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tv   Today  NBC  March 19, 2016 2:07am-3:00am EDT

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even when life isn't. [thwack] the spring home event. from classic to contemporary, havertys. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. welcome. it's try day friday. we made it. >> yes. >> all right. and that's the good news. march 18th, 2016, jenna bush hager is filling in while kathie lee is off.
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haley called "rock bottom." why are we playing "rock bottom" ? it is friday! >> we've hit it. >> guess who is with us today. >> we are so excited. >> guess who has been on the cover of every magazine, in every newspaper. >> we just found him in here. >> the newly engaged ben and lauren are here. "the bachelor" couple. hi, guys. >> hi. >> look at how cute you two are. >> how are you? >> i asked if you are tired. you aren't even tired. >> we've had a couple of really great date nights since the big media press. >> don't tell anything yet. we can't wait to hear. >> we're not going to talk about it. it's a secret. >> don't tell anything yet. >> by the way, do you love our show? >> i am obsessed. >> what do you mean? >> i'm fan girling right now. >> oh, my gosh. we love your show but you're done with your show. are you so glad? >> yeah, normal life. >> we're going to hear all about
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>> thanks for coming to see us. >> thanks for having us. >> if you have grown kids still living at home, you'll love this show. it's call "crowded." we're going to talk with the icarly child star who just happens to also be living in her parents' home as an adult. so we're going to talk about this new comedy. the reigning gold medal champion in judo, kayla harrison, is here and is going to try to teach us a little judo. >> she's won a gold already. >> it's going to be great. do you want to know what, 69 years old and 89 years old looks like these days side by side. take a look at this. this is cher. she posted this picture of herself and her mom. georgia. this is what 70 and 90 looks like. in may, of course. what day? may 20th. it's just sick. >> you love cher that much? >> joanne has cher parties when cher has a birthday.
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just joanne and her friends. anyway, she says that her mom wakes up -- this is how her mom is, makeup free. >> beautiful, right? >> i love that song, too. i love her mom's explanation. she said her secret to looking good? good genes. >> and getting to the gym into her 80s. >> that's awesome. >> so great. >> take a look at how rob lowe and his son johnny look identical. rob lowe does not age. >> rob lowe is fine. >> what does he put on that skin? >> who is that in the background? >> that's his son johnny. >> most look at the young ones. dad is 52 and his son is 20. >> if you were watching "american idol" it was very emotional last night. there's a contestant who is on the show. her name is la porsche. she's been through a difficult time and opened up on "american idol" and talked about the alleged abuse she had to deal with in the relationship with
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she claimed she had to leave him and moved into a shelter. while she was there and this terrible time in her life, she decided that she was going to try something that she's always wanted to try. she auditioned for "american idol." after telling her story last night she sang this song by mary j. blige called no more drama. look what happened after that. [ cheers and applause ] >> it takes a lot to overcome. it takes a lot to overcome. it takes a lot of strength. so to overcome those things in your life. everybody knows, we've all been through stuff like that. you know what i mean? honestly, you are an inspiration. it was so beautiful. you put it in your music. you don't overdo it. you do it the way it's supposed to.
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thank you for that moment. >> oh, my god, that was beautiful. >> i hope she wins. laporsche. vote for laporsche. >> we're voting for her. i don't know how, but we're going to. >> we are going to. >> okay, so this is something to help new parents everywhere. maybe it will help me. this is a new dad. he made a discovery. his two-week baby daughter loves the "star wars" trailer. take a look. [ crying ] >> oh, my gosh. >> what's going on? >> is she looking at the screen? >> yeah, she's watching the trailer.
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for -- >> oh, my gosh. so she's watching the trailer, but my favorite thing is she sort of puts her hand on her chin. >> pondering. >> she's pensive. they posted this video online and wrote after talking, singing and making silly faces to calm my crying 2-week-old daughter i called upon the force. i am proud to say i am her father. >> what do you do when you've -- when your kids aren't sleeping and you've tried rocking and feeding and changing, all the things and nothing is happening. what do you do? >> when mila was a baby, she really liked blurred lines by robin thik. kind of inappropriate, but whatever. my grandma didn't believe it. she doesn't care about "blurred lines." we played it she was crying and then bopping up and down. >> so music soothes her. >> music is soothing. >> we were on the show awhile ago there was this video that came out we were obsessed with because this woman is supposed to be soothing people. she's a whisperer. she goes on youtube and folds
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it's very weird, but people likey. >> my name is maria and i'm here to tell you about asmr. autonomous sensory meridian response. it's a -- >> tingling. >> tingling experience -- feeling that you experience when you hear soft sounds. >> watch. she just points to random countries. look. >> africa. south america. >> watch her folding. this is good. >> wait.
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>> i don't know what to say. >> it's oddly mesmerizing but creepy. >> remember bob ross who had the joy of painting show? >> yes. it feels like that. >> i used to watch that. i don't know why. >> but you were learning something. >> fold the corner. take the corner, fold it down. yes, and crease it. like it's weird. i started getting creeped out this time. before it was soothing. this time it was weird. yourself? we're all like babies, by the way. we need something to go to. >> you know what's weird? when i'm in bed and i cannot sleep, i find a law & order channel. and for some weird reason, "law & order" on low running all the time puts me dead asleep. you know why? i know every episode. i know it's murder. that should not put me to sleep. whenever i start hearing like nighty night, it's awesome. >> we listened to books on tape.
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total disaster because growing up my parents read to us before we went to bed every night. so we'd be like one page in and, henry would look over and he's like, great, this is going to be really fun. >> conched out. so we have something here. these are mystery flavored easter peeps. because easter's coming up. we're told they're not gross. >> please don't make us eat fish again. >> i guess they don't tell you what they are. you have to buy them and guess. we're going to try. >> let's try this. >> what is a peep? >> i don't know. >> that is -- >> sugar. >> keep going. keep going. there's a flavor in there. >> i guess you have to eat a lot of it. >> sugar. >> chocolate milk. >> what? >> nah. >> ready? calories. i love sweets, but --
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>> buttered popcorn. >> that's what i meant. >> they all taste the same. >> they do. >> i need a palate cleanser. >> i'm not into it. are you? >> if you like peeps -- >> it just made me drool. why is it sour? >> it says sour cherry. >> are you okay? are you gagging? are you dry heaving? >> i don't like that. i just don't like it. >> okay. is that better? drink this, too. are you all right? >> did you like that? >> no, but i'm not dry heaving. are you dry heaving or just -- >> no, i just don't like it. >> is that what you do when you don't like something. >> that's scary. >> doesn't that taste disgusting? >> i thought you were going to barf. that was disgusting. sour cherry, not great. >> it made my mouth water in a weird way. >> the only thing that makes me throw up is somebody else throwing up, so i was afraid of
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[ laughter ] is it okay or not okay to take vacations with your ex? celebrity exes like gwyneth paltrow and chris martin have taken vacations after a separation. here's what kathie lee and i had to say. >> of course it's okay. especially when there are children involved. sadly marriages come to an end but a family is forever. >> that's beautiful. >> thank you. >> i say as long as you're doing it for the right reasons then i guess it's okay. >> what would be a wrong reason. >> if you want to get back together. one does, one doesn't. >> oh, yeah. >> whatever. coming up, his bachelor days are over. he's found the woman of his dreams. ben higgins and lauren let us in >> yes!
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if you take multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse, spray or gel, so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. jill and kate
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same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. for about three months we've had a blast following along with the rest of america as the "bachelor's" ben higgins
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beautiful women all looking to fall in love. most probably were. >> one or two was looking for fame. it finally came down to two, jojo and lauren b. ben got down on one knee monday night and proposed to his true love. >> yeah, take a look. >> you're my person. i love you. i love you. >> lauren, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. will you marry me? >> ben! yes. what? >> you're my person. >> you're my person. >> you're my person. >> i'm lucky. >> i'm so lucky. >> are you kidding me? i'm the luckiest girl. >> you're my person. >> you're my person. you've been saying you're my person ever since you guys said it. you were totally -- first of all, welcome. and thanks. >> thanks for having us. >> you were so cutely giggling through the whole thing.
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on. why were you laughing? >> i think i was just so nervous honestly. i watch it back and i am like, why was i laughing? >> it's one of those inappropriate laughters. >> exactly. >> i can't control it. >> i was so happy and nervous and overwhelmed that that's just what kind of came out. >> when she was walking down the stairs toward me, she tripped on her heels. so she was a little giggly from that, too. >> oh, gosh. >> at least then you got proposed to. >> i'm going to have to give jenna props. when we were deciding who we thought was going to win. i thought you were going to pick jojo. >> guess who i chose? >> she chose obviously the winner. now why was i wrong? i want you to explain why i'm not correct. >> well, i think, early on in the whole process, like lauren had something that really stood out to me. and then as it came down to
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those other people involved, i could not picture my life without this woman. so, you know, that was never a doubt to me. i just could never say goodbye to her. that's why you're wrong. she belongs in my life forever. >> i always wonder b you take the red eye from california. you have a crazy week of interviews and whatever. photos. >> yes. >> have there been any grumpy moments? when i get off a red-eye with my husband i'm like, where's my bag? >> not grumpy so much. more delirious, though. just kind of out of it for me at least. >> have you learned anything about each other? >> last night at dinner she was like, so when you weren't talking in the car that first day, you were tired, right? >> yes, okay. we're getting that through. we were super tired so we were just quiet the whole day. >> that's getting to know you. you've been under the spotlight for so long. coming up now it's going to be like it's wednesday. should we order in or cook. it's going to get into the
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how do you envision those days? >> i mean, she's moving to denver. she wanted to do that. that was something we talked about. and i think most of our days will consist of right now a lot of us time. we need that. and just going out to dates and going grocery shopping is something she really wants to do. >> you like that? >> i love grocery shopping. >> you do? >> i do. it's calming. >> we know, cereal. that's mine. >> you're projecting again. >> i hate when i do that. >> okay. we have to bring in amanda. do you know amanda? >> we just met. >> amanda has been our eyes and ears because a lot of times we don't stay up. >> i don't know you, but i feel i know you. >> do you have any questions? >> right off, one question. when you started the show, was there ever a moment that you thought what did i get myself into? what did i do? am i nuts? >> that's a good question. >> often, yeah.
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>> i mean, it's very real. it's very real and that's what makes it so confusing and hard at times. you are in these situations life doesn't prepare you for. you are trying to make the right decision and not hurt anybody in the process. there's so many times that your head is spinning like, what am i doing? why did i put myself through this. >> now you're getting married. can we come? can we come? >> it would make her world. >> it would be an honor. >> guest of honor. >> i didn't ask that, but okay. >> you have a final rose, i think here. >> what? >> well, yeah, there's one rose left. we thought you gave it to lauren b., but i think he's going to jenna b.h. >> it doesn't sound like he wanted to. you just forced him. >> we'll let him decide. jojo picker. >> is she part of this? >> yes.
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>> no, she's not part of it. >> no pressure at all, ben. >> who is more team lauren the whole time? >> who hosts the show most of the time? [ laughter ] >> all right. it's definitely for jenna. >> thank you so much. >> did you ever want to do this? >> looking for a new look, the hottest hairstyle for spring. >> plus, the reigning gold champion in judo. kayla harrison teaches us her moves. >> as we head down the road to rio coming up right after this. uh, hello geico?... yeah, i was just talking about your emergency roadside service and how it's available 24/7 and then our car overheated... what are the chances? can you send a tow truck please? uh, the location? you're not going to believe this but it's um... it's in a tree. i wish i was joking, mate, but it's literally stuck in a tree. (car horn honking) a chainsaw? no, no, all we really need is a tow truck. day or night, geico's emergency roadside service is there for you. r is that ice cream?
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breyers gelato indulgences. p you really wouldn't like it. it's got caramel and crunchy stuff. i like caramel and crunchy stuff. breyers gelato indulgences... p
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we are less than six months away from the opening ceremony in rio in brazil. >> oh, yes. and we've got an olympic champion in the house. reigning gold medalist in judo
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the first american woman ever to win gold. >> she is here to teach us some moves. hey, girl. >> hi. >> congratulations on the gold, and congrats on rio. >> who are you? >> this is my teammate jack. he's here. maybe you guys can throw him around a little bit. >> talk about your old roommate from back in the day for a quick minute. >> i think everybody has heard of her. ronda rousey is your roommate from before. when you went to the olympics the time she was there, you went as her sparring partner? >> yeah, i went to beijing as a training partner for ronda. it was a great opportunity for me to see what the olympics are like without feeling the pressure and also seeing my teammate take the bronze medal. >> would you ever think of joining her in the mma? has she called you and is begging you?
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mma is something i will definitely consider after the olympics. ronda and i definitely wouldn't be fighting because she's a lot smaller than me. >> have you always loved this since you were a little girl? >> yes, i have. from the moment i stepped on the mat, i like throwing people. [ laughter ] >> are you going to throw us? >> she can't lift us. we're -- >> she said she could. >> i thought you guys could follow me -- >> can you show us something. >> is this the way we're supposed to go? >> it's like a bathrobe. >> just for today's purposes we'll just -- >> so now what do we do? >> and you're ready. >> so now what do we do? the first thing you always do in judo is bow. >> can we take our shoes off? >> too late. >> i'm nervous for you. we don't want any ankles to go. >> mine are not easy. >> okay. one down. one on, one off, right?
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now we have 30. >> so you're going to grab right here on my gi. that's what this is called. give me a hug around the waist. turn, turn, turn. >> you're going to turn and pull as hard as you can. >> one, two, three, go. >> oh! oh, my god, i did something. >> one, two, three, here we go. >> one, two, three. >> nice. >> can you help me up. more after your local news. >> that was fun.
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cheez-it grooves are the perfect union of a cheez-it and a chip. you mean like they got married? umm... i guess... you'd make a pretty bride in that wedding gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... hey everyone, joe's getting married! bam bam ba bam. oh, i'm not. we take time for our cheese to mature in our crispy cheez-it grooves. look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. don't use windex to make windows spotless and clear! go see my big fat greek wedding 2 and learn how to use
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on weird stuff! not on windows! who's got tickets? i do! i'm okay! there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. plus energy support. helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. you get a cold. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right it is try day friday. jenna bush hager is in for kathie. if you are having a run of bad hair days, you've come to the right place. >> the forces behind the lucari. check out the spring fashion
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hairstyles. >> look at the dynamic duo. >> how is this going by the way? >> it is over the top. >> no buyer's remorse. >> no. call it kismet. >> first trend. >> we're talking about springtime. >> we're talking about the pixie. talk to us about the pixie. >> spring is the time to make a change. a lot of women think they can't wear short hair. we have ways to soften it. we take it from the runway and make it wearable. definitely a big trend. >> we're going to show you a young lady named megan. this is megan. okay. and now let's take a look right here because megan is stepping into the chair. tell us what's you did with her hair. >> so, i mean, it's not bad. it's just a bit boring and she was a little nervous. once we introduced the idea of having short hair but making it soft. this is a way if you look at the
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here it's softer. he changed the shape that suits her beautiful round face. it's wearable, soft and i think dynamic. >> what do you think? >> i love it, yeah. >> what we did here, too, she had dark hair. she wanted to try out a different color. i made her into this blond. >> i love that color. >> yes. >> the cool thing about this, this is what makes it different. there's a shadow there. so the highlights come out of nowhere. and that's what it's all about. it's not like the old days -- if it's a perfect madison avenue highlight, you're out of style. you have a shadow. right on. >> thank you. now we have a thing called the lob. what's the lob? >> the new bob. >> the bob is always in. the bob has been around since cleopatra. you look at what we saw on the runway, beachy texture. how do you make that into a wearable hairstyle? the lob is really cool. >> this is heidi's before picture. can we just say something? look at heidi. someone look at heidi. >> your hair. >> tell us about that.
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>> here's what we did. highlights again don't have to be all over. they are changing. hair color, haircuts are the quickest changing fashion. and your best accessory. what i did here, instead of highlights all over, i just put in like literally, i think four foils. but look at what those four foils do. >> she looks like natalie. >> she does. natalie morales. >> and this is a beautiful way to wear a bob. and the texture, you don't have to be professional. wrap it around an iron. leave the ends straight. it's a little beachy but much more wearable. this is a hot, hot haircut. because braids are -- >> i love a braid. >> over the top. >> tell us about that. >> braids are quick. they're easy. you can make them as you see on the runway.
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runways are more severe. >> let's see xena before. >> you have great hair. >> how beautiful. >> people are after her hair. >> how do you incorporate the braids to make it work for your hairstyle. we've done a big chunky braid to the side. we incorporate it with a natural, beautiful finish. >> what about the highlights down there. what's going on down there? >> this is -- obviously she has the most beautiful hair color. this color naturally, leave it alone. when it starts to go gray, then you play with it. these are actually extensions. >> show how he's doing it. >> it's so simple to do. they are literally taped on. >> where do you tape them? >> in the hairline. you can have fun with color. they come out easily. you can get them most places and really play it up for a day or evening look. models love it. >> you can -- five minutes before the show. >> let's bring all of our lovely
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thank you guys. >> by the way, nice coupling, you, two. miranda cosgrove is all grown up with a new show. parents and their kids will love. >> if you don't have your little ones easter outfits yet. hop to it with these adorable looks. >> i can't handle it. >> look how cute they look. mmm... i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe... we're on a whale. [whale] i can't believe they talked me into this. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real, simple ingredients. unbelievable taste. oh it's real! enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good!
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the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this.
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boy: this is the story of a boy who was very sensitive to lights and sounds. so he built secret hiding places where nothing could get in. the boy didn't like looking people in the eye. it made him feel uncomfortable. one day, he found out he had something called autism. his family got him help. and slowly he learned how to live with it better. announcer: early intervention can make a lifetime of difference.
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this is great. only 22 years old. already been a superstar for half of her life. we're talking about actress and singer miranda cosgrove who burst on to the scene when she was 10 as summer hathaway in jack black blockbuster "school of rock." she then enjoyed huge success playing the title role on the
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>> now she's in a comedy called "crowded" where she plays a college brainiac just a little too self-aware, except when it comes to romance. >> so that was your first kiss? >> yes. i never told anyone that story. even our co-workers at the renaissance fair. he may have only been a jester, but he was my knight that day. >> girls, game is starting. >> oh, no. we didn't practice. we did the exact thing everybody accuses our generation of. we agree we deserve to win but didn't do the work. >> we love the premise of this show. it is -- you are a college kid and your sister, too. they decide to come back home and live with mom and dad and then everyone starts coming home. and it's crowded. >> the domino effect. they all come back and our parents aren't that excited about it. i can definitely relate to it because i live with my parents. >> and you're in college.
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>> how is that living at home. you've been on your own a little bit. how does it feel living at home? >> i like it. i mean, but i have my own place, too, but i spend most of my time at my parents' house. >> how come? >> my mom does my laundry, she's always there to watch tv with me. i like being around my parents. >> you play a brainiac, a supersmart kid. describe your character for us. >> my character is named shea moore. she wants to be an astrophysicist, which i can't say i relate to that part of it. her sister is always helping her because she wasn't popular in high school. they weren't really friends. when neither of them are doing well after college they enter -- they're in the same boat, not being able to get a job, and they actually become close. >> you are 22 years old. you've kept a really grounded life. you were a kid star. how have you become this awesome woman that we see today? we're so proud of you.
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i guess, well, my mom is here with me today, but i guess my parents are a big help for sure, and just that, like, i really do like spending a lot of time with them and always know i have somebody to go to. >> going to college, a lot of people when they get on the superstar route, which you were on that track, don't say, wait a minute. i'm going to go to college. what made you decide to do that and kind of change gears a little bit? >> i started acting when i was little, like 3 or 4. it was always -- my mom was like you can save up money for college. so it was always my goal and then i ended up loving acting so much. that's what i want to do, but i still wanted to go to college. >> so grounded. >> so awesome. when you're in school, are there ever any time, boys or people are like, oh, i've seen you on that nickelodeon show. i loved you. >> i was friends with a girl. we were in a study group. she was like you look like the girl from icarly.
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that's me. >> or you could have been like, >> oh, god, no, not her. miranda. >> good job, mom. >> mom is awesome. we love that mom. >> teach us some tricks, mom. >> "crowded" airs sunday nights here on nbc at 9:30, 8:30 central. you got to make an appointment >> fun for the family. it's bright and bold and this spring. >> how to wear the hottest shoes -- hue of the season. >> adorable outfits for the egg
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let your eyes decide. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. a heart attack doesn't care if you run everyday, or if you're young or old. no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin. cheez-it grooves are the perfect union of a cheez-it and a chip. you mean like they got married? umm... i guess... you'd make a pretty bride in that wedding gown. oh, it's a lab coat so... hey everyone, joe's getting married! bam bam ba bam. oh, i'm not. we take time for our cheese to mature in our crispy
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okay. easter is only a week away. if you haven't already found an outfit we have adorable fashion to help them look their sunday best. >> senior lifestyle editor for amy e. how are you? >> fabulous. >> one of our favorite kind of
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off our kids. trend, and we have two lovely little girls. be our executive producer's daughters. tell us what they are wearing. >> of course that rose quartz is one of pantone's hot colors of the year and goes beautiful in easter with the light pink. i love this dress on alana. it has that great tropical print this is from tommy hilfiger. the boots from joy folie. absolutely stunning. her. then for ashlin. the hard polka dot with the matching dress. that 1960s retro look. she also has some short booties with bows. >> i love the glasses. >> we love it. thanks. >> we love you. okay.
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rhapsody. we have the darling models, victoria, amelia and blake. >> i love the idea of doing a lot of trends. and making it super fresh. >> oh, and they're egg-hunting. >> stripes are really in and of course the embroidery is super on trend for the season. she's wearing a poncho and the bold, bold dress colors. >> what is in it? >> what's in there? >> oh, candy. >> fantastic. >> drop the mike. >> tell us a little more. >> her ensemble is from pink chicken. the shoes are actually from garnet hill and they are italian leather and hand made. so adorable. and blake who found all those treasures in the egg has one from blue rooster. the embroidered short and from gap kids. >> thanks, guys.
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>> it's candy! >> nice talking to you. >> bye, guys. >> bye, guys. >> these are your kids. >> these are my babies. they are showing how to wear the short story. this is how to dress up shorts for the season. roan is wearing different separates. yeah, you can take a basket, it's okay. this is from gymboree. it shows you how to wear shorts for the holiday. striped shirt here. i love a vest on the little boy. the bow tie is all of $5 which is a great, great find. and i love his shoes. they are like chambray sneakers from old navy. and a romper with pieces from joy folie. starting can accessories for $14. >> you all look great. let's bring out our next kid. we want to make sure all the children get out here.
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>> bye. >> a really bold plaid and on kona, she has a great accessory. isn't it nice and bold? these are from gap kids and the sunny yellow cardigan. we've seen that yellow everywhere on the red carpet. i love the shoe from old navy. grant did a great job. that's from abercrombie kids. the parka is a nice way to dress it up and h & m pants. and i love the tropical. >> come on. >> thanks, kids. bye guys. >> this is called gazebo groupies. drew and alexa. >> styling. >> this is a different way. they look like they're doing separates. look at that sweater blazer. these are everywhere for boys this season. h & m chinos on and great finishing old navy sneakers. and she's got a great dress. botanical florals. >> let's bring everyone out.
2:55 am
>> nice job, everybody. coming up next, lilliana has the color of the season. >> and everything is under 50 bucks. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected every week, every month, every year you ready ma? always life is unpredictable, so embrace it! head and shoulders. live flake free for life working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain.
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2:57 am
geico motorcycle,
2:58 am
hey. we love coming in the dressing room. >> i love having you. >> what is the hue of this season. >> yesterday was all about green, st. paddy's day. today is about cobalt. it looks good on princesses, the
2:59 am
>> she looks good. accessory. these are a great lace-up. these are from shopakira. >> i love these. under $50. >> what would you wear that >> i love it with a dress. >> what color dress? >> i wouldn't wear it with this color. i'd wear it with white, nude. >> black maybe? >> black looks great. >> this is only $19.99 from marshalls. how gorgeous are these necklaces? if you don't want to make a huge statement you can incorporate it into jewelry. swatch watches are back and huge for spring. love this from opi. i love this name. my car has navy-gation. best eyeliners on the market. gorgeous girls. and car coat from on sale today under $50. and how cute is that shift dress from >> a little shirt poking out -- >> it's built in to the dress. >> how are you feeling?
3:00 am
>> i think so. i think i'm getting sick. should i stand over here? where you are. being here. everybody. >> you're welcome. you're welcome. >> sorry about the peeps. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to put it in context and educate you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. or be nice and tweet me @jimcramer.


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