tv BBC World News PBS July 7, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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bycet in los angeles. funding was made possible the freeman foundation of neyork, stowe vermt, and honolulu. e newman's own foundati and the john. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. >> ethnic tensions bl over in china costs far west. authorities are struggling to contain the violence and impose a curfew. >> ty are carrying homemade weapo like wooden poles and steel poles and other implements. they're saying the authities are not dng theob, so they will take into their own hands. >> if a final farewell- fans, frien, and family patriots to
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the king of pop. >> daddy has beethe best father you could ever imagin and i just wanted to say i love him so much. [applause] >> burying ourold war past -- barack oama asks russianto work for commogoals. welcome to bbc world news, broadcast on pbs in america and ound the globe. ming up ler, the cost of living in the ci. new survey reveals where the price is wrong. an a satirical lk -- a satirical feedi frenzy. meet the puppeteersn kenya pong funt their politicians.
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>> the chinese ahorities are struling to clamp do on the wors ethnic violence the cotry has seen for ma decades. they have impos a nighttime curfew d the far western province of xinjiang, wher three days of violence he lost it -- have left at lea 150 people dead crowd carrying weapons of bn n the streets of the capital. thisethnic vience between the lower- the local uighur counity and the han chinese. we have this report. >> in this moslemuarter, hundre of uighur women pour to the streets and rushe to confro the troops who have taken contr of their neigorhood. old men and women alike should their fis and demanded the retu of their n had that have bn rounded up over night accused of taking part in the riots. thesdefenders of chinese rule rely come fees -- rarely come ce-to-face with such defiance,
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but they did today a they retreated. the most extordinary senes here are hundreds of local women, many of them uighur women have gathered on the strt. despitthe fact therere lots of arme police here, ey are outing we want our freedom, we want our men back. >> it would be ev better to shoot us and tell us at that -- and then to livelike this. the people who protested th other day, men and women, we heard there reilled and died in a very tragic way. >> the women they said wou not be arrested. d later in the city center, a body of han chine men decided it was their turn take to the streets. hundredsf h chinese have been marching through the center of urumqi all afternoon, saying
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down with the uighurs and protect xinjiang. hey are crying wooden poles, steelpoles, and other implements. they say theuthorities are not doing the job and so they will take it into their own hds. >> at the moment, every country is safe guarding world peace and harmony. weave to do this d our nationhould unite. ur society is such aood one. why can't we liv normally i it? han bore t brt of the attacks during sund's riots. the violence was sparked by the kiings of veral thousand les away in southern china. uighur groups say that video placed on thenternet show the n running for his life from the han chine. they claim he is one ofwo killed after false rurs of uighuren attackinganwomen. what happens nxt is too distbing to show.
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this evenin more paramilitary troops arrived in urumqi to restore t peace. but the o groups to share the ci had never seen so far art. >> which al begs thequestions -- why are there different tensions betwn ethnic groups in china and has the chine government bece more open its reportingf unrest? our secury correspondent has this report. >> at the tensions and a place largely unknown to the rt of the world. uighurs and han chinese he been simmering f years. th uighurs , and has been cupied. >> the oppression has reached an unbearable lel. thave and our lauage from school and tranorted growth in he countryside to the interi. they have arrested 15,000 people the last two years and have
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no accs to lawyers. >> more and more people in the worl have witnessed the conspiracy oforeign forces to separate cnese territory and thviolent nature of their behavior. >> in china, there are officiall55 ethnic minorities. the largest are in the inner mongolia, tibet, and of the uighurs in xinjiang province. but tse ofhe ones that get th most ethnic tent -- most -- the mos inteational atteion. last year, t chinese media said an attack i xinjiang province kild 16 policemen. hnic uighurs were bmed. separatist uighurs havebeen imprisoned in gantanamo bay. last summer, that erupted into violence. it s heavily reprsed with rtial law and journalists we kept out.
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there is intertional condemnati. this time,he authorities ar being surprisingly open. >> i think the chinese government has learned lsons from its handlingf the right thing in tibet lastear. last year, thehinese govement did not allow any internatnal journalist in an out strongly criticized domeically and internionally. met the chinese govnment position d not gain any sympathy. >> for the chines premier and the der leadership, this is largely about damage limitation. lar this year, theyill be celebrating 60 years of the people's repubc, so they want e population to seehan chinese a the victims and the instigators coming from outside ina. the violence in xinjiangs in the world spotlig. and now the batt begins as to just who is to blame. >> more the main news for yo -- the united natio refugee agency is reporting huge odus. re than two hundred thousand people from the capitaof
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somaa because fightg between government and islamic insuents has escaled fierce. the clashes have forced doctors without froners to thdraw from the north of city for th first time in years. itas had tolose a ildren's hoital and three health clinics. the iraqi government has bned all oanized visits by schoolchildren to the grave of saddam hussein. so iraqi schools have taken people tvisit the site noh of baghdad. water rationing has been impose in india's mo heavily populate city for the first time in livi memory. because of poor monsoon rains, supplieso the0 million resides have been reded by 20%. authoriti say taps will run dry if the full monsoon does not arrive soon. a training camp ed by mitants loyal to the taliban leaders inakistan has been attened in a suspected aack by u.s. dnes.
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offials say the missile srike in the tril area destroyed t camp. they sai14 militants were killed. enever the controversies of the past,t was byny stanrd, a fitting tribute to a pop icon. a hugeublic memorialservice in los anges has been celebrating the lifef michael jacksonwho died suddenly almost two weeks ago. condolence came from far and de. the wordsf nelson mandela among th and jackson's 11 year-old daughter. sic from stevie wonder, smokey robinson and oers. we have this report from the aples center in los angeles as family and friendsid farewell. >> michael jacks was brought back into the limelight one last time he star who was delighted in publity and strove to he from it once agaiwas the focus of the world's attentn.
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his childn have en largely keptway from the cameras since theifather's death. today, they urned with the st of the mily. >> ever since i was born, daddy has been the best father you can never image. i just want to say i love him so much. >> tis was a public memorial. it was also an intensely private affair. > i love you michael, and i will miss you. >> mariahcarey was the first start to appear. lionel richie. then stevie wonder performed in front of michael jkson's
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cfin here. late inront of the stage where he was rehearsing his lonn concerts in the days before his death. then, micel jackson spo in a video montage of his life. when ty showed the signature moonwalk michael jackson's fans cheered. jermaine jackson sgis broth's a favorite song, "smile" by charlie chaplin. ♪ >> is was the first we saw of michael jackson's coffin. earlier, jt after a short private memoria the polic closed l angeles's highways for the funer coege. in downtown los angeles, ns queued up for the public memorial. inside, the next generatio
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performed. a2-yearld, a finalist in "briin has got talent" seven years older than michael jason was when hisareer that started. >> i want to thank him s much for blessing me and every single individual on this earth wit hi amazing music. thank you very much. i love you michael jackso >> the ending came steadily in -- this spelli -- fittingly with this. the song for africahich michaejackson wrote. >> it was rlly interesting. it was reallyomber at times. grieving the loss. th really joyful remembing everhing he gave to his this world. >> everybody is crushe all over e world. >> and and michael jackson left the stage. for man he was a controversy all, faded pop star. but thereave been few
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artists like him and today, even in death, michael jacksonas stillaffling fans around the world. >> 's time to bury the antagonism of t cold war. that was president obama's message to russian stents in scow today. he ofered a more mixed assessment of the russian ime minister,calling in tou, rewd, and pragmatic. e made it clear tat on some issueshe does notexpect a meeting the mindsnytime soon. we havethis report from moscow. >>president obama began his second day her with t drive outside scow. to arucial meeting with the foer president, n prime minister vladimir putin just few days ago, president obama accused him ofaving 1 foot in the past coldar mentality.
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but today, he switched on the charm. >> i am awa of not only the extraornary wo you have done onehalf of the russian people in your prious role as preside, but in yr current role as prime minier. >> while the eakfast meeting look relaxed, mr obama would have been looked from -- would ve looked for reassurance fr mr. putin on the agreements signed on moay to reset the agreemts between moscow and washington. themerican president then turned to the center of moscow deliver his b speech her it was a chanceto address the ssian peoe. it included an important statement on the controversy lachute of georgia and ukraine joining nato. >> america will never impose a security arranment on another country tradfor any country to become a membe of an ganization like na, for example, the majority ofts people must choose to, theyust underte reforms and contrute
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to the alliance's mission. le me be clear -- nato should be seeking llaboration with much --collaboration with russia, notonfrontation. but they heard t american president stressed tt neither countr should seek a series of inuence in the world. >> gad to he you with us on bbc world news. ill to come, prince chars leeds attributeto the familie who lost loved ones in te july 7 mbings. rst, in the rete jungle of eastern bolivia,the government has seized and destred what it lieves is the country's largest cocaine processing plant. the countras the world's thd largest cocae producer. ut it stopped cperatingith ameri's war on drugs last yr and expelled u.s. agen. bolivia seize thisajor raid as a victory and vindicaon of
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their decision to go it alone. we have thireport. >> the remote ngle provides coror one of the poore south american country's few thrivingrades -- cocaine. a huge procsing plant was found in march and authorities say they have uncovered bigger operatio they say could produce up to 100 kilos of cocaine every d. the interior minister flew in to see for himself. this is the mt impornt hit against dr-trafficking in a long time. we're hoping the dismantlingf these laboratoriesnd industrial plantsthat produce drugs and produce cocaine ll continue. >> until recently, cocoa farmersn bolivia uld have had their far up rooted as part of the u.s. war on drugs. but the current president is a former cocoa rmer himself.
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he say the traditional use of cocoa, at datingack thousands of years, should n be confus with the drug ade. that s put h at odds wh the u.s.. lastear, he ordere u.s. agents out of bolivia, accusing them of spying and destalizing the countr in return, e u.s. -- the u.s. suspended trade benefits. eplains why the libyansre so keen to trpet theuccess as a vincation of its policy targeting cocaine gangs rather than farme. >> the test headlines for you on bbc world news chinese authorities e struggling to clamp down on the worst ethni violencehe country has seen for many decades. ana hugeublic memorial in los angeles haseen celebratg micha jackson, who di suddenly almost two weeks ago.
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a memorial has been unveed in london to victims o the bomb attack onhe city's transport system four years a. 52 people we kild one o four islamic extremts blew themselves up on three underground trains anbus. 52 ta stainless steel pillars make u the memorial in hy ark, one for each victim. >>in a summer delugen the edge ohyde park, on that jul moing four yes ago, ndon had beco the latest western target of islac terrorism. he memorial has 5two colors, one for each of the victim some of their families had been involved in formulang the degn. >> we want pele to walk through it and touch it. we want children to be able to play in it as well most of the people who died were quityoung. we wanteit to be user- friendly, if y like. >> the suicide bombs blew up a
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bus and three underground trains at the hght of rush hou seeral hundred peoplwere iured in th act of mass murd. here for theeremony, the prime minister and leaders of the other political parties. the prince of wales, o first met the families after the bombings, spokeo them again prately today before the ceremony. the victims were remembered indidually, all ages, various nationities, different religions. the ual cross sectn of london travers. with their names in the air, a mite of silence to flect o what had bn lost. >> we have been privileged be in the privileg of so many dignifie survivorand their families of pele who were lost with all the sorrow, there has been a great joyn today as well. >>52amilies chged forever on the seventh of july 2005.
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>> hope that it has issued a plea for financiaworld order thats moreocially just. the so-called charity ierest calls for an end and therofit at all costslobal mentality. the document has been published on the eve of the g-8 sumned and talks abt howto tackle the growingisparity between rich and poor nation if you are nextat looking to gethe mosbang for your buck, where she lived? the next -- is sai to go to jonnesburg and steer clear of tokyo. we ll hear in a momt from south rica where reporter reckons he can make e most of his money. but first, we get to our correspondent inapan, where the st of living is sky high. pele who li in japan don't need to be told it's an
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expensive place to be an expatriate. rand is high. it costs t same to ha a car parking spa in this city as the be to have a whole apartment in some other places. food is expeive. is supermket behind me, a watermon is $15 ana man go is $25. with ficial confirmation that tokyo is the world's most expensive place to be an extriate, japan's otr great metropolis is at no. 2. one reasonhy is the relive strength of the japaneseen. it's seens somethingf a safe haven in the global financl turmoil. but that is bad news if you happen to be paid inollars or pounds or euros. >> this is melvill in johnesburg. according to the surve south africas one of the cheapest places in the worldo live.
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. ta this restaurant. just under $4. along this street,ou can buy a beer for just under two dolrs and a bottlef wine for eight or $9. by internationaltandards, food, drink, andating ou is prettyheap. but it is impoant to bear in mindthe normal cosof ving has gone up markedlin the last year or so. take this loaf of bread. the cost h gone u. internationally,ost of living isheap here, places like this, lik thatestaurant, are out of the reach of many normalouth africa. >>thank you. cedras in kenya are using the power of televion to have a few latex lghs at those who run the country. the afcan countries widely consider to have a desperate record on governance.
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a new show is ung puppets to have a pot at their policians. >> i'delighted to say we filly got an exclusive interview with the president o kenya. we have been waiting many years. good afternoonsir. thank you for agreeinto talk to us. me and my producer. and my cameraman. and if you like to take a seat over here. mr. president, can th coalition government altogher? >> welcome to kenya's "political puppets." is a chancefor wrers and puppetee to delvinto a murky anoften dirty world. the caracters are based on don't come out of it t well.
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the mbers of the often bickering coalition governmt show if he signsf gluttony at a recent breakfast prayer meeting. while the team fine t's the sce, i sat back on theofa with mous son of kenya who had st flown in on and air force one. and the man behind t show is east africa's best known cartoonists who has be keeping satiricaeye on the country's leers for years. he is keen to point out the feuding politicians mayave joined han in a coalition, but corruption lives on and hatchets are hardly varied. do you feel is your job a duty toxpose his things the politicians areoing in ken? >> i think it everybody's duty. i don't think you can put th
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esponsibility on to one person or onendividual. every iividual should coemplate to see we expose what is happening as far as cruption. >> some of the puppeteers are used to working with marionees, of manipulating latex versions of the political elit has an element of job satisfaction. >> you ca control it. it' t the psident controllinus. it is good to be the president during >> so you' getting gd vae from ur taxenow? >> yes. i get more for my ney. >> while kyans are getting used seeing a satirical puppet show on telesion screens for e first time, the question is how will the aders react if the script writers start to push out the ats? [laughter]
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>>a reminder of te main news -- chineseuthorities have reimposed a nighttimcurfew in urqithe capital of xinjiang pvince after a second day o serious writing by -- serious rioting by local ghurs. and there has been apublic service in los angeles, celebrating the life of michael jackson w died suddey almost two weeks ago. condolences we read out from friend includg nelson mandela. ere was mu> bbc world news was t by kcet in los aeles. funding wamade possible by the freeman foundation of new rk, stowe veont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundaon and the john dand catherine t. carthur foundation. carthur foundation.
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