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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  October 10, 2016 1:30am-1:59am CDT

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(indistinct conversations) nancy. she hasn't signed. there's no deal. you tell me this ten minutes before i'm supposed to say good-bye to my husband for the last time, before my children say good-bye to their father? it's also ten minutes before this funeral is carried live on three networks. anna could make it so your husband's legacy is the one thing people aren't talking about. what does she want? to be here, at the funeral, with her son. that's out of the question. nancy, she's in a car outside. this would be it-- the last thing you would ever have to do. that woman is not setting foot in this church. in that case, all she has to do is walk up to a television camera, and everything we've done in the last few days, everything your husband's done in the last 50 years
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if you are just joining us, we are talking about the latest news regarding the east sudanese mass grave photo. we now have official confirmation that the photo is not authentic. cia director amos carver resigned
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we have an exclusive primetime interview with supreme court justice verna thornton. but now let's take you live to the national cathedral, where the president and first lady have just arrived for pastor marvin drake's funeral. (organ playing hymn) i'm so sorry, nancy. he was a remarkable man. thank you, mr. president. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry for your loss. he was a great man. (man) thank you, sir. yeah. hi, sweetheart. i'm so sorry. ? (amplified voice) marvin drake gave spiritual counsel to seven presidents. in times of crisis, he was a tireless reminder to all americans, to every citizen of the world, to heed those better angels of our nature.
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most especially those of us in public office... damn. we give great funeral. ...temper our divides. (crying) but while the world and nation mourn his passing, there is, of course... a more personal anguish. that's suffered by his family and by his friends. we knew his greatest contribution wasn't simply in his inspiring words, his deeds, that hope was attended by generosity... tolerance by forgiveness... understanding by acceptance. (camera shutter clicking)
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i am still the girl who kept you warm, and you have to forgive me. tell me what to do, and i will do it. but you have to forgive me. come here. i forgive you. okay? you're forgiven. okay.
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my name is huck, and i'm a--an alcoholic. (all) hi, huck. i like to drink, uh, let's see... whiskey. i used to get paid a lot of money to drink whiskey because i'm really, really good at it. but now it's all i think about-- the way the whiskey makes me feel-- a person who does that, who drinks whiskey for a living, and i just hope that by coming here and t-talking about it, i can stop... drinking... whiskey. (all) thanks, huck.
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(pressing buttons) (sighs) (rings) (fitz) ...gave spiritual counsel to seven presidents. in times of crisis, he was a tireless reminder... (ring) to all americans, to every citizen of the world, to heed those better angels within ourselves. (ring) in his departure, it's incumbent upon the rest of us, most especially those of us-- (turns off tv) (ring) james-- i did not say one word. i can't have a baby with you because i already have a baby, and his name is president fitzgerald grant. and my baby is troubled and angry and exhausting
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if i keep my eyes on him every minute and make sure that he eats his vegetables, and so i don't have the time or the energy or extra space in my soul for another baby, james. i'm sorry. i don't. i can't. i don't have it in me to take care of someone else because i'm busy taking care of the united states of america. (sets down glasses) for the record, this is not over. but you know i find power, cyrus, very sexy. you want to fool around? no. yes. (projector and camera shutter click) okay, justice thornton, since it's so rare to get a supreme to make a tv appearance, they're definitely gonna go after your decision on murray vs. murray.
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keep your answers short and sweet. you're a supreme court justice. you don't have anything to prove. most important, don't get defensive. she's the only one i let talk to me like that. could i bother you? i think i may have left my cell phone on the table out there. i'll check. thank you. where are we? she tried to go home. we talked her out of it. (click) i won't lie, liv. there's a part of me that wishes we'd let her hang. she's innocent, verna. she didn't ask for any of it. that innocent little girl of ours could bring down this government. (click) i can't find it. would you look at that? in my purse the whole time. (laughs)
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the welcome back to "face the nation". i am john dickerson. here in the law library at washington university in st. louis. site of tonight's second president column debate. joining us now is cbs this morning anchor norah o'donnell, our friend bob schieffer, who
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correspondents who have been on the campaign trail for well over a year now, nancy cordes who covers hillary clinton and major garrett who is on the trump campaign. major, i want to start with you. >> sure. >> dickerson: where to begin? how are things going inside the trump campaign? >> there is, there is a tremendous amount of stress, that is quite obvious, trump is getting a request from mike pence's running mate, be more contrite. apologize too the country more emphatically, more believably, more persuasively about what you havee, what the country has seen. at the same time, there are other advisors who are saying, yes doors that but then smash mouth hillary clinton and bill clinton about bill clinton's history and this debate is your only available play, go as hard as you can on that, say what you said matters but what bill clinton did or is alleged to have done matters more, and so donald trump finds himself in this vice like pressure from his running mates who wants him to be contrite and mellow and other advisors who want to bring the
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>> dickerson: in twitter already today a little bit of the two-byour action as he tweets and sends out some of the harder line, nancy, what is the clinton team doing in this, yet another turn in the story? >> well, thought about hillary clinton come out yesterday and then decided why scwander the opportunity to have her first reaction be tonight on the debate stage before millions of people standing right there next to donald trump so we are told she will address it early on in the debate but also decided, you know, why distract from a pe of republicans unendorsing their own nominee? beyond that, they are redrawing the battleground map a to include kansas and nebraska, they think that the battlegrounds math will stay essentially where it is, which is find fine, because she has a path to 270 just within that map. so strategically, they say they aren't changing much, although obviously this was great news for them. >> dickerson: 270 being a magic number on the electorial
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phone dialing around, bob, what have you heard a? >> well, i can't find a single republican, i have talked to probably 1 12 republican senatos yesterday or their representatives. i couldn't find a single one who now thinks they are going to win. they were saying things like look we realized a couple of weeks ago that we were not going to win, but now we may win -- we may lose by historic proportions something th said to me yesterday that could affect the republican party for generations to come. i am not sure the republican party is going to survive this. one republican party chair said there was a mushroom cloud outside of the window after this. norah what did you think of rudy giuliani's attempt to defend donald trump? he basically said this is a long time ago and learned a lot on the campaign trail. can you learn something on the campaign trail that undoes the damage of these remarks? >> well, rudy giuliani was on because the chairman of the republican national committee
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and i think that is telling as one top republican said to he we will see the fastest cut and run in american political history. and, bob, alluded to that. look at the state of ohio no republican has won the presidency without ohio, donald trump may have won ohio on the coattails of rob portman the senator who has done great organizing, he has unendorsed him in that state but republican national committee says pause or stop its operations to help donald trump. donald trump department have >> dickerson: no ground game. >> he was relying on the republican national committee. >> dickerson: entirely. a governor all of that disgusting language, you now have a party that has abandoned the presidential nominee and that is historic, and it could lead to a landslide election. >> dickerson: and the ground game being those people who knock on the doors, get the people to the polls, that kind of thing. >> and the disconnect between the grass roots trump supporters who are not all republicans and not always been regular participants in presidential election and the fund raisers
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leadership is again cracked wide open. by this. because they are -- the grass root trump supporters largely, anecdotal conversations i had all weekend are going to ride this out because they still believe that trump is their best option to change the system and attack what bothers them most about politics, but the fund raisers, the donors, and the republicans who have to be on the ballot themselves all walking away. >> we know that republican candidates like portman and kelly ayotte in new hampshire are in a terbl because on one hand they have angered all of those trump true believers who might say, you know, i am not going to vote for you. they decided to let some republicans just stay home because they told them now, i can't support the nominee, maybe you shouldn't either, and the deposition are going to hit them over the head between now and election day on, okay, so this is what made you decide to abandon donald trump? it wasn't what he said about members cans, it wasn't what he said about women in in campaign, it is something he said 11 years
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expedience. >> dickerson: i mean think about this his own running mate refused to campaign for him on the eve of this debate and with less than a month to go. >> >> dickerson: norah, another, perhaps there are players out there who still haven't, he was disinvited from paul ryan's wisconsin, unity event that major talked about that was put together by reince priebus, the republican chairman of the party. disinvited by the house speaker be 2 house speaker has not moved to the problem portman position or the kelly ayotte position which is i am not going to voee for him. is he the -- i mean, there is a conference call for the house republicans on monday, wha whato you think paul ryan, what do you think he does? >> well, this isn't just a, this is a conscience call for many people and seeing an emerging split in the republican party not just denouncing but what does it do or take a stronger stand and say we can't elect this person, let's write in some of the other people, such as rob portman as i mentioned earlier
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for the speaker of the house, paul ryan who was heckled at that appearance yesterday by trump supporters but the leadership of the party, that has to look beyond this election to the future of the party, i think it is essential in american democracy you have two strong political parties. they are a check on one another and at this point we don't have two strong political parties. and tha that is necessary for a strong government a in a democr moderated these debates so what if you were on the deck tonight and about to come up or had to come up with questions on these candidates, what would you ask? >> , you know, i think i would ask about the elephant in the room and i think, i guess what i would say would be this. mr. trump, if some man did to your daughters what you were talking about in that debate -- in that tape, would you think that was cool?
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>> i would watch that answer. >> and the question is, this is a town hall debate. would there be a question like this in? and there probably will be. >> yes. because this language goes beyond boys being boys. this is pigs being pigs. and i think that it is not a distraction. it is an issue. >> but there are some democrats that hillary clinton will overplay her hand and go after him too hard. they say look he is digging a hole by himself. republicans are helping him. stay out of the way. they say that tim kaine was more aggressive that he needed to be last week and so they are a little bit worried that the clinton campaign will see this as such a huge opportunity that it will go further than it needs to. >> there are two unknowns one we will get the answer to tonight and one we may never get an answer to. many republicans bailed out yesterday because they got the sense there is more coming on donald trump that this is not
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changing .. bit possess explosiveness and they don't want to be a part of it and round 2 of that. that's the unknown we don't know about that. the other is tonight. the conference call with house republicans tomorrow, because speaker ryan was persuaded by those in the rank and file, give him a chance in debate number 2, let's all assess after that. so what trump does or doesn't do tonight will have a great deal to say about how reen elected republican house support for him, rank and file and leadership remains. >> dickerson: a lot riding on the debate tonight. >> an enormous riding on the debate and of course the format, along with these charges, i mean, charges a of what some are calling sexual assault, biden says this the amounts to sexual assault at the time you have a male nominee and a female nominee on the stage, they are, with podiums, chairs where they can sit down and where they can approach audience members, it
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important in this type of debate. i mean, going back and reading about town hall debates and looking at the past ones, in 1992 with bill clinton who first proposed this type of debate, a town hall debate and his advisors were chopped george h.w. bush agreed to it because he thought he could emote better and the capture audience members attention better. >> dickerson: quickly what happens if donald trump goes the second route and brings up bill clinton and his character flaws and we get into that kind of a fight? what is hillary -- been planning and preparing forr for weeks because after the first debate he might go there, he told us, the clinton campaign says that would be disastrous for donald trump. hillary clinton is the one running, not bill clinton that is like blaming they lan i can't trump for what donald trump said in the leaked audio, so they don't think that is going to be persuasive and they think it might actually engender for sympathy for hillary clinton and you have to know she has got a pretty well planned response.
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so great to be with you. thanks for being here. and we will now have a second panel, join us at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 6:00 p.m. pacific.
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>> dickerson: and tha at the debate haul here in washington university here this morning,
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now behinds the scenes is joining us now for more insights into the drama are susan page, washington bureau chief of u.s.a. today, jamelle bouie who is the chief political correspondent for slate mag a seen and cbs news political analyst, peggy noonan, columnist for the washington journal and cbs contribute for and john heilemann, comanaging editor of bloomberg politics. peggy, i will start with you. so rudy giuliani said donald trump could have a saint augustine radically after this event and be a totally different man. >> after this trauma of the release of the 11-year-old tape. well, i know you spoke to him of the city of god and the city of man, in this world all miracles are possible. people do change their nature and change their character. i am not sure what rudy giuliani was referring to as the reason there might be a change of
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it seems to me mr. trump might speak of his essential nature and what all of that stuff is this evening. >> dickerson: yes. that's a tall order. >> yes. >> dickerson: john, what could donald trump have learned over the last year that taught him that saying, sort of in a lighthearted way it was fun to assault women. i am not sure how the two things are connected. >> i think if we are speaking in hypotheticals now, there is a hypothetical miracle that could occur, st. augustine t probable hypothetical on the basis of everything we have seen from donald trump's first debate performances, the interviews he has given, the last debate performance, and how he reacted after the debate performance and continuing to attack machado, i think the more plausible hypothetical is he learned nothing and that his performance tonight will be much less st. augustine than something coarser to the things that got him into so much trouble so far on the basis of history there is no reason to think that we will
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there is no reason to think we will. >> dickerson: susan, what do you think about this, the departures in the republican party that started to happen yesterday that seemed to be kind of rolling. again people who aren't just saying it ising,tsk, we have never seen anything like this in modern republican. the republican party chairman reince priebus released a statement, the highest paul disinvited to ka share a stage with him. wisconsin, are withdrawing their endorsement of him. this is a political apocalypse and it is sort of -- we have had october surprises before, we have never had something like this in which a candidate survived and went on to win the election. >> dickerson: there have been a lot of people say, well there have been a lot of these moments donald trump has had and people thought he was in trouble and nothing happens. is this the same situation or --
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same precisely because so many republican leaders leaving his camp. i think this is a signal to voters this is very different and i think there is a real possibility that republicans are courting a kind of triple undervote, that demoralized republicans, republicans who don't vote down ballot because they are angry at the party, most republicans still think, still want trump at the top of the ticket and then also, you know, just, that is a double undervote. i think what is interesting about all of this is that this is the moment which is driving so many republicans away. you know, we have witness ford past year a campaign whose central message no the country was if you elect me i will use the power to suppress mexican immigrants, and muslim americans and stop and frisk. it is not flattering about the


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