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tv   BBC World News  PBS  July 20, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> "bbc world news" is presented kcet, los angeles. >> funding f this presentations de possible by th freeman foundatn of new york,towe, vermontand honolulu, the newman's own foundation, andhe john d. and
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catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. ♪
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as we recall that there feat, we also remember the man from russia. wcome to "bbc world news." >> coming up ler -- >> you did not wt to brag out it. you were not prouof it. ismemoirs got him fans around the worl and some fury in ireland. we will lo at his legacy. the yal prerative is centuries ol what is fascating queen elizabeth? ♪
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there is no doubt that afghanistan and pakistan are at the top of th foreign policy priorities of president obama. there is so nouestion that india has felt overlooked by white house strategy towards south asia that is until now. secretary oftate hillary clinn hasoncluded her five- day visit to india ty have signed des on trade, defens and nuclear cooperation. there were disagreements on climate change. they believe they can work through the differens. our correspondent is tveling with mrs. clinton. she sends us this repo from delhi. >> no matter how she triedo ke it about ties, kistan trapped into that picture. in the interviews, theuspect
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-- the subjectas inescapable. the concern india had been that washington was puttin pressure on them to s moved ties with iamabad despite t tensions after the muai attacks. the secretary of state made this comment. >> th respect to the location of those who were part of the planning and exetion of the attacks of 9/11gainst our country, we firmly believe tha a significant mber of them are the border areof pakistan. we have conveyed that to the vernment of pakistan and others. we a actively looking for additional informatiothat woullead us to them. >> h statements haventered pakistan. she al said that she sense
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the will in islam a bad to fight extremism. they could be hidi here in the gged mountains. the militants are also using pakistaas a support base to fight the americasoldiers in afghanistan. there was otherbusiness to attend to as well. aft meeting her indian counterpart, the secrery of state announced that the countries had ached an agreement thawould open up key marketfor american fir. >> i am also pleased tat the prime mister told me tt the nuclear parkhave been approved by the government. these willdvance the aims of the u.s.-india civil nuclear reements to facilitate billions of dolls in u.s. reacr exports and create js in both countries iwill alsoenerate mu- needed energy r the indian peop. >> llary clinton wked ha to disl any doubtsabout the
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commment of washingn to rong ties with india. she probably managed to reassure the leaders to se extent. the obama administratn will have to coinue to devote ch its atttion to afghanisn and pakistan. india ll have to see if e commitments coinue over the lo term. >> you c find out more out that story oline at /news ina is concerned about at pakistan is doing control thextremism. at her fin news cference today,he said thau.s. officials fmly believe a siificant number of the al qaeda leadersho planned and execed the 9/11 attacks are hiding in the bord region. in india, there was a surising delopment to date on the mumbaiombings. the only remainin susct, a pakistani naonal, changed his
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plea to guilty. >>t was the iconic image of mumbai. the sole survivinggunman was caug on cera ase fired, reloaded, anfired again. in theourthouse day, even shocked his own lawy. he told the judge that he pleade guilty to h crimes. he had earlier dend his guilt. >> i surprised that mohammad qab has decided to confess hi guilt. i was shocd. the police offers were very shked. >> the carnage unleashed on mumbai for three days claim over 160 les. in his confession, mohammad qab describ in detail how he a the other gmen rived fromakistan and carried out the raid. they started firing at the public with their rifles the otheran was throwing
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grenades and hwas firing. he faces 86 charges and th death palty if concted. >> the key and ansr that remains answered is who recruited, trainim, and sen him to carry out the attks. that is the biggest queion. that is e key. mohammad qasab is cann fodder. >> spicion is falling on this milint group. the are knn to have lks to kistan intelligence. experts doubt that pakistan sanctioned the mumbai raid >> we closely motor the activi of these groups. they will have liaison officers. s i directly involv in thelanningf this particular operation? tha is auch harder question to answer. >> his nfession is being toutedy pakistan. othe say his testimony provides anintimate account of
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one of te worst ever atrocities in india. theentagon is considering sweeng cnges to the detainee policy acss afghanistan. that is according to a high- level military riew obtained by "in n york times." the concern is tha the air base has become a recruitmencenter for the taban. the air base houses thoshat the u. military considers unlawful combatants. weave this report from shington. >> th airbase is home to the st infamous prison in afghanistan. even the ptures we can show are restricted by the u.s. milary for security reasons. around 600 of the high-value leged prisoners are locd up here. some havealled it afghanistan's guantanamo bay. it is at the center of a major u.s. review of the entire afghan prison system. "the newyork times" first
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quarter -- first reported on the review. more mnstream priners may ne to be kept serate from those accused oextremism. then there is the ise of abuse. last month, the bbc oke to 27 former detainees. they claim to have been mistreated. >> we were thrown on th ground and shot at for ds and 60 ghts. ias forced to stand. they would not let msleep. the only stopped this when my feet were so swollen that i could not stan >> the pentagon denies th specific allegatns. but it does not want aepeat of what happenedn iraq. the evidence oill treaent handed out by u.s. soldiers ther did huge damage to america's reputation thatas been used as a recruiting tl for islamic extremists. there's ao the issue of the status of the prisons.
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human-rights activists have argued they are in a wors positionthan those at antanamo bay. >> they maintain the have the right to take people from any rtof the world and rdered them to afghanistan whout any type of judicial review in any court of law. we are quite shocked that this administration has adopted the exact same posion as the bu anadministration. this review cmes at a time when there inot much good news coming out of afghastan for the u.s.-led coalition fces. fierce figing has meanthat july is set to be the deadliest moh fornternational troo since the colict began eight years ago. for mor u.s. soldiers were killed today by a roside bomb. the pentagon announced it is temporarily increasing e size of the army by 22,000. that is partly because of the streth of the taliban. the review suggests at the afghanrison stem is making
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the taliban stronger. bbc news in washington. the strain caused by military operations in afghanistan and iraq are behind the decision of the united stes to announce a temporary surgen the size of its arm defense secrary robert gates said anxtra 22,000 troops would be needed r the next three ars. in iraq, to policemen havbeen killed in a r bombing in the west of the country. the atcks hpened near a government building. eight others wereounded. i ishe second attack. ineeks. ♪ ou are watching "bbc world news." > i wod appreciate it if you could [untelligible] >> even the first plorers had a problem finding a map.
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t has been 40 years since they laed. e authorities in romania andetained iaelis on suspicion of trafcking in han eggs. they were arrested along with locals at a facility clinic in bucharest. >> according to the authorities, there were about 30 women at this clinic eparing r in vitro fertilization when it was raided late sunday. most of the clies were coups from israel, italy, and britain. the eggwere sold by the romanian women for few hundred dolls. it has been 10 years since the clinic opened. mo than 1000 pcedures have takeplace. >> ts woman offered her eggs for sale. she says she did not know it was illegal. she need the money because she is unemployed. in romania, it is only allowed licensed clinics where the eg have been freely donated.
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a criminal investigation is now under way. >> usi methods known to me, theyucceeded in bnging poor women from all over t country. the women ofred their eggs after medical teatment that was ngerous. >> 25 people are und investigation, inclingwo israeli doctors. ceremonies have en held in german to mark the 65th anniversaryf thfailed attempt by the grp of officers assassinate adolf hitler and drive the nazis fromower. the germ defee minister led a ceremonhere the plot was hatched. the former prime minister winston churchill complained when he discoverehis underground wartim headquarter were not bomb-proof. a letter showing hs annoyance
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is on disay at the cabit were rooms in london -- war rooms i lond. you are watching "bbc wld news." re are the headlin. >> hillary clinton ineases ti with india. she says that some of tse behind the 9/11 attacks are hiding in pastan. h visit to ina has do much to boost the retionship between waington and dhi. differences remain oveclimate change we raised the issue with the junior foreign minister asking whatifferences he sees between the bush and oba administratis. >> iould not see i quite at wa i do not belve there has been a fundamental changin our positions. i doot believe there has been a fundamental change the apprch to thesame questions. we have go relations with
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united states of america regardss of the administration. to speak in terms of differences, there are clearly different perspectives on th essential problem. think it is more of anssue of trying t find common approaches to slving the same seof problems. >> is there concern that the obama administration focusing on afghanistan and pakistan d some of your concerns are not being addresse >> the probl of terrorism anating from pakistan remains a very serious concern of both india and t united states. essentially, we believthat terrorism eds to be tackled firm. washington is on the same pag with us on that. >>o you think the obama administration shod have done more to prep pakistan on
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terrorism? >> do believe that washingn has been amo the more importt countries that have nveyed their ownviews to pakistan tse have beein concert with ours. we have said clearly to pakistan that we need to see the peetrators of mumbai brought to jusce. we would li to sethe infrastrture that permted this terrori to anate from pakist to be dismantled. that is the only way thawe can be reaured that our neighboring territory cannot be ed for hosle actions agast us. >> there is the suggesti that the s. would like a changein your presence in ahanistan. has this come up? >> i think there's a greadeal of admiration for what ina is doing in afghanist. we've beenoing an enormo amount of delopment work. we have been assisting inthe buildingf roads, hospitals. the iian corporation budget i afghanistan is gwing.
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we have had public expressions gratitude from the government pakistan. >> the european union has uspended aid to honduras foowing the ilure of talks to resolve theolitical crisis in the country regionaleaders have warned of potential oodshedfter the interim government in honduras rejected a proposafor the return othe ousted president zelay. of war crimes court has convicted cousinsfor a 1992 killin spree with least 119 muslims burned to death. the ringleader was senteed to death for warrimes, including burning women tond cldren alive. his cousiwas sentenced to 30 years. they wermembers of a paramilitary grp called the white eagl or the avengers. > president obamaonored the apollo 11 cre of te white house exactly 40 years after
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neil armrong became the firs man to set foot the mend. presiden obama stopped short of omising new funding for nasa. thatis in spite of the fact that his cw mates lobbied for more money tsend a mission t mars. >> this was their moment. in the minds of the gbal public, it has never reay been surpasd. >> that is one sma step for man, one giant leap for mankind. >> the stillne of the luna surface means that no foprints -- at the footprints left there will probably still bthere today. nasa released a recding of their conversion in orbit. >> back there hind us, it looks li a giganticreature. look at the mountains. >>eil armstrong and buzz
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ldrin called it an extraordinary moment as they descended to the surface. >> i would appreciate it if y can see if you can -- >> what? [unintelligible] >> here they were toy. these elder men are still fl of theight stuff. th met with thepresident and ma the case for manned space flhts. esident obama was decorous but non-commitment. >> as we spea another generati of the first space lk
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was carried ou by t russian cosmont. ouroscowcorrespondent went along to meet him. >>hile the rest the world was ued to television watching neil armstrong te hifirst steps on t mend, in moscow, there was a news blacko. the m in the kremlin decided that the citizen of e soviet union would not get to see the american triph.
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there were a few select comrades who did get to see . one of them was toviet union's chief cosmonaut and the man who had been trainingor three years to beat il armstrong to the moon. >> i swear to god i had my fingers crosse for them. i really wanted them to succeed. itas such a huge event for mankind. it was not about americbeing the sovietnion. > their names that people remember around the world. one is yours in the second is neil armstrong. -- maybe it should be yo name that people remember. >> i know very welleil armstrg. he is a strong man. [unielligible]
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i have respect for these people. > people forget thatntil the moon landing, russia had been he of america in the space ce. is footage from 65 shows alexei taking the first eve walked in ace. it is a moment he cantill describe viviy after 44 years. >> on the left side, i saw bulgar,reece, ily. i s the balticea, the ural mountains. it was like a very big blow. it was fantastic. -- it was li a very big globe. was faastic. he waited late in life t
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find his fame and rtune. at the age of 66,e completed his memoirs that detail a child of other deprivationnd squalor ireland. -- a childhood of thatcher deprivatioand squalor in irand. >> in my wildest dres, i could not imagine thi we we the lowest of the low we were cold, hungry. >> traditionally, the irish immigrate to ameri in searc of a better li. his family did not. they went from n york to the slums of limerick. "angeles ashes" were bas on thoseemories of povertand watching hisrothers died.
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>>e walked on that november morning. he was called in the bed beside is. the doctorame and sa that the chi died of pneonia and should he been in the hospital. >> he madeis living as a schoolacher in the united states. litery success came later in life. the book was also turned into a moe. [crying] >> but not everyoneas plsed. some felt that he blackenedhe name of his hotown. his mother even described his recollections as a pk of lies at one point. >> we did not wantto go around talking about what we came from. we did not want to brag out growing up in a miserable slump. >> his legacy did helped to inspire a torrent of memoirs of miserable childhoods.
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few were as well written as his. it may have been grim, but he told wh wit, warrants, and yle. queen elizabethad revise the ancient tradition of sw cnting on the river. >>his is an unusual and ancient royal ceremony dating back to the 12 century. the sns a taken out a checked r injuries. she is known for the ritual. she kept a safe disnce. in the past, herncestors were le intested in the help of the ans and more focused on their weight. the former kings and quee served them at banquets and pee. that is a tradition this elizabeth h notontinued during h reign. the job is de. they are fe to roam.
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they want to see if there has been an increase in injuries from fishing tackle and dog it is being conducte by these men. iis their task to catch and mark e. sometimes luctant quarry. old outfit for t order of the da -- pulled out this were the order of the day. her guide is her swan marker he advises peoe and how to lo afterhem. this quat englisheremony is still relevant, especiall as it is used toeducate children. you e tching "bbc world news." >> "bbc world news" was prented by kcet, los angeles. >> funding for thi presentation s made possible by the freeman foundation of new york stowe, vermont, and holulu, the newman's ownoundation, and the john d. and catherin t. macarthufoundation, and union ba.
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