tv CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley CBS December 13, 2016 5:30pm-5:56pm CST
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ptioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: a big o man tops the trump cabinet. exxon-mobil's c.e.o. with stro secretary of state.he choice for and rick perry could head a department he'd just as soon forget. >> i can't. sorry. oops. >> pelley: also tonight, the final words from a doomed freighter, and angry words from a widow. >> i would have thrown the captain overboard and tried the save myself and the ship. >> pelley: a fmer pro football player faces criminal charges in an alleged health insurance fraud exposed by cbs news. >> how much are they making? >> oh, millis. >> pelley: and a woman who
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chocolate chip and money. exactly. mone honey. this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pely: today president-elect donald trump named the c.e.o. of exxon-mobil, rex tillerson, to be secretary of state. e senior meerf the tillerson was csen because he's made successl des with heads of state all aroundhe world, but thoou that bind. tillerson, for example, has a close business relationship with vladimir putin of russia.the ifelong oi man has no government experience, but he kneowledg climate chae. also today, mr. trump picked another texan, former governor rick perry, to head the energy department, a department that onceperry owed to scr major garrett begins our covera.
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grateful that seone of rex tillerso?n's pron will adership and accomplisent has beenillingo step forward to serve our nation as our next secretary of state. move from exxonobil c.e.o. to secretarof state nominee began with meeti lt month between -elect mike pencend former seetar of state cdoleezza ric rice, g wh fello former secretarof stateames baker and forr defense sectary robertates stroly post. after his seconda meeting withr. trump on saturday, tierson emerg as the president-elect's choice, beating out candidates such as mitt romney, ry giuliani, and balk corker. >> and to me, a great advantage, and kno them well. the players he ds massive deals withssia. >> reporter: those deals wh russia may be tillers's biggest rdleo confirmatn. he'srowno close to psint
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2013 >> certainly it shoulde matter of ncern. >>eporter: republican senators like arizona's jn mcine hav eressed concern about the tillerson pick.>> mayy commercial and g to do with reporter: but mccain's fellow senator fromrizona jeff e tet support of g.o.p. establishment figures "rries coiderab presenelect trump has also select forr tex governorick prye th agency heamousldot name during 2012 presidential >> the thirdgency of government i would do away wh, >> reporter: perry joins an emerging trump cabinet at odds with some of the core missions of their agencies. the nomineeor the department of health and human serces s to repeal obamacare. the nominee fhe environmenta prectiongency
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agnst the agencyver regulation, and the nom for labor secretary wan to repeal regulations guanteei overti pay and worker safety. here in wisconsin, spoers arted li for tonight's rally this morningn i mperaturesell below freezing. sct's, the state's recently concluded added 131 vot to mr. ump'margin oictory. >>elley: major garrett, thanks. correspondenmargaret brennan the exxon tigernd ties betwe bear. >> we have a verylose relationship. i don't agree with everythg he's doing. >> reporter: rex tillerson has woedith russian president vladimir putin since 1999,negoal deals thatenef both exxon andtate-owned russian energy giant rosneft. tillerson id earer ts year that their relationship was strictly business.ot here to ret the united state government's
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iere to criticize it. that's not what i do. i'm a busessman. >> reporter: he strongly opposed u.s.inancial sanctions on rusa, put in place after they iadedarts of ukraine and carried out war crimes in syri if the sanctions were lifted, exxon coumed resume certain energy productin russi >> he's much more than a business executive. he's a world- placlassr. >> reporter: tlerson also has deep relatnships in many ofhe nearl 60 foreign countries where exxon-mobil ates. those include strained allies humanights records like chadand and angola. unlike present-elect trp, tillerson sject to federal conflict of interest laws and will have to shield himself from his significant business inrests. tierson currently owns well er $0on milli company stock, and exxon's board is meetg soon to decid how to unwind his financial stake. rmer aassador and white
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>>ou have such huge portfoli your decision affect industry a single smentr tweet can move a entire m soarket, to be very, very >> rr: since tillerson name furfaced as a potentiasecretary oftatemobil ad abou 6%.scotheuestion here at t sstate depant whether llerso will opp high-stakes foigpolicy chlenges as a deal maker or diplomat. >> pelley: margaret brnan, thanks. here in new york at trumpower, ere is a steady flow of t richnd fus ving the president-elec vogueto ein-chief anna wintour washere today. so wereorme f football stars jim brown a ray lewis. and rap mogul kanye west who says he talked to mr. trump abt multicultural issues
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west once saide too wantso run for president. now to a grim reality that the new present will faceight away. his f forei policy challenge is likely to be syria. and its russian allies say ty have broken the rebellion in the country's largest city, aleppo. rebels are evacuating now afterd devastating a strikes. last night thousands protested the russian consulate in istanbul, aleppo once hd two million civizationbut there iss ofly nothinlike civilization there today. deboraat reports. >>eporter: the situation today was dcribed by the united nations as a complete meltdown of humanity. [gfire] u.n. said i hadviden that pro-governnt militias massacd 82 civilians,ome in
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11en and 1 children were among them. ewitnesses descri streets lined with bodies, people too ared to collect the loved ones for fear of being shot. activists abduafi alhamdo isin o >> w are facing one of the most difficulor the most serus or theost isn history. >> reporter: for the injured, this man desperately tries to put out the fmes that enguld and drenched in misery, civilians ke a last attempt to t out.?x these children are utterly defeeless. all ey have ishor oer protecon.e
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taken back ao and cldless civilians have pd for ts th their a conflic tt already has a commitnstd ai cilian, scott, the past 48 h has ben woe.en eve wever,he russiansnd the syans have denied any ongdoing, saying that aleppo i fully under theircontrs have stopped. >>ell: idera pat beirut tonight.derah, you.ur court-martial fotheir role in the allegbuse ofecruits at the parris island boot camp in soholina. they're t first to b charged, but as david martin reports, alst cerinly not t last. >> reporter: it's 6:30 a.m., d these recruit have been up since 4:00. e training apaisand is vestigatns have foundt to be dightruel.
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humiating and hazing recruits, none o pmi according to commaing gener austin nforth. >> when youutour hands on a young or won, you have going to tolere it. we're not rawft but the investigationsshot spring when the abuses came to light. nt e-mail he white house entitled "concerd loved es of iocent rruits" scribed incidents of drill drinki on th job, calling homophobic slurs and warng themhat snihes get stitche the mos notoriousas involving muslim recruit who allegedly mpedo hiseath d after being slapped by drill sergea is still under investigation. that samerillnstructo allegedly ordered another muslim cr a clothes dryer. when he assumed command.all
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>> can't slap them? >> no. >> reporter: can they call them names? >> they cant. any allegation of recruit abuse comes directly to me. >> reporter: but since then, one recruit has died aft beingm3 found unresponsive in his bunk and a second is in ccal second-floor landing. from a both casesre sll under investigation, although neier pears to involve abuse. the earlier incidents of abuse document in tse investigations are expected to relt in more charges rangi duty. but renforth says the training parriislandill remains tough, though not as cruel, as ever. david martin, cbs news, parris land, south carolina. >> pelley: in the weather, it will be bitter cold tonight in the upper midwest, and jamie yuccass covering the arctic blast. >> reporter: minnesota knows how to deal wit frigid temperatures. as a matter of fact, this is a beat-the-cold party happening in one family's backyard.
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to an ice rink. lakes regions will both dea with 15 to 20-degree below normal temperatures for t res ofhe week. that arctic air wil then head ea a new england could see record-breaking low temperatures by thursday. there's another storm system brewing in the pacific northwest, and that means that teeraturesill be below normal for hf of the country as tha cold airheads south a east, scott. >> pelley: jam yuccas, tonit after a cbs news investigation into an alleged frd that cost u.s. taxpayers $2ilon las year. axelrod and producer emi rand broke the story. >> pked off. >> reporte former college andfl linebacker monte groh
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charges of conspiro defraud the government, health re fraud, taking kickbacks and money laundering for his part in e nationwide fraud. loves e products.that i have >> reporter: that cb news exposed last year. groh washis wom.rki with o them. of the militar at no >> here's thismazing cream. all you ve to do is type in your num oine it. tri-ca, theily's heahbenet plant one-month pply.r a if you wan to feelad do yown research,ouan do like the restfs did. we over iui onc we arteng omaki mey. eporter:he turned kickbacks.onspiracy to receive just one of dozens wking with groh to gene buness for a
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making? >> oh, milons. >> reporte gro had nothi this afternoon. the courte monte groh is out on $600,000 bond. passport. surrend his scott. >> pelle and there was no evidence these pain creams ever actually worked. jim axelrodthank you. coming up next on the "cbs evening news," confusion and chaos as arew of3 disappears
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ugh.if you c sr coee youh, you'd e just how fait can sprea wi the se mfast rful cough, robitussin dm max. becae it's ver just a cough. liberty mutual stoodith me when ias too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. my insur companyphoto and got an estate in 24 hours. definitely d't have that... you can leave worry behind when lirty stands wh you? liberty mutual insurance
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that was it. w i have nicoderm cq. that was it. the nicoderm cq tch withuniqe nolo tech helps pvent youge tr ursmoke all day. it's the best thing th ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. revealeds sahat wa on thes bridge of thameran cargo ip "el faro" as she sank n the bahamas la year. 33 were killed when the ship steered into the path of hurricaneoaquin. kris van cleve now on what was onel faro's" voice recorder. rel on board the "el faro" would parish, therew tce urged
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hurricane. the nig boret 11.14, the ship's trd mat warned davidson, "within hours we'll be 22 miles fromhe center wi gu upstso 120 and strengthening." he then sa of his captain "t trat he'sing,ay it's just being 20 milesway from 10knot winds, this doesn'teven " patricia quammieusband theo was a mber of th crew. >> i would have thrown the caain overboard and tried to it just devastating that somethinlike this happened. >> reporter: around 4:00 a.m the captain returned to the bridge, dnplaying the rough seas. this is every day in alaska, he said. an hour later it was clear t captain was wrong. "i've never sn it lis likeied. is. i've never seen it hang like this. " at:43, the "el faro" was the captain finally said, "we got ablem."
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ulsion at 6:55, the captain made his first of two disess calls. "we ar in diretraits right now." at 7:29, the cre reported cargo crashing in the ocean as hurran joaque pnded the "el faro." ptai davson, "ring the abandod ship alarm. get into you rafts stay together.fget off the other crew member on the bridge. "you got to get up. go we got to t out." the helmsman. "youe going to leave me." "i'm in the heaving you. let's go," the captain said. just seconds before that cuts out, t helmsman said, gone, or i'm a gner." "no you're not," the captain yelled bac investigators are trying to determine what informahetion t captain had. the storm track e-mailed to him
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>> pelley: kris van cleve, thank you. we'll be right back. ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding both made me turn aund my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eln cauis cae serious and in rarcases fatableeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding if you had spinal injection ile on eliquis call your doctor right ay if you havngling, numbness, or mcle akness. while taki eliis, you may bry .and it may take longer than usu for bleeding to stop. while taki eliis, you may bry seek immediate medical care for sudden signs obleeding, like unusual bruising. eliq s may increase your bleeding risk
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medical or dental ocedures. eliquplus hads dvless major blooblding.. both made eliquis the r. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is rit for you. your insurce company won'replace the fullalue of your totaled new car. e guy says, "you picked the wrg inrance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement?, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. berty mutual insurance. previously treated with atinum-based chemothapy,r including those with an abrmal alk er ne who've ted an fda-appredth atin targetedhepy,thapy,r including those with an abrmal alk this ibig. a chan to live longer with pdivo (nolumab opdivo demonrated longer life and is the most prcribed immunoerapy for thespatients.
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opdi works with your immune system. vo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your dy and afctow they work this may happen antime aning or aftetreaent has ended, y become serious d ad to death. seyour doctoright ay if chest pain;ce new ortness of bath; diarrhea; severech pain or tenderness; severe nausea or vomitin extreme fatigue; cessive thirst or urine; len swoles; ss of tite; llucinations; muscle ojoint pain; flushing; or fever... as this ma theseroblems fr becominmore sious. these are not all the possible side effectof opdo. tell your ctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, orf you've had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about opdivo. see opdivotvom for this andther indications. brisl-myersquibb see opdivotvom thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians
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>> pelley: cuisirt is recalling eight milliofood processorsecause parts of the metal blades can break off. 30 people haveeen injur. and sold between 16 the list is he consumer prodt safety commission web site. er's biggest star has met last year fiv. ahmadi was picturedearing a plastic bag.hirt madef a todayhey met and pos for a piure with msi's barcelona tomates. y e man who dreamed up the ice bucket challenge received the inspiration award.
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the cerony, so they brgh the award to him. the ice bucket challenge raised re than200 million for als rech. up next, when colletteevitto uldn't get a job she whipped one up does psoriasis ever gein the w? ou h if ye moderate to sere orias, you can embra the chance of mpletely clr skin wittaltz. taltz isven to give you a chancet comptely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% patients before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis.
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yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put oa eathe rit strip d ... w! it instantly opens yr nose up to 38%ore than cold dicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut youmouth and yne. goo. breathe right. [burke] at farmers, we've seen, so we kn how to cor almost anything [burke] at farmers, we've seen, even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don' forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. is litelly crawling, t there some mement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [bur] itappened. decemr , 20 14th. and weovered it. ta to farmere kn a because 've se a thi or two.
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years ago with down syndrome, is not like anyther entrepreneur. >> it's my dream. >> rorte it's you dream. happy,ut when she kt getting rejected for jobs, she decided andollettey's ckies wasr money, born. you smell chocolate chip and mone >> i all of that rejection made her say, i'll show them. >> reporter: so she sold cookieto the golde goose, whose ner was the only grocer in boston to giv her shelf space. started a cooki business iny boston. then the cbs station ran a story that went viral. now she has to fill 4,000 orders from around the country with a
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bake 50,000 cookies. >> okay. >> reporter: the commonwealth kitchen, a non-profi busess inbator, hasn to help her sle up and coltte is now closer to her real dam. ur successl company wil a model for oth people with dibilities. >> exactly. >> reporter: they'llay, collette can do it... >> they can do it. >> reporter: turns out the secret ingre myy r alafte ingreent yove been protecting souch,is >> yes, it is. always, ways love. >> reporte which makes both thehakis a the special young woman bg thembout as swe as they come. m axe, cb news,oston.
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at the end of yesterday'srogram when after all three contestants had miinssed fpardy! he was the one with t most money. right w, i want to welco cindy and garrett tohe progr. wish all three of odyogok and put you to work right w hope you do well sounds straightforward. alex tim, off you go. i'll do hoy ets for 00. alex tim, go. whis elv psley? alex tim, cyes.ou go. that's greek letter $200, please. tim. what is alpha?
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