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tv   BBC World News  PBS  July 27, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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> "bbc world news" is esented by kcet, los angeles funding for this prestation is made posble by the frman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu,
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theewman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur fountion, d unionkn ba. d union bank. >> ion bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of compani,rom smallbusinesses to major corporations. at cn we do for you? >> nl"bbc world news." -- and now. >> chalnging the president. government workers in sth afca hold a day of strikes and marches. a warning to iran. israel says alavailable means should bused to prevent it from blding nuclear weapons.
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economic recovery. china and the u.debt to gather iwashington for talks. the relationship they y could shape the 21st century -- china and the u. get together. welcom to "bbc rld news", n pbs in arica and elsewhere aroundhe world. it is now nearl1 monthsince u.s. forcesn ira officially came to an end - it is now nearly one month since then. it has got adistribution deal. you will hear from a young filmmakerehind a new movie. jacobuma tpped into the mood
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and tookver as president. just a few months iand despite his election promises, he is facing a challenge from constients. thousands of workers went on sike today, crippling pubc services. poice clashed with some worrs who brought city centers a halt. the protesters are enduring the biggest economic downturn there since apartheid and say they have run out of patience. we havehis report from johansburg. they wald across nelson mandela bridge, bringing the city center to a standstill bus ivers, municipal employees, and others have stopped work. they want wage increase. >> i cannot pay my rnt.
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mtaxes. electricity has been cut of -- my electcity has been cut off. >> it is wage-netiation season. many industries are consiring action. >it is tuing out to be a cold and difficult winter hein south afca. pressure is gwing on t new present, andjjacob zuma. most of today's demonstratis we peaceful, but not in one town. there were echoes of south afri's troubled past. there were rubble barrel its -- rubb bullets. only some of the shots were med into the air.
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as the nicking crowds fled, people wererrested, a it beme clear that three people had been injured. south africa is noon fire. all of its townships are not burning, but there is a deep frusation that majori rule has treated se peopleery well, while changing little abt the lives of so many others. jonah fisher, johannesrg. >> morehan 100 peoe and killed over the past two day when militants wo call themsees the taliban ban violence. leaders of another militant group were arrested on fday. thprime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, is usg a meetg with vising defense
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minister rober gates to talk about the inian nuclear progm. he said h believed that all available means should be used prevent iran from using a nuear wpon. they're talkinglso abo the israeli settlements. he is our middle east correspondent. >> told you to go out. >> youo out. >> th goes to the hearts of the nd ofimpasse between rael, the palestinians and the u.s. administration. theyad just taken over th house. they want to renovate it. palestinians ar angry and say they havno right to build here. they say th is thes and should bthe capital of the future palestini state. israeli authorits disagree.
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thes insistence tha israel halt constrtion here and in the west bank. they havetried to smith others, but to achieve regional ace, oneman said, all parties had quite some work to do ias said they were trying to smoh feathers. >> fopalestinians, thateans to improve their securit forces and to refrain from any words o deeds that may ke it more diffult to move quickly to successful negotiatis. forsrael, that means making possible imovedccess and movement a economic growth but palestinians, to which youlso just referrend also dealing with difficultssues, like settlements and outpts. >> but it is rely -- but one
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really counity is fiant. theettler-activistsay they nt toend a clear message. ts has caused quite some embarrassment for the israeli authorities. thats why they sent in the army. they have de an outpost after barack obama ju to show their coempt, they say. but israis want the help of the u.s.. israel sites and nuclear iran as their number one ccern. isral says a nuclear iran i is their numr-one concern. >> there is a growing threat posed by rockets and ssiles, and we will continue to ensure that irael has the most aanced weapons for its national defense.
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> the string of u.s. officls here continues this week which talkplanned with palestini and israeli leads. -- with tks planned. bbc news, jerusalem. >> ree people have been convicted ind over a doubleombing in mumbai in 20 in which 55 pple were killed. one peon pled not guilty to murd and charges of conspiracy, ang withis wife as well as one other defendant the attackelandmarks, kno as the gateway of india, ana busy market they attack ndmarks. an intelligent minister has been cked. there is a repo of a resignatio the president dismissed his most seor vice president. the nortkorean foreign mistry has issued a stateme
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that calls for direct talks with the u.s., and it indicates there is n tention to engage with her countries on this issue. now, china andu.s. leaders have been meeting inashington to discuss major ecomic and political dierences. u.s. president rack obama said e relationship between the u.s.nd china which shape the 21st century and sa the two shareda mtual interest. the meeting is the fir formal negotiations betwe the u.s. and china since mr. obama took office. we have this report from washington. >> ina and america were standing tother today, ting to speak the same language >> yes, we can. >> not mch of substance was announced, but there were grand them. >> the relationship between the unit states and chinaill shape the 21st centur whi makes it as importt a and ve bilateral relationship in the world- makes it has
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important as any bateral relationship -- makes it as important aany bilateral relationship the world. the rrent crisis has made it clear that t cuent choice is ma within our borders reverberate across the global economy, a this isrue not just in new yo and seattleut in shanghaand othe areas,s well. that is why we are committed to stro lateraland multilaral coordination >> se are hit hard by the global recession but chi is interested in how theinances ofmerica recover. washington is in debt to beiji to the tune of over $700 billion. so analysts say that limits the amount of influence american has on the chines
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presidt obama urged china to help in the de-nuclearization o its neighbor, north korea. , a clate change, president oba said both countries are taking steps -- on clite change, presidentbama said both countries are taking steps. president obama is strgling to get a crime bil through congress. so think america shod noreduce their emissions before chin does the same. bbc news, washingto >> it i not nearly 1 months in combat forces -- they a no longer as visible on the streets in iraqi cies. there are still 130,000 u.s. troops iraq. so continued to patrol areas that theyere supposed have left to iraqi fors. in the northern city of mosul, a reporter has been tnessing a
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neweality for these americans --ur reporter has been witnessing a n reality. >> is is the most dangeus placen iraq. on average, thereare four attacks there every sing day, inuding explosions a suicide bombin. this is the fst foreign intermal itsel -- the first foray. -- into moltself. officially, this is not a comb patrol these soldiers are on a reconstruction missn. here, that are supposed toe overseei the cleanup of a patch of wastand -- theyare supposedo be overseeing this. >> this ishat mission accomplished looks like aftea
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certain date. >> they are not just heavily armed garbagen. unpatrolled like this, t threat of violence is never far off -- on patrols like this. buevery time they nt to g in, they now havto ask the iraqis for permission and an escort. both sides are sll getting used to this arrangement, and amid the hospitali, there is much explaining and baaining to be do. as the amicans prepare for a fullithdrawal by the endf 2011, much is bei me of recent improvements in securi. in the villes ouide of sul, where the america are stilfree toperate, local complain not of bomngs and shootings but of unemploymt and poor infraructure. >> they have, long way sce the beginning of our deployment.
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their proficiency is going to work me out of a job, which is od -- they have cme a long way. >> there is littleo do but ink of hom ashe america shift tir atteions further east to afghanistan, and they are hoping the securi gains they have achievedn iraq, will hold the ones they do finallyack up and lee. -they ha achieved in iraq will hold once th do finally pack up and lee. >> and progress report for e london olympics in 2012. -- a progress report. a mining company says iwill create js. campaigners acsed itf seing out two flats in the art of a spiritual homeland in eastern dia --sending out o flats in the heart -- sting t to flatten the heart of a
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spiritual homeland in eastern india. >> the clash betwn the tribal people and others i about me than ming. for the people in the tre, it is about carrying out lfe as they have for yes beyond for the miners,t ijob creation, gaining acce to natural resources. -- carrying o live as they ve for yrs. for th miner it i about job eation. they say they ll limit any envinmental impact and re- house and the pple displac. the js will bring much-needed development to the region.
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to the ibe, this matter as little. they believe gods reside in the surroundg hills and mounins -- to the tr, is matters little -- to the tribe the tribal ople have found support from sun groups -- from some groups, inclung some cebrities like bianca jagger. critics of the company have had me success. recently, an instment fund sold holdings, but it is not ear how mucthe critics will get at the sharehoer meeting. b news, mumbai. >> this is "bbc worl news," and ese are the hadlines so far. in south afric services are crippled as a local government workers strike for higher y.
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the u.s. defense sretary goes to iael to revive the pee process. there are talksbout the nuclear ambitions of ira a change in the approh to afghanistan. secretary gates sayit is time to negotiate with modere members of the taliban. our bbc correspondent has more now fromrussels. >> oprationpanther's clawto clear the areaor next month's lection. stage one is over. stag two will be to hold the ground. >> what we havactually done is ke the landecure for about 0,000 people. what we have done is push ba the taliban, andhat we have done also is srt to break that chain of terr that les in the mountain of one area it
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britain - that leads from the mountains to eewhere. >> unesse, a bigger cost. the most deadliest mohs so far -- it has come at big co. dafvividiligbanband had a message tt militaryight will not be enoug >> not the force ofrms and overwhelming might. normally convert tm to our point of view througforce of argument and ideolical conviction - nor wl we converthem to our point of view through force of argument anddeological conviction. >> whaprice should it b prepared to pay inuman lives? the aswer of david mille iband -- there are
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concerns the publimood is ginning to shift. >> what do we need i order to guarantee that o peoe in our society ll support our engagement? my feeling is the support is more and more decreasing. >> i tink thatonesty is always thebest policy, and have toe clear about the dange that continue to endu and at i ink is in the incubator of choice of al qaed >> there i alled being driven tween modete foot soldiers, who can be persuaded and rey to change sid,nd others. not a new idea -- who can persuaded maybe to change sides.
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whoeverins willrule fghanistan for the nxt five years. here is a campai to unrmine the taliban insurgen. that may be as critical as stages two and three o operation panther's claw. >> canada says a ban by the european union onhe import of seal products an unfair restriction of ade, and i plans to appeal to t world trade ganization. theyay in a sustainable, humane. tre wer presentations from animal rights grps. present goriaarroyo says she will not extend her term. protesters id they feared the leer may try to hang on pow by revising the constitution.
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there is a lot of excitement about the olympic games in 12, nd the countdown is well underway. day marks ectly three years until the games begin, and preparations, we are told, a on schedule. our sports reporter spenthe y in east london >> on july 27 2012, this area will be a hive ofactivity as 80,000 people head to the opening ceremony. three years ago and stl plenty of worto be done. >> the go news is that this is not your dver speaking. >> he has ledhe way for several years, and today, he was at the front again. this high spd rail park is part of the plan. i am on thtrain. it is justulling out of the atform. sen minutes. we will see how long and actual takes. i have started my watch. >25,000 spectators per hourill
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be carried between the station and the olympic site. this was t first test, but thisas a target tat would have bee very embarrassing to mi. six mutes 50 secos, well under sen minutes. the st of the projt go as well as this, then everybody is gointo be happy -- if the rest goes as well as this. at the moment, is both on time an on budget. 9.3 billion pounds -- it both on time and on budget. this is what you get for the money, a stadium still two years awayrom cpletion but already takinghape. >> whats amazing to me is that althou this is a staum of 80,000 feet, theres a real feel of intimacy >> there is still uncertainty, in particular when it ces to legacy.
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the gam are mean to drive up participion, but swimming is just one of the olympic spos at has seen a decrease over the past six mont. gymnaics is another that has seen a drop i the number of people takg part. in fact, table tens is the only one that can boast a recent risen partication. none ofhat worrieshis young man inspecting the area today, but th why should anything marries him when he has jus become a world chaion at the ag 15 -- why should anything marries himworry -- worry him? it's already had mo of him. that is the biggtchallenge r the nt fewears -- if only we had more of him. one ofhe bigdebates about the stadium and what ould happen to this after the games are er. it is due to be reduced to
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25,000 ft, and some say it could be maiained at 50,0 feet. they will haveo work at the size of th stadium and who wl continue payingor it. bbc news at the london olympics stadium. >> we are ued to tching films witmultimillion-dollar budget annow, theris a film that cost $75. >> it would shot ontario camcorders -- ot on two camcorders in south lond. its entire budget was around t 45ound mark, which was used to buy things. a man edited it partly in his bedroom and can haly believe his adveure has lande m a stribution deal, albeit small. hopes his success will encouragbudding film makers.
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-- filmmaker. > they can look at what is ppening with o film and y, ey, in the sky made it." -- and this yadeit." i love the idea of tt. >> he wilget a showing next nth. given tt there e aut 50 new releas every month, which fi gives the auences is not necessarily about theuality of the film b the quality of the marketplaces --hich fell get audiences -- whi fmgegets the audience i this film has nodvertising budget -- gets the audiences. >> people need to realize that e british film industrand
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films, especially likthese, if we do not vote with our bottoms d get out there andit in cinemas, these films are not gointo get made. >> every filmmaker out ther knows it is a comnation of good forne and momentum that can make or break a movie. hear, here is the wow factor of how cheaply and was de -- here, thereis the wow factor out cheaplit was made. - hw cheaply it was made. >> me workers through rubbish ono the streets. -- threw rubbisnto the streets. >> funding for this presentatn was made possie by the freeman vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own fodation, macarth foundation, and ion bank. and ion bank. -- the john d. and catherinet.
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macarthur foundation. >> union bank. what can do for you? >> public broadcasngis my source for ns about the world. >> foelection coverage you can count on >> for coverage beyd the sound bite. >> for ciding to vote for. >> publicbroadcasting i my source for intelligenc connection to myommunity. -- telligent nnection. -- telligent nnection.
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