tv BBC World News PBS July 29, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> unionank has put its nancial strength to work for a wide range of companie from small busiesses to major corporations. wh can we do for you? >> and now "bbc worldnews." >> fighting intensies in northern nigeria asecurity forces continued theiassault on an islamist sect. report from inside zimbabwe on a w optimism abo the future. and miraculously escaped.
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a car bomb exodes at a spanish police barracks, buto one is kill. welcome t"bbc worldews," broadcasting to our viewersn s in the ates and across the globe. coming up later, the manrom san fighting for the ght to wear trousers. if she loses her case, s faces 40 lashes. and the hol that has it all, includi cold war history thatakes it a truly unue place to sta >> it i a kid's dream. there are buons to press, will soon move, pades to push. theyave even still got this mergency wear --ut instead press,-- buttons to prs, wheels to move, pedals to push. >> the nerian assault against bels in the north othe ountry has intensied. four days violence has left
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more than 200 people dad. securyorces have been shunning the hdquarters o the se in the city where thousas of people hav fled their mes. >> parts of northern niger are in a statof fear. vient attack being blamed on a radical religious groups have caught the authorities off ard. policetations, government buildings, job centers, and urches have alreadyeen attacked and rch. manyf the pictures are too raphic to show. ndreds of people thought to be member of the radic religious ect are unr arrest. hundreds me are kille i began here. over 7 men with machetes, crossbows, and guns attacked a police stati. by the end of the day, dead were piled high in the street most of them alwa of the religious grou
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the sec reonded, attacking the more police stationand govnment offices -- the sect responded. to the nigern govement, it is an upsing. we are >> going to continue the security all over -- > we are goin to continue the security all over t fish out members of this element toeal with them severely. >> thousands soldiers and paramilitary pice have poured intohe group's headquarters, where theyre now surrounded and being shelled. the bombardment is fierce, and the military says they were tan by surprise by the innsity of the fire coming from the building. a lonel in charge of operations says he belies there are about 1000 people still side the enave. he belves that those of always of the radical sect, nd there are also about 250 youn men guarng the enclavend fighting the nigerian litary. nohern nigeria has a htory of violence between different
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communities. the fear of yet more killg is preying on many mis here. >> president oma has launched a sweeping defense of his effos to stimulate the american ecomy, saying the u.s. may now be seeing the beginninof the end of ression. the market was up, meaning t financia system was also a -- was no longer the edge of collapse. he al defended the bailoutof car mak's gm and chryer. the f has announced it is sharply increasing funding to poer countries to help tm deal with the global economic crisis. they plan to incree lendingto developi nations by u to $8 billion over the next two yrs. that is $2 billiomore than was caed for by the g-20 summit in ril. microsoft d yahoo!ave announced an internet search partnehip in an effort to take google. under the de,icrosoft's new search engine will bused on yaho sites whil yahoo will
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use microsoft comper technology. the police in spain are blaming the vast sepatist organization for a car bb in aorthern city that slightly injured more tha50 peopl who were hit by ying glass. from madrid. >> the terrifying aftermathf the early morning attack, filmed by an ateurameraman. hat brutaty," hexclaims. at least 200 kilos o explosives have been pacd into a vannd detonated thout warning. the blast scarred 14 storie of the police barcks, rping out the lower floors. more than 100 people had been inside. police officersnd their families. children we among those c by flng glas but iredibly, therwere no fatalities. "i'm in shk," says thisady.
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"my dauter was wounded. she has h four stitches iher he." the authorities werquick to blame therebel group. the group's last cease-fire wa broken in december 2006hen a bomb at madridirport killed two people. they have since claimed seven for their lives, but seral of its alleged commanders have en arrest. >> we haveo bear in mind that the terrorist organization has weakened. the fact that they have been ableto plan this hge bomb does not deter om the fact th there are very weak and es not deter from the ct that they have been acknowdging internall that tey are in a very critical situaon. >> days shoof force fllows basque rional elections, ich were banded democratic when eir favorite candidates were excluded -- day's show of force follows vast regional elections.
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>> with a lng summer still aad, authorities herere on heighted alert. >> voting has ended in moldova's parliamentary elections, and exit polls suggested there will suort the rulingommunist party. results last time around were sputed, leading to opposition protests. an's state news agency says files of around 20 people involved in otest after the presidentiallection results will start on sunday -- trials of aund 20 people involve in protest after the pesidential electi results wil start suay. they'reharged wit belonging to terrorist gros, carrying weapons, and sending images to any media. fires have destroyed hundds of hectares of wooand in spain. a local convent a a number of homes were evacuated as a
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precaution. officials are investigating reports the fires may have bee started delibately. zimbabwe's prident, robert mugabe, is committed to a power- shing deal, despite fears that rd-liners are trying to underminit. thais aording to the chaian of his party. this week, zimbabwe's governnt told the bbc tre is no ban on its operations a it can resume reporting legally and openly. anew harding wasiven access to sior officials ohis return. a report now on the heang process taking place in t country. >> believe itr not, things are picking up here. t is hardly a boom town, but this broken nati is tryi. on the stets, the only openly, we are surrounded by a surge of optimism- on the streets, selli -- filming openlywe
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e surrounded by a surgof optimism. >> hools are closed for a long time. ere isa change. there i a future. >a year ago, we filmed this airily and the supermarket. today, the contra is staggering. of course, are no longer having to operate und cover. hyperinflaon has been banished. the americ dollar now rul. across the zimbabwe, jobs and cash are still scad. -- sti scarce. >> very expsive. >> d you have a job? how do youanage to make es meet? politicly, things remai complicated. we are given a rare invitati t president mugabe's
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stronghold. his right-ha man greets us. >> welcome to my rty headquarrs. >> tank you. he insists the presidents committed to a power-shari deal. > he is a principled man. onc he agrees on a program, he wants that prrammplemented. do you knowledge that there are elemen that are tryi to disrupt this agreeme? rdliners? >> i do not thinkthere are any hard-lirs. the opposing party has committed itself to is deal, and we believe it is in the interestf zimbabwe tt the agreement succeeds. >> but t opposing party h not lost its tte for inmidation. party thugs recently attacked this man with an ax.
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>> [indible] >> a yet, across the country, people are challenging. human rights groups urging crds to stand up for their rights. there is a ndow ofope here you are watching "bbworld news." still to co -- >> i wil be reporting from greenland, where the midnight sun expos this is distuing truth. e ice is melting atn unprecedented rate. here, people have nohoice. ey have to adapto a warmer world. >> the families of 16 young people from english mlands who were a born withdeformed hands or feet haveon a landmark legal battle against the local council. they claim that the mothers were
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expod to toxic materials from a deceased steeorks, bu the council claims ty have yet to seany evidence of any link. >> today, the families aived at court, notnowing they were on their wayo make legal story. for 10 years, they have gued that their cldren's deformities re not a coincidence bu causedby the city. the clnup of these old steel works. for dedes, steel was thr currency. the plant's closure in 1980 was devastating. the council needed to replace old indusy with new, but first, had huneds of acres of contaminated land tclean up. this is what one of the old steelwor sites looks le today. turning it into this, though, was a dirty, arduous job that lastedears. the roads around here were filthy.
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in dferent ways, all the mothers came into contact with that dir when they were pregnant. whathey did not realize at the time was that it was toxi the judge sa today the council had been negligent and that tha negligence was likely to have harmed those unborn childre families like these deal now is the time to admit the council was wrong. just >> through sheer negligence, son and numerous other children hadeen born without rking hands. it inot fair. they could nowe in line to she millions of pnds with the damages, but they say money could never make up for the children's pain. knowing theruth, however, is pricels. >> this is "bbc world news." these are the headlis so far -- nigerian forces are ghting a fierce g battles with hundredsof islamist rebels in
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the noh of the country. over 2 people are thought to ve di overecentdays. poce in spain are blaming t basque separatist organization for a car bomb in aorthern city tha slightly injured nearly 50 people. a court inudan has adjourned the casef a woman who could ce 40 lashesfor wearing what s cled "in decent clothing -- "indecent clothng." attentiono her case.o bring as a united nations emplee, she would have had imnity. > these gen trousers arcely seem worth a second glance, but because of them, she could receive 40 lashes. the former journalist is convinced she is innocent of the chargeddressing indecently and is prepared to go to court to prove it. she has cided to resign from the united nions job, which,
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thanks to an agreent with the sudanese goverent, would have ven her immunity. >> we have expressed our respec for the agreement a its provisions, but we explain to the court that the ce should be triedefore the court, and we d not view the immunity as a bar the trial. >> the judge has a dent -- the judge has adjourned the trial. scores of pele have attended the hearing. ma of them afte receiving invitation cards or e-mails. sudanese law criminalizes improper clothing but does not specify what thiis. >> the char iin contradiction of the 05
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constitution. the law also contracts the humanrights charter included in the constitution,nd stated in a comprehensive peace agreement. i can alstell you as far as i ow as a musl, the article 152 in contradiction as islamic sharia law. >> she says she was inially arrested alongside 12 other women, all of them for wearing trousers. 10f them pleaded guilty and received 10 lashes and a $1 fine each, she says. sudanpplies a strict version of islam l in the north of this vas country, but ts high-profile case wil dermine whether at really forbids a woman from wearing trouser. >> now, in greenland climate chge is happening fter than the science is anticipad. asthe glaciers retreat, is e of the potentily danrous impact on global a levels --
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science ce -- science warns of the potentially dangero impact on globasea levels. >> green land is our plet's northern froier. there are signs of change. the sea does not freeze in winter like it usedto. thats bd news for the huskies. someet put down when there is no hunting on the ice. but good for villagers, who since an endo their isolation. -- who cents -- o sensean end to their isolation. >> as the clima grows warmer, people start to move back here. we a very good adapting
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change, a i see bright future for us here. >> warmersummers, a lonr growing season -- finally, greenld is bginning to live up to its name. >> th is the tail, and then we have the -- thiss the kale, leek an poto. >> man has barely left a mark on this island. now, witclimate change, the is talk of fostry, agriculture, and a new ierest in potential reaches deep underground. this -- a neinterest in poteial riche deep underground. is not the extraordinary beauty of this ple that excites geolost. ty have already found telltale signs of goland platinum down below in the roc. they believe with netests, new boreholes, they can prove tt
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this cou bvaluable mining territory. >> precious metals, diamonds, oil, d gas. in a warming agreement -- in a warming of greenland -- in a rming grnland, exploraon isa less dnting task. nmark has just given greeand self rle, including corol of their o resources. willhey embrace change o resist it? >> it is a dilemma, bothin terms of how big this industry can gro and house small our society is, how few people we are -- how small o society as. hoto manage this. >> the outside world sees this
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as a portenof our plan in peril, but for greennd, clime change may bring precedented opportunies. >> there is a new warning toy out the dangers posed by using a sunbed. a new study showsusing it before the age of 30 can subantially increase development of the most lethal type of skin caer. >> lisa is9 and has been using subeds r five years. sh likes tohave a tn and is not scared of cancer. >> if you do not use them too much, i'm sure y wille fine. i not always do it. once aeek maximum. twice athe maximum. >> 160,000 casesf melanoma skin canr are diagnosed worldwide every ye. experts are warnin tt some biusers who start beforehey are 30 increa their risk of cance by 75 percent -- n bed
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users who start before they are 30ncrease their risk of canc by 75%. obviously, adults can make oices about whether ey use them, but ey should do so kning the risks. we would also likeo see added protection foyoung people. weike to see under 18 banns. >>hat is alreaappening in scotnd. most of the uss are women aged in their 20's or 30's. ey come before a holid or simp because they feel it helps them lk good. this company uses rports style techlogy to makeure customers arnot booking to many sessions. the industry insists there is no oven link with skin cancer. >> que a day in the world of
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rmula one today. justours aer bmw announce that are pulling out of the sport, the greatesterman driver announced heas getting back into the sport. michael schumacher will replace massa. he retiredn 2006 after winng 91 grand prix. the news came on the david b&w announced it uld pullut of the chpionship at thend of the seas -- the news cme on the date that bmw announced it would ll out at the end of t season. >> bmw has spent four years and millions of pounds developi their cars, but thismorning, at thei heauarters in munich, theynnounced they had d enough. the chief executivsaid it had been a difficult decisiono quit formula onet the end of the season, t they deced to focus on other areas of motorsports -- the new technologies.
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it is the end of an adventure that had promisemuch. last season, bmw finished third. the driver, winning in cada. but this season has been a te of disappoinent. with the economic crisis affecting their r sales, expensive failure is no longer option. after honda's exit last year, w is the second car manufacturer to pull out of forma one, and like honda, they simply underaieved. morsports goveing body say theyre sadned but not surprised, and that it justifies their recent cost-tting measures. other teams may also now want to conser their fute, but for bmw, it is already the e of the roa >> a plane, which ws usedy leaders of communt east geany, is back i service, but not in the air. a dutch businessman bought the airaft, and he has turned it now into a luxury hol.
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this four-engine propeller plane is a bit of a lic of the cold war. it was produced in the sovt union, but it was used by leders of cmunist east germy. of thiis used to travel across the eastern bl. today, nearly 50 years after the rcraft w built, it is in service again. althoh those east german comres might be a little surprid what it is being used fonow. on board, you can se that this aircraft has bee given a five- star facelift andransformed into auxury hotel. it does not fly amore. the point hat with this plan, you can te a vacaon without taki off. the pne only has onebed, but plenty ofreature comforts that en the cmunists eagerly uld only dream of, includi a jacuzzi and infrared sauna -- that even the communist elit
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could only dream of. >> when you want to celebrate something -- an anniversa or a wedding -- and you are looking for something special, i think this is speciaenough. >> it d t look sopecial a few mohs ago. the aging aircraft had be tan t bits to get it from rmany to holland. then, the keover began. -- the makeover began. but there is one part that has chand very little. my favorite of e whole hotel is possibly the least lo serious part -- the cockpi look at this. it has been left virtually untouched. has barely changesince the time the pils at your -- since the time the pilot sat here. it is a kid's dream -- buttons to pre, wheelsoove.
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they even still have this emergey wrote the pilot would have used if they needed toet out of the plan very quickl but what and when really want t spd the night here? thewners are certainly hoping that this combination of communist era of history and comft, the idea of checkin into a hotel plane ll really take off. >> our top story again -- reports fromnigeria from the north of the countryay the fighting bween security forces and litant islamists, who are blamed for fomenting violenc across sever states, hs worsened. it is reports from one to -- the fierce figing is continuing with the mitants ill holding several invidual areas. >> funding forhis presentation s made possible by the freem foundation of neyork, stowe, vermt, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, t john d. and cathine t. macartr foundation, and union bank.
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