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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  December 14, 2016 3:07am-4:00am CST

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your body in fat-burning mode even when you are not working out. it's important, i am not talking about copper supplements. this is those real food-sources and those food-sources of copper, they're all great foods! >> and usually, there's data that shows that eating nuts as part of an overall diet you lose weight, you are better, your heart is healthy. >> dr. zubin damania has been here joining us, zdoggmd is his stage name. it's been a pleasure. >> thank you! >> on the show. >> dr. travis: you have been so sly, i hate to say bye, but it's the end of the show, fumissed anything if you missed anything go to and we will see you next time. see y'all! [ applause ] ? ? [ cheers and applause ]
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(announcer) here's a dose of reality; driving under the influence of prescription painkillers is just as illegal, and just as deadly, as driving drunk. in fact, drugged driving deaths in wisconsin have increased nearly 200 percent over the past ten years. help prevent drugged driving and let's achieve zero preventable deaths on wisconsin roadways. driving on pills...kills. a shared message from the wisconsin department of justice
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now, to a grim reality. that the new president will face right away. his first foreign policy challenge is likely to be syria. tonight, the syrian dictatorship and its russian allies say they have broken the rebellion in the tr rebels are evacuating now after years of siege, starvation, and devastating air strikes. last night, thousand protested at the russian consulate in istanbul turkey demanding an end to the bloodbath. aleppo once held 2 million residenr residents and treasures of ancient civilization. nothing like civilization there today. debora patta reports. >> reporter: the situation today
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nations as a complete meltdown of humanity. the u.n. said it had evidence that pro government militias ssacred 82 civilians, some in their homes, others as they tried to run away. 11 women and 13 children were among them. eyewitnesses describe streets lined with body. people too scared to collect their loved ones for fear of being shot. activists in eastern eppo. >> that we are facing one of the most difficult or the most serious or the most horrible massacres that is in that, in history. >> reporter: for the injured there is no medical help. this man desperately tries to put out the flames that have
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civilians make a last attempt to get out. these children are utterly defenseless. all they have is each other for protection. the syrian military is now taken back aleppo, and countless civilians have paid for this with their lives. in a conflict that already has a long list of atrocities committed against civilians, scott, the past 48 hours have been even worse. syrians have denied any wrongdoing saying now that aleppo is fully under their control, all military operations have stopped. >> debora patta in beirut tonight. thank you. four marine sergeants are facing court martials for their role in the alleged abuse of recruits at the paris island boot camp in south carolina. they're the first to be charged, but as david martin reports,
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the recruits have been up since 4:00. the training at paris island suppose to be tough. but investigations have found it to be downright cruel. drill instructors abusing, humiliating and hazing recruits. none of it permitted according to commanding general austin renfor. >> when you put your hand on a young man or woman. you have crossed the line the we are not going to tolerate it. >> reporter: these investigations show it was tolerated until last spring. when the abuses came an e-mail sent to the white house and titled concerned loved ones of innocent recruits, described incidents of drill instructors withholding food, drinking on the job, calling recruits terrorists, using homophobic slurs, and warning them that snitches get stitches. the most notorious case involving a muslim recruit who allegedly jumped to his death after being slapped and choked by a drill sergeant is still under investigation.
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drill instructor allegedly ordered another muslim recruit into a clothes dryer. renforth was to fix all that when he assumed command last june. >> they can't choke them? >> absolutely not. >> can't slap them? >> no. >> can they call them names? >> they cannot. >> any allegation of recruit abuse comes directly to me. >> reporter: since then, one recruit has the died after being found unresponsive in his bunk. and a second is in critical condition after jumping from a both cases are still under investigation, although neither appears to involve abuse. earlier incidents of abuse documented in these investigations are expected to result in more charges, ranging from assault to dereliction of duty. but it is said that training at paris island will remain as tough, though not as cruel as the ever. david martin, cbs news, paris island, south carolina. there are criminal charges
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investigation into an alleged fraud that cost u.s. taxpayers $2 billion last year. jim axelrod and producer emily rand broke the story. >> reporter: former college and nfl linebacker, monti groe sur rended to face charges of conspiracy to defraud the government, health care fr taking kick backs and money laundering for his part in the nationwide fraud. >> every patient that i have, loves these products. >> reporter: that cbs news exposed last year. one of the people working with grow was this woman, deanna dunning she peddled pain cream to members of the military without cost to them. >> here are amazing creams. completely free. type in, track your number on line.
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roughly $25,000 for a one-month supply. >> if you want to feel bad, do your research. we got over quick once we started making money. >> reporter: dunning turned herself to face a charge of conspiracy to receive kick backs. cbs news learned she was one of dozens working with grow to generate business for a compounding pharmacy in florida. >> how much is the pharmacy making off of it? >> >> reporter: grow had nothing to say as he left the courthouse this afternoon. monte grow is out on $600,000 bond. he had to surrender his passport as well as firearms. >> no evidence the pain creams ever actually worked. jim axelrod, thank you. coming up next. confusion, chaos, a crew of 33 disappears in the bermuda
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? the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you
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(coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. today investigators revealed what was said on the bridge of
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as she sank near the bahamas last year. 33 were killed when the ship steered into the path of hurricane joaquin. what was on el faro's voice recorder. >> reporter: hours before all 33 on board, would perish, the crew urged the captain to change course. the night before at 11:14, the third mate warned davidson. within hours we will be 22 miles frhe 120 and strengthening. rhyme then said of his captain. i trust what he is saying, it's just being 20 miles away from hundred knot winds this doesn't sound right. patricia kwame's husband theo was a member of the crew. >> i would have thrown the captain overboard and fried to save myself and the ship if it were me. it's just devastating that something like this happened. >> reporter: around 4:00 a.m. the captain returned to the
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th is every day in alaska, he said. an hour later it was clear the captain was wrong. the ship's engineer was worried. i have never seen it list like this. i have never seen it hang like this. at 5:43, the el faro was taking on water. the captain finally said we got a problem. 30 minutes later the ship lost propulsion. at 6:55 the captain made the first of two distress calls. we are in dire straits right now. at 7:29, the crew crashing into the ocean as hurricane joaquin pounded the el faro. captain davidson ring the abandon ship alarm. tell them we're going in. get into your rafts. everybody. get off. get off the ship. stay together. the captain tried to calm the other crew member on the bridge. you got to get up. you got to snap out of it. we got to get out. the helmsman. you are going to leave me. >> i'm not leaving you. let's go, the captain responded. just second before the recording
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i'm gone. i'm a goner. no you are not the captain yelled back. >> investigators are trying to deter men what information the captain had about the hurricane has the it was intensifying. scott, the storm track that was e-mailed to him at 11:00 p.m. wasn't download ford nearly six hours. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 irected when you've got an uncontrollable cough, take delsym, the #1 12-hour cough medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. ? and when your days' over, your cough is still under control.
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you love the soft feel of your feet when you take care of them. and at amop? we love it too. but that annoying hard skin just keeps coming back. and always way, way, way too soon. no matter what you do. amop? presents pedi perfect... a new level of hard skin removal. it removes hard skin thoroughly yet effortlessly and reveals the silkiest smoothness you can rely on. because it lasts, and lasts, and lasts. this holiday season give the gift of long lasting smoothness.
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processors. parts of the metal blades can break off. 30 people injured. the processor sold between 1996 and 2015. the list is on the consumer product safety commission website. soccer's biggest star met his biggest fan. last year, 5-year-old mertaza hama dim. from afghanistan was peck churd wearing a lionel messi shirt made from a plastic bag. today they met in the persian gulf country of qatar. the boy atten match and posed with messi's barcelona team mates. to date man who dreamed up the ice bucket challenge, received the ncaa inspiration award. pete fratese has the degenerative disease als. he is too ill to attend the ceremony. so they brought the award to him. the ice bucket challenge, raised more than $200 million for als
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now, the sweet smell of
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dream. >> reporter: it is your dream. her kitchen made her happy. when she kept getting rejected for jobs, she decided it was going to make her money. and colette's cookies was born. >> reporter: you know what you smell? >> chocolate chip. >> chocolate chip and money. >> exactly, money, honey. >> reporter: rosemary alfredo is her mother. >> i think that all of that rejection for her made h i'll show them. >> reporter: there she was a couple weeks ago selling 100 cookies a week at the golden goose. >> give me a smooch. whose owner, steven deangeles, the only shop to give her shelf space. >> the entrepreneur started a cookie business. >> then the station ran a story that went viral. now she has to fill 4,000 orders from around the country. with a dozen per order, colette
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>> we have to scoop it. pat it down. that's it. >> reporter: the commonwealth kitchen, a business incubator has stepped in to help her to scale up. and colette is now closer to her real dream. >> reporter: your successful scum p company will be a model for others with disabilities. if colette can do it. >> they can diet. >> reporter: turns out the secret ingredient she bakes into her cookies is not such a mystery afterl. is the secret ingredient you have been protecting so much, is it love?
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york city, i'm scott pelley. this is the cbs "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news." i'm done dahler. president elect donald trump continues to fill out his cabinet, with controversial nominees. mr. trump has chairman and ceo rex tillerson to be his secretary of state. tillerson is raising eyebrows over his close ties to rush. the president elect named rick perry to be energy secretary. when he ran for president, perry said he wanted to eliminate the energy department. although he couldn't remember its name at the time. nancy cordes reports. >> reporter: tillerson spent his
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at exxon mobile. he has vast experience doing business with foreign governments including russia. and that has already been met with some criticism from those inside and outside his party. at age 64, rex tiller sob has headed the world's largest publicly traded oil company nearly a dock aid. last year ranked 25 on forbes list of the most powerful people. under tillerson's leadership, exxon mobil struck a deal t begin drilling for oil in the arctic. but the project was halted three years later by western sanctions after russia invaded crimea. >> i'm going to comply with the sanctions. there is not any conversation otherwise about that. >> reporter: tillerson said earlier this year his relayships with foreign government including russia's are business. >> i'm not here to represent the united states government's interest. i'm not here to, to defend it, nor am i hear to criticize it. that's, that's not what i do.
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secretary of state, tillerson will be america's top diplomat. representing u.s. foreign policy interests. and will need to navigate his 15-year history with vladamir putin. >> i have a very close relationship with him. i denton't agreen with everythi he is doing. >> putin awarded tillerson a russian award of friendship. that same year, tillerson spoke to charlie rose how he handles international negotiations. the state of the country, eyeball to eyeball, say to them i am going to make this commitment. i am counting on you to meet your commitments. >> reporter: for secretary of energy, mr. trump settled on former texas governor rick perry. the two time presidential candidate once proposed eliminating the energy department. though it famously slipped his mind at a 2011 debate. >> the third a jance of government i would do away with
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let's see-- i can't. the third one i can't. sorry. oops. >> the president elect hasn't held an official press conference, since he was a candidate back in july. and late yesterday, he postponed his highly anticipated press conference set for this thursday where he was slated to explain how he is going to handle potential business conflicts. >> the u.s. is preparing possible sanctions against the leaders of russia's intelligence community over their hacking of thre on capitol hill, leaders of both parties are supporting a congressional investigation. jeff pegues has more. >> reporter: some of the evidence tying the hacking to russian operatives stretches back at least six months. private investigators have been consulting u.s. intelligence officials say what they have seen goes beyond cyberattacks and call it information warfare and a staple of russian tactics to influence elections. late monday night, president obama explained on the daily
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asked for a review before leaving office. >> the reason that i am -- have called for a review is really to just gather all of the thread of the investigations, intelligence work that has been done. >> reporter: the u.s. is confident that the cyberattacks were conducted by the russia's gru intelligence arm. believing hackers gained access to some republican files but that information never became public. stolen private e-mails. campaign information from democrat igs national committee and the democratic national campaign committee was leaked to wikileaks and other sites even after being exposed the hackers didn't stop. >> this is pretty bold, pretty brazen in a lot of ways. >> very russian. >> reporter: adam myers works for crowd strike the cybersecurity firm that investigated the hack and close
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detrimental to one candidate than the other. >> more detrimental to hillary clinton? >> yeah. >> reporter: myers says the russians used russian warfare to influence elections before, leaking embarrassing or sensitive documents. during the 2014 elections in ukraine. the strategy is part of what some believe is a russian playbook to sow confusion and uncertainty. on capitol hill, a groundswell of bipartisan support for a investigation, house, senate intelligence committees to look into this. >> reporter: top democrat on house intelligence committee, adam shchiff calling for sanctions. mitch mcconnell cast russia as a foe. >> i think we ought to approach aller use on the assumption that the russians do not wish us well. >> president elect trump suggested that the election hacking may have originated in
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started with a phone call from the leader of taiwan. adriana diaz in beijing has more on why this irked the communists. >> reporter: the one china policy, notion that taiwan is an inseparable part of china is a non-negotiable for the government. in fact accepting the policy prerequisite for any country that wants diplomatic ties with beijing. donald trump's comment not only infuriate the leaders here and put the future of the u.s. china china's foreign minister, issued a clear warning monday. anyone who tries to damage the one china principle, he said, is simply lifting a rock that will drop on their own foot. today, state run tab little rock, global times, went further. challenging the u.s. to a fight. an editorial read, especially in the taiwan strait, china is confident enough to arm wrestle with the u.s.
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president elect trump bruised china by breaking protocol and speaking to taiwan's leader. he then doubled down on sunday. >> i don't know why we have to be bound by one china policy unless we make a deal with china. >> but for china, that policy is not a deal up for negotiation. >> taiwan touches the most sensitive nerves in beijing. >> a fellow with the carnegie institute. >> the one china policy is seen as the bilateral relationship. china will only be forced to act even tougher. >> reporter: beijing has plenty of ways to fight back. as our largest trading partner, nearly $600 billion worth of trade is at stake. china could retaliate by adding trade birr yearriers and stop cooperating on north korea and become more aggressive in the
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route. trump's pick for ambassador,
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ugh, it's only lunchtime and my cold medicines' wearing off. i'm dragging. yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery.
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president elect donald trump nominated oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt to be head of the environmental protection agency. uitt opposed the obama administration to stem climate change saying e from settled. in climate dires re, mark phillip visited uganda where the rising temperature is not a theory. >> to many the other dark liquid that powers the world. coffee. because of the damage being done to the planet by the primary dark liquid, oil, along with fossil fuels, coffee is in trouble. and so are the farmers who grow it. is this a good harvest year or not so good?
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eastern uganda, coffee is the most important thing they grow. anthony and vincent caballa's family have been growing it on fair farm, 4,000 feet up the slopes of mount elgon for generations. lately though having problems they have never had before. it turns out coffee is as fussy as the people who drink it. it likes the right altitude, the right temperature, and the right amounts of rain andun the right order. it is the goldilocks of crops that likes things just right. not enough rain. too much sunshine. bad fruit. >> too much sunshine, produces bad fruits. >> this year, too much sunshine? >> yes. >> reporter: another farmer, another farm, another problem. this fine white powder is produced by the stem bore beetle which drills into the plant.
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looks like. >> completely ruins the plant. >> reporter: and sam massa says the warming weather has brought pests and disease that used to live in the valleys up the hillsid hillside. >> ten years back it was not here. >> in the past ten years you have been invaded. >> most have been destroyed completely totally by the stem beetle. >> reporter: crop yield have been dropping and prices up by as much as 30% in some areas since last year. more than just a morning pick me up is threatened. the farmers are caffeine dependent for another reason. from picking the berries, to processing them, to drying and sorting the beans, and getting them to market, this is a family business where eve member of the family contributes. and where the cash from selling the coffee provide the only income to pay for schools for the kids, and for medical care.
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the world's poorest people. there is actually an imbalance in the coffee word. the retail is controlled by the big brands, big distributors. but production comes from little family, almost vegetable sized patch farms like this. if production fails here, the big boys can go stom where elom these people can't go anywhere. latest estimates warn that climate change may mean as much as half of the land coffee production around the world may no longer be suitable for it by the middle of this century. for the people who consume coffee, it its about a drink. for the people who produce it, and depend on it, it's about life. scoff fee production isn't just being affected in africa. the same things are happening in central, south america and coffee boom areas of southeast asia. one more thing that maybe the cruelest cut, the type of coffee
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arabica bean, most coveted and most at risk. if coffee isn't your cup of tea, how about a great bottle of wine? some vintages sell for thousand of dollars. but, how do you know what's in the bottle is the real thing? jonathan vigliott tichlt has a story of the wine detectives. >> reporter: london's berry brothers wine shop is older than the united states of america. 319 years old to be ext. with some wines on the shelves as old as literary classics. prices easily reach thousand of dollars. its liquid currency, and counterfeiters are cashing in. that's where phillip mulan steps in. how many bottles are here in this warehouse? >> in this warehouse, we have -- approaching 3 million bottles. >> 3 million? >> expensive bottle of wine, what's to you and i, first
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his job to make sure that every bottle is as the label on it says it to be. as he explained to me at berry brothers wine warehouse outside london, look can often be deceiving. how often is the counterfeit bottle cross your eyes. >> thkfully, rarely. when it does it is very often high lue. actin f the $15 billion fine wine industry is juicy target for count fitters. in 2013, claimed 25% of the burgundies were fraud. in china where the luxury wine market exploded in recent years, tens of thousand of bottles of fake, famous wines have been confiscated by police and deroyed. mulan's role is to spot fakes before they enter the warehouse shelves and potentially damage the company's perfect reputation. >> start ticking off red flags. does the capsule look right? does the label lookright? does the actual paper on the
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do we have enough red flags we know we have a problem. >> mulan says every detail of this 1961 bottle of bordeau was spot on except for one. >> where we should have the word for, french word for printed in france, they have not only misspelled the word but they dropped, missed the letter of the printing. >> reporter: the bottle believed the handy work of the master counterfeiter who in 2011 was sentenced to ten years in prison for selling over 50 million dollars of fact fine, bottled in his california home. among his victims, billionaire, william koch, discovered 211 bottles he purchased were worthless. scams lake that have led winemakers to outfit newer bottles with special labels. >> see the sparkly bit. >> reporter: like money, a blue light and magnifying glass
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word invisible to the naked eye. >> william and george, who are the people? >> sons of the owners. they put their children's names around the outside of the label. tribute to the children and anti-counterfeiting measure. to replicate a label like that with fine print is incredibly difficult to do. >> reporter: the bottles are crucial. after berry brother's wine tastings. empty bottles of priceless vintages are smashed, in case a fraudster pulls one from the bay. when a wine is suspect, the final step is to send it to this laboratory. where physicist felipe hubert tests it using guama rays to date the carbon inside. the same lab that delivered the bad news to william koch about collectors vintage. for the everyday battle. winemakers and collectors rely on expert like phillip mulan and team, as first line of defense
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? it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughter) all the care of dove... now in a dry antiperant spray. awarded best of beauty by allure. sick, huh? i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. what is this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. let's end this. for years, we have been hearing that venice, italy has been sinking into the sea. well that didn't happen, but the city is sinking under the weight of thousand of tourists. most days, there are more tourists than locals. seth doane is there. >> reporter: at one point it got so bad that problem got so bad
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venice on a list of world heritage sites in danger if it did not deal wither use including giant cruise ships in its lagoon. the ships are still sailing. and venice is still struggling with thor to. venice, there is nothing quite like it. >> never been here before. and i think it is wonderful. >> we are going to get on a gnd la. >> ooh, nice. >> reporter: idyllic, narrow canals quaint alleys draw more than 20 million tourists a year. and therein lies the problem. >> it's too small. it's too fragile. >> reporter: as an ecologist, jane demosta wries about venice's vulnerable lagoon. as a resident she is concerned her city has become a mere backdrop for selfies. >> venice has changed in that the population has gone down and down and down.
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just grown drastically. >> reporter: in 1951, there were nearly 175,000 residents. today there are fewer than 55,000. digital screen at a local farmly marks the loss. it also marked the starting point for a protest. residents carried luggage as a symbol they were on the way out. mateo seki one of the organizers. >> well have how to find a way to protect venice because a city without citizens is a city without soul. it is like a -- >> reporter: this activist also works in a local hotel which caters to visitors. >> isn't the greatest resource of venice the city itself. that it is such ape tourist hub? >> the mass tourism its a double cut weapon. because, at the beginning you earn a lot of money. and everybo are happy.
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a big trouble. >> reporter: one of the most visible signs of tourists outsized impact com at peak times all most daily. in the form of cruise ships. which dwarf the city. >> i am maintaining the soul of venice. >> reporter: paulo costa, the president of the port authority says the ships are a scapegoat. >> everybody thinks there is a big ship coming in from, nowhere, the flood of tourists, come down from and they're flooding the city. this is not absolutely true. cruises account for fewer than #% ofourists and costa defended the port as vital for the economy. they're singing down. paula mar has a stunning view. as deputy mayor for tourism sees a real mess to clean up. >> how isn't something been done before this? >> it i a question i ask myself, daily, she admitted.
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years of mismanagement, but tourism must not become the devil. it is the city's most important resource. they're currently evaluating 17 proposals including increasing taxes on tourists, or gating off and selling tickets to busy areas like piazza san marco. paula mar told us the biggest problem is day trippers who use city resources but don't give back. >> how many days will you wind up being here in venice? >> we leave tomorrow. 24 hours. >> reporter: quick in and out. >> never been here before? >> will you stay more than a day? >> no, heading out in a couple hours. >> reporter: day trippers ma make 3/4 of tourists. >> they don't stay. don't sleep in your hotel. don't go to restaurants. rarely they go shopping. >> reporter: francesca is owner of the hotel bower as more people travel, more cities will see the same problems.
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but the street in rome is worse. my opinion.
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there are 14 elementary schools in baltimore where students suspensions may soon be a thing of the past. rambunctious kids are no longer sent to the principal's office but to the meditation room. tony dokoupil has the story. >> every day here at robert coleman elementary school with the a mindful moment. 15 minute bchbd yoend of yoga a meditation. see some going on. they can tune me out. you might not expect this thing in west baltimore. but it is actually the vision of two brothers from right here in the neighborhood. it is the morning rush at robert coleman elementary school. >> last name? >> reporter: after the buses arrive and kids pour in, the usual classroom chatter comes to a complete stop.
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balloon. >> reporter: twice a day more than 300 students take part in a program called mindful moments. they learn to breathe. >> exhale bring your arms down slowly. >> reporter: stretch and block out distractions. >> inhale deeply. >> reporter: you have seen a difference? >> huge difference. >> reporter: the school principal -- >> they taught the students how to redirect their negative energy into something positive. >> reporter: you have seen suspensions go down? >> we have h >> hold on. >> reporter: when students fight or misbehave at coleman they aren't sent to the principal's office. instead they come here to the mindful me room where they are taught to resolve conflicts peacefully. >> inhale in deep. lock your chin to your chest. >> reporter: and teach others what they learned. >> reporter: how do i do it? >> sit up straight. breathe deeply. how does it make you feel?
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that have been happening, i passed that on, all the problems, i passioned that on. and worry about what is going, what's more important. >> reporter: the program its the vision of ali and otman smith who grew up in one of baltimore's most volatile neighborhoods. >> violence, drug abuse in the neighborhood. all these things getting dumped on the kids. they need a way to deal with it. >> no justice! no peace! >> many witnessed the rye 80s that erupted in their 2015. the brother's mission they say is now also a matter of personal
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, december 14th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." jobs, jobs, jobs. >> that's what the president-elect says is the goal of his administration. and, today, mr. trump is meeting with technology leaders about getting americans back to work again. and a cease-fire deal is reached in aleppo, but the evacuation of the war-attorney syrian city may be on hold. ? ? show me that smile again ? >> alan thicke, a canadian who came to be known as america's


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