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tv   Through the Decades  CBS  August 13, 2016 1:00pm-2:00pm CDT

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this is "through the decades," a unique hour-long time apsule.toe awesome decade of the '80s. from the u-s hockey team proving that miracles can happen "some people say we're a real life 'rocky' story." to the spectacle of the largest benefit concert in theor "you have wihtout doubt seventy percent of the most important artists of last 20 years appearing for free." and the day we setched our arms out and h the rest of america "... help to raise the consciousness of people in this country toward the plight of the homeless and hungry." those stories and more in the next hour, part of a different kind of television experience, where we relive, remember and relate to the events that are
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i'm lee pai hong. and i'm kerry sayers. and i'm your host, bill kurtis. this is "through the decades." the '80s. a decade we celebrate often for its music, s movies and its loud fashion. all delivered 24/7 to our homes through the increasingly popular, and available, cable television. rising awareness of a hole in the ozone layer and the stock exchange's 'black monday' crash ... it's a decade often remembed fondly by those who ved it. perhaps because of advances in chnology or the economic and political calm impact of those 10 yrs on pop culture had a more mesmerizing effect than the years that came
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oments that defined that '80 we begin witthe event could summarize it all -- big, colorful and over the top. it was the major happening that invited every single american to stand shoulder to sulder with celebrities, each playing an equal role. its name, like its goal was "hands across america" and when it took place it consumed us all. it took place it consumed us all. yes! all right - ten -untdown? everybody count with me - ten - nine - eight -- seven - six - five - four - three - two - one!" the idea was as simple as it was unique. millions of
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hold hands for 15 minutes. the objective, as envisioned by music promoter and charity organizer,nwas to form m one end of the country to the other bringing awareness and funding to thelit of t world's neediest. "just think about the link country and the link you're making with the hunger and homelessness." ause it's such a - such potent gesture - and it is immediately going to make a big ff apparent from the start." "i think the spirit of it is great. i think ... i think the whole idea and the spirit of it and perhaps maybe help to raise the consciousness of people in this country toward the plight of the homeless and hungry." organizers said everyone was welcome to take part whether they'd paid or not and both the famous and the average joe turned out. "the feeling that it's generated is what's important and theintention of it's got tor and the needy ane homeless and i think it's reached a lot
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all be here. but i hope there are a lot of people!" fi million from all walks of life but america "for 14-hundred people from phoenix and salt lake city, hands across america was a full-scale expedition. their assignment: link up across what organizers call the toughest mile. from phoenix it's a six- hour drive from salt lake city, 12. their destination: arizona's high desert, barren and rot frigid by night. so forbidding, organizers recommended only those experienced in the wilderness should take part." "the final assault on the toughest mile was carried out with military prision but not with military discipline. and at zero hr, which was high noon in the high desert, hands were joined along the toughest mile in america but the mile next to
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in fact, there were gaps all across the country but it didn't seem to dim the spir thoits of who took part."yt instinct was that it was upsetting that the line wasn't complete and then at the same time you really have to stop and realize the practicality of that ever happening. i think all kind of in this case dreamed beyond our means but the truth is, under any conditions this is a major success not only for the charity but for the country as major success not only for the charity but for the country as well. any time you can whatever the total figure will be whether it's three - five million people, together to agree on one thing in this country, you've done something major." in the end, hands across america raised 34 million dollarsbut afd roughly 15 million. still, ken kragen was insistent that the event's real success was in creating a new wave of activism to carry the movement forward. "i'd like for you to answer the
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that some people have given, that while this kind of thing makes the pu it's somehow discharged its responsibility to the poor. it's a great thing to do on a sunny afternoon, but beyond that, it really doesn't have any lasting impact." "well, i think that that's an important point. we can't stop here. this is the beginning. this is the beginning of people's efforts. but people who came out today, they got to to roll up their sleeves and go to work. they really have to. i mean, the kid in america who gives his money on monday very often thinks that hunger'll be solved by friday and we can't let anyone believe that and the going to be solved is if everyone in the country from the president right on to everyone look at this program and pitches in and does something about it." it wasthe biggest charity event of may 251986. while america was clasping hands, the rest of the world was taking foot, more then 20-million people in all, running to raising money for african famine victims. it was
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"the world was watching today as omar khalifa ran the final leg of a journey which has taken him from the desert of the sudan to the steps of the united nations. bearing a torch lit fr the flames from a refugee campfire, khalifa climbed a ramp to ignite an even larger flame and all at once set off foot races in more than 270 cities around the world." sport aid, which culimated in a 10-kilometer "fun run" was co-organized by bob geldofst behind the successful band aid and live aid charity events. sport aid had a lower wattage of star power but the scale of the event was beyond anything ever attempted. televising it was a logistical nightmare. "the feeling i get going into the sport aid show is that the five super bowls i've done, the 12 kentucky derbys, the three olympics, shows with president reagan, the pope and tito, were all minuscule." (laughs)
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in the u.s., where the new york race drew fewer than 5,000 runners, as compared to london's 50,000. hands across america's domination was so complete, some sport aid competitors did double-duty. "yeah, i've got to get home and change so i can get my kids and wife and go hands across america." "and that was a problem in this country: two charities were competing for the public's attention today and sport aid lost." but african famine victims won withmi "the finish of the race coincides with the start of a u-n special session tomorrow. the first ever meeting of the general assembly to discuss africa and its problems." "we're saying to those people, it's now in your hands. we're showing we -- we care, we know it is within our power to solve the whole issue of hunger worldwide." when our journey continues,
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together some of the industry' biggest names for a good cause. we look back on the daw a new way we started to listen to music in the '80s. the fitness movement that included leotards and legwarmers. plus, the david and goliath story that made america believe in miracles. "i think our average age might have been 21 and a half and the soviets' was somewhere around 27. we had one guy that had played on an olympic team, buzzy schneider played in '76 and i thinkobabhey pr had 20 playerat then, the iconic end of a barrier that sved as a symbol of the divide between east and west. and we dig through the archives to bring you the face of one of music's best-selling groups, huey lewis. you're watching "through the decades" stay with us as we continue our
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piledriver, sleeper hold, bodyslam - wrestling moves that became household sayings in the 1980s thanks to the rise of the world wrestling federation on television. the guys who perfected them - "andre the giant", "hulk hogan", "king kong bundy" and "macho man" became household names too, as pro-wrestling exploded into new pop-culture heights. there's wrestling
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professionalwrestling. amateur wrestling's roots are as old as sport itself as a cornerstone of the olympics. prowrestling dates back to the 1830's in france. but it wasn't until the late '40s and '50s that it found a perfect medium for its unique combination of theatrics and showmanship - television. "my namesake bruce dumont who was the head of the manufacturing division that made the sets. he was a manufacturing division that made the sets. he was a he would go out to the bars in jersey city in the early '40s and basically trying to get them to rent this new thing called television and he said we're going to experiment with wrestling and if you put a televisi every wednesday night we're going to have wrestling and your bar business is going to go up." the late 1940's and '50s are
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of wrestling. george wagner, better known as gorgeous george, gained popularity becoming the first true personality of the sport donning fancy robes and dying his hair platinum blonde. with t-v's popularity rapidly growing, the networks were looking for programming to fill time slots and wrestling fit the bill becoming a staple of t-v lineups. gorgeous george hit it bigtime. his popularity rivaled that of bob hope and lucille ball and his theatrics would become the blueprint for the future. "training. sayin' your prayers and eating your vitamins is the way to go. hulkamania will live forever man!" "if you wanna come see a fight - the fight of your life - you come see the mighty hercules!" "there's only one reason to be in professional wrestling and that's to beat people up!" "this is why wrestling is so popular these days. this is called simply ravishing."
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wrestling and television went hand in hand *kiss* as the explosion of satellite and cable t-v lead to a decline in locally produced televisionas consolidated from it's days of dozens of regional operations to a polishee behemoth then known as the w-w-f, the world wrestling federation."dued wrestling federation product, world wrestling federation."dued wrestling federation product, i'm happy to say that we're over 280 some-odd television stations here in the united states. we're watched by some 18-million viewers every week. there's a tremendous demand for world wrestling federation. we're in over 40 c over 10-million people watch our live events annually." fueled by stars that were larger than life, namely terry bollea - a-k-a hulk hogan -this second wave of wrestling's popularity crossed over into the mainstream from blockbuster movies to the
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'85. "hulkamania! it's alive and well!" hulkamania was running lping the w-w-fell o arenas around the u-s. wrestlemania, billed as the "superbowl of wrestling" debuted in 1985 on pay-per-view beginning a long running history of events and defining pay-per-view programming. then in 1985, pro-wrestling returned to network tis when saturday night's main event premiered on nbc. "i think that nbc, again being recognized the world wrestling federation for what it was, what sort of entertainment we could bring to nbc. i'm happy to say that we're number one in late night entertainment. the ratings have been phenomenal for the nbc productions, pardon me, lauren but generally speaking it'll out do saturday night live." then in 1989, a bombshell.
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w-w-f owner vince mcmahon, trying to free wrestling from a variety of regulations like requiring athletes be licensed and cleared by doctors before events appeared before the new jersey senate on february 9, 1989, and stated once and for all that wrestling was quote "an activity in which participants struggle hand-in- hand primarily for the purpose of providing entertainment to hand primarily for the purpose of providing entertainment to spectators rather conducting a bona fide athletic contest." the bill passed 37 to 1, officially deregulating the sport and putting thousands of dollars back in mcmahon's pockets but the bigger effect was that he had admitted that what happened in the ring was scripted. "fifty-fifty. it's half entertainment and half physical combat and that's what it, i think, appealing." w-w-f's popularity didn't take
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mcmahon's admission, five months after wrestling was deregulated, mcmahon announced that business was still booming. "there's a tremendous demand for a t-shirt, a doll, whatever it may be, there's a tremendous demand for that." entertainment or sport? these days, the answer rests with the legions of fans that continue to watch music has always proved to be a powerful way of bringi people together like nothing else and in the 1980's it went through a technological revolution. we'll look back on the new format that helped drag the music industry into the modern
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back in th' were thriving. selling both record albums and cassettes in huge numbers. but in 1983, recorded music took a step into a new technologil age in music with the introduction of the compact disc or c-d. "only one side is used but can store more than an hour's worth of music." "the result - absolutely no sound distortion." in the world of smartphones and streaming, the compact disc has largely
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but, in the early '80's, it was nothing short of a revolutionary milestone. the c-d and with it the first c-d player were first released in japan in october 1982 and shortly after on march 2, 1983, it made its commercial debut in the states. "and the sound of music people are listening to couldn't be better, right? wrong! just when music lovers thought they h a symbol the best audio systems a new technological development. it's called a compactc or c-d." "industry officials say in 1983, they sold over 50,000 compact disc players and well over a million compact discs." "the player utilizes a laser which is actually a concentrated light beam several smaller than even one strand of human hair, if you can image that." the c-d went on to dominate the music industry but on a bigger note, it wasthe start of the digital age in music.
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the listener has the ability for the first time to listen to a musical performance in their home and virtually listen to a blueprint of what the engineers and the musicians heard at the time of the recording." before c-ds, audio cassette tapes were the medium of choice. by the '70s, sony and phillips, independently, were attempting to digitize the industry. soon the two companies worked to digital audio disc. "this is our a-d-850 compact disc player. i thank you so much for your atteion today and i hope you have a good day here at the consumer electronics show." "philips, magnavox and sony spent 400 million dollars developing the compact disc. they were then joined by 30 other equipment manfactureres and have now totally standardized both the c-d player and the disc worldwide." "different companies had different systems that were
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the video disc. it's the first time record companies had banded together to promote a new product." "any disc will play on any machine whether its a sony, a hitachi, a sharp, a sanyo machine." "they sell f around 20 dollars each. the player itself can cost from 450 to well over 1000 dollars." shortly after the c-d's debut in the states, the marvels of the technology took over. in january, 1984, sony released thrs installed in cars and from the late '80s until 2011, physical c-d album sales dominated the music industry. the 1980s saw its fair share of pivotal moments that defined the decade but two in particular stand out. we'll remember when the united
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upsets in sports history. and we'll look back on how the destruction of barbed wire and concrete ended 40 years of division between the free west and the communist east. you're watching "through the
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including mexico, canada, india, european union. yeah. this will work as a coffee table. don't! ah! it says...fragile. for $89.99 per month. plus free installation, tv equipment, and epix included.
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the leg warmers, the head bands, the spandex - it's a look that is to the 'swhe '50s and what love beads were to the '60s. but beyond the lk, there was movement. songs like olivia newton john's "let's get physical" weren't just smash hits, they were anthems to millions of baby boomers who saw their metabolism heading south. it was the decade nike told us to "just do it." muscles made the action star and there was no such thing as enough hair spray. aerobics was soon just as identifiable though it started a long ways from the lycra infused imagery. at the dawn of the 20-th century, british schools started working physical education into schools. for most of the next six decades, the world of fitness looked pretty much the same. school kids lining up to do
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and jumping jacks or new recruits working their way through boot camp. in the states, that began to change in the late '60s when former air force colonel, doctor kenneth cooper, published his 1968 book "aerobics." a year later, professional dancer judi sheppartmissett started developing dance based workout routines aimed at young mothers and married housewives. in 1974, she named her jazzercise. by the start of the '80s it was a multi-million dollar company'k aerobics out of the gym and brought it home via v-c-r. and on the other end o the remote was jane fonda. the actress who a decade earlier had been a face of the polarizing division over vietna- million copies of her "20- minute workout" and dominating
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list. "my first book broke publishing history and it wasn't because i'm shakespeare. it was because i was laying out program and in that book it was essentially an exercise program that worked." by the end of the '80s, we were searching for buns of stealsweating to the oldies with richard simmons and watching a parade of celebrities turn out aerobics videos. fitness trends have come and gone but the industry born in the neon colored haze of the '80s just continues to grow. sports has a power to unite strangers to transcend a game and to encapsulate a moment, forever locking a feeling into our collective memory. usually that power is
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or player but then there's the "miracle on ice" which all of america watched together from the edge of their living room seats. "some people say we're a real life 'rocky' story." rocky.david versus goliath. these days they are the cliched analogies of sports hyperbole. but they ring true all they way back to one unforgettable moment and one game between the u-s hockey team and the soviet the setting. a sheet of ice in lake placid. a tiny village in the adirondack mountains during the 1980 winter olympics. on one side, a group of amateurs and college kids just recently brought together. on the other, a team of world class athletes that were bigger, stronger and had won the gold medal in six of the previous seven olympic games.
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team u-s-a. "i think our average age might have been twenty-one and a half while the soviets were somewhere around 27. we had one y that had played on an olympic team, buzzy schneider played in 1976. i think they probably had 20 players that had all played." "these were just kids going versus a quote unquote amateur soviett played together all year. that was their job." "it was no reason to expect anything but defin end at the hands of the soviets, possibly a humiliating defeat." what happened instead was a miracle. much was going on in theorld when those 20 young men went to lake placid trying to make their country proud. "the economy was topsy turvy. americans were a little frustrated. the hostages in iran. we felt frustrated. the russians were invading
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country was a little bit down." "we're in this little village in lake placid. k-g-b guys around because they're, you know, protecting their athletes. don't know what the atmosphere was not ... talk about a cold war." global politics hung le a dark cloud over the games. the soviet invasion of afganistan had president jimmy carter threatening a boycott of the summer olympics which were threatening a boycott of the summer olympics which were scheduled to be held in that summer. but something magical happened inside the very protected bubble that was the olympic village back in february of 1980. the ragtag team of players wearing the usa jersey on their backs gave the nation something to believe in again. the u-s team had only been assembled six months before the olympics. they played some 50 games against mostly minor league
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measuring stick was a matchup with the soviet team just a few days before the opening ceremonies. a crushing 1"we went in there ap and geared up and they just destroyed us and what it really did for us is it helped u relax." they played their olympic opener three days later against favored sweden team scoring with just 27 seconds left to ear a 2-2 tie. the czechoslovakian team was up next and the u.s. dominated th they finished group play with wins over norway romania , and west germany outscoring them 16-5. the soviets, meanwhile, breezed past their fs in along the way setting up a rematcwith the u.s. in the medal round on february 22, 1980. "we had another shot at 'em, so to speak. so now, we just built say 10 days of confidence d we were ready for them when we played them." brooks and his staff did
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keep the players focused on themselves and the task at hand. he didn't make them available to the media and aside from the steady stream of telegrams coming in they had little idea what was going on outside the olympic village. "there's no cable tv. there's no internet. there's no twitter. none of that stuff. right? so, you know, there's the three sort of network abc, nbc, cbs, that's it and then the s we're getting ... we're g this like daily olympic village sort of we're g this like daily olympic village sort of newspaper that's just circulated amongst here in lake placid and we're getting two day old new york posts." "about two-three games into the hockey, the boss said, 'forget all ... forget the schedule. just do hockey every day. people are going crazy." "i felt they were ripe to be beaten. i felt that the russians really thought they were really better than they
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they were. so, we took that and we used that and said over and over. someone's gonna beat em, someone's gonna beat em. w" "he said that. he goes, 'this is, you know, this is your time. he goes, this is a moment. this our moment. it's not their time and he really did throw do on the russians and he was intense and he was ... and he was like so proud of us and he said you put yourselves in this spot - no one put you here, you put yourselves here in this spot - no one put you here, you put yourselves here and here and you guys did it so he goes, ' go finish it!" they came out in the second they came out in the second period and it was a blitzkrieg's were but they were
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barely touched the puck in the second period. fortunately, we got out of that period just ... we only gave up one goal so we're a goal down w at the end of the second which is wherwe wanted to b" u.s. goalie jim craig was at his best survivg the storm of shots the soviets peppered him with. the third period, belonged to team usa. they scored a power play goal at the 8:39 mark and less than two minutes later - "two things were going through my md. soviet defensemen was either gonna come at me and if he did i was gonna pass it thru to billy baker cutting to the net or he was gonna stay there and and try to block the shot and if he was gonna do that, i was gonna sht it and ushim as a screen and uh he stayed and i shot it and it went in." "no way i thought that game would end four to three. they were too great a team to just rely on and think you're gonna win by a goal with 10 minutes left to go." "it was like the longest 10 minutes of our lives." "herbie kept reminding
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game and we did that." "you couldn't even hear yourself and the crowd is wild and things are really furious but everything is in slow motion because all these little thin there seem to be falling in place." "we were playing on heart. we were playing on pride. we had the soviets four to three. the place was just going crazy at this time and um... i don't think ... i don't think god could have come down and won that game at that point. we were now playing for our lives.n the building counted down the last 10 seconds and on television play by py man al michaels capped the unthinkable win with a call that would become as memorable as the team's victory. "do you believe in miracles?? yes!!" "and when game was over, we just exploded into each her and you know, i came off the bench and i jumped on ramsey, guys were jumping on jimmy, it was like ... it was nonstop for
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know how long it went on for but the russians had to stand there and watch it." "i think that game was meant for us to win and you know, i'm thankful mike eurozione happened to be the guy that sho" their celebration would be short lived on that friday night. hey still had one more game left against finland sunday for the gold medal. the team watched the game with their families - which was on tape delay that night and brooks finally allowed some media the following day after practice. "i think tomorrow maybe we have a lile more pressure than we think and we just have to give that other team more respect than we gave even the russians because of the fact that we have so much more at stake than we did yesterday." "i think we realize what's in front of us. i feel right now we're all good enough athletes and good enough hockey players to realize that one win tomorrow is gonna give us a dream that very few people in the world can say they had a
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gold medal." team usa came out and once again, found themselves down one nothing and with just 20 minutes left to play were facing a 2-1 deficit. brookshad one final and very clear messe for his team. "herb brooks addressed the team and said, 'if you lose th game you'llake it to your gravmessage received. "the greatest 20 minutes of hockey we playve course of nine months was our last period of hockey against finland when we outscored 'em three to nothing and won the gold medal." when we continue our look back on the 1980s, we remember when the berlin wall and its symbolism of division was finally broken down. plus, the global event that had
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we turn the lens of time back on 1981 when america got a look at the sport of competitive boomerang throwing. "you ready? okay. on three, ready? one. two. three." "ladies and gentlemen. your 1981 united states boomera team. no college kids either but doctors, painters, businessman and sale. all dedicated to the sport of boomerang throwing and when the wind is right, catching. so
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their own way to australia to challenge the folks who started the sport in the first place and the aussies may never get over it. " "the americans have guys who can throw two boomerangs at one time. one stand out who throws with both hands. another who keeps two boomerangs in the air once." "and the americans are going heavily equipped. each of the 10-team members carries about 30 boomerangs and each is hoping to avoid those worrisome injuries that could get them yanked injuries like bra "i think wrist and elbow and shoulder and lower back ailments from throwing." "and so, it's all boomerang?" "yeah, related." "austrailia's counsel general was on hand to scout the american challengers clutching an old hunting boomerang tt he said is used to go after the critters down under." "oh a bandicout or a wallaby or a lizard you know and anything that is alive and moving." "and is scouting report will no doubt have several pages on the
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does the 'william tell' routine with a twist. the thrower is the target. score one for barney and brace yourself australia. the americans are coming. jerry bowen. cbs news. san francisco." in novemeber 1989, one of the most seminal and significant events in history occured when east german officials opened the berlin wall. a landmark that symoblized the great divide between cism ommund democracy- good and evil. the wall that split a country in o. as the whole world watched, a symbol of oppression, a sign of separation , a barrier to freedom was being chipped away, piece by piece. "the berlin wall, once it divided east from west, now on its way to becoming an artifact of history." the 100-mile long , 12-foot high concrete wall which divided east and west berlin was built in 1961 by soviet held east
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germany to prevent defections from the communist state to the democratic west berlin. for 28 years it stood, a defining symbol of the cold war. "mister gorbachev, tear down this wall!" in a 1987 speech in berlin, president reagan insisted it in a 1987 speech in berlin, president reagan insisted it was time for the wall to go, but it would take until november 1989 for insistence to become fact. when mass protests by east berliners calling for change finally convinced the east gernman government to allow travel to west berlin. the people gathered at the wall - euphoric. they sang, danced and toasted the end of an era. "it's the most happy day for me
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"we are so happy!" "almost everyone seemed to be heading west." "border guards with a well deserved reputation for being cold and unhelpful handed out white cards- instant visas for people who used to have to wait months even years to leave their country legally." "this is only the stamp and now you can go around the world. that is our freedom sign." "only small chunks have been knocked out of the 28-mile long wall and the rest will be there for some time but somehow it's the holes not the grey barrier that matter now." the official dismantling of the berlin wall came on june 13, 1990. a few days later, a ceremony was held for the removal of checkpoint charlie, an infamous crossing point betwee and west berlin "the winners and losers of world war ii said goodbye today to the small building that symbolized another war, the cold
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"we meet here today to dismantle it and to bury the that created it." "for almost three decades, this was thplace where you felt most keenly the conflict between east and west. when you crossed the line at checkpoint charlie, you passed from one worl into another. a world in which only foreigners were free to come and go." "when the wall went up that year, streets were cut, families and friends were torn apart, an entire nation was divided." apart, an entire nation was divided." the wall, the watch towers - the whole system. " by october 3, 1990, east and west germany were reunified and the fall of the soviet union would soon follow. with a hit-laden album in the mid-'80s he and his band "the news" became a pop-rock
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when we come back. our "through the decades" profile features the life and career of huey lewis. lewis. hi guys! got the birthday girl a drum set. drum set? he's kidding! [laughs] oh you guys must have time warner cable. this is gonna be some party. yeah, their free home wifi lets us connect all our devices at the same time. and there's no data cap, so... the kids must love that, huh?! hey, there's the birthday girl! let's get this party started! get time warner cable 50 meg internet. that's more than 8 times faster than dsl and no data cap. uploading!
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ll now. get 15 megs for $39.99 a month. hi grandma! miss you! who is that? are you gonna finish that? ok. switching is easy with time warner cable's exclusive one-hour arrival window, so you don't have to wait around. plus, there's no contract all with a money-back guarantee. he over-did it. [snoring] [giggling] get 15 meg internet with unlimited data for $39.99 per month. call now. t free installation, and access to nearly 500,000 wifi hotspots with select plans.
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one day-two continents. a rock concert to rival all rock concerts and it had neve been done beforelive aid85 the day the music world came out in force to raise casfor the starving people of africaand the whole world watched to thanks to the magic of television. "almost 70 big name soloists and groups will play a 14 hour concert staged simultaneous in london and philadelphia. it's organizers say it will be broadcast live to more than 150 countries." bob geldof of the boomtown rats , dreamt it, planned it and made it reality "and i think this will be rock's ultimate effort. you
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last 20 years appearing for free to 1.5 billion people and i can't think of anything greater than that." fans and stars alike showed up for the cause "well i wouldn't be presptious enough to sum up the meaning of it is an effort to eliminate the misery of hunger from innocent of the world and i think everybody in the artistic community and global community of the arts is spiritually here
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direction." "i'm just proud to be here, you know. i'm proud to play guitar today you know." "we thought it was a wonderful thing to unite the whole world by this television ... this mechanical capability we have to join this event to make people aware that there all ... by giving something whatever they can, that they can help people who are starving. that's really what it's for" "i feel it's really important suffering going on there." "it's been a good feeling today and i hope it's a day to remember." it was. more than 125-million dollars was raised for famine relief. this '80s pop rock band's appeal continues to this day. huey lewis and the news has sold over 20 million albums and still tours worldwide.
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"i always say i may look like the boy next door but i'm i was--you know, i was raised in california and my parents are quite eccentric." the harmonica playing vocalist would eventually find himself as frontman for huey lewis and the news. when new wave and punk style dominated the music scene, the band stood out with their simple straighforward rock 'n band stood out with their simple straighforward rock 'n roll. "although we were kind of white suburban kids, we grew up on soul music." "so it was a rebellion against the '70s stuff." "and the peacock feathers and the hot tubs and all that stuff, you know. we were not into the psychedelic stuff as much as we were the soul music." success for huey lewis and the news didn't come overnight. it sn't until their third record that fame and fortune followed.d ourselves, which was quite rare in the early '80s, especially
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more than half the songs from their 1983 album sports were hits. "heart and soul," "i want a new drug," "the heart of rock 'n roll," "if this is it" and "walking on a thin line" catapulted the band to international success. "we're a real hometown group. we all knew each other before. we didn't answer audition ads in trade papers or anything. we just ... we're the six guys, sort of friends first. that really kind of keeps us together. we have a certain chemistry that keeps us together." in 1985, the band hitched their wagon to a delorean to score their first number one with "the power of love" from the back to the future movie soundtrack. lewis even made his big screen debut in the film. "ihad good fun actually. it was kind of a joke all the way along because bob and bob zemec and gale asked me and they thought it would be a kick if i was in this small role. i didn't know what to do. i didn't really want to do it and so it
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it was a week away and they said listen you gotta tell us if you're gonna do it or not and i said, 'well, i'll do it if you disguise me and don't credit me' and they agreed and so that's the way we did it and it was good fun." as the '90s approached, the group's popularity started to wane. despite that, huey lewis and the news continues to tour as their sound remains an indelable link back to the '80s. their sound remains an indelable link back to the '80s. issue. i didn't do this to become famous although that's very fashionable to say these days, curiously enough. i see people being interviewed, they say, how did you get in the music. well, i always wanted be star. well, i didn't always want to be a star and i didn't want t get girls either. i always wanted to be in the band and that really is the fun, i think. when you're playing in a band and t music and you're in the pock we say, it's really working. it's like a big wave that you ride and it's the most exhilarating feeling in the
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that'll do it for us today. 'm bill kurtis. as we leave, one last look back
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. >> champions of the world denver broncos. >> it is caught for the win! >> danny will let has won the masters. >> jason d, major champion. >> derrick henry will win it. bill: hello, everyone. welcome to the "cbs sportsdesk" presented by centurylink. i'm bill macatee. the third round of the jon deer classic is coming up next but fist, last night in rio in olympic action, american katie de-- ledecky won the 800 meter


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