tv BBC World News PBS July 15, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>"bbc world news" is esented by kcet,os angeles. >> funding for this presention is made poible by the freeman foundation of new york, swe, vermont, andonolulu, the newm's own foundation, and the john d. and catherint. macarthur fountion. >> if it fell added the sky, 168 killed. hillary clinton reacheout. the door still open she says fo nuclear talks. ed >> we remain engagedith -- we remaiready to engage wi an, but the time inow. thopportunity will notemain open indinitely. >> therice of t ee speech
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in russia's republics. ed will me. -- welce. coming up, wi it be six time lucky? space shuttle endeavour scheduled to lift off. and the all -- and the world's oldest mom dies. >>ello to you. witnesses talkbout it simply falling out of the sky. the russian-built 7908aspian took off. 168 people on board.
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it crashed mines later ju north othe irian capital. it seems no o survived. this report from our corrpondent. >> in armenia, relatives too in the news tt the russian-made caspian airlines plane crashed with no survivors. it went down shortly after takeoff. eyewitnesses said the plane sudden plummetedfrom the sky, gouging this he crater. some spoke of the plane circling for a few minutes, as thoug the pilot were looking for an emergency lding site. hers say the tailas on fire. my brother wasnly a few minutes away. the aircraft all of a sudden he fe out of the sky. exoded on impact. where yo see the crater.
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>> most of thosen board were armenian and georgian, buthe passengers iluded eight members of iran's youth judo team on the way to train in our media. -- in aenia. the safety record i iran it i not good. inveigations have begun to find out the prece use of the crash. the presidents of iran and armenia st condolences to the families of e victims. the armenians clared thursday s a dayf mourning. bbc news >> le's te you livto florida. the space shule is about to take off from the launch pad. > we have main engine start. four, three, two,one. booster ignion and ltoff. fulfiling japan's pe for an
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out of this world space laboratory. >> there will be se celebrating their. -- there. the launch has be attempd five times. there have been problems including lightning strike if the orbitehadot head off today, nasa wuld have had to wait tohe end of the month. there are only a handful of spac shuttle missions left. naa is kn to finish building the international spe station of course, befor this iconic spacecraft is gne for good. ts is its 60th mison. the space shuttle endeavour
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there. >> of throttle up. >> u.s. relions with iran may be straid ter elections, but today, t u.s.ecretary of state said the offer of talks is on the table. hillary clinton id ameca woulddiscuss the nuclear program, butarned the offer would not be on the table forever. >> neitherhe president nor i have aleutian sd dialogue with the islamic repuic will guartee -- have ilsions that dialogue with the islamic republic will guaraee success. we also understand the importance of ofring to enge iran and giving its readers a clear choice-hether to joi the internationa community a responsible member or continue down path to further isolation. dect talks providehe be vehicle rresenting and explaining that choi. that is why w offered iran's leaders and unmistakeabl opportunity.
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iran does not have a right to clear, nucleaand litary capacy. >> hillary clinton ther the toneof herpeech does sugges the obama admintration is set lead channg its stan toward iran. >> i do not think there is anything new there. i think clinton trying to inject a note of silliness in u.s. policy. why? this administration -- in jack -- inject a note of saline -- for- steeliness in u.s. policy. nothing has mef the obama admistration's policy, and they run the risk of appearing inhe '90s. i thk hillary clinton ikeen to make thepolicy appear mo robust. that i why e saidhis offer
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of engement would not be there forever. iran haso take it sooner, rather than later. we hear that elsewhere in washiton. the president is condering ging them perhs another two or three months. dthen they would go back to the united nations a push for different course of action. >> as to say, notuch has come fromhe approaches so far. the sittion in ian is complicated. is txpectation much more will come from the scks >> the speechhat hillary clinn gave today, she gave for a number of reason it sirected tohe washington elite. as f -- this was r washington policymakers. she has been injuredor the past nth. she brokeer elbow. thiss her coming back oo the scene. i do nothink it was designed to lay do specific licy markers. i think, s much the american domestic consption is designed
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to remind people she back, the oma administration has as stro policy vision. they ll leverage america's smart power, as they'd like to call it these days. they wish to ore up the obama ministration's foriegn policy at this. >> more top storie for you fm around the wld. french offials ar sing two people were killed in an plosion in the east of the country. this i a chemicals plant. several others were injured in the blast. the causis not yet clear the ant mes material such as polystyre. officialsin mexico say 12 people have been found tortured and shot de. 11 men d one wan were kill. police were ian intense strugg with drug gangs.
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erhe weekend, police arrestean individl accused of having onof the gangs. our rise i jobless people in britain. the fires for the three-month testament show a jump that is the bigges since recos began nearly0 years ago. in nigea, there will be a - day cease-fire. thisis a response to the release of the leer as an amnesty deal they want a fair diribution of all venues. >> that is all horribly familiar. a prominent human rights activist kidnapped and found dead. the dy of natalia estemirova has been dcovered. she had recently been investigatin publ executions in theegion. she wa a campaigner and close frnds of activist involved in
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simir work in similar murder. this does again rsed questions abo russia's partrsn chechn. we have more from moscow. >> th is natalia estemirova, working with e bbc crew in chechnya last mon. this 50-year-old ngle mothe had a passion for o thing. justice. 10 years ago, moscow launched an incrediblybrutal and discovered -- an destructive war to take control o chechnya. natalia estemira documented the massive abuses committed by ruian troops. >> i need m the member of the families whose relives wer kidnapped. i could see how they would aken and die wiout news regarding their relaves. >> she helped journalistsike me continue to docume the
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abuses going on there today -- lie this house, burned down by government troops in retributn for a rebel attack. >> if you have the holy koran in th house, u can take it with you. >> but nothing else? >> nothin >> she gave the bbc thi video oa young chechen woman murdered. >> when people want information about chechnya, they would call natasha. wi tasha gonefrankly, we will be able to get information from chechnya. >> that would suit this m very well. this is chechnya's warlor president. hismen are still fighting a very dirty war chechnya, one
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would prefer the outse world didot know about. this is another brave russian woman who wrot about the war in chechnya. her name was anna politkovskaya. she was ot dead. officials say the murderer wl be found. who is going to step rward to ell the world about the horrors gng on in places ke chechn? abcews, in moscow. >> cticism of israel in gaza s so far come frohuman rights orgizations. the israe government has shrugged the critici of. now soldiers who took part in the mission of claimed the army was guiy of abuses, using
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palestian civians as human shields. these could aunt to war crimes. >> the israi army had aeady answer to accusation of war crimesin gaza. th was palestinian opaganda. now, claims of abuse are being made by israi soldis. it was poli to do this to gaza, and since breakg the since, they describe rule of engagement that didnot stinish between cbatants and civians. >> evything you are seeing now is t result of a deliberate is real policy of destruction, according to brking the silence. the key alletion is that the abus were systematic and not the result oa few bad apples. above all, orders were given to event israeli casuales were ever the cost in palestinian life.
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one soldier statement said "the minute we got to our startg line, weegan to fire at suspect places. you do not se a terrorist, fire at the window. in urban warre, anyone is your eny. no one is innocent." another soldier said that there are people o deserve to go to jail. in shown at the ruins ofhis man's home and he eplains how he was useds human shields. the soldierhandcuffed , he says. they controlled every step inhis manner, he says he was forced to clear hous ntaining palestinian gunman this was a clr breach of the law of war. exactlthe same incident as described by one ofhe israeli soldiers who spoke to breaking the silence. a palestian neighbor was brought in, he says it was procedur
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the soldier places his gun barrel othe vilian's soier. >> the idea- yet another human rights organization is presenting to rael and the world testimony witht ful investigating detailsr credibility. rthermore, this organization dend the idea of presenting the repo to idf pior to publication. >> thesraeli military says the went to extraordinarylengths. leaflets were dropped in areas soldiers were about enter, warning them to leave. the israeli army's actions have been questione in ga, bbc news.
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>> sy with u, if you can. it troops have leftaghdad. we find out if people feel safer ther >> cna has urged citens in algerito be vigilant amid report the militant group may seerevenge for moslem uighur s in china. almost80 peoe were killed. 1600 peop were wounded. a corrpondent in beiji reports. >> the chinese embassy in alria has issu a warning. inese iternationals should be xtra vigilant. says is especially calng on organizations and psonnel to raise the security awareness and strengthed security measures. is heightened alert follo alarming news from a security
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consultant who says anne al- qaeda-affiliated groups the would target cnaollowing the death of muslims of course, those who died were chinese, although a number of muslims d die. it was a significant security operation following the riotsn uighur nehborhoods. china of course ha conderable number of people and inrests in africa. it has been building new raways, roads and using natural resources to fuel its econic boom. a significant chinese interest in africa. buhe cnese public have been
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retives are grieving for the 168 peopleilled in iran. hillary cnton has toldran the door is still open for nuclear talks, but she warned there is limit washington' patience. still, with american foreign policy, onef president obama's first actsn the white hou was to sign an executive order caing for thelosure of gutanamo bay within a year. six months later,egal proceedings are drang on and oucorrespondent has retued to guantanamo for today's proceedings involvg five of e men aused of plting the 9/11 attacks. >> nothing much seems to have changed unr the obama administtion at guantanamo even thoh president bush's policies were strongly criticized by barack obama and hi supporters. they areeeping the trial system in pce. the trls are not actuly happening,ut they have been
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taking place todaynd hefaces the sa criticis from the detains. they say the sysm is not fair, ev ibarack obama makes anges as he ans to do. those cricisms will oe again be levelled at barack oma, en if the trials ttake place at guantamo. let's say at guantana or a u.s. mitary base on e mainland. there are still to under 29 detainees being hd. on 11 have been transferred in the last six months. -- there are still 229 dainees being hel that gives you an ideaf how diffict that is for barack obama. you get the sensehat th timeli of promising to close down guantanaby january will sl. it is a ve difficu promise to make that happen within six months. >> fr guantanamo bay.
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in the middl east,wo weeks sincthe americ forces pulled ouof bara's -- the rocky's towns and cities. --ira's towns and cities. normal life is still something of a relative concept. >> amecan forces see their military what tr, and american culture appearto be taken -- from iraq, and amican culture appears to be taking ro. th host onef thfirst ever performances of hogrown rabb. -- r. >> it is not so bad. and therere not so many in that crowd. >>things are a lot better than ey used to be.
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>> there isall that stuff. its cool. it is cold. >> so iife returning to rmal? an ordinary man providing an everyday rvice for his community. but just the other day, as ty are right to work, he discovered a bomb planted outside the bakery shop. >> the bag was only a few mers away. if it hadone off, the ople theakery, the restaurant nextdoor would have been hurt. >> he hacome to expect such random dger, but he says clearlthis is not normal life. one of th rest barometers of e sense of security here in baghdad is th city street fes. during the wst of the violence, t street would be absolutely anti at this time of the eving. now, yocan save thait -- you
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ca s that it isot packed. but there areeople on the reet. this man started coming back here at the beginning of the year. they hav agreedhings have gott much better. t he says they sll get nervous about somethinglse. >> just a couple of hoursafter we spoke tthose m, around the corner hre in tsusy ea, bombs went o killing one on the spot anwounding more. the people were enjoying the eveni and all this and young people to ywhere in the world. here in iraq, this is not en make the news bulletins anymore. we know iraqis have accepted this as an inevitable pt of evyday life. a news, in baghdad. >> another -- bbc ws, baghdad. >> anher natnal park of india in the central state.
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it was a leader in the coervation ofoyal bengal tige. wiin three years, all of the parks will have lst all tigers. w this can only add to conoversy with the debate about fertility treatments. w old is too old to have it? the world' oldest mother has died, three years aft she gave rth to twins at the age of 66. maria del cmen bousada de laraonceived after lying about her age to a clinic in the united states. >> maria del carmen bousada lara lied abouter age to a clin in the united states. h twins were born wn she was a week sho of pershetti's senth birthday. that made h the oldest mother
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ever. -- all wk short of her 67th birthday. nowshe has di of cancer. neighbors expressed their surise today. >> i have often seen the ildren and they look terric. he motherooked great to - great, too. i used to wonder if she was th grandmother. i was surpred when she said, , no. i amthe mother. >> in the story ofthe world's oldest mother became a worwide talking point. fertility eerts condemn her actions as selfish d unnatural. her deh will reopen thdebate about the ethics of reproductive science. in spain, there are no absolute age limits for ivf,but most clinics will refuse to treat women over 50. she said she uld look for
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younger man to help ok for her childr, but tre is no word fr her family about who will now look after the twin >>a brief remderf ou main news for you. all passenrs, 168, had died on a caspian airlight. it was mostly armenind iraniapassengers. is dficult to obtain placement parts for these kinds of plas. thank you foeing with us. you can gt more anyte you want on >> "bbc rld news" was presented by kcet, los angel. >> funding for this presentaon was made possie by the freeman undation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolu, the newman's o foundation, and the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation macarthur foundation
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