tv BBC World News PBS August 3, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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we have to do wh it tes to prail. >> big profits for briti banks, ss than one year after many appeared on t vee of collapse ve warm welcome "bbc world news." ourroadcast on pbs around amera and around the globe. coming up later, 2 million splaced people are going home. for many, it is aourney the filledwith fear. and unwanted riding onhe walls in the modnite of ancient rome. > street after street adorned with graffiti. there could be as many as 1000 taggers at work dointhis. >> hello to you
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was to be ahnijad's crowningnd glory. it wa to start today wit endoement om thecountry's sueme lder, b two previous presidents stayedaway and the islamic republic is marred in iworst crisis sie its oundation 30 years ago. our correspondent has compiled this report fromondon. >> they say they arlike father d son -- the supreme leader khamenei has aked his future on ahmenijad. but this is a strange showing in the mplicatedelationship wi an awkward prelude to ahmenijad's cond term. was a so much friendlier when he was firstworn in, four years ago.
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this time, opposition laders stayed away, more evidence of the political feud that reatens to tear apart the islac republic. the government ctinues to bme foreign enemies. >> our enemies nnot imane the iamic revolution and system can be brought to its knees. it is ali and well. >> or the weend, many of e opposition were ought to court in what was immediately nounced as a show tria this include aormer prime ministers, noted filmmar. one was a foer cleri, and he wasorced toremove his turban anmake his confession. allhe complaints about e election we made up, he said, thinking his intergators for owing him the error of his wa. >> when u are visiting him,
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everyone could seethat he has lost an unnatural amount of weight in 40 ds. he mentioned seeing some tablets and his hands re shaking, really shaking. >> despite the crackdown, more monstrators cannot today. wiesses say a big police prence broke up the protest. b ahmenijad facesgrowing ressure on the streets and i the heart of the iranian politicalestablishment. bbc news. >> authorities in southern sudan are reporting 185eople killed, mo of them wen and children officials sayhe killings were carried out by a heavily armed tribesmen on our rate --hile arrayed -- while during aaid on a rival group short food whhad come to fish. rael's foreign ministerays heill resignf he is charged with cruption.
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suny, israeli polic said a nine-ar investigation has found enoh evidence to support dictment. h dees any wrongdoing. four people we severely inred on a flig from rio de janei to its housn. it was diverted from mami. 22 people suffered bumps a bruises. a roadside bomb in western afanistan killed 12 peoe and wound around 20. this after weekend that saw foreign soldiers kild across the couny. it looks to -- at today's target lks to of been a local police chief. ourorrespondent reports from kabul. >> the bomb had been placed in a
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roadside rubbish binnd was remoly detonated as vehicles passed. it was n just police who were caught up in it. the policehief sa this is the first time there was an attempt othe life of the poce chief who was targeted and is in hospital. the iraqis are at strategically importa to afghanistan as they t on the gateway to iran. they me a lae portionf governme revenue. more th 20 injured people were taken to hospital, many of them seiously hurt. three weeks before the presidenal election here, afghanistan is bracing itself for a sense to dispt law and order. bbc news. >> nato has a new secreta general at a timwhen many e
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registeringlarm. for the country's contbuting nato's troops, me casualties ar returng from afghanistan ansend out an unhay message. oucorrespondent put it to anders fogh smussen that the odds of scess are not good. >> failure is not a possibili. it is not an option. we have to prevail. a lot is at stake forhe afghan pple, the intnational community, and also for nato. >> do you believe at general mcchrystal has turned a corner? civilianhave to be lked after now? you have to n the minds of civilians rather an killing them? >> yes, in order to win hearts and minds, we have to do our utmost tovoid civilian casualties, rucing the nber of vilian casualties.
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i think the effort will work. >> you predecessor was in office last thursday hesaid exactly the same thing. has a cornereen turned, or is morehetoric about our intention? >> i think a corner has been turned. it is essenti to focus on this for obviousreasons. the afghan people as well as th afghan goverent is a cused on this. if we are to win hearts and minds, we must focus on the civianide of this conflict. >> let me t it to you what generamcchrystal said in his circul to troops on july 2. he said t taliban cannot defeat us. we can defeat ourselves in other words, the military sgesting it will be a long haul with no guarantees. >> ye i think we will have success. i fuy agree weave to stay
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committein aghanistan as long as it takes to pvail. >> ders fogh rasmussen there. an entire town in china is in quarantine. a cond person hadied from mnemonic pgue. the town has a population of 1000. apart from t twodead, anotr 10 people a infected. the world health orgization says the do feel tt the chinese authities are taking apprriate measures. part of an overhaul of the legal system in japan has been broached. six locals have been selected at random to work with three judg on a murder tal. up to 100,000 people have lined the streets of mila to watc the funeral of former present.
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she led a popular urising against ferdinand marc. she diedf ccer at the age of 76. the banks have been blamed for helping to cause theworldwide recession, and now the are beg cticized for making money out of it, too. barclays a h.b.c. each made half aillion pounds inhe firs half of the year. >> is the worst global recession since the 1930's. ishe city on thrise again? today we foundut how twof the biest players have wehered the storm. barclays earned me than 3 billion pounds in the first half of t year. hsbc had profits down by more than half, due to massive losses
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on u.s. mortgages. the head o barcys' is arguing big profits is goo for a of us. >> banks mus say sorry. banks must apoloze for the things that have go wrong in the industry. many things have go wrong. risk-taking by banks is an absolutely essential ingredient for th restorati of growth i thelobal econy. >>ut with bi pofits comes rewed concern overay and bonuse one veteran argues the bon culture ll never disappear, but it needs to be linkedo longterm pformance. >> we understand that it cannot be right for peoplto walk off with a sack cash after one year. >> for many ordinary businesses, thoshuge profits will be diffilt toake, especially r manypeople who believehe investment banking world caused aecession inhe
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first ace. one person who fes ptty hard done by is simon ight. the banks would not give him a loan to build new housin >> i am disappointed they have them big bones. if i take money out of the business, when it is doing well, i am not helping myself. even so, i think is preposterous they have to have a proven track record of steady groh. >> theontroversy will continue. lar this week we will find ou how bank stakeholders hve performe >> good to have you with us. still to com-- ttling mother nare. wrestlingwith the elements. first, tough yea for japan's corpate sector. a bi jumpin demand for coumer product. a new intest in green ergy.
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will going green put you back in the black? r correspondt report now. >> panasonic is demonstrating a product it hopes will rede issions and return the company to profit. >> is is a low energy microwe oven, and this is a rice cooker wheryou can cook in stead -- instead of water. this is a refrigator. this is the basef the refrigator. >> there are solar panels on the roof and fuel cells in the back garden. ev the toilet is designed to us lessater, and power consumption in the house is ntrolled electronically. spite the neon-litities, japan is relativy energy efficien it is the second bigges economy, but only the fif larges emitr of grnhouse gases. t government wants the coury to be a world lder in
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eironmentally-friendly technology. campaiers sayconsumers should t think just buying a more efficien fridge wille enough to be truly gre. >> of course, energy efficiency is very important. and to buy energy efficient products i the first thing you can do, but still you have to thin abo the source of electricity, how it is made. >> in the panasonic case, even the curtains d lights are automatic to ruce power consumion. the company betting that whilpeople mayant to live in a mo environmentally-friendly w, they will not beilling to givup the conveniences of modernife. bbc news, kyo. >> the latest heaines for you. many big names stayed away, but iran'supreme leader has
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officially endorsed mahmoud ahmadinejad as winneof t disputed presidential ection. the new sectary general of to has said that intertional troops wl stain afghanist as long as theountry is in dang of being a hub of international terrism. in paktan, people being displaced -- displed by fighting are rurning. the army says it has cleared most,ut there are still pockets of resistance in e valley. two milliopeople were displacefrom the area. our correondent sent this. >> the heavyuns are silent, but troops are alert. they stilface pockets of restance. the displaced are no returning to the baleground to rebuild
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shattered lives. under the taliba this came to be known as a place where the litants dumped beheaded bodies. under taliban control, i could not have stood here like this. now the reign of terror is ov, but my have been deeply scarred. this was the picture ju a few months ago -- the taliban flauntintheir control. now harring accounts are erging about what th did to th very young. likehese boys -- aged 1 to 16 -- escap from taliban camps where hundreds of childre were ing trained. the bys are coerating with he army. their ientities are concealed r their own protection. >> ty told us that if your pares do not allow you to go for jad, then you should kill em. but how could we kill r own parents?
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when we tried to escape, they surrounded us. theyold us that if the caught us, they wuld shoot us or t our throat >> the army says the children were being trained as fighters oruicide bombers. the daily routine for tse boys was prayer, exerse, and brainwashing. >> we were asked to fight the my because we were again scott -- isl and they were the enemies of god. thats what they told u >> they areow back with their parents, but they are frful the milints could find them and punish them. innocent children istructed to kill. bcews >> animation in india is a multimillion-dollar iustry, but most of the groh has com from work outsourced by western
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companies. a few pele are wrking on original dian characrs and story lines. could animatione bollywood's next big expor we have is report from mumbai. >> the quirkynternational icon is headed bollywood. this is jt one of the many original worksartoon neork s selected. five outf the 10 entries me fromndia. animation isaking its way to the center stage. >> today, and 10% of our contt is indian and animaon. having said that,t is dubbed in local lauages which makes it relevant. >> today the indian animation
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industry is valued at nearly $460 milln, a majory of that money mes from foreign companies. very little is generated from local companies and most of tt coent appears in advertisements. rarely do indian companieset involved at the idea stage. stories like this one are re. this animatoralso believes in finding your own style. he ent most of the time workin in advertisements and does n outsource work. according to hm, a larg number of animation hools around the country are doing me harm than good with stents not being encouraged to think for themselv. >> if i do a full wee course in typing, i learn ping. i do n learn english. we need toocus on learning
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english. in our case, we need to focuson storytelng. were not practicing bad enough. >> indian animation may have found a place, bu it still is a long way to go beforet can take on thebest in the world. for tt to happen, the country' animators need find their own style was global appeal and nobe afraid tell theistories. bbc news, mumi. >> and n for a less acceptable formf our -- i italians gave the word "graffiti" tohe world, bu now the pri minister hasad enough. workers are tryingo remove all the graffiti, but it is not that simple >>this is why rome is a world heritage site.
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monuments and builngs of a stunning beauty. but its ric fabric from the first century isow being overtaken by the graffiti o the 21. this is hard to mess. down cobbleone alleyways, churches, businesses -- nothing has been dpair. this road is gettingan unplanned makeover. everywhere in rome is likthis. wall after wall, street after street, adned with graffiti. one analt says there couldbe as man as 1000 taggers doing this. the taggers have filmed themselves and posted thei work on youtube. they mostlyome out at nig and work ridly. the authorities tried to catch them before they iflict too much dage. those who ve studiedit sa is a rm of ckless exhibitionism. >> its a pathetic attempto
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emerge and be visible. that is the sad destiny of a whole geration of people, young peopl who cannot find a good job and really are forced to live in a precarioustate. >> the city has team of 16 people working 24 hurs a day to clean up pai over the grafti. the authorities are strugglg to keep it uer control. one otherolution is this - the 10 kilomers of walls rome s set aside for the graffiti arsts to work on legay. this person say that ifontrol properly,tagging will ha a place,ven in re. >> it is a pace to he graffiti, because the expression of the peoe who
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live in e city- it isnot just something to you for the taurus. the city is the tngto live in. >> the best graffi is already in galleries. the rest, lik this, alien in beautiful surroundings italy gave te world the rd "graffiti." it ds not ways like to be reminded of what imeans. bbc new rome. >> now, thenemy is mother nature in aother battle to preserve historic sites. it is a constant battle to kp this area from being swept away. our correspondent rerts from scotland >> it is an ancient village of subterranean houses. long abandoned by its
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inhabitants, inow popular with urists to get alimpse of hat stone age life was like. >> is older. >> theiromes were built here to protect them from harsh the atlaic winds. to thound yearsgo, at the villag was hidden by grass and drifting sand. the sand whichovered the site for thousands of years also helped protect it. here at t frontf these houses, seats, stone bed and undergroun passage from one house to another. >> his is a totally unique site. the preservation is magnicent. we have not only the wall preserved,ut alsothe roof, if you like. surroundin the walls are all the elements which tell about
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family life. >> is an archaeological treasure whichas once far from shore but is now just a feweters away fro the a, a carefully constructed-wall -- a carefully-constructedall protecting it from the sea. >> it comes directly in contact with the sea wall with a huge amount of force. this particular awall was badly damaged by a storm three yes ago. it wasust underneath here. >> the rooms of the iron age ville. >> it looks ke a le of stones. it is th remainsf a wall. >> it isne of thousands of sites arod scotland's vulnerable to erosion by th sea. >> it would be washed away. inact, at the moment, it los quite stable. could be undermined throh the sand.
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>> experts concede it is t possible to save everying under threat, buthey do want to peserves mh as they can from our pt before coastal erosion means so historic sites are lo forever. c news, work me- orkney. >> aew headlines for you. ahmenad has be approved as the islac president. therwere some demonstrator thank you for being with us >> funng was made possible by the freeman foundati of new york, ste, vermont and holulu, the newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherint. macarthur fountion and union ba.
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