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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  November 28, 2016 2:00am-2:30am CST

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ry to save her job. (cell phone chimes) (beep) cyrus, i already told you-- (fitz) it's not cyrus. i wish you'd just been honest with me. i already told you, i made a mistake. i don't mean about defiance. what do you mean... fitz? what do you mean? fitz... all those meetings! you... you're in mexico, screwing that guy! i-i trusted you! i-i'm sitting at home like some kind of idiot. i made a mistake. i'm sorry. we weren't getting along. i didn't know if we would last. you made damn sure we wouldn't. if you didn't think i was good enough to be president... i did think you were. you didn't. you didn't.
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ry. i love you. i was stupid. i wish i could take it back. you can't! (breathes deeply) you know what? it doesn't matter. i don't even know why... (sighs) that's not why i called. why did you call? i told myself i was calling... to tell you to back off from my supreme court justice nominee. but really... i was calling because apparently and i needed a little more misery. (breath quavers, sighs) i trusted you, you know? (sighs) you were all i had. you ruined me. i'm ruined. (gasps) i'm ruined! i don't care. (phil) i will never forgive you! phil-- i want a paternity test. (sighs)
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that. (line clicks) that's a good idea. (clicks phone) (sighs) for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads... here or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. y, and helps you get back to things like this or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. give the gift of lower back pain relief. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers.
2:03 am
my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. ? ? ? this is the time ? ? the time for harmony ? ? let love be the song ? ? that everybody sings ? ? fill the air with joyful noise ? ? ring the bells and raise your voice ? ? let there be peace on earth ? ? let there be peace on earth ? s.c. johnson, a family company. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician...
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bring out the bold? ? ? ? snowmen with buttons, snowflakes with icing ? ? candy corn feathers, sure look enticing ? ? rice krispies treats, the fun doesn't stop - ? ? how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? ? here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno? daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno?. naturally beautiful results? captain ballard, sir. send him in. mr. president-- i don't need an update on her right now.
2:05 am
(paper rustles) (flips page) where'd you get these? an anonymous source sent them to my office this morning. you see that fax number at the top there? it's registered to a kashfari intelligence officer. one of our drones just picked him up driving towards an armed compound in tenwar province. place is a pretty well-known safe haven for terrorists. who else knows about this? just me and my immediate superiors. until i spoke to you. is there a team in place? just waiting for your go-ahead, sir. good night, lauren. good night, captain ballard. (projector and camera shutter clicking) (indistinct conversations) don't judge me. (closes door) no judgments.
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i'm sorry. i know it must not be fun having us in your house. no, it's, uh... it's like a party. i love it. it's great. you have front-row seats to the end of my marriage. (exhales) crap. (chuckles) i am a terrible host. you want a drink? (clattering) no. i-- you have to have a drink. otherwise, i'm just drinking alone. sarah, it would be unprofessional for me-- your time, right? this is my dime. my many, many dimes. have a drink with me. drink the damn wine. (sighs) mmm. this is... a $300 bottle of wine.
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you made a mistake. no. i mean, yes, i did. uh, cheating on him-- that was a mistake. our marriage was... we weren't getting along. i was young. i was dumb enough to think it was okay if someone else turned me on, and i made a mistake. the affair was a mistake. but that's not the thing. that's not what's going to kill us. the mistake is nothing. it's that-- it's that you never told him the truth. it's that you let him believe a lie. i didn't know. i don't know if annie is his. but it would have... hurt him if she wasn't, so i made a choice. you let him be her dad. i let him be her dad. y-you think the only one that's gonna suffer is you.
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you suck it up, you... tell yourself, okay, this is the price i'm paying. this is the cost. but it's not. there's a much larger bill, and it comes due. and suddenly olivia pope is in your living room. damn. we really have to do the... paternity test? . you should. if that's what he wants. (inhales) there's a hairbrush on her dresser. you can use that. you have some job. fixer. how do you fix betrayal? sarah, you betrayed him. you did. you messed up, and there's a price.
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but let me ask you something. is he a good dad? (inhales sharply) (exhales) he is a great dad. you did what you thought was best at the time. even if it was wrong, you thought it was best. you can't change the choice you made. all you can do is not let it ruin you. and what if he never forgives me? then you're going to have to learn to forgive yourself. (sniffles) that sounds lonely. it is.
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n thinking about this dry cleaner thing. what are you thinking? director of the c.i.a. that's gotta be a job where you have no free time. you're too busy saving the world. so why does osborne go to the cleaners himself? any assistant could do that. why do you think he goes? because the best drops happen in plain sight. yes. they do. (sighs) got him. so easy. just gave the number. check it. (exhales) inside pockets, too. (rustling) (projector and camera shutter clicking) oh, my god. this has to be-- 20 grand at least. holy-- stay focused.
2:11 am
w we're onto him. (rustles) tell me this happens all the time, because otherwise, i am gonna feel like a total idiot. i must have given you the wrong number, because these suits--they're definitely not my husband's. wrong size, wrong color, just wrong, wrong, wrong. what's the phone number? (exhales) you ever have one of those days where you just try and do too much? he told me his suits weren't going to be ready today, and i try to be superwoman, do it all, make him dinner, get his cleaning. he can get his own cleaning-- on saturday, when it's ready. (breathes sharply) you have a better day than i'm having. (door bell dings) (projector and camera shutter clicking) (crow caws) annie. what are you doing here? you're supposed to be at school. mackenzie myers says my dad isn't my real dad. is that true? (gasps softly)
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(sighs) (gasps) i've seen the news. aunt nancy didn't know i was watching, but i was. your dad... will always be your dad, no matter what. (projector and camera shutter clicking) here's scotty's statement. you should take a look. i've got randall's office ready to release it on your word. don't pull it yet. sir? there's an operation under way to free the hostages in western kashfar. under way? now? choppers are in the air. they'll be on the ground in 25 minutes. i don't under-- why didn't i know about this? i figured you had your hands full. just keep a lid on it until i update you on the status. if this operation is successful,
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in a tidal wave of good news. cyrus? yes, sir? i believe the words you're looking for are "thank you." (door opens) (projector and camera shutter clicking) (projector and camera shutter clicking) (fitz) my fellow americans, at 5:37 p.m. greenwich mean time, a navy s.e.a.l. team was dispatched to the kashfari province of tenwar. their mission--to find the three american aide workers taken hostage and bring them back alive. (clicking)
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(door opens, switch clicks) (keys rattle) (gunfire) (both grunting) (gunfire continues on monitor) (grunting) (fitz) the s.e.a.l. team executed their mission american casualty. room's empty. no hostages. just take it! take it! (blow lands) (grunts) (man) over here!
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and as for the hostages... (kicks, grunts) yes! yes! (all exclaiming) (claps) i'm proud to say they're alive and well. (exclaiming continues) god bless our servicemen and women, and god bless america. (cell phone rings) t. you did a hell of a thing today. just doing my job.
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(harrison sighs) you get anything? (scoffs) this contract is so airtight. board meeting's at 5:00. too bad you don't sign a morality clause before you get married-- not that it would have saved those two anyway. why do you assume their marriage is over? the way i see it, marriage is a partnership. you add kids, it's a job. you think he's gonna be able to work with her, be a team with her after what she did to him? i work with you after what you did to me. you basically tanked me and david. abby, i'm sorry about that. you know how sorry i am about that. it's fine. that's my point.
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you deal with it and you move on. if it's a partnership, if it's a job, you move on. abby, i will apologize every single day if that'll make things better. i'm not mad, harrison. i'm not. but you're different. with me. i mean, you're the exact same... but you're completely different. i'm still me. we're still us. i'm just... i now live in a world where i know that you're a gladiator first and a person second. that's okay. because i can do that, too. i can be a person second. i just... (chuckles) before, i just didn't know that's what we were doing with each other, is all. we're good. abby. you know what? i have an idea. maybe we're going about this whole morality thing the wrong way. hmm. (projector and camera shutter clicking) (sighs) we have nothing on these guys. doesn't matter. what if they call our bluff? they won't.
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r stock prices... don't worry, gentlemen. we're not here to occupy you. who the hell-- relax. we just need a couple minutes of your time. we know you're about to fire sarah stanner for violating the morality clause of her contract. that's a big decision. huge! i'll get security. go ahead, larry. it's larry, right? before you have security set their tasers to stun, let me just say that in this box my colleague is holding is dirt. all the dirt we spent the past week digging up on every single one of you. dirty dirt. filthy dirt. some of it is illegal, and some of it's just downright disgusting. i'm talking "no amount of lysol's gonna clean you know what he's talking about, right? actually, i don't. oh, soon you will. and so will your families. so will america. we wouldn't put a morality clause in our contracts if any of us had anything to worry about. well, in that case, you won't mind if abby just opens the box and starts reading. fine by me. okay. let's do this. (projector and camera shutter clicking) so, on the count of three, we'll all get naked together. ready? (projector and camera shutter clicking)
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wait. ryocorp won't be enforcing the morality clause. turns out the board has a few secrets of their own. your job is safe, sarah. that's-- that's good, thanks. i have the results of the paternity test. but whatever's in there won't make a difference. it's not going to erase the 13 years you've spent as annie's dad. it's not going to make you stay. it's not going to let you walk away. it's not going to change how you feel about your family or even about your wife. it's not going to bring you peace, phil.
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the two of you have been through a war. you have wounds. and the only thing that will let that heal is time. (tearing) listen. the sweet sound of silence.
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house. in a daring pre-dawn raid, u.s. special forces have freed american hostages held in kashfar... the operation a model of precision, with no casualties among the hostages and all four of their captors dead... in contrast to the previous attempt, this mission is being termed a complete and resounding success, and has provided a much-needed confidence boost to the grant administration tonight after several weeks of political embarrassments. until this evening, the hostage situation in kashfar-- (turns tv off) did you come here to gloat? why would i? looks like the mission went perfectly. but i had nothing to do with it. didn't even hear about it until it was already under way. i thought i was back, but i was wrong. welcome to siberia. (sighs) (inhales sharply) turns out i was wrong, too. oh, yeah? how so? he's not cheating on me, cy. he's cheating on you. (projector and camera shutter clicking) oh, my god.
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ed. did you hear me? they're free. i'll get you some ice. (cell phone rings) (beep) did you send it? just now. i'll take a look. thanks. (beep)
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>> dickerson: welcome back to face the nation i'm john dickerson. and we continue our conversations with people we are grateful for including 2016 teacher of the year, jahana hayes. you were talking about students before. and you said there is no benefit to anyone if a student achieves high grades. if they have no desire or knowledge of how to help others. what does that mean?
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purpose of education is more than just graduating students who get good grades. i think they need to be compelled to help out in their communities and improve society and that is how i focus my teaching. i want my students to feel connected to the communities to improve the places they live to use what they have learned in school to help out. and i think that is what all teachers should do. that students should know that it is a privilege to be able to givend i really bring my students out and try to get them involved in their community. >> and how do you do that? >> wow. we do all kinds community service projects we are actively involved in habitat for humanity, the relay for life and autism and homeless awareness, cancer aware ands and food-drives. i want my students to know they have the ability to improve the things in our country and world
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no matter how young they are they can make an impact. >> and what does the student need to bring to you? what is the key quality that a student needs to learn? >> just -- actually i have so many students who come to me and they don't see anything in themselves. they don't realize that they have the capacity to achieve anything. and i try to help them discover that. >> why do they feel that way? >> there is a lack of self efficacy they have heard the reasons why they cannot do things and i try to remind them that you can do anything. young people in general see the world from where they are the position they are in today. they cannot see the future. and i think that teachers have the ability to lead student. we see so much far beyond today or tomorrow we look into the future and see the possibility that students bring. >> why should someone become a
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i think i am uniquely positioned to impact the world the future you know. i have a front row seat to all the promise that we have. i believe in what teachers do. you know, i know that the world will be better and things will be better because i see students in front of me everyday who have the ability to make the changes. so i consider myself lucky. >> all right. jahana hayes thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. brandon stanton a photographer and blogger behind humans of new york. it started as a personal photography project six years ago. since then, the presentation of simple but powerful personal reflections has grown into a social media phenomenon and two best selling books. in our political season of division his work was a reminder of our shared humanity. brandon, thank you for being here. and you have interviewed


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