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tv   Today  NBC  March 8, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST

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so we are thinking of him. this morning on "today's take," tina fey is here, and on the front lines of a dark comedy called "whiskey tango foxtrot." then the bomb shell confessions by tennis star maria sharapova that shocked the tennis world. and padma lakshmi dishes on next. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today".
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i've got to say, it's spring like outside. beautiful. getting into the 60s today in new york city. >> 70s tomorrow. >> 73 according to my thing here. 73 the next day, yeah. this thing right here. natalie is on assignment. tamron, i like the jam. going back. >> willie told me to wakeup, which i'm not sleeping. we've been up for hours now, but this will get you going. >> any reason for it? i have no complaint. i love this song. >> it's one of the songs when i'm in the gym, the few times i go, or if i need to, you know, going. >> missy is back on the scene. >> she is. >> good to have her back. >> fun person to follow on twitter is missy elliott. she sends out great clips of dancers, just killing it. especially now we're coming into wedding season, graduation season, you're likely to be invited to a party. go on missy elliott's twitter account and get one good move that you can bust out. >> most people aren't really -- >> try it in the mirror first.
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>> never hurt anybody to try. >> remember will smith? this is where you live. >> if you want to be a little greater than there -- >> rarely works out. >> for those of you who want to learn, go to missy elliott's. there you go. >> great show. padma is here. tyne daly is here. tina fey we'll talk to in a few minutes. a jury awarded sports reporter erin andrews $55 million. the jury found a nude video filmed of andrews in 2008 at the national marriott at vanderbilt did cause her emotional distress, as she claimed, and both the stalker who took it and the hotel are to blame. the man who filmed the video is responsible for 51% of the money, or over $28 million. the hotel group that owns the franchise must pay for the rest, about $27 million. erin releasing a statement saying she was honored by the
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their outreach helped he stand up and hold accountable those whose job it is to protect everyone's privacy and security. owners of the hotel said they were committed to providing a safe and house pill spitable environment for guests and employees. i guess the number, $55 million, is what jumps out. >> this guy, he doesn't have any money. in fact, he's reportedly said it was part of the reason he did it, to try to sell. savannah is a lawyer and talked about how it works through the legal system. it's a voice for anyone who felt victimized and known. my heart was broken when erin said she'd get tweets from young college girls saying, i want to be like erin andrews except for that on her part. it's devastating. to have your parents there, you're crying, and everyone has seen it and people have gone
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whether she gets money or not, she's got the victory of saying, i will not allow someone to make me a victim. >> yup. >> so powerful there. >> you know, none of us can understand or appreciate what it would be like to have been exposed publicly that way. >> so sad. >> hope she can move forward. another story we're talking about, and whether or not maria sharapova can move forward. this bomb shell yesterday. she openly admitted that she failed a drug test before the australian open back in january. now, she says that she tested positive for meldonium. meldonium. >> it's a drug apparently used to treat heart trouble. it's not approved by the fda, a supplement of sorts. it hasn't always been banned, but just this past january was placed on the list. here's what she had to say.
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i did fail the test, and i take full responsibility for it. i can't blame anyone for it but myself. no matter who i'm working with. i don't want to end my career this way, and i really hope that i will be given another chance to play this game. >> sharapova said she'd been taking it for ten years and she was getting sick a lot, getting the flu every couple months. she said she didn't look at the updated banned substances list, taking the blame for not viewing an e-mail link that goes out to all the players. she's been the highest paid female tennis athlete for more than a decade, earning around $23 million. i'm curious about the reaction from some of her endorsers. like nike. people have been praising her, saying an athlete who stepped up, she could have said, i have a staff that's supposed to pay attention to this. >> i tend to believe what she says. >> nike suspended its relationship with her.
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>> i think the suspension is the key term here. they haven't ended the relationship. i think they'll let her get through this. if all goes the way they believe it will, i think they'll come back to her. >> couldn't they say, like al said, it's our belief that she's telling the truth, and we stand with her on this, unless evidence presents otherwise? >> good question, if other people have done that when some of the men with the steroids -- have their endorsement deals been suspended? they lost them but -- >> steroids was illegal. this substance was until four months ago. >> not like she just started taking it. she's been taking it. >> i don't understand. >> i think the way she handled this buys her a lot. >> instead of through a spokesperson. hay hey, here's the deal, boom. she's also supposed to represent
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>> this says my name, but i thought of you yesterday when i saw this peyton manning story. >> okay. i don't know why. >> good looking guy. >> okay. peyton manning officially announced his retirement yesterday. had been reported by espn the day before. he made it official, fighting back tears at a news conference in denver. >> i love the game. so you don't have to wonder if i'll miss it. absolutely. absolutely, i will. when i look back on my nfl career, i'll know without a doubt that i gave everything i had to help my teams walk away with a win. there were other players who are more talented, but there was no one who could out prepare me. because of that, i have no regrets. i've fought a good fight. i finished my football race. after 18 years, it's time. god bless all of you.
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>> bless football. peyton played 18 seasons and holds more nfl records than we can begin to lay out in this segment. won league mvp five times. when he won the super bowl and hoisted the trophy, you had the feeling that if you were going to go out, if there was any question, you want to go out the way he did. >> has any other quarterback won the super bowl with two different teams? >> i should know the answer. probably. >> i'm sure"today's take." >> google it. >> that was such a beautiful speech. we showed some of it. we talked about calling his brother, you know, after the game, and their relationship with their father, obviously. beloved quarterback, as well. it's so sweet and so vulnerable. >> that's what i think players miss. the little things. shaking tom brady's hand, calling eli on the bus.
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do with the rest of it? >> he's young, and has this whole other journey you can create. >> we have a sports theme here. >> we do. a dad saves his son from a bat. pirates game spring training. a dad takes action. this is sean cunningham reaching out an arm at the last second to protect his son landon from the bat. he deflects it. it goes just over his son's head. i mean, this has gone viral. we have sean and landon on a facetime right now. good morning, guys. >> hey, guys. >> my gosh, so sean, this happened -- had to happen so fast. i mean, your instincts were unbelievable. what went through your mind, or did you think when you saw the bat? >> no, sir. i didn't have a lot of time to think. i just -- once i realized it was
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anything i could to block it and deflect it. >> landon, we're so glad you're okay, but i have to know, what were you doing? angry birds on the phone, buddy? >> no, i was not. i was -- i took a picture of one of the baseball players. >> cool. >> i was going to send it to my mom. then the bat came flying. i looked up because my dad said something, but i didn't look up in time. my dad did this to block it. >> so cool. >> your dad is a superhero. sean, what did your wife say when she saw the picture? >> she had a hard time with it. she got a little nauseous. you know, thank god, you know, everything turned out -- no one was seriously injured. >> landon, i know you were there to celebrate your 9th birthday. we hear you've got a favorite player. atlanta braves first baseman freddie freeman?
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>> guess what? freddie freeman has done a little something special for you. he's autographed a braves jersey. it is on the way to your home. what do you think? >> he's so cute. >> that's better than a bat, isn't it? >> oh, my goodness. >> right there. >> there you have it. you have your jersey and you have a dad who is a bona fide super hero. >> he has an "s" under the shirt. this was your first baseball game. what do you think? >> my first baseball game was amazing. >> i would say so. >> sean and landon, thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. >> glad everybody is okay. >> happy birthday, bud. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> he loves freddie freeman.
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can we see mom? i heard her say thank you. >> hi, mom. >> hi. >> and sis. hello. >> beautiful family. >> good looking. thanks so much, guys. >> so cute. his little face, like what? this jersey. i have more video. in colorado, there was a massive hailstorm outside of fort koll collins. looks like snow. on the road, these two semi semi tractor trailers just missed each other. that could have been horrible. the tanker truck starts to lose control and finally gets it right. man, rough day. we have more rough weather today. look at this, we have tornado watches in effect. we have severe thunderstorm watches and warnings from wichita falls, oklahoma city, all the way to central texas. we'll be watching this very
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we have an area of enhanced severe weather from austin, san antonio owe, corpus christi, houston. tornadoes tornadoes, hail. also looking at squall lines developing, especially late this afternoon into this evening. one of the most dangerous times. heavy rain, strong, straight line winds which can do as much damage as tornadoes. pushing through through wednesday. look at the rainfall amounts. we're talking anywhere from 7 to 10 inches of rain. some areas over the next three days in the region, up to 15 inches of rain. massive flooding is possi i amy: good morning central florida, i' m amy sweezey. we are headed to 80 degrees today in our inland spots. the coastal state cooler things to that east breeze.
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through >> that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. peyton manning was, of course, the only quarterback to win super bowls with different teams. coming up, can you imagine what it'd be like to have tina fey play you in a movie? it happened to kellogg's frosted mini-wheats ... 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet. to satisfy the adult and kid - in all of us. nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult with frosted mini-wheats . try new kellogg's mini-wheats harvest delights with sweet drizzle and bits made
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total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth . and for kids starting at listerine smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm, laughter mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm there's a lighter, fluffier way for everyone to enjoy greek yogurt.
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tina fey is one of the funniest, most powerful voices in all of comedy. rising from "saturday night star. >> in "whiskey tango foxtrot," changing opportunity. we sat down with tina and kim barker, the real-life war tina's character. >> the network is stretched thin. all our talent is going there. we need people, any people, to fill the void in afghanistan. you folks here are all the unmarried, childless personnel in this bureau. [ crying ] for those behind the end t nd the scenes, there are opportunities to be on camera. kim, will you be joining in? >> the travel or the crying? >> tina fey and kim barker, good to see you guys. >> good morning. >> how are you?
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tina, you're basically playing kim, a tv reporter. what was this like when you read this book? >> yeah. >> it was described as kind of a tina fey character. >> the "new york times" review of the book described it as a tina fey book. i said, i'll read the book, or i'm an idiot. kim was a print journalist and you were working in the studio and they came into the office and said, who doesn't have kids? >> no, no, basically, i was trying to differentiate myself from the other reporters, who could -- i heard they wanted to send more women overseas. i figured the fact i didn't have kids and i wasn't married meant i was expendable, and therefore, nobody would sue if something happens. >> good feeling. >> i was joking around. a bit of a sense of humor. >> the lesson to me for authors, if you want your book made into
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review and she'll buy it and be in it. >> it's obviously a fictionalized account but does it give you a greater appreciation of what journalists go through? >> yeah. >> when they're in harm's way? >> i didn't believe the stuff that you guys do. to go with the marines, follow them around and try to get the story, but also not be in their way. >> right. >> not put them in danger. yeah, people say to me, could you do that in real life? i said, no, i'm cowardly. >> shooting it in a desert with cameras, you're fine. >> you get a break, nice dinner. >> as long as there are nice services, you'll report on the war. it's a war movie but there is a lot of humor. was it that way for you when you were there? >> it's a dark, comic way and i
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i read kurt vonnegut when i was younger and wanted people to actually want to read about the war. a lot of things you saw over there was absurd and the only way to capture it was dark humor. >> tina, you're portraying a real person in the movie. you know kim. was that weird for you? >> i knew it wasn't a biopick, so i didn't have to daniel day lewis it. >> she was shadowing me for months. >> i slept in kim's bed with her she didn't know. i got in after she was asleep and out before she woke up. hard work. >> impressive. >> we wanted to get the culture and military stuff right, as best we could. my only regret is kim is -- how tall are you? 5'10"? >> 5'10".
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taller in the movie. >> so do you suspect you'll be back on "snl" throughout the campaign? >> i have a feeling, no. >> really? >> my gut was watching donald trump's face watch her during that endorsement and he was, like, i talk. you no talk. i don't think we'll see her again. >> one and done for you as sarah palin? >> all right. "whiskey tango foxtrot" in theaters now. coming up, how do you become america' s #1? start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america' s toughest and help, when help is needed america' s #1 isn' t a status that' s earned overnight. it' s earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america' s #1 detergent i use what'
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so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what' s within me. with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it' s supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it should be used along with diet and exercise. trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with long-acting insulin. do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2
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trulicity or its ingredients. stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. with trulicity, i click to activate what' s within me. if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. and click to activate your within. pepper discovers jimmy dean delights,
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an excellent source of protein, it fuels her up with energy to help power through her morning. with jimmy dean delights, good mornings lead to great days. jerrod carmichael is one of the hottest young comedians in hollywood. >> he's starring in "the carmichael show," returning for its second season this sunday. >> jerrod, your name is spelled out phonetically for us. >> yeah. otherwise, it would be jared. i wouldn't mind it but my mom would be going crazy. >> we don't want to anger your mom. >> yeah. >> speaking of your mom -- >> oh, man, i thought it was going to go straight to the jab. i thought al was going to go, speaking of your mom, i was out last night. no, no. >> no mothers. >> oh, my gosh. >> he came ready. >> aggressive.
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>> relax, everybody. >> your family is in the "carmichael show." >> we argue about everything, so it's not like secrets yet, but this is the second season. third season, i'll run out of material and it'll be all family secrets. it'll be all things i wasn't supposed to tell anyone, ever. right now, we like to argue about a lot of things. no topic is off limits. we put that into the show. incorporated, you know, that. >> the show has a little throwback to an old sitcom but tackles the modern topics. any sitcoms you loved? >> i watched "all in the family" and these things. i like to treat the audience like they're adults. >> yeah, ye when we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunches of oats and i' m checking to see if i packaged it. best cereal in the world right there.
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and now in delicious chocolate. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. jason guy... it's 10:26. a local home has heavy damage after it was hit by an out of control driver last night. it happened just before 1 o'clock on lakeland avenue. two people were inside the home at the time, but no one was hurt. we're told the car was stolen. the driver has not been found. right now, firefighters are investigating a house fire in winter park. the flames broke out at the home on worthington drive -- just off lakemont avenue -- south of aloma avenue. it's not clear how the fire started. senator marco rubio is in central florida making a last ditch effort to save his presidential campaign.. after a big rally in sanford
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race before next tuesday. he will be campaigning in kissimmee this morning. we're just 30 minutes away from an announcement about the next big event at the citrus bowl. this overnight tweet from an official wwe account reveals wrestlemania 33 is coming to orlando's citrus bowl on april 2nd, 20-17. wrestlemania was last held in orlando back in 2008. join us for wesh 2 news at noon for more from this 11 a-m press conference. taking a live look outside... meteorologist eric burris is up
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boating conditions for much of this week... today-tonight... h100-h70 hi pres ridge centered just off the carolina coast will be the dominant wx feature...gener ating a deep and steady e/se breeze acrs central fl. very dry/stable airmass overhead with evng raobs measuring pwats btwn 0.50"-0.75" statewide along with a sharp subsidence inversion in the h85-h70 lyr. rap40 analysis showing a
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headlines. today marks two years since malaysia airlines flight mh-370 vanished while flying from malaysia to china. an international team investigating the disappearance today said it's still reviewing key information. they believe the boeing 777 was flown thousands of miles off course before crashing into the ocean. malaysia's prime minister said he's committed to solving the agonizing mystery. former pro wrestler hulk
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today in a civil trial of his lawsuit. he's suing for $100 million. the core issue, did the website have the right to post a sex tape of hulk hogan and his then-best friend's wife? hogan and his authorities said the website invaded his privacy but the website said hogan had talked openly about his sex life before. go go squeeze are calling their non-organic applesauce due to potential contamination. no illnesses have been linked to the problems. go go squeeze pouchs labeled as organic are not involved. for more info, go to the recall information we have posted at things went from bad to worse for a soccer player in israel. trainers loading the midfielder on to the stretcher. within seconds of lifting him off the ground, the grip comes off the rear handle, spilling him on to the ground.
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lift and carried him off in his arms. good friend. let's check in on our forecast. al is standing by. >> tamron, we're watching an area of really severe weather developing in central and northern texas, on into oklahoma. we're watching that closely. more rain moves into the pacific northwest. gets a break down in the southern part of california with windy conditions. east coast, fabulous. tomorrow, record highs, risk of severe weather from the amy: good morning central florida, i' m amy sweezey. we are headed to 80 degrees today in our inland spots. the coastal state cooler things to that east breeze.
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through >> that's your latest weather. tamron? >> al, thank you very much. model, tv host, author and mom, padma lakshmi lived a life in the spotlight. full of fashion, family and delicious food. now, she's written all about it in a revealing new memoir called "love, loss and what we ate." padma is with us this morning. good to see you. >> nice to see you, too. >> we were talking, your daughter is a little under the weather. >> she's better now, but she spent all last week having a fever. >> you're juggling the book tour and juggling mom which, of course, is relatable to so many working moms. you're doing your thing and caring for your daughter. >> i think we all try to balance everything, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. what i'm going through is no different than what most mothers who work are going through now. >> that's a lot of your book -- i know people focused in on romance and the other things, but in reality, this memoir is
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from talking about insecurity to talking about the struggle to become a mom. how difficult was it for you to open up in this way? >> it was really difficult. other than having my daughter, it was probably the hardest thing i ever had to do. it was like having a baby, except she took less time to come out. it took me over four years to write this book. i can't believe you're holding it in your hands. it was hard, but i wanted to do it. even when it was going to be a healthy eating book, i wanted to use the details of my life and illustrate philosophies i have about food and motherhood. i think we all need to have an open discussion as women, as immigrants, as women of color, as mothers, about our bodies, about work, about the fact that, you know, sometimes it takes longer to become who you're going to be. >> it's true. you mentioned your daughter. in the book, you talk about, at
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your name to something that sounds more american. here, you have chrishna. >> i cringe now. part of the pact i made with myself in writing the book is i wanted to be truthful and really tell my story in a non-filtered form. yes, i did do that. changing your name is as old as immigrants from ellis island. a lot of people don't. i think i just wanted to fit in, like most teenage girls. >> speaking of teenage girls, one day, your daughter will be a teenager and may see a copy of the book. >> she's seen them around the house. >> she'll be able to read it and understand it. >> yes. >> and hear about your struggle to have her, about the paternity questions surrounding who her father was. did you think about that when you were writing it? did you visualize her reading it one day? >> you know, i'm sure she will
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her to read it, but not for those issues. there's been so much written about all the issues you mentioned already, that as soon as she's old enough to google herself, she will find those things. it's my job as her mother to tell her where she came from and who she is, regardless of a book or articles in the newspaper. she knows who her father is. her father is very present in her life. you know, i don't -- i think every child at some point realizes that their parents are human and, you know, i hope that i can use my life to help guide my daughter to make strong decisions from a place of power and owning her body or owning her decisions. >> that's the message beyond her, who is the most important person in your life, to fans and other young women who may have the insecurities that we all have, but think when you're on television, there's no way you could have thesish e ish sues. you're exposing that.
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makeup, pretty clothes. people help us with that. i don't look like this when i take her to school in the morning. >> it's all smoke and mirrors. i'm really a black boy when i wake up in the morning and i'm transformed into this girl, somewhat. >> exactly. you know, for me, i really wanted to have an open conversation. i wanted to say, look, i did use my looks as an asset, as a model, as someone on tv. no one asked tom how he keeps the weight off, you know, from "top chef," or how he fits into his clothes. it's something that women have to deal with in the media much more than men, and in real life. you don't have to be eating for a living to have issues about weight. you don't are to be on tv or in front of the camera to have body issues. i think, you know, a lot of girls and women do. >> it's an empowering message. not a pity party. it is the truth and it is what it is. thank you so much.
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>> i know. >> the book, "love, loss and what we ate." catch padma thursday night on the two-part season finale of "top chef" on bravo. we have strong back to back women i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping rme to lead the life that
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we brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. what? oh wow. i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. hi. welcome. dish soap? you may not feel it but some body washes can contain
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oh. on my skin? that's really scary. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest plus the unique care of nutrium moisture. it's so soft. just made me feel good. this is different. this is caring. this is dove. you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. when you get your vitamins at walgreens, you help give life-changing vitamins to kids across the globe. get vitamins here. change lives everywhere. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. alright, let's do this. i got minds to twist and values to warp. mr. tyler, your skittles portrait. that is e to the z oh twiddly dee-sgusting!
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diddly-ding yet. dream on! higher. dream on! i think a little higher! dreammmm onnnnnnnn! dreammm onnnn! rock the rainbow. taste the rainbow. i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that with biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin.
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if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it...and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too!. in a heartwarming movie, "hello my name is doris," emmy award winner tyne daly plays the a widow. >> she tries to pick tup up the pieces while involved with a
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>> weird old new yorker who chokes on a peanut and dies and no one misses me until the smell of my decomposing body seeps through the wall. >> i'd miss you. >> get in the slow lane, ladies. >> she gave us the finger. give her the finger. >> everybody needs a little motivation. >> tyne daly, good morning. >> morning. >> want to clarify, sally has a thing for the younger man. she was on the show yesterday and we saw a portion of her scenes with the younger man. give me tyne daly and sally field and i am in. have you worked together before? >> a long time ago, the burt reynolds dinner theater in jupiter theater, the opening production. it was a bonding experience. >> what do you remember about it? >> it was horrible. it was a complete disaster. nobody knew what they were doing. nobody can make a prop list. we had to borrow lights from the university of florida.
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all -- it was me and sally and gail strickland, who was there last night for the premiere. the three of us lived off that story for, you know, close to 45 years. it's really, you know -- so i've met her, ms. field, over and over again on the circuit. when this offer came again, i thought, this is a beautiful circle. >> tell us about this. you described it as good generational fun. >> did i say that? >> that's what our note says. >> i don't know. what i know is -- >> how would you describe it? >> the writing comes first always for me. i like working with young film makers. the stuff was good. the stuff was good. then sally. then three of the best jokes in the thing. can't go wrong. done. done deal. >> is it true you've not taken a break from work?
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scared to read it now -- 1968? >> lies. >> okay. i'm done with it. >> no, it's all made up. i went to work, not as a kid actor, but i count when i got my equity card when i was 15. it was a long time, and i've been lucky. when i wasn't working steadily as an actor, i was being somebody's mom and somebody's wife. i was greedy. i wanted it all. have i had a break? no. >> no break. >> juggling it all. >> no time for a break. >> this movie is so much fun and people will love it. "hello my name is doris" is in theaters this friday. good to have you here. >> thank you for asking me. paul zerdin is bringing his skills to the orange room. i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto . hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to...
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so when you need a dog walker or a handyman, we can help you get the job done right, guaranteed. get started today at angie's list, because your home is where our heart is. last year, paul zerdin gathered friends and crossed the atlantic to compete on "america's got talent." he won the judges and the audience to win season ten. >> he's here with his friend sam. >> good morning. >> morning. >> hello, you guys! >> hey, sam. >> great to be here. >> thank you. what's the big news? >> what is the big news? >> it is that we signed a three-year deal with planet hollywood in las vegas. >> what are we going to do? you know what we do. >> what is it? >> begins with v. >> oh, yes, we're going to do
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>> no, no, no. too much. >> i know people. >> too early. >> we signed a deal with planet hollywood and we're headlining there. you can come and see the show from the 30th of april onwards. >> yes, absolutely. vegas? is he a vegas guy? >> yeah. oh, yeah. i shouldn't drink though. >> what happens? >> i soak it up. i get damp. >> what? >> damp. >> would you speak more clearly? >> sorry. it's early. what do you want from me? >> i love when tamron talks to me. have you been drinking? >> a lot. >> that's why you're talking to a puppet. >> it's hard. you're also looking away. >> i did a hidden camera show to see if we could get people out and about, going about their daily duties, see if they'd talk
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i went in with cameras and ordered a dinner for two and the waiter was having a conversation don't feel alone. >> do you prefer an american uk? what's the difference? >> do you want that one? >> yeah. sleep. >> oh, wow. >> i'd say the american audiences are just up for it from the beginning. when you've worked in the uk a long time, you have to work harder to win them over. you still have to prove yourself here, as well. don't get complacent. the americans have been fantastic. particularly on the journey of agt. >> how have your lives changed in. >> a lot of flying. i've been living in london, obviously, and coming back and forth, touring all over the states in the last few months. i mean, it's just an amazing platform. it's opened a lot of doors. you know, so many people see that show. >> i'm going on the next one.
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>> what are you going to do? >> ventriloquism. >> watch. >> you've been practicing? >> yes. hello, how are you? what do you think? not a movement. it's amazing. i've nailed it. >> al was telling me before we started, apparently, he used to do ventriloquism a long time ago. >> won a contest. >> now is your time. >> good to see you. thanks. catch paul and sam next month. tickets available now.
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first, this is "today" on nbc. where are you going after work in that? >> go home and hang out with my children. >> guess who we are on, kids? >> wasting your time. >> who? >> sally field. >> we love sally. >> and maria will be here. also, this great country singer from texas. >> god bless them.
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>> coming up after your (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some
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with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates,
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathy lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1 a. >> this is a great song by the way by chris harmony. called "work from home" work work work i love when you have to know one word.


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