tv Today NBC March 16, 2016 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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this is an nbc news special report. here's matt lauer and savannah guthrie. >> good morning, everyone. 11:00 on the east coast. 8:00 a.m. on the west coast. this is an nbc news special report. here is what we're expecting in a moment. president obama will announce his nominee to fill the supreme court vacancy created by the death of justice antonin scalia. >> it'll happen in the white house rose garden and it'll be merrick garland, a 63-year-old chief judge of the u.s. court of
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oversaw the oklahoma city bombing in the unabomber cases. and a long-time judge on the federal bench. >> of course, a lot at stake. it's an election year. senate republicans vowed to block any nomination that comes from the president. we're going to talk about the pick with chuck todd in a moment. justice correspondent pete williams. what do we know about him, and what message is the president sending with this pick? >> the message is that he's trying to make it harder for senate republicans to oppose someone who is not only well-liked but has a good reputation in town and a wide breadth of experience. we expect, matt and savannah, to hear from judge garland when the ceremony begins. that's the usual tradition here. the white house is already saying he has more federal judicial experience than any other supreme court nominee in history. >> pete, that brings me to chuck. certainly, the white house is trying to put senate republicans who vowed to not even bring any nominee up for a vote in a tighter spot, in an election
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non-idealogical judge. this is the best you're going to get. >> third time he's been vetted for a supreme court appointee. you and i were told six years ago, he is the perfect pick if they ever have to have one with a republican senate. lo and behold, president obama has to deal with a republican senate. probably the best way to compare him, this is the democratic party's version of kennedy, center left. as we were discussing, he didn't check a political box with this one. being 63, this is the president not trying to change the court for an entire generation. he is putting real pressure on the republicans to stick by the pledge, that they're not going to even have a hearing. >> not even have a hearing, not even have a courtesy call meeting. what, pete, does judge garland do? does he go up to capitol hill and knock on doors? >> he'll probably do that, yes. there's been -- he will be well-coached now by an entire white house operation with outside support to try to push this nominee through the senate.
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anyway. that'll be an extra -- of extra importance with this one. republicans won't meet with him, much less hold a confirmation hearing or a floor vote. they'll try to get the difference. maybe pictures of him knocking on doors that won't open. but they'll certainly show the courtesy call meetings he will have with democrats. the democrats you can expect will play up the difference and say, look, the guy should be treated with more respect than this. >> judge garland is well respected on both sides of the aisle. the white house is circulating quotes from senator oren, saying how much he loves garland in years past. >> there is going to be pressure. there are a group of republican senators running for reelection in swing states, blue states. i heard from people, these republicans are worried more about the obstruction of the court than donald trump and the scariness of that. the point of this is, here's what i think is going to happen, i think they'll have hearings. i think there is going to be a vote.
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he'll probably get over 50. if you're the president, if hillary clinton wins in november, garland is confirmed in december. >> waiting for the president to come out to the rose garden. it was said recently that they're going to put together a task force. this task force will be the most comprehensive comprehensive, judicial response effort in our party's history. >> this is why the white house went with garland. he's been around washington a long time and has a thicker skin. it was key cht they . they had to find somebody who was durable politically. who can handle what is going to be a hot house. >> pete, you have a judge who is somebody who has 20 years of a judicial record to pick through. i think before i let you answer the question, i think we're about to see president obama and judge garland, the nominee to the court, as they enter the white house rose garden for this ceremony.
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everybody please have a seat. of the many powers and responsibilities that the constitution vests in the presidency, few are more consequential than appointing a supreme court justice. particularly one to succeed justice scalia, one of the most influential of our time. the men and women who sit on the supreme court are the final arbiters of american law. they safeguard our rights. they ensure that our system is one of laws and not methods. they're charged with the task of applying principles to paper more than two centuries ago, to some of the most challenging questions of our time. so this is not a responsibility that i take lightly. it's a decision that requires me
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maintain faith with our founders and perhaps, more importantly, with future generations. that's why over the past several weeks, i've done my best to set up a rigorous and comprehensive process process. i've sought the advice of republican and democratic members of congress. we've reached out to every member of the senate judiciary committee, to constitutional scholars, to advocacy groups, bar associations representing an array of interests and opinions from all across the spectrum. today, after completing this exhaustive process, i've made my decision. i'm selected nominee who is widely recognized not only as one of america's sharpest legal minds, but someone who brings to his work a spirit of decency, modesty, integrity, even handedness and excellence. these qualities, and his long
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have earned him the respect and admiration of leaders from both sides of the aisle. who will ultimately bring that character to bear on the supreme court. an institution in which he is uniquely prepared to serve immediately. today, i am nominate ing chief judge merrick brian garland to join the supreme court. [ applause ] i'd like to take a minute to introduce him to the american people, whom he already so ably serves.
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land of lincoln, in my hometown of chicago, in my home state of illinois. his mother volunteered in the community. his father ran a small business out of their home. inheriting that work ethic, merrick became value edictorian of his public high school. he earned a scholarship to harvard. he put himself through harvard law school by working as a tutor, by stocking shoes in a shoe store and in what is always a painful moment for any young man, but selling his comic book collection. [ laughter ]. it's tough. been there. merrick graduated from harvard law. in the early years of his legal career, it bore the marks of excellence. eisenhower's judicial appointees.
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then supreme court justice william brennan. following his clerkships, he joined a highly regarded law firm, where the practice focused on litigation and pro bono representation of disadvantaged americans. within four years he earned a partnership, the dream of most lawyers. in 1989, just months after that achievement, merrick made a highly unusual career decision. he walked away from a comfortable and lucrative law practice to return to public service. merrick accepted the low-level job as a federal prosecutor in president george h.w. bush's administration. he took a 50% pay cut. traded in his elegant office for a windowless closet that smelled of stale cigarette smoke. it was a time when crime in washington had reached epidemic proportions and he wanted to help. he quickly made a name for
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politicians and violent criminals. his sterling record as a prosecutor led him to the justice department. where he oversaw some of the most significant prosecutions in the 1990s. including overseeing every aspect of the federal response to the oklahoma city bombing. in the aftermath of that act of terror, when 168 people, many of them small children, were murdered, merrick had one evening to say good-bye to his own young daughters before he boarded a plane to oklahoma city. he would remain there for weeks. he worked side by side with first responders, rescue workers, local and federal law enforcement. he led the investigation and supervised the prosecution that brought timothy mcveigh to justice. perhaps most important is the
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throughout the process, merrick took pains to do everything by the book. when people offered to turn over evidence voluntarily, he refused, taking the harder route of obtaining the proper subpoenas instead. because merrick would take no chances that someone who murdered innocent americans might go free on a technicality. merrick also made a concerted effort to reach out to the victims and their families. updating them frequently on the case's progress. everywhere he went, he carried with him in his briefcase the program from the memorial service, with each of the victims' names inside. a constant, searing reminder of why he had to succeed. judge garland has often referred to his work on the oklahoma city case as, and i quote, the most important thing i have ever done in my life.
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touch with that community that he served. it's no surprise then that soon after his work in oklahoma city, merrick was nominated to what's often called the second highest court in the land. the d.c. circuit court. during that process, during that confirmation process, he earned overwhelming bipartisan praise from senators and legal experts alike. republican senator hatch, then chairman of the senate judiciary committee, supported his nomination. back then, he said, in all honesty, i would like to see one person come to this floor and say one reason why merrick garland does not deserve this position. he actually accused fellow senate republicans, trying to obstruct merrick's confirmation, of playing politics with judges. he has since said that judge
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nominee for the supreme court, who would be very well supported by all sides and there would be no question that merrick would be confirmed with bipartisan support. ultimately, merrick was confirmed to the d.c. circuit. second highest court in the land. with votes from a majority of democrats and from republicans. three years ago, he was elevated to chief judge. in his 19 years on the d.c. circuit, judge garland has brought his trademark diligence, compassion and unwavering regard for the rule of law to his work. on a circuit court known for strong-minded judges, on both ends of the spectrum, judge garland has earned a track record of building consensus as a thoughtful, fair-minded judge who follows the law.
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bring together odd couples, assemble unlikely coalitions, persuade colleagues with wide ranging philosophies to sign on to his opinions. this record on the bench speaks, i believe, to judge garland's fundamental temperament. his insistence that all views deserve a respectful hearing. his habit, to borrow a phrase from former justice john paul stevens, of understanding before disagreeing. then disagreeing without being disagreeable. it speaks to his ability to persuade. to respond to the concerns of others with sound arguments and airtight logic. as his former colleague on the d.c. circuit and our current chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts, once said, any time judge garland disagrees, you know you're in a difficult area. at the same time, chief judge
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brilliant legal mind. he's someone who has a keen understanding that justice is about more than abstract legal theory theory. more than a footnote in a dusty case book. his life experience, his experience in places like oklahoma city, informs his view that the law is more than an intellectual exercise. he understands the way law affects the daily reality of people's lives in a big, complicated democracy, and in rapidly changing times. and throughout his jurisprudence runs a thread, protecting the basic rights of every american. in a democracy, powerful voices must not be allowed to drown out the voices of everyday americans. to find someone with such a long career in public service, marked
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to find someone who just about everyone not only respects but genuinely likes, that is rare. it speaks to who merrick garland not just as a lawyer, but as a man. people respect the way he treats others. his genuine courtesy and respect for his colleagues and those who come before his court. they admire his civic mindedness, mentoring as clerks throughout their careers, urging them to use their legal training to serve their communities. setting his own example by tutoring a young student at a d.c. elementary school each year for the past 18 years. they're moved by his deep devotion to his family. his wife of nearly 30 years and their two daughters, becky and jes jessie. as a family, they indulge their love of hiking, skiing, canoeing and love of america by visiting
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people respect merrick's deep and abiding passion for protecting our most basic constitutional rights. it's a passion i'm told that manifested itself at an early age. one story is notable, indicative of this. as valedictorian of his high school class, he had to deliver a commencement address. the other student speaker that day spoke first and unleashed a firing critique of the vietnam war. fearing the controversy that might result, parents decided to unplug the sound system. the rest of the student's speech was muffled. merrick didn't necessarily agree with the tone of his classmate's remarks, nor the choice of topic, but stirred by a fellow student's voice being silenced, he tossed aside his premare pared remarks and delivered a
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our first amendment rights. it was the beginning of a lifelong career as a lawyer and a prosecutor and as a judge, of others. he has done that work with decency and humanity and common sense and a common touch. i'm proud that he'll continue that work on our nation's highest court. i said i would take this process seriously, and i did. i chose a serious man, an exemplary judge, merrick garland. over my seven years as president, in all my conversations with senators from both parties, in which i asked their views on qualified supreme court nominees, this includes the previous two seats that i had to fill, the one name that
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republicans and democrats alike, is merrick garland. now, i recognize that we have entered the political season or, perhaps, these days, it never ends. a political season that is even noisier and more volatile than usual. i know that republicans will point to democrats who have made it hard for republican presidents to get their nominees confirmed. they're not wrong about that. there's been politics involved in nominations in the past. although, it should be pointed out that in each of those instances, democrats ultimately confirmed a nominee put forward by a republican president. i also know that because of justice scalia's role on the court and in american law, and
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closely divided on a number of issues before the court, it is tempting to make this confirmation process simply an extension of our divided politics. the squabbling that's going on in the news every day. but to go down that path would be wrong. it would be a betrayal of our best traditions. and a betrayal of the vision of our founding documents. at a time when our politics are so polarized, at a time when norms and customs of political rhetoric and courtesy are treated like they're disposable, this is precisely the time when we should play it straight. treat the process of appointing a supreme court justice with the seriousness and care it
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because our supreme court really is unique. it's supposed to be above politics. it has to be. it should stay that way. to suggest that someone is qualified and respected as merrick garland, doesn't deserve a hearing, let alone an up or down vote, to join an institution like our supreme court, when 2/3 of americans believe otherwise, that would be unprecedented. to suggest that someone who has served his country with honor and dignity, with a distinguished track record of delivering justice for the american people, might be treated as one republican leader stated, as a political pinata, that can't be right. tomorrow, judge garland will travel to the hill to begin meeting with senators one on
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i simply ask republicans in the senate to give him a fair hearing. then an up or down vote. if you don't, then it will not only be an add loss of duty, but it'll be something beyond repair. it'll mean everything is subject to the most partisan of politics. everything. it will provoke an endless cycle of more tit for tat and make it impossible for any president, democrat or republican, to carry out their constitutional function. the reputation of the supreme court will inevitably suffer. faith in our justice system will
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our democracy will ultimately suffer, as well. i have fulfilled my constitutional duty. now, it's time for the senate to do theirs. presidents do not stop working in the final year of their term. neither should a senator. i know that tomorrow, the senate will take a break and leave town on recess for two weeks. my ernest hope is that senators take that time to reflect on the importance of this process to our democracy. not what's expedient. not what's happening at the what does this mean for our institutions? for our common life? the stakes, the consequences, the seriousness of the job we
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when they return, i hope that they'll act in a bipartisan fashion. i hope they're fair. that's all. i hope they are fair. as they did when they confirmed merrick garland to the d.c. circuit. i ask that they confirm merrick garland now to the supreme court, so he can take his seat in time to fully participate in its work for the american people this fall. he is the right man for the job. he deserves to be confirmed. i could not be prouder of the work that he has already done on behalf of the american people. he deserves our thanks, and he deserves a fair hearing. with that, i'd like to invite
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words. [ applause ] [ applause ] >> thank you, mr. president. this is the greatest honor of my life. other than lynn agreeing to marry me. also the greatest gift, except -- another caveat -- the birth of our daughters jessie and becky. as my parents taught me by words and deeds, a life of public service is as much a gift to the person who serves as it is to those he is serving. for me, there could be no higher public service than serving as a member of the united states
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my family deserves much of the credit for the past that led me here. my grandparents left the settlement at the border of western russia and eastern europe in the early 1900s, fleeing anti-semitism, and hoping to make a better life for their children in america. they settled in the midwest. eventually making their way to chicago. there, my father, who ran the smallest of small businesses from a room in our basement, took me with him as he made the rounds to his customers. always impressing upon me the importance of hard work and fair dealing. there, my moorhead ther headed the local pta and school board and directed a volunteer service agency, all the while, instilling in my sisters and me the understanding that service to the community is a
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even now, my sisters honor that example by serving the children of their communities. i know that my mother is watching this on television and crying her eyes out. so are my sisters, who have supported me in every step i have ever taken. i only wish that my father were here to see this today. i also wish that we hadn't taught my older daughter to be so add venn venture adventurous, that she'd be hiking in the mountains, out of cell service range, when the president called. it was the sense of responsibility to serve the community instilled by my parents that led me to leave my law firm to be a prosecutor in 1989. there, one of my first assignments was to assist in the prosecution of a violent gang that had come down to the district from new york, took
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and terrorized the residents. the hardest job we face was persuading mothers and grandmothers, that if they testified, we would be able to keep them safe. and convict the gang members. we succeeded only by convincing witnesses and victims that they could trust that the rule of law would prevail. years later, when i went to oklahoma city to investigate the bombing of the federal building, i saw up close the devastation that can happen when someone abandons the justice system as a instead, takes matters into his own hands. once again, i saw the importance of assuring victims and families that the justice system could work. we promised that we would find the perpetrators. that we would bring them to justice.
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that honored the constitution. the people of oklahoma city gave us their trust. we did everything we could to live up to it. trust that justice will be done in our courts without prejudice or partisanship is what, in a large part, distinguishes this country from others. people must be confident that a judge's decisions are determined by the law and only the law. for a judge to be worthy of such trust, he or she must be faithful to the constitution and to the statutes passed by the congress. he or she must put aside his personal views or preferences and follow the law, not make it. fidelity to the constitution and the law has been the corner stone of my professional life.
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of judge i have tried to be for the past 18 years. if the senate sees fit to confirm me to the position for which i have been nominated today, i promise to continue on that course. mr. president, it's a great privilege to be nominated by a fellow chicagoan. i am grateful beyond words for the honor you have bestowed upon me. >> thank you. >> congratulations. [ applause ] >> very emotional judge merrick garland reacting to his nomination to the u.s. supreme court by president obama, who described the last three weeks or four weeks as being an exhaustive process. at the end of the process, he ended with one of the sharpest legal minds of this country. man of dekren cency and integrity. he said what happens now has to be above politics. he urged members of the senate to be fair and said he has
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duty, and he urged senators to fulfill theirs. >> judge merrick garland waiting there, had been interviewed for this job twice before. now, he's having his moment. as i go to you, pete williams, it bares repeating, that while supreme court justice vacancies are rare, vacancies that would change the idealogical balance of the court are rarer still. that is why the stakes are so high here. >> no question about it. one of the main reasons why the senate is taking the position that it is. if this were replacing, say, one of the court's more liberal members during a democratic administration, we wouldn't see probably anything like this. i have the same thought you do watching merrick garland. people on the supreme court always say that basically, lightning has to strike for you to be nominated to the supreme court. because there are lots of qualified judges throughout the country. qualified people in political life who could be nominated and serve well.
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combination of factors. i got the sense that one of the reasons merrick garland is so emotional is he's been up to the brink twiet ce before. not it's happening. not only is he being nominated to the united states supreme court, it's happening when he altar. >> chuck todd is in the studio with us. prior to this announcement, so many on the republican side of the aisle said, no way. not now. no hearings. we don't want to have a meeting. i watched you going over your phone as this was happening. is there any crack in that? >> some crack. for instance, your mainstream conservative senator from missouri said he'd vote against the pick. he said nothing about hearings. other republican senators said, i'm sticking by my pledge of no hearings. wait until the election. for what it's worth, the rnc has
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fundraising and how to frame this argument. breaking, obama nominates clinton pick to the supreme court. meaning, hillary, not bill. to go back to the lightning strike metaphor, it struck for merrick garland. the only shot of getting picked was with a republican senate if a politically difficult time, and the president is walking a tight rope. he may have made the perfect political pick he could have made. i think he maetd de the perfect pick. >> chuck, thanks to you. pete, thanks to you, as well. we'll have more on msnbc and nbc of course, there will be a full wrap on "nbc nightly news" with ireland. >> it's a beautiful country. i've been there a couple of times. >> okay, you kids should not know this, what's your name and where you from? >> andy. >> this may be a question for your dad. ready? how many pints of guinness are
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patrick's day? 13 million? or 24 million? dad, don't say anything. >> "c." so sad. you get my book! pints. you know, and there are 80 million people in the world who have irish passports. so what we really want is someday to have 80 million pints. >> it's a wonderful thing to hope for. >> we have high hopes. >> it's life-changing. kwif equivalent of olympic-sized swimming pools. >> happy st. patrick's day. eugene and daniel levy right
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hit pop tv show. it's called [ bleep ] creek where they share a little bonding time. take a look. >> if you need money, i can give you money. >> well, thank you, david. oh, my god. what are you doing? >> i was trying to give you a hug. >> i get the gesture. >> let's just leave it. >> all right. >> so congratulations. it's a hit. it's been picked up for the third season. >> you have been so supportive of us. >> it's such a thrill to be here, by the way. >> isn't it? >> we are huge fans here. >> talk about that scene. you do a lot of the writing and you are the great improviser. what was going on. was that scripted or all you?
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>> in our room we had a funny premise about what would happen if you go in for a hug in a car and the seat belt snags. the scene was written around the gag and turned out to be this very awkward, lovely moment that just doesn't work out. >> so the high-five was improvise improvised. came in at the end and he responded beautifully by ignoring me. >> what's the relationship like in real life? >> it's great. i mean, listen, it's -- well -- >> to get to come to work every day with your family is like an amazing thing. >> what happens when you disagree on something, or does that ever happen? >> a lot of fist fights. >> it gets physical. no, believe it or not, we haven't had like a lot of disagreements. i don't think we've had any. here. i don't think -- >> i think it helps when -- the
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moved along so smoothly is because we share a very similar sensibility when it comes to like the comedy of it -- so any disagreements or discrepancies are always resolved -- >> the older person usually gets his way. >> that's the way it should be. your daughter is also in the cast, right? >> my daughter, sarah, yes. >> nepotism is alive and really doing well. >> yeah. yeah. >> some people might have a problem with it. hoda does. i don't. i believe keep a family together. >> anybody in your family that's not funny and not talented? >> no. >> my wife deb, that is a fact. >> why isn't she on the show? >> she's not in front of the camera. she has since she had a grade three play and forgot her lines, she's always had this thing
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>> can we play a family game? so since you guys are starring, obviously, in your own show we're going to show you some characters. this is the first one. take a look. who are these people? what show is this? >> oh, that would be the "brady bunch." >> do you know the people? >> the kids and the dad. >> all right. next one up. and go. >> "seinfeld." >> who are the people? >> george costanza and -- >> his dad. >> let's do rapid fire. >> "the munsters." >> freddy munster and his dad. >> eddie. >> all right. ready, go. >> "growing pains."
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>> michael j. fox and his dad. oh, wow. >> i can't remember either. >> "family ties." >> hold on. here's one you both will know. >> simpsons. homer and bart. >> why did you know those two of all the ones? >> the longest running ever. >> by the way -- >> in history. >> 3 of 3. congratulations. >> we were both nominated for best actor for the canadian screen awards that we just had. >> that's not as important as the fact that -- >> it's the first time in the history of the entertainment >> that's fantastic. >> that a father and son have been nominated in the category. >> oh, nice. congratulations. >> in a way only a dad can brag about. >> it wasn't so obvious. >> we love you guys. come back again when you're
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creek" premieres tonight. flying off somewhere from spring break? wait until you see what jill has that will change the way you travel after this. but she's a dentist so...i she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." ...and stronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feel awesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... superior to colgate total... these 5 areas dentists check. this check up? so good. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. mom's right...again!
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unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. oh no this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at and with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" she knew exactly when i'd be there. so she didn't miss a single shot. (cheering crowd) i replaced her windshield... giving her more time for what matters most... how'd ya do? we won! nice! that' s another safelite advantage. thank you so much! (team sing)
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okay. you never know what you'll find when you dig into jill's shopping bag. today our friend and contributor jill martin has brought along a bevy of fun things. >> i like when you say bevy. >> what do you have? >> gadgets that can change your life. warm these up with your hands. all you need is your hand and there's some potion inside. >> no, no, don't open. that's unsafe. there's some potion inside. and it's a heated scooper. when ice cream is really cold you can scoop it out. so that makes it heated. >> smart. >> so that's $19.99.
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you put it in a large fruit. >> it's the cutest. >> i kept saying i carried a watermelon. do you remember from "dirty dancing." and the spigot is in here and you go like this and it becomes watermelon juice. >> where does the juice come from? >> did you juice it and then put it in there? >> yeah. >> i love it, jill. >> and now we're coming over here. this is from sharper image. it's a 360-degree mirror. if you want to see the back of your hair like an updo or whatever is going on, you look over there and -- >> i see jill? >> i can see -- >> you can see the back of your has. >> i don't know. >> 360 degrees. >> unbelievable. >> when you have it -- when you see everything you got kind of thing. >> so that's that.
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>> okay. >> if you look underneath there are speakers there. bluetooth. >> finally some real music. >> thank you, jill. >> it's over? the song is over? >> bluetooth but the speakers are here. your guests can control their own music. >> it's genius. >> take a seat and pretend we're on an airplane. if you go to an airplane you know you're limited. carry-on. and i keep everything in here. a whole carry-on. one. i get everything in my vest. >> it looks a little suspect. >> yeah. >> but, no, it's not suspect. but everything is in here. so that way i get --
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>> yeah, it's up here. two carry-ones. everything here and everything in the vest. >> what about this thing? >> this thing is fabulous. so this thing has a battery inside and you can charge your computer. it gives you 20 hours of extra charge time. >> jill, thank you. >> we are back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we've got some fun friends with us today. auction winners are here, steve, nancy and devon from rehoboth beach. also, kristin, dave and sage escalante. just precious. so glad you're here with us. >> sage, we're wearing your little pin. the little sparrow. we're on the journey with you. >> tell us what your organization is? >> it's not really an
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the swallows mean to me and my journey with cancer. in san juan capistrano all the swallow comes in once a year and it's a big deal. journey. >> you are a lovely girl here with your lovely parents. >> tomorrow we're celebrating st. paddy's day. >> a performance by river dance and celtic thunder. >> plus we'll get cooking. >> doesn't get more irish than john goodman and fabio. >> fabio isn't irish?
11:58 am
jason: a brevard county landmark is gone after a massive lays. michelle: what people have to say about the iconic piece of history being lost forever. mystery solved, the details proving a man who pulled over a woman clermont was not impersonating a cop. jason: who is filling the vacancy on the u.s. supreme court. why people are still at odds
12:00 pm
breaking. this is wesh 2 news at noon in high definition. jason: after a massive fire gutted it. jason guy. michelle: i' m michelle imperato. this fire started in the 10,000 square foot home 17 hours ago. crews are still on the scene as the stream of people looking on has been nonstop today. alex villareal talked to some people seeing history up in flames. alex: fire crews spent the morning looking for and washing
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