporter: how did you first find out? >> that he was a duck? >> reporter: no, that -- kylie is unbearably cute, and since i never did recover to ask that question again, let he just tell you that kylie first noticed snowflake's attachment the day the browns brought her home last summer. >> look, look, look, he follows her. >> reporter: for whatever reason, the duck imprinted on kylie and just had to be by her side, no matter what the hour. when snowflake refused to stay in the back yard, kylie's parents, ashley and mike, say they had choice but to give him a diaper and make him a house duck. >> he goes everywhere the ducks
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everywhere they're not allowed. i don't know if you've had a 2-year-old or 5-year-old that wouldn't leave home without their plan key? she would not leave without her duck. and nothing's negotiable. >> reporter: snowflake goes to the beach in summer, and on the sled in winter. he even went trick or treating as olaf, the snowman from "frozen". and over time, snowflake and kylie have formed a bond like most of us will never know. >> it's special, even at 5 years old, that i know that that's the type of person she's going to be. >> reporter: she really is going to make a great mom some day. mostly because she already is. >> you know, some day he's going to grow up and go to college. what? >>. >> reporter: steve hartman, on the road, in freeport, maine.
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for this monday it is the biggest presidential primary day of all. with one day left until super tuesday, a new poll shows donald trump and hillary clinton ahead in key states. also a virginia police officer gunned down on her first day on the job. an army sergeant also accused of
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the flint michigan water crisis, newly released e-mails reveal frustration in the governor's office. and the gymnast who is blowing up the internet and breaking the routine. >> this is a very traditional sport, and what you did is very non-traditional. >> not traditional at all. this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. on march 1st, some candidates might get their last chance. super tuesday brings primaries and caucuses in 12 states. for rmepublicans, about half of the delegates needed. and for democrats it's about a third. a new poll shows donald trump leading in states except for texas where cruz leads. we have both races covered
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surrounding trump today. here's major garrett. >> i don't know anything about david duke, okay? i don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. >> reporter: donald trump demured when he would condemn supportive comes from david duke. >> i don't know what group you're talking about. you wouldn't want me to condemn a group i know nothing about. >> reporter: but trump's remarks today are 180 degrees from his stance friday when he was asked about david duke's endorsement. >> i didn't even know he endorsed me. i des avow. >> reporter: campaigning in massachusetts, john kasich says trump has some explaining to do. >> donald trump refused to disassociate himself and condemn white supremacists. we don't have any room for white supremacists in the united states of america. >> reporter: ted cruz took to
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in virginia, marco rubio called trum's position unbelievable. >> we cannot be a party that nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists and the cueku klux klan. >> the republican party is not treating me right, and they're not treating the people that i represent right. >> reporter: and there's some evidence to support trump's claim. a new battleground poll found that more than half of republicans in three super tuesday states, georgia, texas, and virginia, say the republican party does not represent them well. the poll also showed voters in those states think trump offers the most optimistic message. trump picked up the endorsement of jeff sessions. >> major garrett, thank you very much.
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lead over bernie sanders with a prime airrirairary victory. >> tuesday primary, thank you. >> reporter: hillary clinton stormed into arkansas and tennessee on sunday, setting her sights on the handful of southern states that vote on super tuesday and trying to capitalize on her momentum with black voters who propelled her landslide victory in south carolina. nearly 90% of african-american voters backed clinton yesterday, breaking the record set by then senator obama in 2008, that spells trouble for bernie sanders, who had hoped to stall clinton's momentum heading into states where the democratic primary electorate is more diverse. >> we did really, really badly with older african-american voters. i mean, we got decimated. >> reporter: the vermont senator has racked up delegates in iowa,
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with white, younger voters, but as he goes south, he is visiting states where the demographics play to his favor, like in oklahoma where he campaigned today. >> now i'm going to need your help here in oklahoma on tuesday. i'm going to need your help to win the democratic nomination. [cheers and applause] and i'm going to need, i'm going to need your help to win the general election. clinton meanwhile, is turning her focus away from sanders and pivoting to her next target, republican frontrunner donald trump, even if like earlier today in a memphis church she's not mentioning his name.
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never stopped get behind one candidate. voters don't seem to be listening to that message. >> when voters hear establishment, they view that as a bad word. they are less likely to any candidate who is too tied to the establishment. >> but they're not just siding with trump because they think he's anti-establishment, they also think he can win in november. >> they also think he's in the best position to win in november.
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be right back. the young police officer is being remembered tonight. she was killed this weekend during her first day on the job. following an awful series of events in northern virginia. >> reporter: prince william
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this picture of rookie officer ashley gwendon, about to start her first shift. the caption -- be safe. >> she was literally sworn in the day before, on friday. >> she interned for the police department. >> she clearly had a passion to serve others in a way that went beyond herself. >> reporter: she and two other officers responded to a domestic disturbance on saturday. when they arrived, suspect ronald hamilton opened fire from the front door. >> we have three officers that have been shot. >> reporter: guher training officer along with jessie hempen were wounded and are expected to survive. >> officers provided first aid to the wounded officers, and as
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later in the afternoon, officer guindon succumbed to her injuries. hamilton is an active duty staff sergeant who works at the pentagon. no one knows which he fired on the officers. neighbor leon harris described him as a gentle giant. >> the guy was a great guy. great neighbors, just something must have snapped. >> reporter: early sunday morning, more than 100 patrol cars lined up outside the hospital where the officers what taken. they provided escort to a young woman whose first day on the job tragically became her last. hamilton is expected to be in court tomorrow. he faces one count of capital murder of a police officer and is held without bound. and the state's attorney will seek the death penalty. anger over a police shooting
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shut part of downtown salt lake city. >> reporter: violence exploded late saturday night after a salt lake city police officer shot a 17-year-old black teenager in the chest and stomach. his friend saw the shooting. >> when the cops came, they ran up and told him to stop. and when he was turning around, they shot him. i know he got, i seen his chest and his stomach. >> reporter: police responded to a call to break up a fight outside this homeless shelter. police say they opened fire after mohammed refused to drop the weapon. kutvs jeremy harris was one of the first reporters on the scene. >> the witnesses were very worked up. very angry. you could tell there was a lot of passion. so many people saw this. at any given time there were 50 or more people standing outside the homeless shelter. >> reporter: protesters launched
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>> the witnesses say this was about race. in fact, several people were walking by, chanting "black lives matter." >> reporter: also the officers wear body cameras and will release the video of the shooting as soon as possible. meanwhile, mohammed is in critical condition. and two officers are on routine paid administrative leave. in hestonshesston, kansas, we have a survive story. >> reporter: adam miller came face-to-face with the shooter. >> i saw him come around the corner, and he just looked kind of confused. so i told him he needs to run, there's a fire. and he just looked confused. so i told him again, and he said i know, and then he shot me. >> reporter: cedrick ford shot 17 people, including 14 co-workers, quilling three of them before police shot and killed him.
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out in violence after being served with a protective order taken out by an ex-girlfriend. across hesston today, it was a time to come together. at sunday's services to honor the victims, and at a town hall meeting where sergeant chris carter, one of the first on the scene was embraced by the community. >> the people that worked at that place were phenomenal. their actions were heroic that day. >> reporter: hesston strong has become a motto here. >> they're all going through a really tough time. the least i could do is come out and help. >> reporter: for many, healing means forgiveness and compassion, even for the killer. >> i don't know what he was going through, but obviously, he felt this was the way out, and so my heart just aches for him. >> reporter: there will be a memorial service tonight at hesston high school.
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is expected to face a judge for giving him weapons knowing he was a convicted felon. syria remains relatively calm, two days into a he cease-fire, but the quiet has brought little comfort. >> reporter: three years a the city of homs was the fiercest front line of the war. then they moved on, leaving a wasteland and hundreds of thousands of homeless people. in some parts, residents are trickling back, reestablishing the essentials of life, commerce, even school. this is day two of the partial cease-fire, and people are holding their breath, hoping it will hold. right on the edge of town, we can hear the sounds of fighting, though. but with no monitors anywhere, it's impossible to say who is attacking whom. the numerous reports of violations today underline what a fragile thing the partial truce is. but 48 hours in, everybody
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than they've been in years. though the kind of lasting peace to rebuild in a place like this still feels a long way off. elizabeth palmer, cbs new, homs. in iraq, dozens were killed and about a hundred hurt. a group affiliated with isis claimed responsibility. a series of gas explosions in a russian coal mine have killed at least three dozen. it happened in northern russia, above the arctic circle. 81 minors were rescued after the original blast, but those still trapped are presumed dead. coming up, we follow the new e-mail trail in a flint water crisis. and a cruise ship threatened
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cbs news will be right back. did you know there's a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours? try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula releases powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. try delsym . dry spray? that's fun. it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughs)
4:18 am in a dry antiperspirant spray. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker.
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feel the difference with k-y ultragel. thousands of e-mail released this weekend show how the michigan governor's office struggled to handle a water crisis in flint. we've been reporting on this story for months.
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>> reporter: just weeks before governor rick snyder declared flint's corrosive river water unsafe to drink, there was a push to discourage a push back to the old water-source. the governor's aide was told, gentlemen, in the attached is a description of what it would cost to reconnect to detroit water. the estimated cost was $12 million a year. the city eventually did rekent to detroit water in october of 2015, days after the governor declared flint's river water unsafe. the announcement was triggered by an independent study that linked lead poisoning in children to the river water. one thing we keep hearing is that the governor is not involved or is detached. this would be good to show that he's there and he cares.
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he's there, we can avoid the protests and still get the optics. the protests have continued. the fallout was eerily predicted in an e-mail sent more than a year ago when the governor's special prongs projects manager wrote, this is a public reasons nationally, friday the government admitted he should have been more directly involved back when his aides first e-mailed about the problem. >> that's where i'm kicking myself every day. i wish i would have asked more questions. i wish i wouldn't have accepted answers. i'm not going to have that happen again. >> reporter: snyder says he's working to expand health care coverage for residents and subsidize their water bills.
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five-hour tantrum. this time it seems better safe than sorry. the ship was damaged by 30 foot waves and hurricane-force winds earlier this month. new jersey. a frightening scene at a hindu festival in india. an elephant went on this rampage. started picking up truck and flinging them around. no one was hurt, including the back. some winners on the baseball field will no longer get their just desserts. the baltimore orioles have
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a pie in a player's face after wins. they say it's about safety and the pie smashing can be too dangerous.
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has the internet flipping out. finally, tonight, talk about gymnastics floor routines and many picture something like ballet set to classical music. but we introduce you to a gymnast stretching the limit to a different beat. >> reporter: gymnastics is all about grace. >> nice. >> reporter: power. and hip-hop?
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that ucla gymnast sophiena hits, it's those moves. this is a very true diggsal sport, and what you did was very non-traditional. she and her teammates are changing this. >> i feel that it's much more about entertainment now than the ridge id sport as perfection. >> reporter: she is getting high marks from judges. but even higher marks on social media, where her floor exercise earlier this month, the first time she ever performed it, went viral. >> i woke up, and my mom called, and she said do you know you have like 5 million views on your floor routine? i didn't know it was posted anywhere. >> reporter: it's now been viewed more than 40 million times. tell me some of your responses. >> some of my favorite ones have
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proposals. >> reporter: and a lot of celebrities have taken notice. >> yes, reese witherspoon. i found out that chris brown posted it on his facebook. i was like oh, my gosh. no way. >> reporter: even her teammates have gotten into the groove, along with her coach, who admits you can please a crowd but still not please everyone. >> i think there are judges that still don't like it. i've always compared it to a picasso. there a lot of people who would not put a picasso in their home because they don't like it. but that doesn't mean it's not excellent art. >> reporter: sophiena says she has danced professionally. ly not find the nae nae, the whip and the dab in reno. >> the one performance i did, that was my olympics. >> reporter: and a moment as good as gold.
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cbs news, los angeles. that is the overnight news for this monday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. captioning funded by cbs it's monday, february 29th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." i'm here at the academy awards! otherwise known as the white
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the academy awards. the year's best films share the limelight, but it was a lack of diversity under the spotlight. killed on her first day on the job. a virginia community mourns the death of an officer who was sworn in the day before she was gunned down, and an army sergeant is behind bars charged in her killing. and campaign 2016. new questions about donald trump and the kkk, and marco rubio rips trump below the belt. >> you know what they say about men with small hands? good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we begin with the oscars, where an underdog won for best picture and the politically charged atmosphere just about overshadowed the winners. host chris rock took no


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