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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  August 1, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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>> rose: wcome to the broaast. tonight a coersation about cody with a look at "funny people", a new movie wi adam sandler star and judd apaw asirector. >> he wasn't ssure what he was going do. judd, i was sure, i was ke i'm going to be a movie star, that a guarantee. anno one's going to stop me. judd wasn't ectly sure what he was dng but he was writing away in hi room all the time and i would always walky his bedroom. i uld see him typing away, he had some seat so his back wn't hurt,s was always ovethere with his neck. and i would go what e you doing in there apatow m writing some skits. i was like, for wha i don't know. i was likehat the hell i the maer thisuy. but it was just neat tt we know each other is long and en got to make movie together and have, of course, i want to do it again. >> when lived with adam, i wanted to be a comedian ry badly. and adam had, you know,ne
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of tho things thayou just can't dine which is charisma. just people were drawn to him. and i would ent a room fore he was famous and would you just feel theoom mo towards adam. and i would be sitng in a corner going -- why don't i have the magic fairey dust. what is going on. so but i think parate from ju being funny which is rd to define, like a jk trying to break it down, he is a great personnd people can just tel i an the camera has been up in his face f 20 years and they got aense of where his hearts in dition to all his --. >> rose: i believe tt is true. >> rose: conrsation and funny people, an adam sandr and judd apatowor the hour, next. funding for charlie rose has been provided by the foowing.
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caioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in neyork city, th is charlie rose. >> rose: adam sandr and judd apatow are here. between them theirilms have grossedillions of dollarworldwide. they he been friends for 20 years. when eh was a struggli comic on theos anles std-up circuit. since then sandler has beco one of the most pular comedians in film. apatow after working for years as a writer a producer broke o as a direct with "the 40-year-old rgin" the film starring sve care in theitle role blended raunchy humor with
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moments of tenr drama. are you a virgin. >> yeah, yeah, not since was ten. >> it all makes sense you' a virgin. >> im -- shut up. >> how does thathappen. >> rose: his sond effort "knocked up" also bame a itical and commercial success. >> i'm pregnant? >> with emotion. >>ith a baby. you' the father. >> rose: the two have now finally teamed it with "funny people" sandler plays a famous actor who learns hhas a terminal illness. here is a look at th trailer. >> i le having a girlfriend. i don't have one but i like it better. one-ght stands are tough. and i'm not great at sex so at the end of everyime haveo go, normally i do better than that. girlfriendare sop much better, yo finish up a are yojust like wel, u know (lauter) >> that's how i do it. >> hey you destroyed, man. >> you were e guy on after me. >> it is hard to be romantic with women when you live on a pullo couch. once those t little leg co down you know it's on, right.
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>> feels good. >> maybe y can write me some jos. >> iave been going to this guy's movies since t moment i can rememr. >> do you have any frids that are like you but jt way funnier. you can say yes. >> i am going to tell you something, and i don't want yoto get allweird on me. i'm dying. >> it's too early to know who is winni the fight, the medicine or the disease. >> did abody ever tell you you have a verycary accent. >> you are a very funny man enjoy your movies. >> and i enjoy l of your movies. >>hich movies. >> t ones where you try to kill bruce willis. >> oh my g that is the sade thing i've er hear >> are you cryg right now? >> i kind of am. >>h come on, lighten up. >> people will think i broke up with you. >> did you tl your mom. >>. >> yes, i st her an e-mail and she tried to e-mail me ck on a toaster. >> there is always the one girl out there tt got away. >> this my husbandlark. >>he one that got away guysave that and serial kills have that. you want to talk to me whil we try to fall asep.
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that not your real name. >> you're hiding some beauism. >> if only i could hide that. my fe is circumcis. >> i don't want to get your pes up but you may have beaten thi thing. >> the docr said i'm n sick a more. >> yes! >> l right, all right go ahead. what was tt like, hing one fo in the door. >> i feeling like i'm i the mome for the first time in life >> have to save you from a beautifu house and husband. >> no,othing's going on around here. >> don't mock me, i don't preciate it. >> i explained all that. >> that doesn't mean i was getting a b and t. >> wt accent is that? i think you cght a glimpse of sometng that mo people don't getto see. >> my husband is goi to
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kill, he's fro australia, ey just kill things ther >> don't hurt him. >> get in the ball, geor. >> ion't know how to fit. i'm a median. >> my grandther died, his one candle started flickering. all thought it was him gog to heaven, you kno >> youon't pass throu fire to get to heaven. i think h went to hl. >> i'm pased to havedam sandler an judd atow back at this table. lcome. >> greato see you. >> rose: now whereo we starhere? tell me when you two fir met. >> that s after i jt moved out to l.a. ias 22. went o stage out there at the vley improve. used to be an improv at a hotel in the vley. th had it for a few year it's gone now. i did pretty we that night. that wasn't a normal thing. usually i didn't do too well. so i ran to a phone and called my dad. hey, is going all right, dad. and if i rember correctly i thinkapatow wa like
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lurking around the phone ki of like looking at me. i was likell right, this guy's oking at me. and then hcame up to me and said hey, i'mudd. i saw you out in new york. you do thabarish that ugh bit. i used thave a bi i would wear sweat pants on stage ansay here'my impression and i wld pull them up and show them the lack of balls i had. anyway - >> rose: the what? >> lack of bge. anyway, and judd mentiod he lik it. and then w started talking that night. >> sous like a come-on. love yr bulge bit. (lauter) >> rose: so you star talking to y. >> and w became friends a very good friend immediately. i was out there with a few guys from, tn i moved out there fr nyu. we all ma the move together. and enhey couldn't afford rent any more i was like i nee a roommate who going pay. >> rose: so didou call him up or -- what happened?
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>> i don't rember that. >> evebody was moving t that hse. rose: where were you in your life at that poin >> i went to usc cine school for aear and a half. and then i basically ran out of money and ierest at the same time. and how i knew that was dung college i went on the dating gamend i won. and the trip was a trip to ago poll cobut it w happening during finals week so i dropped out of college. >> oh my god. >> i got sunburned the fir day and couldn leave the roomor the next two days. while she t on busboys. (laughter) >> so i was living with my grandma lly and my mom and working e clubs atight an seeing at theimprov. >> rose: y were doing stand-up. >> yeah, and for money i work for comic reli prucing benefits for the homeless during e day. so i had enough to pay
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425 a month. >>e was making$500 a week. he was the only one of us who was guaranteed to pull in $50a week. we always say how he is getting his comic relief jobs. and we go in for a few hou and come back, but he's getting $500 for this? only aouple hours a day. the was a lot nger. >> rose: what was he like a roommate. he was felix and youwere -- >> i guess i was oscar, more -- more -- you know, yeah, judd's a very -- >> fastidious. >> he is. rose: look at the way he is dressed. >> he ca with a purple tie. >> rose: pinstripe too. do you own a pinstripe? do you hava pple tie. >> i have my things, ere is closet i don'tpen mu in house that has thesthings. but no, judd s alws very, very sweetman. >>ose: and after being ommates youremained friends. u stayed in touch. >> oh, ah, worked togeth. >> yeah, we, younow, when am got "saturday night live" he left. and you ow there was question of whher or not he w going to keep the
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apartment i l.a. i quickly realized iguess that's not gng to happen. i'm living alone rig now. and so i got anoth apartmen but it was -- >>hat i had a room in. >> tha yes. >> you moved t another apartment and he st for my l.a. visits, ich weren't that frequt but he had an extra room for me. >>nd it was very exciting because adam, you know, got this job on "saturday night live". out of the blue. which so kind of shocked me bus adam's stand-up was kind of mumblg and was veryizarre and he dn't do ca,. he didn't come from second ci. and suddenly hs like i'm castember on "saturday night live". i am like how did that happen. u don't evendo vi voices what is goingn. >> y know what was sane how cocky i was backhen. en i got offered "saturday night live", they oered me to be writer and then eventually a performer. and i actually was ing i don't know if i wt to do that. and i --these guys don't understand. and then all my iends are like just do it, just do , dumby.
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aughter) >> exact. >> rose: so whdidn't you make a movie in all, until now? >> we hav worked on a bun of movies together. >> we -- well, started doing the ben stiller show which was show that benn and i crted that wasn for seasonn fox. and that was thefirst big tv gig that i got after iting jokes for people for long time. and i was dng that while adam was on "saturday nit live". and then we both started writing vies. adam wte billy madison and i cowrote a viealled heavyweights wit steve brill and our friend ja garaputo that am was in college with. >> hwas your aistant. >> and then he became the social producer of heavyweights then mod over to bly mason. and then weorked together a little bit on happy gilme. i came up and did some polish work at the end. so eve few years i uld comen and helpout. and i always wante to do this. but i did feel like i needed to have learned enough. >> rose: wanted to what? >> to make aovie with adam
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and to make something peonal with adam because we knew each othe so well. always try to figure out how to tap that. but i s didn't -- also didn know how to direct. so needed 10 or 15 years to get tt togher. >> rose: now you havtwo big movies uer your bt. and now the thd one. >> yes. and adam saw "knocked u" and he said whateve the next one is, i --. >> rose: you saw it ansaid this guy can do,e's got the chopto do that. >> i mn i always ew judd was, youknow, we have silar tastes. he has a difrent, -- he's doing movies dierently th i did them. but we always de each other laugh. we alws felt comfortable withach other. always liked the same uff. judd liked a lot of, turned me on to a lot of stuff i never en heard about, a lot music, a lotf movies when were romates. he, what is it, he brought me into a differenworld. i was likehat, wheres is the terminar, i don't understand this. but yeah, and thenudd came to me, he said check out my movie "knocd up" and i
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wahed it. i was shting aovie at the time. i watched it in my trail we are a couple ofmy buddies ani was just like apatow is unbievable. >> rose: i may work with h now. >> now i'mying to. i called him up and said judd, whatever it next, let's do it he said all right, ihink i might hav something. rose: that says something interesting about him, doesn't it. a, looking out for himse by calling you up and saying hey, i admire what you do, and think about mthe next time you make mething that might be right. and onhe other hand, here's a guy who was a huge star when he makes that call. >> you kw, i was -- you know, i was thrille and then instantly hado go in my note bock and sai what would bethe idea for adam. maybthis one. and i always wanted to make a movie abt comedias. it's not a subject that's beenandled great on film. and if you do it bly, all comedians will hate you for the rest of your le. so youeel that pressure. but in theack of my head i ought i think that i'm, you knowone of the few peoplehat know this world enough to get itacross on screen. i just -- it took a long time to work up th courage.
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>> rose: both of younow comeans, you understand comedians, are you comedians, both of you have expeence in that world. what are the common deminators among the people you know who do what you do, whatever variatn of it, write jokes, stand-up, comic films, whatever? imov. >> in personity, i mean, it's diffent. there are so guys who are just kind ofmart and witty and fuy. and there ar some guys wh are just a little bit off. anthere therere guys who clearly got a beat down at some point ding their young life andade them feel the nee to get attention. >> rose: and so which e is he? >> how man of those - >> rose: all of them. >> all of the above. >> and so it is --here is a moment on gary shandling's dvd for lry sands where he talks abo this with jerry seield and jerry ys to gary, why can't you be a comedian just because
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u're talented and you're spart a, that's why you are comedian. and --. >> re: that is what i would add. >>nd gary just goe w so angry, jerry. ani think that captures it. >>ose: okay. unny people" >> yes. >> what's the passion that you had for this? >> i wanted to ta about wh i first bame a comedian andhe moment that i was allowed into the world of comics which is very exting for me. and i knew that the was a movie there but also the peop that i worked with when i firsttarted were incredibly ne to me. and i was just in heaven being around the i wrote for roseanne and tom arno. that was o of my fit jobs. you know, they bought me a rolex r christmas. they paime $800 a week. suddenly i cld aord let parking. >> rose: a nice rap party thing too. >> exactly >> so it was al positive. so i kw i needed,you know,
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to fabricate sometng. and then i h another ide which was i wanted write a movi about someonewho is sick who gets better, who realizes that heas more --. >> rose: was sicwith a terminally so thinks it's all over >> yes, and it' about how he -- realizeshat he's more comfortable being sick anthe way that makes him feel in terms of appriating life than he is when he ge better. and suddly there'sime again and he starts becoming neurotic and has kind of a meltdown. that washe initia thought. >> rose: in your o mind what's the sensef the push-pull between i wa to tell this interesting but serious sry. >> uh-huh. >> re: and at the same time,ake comedies. >> ihought that if this story happened in the rld of comedia it would inherentlyave a lot o human ver it. but what i thought i my head w i'm not going to let the joke count determine what the movie is. d the onl--. >> rose: and i'mo the going go for easy jokes.
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>> i'm to the ing go for big set pieces. you poe no, ually you make big comedy someing crazy has to hab ppen, the energy kicks in, themusic hato kick in. and i thought there will be a lot of stand-uand i thought the convertions would be fny and iense but will let the emional li of it rule theay in terms of how this works and th, you know, that was -- it was tcky to do. it's tough to shake it off and just y okay, no, thi seems intense and that's it. and when u'reesting the movie, if it's a comedy you hear the laughs and you go that sce works, but if it's a sadcene and you have watchedt 200imes, 's a little trickier to go how did do there. >>id we feel something. i wish there was a noise for feeling and then iould go okay, they mad the weird noise, or sniff els or something. >> rose: tell me abt georgeim inns your character d how he is different from anybody y played before >> he's a lile more raw an anyone i have played before. a little -- ows a darke,
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nastier,you know, what i li about playing the guy is you're neve sure what the response is going to be. i'm wi seth rogan plays my assistant. he is a nice youngid and there e second i'm warm to him andhe next second i'm abusing him. and he -- seth never knew which y we were going go with it. and when i first read the script i w ke oh, man, apatow, i am such bad person in this movie. and i would always y really, you thinkso? i n't know. i thinke's a ne guy. i would be ke i don't know, i don't know, apatow. he sd the way you put the movie togeth, wanto tch. i'm like a right, you see why he became a certain whicand youforgive him. >> that was th thought hi. i have a little nobook and right before i shoi made notes like things to remember. don't forget like these four things and one of tm was the entire mov is just a journey to undstand why he is like this.
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and when it ends,ou can coletely know him. and you know what his struggle is. but throughout the movie, it tas awhile to connect all the dots. >>oll tape, firstcene tween george and i, the assistant who is going to be there with h as he faces his tminal illness played by set rogan. here i is. >> if you ca possibly do me a favor. >>kay, yeah, what? >> kill me. >> what? >> nobody knows we know each other. you're a sanger. you can get away with this. i got a gun in th other room. untraceae. i've give you $50,000. don't ke me suffer, please. ki me, ira. m begging you. >> can you at leastive me a night to tnk about it? >> hah! thk about it, you would do it. >> oh, i hate you, man, oh, no, ira, i misre you. yore sick. you're a murderer.
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>> oh, screw -- y, man. >> what would yo have done for $100,000, chop my head off. >> rose: okay, just set this . so here's georgewho thinks he has a terminal illness and goes to ire ira. what does he want do facing that challee? >> t idea was that his way ofealing with it is to not tell anydy. doesn't want to be the sick guy. he doesn't want all of the magazines and tv show chasg him sow doesn't tell anyone. he doe't tell his family. he doesn't want to depress his parentwho are elder. so he knows he has to tell someone so he hires this young comic to writeokes and be his lackey, his assistant d he's only going toell him. and it'slmost,t's too much essure for seth' character to handle,o be thbearer of the secret. d he wants to do an enormous amount oftand-up to just nothink about it. like let's go to work t's just -- so you have this fun diotomy, this incredibly hvy situation and he goes on sge and justells filthy jokes
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every night a way to avoid it. >> and whaabout the love of his life played byour wife by the way. >> yes lesley mann plays laura and it's -- at part of the sto is that he chead on the one woman he lovewhen he wasoung. >> rose: and s left him and married other guy. >> and s has children and when he' sick, e admits that i love you mor tn i lovey husband. d part of the sto is about him when he gets better tnking he can pursue her aga because she gave up this information. >> rose: andho plays the children? >> t children are pyed by my children and the reason why io that, there are a buh of reasons. one, i don't get to meet other people'schildren cause they could be like, you know, th could be lik those ds from the mie orphan, you knowi don't want to meet other people' kids. i like hanging out with my kids. ey get paid. i get to keep thmoney that they make and i like them. you know, they are the symb of family and funiness and beauty. d it's funny because i like i think tt they're awesome. but i gss no o would
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tell me if they're not. you know, but it seems lik --. >> rose: he's what i get like this. if you want to be one of his fms, youot to be his roommate. >> tt's right, that's right. >> rose: you got to be married to him or you t to be h cldren. how ere is seth in this. well, seth, i'm hi creepyncle. you know, i love all those movies where people really knew eacother. en you see annie hl and you knowoody allen and dianne keaton had an intimate relationshi or scorsese and dianyo, e peop that were actually fries and were close, something haens on screen i ink that is different than when i jt read a hundred people and hire somebody. >> we do that also. and then sometim we have nnections like weo with jonah hill b i really le that t fact that we trust each other. and so things are revealed. >> re: one more look at george's character in this encounter. ro tape. what's going on, how a he we dog? >> well, your immune stem
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isn the middle of a very serious battl >>our accent is very sick. have you ever noticed your accent makes this sound worsthan they actually are. you could givegood news and i would still be lik what happened, i'm still dyin i'm just trying to help you. >> a you mad that you died the end of thediehard? >> i don't underand the reference. >> kind of looks like thos two guys i the second matrix movie. >> and i am sorry, getting a little bit annoyed by thi hurous activities from you guys. so i think you,e have discussed th. ani'm very, very sympathetic to yr recery an i he weill succeed with what were doing. >> i've been ting to build this cabet i bought fr you guys forbes like six months. >> ikea, that's ve fun. >> what is that show? >> well, i'm there. i'm to the gting good new at the doctors. i don't wa to sit iit
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and hear more aut it so the character autatically --. >> rose: makesun of the dock te. >> ectly. >> treats m like a heckler. >> exactly. >> rose: is this, whe do you put this in terms of the kinds of things you want to do and the evolution you're on. i mean youave -- there is a nd of path as to -- >> yeah. >> the kd of things you do. >> it's far seen very lucky d fortunate. i have no idea -- thisjust -- this is jus the apatow movie wrote and it turned out to beery strong movie and my character, i got to shall did -- i don't know. >> rose: well, i mean you have n bee-- he has not been afraid to stretch, has he. >> that's righ >> no, i think --. >>ose: or take chances and sometimes it didn't me out exacy like you imagined. buyou still made tons of money. >> you know, to me, adam's commitment is kindf astounding. thone that really always ts me is you don't mess with the zoh.
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if youatch it purely for comedic acting commitment it's jt insane and it's really harious, strange character. and also, like punch drunk love opanglesh there is that other sid and th is fun because it is vy stripped down. and adam does have an r rated sensibility re from his albums thas f to see on screen. >> rose: theres something called app to youan, explain me what that means. >> some lame brain. >> ros like hitchcockan, app to youan >> don't know exactly. >> rose: wt do you think it means? what is it, in other wds, what is thatf you say it is an apatow mie. >> oh,eah, i guess it' us right now as saying ere are buddies involved in the movie. there is languages that els natural and some cursing. >> rose: a lot of reference to sex and women. >> exactly. his references to women, wh i love about thi movie,
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occasion jd has heard some,youknow, what is it wh did i say? at is the negative on you right no >> that i'm sexist. >> oh, sexist. >> rose: n miss an thropic. >> how would you dine that word. >> someone who hate everytng. >> see i thi i'm a wussy. i thi i'm whipped rse let's get to that. so i read about your reviews. lots of them r a movie which is essentially comedy b rious theme. how do you face death and howdoes one person face death. theris a psyc analys about u thatsurprises. >> i not even that interesting. >> rose: i havsome quotes about this too. tell me how youee this. >> okay. >> rose: and you tught about this. >> what i thought when i was making it, was that the are traditional structures of comedies and lm in genel. and when you g against it,
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it just disturbpeople. but i also and this sounds like a movie sno or jerk, i s going use the word jerk and then use anher word, and late the would be off. i don't wa to cnect th. i don't knowif you cann pbs. but movie likeohn and robert altman movies where they areeant to make you feel tngs that you don't want to feel. now that's not part of mainstream comedy. t i thought it was important to think about, wellhere is this quote from john who says don't care if you like tm or hate them i just nt you to still be thinkin about them in ten years. and do want you to love the movie. i think that is e most portant part. bui did want to g under people craw and provoke in addion to having a hopeful message which is the most important part for me. >> rose: i suspe this movie willave a very good weekend. i hope that is correct. rose: for lots of reasons, you and you. when wl you know, b friday night? >> you know, tonig, if you
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t a lot of calls, you know 's a good night. >> rose: inobody calls. >> when th don't call you. >> rose:ou go to the beach. >> rose:ere is one. i wi stay with this. >> i like it, think it's -- i thk that is exactly why made the mov we could kick around these kind of issues. >> rose: andou come here to kick around these kinds of issues. >> let's get it . >> rose: all right "funny people" feels insurancear as if apatow's whole wor consist of ndy joke sters who were any, lonely kid was gorich beyond their dreams and fed women w would ver -- >> i didn't do that. >> rose: and who had -- ande who's never have taed to them in high school but are deep down stil angry. u got to help me this. >> i don't even likeeing athe table with a guy like that. >> rose: they're serious about in, and so a you. >> it's wrong in aouple of ys. one ii had a fantastic girlfrie in high school,
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lisa shermanho was very nice to me. her parents re very nice to me. so i wasn' the guy wh didn'tave a girlfriend, all righ and in terms of being an insular world omedians it is kind of a -- it is a movie abt comedians, sof i put a lot of plumber in, inhere, it wouldn't make nse. so i'm explong the world of comedians. and inerms of comedians who get scessful and are unhappy,ou only have to look at ke the michael jiang son case to see what fameoes to peoplen terms of everyone giving them everything they want, in terms ofow unhappy it makes em and h much difficulty ty get connecting with indivials when they can connect with the masses. so i think it's all, u know, it'sall very real stuff i'talking about it may note real to everyo. but what i --. >> rose: who is it reato, is it real to -- >> younow what its --. >> rose: i tnk what it is, it's a way otalkingbout how we come up withur priorities for o lives, through the eyes of a funny
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comedian. but we all deal with this. how much time do we wanto spenat work versus how much time do we want to spend with the family. >> re: and how much time do we talk about sex. >>nd how much do we want connect with people that 'rencomfortable with whether it's family member or friends, how far dowe go to clean it up with peopl we have issues with. and some pple just go in the house watch tv and let things fester forever anthat is what george's character does. >> ros this is just one, i have mor his man child universe with its mixture of juvele raunch and wte -- >> are wtalking about me now? >> rose: we're getting to you. we haven't started. you may want to leave now. (lghter) >> rose: we ha no sympath for these people. they're doinquite well in life. all right. apatow's his man child universe with its mixture of juvenile raunch a white bread mily values has conquered erican comedy. there yogo,onquered american comedy. >> w to go. >>ose: way to go. >> but it's the x of middle css values and is
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that you? middle class values and n universa >>ell, a man child -- i don't think anyone, i have never met a man who i not a man chil i meet a man who acts like very proper, i thi he's covering how goofy he reay is and some guys are st goofy. and i get older, this is an interesti thing i ought about recently, i'm 41 yearsld. and when we liveding to we we all immature goofy guys. now i have a lot of e same friend, i'm had 1. we haven made a lotf progress and ieally don't thinwhen me andadamare 60t is going to be that much different. >>hat's right. >> re: do you consider this your first grown-up movie as some have said. and what does that mean? >> you know, i don't -- i woed on a show called freaks and gks which we' all ve proud of that was a a semi dark lookt high school. and wh i made this movie i thought its more a return to the frks and geeks tone. so i don't see it as that much different.
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rose: i found a subject we were talking abt interesting onlyecause wh you guys do, in the world of movi makes more ney than most. >> yeah. >> ros what is it that you think connects with th audience out there? and is it especiall the reality that the audience who mes to the movies is a moe-going audience. in other words, you p into the movies you have tap into the people, the young people who want to see movs of this kind, a that more of them than any otr movie-goinaudience? >> you know, that's funny. i -- i getdeas about movies, hey, we got such and such studio wants they have a movie foyou. they tell me the idea of t movie and in thr sentences i can either be like oh, this, that fls like mething that cld connect th people. or iay i don' know about at. and i don't love that and it's a gut feeling. it's something that comes
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from when i was young and wh i knew would excite me and my friends or what i would want to see. i'm getting older though. i n't know exacthat these young kids are tking about. i don't en know -- used to be kind of cocky wking down t street from my movies, i would be like when thyoung kid was s me i would be like yeah, at's righ i know, here i am. now i'm like -- do you still like m. i in the gangtill, i don't know. >> there are a lot of nny things in thmovie that we cuout about him trying to figure out wt his next moe was going to be there s discussion about i have to go into my walter matthew phase, i have toing --. rose: we were talked about ca considered in terms the nature of the movie. >> that's righ >> rose: but when you look at these thing what is the instinct youave about thi fits f me or doe't fit for me. you can defint or you just know. >>ost importantly if i'm gointo be proud of it an i really think it's funny. yoknow, the fact that i
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went in with apatow blind and said whater you wte, i'in was just because i trust apatow and i like h taste. and --. >> rose: how wouldou characterize his tas. >> theicture was not a funny pit. you are dying andyou're a terrible person. >> i said stop there, just write it youe going to get me out of this thi. no, his ste is very sext and i identify with it. (laughr) >>ose: so if he was mass only nist was all right with you. >> exactly, i loveo hate. rose: do you have a different view of women than you think th perption is of you. >> oh my god, yes. here is what ithink it is. is that i'm trng show warts anall men anwomen. and most comedy women are romant sized and they're prty. ey're not funny and the men try tottain them. in myovies starting with kaerine in the 40-year-old virgin and katherine and lesley in knocked up, i was trying to show rl cflict between men and men. and i think somef those scenes which wer kind of
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rough where people reay curse each othern big fights, it isore like the fights in life it not like the fights in the moviesithink so people it's so different that ithrows them. but ijust, i just look at my own sense of what's ppening which iin the 40-year-old virgin,teve carell doesn't is want t have sex bause he thinks 's going to be bad at it so he avoids it becaus his toy falls on the floor and catherine starts scrming at him because she thin ere's something wrong with her. that's not sexist. and i think about knocked up, that the issue was that seth cared more about his bong and his pot than his pregnant girlfriend and so she breaks up with him and scams at him. and she should scrm at him for that. andso i ve wind up wt is everybody'sbehavior. i'm trying to show immatureity. there is a lot sexism in immatureity but its a journey of theseuys realing i have to gety act together. this isn't the way to
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behave. >> ithere a part of are you mang fun of them. you understand that people will be laughing, but in fact, are you makg fun of them. i mean are you making fun of their attitudes and what they talk about and how they view -- >> yeah, i just think that terrib behavior is really funn and i' not saying it is correct. i'm saying here is a starting pnt. and most comedies, even it is lik jerryewis movie starts with an incredibly ture person who needs to learn a leon. and that's one of the lessons in these mies. i'm in the like that in life. i'm -- you know, a ver timid rson when it comes to women. was not outnd about too much. i was a shyuy. but i find people who are cocky a sexual funny. d so that makes me laugh. >> and nerdyuys talkin, you know, talkin aut women in away tha isver the topexist makes me laugh because they do it because they're so insecure thathey make up for it by like going, hey, check that girl out. because if the girl ied to
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kiss them theyould cry they would be scared. >> rose: is a bit ofthis in the same way that sthen colbert is in a sense character turein some another kind of rson he has become othe show? >> i don't know. i am just trying to show people's flaws. so if some people say ur moviis sexist becausee's sexist, i think well, isn't that the point o the movie that in the starting, at e starting gate, ts is his probm. >> rose: and uerliing it ways is itunny, and it is funny. peoplecting horribly, i don't knowfnything that, i mean that is what its, if he was- if these guys weren't xist oridn't act in an immature way what would be going on in the movie,ou know, if anice gugets airl pregnant, then we just marry her and i would have an 11 minute movie. >> rose: all right, another scene this iwhere eric who play clark speaksmandarin
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th his kid. >> this is really good pizza. they say like new york has e best pizza. i ways thought pizza a. was only o kok butho would ha thought marin county w really hidinghe good pizza pies. >> clark speak fluent chinese. >> really? >> you speak cantonese or mandarin. >> oh, -- >> mandarin. >> it's a bloody hard lauage, grge, gee. peaking mandarin). >> kind of lika scene from er hunter. >> mao! >> so explain that scene. well, in that part of the
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moe leslie's charact laura, her husba thinks that adam is still sick. but he's better and she knows that i he says she's bett he will get a whiff that like maybe there ght be the begning of something ing on between them. so theare pretendinghat he's --. >> and her attitude about them is -- >> she feeling out wther or not he the kind of person you could have a real relationsh with. >> because her husnd is having a -- >> herusband is a philanderer well. she bacally thought she leftdam and found different pers and found thexact same g with an australian accent. >> rose: that de hunter was that scripd. >> wjust did that that day. most of thmovie is scripted or jd says screams t say this, say that he was rewriting onhe eat is lot. occasions we had ments like that thatere fun, judd said his seth said his ne, i said my line. >> rose: what did u lik and dislike about georg
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whats his redeeming quity here. >> you know, easi for me t to like him. because i'm rried with two kidsnd i certainly don't wanty two kids to think that's guy's me. i was nervous aut that the whole movie. >> re: you were. >> o absolutely. i have little daughte. and know ey're going to watch my movies whenhey're older. and some of them i'm like th one presents me in a ce light for my kids. and one ke this'm like i hope they don't thk i'm thatuy and then they become jerks becse daddy was a jerko i'm going to be a jerk. i don't know. i n't know. >> rose: but you're thinki abouthat. >> oh myod. i let it go, apato would say what he wants in a scene. d i say okay, l's go. but i would dre home that night and iould have this niceouse. i have the kids, look in eir bedroom and see them eeping. and it'sust like what t hell ai doing? this is going kill bhin day. rose: it might not be worth it. >> yes, can i pull out o
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this. >> rose: about him, tell me at it is that you think, adam has bee the most succsful comedic actor. >> what it about him? at is the appeal? >> rose: i know is embarrassing you but wt the he. >> its- when i lived with adam >> rose: what you think it is that they so connect with? >> when i lived withdam i wanted to be a comedian very badl and adam h one of those things that you juscan't define which is charisma. just peoe wererawn to m. and i would enter a roo bere he was famoand you would just feel the om move towardsdam and i would beitting in a corner going why don't i have the magic fairey dust. what is going on. so but i think separe from just being funny which hard to define an you und li a jerk trying to break it down,e's a great person and people can just tell. i mean the camera has be up in hisace for 20 years and th got a sense of wherhis heart is in addion to all this
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comedic. rose: i believe that true. smarter peop say the camera dsn't lie. and so we can see over t years wt it is that is going on. >> he real was frless becae he signed on to t movie before i wro it just off of a very short pih. and it was no time during the shoot where heaid you know, let's to theo that, that's cutting too clo to the bone that makes me look bad. and i really thought at some point we were going to go to war. iny head -- >> ovewhat. >>ver anything. >>n other words, before you started makingit or afr in the middle. >>n the middle of mak it. >> or what would you go to wore over. >> anything, because aot of actors they tri to rect from acting, they will say i don't wanto do that becauseou might use it. and i thought you know adam, you know, produces his own moes, he knows exact what he nts and at se point doesn't he wake up and sai think it'shis and 's not that and adam kept saying i mpletely trust you. it is your vision, i'm to the gointo water it down, point me in the ght
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direion, i trust you. and ev though we wereat irizing comedy and sat irizing a comedy care. he just said i going to go for it 100 percent a that is why the movie works. >> indeed, i bieve that. anin fact, that's why you choose directo you want to workith because y feel safe and therefore you can go wherer theyant to you go a you can unleash whatever it is that, right. >> exactly. and if ty use something i don't nt them tose i just don't watchhe movie. >> this is from interest "usa today". d it basically says here, apow has said thateorge, yohave said that geoe represents wt he a saler would have become if we didn't get sane and get married and have childre >> yes. >>hat is true. so would you have been, gege f you hadn't found a man. >> there are differences no matterhat. but yeah, i could sees leavina path. i definitely bore i mety
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wife had to make a decision. i'm not liking whoi right now. and i had very good parents. very nice family. and i was, you know, excited about girls and taking advantage of that. this was, you kn, years ago. and i denitely made a conscious decisi i don't ink that's the life i want to live or i'm going to just be unhappy. i wasn't happy. so i changemy path and fell in lov had children and i'm living that le. but -- >> hi a different thing which was nobody would have sntions with meo i thought i should settle down now. >> tell me about the casabatas scene. why is it, and in fact someonsaid this black and white phot of peter faulk on theet that's important to you becaus he was one of
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ur idles. >> yeah. >> it doesn't sound like i connects. >> no, it doesn't and that is why iant to know. >> casavatas w an extraordarily incisive director who wod cfront anything. >> yes. i mean i'm not certainly as accomplishedr brave as he. but i do tnk what he prches when youead interviews with m is important. and you know he says all the movies are about love and obstacles to love. and thatsomething that gary shandli always say, he said the larry sande show is out people who love eacother but show business gs in the way. and that is how iried to approach the work. and to alsorealize that some of the scene do not have to b enjoyable. they just needo make you think or feel somethi and modern movies are mainl about hiing your pleasure center really hard. and i ought younow i'm going to step into something more thougful, in aition toiving aot of laughs. >> you know where the
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pleasure ter is though >> i do. and it takes work to avoid it sometimes becse you're in the rhythof a certain type of film. it feels good there too. >> it does. but it's you coort zone, isn't it. >> it's definite when i came o toollywood to do. i was like i'm gog to make peop feel at ease. i rember when he was teing me to d this i thought all right, i guess i got to do tharight now. do you want to direct movies. >> no, no,o. i can't ncentrate that long. juddnd i have differen personalitie i am -- i'm great for ten minute run, concentting then all of a sudden i'm drifting off and someone comes in andasks me a question. and i'm just like leave me ale, man, idon't have time for thi i ve too many other cra thoughts going on. >> what are those crazy thoughts. >> i thinking about pie family, my kids, i'm thinking abo when am i going to play basketball. i got to get away from these ople. i hate it re. just need to n away. >> when's lunch. >> yeah, when's lunch. i love to ea >> rose: so what areou
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lookinat now. what kindsf things would -- >> jd made aockery of every comedy i'm goi to do after this,this whole movie. anhing i do after this wi blike it's kind of ke he would have done, paidun inform thisovie and guess wh, i'mtill doing it >> rose: so you'reo the going tohange. >> i can't change now. too te. >> rose: and too gd to you. >> that's righ can'turn my back on what made daddy som money. rose: made daddy a lot of money. but mean is there anythg that wld cause to yoay i'll roll the entire dice on this. i will roll it up on th kind of -- >> i done have that right w. >> rose: y don't have that creativerge is closesto it. >> i'm 4 right now. i've been doing this. >> rose: an you're 4 >> had 1. i have bn doing this since i'm 17 i have always hadan insane ive this is the first time m after this i'm soting a moe right now. and everyone in e movie is saying all rht what are you doing next. at's going on next. ani'm just in my head
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going i can' believe i just want to relax. i just got to sit down and --. >> rose: do you ve the doing of the thi? the making of e movie. >> i am nuts. i am dying to get in there, let'sick -- i want to destroy this movie is great. right whene get on the s i'm in that trailer going now whthe hell am here. i can't stand why did i make all this mey to end newspaper this stupid trailer agai i can't believe it. >>ose: i thought you told me comedians didn't have compxes. >> it is a a lot ofressure when are you on at set. i woul get there in the moing and i would be in a bad moodntil o clo until i thought the scene s begiing to work. >> oh, yeah. >> and myproduce rtificate like are you in a terrible mood until 2:00 every da yeah. >> becse are you just so -ef reday is an sperm. every sce might not work. so youre conctrating s it working,hould i get an extra line for editing. what would i -- what would i ange if i had to -- if i hated this in thremonths whwould i hate it. an you're concentrating and you are exhausted. but it's supposed to be light funnwork so you ar
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also ting to stayoose anfunny and keep adam happy and everyone happy. and it's pretty incense. >> so when you see a happy ackeare you mad at him because you're like u don't care enough, y jerk. >> rose: like they say aut ceos is those guys who hav low go scores are n doing a good jobt the office. >> that's right. >>ose: might you two work together again. >> of course. absoluly. >> likely. >> definitely, absoluty. >> aolutely. we had t best -- it was great. you know what was great, w uld -- you know,he subject matter of being sick, both saw each other go through ith people we love. and just wasvery deep us, th movie. and also, we bh work vy hard andespected each other's work and like at the end of the day when i woul say good night to apaw i wod tear up. i woulsay all right, you love you, buddy. >> are you serious. >> absoluty. because we coun't believe that we had all did dish couldn't belie that we
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know each otheso long. that we're both getting to do what we wanted. we would talk late at ght. wasn't so sure what he was going to do, judd, iwas su i was like i'm going be a movie sta that's a guarantee. and no one is goinit to stop me. judd wasn't exactly se what he was doing but he was writing away in his room all the time. ani would always walky his droom. i would see him typin away he had se seats so h back wasn't hu because he was alys over there, and i would always gwhat are you doing in there apatow. i'm writing somekits. i was like for at. i don't know. >> wt the hell is the mat we are this guy. buit was just neat that we know each othe this long and got to me a movie togeer and of course i nt to do it again. >> rose: that's a grt story. that is a great sry. and it defines some of the differences tween the two you. >> because i am a mysogost. >> i dn'tnderstand that. >> he wa clear,he knew, you knew youere going to be a movie star. >> i was so sick.
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>> rose: tre was nothing that would have stopped you. >> it was the dumbest, if was starting now i wouldn't be that because i'm a lot smarter. >> rose: wise pert. too stupid not to know then of what could stand ithe way and how much lucwas involved. >> i didn't understand how couldn't happen eve though iis impossible t make ihappen. i don't even know how it happened. wh people say well, what haened, what was your eak. i'm just lik i don't know. >> rose:t happened. >> it happened. it is luck. >> rose: didnything fficult about being a perstar? i've alws thoug -- george clooney said withme, what is itto compa about being a superstar? >> boy o boy. >> rose: the privacy. >> i never complai i ner complain about that. thosefreaky guys with e videos following you, that, and trying to get you --. >> rose: that is a nuisance. >> but when you have kids youdo. >> rose: having peoplerite bad thgs about you which not ue and you know your friends know they e not true. >> that's true. i didn't like my ther or
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father havin to read d stuff about me. i felt bad for the that -- but that stuff never bother me. >> we talk about that inhe movie. in ft in the movie when he finds out hs sick, he walks out ofhe dock tore's office and eryone is asking to take a picture withim and he still takes pictures with peoe while he's in this dazef this information that he just got. and it's really kind of sad and inten bu he's so lite to his fans. and ere is a funny seen th em en complaining about everne taking his picture. >> you have a come joe he fr em then -- em them >> i howid you pullhat off. >> i in friendly with him >>nd he loves apatow. >> hes a superdoe bad fa >>uperdoes bad. >> exactly. so we wrote a scene for h and he was crazyunny. you forget h is popular beuse a lot of what he does isilarious. and it w a great day having h there. >> a lot of comediansame by. e of the best wks we had.
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yeah. >> we sat at a table like this le we used to at the improv. and we were young comedians and were invited to at the big table. a round tae, seinfeld and riser and allthe big boy was sit at if they invited to us sit th them we were like, we lked with about it for days. yeah, we got to the ble. we bot to the bitable. and we shot acene which had a bunch of comedians we looked up to siting tether and talking. it was very nice. >> there is ao video of him as young comedian. >> that's true, yes. >> stand up. >> yes, s. there a lot of video. i thout it would be intesting because people aren family with adam's std-up because he never did an hbo special or ything, that you could use l his old actual vid of doing stand-u in the movie to show the beginning of george's ceer. and we do e same thing with leslie's charact, laura there are clipsrom all her commercls and coke commercials whershe is is with king kong a stuff to show what her early actag rear was like.
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and when we start saying to adam what fooge do you have, do u he anything ird. and then he d they this clip of adam walkindown the street in new yorkt 19 ars old getting recognized on the seet for the second time ever. and runng up to s friends and he's so excited. i gorecognized for t second te. are you wonderful. what a jk, what aerk. >>ll right, fny people opens tonight. >> that's right. >> in theatres around erica. >> uh-huh. >> congratulations. >> we let the canadians see it tonight too. >> how about latin america >> we'll get to tho guys. rose: thank you. >> thank you very much. good to e you. thank u. >> thank you f joining us. see you next te
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