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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  November 21, 2016 2:00am-2:19am CST

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allow the kashfaris some time to gather intel on the ground, so we can be better prepared when and if the time comes to pull the trigger on an extraction. fine. we'll hold off. for now. all right. great. we're done. very good, mr. president. (projector and camera shutter clicking) she was on t something big--wendy. ahh. high-level military intelligence offer was desperate to talk to her the day she died. he wouldn't tell me why, which means she was on to something big. and i'm willing to bet whatever she was on to is why she's dead now. it's why you were framed. how much do i owe you? what? for your services. or did you take a commission when i sold my sou to the devil? your troubles aren't over. not by a long shot. but you and i are. everything you've ever done for as long as i've known you
2:01 am
i'm done with you, i'm done with your people. soowvid-- how much?! you can't afford me. (door closes) (water gurgling)
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hat am i doing? you're searching!! oh, that's right! here i come!!! ohhh. i bet someone is hiding in that house... ouch!!! ohhh. oh, i bet someone is hiding in that...ahhh!!! oh, dory, are you okay? oh, let's cover that, it'll get better quicker. wait, what were we doing? hide andeek. waitoh's r, thatht doing? ady or not, here i comguys, ! for all of life'aps,s mish waitoba-a brand'st doing? ady or not, here i comguys, ! and bring home disney pixar's finding dory, today! ? this is the time ? ? the te for harmony ? ? lovbe the song ? ?hat evybody sings ? s.c. johnson. if it's important to you it's important to us, so we're renewing our commitment. for modern moms, who want the very best... the lovers of meat, who know how they like their beef.
2:03 am
anour newest followers who always have the planet in mi. sp?tarts with passion forur food and a simple belief. the simpr the better. ? emer rred. plenished. emerge everyday wi emgen-cit ckedvitami anoxants, electrolytes plusore vitamin c than 10 oraes. ckedvitami anoxants, electrolytes ?whd d flu holdouk try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. it's the onlcold & f caple that has a maximum streth fmula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful ceback. ne
2:04 am
wh fies gaer, thin getessy ? . ours can help. sc johnson. (projector and camertershutic) mint? what? mint. you smell like alcohol. you're ells godfather. we're going to her christening. yocat smell like you alcohol. you know, don't u? about defiance you feel betrayed, and i amorry. it w--there was a decision de ia moment--
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no, i don't. buthat doesn't matter, because here i am. fitz, if you had been a part that conversaon-- no one asked me, and i said i dowanto discuss itwasn't. no, you just want to drink you're shutting cyrus out. 's not stupid. he knows he'on t oside. you'he's your chief staff if you're nna try to tel rl me ho t country that you helped steal for me-- i was going to say you're right. u're yoight to sh cyrus out. it wasyrus. cyrus... pushed and he plotted and he plned and he dug his hls in, and heade us. i wanted you to be president. i did. i am usham of hoch i wanted the white hou for us.
2:06 am
(exhales) cyrus... sto the election. decided, and he got liv on board he got me.d... me. (sighs) it was cyrus m not trying to cuse he got what i did. i'm not trying to say i didn't have a part to shut him out. to not trust him. i think you're right. because... it was cyrus. you have me.
2:07 am
(exhales) m thinki of sending an extraction team into kashfar. thoi need guys toome back alive. i ink you should trust your instincts. i need to know i'm making the right call. you are the presiden anif it doesn't work out, ext step is. we c do this. (kisses)
2:08 am
(projector and camera shutter clicking) (indistinct conversations) (whispers) hi, darling. don't worry. the ceremony will bshort and sweet. eybbreviate for the godless. tell him to send in do it before the cerony. team. i ght we agreed to take a breathn this. ta as many brehs as you like, then recount them in your memoirs. ll in that s.e.a.l. team. w. hey, james. hoare ? (stevie wonder "i don'tnow why" playing) (bishop) how fortunate is baby ella? (baby fussing) to have such fine examples of leadership and commitment to our lord and savior. ella margaret novak beene... i baptize you in the name the father...
2:09 am
?. ? i d't know why ? and of the holy spirit. ? i love yo? and of theamen. spirit. (allamen. on't remember today. e wot rememball of you c. she won't remember the president of the united states holding he i ho to god she won't remembertw when iound out pa peothe jaes would not arrive in me for the ceremony. it iowever, etched deeply into my memorie (lghter) she won't rememberbut i hope all of you will remind her. not about the absence ofhe peonies, t about how she was surrounded by love. ? to ella. to family. thanyou. ? with another gu? ? laugh in my face ? ? lord, how long must i be disgraced ? ? 'cause i love you ? ss clinks on table)
2:10 am
? ion't know ? ? you and me, baby, oh ? ? i don't knowhy i lo you, baby ? ? but i love you, baby ? ? oh, darling, darling, darling ? ? you throw my heart down in thdirt ? ? you made me crawl ? ? on this cold black earth, baby ? ? i never knew how much love could hurt ? ? oh, tl i loved you, baby, till i loved you, ba ?vily) ? oh, baby, i can't stop ? ? i never knew how much love could hurt ? ? o? i can't stocrying,aby, tillcan't yoe? ?, ba ?vily) ahh, here i'm plein' ? (both moaning) ? omy knees, i'm on my knees ? ? won't you help me ? ? help me, please, 'cause iove you (clatter) i love you, baby ?
2:11 am
? i don't know, you don't know ? ? we don't know, none of us ? (moaning continues) ? can't do nothing about it ? ? i don't know, by ? i don'tnow ? (clank) ? ahh, ahh ? (moaning )
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2:14 am
i made a mistake . we both did. 't hitonn again. fiance. that wasn't a miste. that w betrayal. we are done buthat does not mean conol myrei want you.nd you, are done.
2:15 am
?y (man) first floor secure. advancing towards target. based on heat-nsored satellite imagery, we're expecting anywhere from five to eight enemy combatants guarding the hostages in the northwest corner of the second floor. centcom, we've reached the target. alpha, you're a go. (man) fire in the hole! this is it. no hostages. what the hell? all clear. alpha bravo ten, awaiting orders. tell them to abort. centcom, do you copy? chare mike? this could be a trap. get them out of there now! centcom, abort. do you copy? copy. relaying order now. "e" and "e"! echo echo, go, go, go! move, move! ay on your six. alpha bravo, go two. (men shouting indistinctly) what the hell just happened? how did we send a s.e.a.l. team to the wrong address? we didn't. how did this happen? permission to clear the room, mr. president?
2:16 am
sir... we have a mole. damn it. i'll get the director of national intelligence over here right now. we'll start an internal investigion. hold off. what? hold off. but, sir-- are you hang troub hearinlately? when i say "stand down," i mean stand down. we've got a mole. i need to think about how to proceed. sir-- ed to figure out who i can trust. (indistinct conversations) (knock on door) since when do you knock? i'm sorry. really? for which part? all of it. don't be. i'm fine. dad-- i'm fine. ner been better. found my calling-- molding thung minds of america.
2:17 am
at is that? wendy's flash drive. she had just started downloading my defiance les when she died. (glass clinks) whoever killed her probably didn't even knowt was there. click on the one titled "albatross." there's over 350 pages of high-level, classified military intelligence on there. nuclear missile locations. blk tes. the coordinates for the president's wartime bunkers. there's six of tm in the country, just in case they ever ask on "jeopardy!" this is a major security breach. no civilian should have their hands on this stuff.
2:18 am
i would lo ve to forgout this who. i would love to forget i ever met wendy. i'd love to forget i er met you. but now... i need you, because i'd be really terrible at prison. that's if i'm lucky enough to live that long. you're not just here r you. i know you, david. th iabout justice. this is about dusting off the white hat and puttinit back whe it belongs. (projectornd cama shutter clicking) (water running) baby's asleep. (glass clatters) thought we could pick up where we left off yesterday. no. fitz-- no. no. no. come on. it'll be fun.
2:19 am
(exhales) i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm rry. ??2 (exhales sharply) (projector and camera shutter (breathing uclicking) (sighs) (keys clatter on table)
2:20 am
hello? it's olivia pope. ah, i thought you might call. ohah? hawhy is because that's what beautiful men do when i invite them to have dinner with me. you're aumii'a high-rankingwhat to intellen officer.o they train me to read people. (clicks remote) where should we go? got any ideas? there'a quiet little french pla on connecticut everyone's ravg about. quiet's not really my thing. no? i had four brothersand tw. quiet, uh... quiet freaks me out. so what is yourhing? honestly? people watching. it's got its own category on zagat. but i'm guessing sthat's not in s hodendmuch wine i drink. really? wellthen maybe we should go to that french place. how does, uh... how's 8:00 on friday sod?
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good. , wewill see you then, olivia pope. see you then, captain ballard.
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dkerson: welcome back the acthe nation i'm john drson. ile republicans are sy preparing for a trump miration, edemocrs in some soul-seching. >>hen u losehe white h
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thriving and worki every day the power in needs to their hands. we need the maure the resources are withhem and ything ee. we need the prioritize voter that doesn' mean getut the te athe e of t election. thateans 365 day a ye with voters aroundhatlding priorities are. democraticarty is t just the decric but seen b democrat. that means we got to in amary is pceived toipate haven equal shot asverybody else. and we have to make sure tat... yes? >> dickerson continue your list >> well, i mean, we've got to also create more coaboration. we have democrats who hold ofce weith saries of ate. those folks ru the levels we need the stand up f tm.
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whole lot more say so and aot more r in the decraticpay.we'ver veteran, decric vetens ae strengthened and feel like they are fully included. we have go toust make su that the demoaticdank an really owns the party a feelthat it is theirs, tha got to do.d thas what wve >> dickerson: the reason i want to youinish yr list is i noticed dold trumpasn' in it. there are a lot of democrats organizing, pnglanni and setting themselves up as opposition par to donald trum and using that as anrganizing principle. thasn't in yourist. how sh drats think about donald trump opposed, work him >> we, donald trump is alrey proven wre hs going withhe thing. ere was a policalrtic a entled "why walstet i trump"s noterange thed he'sling mor it up and there's going to be more swamp eatures than ever
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big-time investment bankers he's d notng what he said h with was going too for average, working america. we have to be there to work with all those fos who m htave no voted even voted for him. they are natural constituents. but we have to showhem thate reallyarabout them, that w respected their voice, and that we are going to beighting for them tooth and nail. we should notake donald trump r l point of all of nee to make the people, the we a figing f a makevery single the rason we did n... >> dicon: t me ask you, congressman. one argunt some democrats say is democrats should not normalize, a buzz word youear constantly, donald trump, not treat m as a norl preside aic ts about that? >> wel we should be authenc, and 's clelyo nmal. he rn on... he talkedabt jobs, and yet he hasurt workers all over this country;
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n florida. he hasnrmined wkers he's hurt small business pple and not paid contcts. s level of abuse of working people isxtrinary. and not to mention his racism, misoga extraordinary, as well. it's hard to normize that. we can never do it but i would just say that it's not about donaldrump. he stands again oural system. but if we make the average amican's nee, o priit people who want to retire,peop r kids go to colge, people who want to rn a decent living, pele anxiousbout the pant closing movg to anoer country anselling them backthe products they used to make. if we make those people thepriom will be related t be a otnote in thdustbin of history. that ishat we have to cork focus on oureopl >>kerson congressmen, thanks so much for being with . we'll right back. we'll right back. >> any time.
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and great service. over seventy-five yes. wait. seventy-five years? that is grt. spking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomoow so. wa odnight, bruce gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a cser look at geic?hto. great savings. and a whe lomore. safety doesn't come in a box.
2:30 am
it's not something you do now andhen. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for . it'it's giving offshore-art simteams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. >> we have a few problems the democrats are ready pushing back on our immigration act because they said save finding 11 million illegal immigrants is going to be parred. -impossible probably. >> they say it's going to be harder to deport them. >> don't do it? not dit. >>eah. scrap . >> scrapt? >> scrapped. scrapped. >> okay. maybe we'll just talk about that late let's move on the oamacare. as you know, 20 million people


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