tv CBS 58 News at 10pm CBS December 13, 2016 10:00pm-10:22pm CST
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temperatures move in.the cbs at 10 tst righw. 3 we will be in the grips of bitter and dangerous ld.'s alive ok atthe temperaturonthe ala bradleilding imilwaukee -- and it's cold!!we are getting rea....wi the very last in the ready weathe center in just moments. show of appreciation tonight from ection "thank you tour" in west allis. allis. in te wisconsin fashion... he was ven a packers jersey with the number '45' the ck.vice president elecmike pence was given an aaron rodgers jersey. jersey.we have liveteam coverage of trump's 58'sristen barbaresi is live th protestors who gathered outside the expo center at state fair. parkwe gin with dad ade who was inside with rowd. david. 3 president-elect donald trump
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presidential candidate to win wisconsin since ronald regan back in 1984.tonight he told a crowd here state fair park they were a big reason why. pence 54:55 thanks to the people of wisconsin reasonthank u to people of wisconsin.a largrally one of the trademarks of donald trump's presidential campaign with milwaukee county sheriff david clarke -nat-ander fs formturned allies wisconsin governor ott walker -4 the6:55 wiscoin l this last november november and house speaker paul rya-na51:35 this is amazing trump spoke to some of the people who helped him take wisconsin on election ghta winconfirm yesterday following a statewide recount.trump: 01:45 "recount"this morning trump announced he wan ts exx
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in hicabinent secretary o state tillersonas not with trump in west llisabut tillerson's nomination ha some republicaconcns ned becae of h ties to ruia. tonight trump countered that saying tillerson ll befierce advocateor americ interestp: 16:34 rex is friendly with many of the leaders around the world, many people don't like that trump re-affirmed some campaign promises tonight. like rebuilding infrastructure defeating isis and ilding a border wall between the u-s and mexicolive in west allisdavid ade cbs 58 news. so oppositioto the ray tonight.a grouof protesters came to denouncehe president elect-cbs 58's krten baaresi joins us live with
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ju a upldoz protested outse nds the fairgrand with these cold temperatures, they cald itui abouan hour. 3na natcob flom, milwaukee coalition agnst trump ;552 the goal of the milwaukee coalitn against trump is to ild a broad and organized resistance against all of trump's agendadespite the bitt cold- a handful of protesters setp outside an entrance to donald ump's ray jerry, otester 05;49;00 just to express my feelings. i don't expe to win over ody o's anybgoing in to see those headed in to hear the president elect saknaalso braving the ld-tndre he hu of suppoers who ood in lineo see p.sueschmidt, p supporter 05;29;10 i just think we're headed the right rection. say hey're looking rward trumimplemting thepolices the campaign about trail.schmsue t, trump supporr05;28;46 i own a small business and support trump with what he's doneor us and what he's going to do
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small business and regulations trump supporter05;31;27 i just hope he does what he says he's gonna do cause that's why voted for him.meanwhile these protesters say they're not giving up he of stopping s ump'agejacob flom, milwaukee trump 05;52;50 wre gonna organi 100 ds sistce thawe're kicking off on january 20 a few the otesters night told me they do plan to travel to washington dcnd protest atrumps inaution inua kbbs 58 ws former greeparty presidential candiate jill stein plans on donating any money left over from t onsin,ch pennsylvania recounts. stein said the costs othe recount aren't kwn yet... but she expects to have some money left over.she's asking donors fill out onlian survey about which election reform groups and voting rights groupsshould recve the million dollars forhepoint 3 counts.
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over downtown milwaukee tonight.just a few minutes outside can do real numr of the skin.chief meteorologist drew burgoy is here with thupda. drew.. tonight: me cold. few clouds with a sw wind between 10 to 15 mph. subzo wind chill readings too. lows near 7. wednesday: partly cloudy and very cold. highin the te to -15. wind: w of t week: it stays very coldthrough thursday with highs around 80 and lows arnd -20 but feeling colde with the wind chill. wind thursday rning. chance for snow is creasing for friday afternn and evening into
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accumulating snow possible local hardware sres... getting everything ey need for the cold snap aheabut people who don'have a place da amanporterfield spoke to s don't have the resources to help people loing for shelter. 3 3 3 the temperatures drop thers growing concern about the holessbecause while there are warming centers like these all over milwaukee coun...there just arent enou bs for everybody. fr t outside tippecanoe prbyterian looks like a gular church..nats))but reverend karen hagen says the homeless guests o come here have nicknam it the hiln. hilton.00:52:23 they get relationship they get respect
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safe place to leep,, at mealthe arming center has en here for seven years..up to 25 pple can stay from decemeto ar to escape the cold. reverend hagen says - there aren't enoh cents and this year e usual.00:49:19 reverend karen hagen one of the biggest challenges is how we support ople we have to turn away because there'so space here. we have been over capacity this . qution tit costs about 60 thousand dollars to run tianoe's warming room.its funded in part by milwaukee con government money for that pris drying up. 00:48:34 the won who came to the side door and handed me fi ars, that was a gracious givt. we need that five 00::15 reverend karen hagen r 4
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what it takes inrder to amanda care says ifhere's an of organizatiohn or chuh th wod or open up a warming center to contact th directly. we have that information on our website cbs 58 dot com. the city o itasier to get a license to pl cy alleways.. neighborhoods and homeowners can clear portions around not. ofcials have reuced do the cense fee om 50 to ten dollars effecte toy. erattempes... make sure to weather app. iee for obe a 20-thousand dollar rewd is being ofred for infoation ab armed robbery at a milwaukee st offic office.thpost officese ese photos the spect. the robbery ppened just after 3 yesterday afternooat tharklawn post office.if you know who this person is...
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3and police in waukes asking helpfor n nding this woman. they say she walked into the waukes state bank on east st paul and madison streets around 5 tonight and demand unknown amount of cash.if you know w she is... call waesha police. a lakend iversity student has go missing. missing.18-year-oldaelin o'neal was last seenn campus sunday morning by his roommatewearing a ack jacket. you' sm...een hi call the sheboygan county sheriff'office or lakeland
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table... and when shots rang say she went to shield her 9ey year-old nephew... was shot in e back. 'm tryin becausmy sister , was like, 'stawith us,' she was like, 'i'm trying that's never expected to see my i little siston the news on a tirt. this n happen r to aone anywhere. please put the guns dow please" please" lice ?do not? think the shooting s raom... and a new push to mandate ouside investigations of jail at. like thetate law involved'the latest fallout afr four deaths in the milwaukee coun jailhis year, including an infant born to an inmate. county executive chris abe supports t ia ?;of outside help. gally we can mandate it. i
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think everybody can ree, four ds in jail in a relavelyhort periois something that does demand acou" accountabity." a county board subcommittee will consider the proposal a meeting onthursday. board the office is investigatinthreef th jaildeaths. t police department is investigating just in the last fewmites iff clarke esponding by saying the cnty board supervisors that brought forth thresolution.."should focus not oncr a remedy dealing ith the 217 opiate reled deaththat have reached the level of a cri apparently that is too unting for them so they create fake news to divert attention." thicke has died.aalan di.z is reporting at thicke had a heart attk while playi hockewith his 19-year old son.thicke is most famous for his role as jason seaver but recently appeared on the nflix ot..."fuller house."he was also a frequentuest on
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mornin- they tracked him dogreenvle, south carolina - after a viewer saw oucoverage - and told authorities where he was hiding.... "this person saw a very short identified t person, and made the telephone call. this is exactly how it's supposed to work."the f-i believes campbell was part of a group involved in avient robby here iaugust - taking cash and preription pills at gunpoint. federal agts identified campbell as a suspect - but couldn't find hiin ow why...."unfortunately when these guys are involved in violent crimes they wi flee. and sometimes they wi flee a lot furtr than t neighborhood away."botsch says his office called the fbi field office6y in south carolin - and told the23m about the tip this morning campbell was n in cutakeody without incide"it's just the matter of getting the right tip,r the right peon dide to cooperate.another vlent criminal now behind bars -
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?you?.... campbell remains in custody in greenville tonight ... he'll wiscsin - where he's facing federal charges for armed robber thisis the second - thanto a cbs58 viewer tip.i and you can help solve one - could receive a reward. bill/miche? president-elect dona trump's "thank you" tour... governor scott walker was in waukesha promoting prorty tax relief. the governor says thaverage home is 116 dollars ?less? payee,rs, on averhave sad t 425 dollars.he says he's ittemore property tax relief in the next sta dget. 4-31it's importt for working milies... ' portant for senior citizens importnat for small busineses d farms. and it's something that we're committ to sain sothat proper
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lower thanwe swn rted stted the governor said if he diment tax ??cu... a homeowner would have paid abt 17-hundreddollarmore in property tax over the st 5 years. milwkee's common council paes an ornance rair leervicelis... and the ci will be picki up most ofhe tab. tab.the city willay abou two-thirds of thcost... leaving eowners to pay the maing third or a maximum of 16-hundred dollars. homeowrs could the costs ov 10 years. service lines at 385 day care facilities.the city has 70- thsand lead servic lines that neeto brepled. 3 yotom barrett sas he's pleased with thcommon council's a statement ys...."milwaukee contin movues toforward in the fight against lead. is supporand e hard work beg put into this effort city deparents." 3 the cold weatherreachg all
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anntimiding sight o dot to visisrs from the opposi while thnatives will have hantoh. 3 tonight: more cod. few clouds 15 mpsubzero wind chill wednesy: partly cl near 7. with windschills between -5 to -15. wind: w 10-20 ofheweek: it stays ve cold through ursday with highs around80 and lows around m!-20 but feeling colder with the wind chill. wind chills could be -25 below thursday morning. chance for ow is increasing for friday
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saturday with significant acmulating tonight: more cold. few clouds with a sw wind between 10 to mph. too. lows near 7.wednesday: partly cloudy and very highs in the teens th nds chills between -5 to wind: w 10-20 mpstf the rough thursday with ghs around 8and lowaround-20 but feeling co with th wind chill. nd chills coul be -25 bew thursday mo r friy teoon a creasing ening into sarday with significant lang snow
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((ring, ring ring!)) ring!)) 3 you gotta rintse bes to bring in money for the san army and brookfield central high school's red kettle club answering the in the area.and the club s continues give ?after? the holida.... participating in the "pay it forward" challenge every sing. it's another record setting year for the united perfmi arts fund. fund.upaf raised 12-l pemiacross southeastern wisconsin. upaf celebrates a milestone 50th niversary--i2017 1:02:0-1in the past0 yes, upaf haaised more than 300 million dollars... is snifant. this is sort of a way for to reflect back 3 up plans on havina year-long 50thanniversary
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backo the community community "i want to thank you ys for having me here today. and on behalf the packers, we're gonna do the best we can to continue scorg touchdow." -applause- applause- tight d jared cook helped present a check to the hunger ta force. ckers score a touchdown... sargento cheese donates 1- pantry.since the paers have sced 39 toucowns so far is year... the hunger ask force got a check for 39- thound dolla. thpackers also inspiring a group of teenagers that ere taking part in a 5-month program at the ccoy fort m chlee academy in sparta. green bay packers micah hyde ... blake martinez ... and ethundley spoke wh the teens day.they talkedbo perseverence when fad with diffulty in life ... and finding strength after urfa 2:19-38looking back to my familyembers... there's lot people who'd i'd like to put into this and i wish th was availble for me to ve
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among the current brew crew... but after parts of six seasons with the b, rewersmaldonado's been traded to the los angeles angels. martin w astarti for tw thbrewers dealjohan luoy tthe rangs, bute hit just 2-oh-2. the angels we team that originally 2-thousand-4.a in t retn in this trade, another catcher, 26-yearold ttit bandy. heht homers in part-te action with the aels threw out 40 perc ent ofwould-b now he'll join andrew susac in a platn bend the plate in milwaukee. here's howhe trade breaks down. a swap of catche, plus ague reliever drew mir -yo, who pitchedn year. so the send longe a tenured brewer behind braun? debuted april o20-12. ho the packs arted the season wiie th eddlacy and jes starksng t toppi depth chart at g barunnin... and now
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packers rusher the last two weeks.he unofficial depth chart still lists montgomery behind stas, but starks has played a tal of 1snaps the last two games. it's important foo reasons - it's nna be just plain ago will make a differen. also, mogome seems fine with the role andthe lingo - of his new position. ntgomery: i think it was mostly just let'se tool, to p you ba there anbe able do . nothing too difficult, i guess. just learning all the language. i sure. don't worry about or coverage any mor i worry worry about fronts and i blitzes, stuff like th. the packer- and the rest of e n-f-l could being richer thioffseason...the league's salary ca is reportedly going up by 10-to-15 million dollars next meansigger
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out at 170illion dollars. 3 clusive loinside the new n lmot mntain onopening day. we'll find out what ?new dollars in upgrades gets you. . it's only going to get colder. how to winterize your home before it's too late. 58 morng news starts at 4- 30, see you tomorrow. 3 ouldn't ee and ankle supports comfortably fit your knees and ankles . scho's new custom fi wellness center measures your leg in 3d... custom-fit suprt that's right for you. new drscholl's custom fit ankle and knee supports.
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3something "squirelly" is going on with this holpliday d. dimmer.apparently squirrels like the tas of copper and eating at the lihts and wires.a solution cald "ctter ridder" has ee sprayed on thlights to make them ls appetizing..until the city can replace the promises atno cost to taxpayers. and laced up their skates to enjoy 'slice of ice' at red arrow park.the ice rink welcomed i first skaters of the season's free if yobri your own skates... but if you don'tava pair them.and next wednesday it's the rink'"holiday hoopla"... a family celebraon to kick off the ice skating seon. 3 not celebrate national cocoa
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? ? ?ioninsorng spocbs >> stephen: good grief christmas comid dong, anld trump's going to be president. ( ughter ( sighs ). >> ho-h stephen, it can't be that bad. i mean, the country is divided, but in the d, we're all americans! >> stephenwa, you're a american? >>, of course! not like tat easterbunny. he lives on that island with all those huge stone head dilz so does that mean you voted in the election? >> of course, i d. >> stephen: santa, please tell me you didn't votefor trump >> it was the only thing donald
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