tv Face the Nation CBS December 12, 2016 1:30am-2:00am CST
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i'm a court stenographer. you transcribe the notes on your laptop, don't you? that's why i freaked out when it got stolen. i had over a year's worth of cases on there. can you, uh... (clears throat) excuse us for a moment? she was the stenographer on the defiance grand jury. you guys thinking what i'm thinking? that's why charlie found her at book club. he wanted her laptop. he wanted the grand jury transcript. because he wanted defiance. which means the mole isn't cyrus. he wants it to go away, not come out. so it's someone else. albatross is someone else. but who? (jake) i think i've been compromised. explain. cyrus beene knows more about my operation than he should. what does he know? enough to blow my cover. he could be dangerous. need to find out who he has working for him. must be someone quite talented if they got to you. someone we know? not sure. if i can track them down, i'd like permission to engage. just fix it. but be neat about it.
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(button clicks) (projector and camera shutter clicking) mr. beene? the interview just started. i'm not watching. i think you better. thank you for sitting down with me tonight, mrs. grant. i-i have to say, this is not an interview i was expecting to do. i understand it was your idea. it was, james, and believe me, what i'm about to say... well...
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you go to commercial, and you put him on the phone with me right now! i wanna talk to my freakin' husband right now! like so many other couples, james, my husband and i... well... (sighs) we have been experiencing some... difficulties in our marriage. (exhales deeply) wh-what do you mean by that, mrs. grant? well, after we had the baby, after the shooting, i... found out that... my husband was unfaithful to me. (exhales deeply) y-you're saying h-he... i'm saying my husband had an extramarital affair. huh. wonder who he banged. i got, uh... stuff. and... (exhales deeply)
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e some time for myself... (inhales deeply) while we work through this heartbreaking betrayal. you're alleging that-- no. i wish i were alleging, james. so you're confirming that the president of the united states has been cheating on you... his wife? yes. and... (both moaning) i just wanna ask the american people tonight in advance for their understanding and their forgiveness. (telephone ringing) no one's marriage is perfect, and... i truly hope that given time... (ringing stops) and space, fitz and i will be able to repair what has been broken here
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>> dickerson: welcome back to "face the nation". i am john dickerson. joining us now for our political panel we have michael jackson duffy, deputy managing editor of the "time" magazine, this year's "time" magazine person of the year is donald trump. jamelle bouie is a cbs news political analyst and chief political correspondent at slate, i willly is national politics reporter for washington press, michael duffy, let's start with russia and the election. what do you make of it? and what do you make of donald trump's response to the intelligence community? let's start there. i think there are, it is a shock and important not to overreact or underreact to either of them. the facts on the ground that the intelligence community has concluded that russia tried to turn the election to donald trump is deeply disturbing, it means that russia attacked the united states.
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bipartisan investigation under some banners, john mccain said is inevitable now, but the second shock is donald trump's reaction, he seems to be implying or suggesting the both in his tweets and his comments that he is not really interested in what happened during the election, he doesn't think whatever happened should affect the u.s. russia relations going forward and he has drawn a fairly dark cloud over his relationship with the intelligence community on whom he will rely and need as president and need to be successful as president. so i think sweeping this stuff under the rug reaction might be at his own ferrell, jamelle, as he points out the distinction on the cia and a what they found, we heard about russian involvement potentially while the election was going on but what seems to be new is it was tarted to help donald trump. that seems to be the new development that just -- the. >> exactly. we sort of had to acknowledge and suspicion that the russian government has been involved in, you know, helping leak documents
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interference that way but that is different, that is materially different than the suggestion hey they were doing this specifically to help donald trump. i attribute this place right now, i am not entirely sure, beyond investigations, beyond sort of serious scrutiny of this what we do about this, because it really is unprecedented, and if it is true, if we -- if we have further verification of this, then what it potentially is that the election was in some sense ill legit and i don't know where you go from there, ill legitimate, if you take that as a conclusion .. then that takes you somewhere more than an investigation. that kind of stops the presses or stops the process. is anybody calling for that yet? >> nobody is calling for that, of course that is donald trump's number one fear is that this will destroy the sweeping mandate he believes he has, of course he does not have that since -- unlike what he claimed
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race and hillary clinton won the popular vote by a large margin. but that doesn't mean you don't look into this. look, fair and free elections are the fundamental underpinning of american democracy, we live in this this conspiracy era age as we saw are the proliferation of fake news over the election, you are playing a dangerous game if you start having voters and the electorate lose confidence in the integrity of our election. so it is really important to investigate this, whether it changes a the outcome or not, and hillary clinton'sm really extensive investigation of whether there was any systemic manipulation of results from russians or otherwise and they found that a the answer was no. so her team is even saying that this could have potentially, you know, the election was rigged or something like that, but, you know, the investigation has to happen regardless. >> dickerson: michael gerson, as michael duffy was saying, presidents get in fights with their cia or with their intelligence communities -- >> they will lose. i can't think of an instance
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where the cia did not win. through leaks and other things. i mean, that is the history of this. but even more importantly,, you know, we face such a variety of threats right now, whether china in the south china stay or if it is north korea nukes or it is threats for russia to the balance tick states. we need a good relationship between the intelligence community and the president, and the people i talk to in the intelligence community about this were most ad hominem nature of this attack, 3 felt, i feel like, you know, he is attacking little marco or lying ted, okay? that's the way he is treating his intelligence community. >> and, you know, i think this is also really interesting moment for domestic politics, donald trump is really putting his own party in an impossible position. either they go against their incoming 43 who has shown a propensity as you point out for these ad hominem attacks or go against voters, a majority of
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you know, significant portion of which would like to see a tougher line against russia. so, you know, i think part of what john mccain is saying, giving the rest of the party cover by calling for these investigations, but it is not an easy way to start that relationship. >> obviously one of the things about where we are going here in terms of an investigation and in terms of future events, regardless of what happened already, we know from the campaign, john, that the democratic e-mails were vacuumed up and leaked, we don't know exactly how much was vacuumed up from the republican e-mails but we now know from the intelligence, reports from the intelligence committee they got republican e-mails which means someone, they have is the true and of course the rnc denied this but if it is true and stands to reason it may be true, then someone in moscow or in russia is holding on to all of those e-mails and those affect not hillary clinton, but donald trump presumably as he accepts into the role of real estate. so whatever, role of president, whatever force in russia that is in control of this information or now stands a in a position to comert some leverage if it is
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>> it is worth saying we have very little information on donald trump's financial ties on sort of his business dealings globally, so it is entirely possible in addition to that information there are reams of information about trump's relationship with financial interests in russia that russia is completely blind to and opaque to. s it is not clear that putin loves donald trump, with eno he did not like hillary clinton, right? and that's an important distinction, you know, he certainly could turn on trump and the republicans just as quickly if it was in his interests. >> dickerson: and just do help those who may not have been following along "the new york times" reported that the e-mails have been hacked at the republican committee, the trump campaign and the rnc are pushing very much against that. kellyanne conway was trying to bring that up, i was focused more on, you know, points a and b, but they dispute that in the, that "new york times" claim. >> i would dispute it too but -- but i think it is potentially quite a bit lever if the evidence takes us in that direction, i think it is something we are all looking for
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investigation. >> dickerson: right. so michael gerson, let's switch a little bit to the trump -- the picks, the cabinet picks he made. let's is that right with the secretary of state, rex tillerson, ceo of exxon is in the mix, maybe although now donald trump has tweeted today and he said the following. whether i choose him, this is tillerson or not for state, rex tillerson chairman and ceo of exxon mobil is a world class player and deal maker, period. stay tuned, the secretary of state pick has been a bouncing ball that kind of has been interesting to follow. what do you make of this? >> i feel bad for tillerson in a certain way because he comes into this context, sea very competent guy and respected business leader, but in the midst of all of this, his views on russia are going to get hyperscrutiny, and, you know, russia wants one thing, more than anything else which is to get rid of the sanctions without changing their behavior. okay? and, you know, tillerson has
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a, has a history of opposes sanctions so he is going to be put in this context. he seems like a qualified man to me, though some people are going to say it is a payoff for services rendered. >> dickerson: lisa, do you think there is a trial balloon aspect to this, donald trump saying whether i choose him or not -- this sort of has been the fourth or fifth name for secretary of state. is this trial by sort of response and then he will make another choice? >> well the gross has been re t of the most striking things to me has been the, just the vast policy differences between people whose names are being considered, so you have tillerson who of course opposes sanctions and one friendship medal there russia and romney in 2012 people didn't get enough credit for calling russia the biggest geopolitical threat this feels like who is going to get the rose. it is a personality contest, clearly that is what donald trump he likes executives he like people who have a big
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someone who looks the part. so that has been really interesting and i think it gives us some insight into how donald trump is going to make decisions and what we can expect. >> janelle, what do you make of the other choices donald trump has made or not made? there have been all kinds of people going by the cameras at trump tower, some of them get jobs and some of them like al gore are there, we are not sure for what reason. [laughter.]. >> dickerson:. >> the reason i say that is donald trump's pick for the e scott pruitt is an opponent of epa, trump says he wants to dismantle the epa, do we have a situation in which department heads are being asked to go in and basically take apart their departments? >> i think we may. this is not just true of trump's pick for the epa but the labor department .. for to the department of education, you have picks that seem to be opposed to the missions of those agencies. i cannot recall the name of trump's pick for the labor
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raising minimum wages and long-term opponent of unitization and long-term opponent of basically anything workers can do to organize themselves and sort of advocate for themselves. and that is a very odd choice to have for a department that has jurisdiction over say the national labor relations department. >> dickerson: the nominee -- >> no question this is setting up the closest cabinet or government, executive branch with the closest relationship between government and business, at least since ronald reagan and maybe since was just going to say that in a race that was about outsiders versus insiders, versus elites and nonelites this is a group of consummate insiders two, governorrers aful a dozen ceos, goldman stack representatives and trump gave an amazing quote yesterday where he said remember, i want people who made a fortune, because he believes that people with money negotiate from strength, which is interesting in a public service or government job because you
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the people, consent of the governed but he wants that added piece, which is he doesn't just want that he wants something else. >> i think there is a fallacy there too about business leaders and military leaders, their habits of command their approach to govern asking transfer to govern,ing, governing, sometimes we know if the person who built up the world wrestling federation can run the sba, small business administration. >> but we will find out. >> the bureaucrats get the best work out of them you have to come up with policy i the state of union there are a bunch of skills that you don't find an exact overlap. >> for a guy that promised to drain the swamp, it is awfully, awfully murky in washington these days and, you know, it is not just the business leaders it is of course the donors, incoming head of the fda gave $7 million to trump's super pac a third of all of the money that that super pac collected. so you do wonder, is there a certain point at which his supporters, he ran on this very popular message this isn't what
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wouldn't have big donors or lobbyist in his administration and he went back on that. >> this gets to the nature of trump's pop level, right now it is populism .. it is elites as agents of immigration, it is elites as agents of tolerating black protesters, it is elites as they relate to nonwhite sox in america, but i have a suspicion as long as trump continues to cast elitism as being somehow racial that elite tolerating foreign elements in the united states, they are not, he is not going to care who he appoints the cabinet agency it is. >> one thing that you newts was a republicans, mcconnell, ryan, trump is undoing the obama legacy, i think that is battle a lot of these appointments are about that, he wants to undo the regulatory approach, undo executive orders, in fact, there has been a process to review under the federal society a
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think that is kind of a unifying goal. we don't know what he wants to do in a bunch of different areas but that is pretty common between the republicans. >> dickerson: all right. we are going to have to end it there. thanks to all of you. so much to get to. all right. thanks to all of you and we will be back in a moment. >> a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you
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admits killing nine in a shooting rampage at the mother emmanuel church in charleston. both incidents have put a painful focus on race relations in the state, which we talked about with south carolina senator tim scott. >> donald trump for president saying i will be the law and order president. how does that come across in the community? >> a lot of people define it differently, law and order. i see law and order as a good constructive part of what makes a community safer, my approach and my p and order type of environment will be conducive for a higher quality of life and see more folks hopefully out in the streets enjoying their neighbors, neighborhoods that you have in the past and have more law enforcement officers, appreciated in the community by spending time getting to know those communities when there is no incident that comes to investigate so i am fairly optimistic of that concept of law and order. >> dickerson: what some people
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about the community, about the inner cities. and some people believe that creates a state of fear that works against all of the work you have been doing to try to create ever a empathy. >> i would hope not and certainly people hear different things when they their law and order, what i hope we do overtime is we will see that progress has not been stymied under a trump administration but we will see it has prospered, we are going to have to be very careful on what we do and what we say, and the circunc together and not seau seeds that are poisonous. >> donald trump knows how to do a good show we saw it with carrier and not only protected jobs but sent a message to working people, all across the country. what could he do on these sets of issues having to do with community relationships with police that would have that kind of, that same a kind of mental sending capability? >> one of the fastest things he would do that would bring about great change is embrace our opportunity that we have been
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four years, it starts with understanding that every zip code in this country needs quality education, that there is not inequality, there is a quality school in your neighborhood, we need to make sure there is one charter schools or magnet schools or private schools, realize that every student does not want to go to college so having a goal track of education, you are too young to remember shop. >> i took shop. >> and now we know you can go on face nation if you take shop >> and having that shop track is a really important part of traditional programs something i believe that donald trump will focus on as president. >> dickerson: is there something you can say that would be symbolic that would kind of extend the strong signals with a with the carrier operation? >> obviously, spending time with perhaps something you do that doesn't require legislation, it is how you use your time. we are intentional about using my time in a way that says to the community that perhaps if
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conservative moment we care there, we spend time there, we listen, we look for solutions first. if donald trump will take the time and spend some time in cleveland and detroit and in charleston and other places, i think he will find that people are receptive to the person who vests their time, energy and their talents into solving problems. >> dickerson: you gave a speech back in july after the shootings in baton rouge and in dallas, and you talked about while there are so many officers that do good you had experience and seen those >> in the course of one year, i have been stopped seven times by law enforcement officers. not four, not five, not six. but seven times. in one year as an elected official. i have felt the anger, the frustration, the sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you are being
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being just yourself. >> dickerson: what has been the reaction to that speech since then? >> i think it has opened the eyes to a lot of folks who perhaps have listened to the cries and the screams and the shouts of others, and disregarded those. i think perhaps my speaking out on the issue has validated the concerns of many african-american males who have gone through similar situations but it has says to others on the other side perhaps there is some validity to the issue and we should take a second look. >> dickerson: the conversation of race, and particularly where policing gets involved gets hot pretty fast. >> absolutely. >> dickerson: how bad has the puck barb been. >> some folks believe, very aggressive, no question about -- you either do the right thing for the right reasons or you don't. speaking out on something that is real is the right thing. folks who believe i am feeding into a narrative, that is their problem, not mine, so i am
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it is not necessarily a comfortable ride and journey but a necessary journey. the good news is proportionate speaking the response has been tremendously positive. >> dickerson: the story you are trying to tell goes back to this idea of empathy, understanding that there are two views here. >> that's something i try to explain to both sides, seek first to understand, and then to be understood. differently, even those folks who, to be blunt, the community leaders need to riding along with officers, you need to understand and appreciate the milliseconds you may have in making decisions. you need to walk in those shoes for a little while and by the sake token i encourage and types aggressively encourage spend some time in the neighborhoods. i grew up in many of those neighborhoods. i was a poor kid in a single parent household living in a very small house. i understand the pain and the suffering, and the frustration.
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charge of. >> dickerson: there are a lot of people who feel not only that donald trump doesn't represent them, but people of color who believe that he actively played on fears in the african-american community, in basically in played on fears to get elected. how do you bridge that gap? >> anyone who watched this election and did not see the fear on the part of both sides of the aisle missed the election. i think we would have the same conversation had hillary won, by the way, j different perspective but the same kind of fear and frustration. so when i say to folks, let's give mr. trump a chance, gauge his progress in his administration by what he does, and i am going to hold him accountable like every single american should hold all of our presidents accountable. >> dickerson: charles -- tough couple of years -- >> absolutely. >> dickerson: walter scott and the mother emmanuel church, where are things now?
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there are levels of frustration, without any question. there is a lot of hope though, in the african-american and white pastors coming together, asking our community to show the same type of resolve that we did after the walter scott shooting, after the mother emmanuel shooting. we are one cohesive charleston family and we say we are charleston strong, so the goal is to remain a confident in the judicial process. i am confident that the justice will be cone. >> dickerson: all ri >> yes, sir. >> dickerson: look look forward to talking with you again. welcome to cbs this morning. we have a team of correspondents covering this unfolding story. a story you will only see on cbs this morning. all that matters from cbs in morning.
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