tv BBC World News PBS July 17, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> "bbc world news"s presented by kt, los angeles. >> fding for this presentation is made possible by e freeman foundaon of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu,he newman's own fndation, and the hn d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. >> renewed protests othe streets of tirana, tiratehran, d warnings the countr is in cris. >> we have allost. w have we all lost? why did this happen? >> 9 dead as islamic militants trike in indones.
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and places tthe western suge brght peace and stability. welme. we are broadcast on pbs on -- in america anaround the globe. coming up later, the shtle dock at the internional space ation. an acceable or not? causing trouble in germany. the man w many feel uld sway the income of t iran electiontandoff has weighed . rafsanjani, the moderate former president, has criticized t government's handling of the crisis anddemanded the results be released.
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thousands of protesters rlied on thetreets of tehran. the bbc is unable to report from tehran, so we assemble this report. >> these are pictures which the governme in iran does not want the outde world to see. at best, wcan establish th are ordinary people taki part in today's demonstratn, using a mobilehones outside iversity, where friy prayers are taking place evitably, the riot police and the much-feared vunteer milia moved in. soon there were using tear gas. one woman lled the bbc afterwards to say what she had exrienced. >> they through e gases, tear gases. they hurt babs, elderly people, old women.
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you cann imagine. >> insi the universit meanwhile, frid prayers were being addrsed for e first time since the electiony a former preside rafsanjani who led it to be kwn he syathizes with the oosition. most unusua government telesion did not broadcast his sermon. ot surisingly since he openly questioned the eleion results. many people haveoubts about it, he said, and trust nded to be restored as the demonstrato have been arrested, they should be freed. iphone that someone in iran who has been watching evts closely. >> there is fear, but not as much as what hapned a week aftethe election.
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i do notnow if this will become ourevolution. mae. >> this is how we have to get our news out from to iran at the moment, gen there are no bbc correspondents the, not now, at any rate. people wt to ll the outside world what happening. now we ha the technologyo get pictures ofhat is happenin day-by-ay, hour by hou there is nhing the gornment there can do to stop it. the divisionsithin the islamic republic are now very strong and they are fully in the open. bbc news. >> nowust a few weeks ago, indonesiwas celebrating elections widely hailed a a success forhe world's largest slim democracy. islamic militants have always a preing, andriday struck aga -- killing nine people and wounding 50 others in an apparent suicide attacks
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luxury hotels. this happened as gues were havingreakfastat the marrtt hotels in the ritz carlton. another exosive vice was this used -- was defuse >> this is the marriott hotel at breakfast time, seconds before the blast. we do not know whahappened to the guest in the lobby, but thi person, who appeared be a member of staff, can be seen scaping it diaz lotion. -- the expsion. the bomb camwith no warning. then a second lette a second explosion at the ritz carlton ross the road. corrugated suicide attacks on two of the bgest hels in jakarta. there were trying to kill a lot of people and cause chaos. this is the damage to the interior of the marriott hotel after the blast. british businessman peter
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oley inside when the bomb went off. i heard a bla. the buding shook. it was something significant. >> jakarta it is a major hub in southeast as, close to luxu hels and restaurants. both of these hotels attract a lot of western traveler the marritas hit at56 -- 6:56 a.m. police und another bomb on the 18th floors. the suspect attaers were posings guests. the hospitals ok dozens injure some of them foreign. manchester united had rived in southwest asia and was due to stay in the ritz -- southeas asiand wasue to stay in te tzarlton over the weeke. they canceled the trip. >>they have got to -- they have
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tomake plans and ma sure ey are comfortae. >> the extremist group, jemaah islamiah, once linked to al- qaed were blamed for aombing in 2002 which killed more than 2000 people and for a spe of other attacks acro indonesia, including a previous blast of the same marriott hotel. but a lot has been done t destroy e network here. it is thought that today's attackay have been carried ou by a splinter group we have seen a lot of similar image thrgh cities around the rld -- bomb attack on wtern targets, particularly hotels. but tremism does not have a loof support in this country. this is a ace that is do a great deal t stop violence and devep a thrivi democracy. the bomb atcks today came as a real shock to the ople indonesia. bbc news, jakar. >> the u.s. secretary of stat hillary clinton has aivedn
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indi on a fouday visit. during her first stop in mumbai, mrs. clinton spoke to -- about the people killed in last year's terror attacks. schmidt -- said that the u.s. woul be oking to ina to play a key role in preventing terrorism. the foer prime minister omar sharif was it not able to land in 1989. a british ma ws sentencedor 10 years f plotting a bombing in englishopping center. there are plans to use a home pint suicide explosive device. -- homade sicide explosive device. the head ofhe british army h cald for bette equipment.
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he said he would mpile a shopping list of what is required. prime minier gordon brownas repeedly insisted the army s enough equipment. d despite the toll on british forces, in partsf afghanistan, real progressis being made. some townsnd villages are not -- are now prospering in freef militantontrol. our correspondent went to central afghanistanto see the prosring of local people. >> how would you feel if you came home to fin a house full of soldiers? zahra's home is in the ddle of a wa zone. when new patriots conducted major operations, most civilians flee.
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but this family has no choice. with four children to protect, they are too poor to get out. her fath says t homeland is ing destroyed. -- helmland is being destroy. he ys peopleere only understand thviolence. you can b forgiven for thinkg zahra's country is aost cause, a nation of total despa. the 400 mile away it could t more different. in ctral afghanian, there is peac in spit of the traumatic past. under t talin, this was a place or massacr were meted out, where women were shattered and fields were raed. butver time, this is a place thatas seen al proess, unmatcheanywhere else.
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it might seem a bit shabby, but the high street is free of bos and bullets. given security, afghans will makesecurity opportunies for their ow this family runs a shop -- unthinkable under the taliban. the prospeus and well educated ink life is gd, but they take nothinfor granted. >> i think at the society is dependent on the international communy, and if we're notne to have at, we are not gog to be optimistic about making the futurof afghanistan. >> jobs are drawing people here, as i bettesafety. the answer to council housing are ese caves. for centuries, the poor have taken refuge here. ghans are tough and
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resourceful. has no toys. he plays with a beamf light. afghanistan has made prress, butwhat about the future? what wld you tell this little girl? bbc news. >>a stnger thanxpected into a rather busy week in u.s. banks. bank of america and citigrp house said -- poted profits, defying forecastf a loss. however, that w on achieved after e sale oauch-prized un. and deepigging into the numbers revealed mounting sses in the credit card and busine loan departments our financial correspondent ws outhe stakes. >> there is a growi divide in
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the wod of banki. citigroup and bankamerica,ith their heavy reliance on indidual customers, face mounting bad debts a more and more people default on their loan the likesf goldman schs and j.p. morganmake their money from trading investmenton the maet, the bm timesf financial alchemy are back. >> is the ecstasy d the agony. investors banks are running a couple of clinders well. not all ofhem yet, but most of them firin well. whereas, the isss for the commercial banksany of the lendg institions, those are muchore lg term, mning they have made loans and now they are becoming linquent at increasing rate >>there is another key differen between the haves and e havnots in the new world of banking. j.p. morgan and goldman received $35 biion in aid from e
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overnment, but they rey debts in full. citigroup anbank of america got $90 bilon in suprt, and that amount is still outstanding. the final difference betwee the haves and the ha nots is those bankwhich paid back their bailoutoney will be able to award largeonuses t their staff. in the case of goldman sachs, thatould average out to ton and $5000 per employee. that could trigger backlash in washington, not to mentn polar outcry acrs the nation. withat i mind, one of president obama's closest advisers remied the banks of the help th rceived from taxpayers. >> support provided to the system by taxpayers was an important source of confidence. so no onehould be confused about the extent to which the
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public sector has provid a foundation for financi recovery. >> in a twist, gdman sachs and j.p. morgan are rerted to be in talks to give emergency funding to cit group a major leer to small businses which is in danger of going bust. this wl perhaps deflect some iticism. bbc news, washingto >> you are watching "bbc wld news" -- and stl to ce this hour. the sttle endvour docks a the international space staon. isverything goingo plan? itis usually clashes i the middle east thatake news. over thlast feways, a ultra- orthodox jewish neighborhoods -
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the case has prompted debate about whetheor not this group can opt out fro mastream israeli societ our correspdent sent us this specia report from jerusalem. >> jerusalem's ura-orthodox jewish neighborhoods rned into a battlefield this week. in tradional clothes, se dating back to e 18th- century, hundreds of relious men took to e streets, bringi traffico a standstl, burnin bins, and throwing stones. a religis woman is accud of child use. she is now under house arrest. this is a clo community. outside iterference is bitterly resiste for months, tenons have bn brewing here.
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things are quieter rig now but the situion remains tense. people are throwin stones. there has be fire. this is the ening of the jewish sabbath, soeople want to organi a family meals. but the case of this woman is not solved soon, peoplepredict more rio will happen. outse, manysraelis accuse thultra-orthodox of anti- soal behavior, not just during riots. they are seen as ting public handouts, dodng mitary service, and not recognizing e state of israel jerusalem, bbcews.
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>> here are today's headlis. the former iranian presidt rafsanjani has revivedhe debate about the presidential eleion in iran. bomb tacks on to luxur hotels in jakarta were carried out by sicide bombers. at least nineeople were kied. me than 60 othersere injured. people with tism can have real difficulties anincredible gifts. major problem in adultod is
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finding employment, as it often find it difficult to counicate. some compans ha a fresh outlook. they say if you gi them a chance to perform to their strengths, makes econom sense. our alth corspondent is to conhagen toind out more. >> a focused anpersistence haveade h a champion -- have made him a chamon weight lifter those quities are part of his mi form of autism those qualities ma it difficult fo him to shine at job interviews. unemployment drove him to despair. i could get to the job interviews, but thatas never chos. self confidence got lower and lower, all the time. >> he is now rlaxed in a job that heoves. is detaed work, testing comput software. his boss knows he needa fixed
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route. >> i have to predict 90% of working day fore i leave in the morning. i get very easily stressed. i need to kn what i goingo happen. that is very important. > this little boy is the inspiration behind the company. he is the autistic son the ner, who has hped dozens of people throu his work. now he wants to start a branch in glasgow toxpand the mission. also, they have received letts from parents, saying they donot recognize their son anymore after hisime with us because suddey his life has becomeo positive and meaningful. these models are used by workers with autism to exprs technil skills. hey may have never had that
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chance before. acros europe,ost peoplwith autism do not have jobs, and yet ey say work is the one thing that would reay help improve their lives. top coanies have been hiring the autistic workersnd paying maet rates, thoh executives recognizethese staff need ecial support >> theyeed somebody some way take care of them, beuse if you are not, in some way, taking cre, it will not and have lunch, for example. >> the danish experience show people with aism can lead fullling lives. bbc news, cophagen. >> pope benedict xvi is rovering from a minor operatio he injured himself in a fl in italy. hesundergoing a procedure to realign his bones. this is thfirstignificant
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health issuef his papacy. thshuttle endeavour hasdocked at the international space station. no fer than 13 astronauts greeted each other whethe hatches open, but not everything s gone plan. at one pnt, the commaer had to rotate the shuttle backwards so his team could check for damage to the craft. >> just an hour-and-a-lfafter the two craft's came together, thhatch oped andhe 13 astronautsegan their run t do space. terpleasantries, there was wo to do. e 11-day mission includes finishingork on the panese research laborory. one of the astronau haseen aboard the station f three months. the space shuttle -- thehuttle endeavour is her seen i
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speeded up 15 times. >> cy. >> that came in at 12:14 central time. >>the shtle was traveling at 17,000 miles an hour. nutes earli, it performed our rotation to allow crewmembers to photograph the exterior. missn control needed to see what damage had been done when th shuttle was launched. pieces of foam insulating the fuel tank struck thheat shld. experts will need t be sure the shield is intacfor the return to earth. dung the first of five spacewalks, t team mounted a platformo the loratory where materials could be exposed to he harsh conditis of space. oter adjumentsnclude intenance and installing batteries. the uttle is due to retn ju 31, after a 16-day trip.
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bbc news. >> an officer in india has become the first proud oer of a malo. it cost just $2,000. it will brin car ownership to e masses. over 100,000 are expeed to be ld by next year. an iuiry has bun into whetr giving a nas -- na salute is against the law. thes have bn illegaln germany sie world war i we have a port. >> this midget has sparked a giant scandal.
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this is the nazi gnom of nuemberg, its arms rsed in a hitler salute. the gallery owner cannot understand what the ss is about. >> noody was bothered about th before. nowomeone has seen it, colain to the newspapers, and suddenly everyone is getting excited. >>and the plot thickens. german television has track down ndreds mo nazi omes. the blic display these symbols is forbidden in germany. butthese were created by a germanrtist who wantedo wa about right-wing extremism. >> when i look at the reaction to mine gme, i can tell tat i have done the right thing by aisinghe subjects. >> prosecutors are excted to
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announce within days whether they will ess charges. >> they can, of course,rgued that the garden gome is meant to criticize the nocease. >> if that is the conclion, e known will st on display -- a pint sized reminder of a terrifying past. abc news, berlin >> d there has been fresh and to-government ptests. >> "bbc wod news" was esented by kcet, los angeles >> fundi for this presentation was made possible by thereeman foundationf new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundatn, and the john dand catherine t. carthur foundation. carthur foundation.
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